white water rafting tours peru



The Apurimac rafting tour-The Great Canyon flows through astonoshing narrow gorges twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the US.

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River Explorers

Call: 51 958320673

River Rafting Apurimac-The Black Canyon

River rafting Apurimac tour 3 day wild and exhilarating adventure trip rich in geological admiration,thrilling whitewater and amazing waterfalls.

Apurimac Rafting-The Grand Canyon

The Apurimac rafting tour is carefully designed to provide fun and especially a safe trip.Our main concern after saftley is to look after the environment.

Apurimac River Rafting-The Full Journey


The Apurimac rafting tour-The Great Canyon flows through astonishing narrow gorges twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the US.

Contact us

Urb.Kenedy"A".Los Brillantes B-36

Phone: (+51)(84)431116, (+51)958320673

Email: contact@riverexplorers.com

Website : www.riverexplorers.com

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