Why Choose Eco-Friendly Color Booklet Printing



If you are considering the use of color booklets to promote your business, an eco-friendly printing service can provide "green" alternatives that consume less of our natural resources. Eco-friendly products are high quality, and your customers will appreciate that you care about the world we live in.

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Why Choose Eco-Friendly Color Booklet Printing

If you are considering the use of color booklets to promote your business, an eco-friendly printing service can provide "green" alternatives that consume less of our natural resources. Eco-friendly products are high quality, and your customers will appreciate that you care about the world we live in. It is a small change that you can make today that will have a big impact down the line. It is simple, really. Rather than choosing to use brand new paper and petroleum-based inks, opt for recycled paper and soy or other vegetable-based inks. Green printing produces the same quality products as does a traditional printing service, so substandard quality is of no concern.

If you currently use traditional printing, the transition to green printing is easy, because the basic design and processes remain the same. The best way to get started is to familiarize you with recycled paper. The color and density can vary slightly, so it may be helpful to request a sample packet first. However, keep in mind that the main reason you are choosing this alternative is to save trees. An important factor to look for in recycled paper is the content of post consumer waste. Post consumer waste is paper that we have already used and tossed into our recycle bins. Recycled paper includes paper, such as those found in magazines that were printed but never sold. Concerning ink, a traditional printer uses petroleum-based products. Petroleum is a non-renewable resource, and inks made from this resource can release contaminates.

To the contrary, soy inks, which are derived from soybeans, are a renewable and eco-friendly resource. They typically produce more vivid colors, so you will get great color. The only exceptions are fluorescent or metallic colors, because they are petroleum-based products. In addition to environmentally safe paper and inks, also consider a printer who will print and mail your booklets.

This further reduces impact on the environment, because you do not need to ship your products to a fulfillment center for mailing. An additional benefit is that your clients will receive your advertisement faster. When considering going green, keep in mind that newer printing technologies use less energy and reduce paper waste. However, understand that if you choose to use a booklet printer with outdated equipment you are defeating your purpose. These are just some of the reason why you should consider using eco-friendly color printing.