Who wants to_be_a_millionaire rome's review(1)


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Who Wants to be a

Millionaire?LO: to review the

origins, development & structure of the Roman


The story of Romulus & Remus is?

100% true A legend

Not to be believed

100% false

The city of Rome has how many hills?

6 5

7 8

Rome is located next to what river?

Tiber Tiger

Nile Jupiter

The Roman Empire started as a/an?

empire dictatorship

republic kingdom

Rome is in what country?

Britain Italy

Gaul(now France)


The Roman Republic was a/an

dictatorship democracy

kingdom oligarchy

In Ancient Rome, women had?

Many rights Few to no rights

A lot of power More power than men

Ancient Rome had how many classes?

6 5

4 3

Who were the lowest class?





Romans believed in how many gods?

1 2

Many gods No gods

Polytheism means the belief in?

1 god No gods

Many gods oneself

In a hierarchy, everyone is?


Judged by their status

Judged by their looks

A little crazy

Julius Caesar was the first?

king dictator

emperor Gladiator to become a ruler

What ruler came after Julius Caesar?

Augustus Ocativian


Marcus Aurelius King Tarquin

One part of the Roman Empire fell in what year?

476 Ad 500 Ad

400 Ad 400 BC