Who Am I5




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Genesis 1:27- 2:7 WHO AM I?

Man’s Identity, Nature and Responsibilities

Intro: In the previous lesson, we looked at creation as a whole. Today, we look at man. What is he made of? What is his nature? What is expected of him? Who are we really? For us to live a meaningful life on earth, these questions need to be answered. Read Genesis 1:27- 27

A. Man’s Identity From Genesis 1:27 and Psalm 139:14, we see that man is the handiwork of God, fearfully and wonderfully made. 1. In what ways can we say that man is wonderfully made? For instance, many so-called “inventions” of man

are patterned after parts of the human body. Give examples. # Every part of man is wonderfully made. Many so-called “inventions” of man are patterned after parts of the human body. Ex: a) cameras are patterned after eyes, b) Computers are patterned after human brains. Computers can do calculations, but still cannot do creative thinking c) pumps are patterned after hearts. The human heart pumps blood non-stop every minute of the day, every day of the year without resting or repair, outlasting most household pumps.

2. How valuable is man? The value of a masterpiece of art depends on who created it. Give examples of the masterpieces of art that you have heard of, and their relative worth. Since man is made by God Himself, what is man’s worth? # the value of the masterpiece depends on who created it. A painting by Juan Luna is valued in millions of pesos. A painting by Picasso, Michael Angelo and Da Vinci is worth millions of dollars. Since our God our creator is God Himself, our value is beyond priceless.

3. Since we are the handiwork of God, fearfully and wonderfully made, we are precious in God’s sight. And each of us is unique. There is only one (fill in your name) in the world. Sometimes people have the tendency to compare themselves with others. Should we do so? Why or why not? # avoid comparing ourselves to a different person because we are uniquely created by our God.

4. Why is it important for us to accept ourselves as we are, with gladness and dignity? # because we are handiwork of God Himself. We need to have a wholesome self-image in order for us to have joy, and become a channel of God’s blessing to others. If we feel bad about ourselves, our negative attitude colors the way we think and feel, and it will drag down our whole person. In addition, we are insulting God for making us the way we are. (Ex. Mga taong mahilig magpa-retoke ng mukha ot parte ng katawan).

B. Man’s Nature 1. What do you learn regarding man’s nature from the key words of the following passages?

a. “in the image of God” (1:27) “God…breathed” (2:7)

b. “dust of the ground” (2:7) # Man is a spiritual being. He made in God’s image, and God breathed life into him.

2. a. How is man different from angels? # Angels are pure spiritual beings. They don’t have bodies. c. How is man different from animals?

# Animals are pure earthly beings, they do not have spirits, so they cannot communicate with God. Man in the only being with a double nature. He is both a spiritual being and an earthly being.

Application 1. Since man is a spiritual being, what are the implications in his life if he gains everything the world has to offer

but do not have God in his life? See also Matthew 16:26 # Blaise Pascal said, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created things, but only God, the creator, made known through Jesus”. Are you still searching for something? Perhaps you don’t even know what you are searching for, but you know something is missing, then COME TO GOD. COME TO JESUS – John 14:6 When a person comes to know God, and receives Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, it does not mean his spiritual journey has ended. In fact, it has just began. A Christian should continually hunger for God, and draw near go Him. Psalm 42:1 “As the deer pants for streams of water, So my soul pants for you, O God.

2. Since man is an earthly being, how should we treat his body? See also 1 Corinthians 16:26. What are the ways man should take care of his body? Discuss how you are doing each of them. What do you commit to do from here on? a) Are you taking good care of your body by exercising regularly? b) Do you have proper rest and recreation? Discuss workaholic people. c) Are you eating proper diet (with fish, vegetable, fruits)? d) Do you refrain from any substance abuse? Discuss drinking, smoking etc..

C. Man’s Responsibilities 1. Since God is the creator of life, and man is His handiwork, man should respond by worshipping God.

What does it mean to worship God? Since God is the author of life, and man is His handiwork, man should respond by worshipping God. John 4:24

2. Why do you think God made man in His image? What does it mean to bear God’s image? How is it reflected in our character? Man needs to reflect God’s image because man was made in God’s image. When we worship God regularly, we should become more and more like Him.

Reflection: our abilities, function and character should reflect God’s image. When people see us, do they see God in us? Do they see holiness? Love? Truthfulness? Faithfulness? Give examples.

3. Since God’s breath is in man (2:7), and man is made in God’s image (1:27), God wants man to communicate

with Him. In verses 28 and 29, the word “you” appears for the first time in Genesis, when God speaks directly to the people He created to be like Himself- and says, “I am putting you in charge…” and, “I have provided…for you…”This shows a very special relationship between God and human beings which is not possible between other creatures and the Creator. a. How does man communicate with God? b. Discuss how you are doing it c. Reflection: Am I intimate with God? What do I commit from here on? Reflection: Am I reading His word? Have I been talking with Him through prayer? Have I been listening to Him? Have I been obedient to Him?

4. How can we responsibly obey God’s command in 1:28?

Responsible parenthood calls for proper family planning.

5. a. What is God’s intention for man regarding all the animals and plants, according to 1:28-29? What responsibilities come with having authority? b. Today people are becoming more and more concerned about controlling pollution (harmful Chemicals or waste materials which are put into our water and air making them unclean) and

having clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. They also care that resources such as coal, wood and oil are not all consumed and depleted, and enlarged plants and animals, of which only a few are left, do not die out. Discuss practical ways we can be environmentally responsible.

Reflection: This is both privilege and a responsibility. Many of us have little direct contact with animals and plants nowadays. But if we are environmentally responsible, it will have an impact on nature. Are you environmentally responsible? Are you recycling, saving water and electricity? Not littering? Not polluting?

Conclusion Man is a unique handiwork of God. He is both a spiritual being and an earthly being. As such, he needs to worship God, reflect God’s glory, communicate with God, take care of nature and his own body. May we fulfill our responsibilities properly. Prepared By: Willy Guinto PCFC Small Groups 2015 Genesis Series Lesson 2