White House Special Files Box 62 Folder 22 · Richard Nixon Presidential Library White House...


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Richard Nixon Presidential LibraryWhite House Special Files CollectionFolder List

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 22 06/20/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman about Responsibility of campaign staff on mail. 1 pg.

62 22 06/22/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to All staff members. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 n.d. Memo Handwritten notes. 1 pg.

62 22 05/31/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN. 1 pg.

62 22 05/23/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg.

62 22 05/21/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman aboout News Releases. 1 pg.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Page 1 of 4

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 22 05/19/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN about Chico and Marysville activity. 1 pg.

62 22 05/16/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/16/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman about Oakland Chairman-Finance Affair. 1 pg.

62 22 05/21/1962 Letter Letter from H.R. Haldeman to Bob McKeen. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/14/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to Charles Farrington, Jr. 1 pg.

62 22 05/16/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN about Virgil Pinkley. 1 pg.

62 22 n.d. Memo Memo from Rn to Bob Haldeman. 1pg.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Page 2 of 4

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 22 05/19/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN about Reports from key staff members. 1 pg.

62 22 05/03/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman about Crispus Wright. 1 pg.

62 22 05/10/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg. Duplicate not scanned.

62 22 05/16/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN about Sam Conti. 1 pg.

62 22 n.d. Memo Handwritten note. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/07/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman about Bob McKeen- Oakland. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/10/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg. Duplicate not scanned.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Page 3 of 4

Box Number Folder Number Document Date Document Type Document Description

62 22 05/10/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg. Duplicates not scanned. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/16/1962 Memo Memo from Bob Haldeman to RN about Sunset YR. 1 pg.

62 22 05/10/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg. Attached to previous.

62 22 05/10/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg.

62 22 05/11/1962 Memo Memo from RN to Bob Haldeman. 1 pg.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Page 4 of 4


Nixon for Governor





Bob Haldeman Date: June 20, 1962


Responsibility of Campaign Staff on Mail

One thing that would be very helpful in keeping up

with our mail is for you to immediately issue instructions

to all members of the campaign staff that under no circumstances

are they to suggest that a letter be written for my signature

to some individual without at least preparing a rough draft

as to what the letter should contain.



3908 Wilshire Boulevard

Los Angeles 5


To: All Staff Members

From: Bob Haldeman

In the future, when suggesting a letter or

message be written for an RN signature, please attach a

draft of what the letter or message should contain.

Under no circumstances will such a request be

considered without such a draft. It is imperative every

effort be made to assist the mail office to this extent.

As in the past, !!! such requests should be directed

to my office for approval.


~ r -;') '1 Ct~tl_.') L­

I C'''-MA~,> ~j {j - 5l-1 o~


Q N .A_cv~'le~v



.. '·31-62

ro11ow1aa • nceat eoaverMt1aD ,. ..

with lela "'..... J'O'l for a so.- ... _ MM'"Loa ...1M e.-t.7 ••t, t.-the-wu act,lY1tJ. ..

..Jo_ Kall1NcJl baa ~ tM .ttac.... '"


A~ tbe 8U'JII1e;r 1IIoepUc:e ODI at tJa8 YQII8A _nUCDJel a "p1llk- &Up

tba't awu au bee....._ out • It i.e a -11l7 uwaa • .~ abagt Jtq bo1Ds

.on ce OCBMtSea, ••• ~ 8a7 1~ !au beg ... ~ mao bH4q~. ~

~ it ClaiM 18 _" X _ 8oiIt6 to .,.114 aU or ........ sa &-., ._. I ¥OU14 UJae 'k) Me -., elaN, - 111 prooba~ •• ~ Iooc1 ~UUUoIIB

vhS.ch Y1U cc. up cal "- tele'illca.



Nixon for Governor ~"-?1-~

Date:0: Bob Ha1ctemaD May Z1, 196Z


iubject. Ne~.. Releu••


I want aU of the De•• re1ea••• haad·d.UyeI'H to the


RN 5/19/62

Bob Haldeman

Chico and Marysville activity (your 5/16 memo)

I checked on Ed Johnson's report that there is no

activity in Marysville and Chico, and find that our

organization bas been weak in Chico, but bas been doing an

excellent job in the Marysville area.

I am also .ssured that the Butte County situation

(Chico) bas heen corrected in recent weeks.

There are s.ven billboards in Butte County and

one in Yuba County.



Nixon for Governor





Bob Haldeman Date: May 16, 1962


Johnson says there is no activity in Marysville and

Chico. He was concerned and said there is Shell activity ­

Shell publicity, etc; , but none for Nixon.

Don't we have any billboards in that area? He has not

seen any -- nor any bumper stickers.

You better get a hold of Orrick and see whether there was

any follow up on my visit there where we had 1000 people.

Note: This is the Ed Johnson that Chad McClellan took him to see

at noon today.



Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Haldeman Date: May 16, 1962

From: RN

Subject: Oakland Chairman --Finance Affair


I told the Oakland Chairman that you would call him on the

finance thing after June. They expected a call last week so if you have

not talked with him, please do so.

The reason I want you to call him is Bob Finch tells me he hasn't

been able to wor'k it out - just be sure that the Oakland man has been kept

informed. Let them know if we are not going to be able to do it as they

are holding a hall up there and have set the date already.


...:::~ i S ••

May 21, 1962


Aa 1 _ .un you kaow by .. &0. the ltate c..cral ee-tttee, tile ,lMa for a aer of .it, fuad-xau1D& actl..1tw ill tM _jOl: citia. t taout eM .tate abortl,. after the pr1ar7 haft ppM_ tIUa .. uce...rl1,. the ...1atal clue to Cba lMhl11t1 to put toptbu • aultable .--1aatloa aDd .et tI:ae'I'Oar­vader _,. .... eaouah to ... it ••ce••ful... I .. ..... you reeop1M it ..1. haw .... to be baa41edt

by the lute CeIltral e-lttee .iM. cou1. DOt d1vert_tbe c.8falp orpa1aatloa at thia cnc1al po1at 1a the Pr11lary efint.

I bad told te.ae .....,. of your iatereat 1a thia actiYity ad __•• he .... lie. 1D touch nCb you.

The f1Mue people __ all aaree4 that « .1al1ar .ffort ill the fall ..,.. will be .-h -.n productive ead dsat la tile cour.. to which .. are a,.._tly ...lttad at th1a tt..

Jut naar".

Kr.IoIt._ eo-tJ ClaairMa • A1..... 405 14th Street OaklaM. calif.nia

ec I 1Ir.. iuD watHa

- VIII VID .ua. •

•. a...1.... ·n ~ • n a•



Chari.. rarriDatOll, Jr. '·14-62

Attached ia copy of .-0 fr_ U,

auu.atlq we let _thiaa later thaa the hqu1re

e-article to baa4 out. ""..

•~ ....

Ple... follow tbnuah OIl thia t-ediately.

tet '. let the Moada)' .tat.eat referre4 to J:'UD off

aDc1 thea __ it available.

'J.'h1a .bauld be b,t ill .W •• anc1

kept cur_t.



.. .5-16-62

Bob Bal.....

Virall 'lDkley

You aakeel to be .4v1.. whether ~ of t1* tlou poMCl in Vir," PiDkley'. l.tter _re belDa .

ltr.t. I caD certa1D1, .., that 1M an DOt aat18f1ecl with tM Mt-vp of the "publican orpo.1aatlOD ill California.

8eCODCl, ther. 18 a Youna "publicae &rOUP ......tl' at work 011 the ...,.... of every coll••• aDd UDiver.lty. but "~ .... ....a ••ber: of the•• are totall, dedicated to "far r1&htlaa" ....aDd. U. DOt of -.eh ".1_ to ua. We an, bowa'Yu, oraai&lDa ·teoll... Itudeat. for 81xoD" OR "'., c...­ad Ita7 Ch_ber. at ••11.... 18 coord1ut1:q tbb prear-. 1111 1a off to a 1004 .tart. 'but baa t..a ., to '0.a

The activity of 1Jlfl1tratiDa V '. Club.... of bavUaa a RixOD 4uclp1. work1Da with the 1 of a a1nioDary 1D each ..nic. club ill each clty 18 DOt Jet Ntlafactory. Jobal Vauaba. who La d1nctiaa the CoDtact hoar- &c:. ..a..1y • full-t_ '9011.'.... level, vi1l be very .uc•••M ill ,.ttiDa t1l1a ..... fo1:' the ,.-ral .1Htl_. It 18 DOt _11 eaouah "1aIl1&- to do --=h 1004 f.D the prfBary.

Aa 70U kDow, the a..a1 obj.ctlve of all our uapaip.fmea La to provide tile -......... of f.DdJ.Y1duala ad p:ou.p. nally ...u.a 1D the doorbell 1:'1DI1D& aDd .u.p­11ckiDa l ...la. We bava _de ~ -.cell_t .trUe. 1D tbi. 41nct1oll .. after the prfBary. .....t.a _ caD uep our bu1c atalf iDtaet. 1 _ aur. tb1a wl11 be rapidly .. far .....Uecti..l, tbaa baa eva Me 1D. thU .tat••



Nixon foJ' Governor



J. {'I I >'. ' I __

ar c \~(; r)-"~J(:-~::: lh.:;l.\l-~ t:J.,J.l s ho ul d ~ t'· wo r k c-: :'..(1 e1:: a l l <.,f

IR $-19-62

Bob Haldeman

"port. from ltey Staff Me8lber.

Attached an proar••• report. aDd outline. of

projected activity for the balance of the prmary fro. key

staff member••

1 haw DOt prepared a report for 1I7.e1f. nor baa

Herb Kalmbach aubllitted ODe. Our activities cover all

phue. of the carpaigft .tructure, aDd prt.aril,. involve

.upervision an4 coordf.Dat1oD of all activities which are

included in the other report•••• _11 a••pecific trouble­


1 think the report. from tu balance of the key

ataff _her••peak for theMelYe. aDel will provide the

information you waoted.

You should note ••pecially the coveriq meaorand\8

from Da11 Water. which point. out .... of the probleM which

have ari.en in clevelop1Da tM varioua contact croup••



Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Haldeman Date: May 3, 196~

From: RN

Subject: Crbpus A. Wright


I think the attached suggestiona are excellent

ideas for the final campaign, but not for the primary.

This is one where you and Chad McClellan should

ait down with him and have a good frank chat and say, look

how many are there who vote Republican? In the final

campaign we are going to give you a "heU" of a puah.




Nixon for Governor , )


Date:To: Bob Haldeman :1clY 10. 1962

From: l-l,l'i



1 think. too. thdt we ough~ to have a report from Moscow

dod his a{.x'oup as to what they ar-e doing and What they ar-e

planning with regard to stories they are puttinR out.

x ',iiii.\ /V


INTER-OFFICE MEMO'ANDUM '5)\~/y~,~J' Nix 0 n for G 0 V ern 0 r i'0~S ~ ~y

\' ~'~,1(\J'" ~ , \~ ,rY

To: nob Ha Ld emari Date: Hay 1e. 1962 \"


From: 1\'5



I think. too. that we ought to have a report from Moscow

and his gI'OUp as to what they are do ins and what they are

planning with regard to stories they are putting out.

. ,!, ....\

't \'.~




Bob Haldeman

Sam Conti

I talked to sam Conti today. He reporta the

Nixon organization now has three good headquartera

locationa in Contra Coata County with a very hard worktng

committe. compoaed of very good people. o..Z:;:tl1ll0Z rt· (D EI

They are atill a little abort on literature C')(D III EI ,....0 .....

and materials aince they have not rai.ed adequate finances. HlHl. ..... ,.... The Republican County organization is setting I (D

o ti

OQup poll watchera to luard against disqualification of write­ III ~ .....

in's 8ince in many of the baa...,. Democratic areas it ia N III rt .....

cuatomary for Democrats to write-in aepublican candidates o ~

in the primary. He aay. he ba. an exoellent precinct

organization which will function strongly and we need have

no concern about the get-out-tbe-vote effort.



Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Haldeman Date: May 7, 1962

From: RN

Subject: Bob McKeen - Oakland


Bob McKeen of Oakland expressed concern about Contra Costa

County. He said that he felt there was need for a lot of work to be done

there. We are relying primarily, as you know, on a woman in that

area and she has generally impressed me when I have met her. There

is, however, a very strong County Chairman, Conti, as you know. It

would seem to me that you ought to do some personal checking into

the Contra Costa situation and Conti, who is somewhat of a prima donna,

might well be taken in on the get-out-the-vote drive and be urged strongly

to do everything he can to get out a big Republican vote. I think ~n this

instance a per sonal call from you to Conti might be in order or whatever

else you think is proper.

Richie Smith, the Area Chairman, is a good man but I don It

think is a particularly hard driver as far as the campaign is concerned,

and you should not rely completely on his evaluation.


Nixon for Governor

Date:To: Bob Haldeman May 10, 196Z:# From: llN


Distribution: I t I

I think that you ouiht to •• up, on your own, daily.taU meeting.

with the re.earch and campaign naff__• certainly with the campaign \

.td. .0 you can let daily report. from them on what they are pro­ \ ducing in the way of vialble campaign progr••••

\ t

A. 1 te1d you, 1 particularly want you to follow up on Carroll Arth'.

activit1•• in view of the very diaturblnl conver.uion I bad up North with

Miza. Ovale who bad bad DO invormation from our office on what to do or

how to do thing•• /

/ /

1 would like to ••e at the end of thi. we.k or the fir.t of next week

lwom the top _c:uti"•• (eipt O~ ten) otthe cempaillll -. a:rundown on whet f(l~ they bave d.ace and what they propoae to do. 1 beUeve the only way you can

.peed theae people up t. for you to do with them what I bave\een trying to

do with the re.earch crowd. I think you ahould have the.e meeting_ every

day and ride herd on them.



Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Haldeman Date: May 10, 1962

From: RN



I think that you ought to set up, on your own, daily staff meetings ~ with the research and campaign staffs -- certainly with the campaign ~ staffs so you can get daily reports from them on what they are pro-~

dueing in the way of visible campaign progress.

As I told you, I particularly want you to follow up on Carroll Arthts

activities in view of the very disturbing conversation I had up North with ~ Mrs. Qva1e who had had no invormation from our office on what to do or

how to do things.

I would like to see at the end of this week or the first of next week

from the top executives (eight or ten) of the campaign -- a rundown on what

they have done and what they propose to do. I believe the only way you can

speed these people up is for you to do with them what I have been trying to

do with the research crowd. I think you should have these meetings every

day and ride herd on them.



Nixon for Governor

To: Bob Haldeman Date: May 10, 1962

From: RN



I want a progres s report from every member of

the campaign staff who is in any kind of an executive position.

I have to find out what they are doing and how they are spending

their time. It seems to me this is the time they have to get

off their fannies and really go to work. This campaign must

be stepped up between now and June 5.

The progress reports from all of these people -­

the paid people on our staff -­ would be very helpful for me

to see.


IN 5-16-62

Bob Bal"-an

Stms.t YR

The Sunset YIl's bave not taken any action

on candidate endors..nt either throuah the group as

a whole or through the Board of Directors.

It is quite possible J however J that some

of the ''kooks'' in this Club are Ipreading the report

luch aa the one you picked up from Greenberg.

Basically, as you know, this particular

YI. Club is oriented to Hixon.



Nixon for Governor

Date:To: Bob Haldeman May 10, 1961

From: RN



Carl Greenb.rg .aid bb wif. told him a friend of h.r. told

her that after I .poke at the Sun,et YR'. meeting the other Diehl they

bad a ••••ion and decid.d to 10 for Joe Shell.

I would Uke you to have UU. ch.ek.d out I'ight away and give

me a report on it.



l \

Nixon for Governor r ,;r, ~ L\

\ \

Date:To: Bob Haldeman r'iay 10. 1962

From: RN



1 th ink. too. the:. t 'v!e cueh t to have a report f'r-om Hoscow

and his gvoup as to what they are doinz and what they are

plannina with regard to stories they are puttinQ out.



Nixon for Governor

To: Date: job haldeman May 11, 1962




''40ulu you ple<lse let Hie know whdt follow-t.lp

, I WciS ever' made on the lunches -- the McClellan ones.


\ \ ~

