White Oaks United Church 2018 Annual Report · P a g e | 3 Council Report 2018 Submitted by Dorothy...


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  • White Oaks United Church 2018 Annual Report

    Original Annual Report Artwork (1989-2008)

    White Oaks United Church Open to God Open to New Life Open to You 1901 Jalna Blvd. London, ON, N6E 3V9 519-681-3229 www.whiteoaksunitedchurch.ca



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    MISSION STATEMENT White Oaks United Church

    Open to God

    Joyfully worshipping in diverse ways

    Seeking and finding God in all of life

    Celebrating many ways of experiencing God

    Open to new life

    Exploring questions of faith and spirituality

    Cultivating life-changing experiences

    Making a difference in the world

    Open to you

    Embracing individuality and inclusivity

    Nurturing strong relationships

    Welcoming everyone


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    Council Report 2018 Submitted by Dorothy Gillies

    As we wrap up the 2018 year at White Oaks United Church, I felt it appropriate to reflect on the Joys and Concerns of our church family. As we do each Sunday, we identify those near and dear to us and those strangers that we wish to hold in our prayers.

    Our Joys are many as, under the leadership of Rev. Nancy, we strive to make each worship service meaningful and uplifting for our members and for those who may visit us from time to time. In March last year we held another successful Mental Health workshop with support from the Jim Peden fund. During Lent, worship was based on the theme of “Called to Reconcile and Make New”. We also attended and held events in support of the reconciliation with our First Nations brothers and sisters.

    During the year we presented four Mission services led by members of the congregation: Beth Wood shared her experience in the Dominican Republic with the Samaritan Foundation, Gosse VanOosten spoke about work in South America, Don Thierry shared his story about Africa and Glenn Waterman told of the work he does with IJM (International Justice Mission of Canada) who assist countries trying to eliminate Human Trafficking.

    In August we celebrated communion during a pot luck breakfast in the Jim Peden Hall. This was well received and we will have another one later in 2019.

    The main event for 2018 was the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of White Oaks. Under the guidance of our current minister, Rev. Nancy Waterman, we welcomed as participants in the service Rev. Heather McLean (our first student intern), Rev. Glen Wright (the first minister and the one who knocked on doors to find UC folks in the White Oaks area), Rev. Dr. Nancy Hardy (who convinced us to perform the Technicolour Promise and Joseph), and Rev. Dr. Anne Beattie Stokes (who preached on the theme of “40 Shades of Grace”). There were about 140 attendees at the service and pot luck lunch which followed. Former members travelled from afar to celebrate with us and we had a wonderful afternoon of catching up.

    Our resident quilter, Lorraine Swanson made an anniversary wall hanging that incorporated the names of most of our members including the children. She also assisted with decorating the tables for lunch. It was a ‘sensational ‘day.

    Our Joys extend to those who work behind the scenes to make worship services welcoming for visitors and members alike. We acknowledge the ushers and greeters, the lay leaders who welcome us to worship, the musicians – Carol, Laurie, Angela, Michael, and the members of the choirs, as well as Andrew who runs the sound system and those who look after audio visuals under the guidance of Brittney. We are especially grateful to those who volunteer at our food pantry or who make coffee and provide treats after worship.

    Our Concerns are also important as we pray for those in our church family as well as the wider community who are in need of our support. We think of those who have passed away, or have lost loved ones, those who are ill or otherwise unable to worship with us. We especially think of those who are homeless and we are grateful for those who serve us in the police, fire, emergency services and those in the military and we pray for their families, some of whom are in our congregation.

    As we neared the advent season, we learned that Rev. Nancy had been instructed for health reasons, to take time away from her duties as our minister. We are truly blessed here at White Oaks to have two very capable retired ministers and we are so grateful to Rev. Heather and Rev. Anne for

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    coming to our aid to fill in. We so appreciate their willingness to step forward to help us with pastoral care and pulpit supply.

    We look forward with hope, peace, joy and love to the next year and as the children so joyfully showed us their performances at anniversary and our Christmas pageant, we are in for some exciting times.

    As we prepare to move onward into our 41st year, we are very grateful for those members who share their time and talents to volunteer to keep things running and we would be remiss if we did not thank them for all they do. Perhaps we don’t tell them often enough how much joy they bring to our life here at White Oaks.

    Our choirs under the leadership of Carol and Laurie come together weekly to practice the hymns and anthems that make worship services joyful.

    The Worship committee meets with the minister to plan not only the music but also the special services such as communion, baptism, dedications (such as prayer shawls), as well as making sure we have pulpit supply.

    The Property committee consists of members of the congregation who have a talent or interest in keeping our facility well maintained. They were the main group who updated our Servery during 2017. Special acknowledgement to Dave Thompson for his wood working skills and to Ken Hutcheson for his electrical expertise.

    Ministry & Personnel committee members are responsible for the paid staff and meet with them throughout the year to ensure any questions or concerns they have are addressed appropriately.

    Pastoral Care are the folks who lead the care we provide to our members when they have health challenges by ensuring they are remembered with cards, a visit or phone call, a prayer shawl or a casserole. It is under their guidance that the Prayer chain and Food Pantry are staffed so that we can reach out to our members and the wider community.

    Christian Development and Sunday School provide teachers and leaders to guide the children and through the year, various members of the congregation share with them a variety of topics such as social justice and reconciliation with the First Nations community.

    Stewards committee and the Treasurer manage the finances of the church, ensuring that our bills are paid and that the congregation is kept informed of what our future needs may be.

    Trustees and Memorial committees work behind the scenes to manage the investments of the church. Although they are two separate committees, they have a number of members in common.

    The Stewardship Education Team(SET) are the group who encourage us to look beyond the walls of White Oaks into the wider community, as we share some of what we have with those less fortunate either at home at London community chaplaincy or a far off First Nations community in Northern Canada.

    The names of members of the committees are elsewhere in the annual report. If you would like to know more about some of the work done at White Oaks to keep it humming, please ask someone. The need for more volunteers is great, so if you get tapped on the shoulder and someone whispers into your ear that your talents and a bit of your time are needed, please prayerfully consider saying “YES”. You will be glad you did!!

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    White Oaks United Church Council Updated September 11, 2018 Chair: Geoff McAuslan Vice-Chair: John Schulze Secretary: Brittney McAuslan Envelope Secretary: Martha Gordon Treasurer: Beth Wood Trustees: Dave Thompson, Bill Parker, Jack Lapierre, Brittney McAuslan, John Griffiths, Rev. Nancy Waterman (ex-Officio) Presbytery Representative: Jack Lapierre

    Committee Members:

    Ministry & Personnel: Christian Development: Gail Lewis (Chair) Kathy Harris (Chair) Betty Anne Clift Rudi Denham Rev. Diane Pratt Erika Mugridge Holly Reid Property: Pastoral Care: Dave Thompson (Chair) Beth Lapierre (co-Chair) Jeff Carroll Dianne Waite (co-Chair) Bob James Susan Sarrasin Ken Hutcheson Carol Kinoshita Harry Davis Donna Leonard

    Worship: Stewards: Dorothy Gillies (Chair) Al Connell (Chair) Bonnie Wilson-Ross Bob Edgar Carol Schulze (ex-Officio) Martha Gordon (Envelope Secretary) Laurie McAndrew (ex-Officio) Beth Wood (Treasurer) Rev. Nancy Waterman Memorial Committee: Rev. Nancy Waterman Mildred Caldwell Carol Schulze Jack Lapierre Geoff McAuslan Beth Wood Barb Barrow John Schulze

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    Council members- serving council until annual meeting in:

    2019 2020 2021

    Al Connell Jeff Carroll Erika Mugridge

    Bob Edgar Ken Hutcheson Holly Reid

    Dianne Waite Rev. Diane Pratt Susan Sarrasin

    Beth Lapierre Rudi Denham Carol Kinoshita

    Dave Thompson Donna Leonard

    Bob James Bonnie Wilson-Ross

    John Griffiths Dorothy Gillies

    Betty Anne Clift Harry Davis

    Gail Lewis

    Congregational Growth Chart Year Number of households

    under pastoral care Total membership resident, and non-resident

    Average weekly attendance Sunday worship

    2018 93 132 83

    2017 97 137 89

    *2016 97 138 92

    2015 147 185 94

    2014 153 188 94

    2013 162 200 89

    2012 184 268 89

    2011 193 271 92

    2010 207 277 104

    2009 197 276 97

    2008 199 272 92

    2007 194 270 103

    2006 221 316 110

    2005 220 316 115

    2004 267 309 134

    2003 279 332 125

    2002 279 318 145

    2001 273 319 155

    2000 275 313 200

    1999 308 372 200

    * A review of the Membership Roll was completed in 2016*

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    White Oaks United Church Statistics

    2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total Membership – Dec 31 132 138 138 185 188 200 268 Households under pastoral care 93 97 97 147 153 162 184 Received by: Transfer of membership 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 Profession of faith 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 Confirmation 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Special letter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reinstated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Removed by: Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 Death 6 1 0 3 5 4 3 Member’s request 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 Other by action of council 0 0 49 0 2 58 0 Average Sunday attendance 83 89 92 94 94 89 89 Baptisms 0 4 3 4 2 0 6 Marriages 0 0 4 1 1 2 3 Burials 5 4 0 5 4 7 4

    In Loving Memory Ronald Douglas Blain January 6, 2018 Marjorie Lillian Preszcator March 26, 2018 Alyce Harrington April 2, 2018 Donna Lee Ruttan June 27, 2018 Shirley Milred Smith July 3, 2018 Rodney Burden November 30, 2018 Gail Anne Auckland James December 12, 2018

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    Congregational Meetings

    White Oaks United Church

    Annual general Meeting Feb 11, 2018 Attendance: Glen Ralph, Nancy Ralph, Heather Thompson, Beth Lapierre, Ruth-Ann Downie, Doug Matheson, Don Thierry, Carin Whittal, Brent Whittal, Glen Waterman, Rev. Nancy Waterman, Pam Ireland, Deb Smith, Heather McLean, Eileen Edgar, Bob Edgar, Jim Wilkie, Yvonne Wilkie, Ann Richardson, Barb Bell, Carol Kinoshita, Donna Leonard, Sharon Parker, Peggy Lukings, Harry Lukings, Claudina Hobbs, Karen Cragg, Lorraine Swanson, Sandra Braithwaite, Norma Cowell, Karin Brown-Reily, Robert Reily, Judie Shaw, Betty Anne Clift, Linda Fawcett, Beth Wood, Betty Hutcheson, Ken Hutcheson, Dave Thompson, Sandra McBride, Jim Catton, Harold Usher, Dorothy Gillies, Duncan Gillies, John Schulze, Allen Connell, Sandy Connell, Carol Schulze, Gail Lewis, Dennis Williamson, Mildred Caldwell, Holly Reid, Al Reid, Nancy Keat, Dianne Waite, Betty Murray, Elda Leeming, Bill Parker, Margaret Williamson, Barbara Barrow, Jack Lapierre, Ed Baker, Brittney McAuslan, Geoff McAuslan *Please note* Adult Christian Education page insert into the Annual Report, Accessibility policy updates, attached. Call to Order & Welcome (12:15pm) Geoff McAuslan, chair of council Thanks everyone for coming to our Annual Meeting for 2018. As we work through the various sections please feel free to ask questions and one of the Chairs will work their best to get an answer for you. Rev. Nancy prayed and blessed the meeting. MOTION: to allow all present to vote on temporal matters. Harold Usher, Al Connell CARRIED MOTION: to accept agenda as presented. Bill Parker, Holly Reid CARRIED MOTION: to accept minutes of AGM held on Feb 21, 2016 Brittney McAuslan and Geoff McAuslan names to be added to attendance. Harold Usher did not receive info about question regarding refugees, Rev. Nancy will follow-up. Dorothy Gillies, Dave Thompson CARRIED MOTION: to accept the Council Committee reports as presented in the Annual Report. Ken Hutcheson, Linda Fawcett CARRIED MOTION: to accept all the other reports as presented in the Annual Report excluding the Financial Report Gail Lewis, Dave Thompson CARRIED

    Thank you for members leaving council:

    Pastoral Care Worship

    Chair of Council Stewards/Vice chair of Council

    Nancy Keat Jim Catton Geoff McAuslan John Schulze

    Donna Ruttan

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    Presentation of new members and acceptance of volunteers and nominees to council. New Members

    Ministry and Personal

    Pastoral Care


    Erika Mugridge Nancy Mills Bonnie Wilson-Ross

    Holly Reid Susan Sarrasin Dorothy Gillies

    Carol Kinoshita

    Donna Leonard

    MOTION: to accept the nominations to Council as presented. Bill Parker, Nancy Keat CARRIED MOTION: that Council has the power to add new members to council throughout the year as required. Duncan Gillies, John Schulze CARRIED Financial Report Presentation Year End Audit Completed by Bill Parker Financial Report Presentation by Beth Wood Pg.29 review of statement of operations. Harold Usher asked a question thinking it was the earnings of 2018 & 2017. It was actually the earning from 2008 – 2017 is $9643. 'the balance sheet'. The wording has become confusing, can we change the wording? We will leave it as it is as this is an accounting term. We will look at clarifying the wording by possibly adding in a description. Pg. 30. Financial highlights review. Shout out to Karin Brown-Reily for shopping card fundraiser. White gift, estimate $ amount, unable to get absolute number as many goods were given, diapers, and bustickets, etc. Clarification, the servery reno strictly came out of Jim Peden Trust, nothing came out of the EAR fund. $4500 for the dishwasher was paid from the BOLT fund, which can be found labelled as grant money. Pg. 32. Review of fund activity. Harold Usher asked questions about the assessment value of the property. Dave Thompson explained that we would re-evaluate the cost of the property using experts/etc to derive the overall value before we looked at selling or distributing assets. Donna Leonard asked about the differences in Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities. This was based on receiving $3500 for the BOLT trust fund that was paid in 2017. Money goes into general and then is paid out to the BOLT fund. Harold asked about GST/HST rebated. Bill mentions we get 50% rebate on HST portion and 82% PST portion. Pg34. Statement of cash flows. Revision page. Al Reid sends thanks to those who worked so hard and diligently to prepare these files MOTION: to accept the financial reports as presented. Ruth-Ann Downie, Holly Reid CARRIED Proposed Budget Report Presentation by Beth Wood and John Schulze

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    The budget is presented as a balanced budget. We only have 3 avenues for revenue; congregation, rentals and fundraising. If one of those changes in numbers, we have to make it up in some other way. We have been fortunate in a many number of years, we have never made our budget, but we have balanced it each year. We try each and every year to keep our expenditures as low as possible. STEM leaving, reasoning why? They are using the space in Byron instead. The Rental Committee will look into this further. MOTION: to accept the Proposed Budget as presented. Harold Usher, Jack Lapierre CARRIED Thank you to Stewards/Beth

    Long Range Planning Rev. Nancy: discussed the changes at the overall church. This process started several years ago while Rev. Nancy was still at Stouffville. Rev. Kenji from Calvary also came and spoke to our church around the direction our church needed to move nationally. He spoke that Remits would be coming to the congregation to vote on and also took question from the congregation. Remits are voted on by Council and not the congregation. The Remits were the following: 4 Council Model (PASSED) -> Congregation, Presbytery, Conferences, National Courts. Moving towards a model of Local Ministry Units, Regional Council, National Courts London, due to population density, will not see significant change. Elimination of Transfer of Settlement (PASSED) Ministers has to place 3 locations where they would accept. This was changed to allow Ministers to have more say in where they would serve. Office of Vocation (PASSED) This was moving out of the Presbytery and Conferences to model similar to that of Nurses/etc. Administration and discipline at National Church Office instead if at Presbytery. Funding a New Model (PASSED) Mission and Service will no longer fund the administration of the church or outreach. This will now come out of assessments. We expect that we will pay a higher cost in assessment to cover these additional costs. Amalgamation of Ministry Streams (Still In Voting) This was a discussion around merging the different Ministry streams into a more unified model. This was rejected by our council. We know that our churches are and must change. We must change our approach going forward just as the National Church is changing its ways, in order to meet the needs of the community and culture. Traditional methods will not always work going forward; we may need to re-evaluate our direction. The new thinking is more like a waystation vs. something permanent. Sometimes we see people come to the church, sometimes they stay, but often times they need a onetime waystation where they can stop and get what they need through the food pantry, worship, etc. We need to think and decide what the future is going to look like. Have to talk about our planting methods and how to share the resources going forward. Ultimately this is not the decision of the minister but the direction of the congregation. John Schulze: the greater church is looking for long range sustainability. You can look online at different methods to see the decline in attendance and see the direction most churches are going. What we need to do is plan for a sustainable future to cover 5, 10, 20 year outlook. We need to think outside the box, look at everything. What we need to so is plan for a report/proposal to be ready for the Annual Meeting in 2019. The 4 areas we want to focus on are financial stability, asset management, resource management, and community communication.

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    If you have a love and passion for this church and faith community, we need your help. We are in need of your help to drive this forward and help sustain this congregation and faith community. Members interested: John Schulze, Geoff McAuslan, Harold Usher, Ed Baker, Al Reid, Jim Catton, Gail Lewis, Dave Thompson, Ruth-Ann Downie, Beth Wood, Bob Edgar. John Schulze mentioned that we would also be engaging other community churches/resources from the national church (Edge). Our building does not define us but the people/connection that make us who we are. Mentioned some churched are saddled with large expensive buildings and declining membership. We need to think not only about surviving on our own, but also amalgamation. Welcoming guests do we make good impression? Would like to see a Membership/reception committee. Could council take a look at it? Pease bring this to long range planning committee. Closing Remarks Thank you everyone for coming, special thanks to Staff and Minister (Linda, Brittney, Rev. Nancy and Jordanne), and special thanks for AV Team/Music Groups Rev Nancy provided closing prayer Closing (1:30pm) _______________________________ ________________________________ Geoff McAuslan, Chair of Council Brittney McAuslan, Secretary

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    Financial Reports Sunday School Financial


    Cash balance carried forward from 2017 51.90

    Rally Sunday 205.50

    Family Movie & Pizza Night 5.00

    Cheque from UCW 350.00

    Total Revenue 612.40


    Craft supplies 141.36

    Camping Sunday food 20.65

    Sundae Sunday food 23.58

    Jesus Birthday Party food 6.59

    Flowers- Mother’s Day 71.16

    Total Expenditures 263.34

    Balance 2018 349.06

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    United Church Women Financial

    Balance as of January 1, 2018 7,516.90

    Receipts for 2018

    Profit from Projects 11,068.88

    Receipts from Givings and Donations 1,026.50 12,095.38

    Total Receipts 19,612.3

    Expenditures for 2018

    Local Church & Congregational Support 10,200.52

    - includes stocking kitchen

    United Church Appeals

    Mission and Service Fund 500.00

    London Community Chaplaincy 650.00

    E.L.U.C.O. 500.00

    Other Donations to

    Samaritan Foundation (Beth Wood Mission) 200.00

    Habitat for Humanity 200.00

    International Justice Mission 200.00

    Change Her World 200.00

    Missionary Justice Canada 200.00 2,650.00

    Total Expenditures 12,850.52

    December 31, 2018 Bank Balance & Petty Cash 6,925.88

    Respectfully Submitted, Muriel Humphries, Treasurer, UCW

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    Bread Of Life Trust Portfolio Summary

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    White Oaks United Church Statement of Operations

    Actual Budget


    For the year ended December 31 2018 2018 2017


    Local $133,974 $141,187 $130,563

    Rent 4,090 6,000 9,058

    UCW 8,000 6,000 8,000

    Sunday School 169 100 146

    Fund Raising 10,408 9,500 11,270

    $156,641 $162,787 $159,037


    General & Administration $10,076 $10,747 $10,520

    Ministry & Personnel 102,829 110,630 106,008

    Property 33,420 37,150 34,567

    SS & Nursery 0 550 279

    Pastoral Care 207 400 222

    Worship 5,420 3,310 2,524

    Special Donations-Misc

    $151,952 $162,787 $154,120

    Excess (shortfall) of Revenues Over expenditures $4,689 $0 $4,917

    Accumulative earnings from 2008 to 2018 is $14332 (overages less shortfalls)

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    White Oaks United Church Financial Highlights

    Mission and Service Fund Collections raised through White Oaks United Church are remitted on a monthly basis to the United Church of Canada

    2018 2017

    Budgeted M & S collections and remittances $20,000 $20,000

    Actual M&S collections and remittances $19,062 $20,134

    Other Activities

    Other fund raising activities were undertaken by White Oaks United Church in 2018 These activities were in response to certain national, international and local appeals As all money collected was remitted, the following activities reflected in the financial statements are noteworthy.

    2018 2017

    White Gift $1,270 $745

    Shop & Support Sales $ 41,190 Opening Inventory $ 5,920 Purchases 40,469 Closing Inventory 6,875

    Cost of Goods Sold 39,514

    Profit Transferred to Operations Revenue $1,676

    Expansion and Renovation Fund

    Donations $335

    Interest 1082


    Paid out 1,621

    Opening Balance 69,319

    Balance Dec. 31,2018 $69,115

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    Food Bank

    Opening Balance $542

    Donations 3311

    Expenses 1569

    Closing Balance $2,284

    Jim Peden Estate

    The trustees invested $40,000. $20,000 at 2.15% for 1 year and $20,000 at 2.55% for 2 years.

    The interest on the $20,000 was used for the second annual Mental Health workshop.

    Nursery Care is funded by the Jim Peden fund and this year expenses totaled $1309.

    Council approved $1,936.00 in purchases towards a lapel mic and two earset mics.($1767.00)

    and $169.00 towards the meal for Future Planning Group Dinner held in September.

    Spent $1567 of kitchen reno funds to build cupboards in Jim Peden Hall and make improvements to the lighting in the hall.

    2018 Jim Peden Estate Account Activity

    Opening Donations Interest Total Expenditures Closing

    Balance Fundraising Increase Balance

    Jan 01-18 Grants Dec 31-18

    Kitchen Reno 18,822 1,567 17,255

    Mental health 20,169 771 771 940 20,000

    Nursey 3,319 1,309 2,010

    Council expenditures 3,439 1,936 1,503

    Fund Balance 9,560 421 421 0 9,981

    Total 55,309 0 1,192 1,192 4,342 50,749

    Fund Raisers

    Actual Profit Budget

    Golf $2,106 $1,500

    Yard Sale $3,114 $2,000

    Deficit Drs $2,337 $2,000

    Spaghetti Dinner/Dance $1,175 $2,000

    Shop&Suport $1,676 $2,000

    Total $10,408 $9,500

    Camp Keemokee

    We collected and sent $1375.00 to Camp Keemokee.

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    White Oaks United Church Statement of Fund Activity For the year ended December 31, 2018

    Opening Donations Interest Total Expenditures Closing

    Balance Fundraising Increase Balance

    Jan 01-18 Grants Dec 31-18

    A.V Fund $465 $0 $0 $0 $401 $64

    Bread of Life Grant 0 0 2,403 2,403 2,403 0

    Bread of Life Trust* 35,213 3,650 0 3,650 6,042 32,821 Expansion and Renovation 69,319 335 1,082 1,417 1,621 69,115

    Food Bank 542 3,311 0 3,311 1,569 2,284

    Memorial Fund 11,137 1,428 0 1,428 1,035 11,530

    Mission & Service Fund 0 19,062 0 19,062 19,062 0 Reserve for Contingencies 14,579 2,610 0 2,610 4,781 12,408

    Stevens Memorial 4,943 0 0 0 0 4,943

    Sunday School 0 169 0 169 169 0

    Youth 297 0 0 0 0 297

    Pizza and Movie Fund 317 0 0 0 0 317

    Jim Peden Estate 55,309 0 1,192 1,192 5,752 50,749

    Disaster Relief 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Southdale Chaplancy 0 1,270 0 1,270 1,270 0

    Total $192,121 $31,835 $4,677 $36,512 $44,105 $184,528

    decrease in market value is $3639.00

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    White Oaks United Church Statement of Financial Position Dec 31,2018 2018 2017

    Assets Unrestricted Assets Petty Cash $350 $350

    Bank 56,287 50,262

    Accounts receivable 6,152 0

    GST/HST receivable 1,849 1,295

    Building, furniture and equipment 419,947 419,947 Adjustment re 2008 Municipal Assessment 444,053 444,053

    $928,638 $915,907

    Restricted Assets Cash 52144 $56,513

    Investments 114797 129,630

    166941 186,143

    $1,095,579 $1,102,050

    Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $0 $3,588

    Equity A.V Fund $64 $465

    Bread of Life Fund 32,821 35,213

    Bread of Life Grant (to White Oaks) 0 0

    Expansion & Renovation Fund 69,115 69,319

    Food Bank 2,284 542

    Memorial Fund 11,530 11,117

    Pizza & Movie Fund 317 318

    Stevens Memorial Fund 4,943 4,943

    Youth Fund 297 296

    Reserve for Contingency 12,408 14,580

    Jim Peden Estate 50,749 55309

    $184,528 $192,102

    Unrestricted Equity 911,051 906,361

    $1,095,579 $1,102,050

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    White Oaks United Church Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended December 31 2018 2017

    cash flows from operating activites

    cash received from operating activities $182,820 $207,264

    cash paid to employees and suppliers (196,057) (208,614)

    $(13,237) $ (1,350)

    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year $236,815 $239,965

    Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $223,578 $238,615

    Represented by

    Cash-- general fund $56,637 $50,672

    -- restricted funds 52,144 56,513

    -- Short Term investments 114,797 129,630

    $223,578 $236,815

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    White Oaks United Church Proposed Budget

    Proposed Approved

    Budget Budget

    For the year ended December 31 2019 2018


    Local $148,565 $141,187

    Rent 4,000 6,000

    UCW 6,000 6,000

    Sunday School 100 100

    Fund Raising

    Deficit Drs 2,000 2,000

    Yard Sale 2,000 2,000

    Golf Tournament 1,500 1,500

    Profit Shop&Support 2,000 2,000

    Fund Raising Other x2 2,000 2,000

    $168,165 $162,787


    General & Administration $13,346 $10,747

    Ministry & Personnel 112,936 110,630

    Property 37,770 37,150

    Sunday School & Nursey 600 550

    Pastoral Care 400 400

    Worship 3,113 3,310

    $168,165 $162,787

    Excess (shortfall) of Revenues Over expenditures $ - $ -

    Mission Fund $20,000 $20,000

    White Gift $ - $ -

    White Gift was removed from Revenue and Expenses at councils request

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    The Bread of Life Trust

    In the year 2000, the Thierry family created ―The Bread of Life Trust at White Oaks United Church

    as a living legacy to their parents and to all those struggling with a life threatening illness. The trust

    was established to celebrate life while we live today and are remembered tomorrow.

    The church is being provided with an ongoing source of funding for special needs over and above the

    normal budgeted expenditures that will enhance the life and spirit of the congregation. Funded

    projects for 2018 included the sponsorship of Camp Kee Mo Kee Heritage Camp ($1,000), Kairos

    Blanket Exercise ($491.79), Mental Health Workshop ($370.70), Reconciliation event at Riverside

    United Church ($238.00), El Sistema honorarium ($200.00) and 2 portable high chairs used in the hall


    Thank you to those who have made donations to the trust during 2018 totalling $7,150.00. The

    market value of the investments dropped 10.73% producing an ending value of $32,820.93. The

    cause of this was a greater exposure in Europe and Asia in the first half if the year. The investment

    was changed to the CI Signature Global Income & Growth Fund. The amount available for

    distribution for 2019 is $4,972.32 which includes a carry forward of $1,878.14.

    The congregation is encouraged to make donations to the Bread of Life Trust.

    Do you have an idea that you feel will enrich the lives of the members of White Oaks United Church?

    Please take time to review the guidelines in the Bread of Life brochure and complete the application

    found in the Resource Brochure unit in the hallway. Submit the proposal to a Bread of Life Trustee.

    Any decisions made on any proposals are not to be implied to become a precedent for future


    With everyone’s help we can make the money grow to a fruitful source of funding for many special

    projects at White Oaks United Church.


    Don Thierry
