White House Special Files Box 64 Folder 6 · Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type...


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Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryWhite House Special Files CollectionFolder List

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 10191962 Newspaper A Look Back Traveling in Nixons Wake in the Watsonville Register-Pajaronian Not scanned

64 6 11111962 Letter Letter from Leonard Valuikas to Mr Richard Nixon regarding his loss in the governorship election to Mr Brown 3 pages

64 6 02131962 Report Progress Report on the General Campaign Organization Includes a supplement to the progress report 5 pages

64 6 11091961 Newspaper Nixon Goes for Broke in the Reporter by Bruce Bliven Not scanned

64 6 nd Newspaper Multiple newspaper clippings regarding Nixons campaign Articles not scanned

64 6 08061962 Newspaper Newspaper clipping of the Tower Ticker with attached note regarding Governor Pat Brown and Nixon competition 1 page

Monday October 01 2007 Page 1 of 3

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 04181962 Letter Letter from Peter M Flanigan to Robert E Haldeman regarding the mystery of the $2500 Includes personal note from Haldeman 2 pages

64 6 0703 Newspaper Nixon Summons California GOP Goal Is an Organization for 62 and 64 Campaigns by Gladwin Hill 1 page

64 6 1114 Newspaper Shell Takes a Flying Leap at Browns Chair by Robert Blanchard Times Sacramento Bureau Chief Article not scanned

64 6 11171961 Newspaper A Look at Nixons Campaign Aide by Ruth Montgomery SF Examiner 1 page

64 6 05111962 Newspaper Nixon Hits Browns Political Tactics by Henry Love and Nixon Tells Youth Role in Nation Articles not scanned

64 6 05111962 Other Document Hoffa-Teamster Endorsement of Brown - Remarks of Richard Nixon at Reception at Home of George Foreman Arcadia 1 page

64 6 12261962 Memo Memo to Richard Nixon from DH re requested information regarding elections around the nation 8 pages

Monday October 01 2007 Page 2 of 3

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 111961 Newspaper Newspaper clippings regarding Nixons campaign Clippings not scanned

64 6 nd Other Document misc page regarding reform Democrats in New York City 1 page

Monday October 01 2007 Page 3 of 3


t bull

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 04181962 Letter Letter from Peter M Flanigan to Robert E Haldeman regarding the mystery of the $2500 Includes personal note from Haldeman 2 pages

64 6 0703 Newspaper Nixon Summons California GOP Goal Is an Organization for 62 and 64 Campaigns by Gladwin Hill 1 page

64 6 1114 Newspaper Shell Takes a Flying Leap at Browns Chair by Robert Blanchard Times Sacramento Bureau Chief Article not scanned

64 6 11171961 Newspaper A Look at Nixons Campaign Aide by Ruth Montgomery SF Examiner 1 page

64 6 05111962 Newspaper Nixon Hits Browns Political Tactics by Henry Love and Nixon Tells Youth Role in Nation Articles not scanned

64 6 05111962 Other Document Hoffa-Teamster Endorsement of Brown - Remarks of Richard Nixon at Reception at Home of George Foreman Arcadia 1 page

64 6 12261962 Memo Memo to Richard Nixon from DH re requested information regarding elections around the nation 8 pages

Monday October 01 2007 Page 2 of 3

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 111961 Newspaper Newspaper clippings regarding Nixons campaign Clippings not scanned

64 6 nd Other Document misc page regarding reform Democrats in New York City 1 page

Monday October 01 2007 Page 3 of 3


t bull

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

64 6 111961 Newspaper Newspaper clippings regarding Nixons campaign Clippings not scanned

64 6 nd Other Document misc page regarding reform Democrats in New York City 1 page

Monday October 01 2007 Page 3 of 3


t bull

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


t bull

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

t bull

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

JIlt 11 Jtt II 11 i962 bull bNe


til l bull

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

RN - Z-13-6~

Bob Haldemaa


bull Noltbera CallfolDia ebata-lUll - A Dowuy Orrick

- WIN Pr0lram bull 1I1lder way with Bob SWe dinctbla

- Are CbaiJmell bull appolated ad active La all 8 areamp8

- Couaty CbaiJme - appolUtd for 15 01 the 48 Cowaties pel

atUebed Ust balaace will be completed by eG of Feb

- CouDty JlDampDCe Cbab ampad oral SteeriD Committee beiq

et up ilD1llediately after appolatmeat of Cowaty Chairmen

- Southen CaUfonlia ChallDWl - H C (Chac) WcClellu

- Southera CaUlonata Flaaaee Chalrmaa - Wampurice Staas

bull Executive Committee aa4 SteeriDI Committee appobated aDd

meetiq weekly

bull WIN Program be developed UDder staff director Nortoa Nordbullbull



lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

lN - ~-13-6Z

Bob Ha1demaa

PrOlnbullbull Report - pAle ~

- Coaaaty Claatnaea bull appetated for ~ of 8 Co8tlea per attached

lIat hal wU1 be appoblted by ead of moath

- Couaty r CUlnaeD aDd an1 Steri CommlUbullbullbull beilll

PZOOIram 1amp thebullbull ar Balaac of bule Tk Forcbullbull

to be compwtad by March 15th

Commltampebullbull for which leaderlhlp 110 ora_laed _Iud

Veter_ Farmer Doctor lAwyerl SpoltlJDeD Podlatrita Vetertaariau Collebullbull or_batlou

- peclfic ampQDOlIDCem to b mad over _xt eeks


~ 1 bull


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


Bob HaldeDaampll

PrOinaa Raport - pale 3

NbroIlforOovenaor Statewide CoIlUlllUe

- Memberahip awl nppolt p184amp total ampppnxbDatly 30000

- MaUlDI to bullbulllJoe 1J01lp MIt t1ll8 ek wltb raldp carel aad

pa awl material for acll bullbullmber to lIM ta alpial up

25 additloul ~r Thu pHp to be actively

espaud ia tile aext two 1IlO1atU emberahlp bd POll

$1 00 coatri~ with pedal card aad pla for each

member aecuial 25 addlUoaal membera

Bule Headflurter or laloa ad tafflal IaOW completad aad all

acbeclu1ecl prolr wadel way

bull Field oraalsaUotl plOlr lDclucllaa lutraUoa drive ReNbllcall

caavu amplid Pnc1act orUllzatioa DOW 1I1lder way ill aU

Ccnmtiea where Chairmaa baa bee aaaouacecl del

directiOD of Heaclquartera lttaff JohD Kalmbach Field Director

- Aclditloaal program to let uader way bet DOW ampad March 15th

bull SWdy group program 08 uipborhood baaie for

utUlzatioa of top 18vel voluater8


1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

1lN _

Bob Haldbullbullaa

Prolrbullbullbullbullport - 4

- EJacUoa Beard tral param for male 011 - speUen Bvea

bull Pulble 1 te1epIutM nelUitmeat aad 118ld-rallq

PIRm for tappua pn1Idy blaetl

YOJI ebullbullbull

Neweluer aacl accompaafbtf material Hi raaUcl to 1ll11llt till week

Lell1ative Italeoa bullbulltaWlaJae4 wWl Howard TJaellal Crebullbulli4laalliai01l

bullbullabUliMd thJroqh Bolt Ha1demaa

Couaty Challlllea aDd GOP orlaaluUoa lia180a to be developed by

lwaae smWa

t bull


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


(appoilWnenta aa of Z13-6Z)

Coly ChallmampD

Alameda Robert WcKabullbull Amador )boa Hermaa Raub AlplM swart WerrW Calaveru Theodor Knv1ta Colaa Oeorl Loci Coatra Coate wra Ruth Tacoba (Co-ChalJmamp1l) El Dolado SwUt erlY Fha Doll Fraaa01l Ole Cheater W Walker Iab Edward bltey Maripoa Tom McSwala Ueadoclao WIL CBIU) Will

FraU Reia1yP1aer Dr Nichow BaUey Solaao E Ray Crabt Saa Bea1to Oeorl AIwl a Saa Fnaclaco Alaa Nichola Saa Toaqaia Robelt W Eberhudt SaD Mateo E T Br1

Saata Cnu Chu-lea Watldu SlaklyOl llod BalllAbach Jr Stanlalau DI Great Bare ButteI Tom MUleI Tuol111DM Ray T EdWUo Yuba Dr Robert Han


(appointmenta as of 2-13-6Z)

Orange Walter Schmid San Diego Admiral Lealie Gehrea

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

RN Z13middot6J

Bob Halclemaa

Supple to PJOlrebullbull Report

bull Key PJoolram laftlvlq compte _twork Statewkle OIl Couty but

0( vo I to baacUe lUen dhor pUlllMr

broadc r etc moatterial acUvtty by o1r

Hckatoppe~by taU tor aU key TV wacutbullbull

- PUl1c a1atlou Aclvioly Boa bull meetiq weekly lacl

DIck Woore Ted 8r_ Kal JOIIbullbullbullbullbull Bob Flach

Herb K1eia CharUe Fullapoa ampad Bob Haldeman

bull StratelY Committebullbullbulltill to be Ht up

bull Vaney Kaudabullbull amplid bel wome activity prolram will b 1amp1mehed

lmnwcUately toUowiq the FebNamp1y Zlt luacbe01l

J ~ I bull


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


T HE MORNING LYON-UP Go(t Pat Brown of Cal dashed off a note to a Chicago pal t1fat wound up with This Nixon bunch is the toughest political opposition IVe ever

eome across

~ ~

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

Bob shy

- still want to hold up ack -shy

for picture




4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

4f uYl~21tpound(JI 9Jyeef

~~pC~rk 5

Mr Robert E Haldeman co Richard M Nixon 1035 Pacific Mutual Building 523 West Sixth Street Los Angeles 14 California

Dear Bob

I have finally solved the mystery of the $2500 You will remember that Bill Shay had the money He works for Jack Wrather who is a member of Dicks Businessmens Committee I believe youwill find a check fr6~ Shay delivered through Wrather for $1500 Wrather suggested to Shaythat he hold up on the other $1000 for a while I told Shay yesterdayfuat he ought to give the remaining $1000 now which he agreed to do throughWrather when the latter returns next week

If for some reason you cannot find a check already in for $1500 and do not get another one for $1000 within the next couple of weeks let me know and I will call again

I went to Bachrach last week to get new pictures worthy of your flattering request I am debating whether I should send the results of that effort or instead the shot of Nixon lecturing me on campaign strategy

Love to Jo and the kids

M Flanigan

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

Il lIlt 1-1 lotI I- It kf

r I gt I rr-trv I

I 1 I (Ob II~I h Il 1m ~ bull rt It r Il1r 1C i(

IU r-IYf r~1

rI n l ~( 1J AG al I~ r- I ~c ~

rn 11 h Htt~762 - rl ~ rnr~ I

11 U 1 rrbull I 1 a 1 I I

l t 1)1 ( rh r I r

I t tit)~ I I

III (r C I R

J gt I I-f r 1 m-

I ltI 1 rOil I

( r 1 I



I n

n ran w

I - ~r It rllt n l nrshy

b I r 1 I 1 I


I T 1

II 11

f I I I bull r I~ J - r) _Iil

bull ~ 1 lIt 1I

I l) I Illl1tlin h uo

nl T 11 s nmiddotr II I Ill r n 11 r~ll t e n Zit led I I ~

I 1 I Inil


r tr


~nt1aoed on 11 ~llIfnn



II rt ~

~ I I I

1 r I I

r l1r r

r rr J

11 er )1 I h 1 r I

r II

bull ~


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


CC ampJpoundxaulfnrr-OnmiddotIBER 17 UI61

Ruth Montgomery

A look at Nixons

Carnpaign Aide AltHt l -- ~(~Til

l~lan - pdltlUlS arc l-idnl ao eyebrow at Ltf annTWl -lnt that fnriPltl

icmiddot P(~illnt RihMd iI

lll as alf0intlil HOt)-

-I( ~jjdIDjcln JS his gl)1

li~toral campaign mn[~ger

H11 h-p3n a ya~ulfld

1 Cldi rp Avenue hwk f) bull

irc((l f i r1 rj llpentOl 01 tilt i OnmiddotI)middot Plcllier1

cmiJl and in so dClrl BCjfild tn e x c i t e the

113r l d Jrartilc11Y ~I1

(lP G(P ~liU)[ an-l i churman

It IS IHlt news tho t tiI e plitlla[ pros 1 ere Iurious wih DIck ~ ixm lt UiVg t hi [k~il1 wfdmiddot] last fd] (Jfiip-n Such jngtllr1e

xon middotU[por1~~ as Senashytor Sty irs Bnoges ar d PoI)Ji1~((r lnral Artllrr E SUHillrfHld were hfdt


t(~hi ifJraplllrdng rj t~H)Y

l~(lulu (ltl ever g~~t HI~OJ-~t)

1) tht 1~i1ndllHtt~

l-fdd~fl1~n irew a L~r~n

SI-LJf~ 1 tllP bJ~iJnp fJr-f

VOlIreft stare I hair-nan Pill it t1s vily [ holt IiS

l(lL1ti~~n was till f11 0 s l

Iupid ( )(gt ever SNi1

Ilatdernan 5(1( in droves of jIll] kid s to schedule meetings 1 around me withou even i[WllJil1g me vi r The) 1Li)btd the pt[y le~1d~rs of all dg1l~Y

inCgt jJle3tJe I 0 h ~ 111 i l i a t t r~ and (Jlbo~yen

las-( rht I almos 101 troy S( ~ f repet~

( oftiwe f t I r PfISIshy

dlJ~ hf l1L t middot-j --middot j~1~ugdramiddot

t~(IIj this C(H Slatf C81shy

man v 0P a If-tICI to Nixon sI2ir ha be -xpected to be in LLS JI(I8 on a g VIll j~ltl~e_ To hiS surpr ise iW pced a WJrm rcplv 3 li1g that ixon would Lke ~n i~e hm

~Jn ~rnVl1 In Los An glp he li18j-~~()n(ct ](15

fJijJf oonUillg lC gel the I urs-round til which lie had lgt(com~ accustomed dIwg 1( c a In r i g H IttPlrl 1l~omiddotsjom-timt Iwi Fnshyjay Ilese Woods t old [11m

ht ~a expe ted arid 1JetSr to cone rgnt OVPf

p rClllln-(l1g JLJut the ilrikllt tr [()Iti~() cor fe~~j pu the phone dovn and said to myself lc g0 fit s(lf-feEpp~~ back 0 In Ii - --- middotlen 11

[ dllHl snow up 0 u-e 1shyPOilltldlt _

-- Sltch biUerl1lss gt (urly desprelll in tile party - Th cut ilS so cetp with the top professionalr 111i1t there t ]S Lttle likelJhood 01 ~~ X01 I

being gheu thl nod Ior we I presidential nomicauon ~ 1~

Certainly he news l hat Haldeman has tken I)Hf

the top spot former held Jy Bob Pinch will not help him with GOP out-ojmiddotstate leaders



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley



am shocked that Pat Brown has in effect now charged President Kennedy with using smear tactics in his 1960 primary campaign Brown owes an immediate apology to the President of the United States

lihen I commented on Browns receiving the Hoffa-Teamster endorsement I used John Kemledys exact words in exactly the same context

Browns stable of 51 tax supported press agents should have reminded him tllat Kennedy made the same statement about Huber~ Humphrey when Humphrey received the HoffashyTeamster endorsement in the West Vilginia primary two years ago Why did not Brown charge smear then

Brown should know as President Kennedy knows and I know that Hoffa is the political dictator of the conshytrolling clique of the Teamsters Union Brown should also know this because he had the Hoffa-Teamster endorseshyment 4 years ago

I bull

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

lOt U

FaOK DB oee__r 26 1162

tbe follow1n9 1 a bull -ry of ~ elect1cma around the

nation which you requ_~ed

be bull62 a1d-tampna vot1n9 the bMyit it baa been in

th1rty _ra ApprQ1Cl_~ly 4 of the pot_t1ampl voun went

10 the polla 19sa (the ~1rd heavl_~ YOUng) bad bull twnou1

of 434

vere v1c~iou- 1D 25 9ivlng th8a bull net pin ~ 4 _ta o-oeraUe Ill were _de in the follaw1ncJ ta~

cOIUl4lCtJCU~ aU-leoff 513 1ay-Brown 487

n41ana rta SO3 capebar~ 497

_ryland ar_uu 622 1I111er 37bullbull

Hhlr JlCIn~yr 52 47

South Dakota 1ICCIOVerD 501 8Ott 49

1flcODln He1aOll 52~ w1ley 473

aepubl1cJan picked up prevlowaly held D_ocraUe ta in

Colorado aDd 1fYCa1D9

Co10ra4o Dca1n1cJt 54_ Canoll

81apaon 57 lUekey

the fo11CJW1ng atatea DOW _va both llepubllcan eaton t

and v~

i bull

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

fta aepqb11caa ai0J1ty nar lonp ~ AJlee W11shy

det 1ft a con~~ in 1Ib1 Ua a4Yaaced amp_ one

of Ule -J- in

mr Bill of AI MU1y __tid by D

-ua who neely 491 of the Qu -rtiD 111 an oatapoka

couUva aDd h1a abow1ft9 a1U~ au1 _1 a1pal a WUIl1D9

Co SoutileJft -111Mua1amiddot 10 Congr_

aJb1coff VOD by OIl1y 27 000 ~~ far bel~ h1a recoz4

-Jorlty of 246000 vbeD be WCIl the vcmrmonb1p in 1958 bull

~r~ WQft a aurpr1a1mJly b19 v1ceory ewer wUaon

Wyat1 Vitb 1IOrt0ll rece1~1D9 52 of the ot_ III JaaeacbttII a-medy a vlaUdy waa awpr18tng GIlly

by ita ais (55- LcMlfIe 420 aDd HUghea 24)

III lJ_ 1IBIIpah1r IlalDtyr cap1tal1aai on a h1tter Ilepushy

hlJcan rty apUt aDd upe_ MddDa _ for tbe ~1n1n9

~ yMn of Sq-l ~d9_t a_~ bull tor Cotton at the

_ tte VOD an -IIY r l~oa 1D ap1bt of the party aplit

be 1~t tor (iAbtria appo1ntee) Jlau1ce J 1IIIrphy

Jr clef_ad 1amp tbe stau PXlMry

til __ yOJt 1ta vob VAIl IlD 189000 UJ-s OYer

DoaoyenaIl who bullbull regarcled a raquotally 001011_ cJper

xa 1 ~ Clan 81UVlved toM hpub11C1Ul

aefeaUD9 Yaft SampDdt 51~ Co 48

III ath eamprollDa ~ alia JobnIU bullbullpoundeat ~

papezIIILA Wll11aa w Wo~ Ir altlaotaP 1fOr~ aft bull

record for a tate-leql Ilpablioan aampDfl1date by nce1y1D9

42 6 of the votbullbull


I bullbull

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

bull ~ ~ a = t r i ~ ( ~ I ~ I Imiddot0- f amp - bullr middot ~ I I J5 e l = ot I middot r ~~-rfiieiIJlif ~ I i I a bull g i i middot I D

Ii ~ it I- I I ~ I i Ig y ~ ~ f II i II D middot ~ II

I rt ~ ~ a ~ 8middot C f ID ~ t amp I ~ ( f I F 1middot

II( 1$ bull 8 r ftI ~ =- J i Ii ~ I lr Ii 2 ~ 1i ~ IN 0

i ~ iii I I l ~ I ~ 8 Ii F 5


e I imiddot I l e t ~ Ii ~ amp

tltwi t e B a i 0 ~ t iii ~ ~ b ~ l i I Imiddot ~ ~ I ~ I iii I

l ~ Iii

I ~

=- ( I r I I til i I

~ fi i 1 ~ I I r ~ ~ = i g a 8 t g ita bull r = i ~ ~ G1a J

e I ~ f [ tb ~I ~ Iii If i~middot b I ~ It I bull I r If bull It

l i a r yen a ~ ( i I B ~ ~ ~ i = I t ~ I ~ laquor ~ bull ~ I I I bulli ~ bull i r II bull r i i ~ ~ t I ~ i f f ~i f I I 5 f ~ I ~ 0 n r pound r- ~ ~

~ t i ~ f i r- I=- i-e ~

~ r - bull i I ~ t rt

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

ox three tatee with D_ocnUc ton over 70 (JUUODa

aDd OIdo) and thc ar no publican ~ ov 70 ill

atatea tba~ bave D_ocratic 9~

IJl bull York Rockfallermiddot 1a 1IIpr_i v1etory 1

baya tutbM na1fiaat1oDa bullbull a r_utt of -flal atlllr

ODe th1n9 CODUJJNUnV 10 tbe lack of 1apJ_1y o~ hla

wiD 18 tbe fact Uult the -tate ~ Ball people did DOt

oaip acrt1vely for patbau in r to veale_

OODUol of the party

)loaufaller ran lat 8IIOIl9 apa)tllcan v1DDUll Oft the

atate-wJ4e Uckft JbeC0D8U Jarty eraDdidate Dav14

B JaqUtJl rlved lltooo YOie8 alD re4lC1Dg Rockefllbullbull

plurality oakfeller received S4~ of the ~ aDd

JIOr9Ul~I 45

1ft PeMaylftlWl 8cnntoD CArr1s tbe 11aau tnto

control of both bouaM of 1aglalab1re 91v1D9 Che auw ita

f1rat orae-puty 9ov t iDee 1953 111 v1crtoJy WampII by

51 ~ the YOU oval Dilwortha 44bullbullbull

ID 0hJ0 Duall tIa9- an un__lly v1woroua capa1p

but Maten by epUl1cau Stat AudJ~ ~ Jdlod_ by

555000 you (lt~ ncei 58 ~ tbe vote)

In lliahlpa ~y pluallty 78000 90~ 0amp

51 JUa v1ctoJy eDde4 14 year of U_C1OXampUc ialtra-

Ucm tbe bull 1911 PI-rtly on aD attack ap1Dat

1Da0ll bullbull 1IelDg repr tat1ve ODJy of bull aingle apeciAll

later_t 9hlP - orpniaec1 1801

11l bullbullaachWletta Govecnor Volpe def_1ed by J 000

YOtea wbeD ampn41cot~ Peabody von by 501

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

tID OJclalvF bull D_oeraUc epliu aDd ~ 11aan

oqan1ampaUOD CUried Henry Bel to bull 1lepIb11caa riatoIy

by 76100 Y01ea OyenC wbullbullbull AtJUUOD 11lloft ~bullbull tM

tlr~ aepabl1caD eacmanaoz- 1Dce Okl ~ bull gte iA


lD lfWxaa f bull ~-Jy of vy f JoJua CORDIllly tatld

off ack CGIX 4~ bi4 with Cox eeek1Df ~ plc~e

CoImal)y bull toove of Lyndon eJobMOD

III -Xl the D_ocrau t aepubllam 1IaeUIiIbeIlu

1D aIMaIItb leNa IlMico VDIOIlt aDd 11

bullbullbullbullClllllafta MUo4y 50~ Volpe 4t

I- Jllfb- 52- 8Pe 47bullbull

~co cpbeJl 53_ 47bullbull

_11 8IUU 583 Qlifta 411

Ventont Hoff 501 xeyaer 49

lD psbtr D_OOOt IUDg reoe1ve4 IIU vlUl

U~JMuy tot 41 a r_1l1t ~ bull pany feud W1~ tile

la1r1JeaD Jan PJI19I1IIIIfIIDD

Prior ~ tbe 62 1ect1aaa Dt8 held 263 bullbullta amplid

bullbullp11eaft8 174 Aa a r_ult of the 1M2 elecUCIIItI ibe

D_oantll ba_ 259 bullbullta and ttb aepabl1aaD1l 176

Beplbl1aan 1 1Ia4 prlOJ to the eleeU-a -prea bull hope io pla 44 aM1tloaal bullbullta wbJoh tbe DJIIbeI

a__ary to take CGftUol ft1_tely ~ were _yiDf that

tlaey ~ U p1aJt up 10 to 8 _ta 8iaty-Uve _ hn of tJut cenvr- wl11 be DfIWC_ra

II D_ocrata and 30 lJCUIt



i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley


i iIJI ligli~~ll --

It I Iimiddot iii I I- ~ ~ I r ~ iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ r ~ I

till i~ I bull _w

a i~1 - I- f- - - _11shy - bull t I II j 8 f I f It I It f i I ~ P II _ ~ I r I i I

I ft G I n bullr

3 I Ii iii J i ~ Iii j Iii i i ~ l I r ~ amp w ~ t bull

i bull

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

ltIeBMampl IhlIJPOR of _Nc1y -=as ) JarttaJ -JII)Ort of ~ 2

GeDCal OX total ~ eq-=ad 38

a bullbull ~ WOWI a 11M pill of 10 1D bUt1-con ~

Ul4 a _ 1 of 2 oppc-1Uoa bullbull-- SOw appUed

10 epeclal 1M the lJDeQp for 11ae i1l1etla1ioll -


11 ~W - ~ 10111 U II bem 1Ibo

~ b1Ia CD la~t of ~ aul e~~tee Jag the

87Ul~ Be _1_ 27 ~ for la18 pzogna

1ft tile aew ccnp_ tb1a At 1 of 6 tbe amp1

curl_ 1a 1961 Dy bull vote of 211 to 212 U1d bull 8Wl~ o~

~_ ~ WOIaW rev the GMe-I ttd8 w111 be

a tcMcb 90 Paue ~_

~ lie Pn81d-_ l_t 22 III t- vJIo _cUd

Iaia OIl the lt6l ac1tool lIUl pjcUd up 27 nppotRen

-k1DV bull ~ pia of 5 III beD 011 tbia 1Mlt it

tfOU14 taU 31 ~~ 8W1tcta tbe CMtoclbullbull of tile Boll call OIl

_ tie ft_wt 1__ M 1 rn Wo ~ pabullbullbullge

~ JWI ~ lllll 18 JM2 pIcIlQp ef 27 _ nppotRen

_bullbull 1IJpotIIftlcal lelia of J ttWI bat 1 -a14 _ve to 12 a t tile bU1 111 1962bull

-AIIlAaI fte U-t 58 Mf1td1e4 yenOt shy

to 91 Ilia tJztD AlIain~ Be 1_t 20 ~

o~ tbe lOPObullbulll aDCl yen1~ tM 21 ~ lie DR pta

of 7 ~ - IU IIboR of t IIa

-7shy1 bull

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

lam ampAl The Pr_i4ent 10lit 35 _-ben 0 backed hia

on the fint faJa bill whloh tied on a 215 to 205 aoll call

The new ~oject10D80f 27 aupporuan would -n that the _

bill would loae by a wider 1lalUg1n

JW7iJB sq QI M ISH IY5USll the Doorat1o Party 0 loualy apllt OYC the -filler

atature bullbull tate lacS conducte4 an all-out aaapal98 only

for Arthur Levitt wagner opponent for Mayor in 1961

lAVitt won by 800000 votea

aoekefeller fac middotcontinued harut fraa the COllervatJV

Jlrty whlch received more than 50000 votea (the 189amp1 reshy

qu1r-nt) and 18 now guaranteed ballot tatua untU the gubershy

Datorial eleotJona in It they are expected to 1n1ervene in

the pr14en1lal municipal and guberna~1ampl lectiona by

tJu_teninv to place independent CIID41da~ 1ft the f1e14 or to

auppeR epublican well oaocraUc aandlutee who aocept

f_tur of ~ir ulua-xlfjJht progr

Rockefeller Md however p1c1c up back-baDdat aupport

of the Ceneral Labor union who deel4e4 to endore no can4t4atea

in 1962 vl0U8ly they hlId al_ya eD40ned ihe o-ocraUc

t1cket and 8any van Andale ~14_t of ctral Labor

Union thr_ h1a aupport to aoclutf11er b1a cluulge in

1amp1ge part due to _agnua earli_ fumbling of the ain_

wag- probl and other laboamp tuuea 1nc1ud1D9 the tacher

atx1Jut and 1-t the tr1k of boapJtal wor1uln aookfellv

DOYe4 at th18 t1ae to garner aupport ~ both

lheJta va bull cona14exable amount of urging prior to the

D-ocraUc Convention wbJch DCIIl1nated JIOqentbau for wagn_

-8- i bull

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley

to oppoae aocaefellu Aa Cbi tuned out be ~ly acCel

vcy IIhJeIftlly 1D not do1nq i~ Tbe refon D_ocna

obY1OUly DOt 1n ee-plete coatnl of the 1tJaaU 1D __ Yon

Ciqr furtber unpered bf Bl_aor ltOOtNYttlt 1DcapacJq

aad bad not enD t~ Co regZOUP he apetau forc8 which

_-uated that they were aU11 loyal too the 014 group

woul4 ba preferred a caDd1date lib Fazley
