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Developing Management Skills, 8e (Whetten/Cameron)

Developing Management Skills, 8e (Whetten/Cameron)

Chapter 4 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively

1) Studies have found that productivity at work is markedly higher when relationships are positive.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This is true because positive relationships foster cooperation among people, so that things that get in the way of highly successful performancesuch as conflict, disagreements, confusion and ambiguity, unproductive competition, anger, and personal offenseare minimized.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 238

Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships

Skill: Recall

2) Studies have found that people make fewer mental errors when experiencing positive relationships.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This is true because positive relationships create positive emotions such as joy, fulfillment, etc., which in turn actually expand people's mental capacities.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 238

Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships

Skill: Recall

3) One suggested reason as to why communication remains a major problem for managers is that they are expected to focus on what organizational goals should be, not how to accomplish the organizational goals.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: It is true that managers should focus on organizational goals. It is also true that they should focus on how to accomplish organizational goals. Communication remains a major problem for managers because they always feel the problem lies with other people and not themselves. The problem remains because managers fail to develop the relationships necessary for effective communication.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 240

Topic: The Importance of Effective Communication

Skill: Understanding

4) Although much progress has recently been made in improving the transmission of accurate messages, comparable progress has not occurred in the interpersonal aspects of communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This is true because of personal and cultural differences, pride, and clumsy communication. The interpersonal aspects of communication involve the nature of the relationship between the communicators, and it is this relationship, rather than the actual information delivered, that stands in the way of effective message delivery.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 242

Topic: The Importance of Effective Communication

Skill: Recall

5) Much of the literature on communication focuses on the accuracy of information being communicated.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This focus on accuracy is meant to ensure that the message does not deviate from its original intent. Accuracy has been emphasized over the interpersonal aspects because it is an easier problem to diagnose, address, and remedy.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 240

Topic: The Focus on Accuracy

Skill: Recall

6) Research indicates that positive interpersonal relationships fostered by supportive communication often contribute to an organization achieving a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This competitive advantage arises primarily because supportive communication allows individuals to communicate accurately and honestly, even in difficult circumstances. For example, it is almost impossible to deliver outstanding customer service in the absence of supportive communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 242-244

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Recall

7) Communication that is accurate and honest regardless of whether or not it jeopardizes interpersonal relationships is supportive communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Communication that is accurate and honest without jeopardizing interpersonal relationships is called supportive communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 242-243

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Understanding

8) Whereas coaching focuses on attitudes, counseling concentrates on abilities.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The opposite is true. Coaching focuses on abilities and counseling focuses on attitudes.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 244

Topic: Coaching and Counseling

Skill: Recall

9) If a subordinate's problem stems from attitudes, personality clashes, or other factors tied to emotions, his or her boss faces a counseling problem.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Emotional and attitudinal problems are best addressed through a counseling approach, as opposed to coaching, which helps employees develop work skills.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 244-246

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Recall

10) Your boss tells you, "I can help you do this better." This statement lets you know that your boss sees your problem as an attitude problem.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: In this case, the boss sees the problem as a performance issue. He is saying that he can help you "do" something better. Thus, he perceives that you need help improving your work skills, which is an ability, not an attitude, problem.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 244-246

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Understanding

11) Janine, one of your employees, constantly offers excuses for her behavior when you talk to her. The behavior she exhibits demonstrates that she cares more about self protection than listening. She is being defensive.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Defensiveness is an emotional state in which one is agitated, confused, and likely to strike out. It arises when one of the parties feels threatened or punished for the communication and the self-protection instinct becomes more important than listening.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 246

Topic: Defensiveness and Disconfirmation

Skill: Understanding

12) If the person you are communicating with suddenly begins to drop important names in the conversation such as "When the general manager, Sue, spoke with me about this matter, I offered her advice ..." you have probably caused this person to feel counseled.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The response of the employee in this case demonstrates that she has been disconfirmed and lacks a sense of value or worth. She is trying to make herself look good by suggesting that she offers advice to the general manager. Thus, her response is more a matter of demeaning communication than it is a matter of whether she has been counseled or not.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 246

Topic: Defensiveness and Disconfirmation

Skill: Understanding/Application

13) Congruence in communication means that what is communicated verbally and nonverbally matches what the person is thinking and feeling.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Simply put, congruence means being honest. It means communicating what you intend. However, it does not mean being brutally honest or demeaning others. Effective congruent communication must be supportive.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 247

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationCongruent, Not Incongruent

Skill: Recall

14) When her boyfriend asks if everything is okay, a woman coldly responds, "Everything is fine." She is practicing congruent communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: To be congruent, communication must match individuals' experiences and feelings. Incongruence occurs when there is a mismatch either between the communication and the individual's true feelings. In this situation, the woman doesn't communicate congruently because she says she is fine in a tone of voice that implies that she is not fine (coldly). Her tone of voice and expression don't match her words.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 247

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationCongruent, Not Incongruent

Skill: Understanding

15) If you make the comment, "You are doing it wrong," to a co-worker, you are engaging in evaluative communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Evaluative communication makes a judgment or places a label on other individuals or their behavior. Descriptive communication, on the other hand, is comprised of three steps: (1) Objectively describe your observation of the event or the behavior, (2) Describe your (or others') reaction to the behavior or its consequences, (3) Suggest a more acceptable alternative.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 248-249

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Recall

16) When utilizing descriptive communication, evaluative comments should never be made.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: It may be necessary at times to make some evaluative statements, typically after someone responds defensively to descriptive communication. In this case, evaluative statements should be made in reference to some standard of performance or to a set of criteria. For example, "Your behavior does not meet the prescribed standard."

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 248-249

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Recall

17) Problem-oriented communication focuses on the individual's personal traits that led to the unacceptable behavior.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Problem-oriented communication focuses on problems and solutions rather than on personal traits. Person-oriented communication, on the other hand, focuses on things that cannot be changed or controlled, and it can send the message that the person is inadequate.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Recall

18) You comment to a co-worker, "My supervisor, Maxine, is dictatorial." This is an example of person-oriented communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Person-oriented communication focuses on the characteristics of the individual rather than the event. It is problematic because while most people can adjust their behaviors, few can change their personalities. Person-oriented communication leads to a deterioration in the relationship rather than problem solving.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Recall

19) During a conversation with a co-worker, you begin to feel ignorant and incompetent. The co-worker was probably validating in his conversation with you.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Validating communication helps people feel recognized, understood, accepted, and valued. Communication that is invalidating arouses negative feelings about self-worth, identity, and relatedness to others.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

20) Your boss usually only likes to discuss his point of view. When you offer another point of view, he ignores you. He is practicing rigidity in his communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Rigidity is characterized by communication that is portrayed as absolute, unequivocal, or unquestionable. Also, rigid communicators are unwilling to accept alternate points of view or personal feedback.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 251-252

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

21) Your supervisor remarks to you, "You spent an hour scheduling meetings today when that could have been done by your assistant." Your supervisor is using global communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The statement provides specific information that can be used toward behavioral change. Thus, the supervisor is practicing specific communication, not global communication.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 253-254

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSpecific, Not Global

Skill: Recall

22) Specific communication should avoid extreme and either-or statements, as these types of statements deny that alternatives may exist.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: The problem with extreme statements and either-or statements is that they deny possible alternatives and lead to defensiveness and disconfirmation. This defensiveness often occurs because the possible responses of the communication recipient are severely constrained. Responses lead to arguments rather than constructive discussion.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSpecific, Not Global

Skill: Recall

23) Your co-worker has a habit of constantly interrupting you when you are talking. He is practicing validating communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The co-worker is not practicing validating communication. In fact, he is invalidating your communication by interrupting. He is practicing disjunctive communication because his communication is disconnected from what is stated beforehand. The transition between turns to speak does not flow smoothly.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 254-255

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationConjunctive, Not Disjunctive

Skill: Understanding

24) Interaction management, which focuses on taking turns speaking, management of timing, and topic control, has been found to be crucial in supportive communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: People who practice interaction management are judged to be competent communicators. In fact, interaction management has been shown in research to be the most powerful determinant of perceived communication competence. If your employees view you as a competent communicator, they will feel supported.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 254

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationConjunctive, Not Disjunctive

Skill: Recall

25) You take responsibility for your statements, using first-person words, such as "I," "me," and "mine." You are practicing validating communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Validating communication is egalitarian, flexible, two-way, and based on agreement. Done correctly, validating communication helps people feel recognized, understood, accepted, and valued. There is not enough information in the question to know if the person is practicing validating (as opposed to invalidating) communication. However, using first person words is a part of practicing owned (rather than disowned) communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 251--253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationOwned, Not Disowned

Skill: Understanding

26) In response to your co-worker's behavior, you remark, "What would people think if they knew what you did!" This is example of disowned communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Disowned communication is suggested by the use of third person or first person plural words (in this case"people?" and "they"). When communication is disowned, the person avoids taking responsibility for the communication and avoids investing in the interaction. This may send the message that the communicator is aloof or uncaring about the receiver or is not confident enough in the idea expressed to take responsibility for it.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 255

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationOwned, Not Disowned

Skill: Understanding

27) One aspect of supportive communicationlistening and responding effectively to someone else's statementsis at least as important as delivering supportive messages.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This is true because in any conversation, the person who talks the most is the one who learns the least about the other person. A good supervisor must become a good listener.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 256

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSupportive Listening, Not One-Way Listening

Skill: Recall

28) Because open responses allow the communicator to control the topic of conversation, it is appropriate all the time under all circumstances.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Good supportive listening relies on flexibility in response types and matching appropriate responses to the circumstances at hand. No one type of response will be appropriate all the time under all circumstances.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 257

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationAdvising, Deflecting, Probing, Reflecting

Skill: Recall

29) The type of response that provides instruction or direction is an advising response.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Additionally, an advising response provides personal direction, opinion, or evaluation. It is most appropriate when the listener has expertise that the communicator doesn't possess or when the communicator is in need of direction. However, most listeners have a tendency to offer much more advice and direction than is appropriate.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 257

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationAdvising, Deflecting, Probing, Reflecting

Skill: Recall

30) When you use the reflecting response, you are trying to pursue the topic in greater depth.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The primary purpose of the reflecting response is to mirror back to the communicator the message that was heard and to communicate understanding and acceptance of the person. Trying to pursue the topic in greater depth is called probing (specifically a reflection probe). Note that there is a difference between reflecting and a reflection probe.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 259-260

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationAdvising, Deflecting, Probing, Reflecting

Skill: Recall

31) A personal management interview program is a regularly scheduled meeting between a manager and all of his or her employees. The meeting allows everyone the chance to talk together about particular issues.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: A personal management interview program is a regular scheduled one-on-one meeting between a manager and his or her employees. It is not a team meeting.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 260-261

Topic: The Personal Management Interview

Skill: Recall

32) Benefits associated with companies implementing a personal management interview program include increased effectiveness, improved individual accountability, department meeting efficiency, and enhanced communication flows.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Additionally, similar benefits have been seen in family settings and community and church groups.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 260-261

Topic: The Personal Management Interview

Skill: Recall

33) In cultures where individuals are assumed to have a great deal of individual autonomy, coaching responses are less common than counseling responses in interpersonal problem solving.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: This is because individuals with greater autonomy may not be as welcoming to direct advice, and managers may give employees latitude to improve their own skills. Notwithstanding these cultural differences, the 8 core principles of supportive communication remain effective.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 264

Topic: International Caveats

Skill: Recall

34) According to the textbook authors, what is the most important skill for building and strengthening positive relationships?

A) Creativity

B) Innovation

C) Communication

D) Intellectual capacity

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. The most important skill in building and strengthening positive relationships is the ability to communicate with people in a way that enhances feelings of trust, openness, and support.

B) Incorrect. The most important skill in building and strengthening positive relationships is the ability to communicate with people in a way that enhances feelings of trust, openness, and support.

C) Correct. The most important skill in building and strengthening positive relationships is the ability to communicate with people in a way that enhances feelings of trust, openness, and support.

D) Incorrect. The most important skill in building and strengthening positive relationships is the ability to communicate with people in a way that enhances feelings of trust, openness, and support.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 239

Topic: Building Positive Interpersonal Relationships

Skill: Recall

35) What factor dominates all other factors in determining promotability?

A) Technical knowledge

B) Effective writing skills

C) Being able to say "no"

D) Face-to-face communication skills

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though technical knowledge is important, over 80 percent of a manager's waking hours are spent in verbal communication. As a result, face-to-face communication skills dominate all other factors in determining promotability.

B) Incorrect. Though effective writing skills are important, over 80 percent of a manager's waking hours are spent in verbal communication. As a result, face-to-face communication skills dominate all other factors in determining promotability.

C) Incorrect. The ability to turn down tasks is helpful for time management, but is not a significant factor in promotability. Over 80 percent of a manager's waking hours are spent in verbal communication. As a result, face-to-face communication skills dominate all other factors in determining promotability.

D) Correct. Over 80 percent of a manager's waking hours are spent in verbal communication. As a result, face-to-face communication skills dominate all other factors in determining promotability.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 239

Topic: The Importance of Effective Communication

Skill: Recall

36) Which of the following is not one of the problems associated with electronic communication?

A) People are bombarded with an overabundance of information, often poorly presented, so they are less willing to consume all the messages aimed at them.

B) Interpersonal relationships have been significantly enhanced by using electronic communication methods.

C) People do not place all the rapid-fire messages in context, so much of the information lacks significance or meaning.

D) Although some relationships can be created electronically, effective interpretation and use of information still depends on the relationship the recipient has with the sender.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. An overabundance of poorly communicated information is one of the problems with electronic communication.

B) Correct. Though electronic communication has improved the accuracy of messages, it may have actually hindered the development of interpersonal relationships. In the words of one researcher, "Technology is ahead of people's ability to cope and use it; it's becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution."

C) Incorrect. Lack of context or meaning is one of the problems with electronic communication.

D) Incorrect. Despite creation of electronic relationships, effective interpretation does depend on the relationship between the recipient and the sender.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 239

Topic: The Importance of Effective Communication

Skill: Understanding

37) Communication has been studied by numerous people. What are the results of their efforts?

A) The transmission of accurate messages has improved.

B) The interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

C) Both accuracy and interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

D) Neither accuracy nor interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct. Transmission of accurate messages has improved, though interpersonal aspects of communication have not.

B) Incorrect. Transmission of accurate messages has improved, but interpersonal aspects of communication have not.

C) Incorrect. Though there have been some significant improvements in accuracy of communication, interpersonal aspects have not improved.

D) Incorrect. Though interpersonal aspects of communication have not improved, there have been some significant improvements in accuracy of communication.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 245

Topic: The Importance of Effective Communication

Skill: Recall

38) What is the outcome of supportive communication?

A) Other people like you even if they don't understand you.

B) You are judged to be a nice person and others listen to you.

C) The message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

D) You are socially accepted but not viewed as an excellent manager.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. In order for supportive communication to be effective, the message must be clearly understood. Supportive communication means that the message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

B) Incorrect. Supportive communication is not just saying what other people want to hear. It also consists of dealing with the difficult or negative feedback in a productive manner. Supportive communication means that the message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

C) Correct. Supportive communication consists of dealing with the difficult or negative feedback in a productive manner. This means that the message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

D) Incorrect. Supportive communication will improve your managerial abilities. Supportive communication means that the message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 242-243

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Understanding

39) Which variable(s) has research results confirmed to be the most powerful in predicting profitability for an organization?

A) Market share

B) Capital intensity

C) Sales growth rate

D) Supportive communication

E) The combination of market share, capital intensity, firm size, and sales growth rate

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though market share may play a role in profitability, the most powerful predictor of profitability is supportive communication. This is because supportive communication results in happier employees, stronger relationships between co-workers, and stronger customer loyalty.

B) Incorrect. Though capital intensity may play a role in profitability, the most powerful predictor of profitability is supportive communication. This is because supportive communication results in happier employees, stronger relationships between co-workers, and stronger customer loyalty.

C) Incorrect. Though sales growth rate may play a role in profitability, the most powerful predictor of profitability is supportive communication. This is because supportive communication results in happier employees, stronger relationships between co-workers, and stronger customer loyalty.

D) Correct. This is because supportive communication results in happier employees, stronger relationships between co-workers, and stronger customer loyalty.

E) Incorrect. Though market share, capital intensity, firm size, and sales growth rate may each play a role in profitability, the most powerful predictor of profitability is supportive communication. This is because supportive communication results in happier employees, stronger relationships between co-workers, and stronger customer loyalty.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 244

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Recall

40) Which of the following statements is most consistent with coaching (as opposed to counseling)?

A) "I'd like to see you work on your attitude. You are often too pessimistic."

B) "Would you like to talk with me about the interpersonal conflict you are having with your supervisor?"

C) "Let's plan some time tomorrow for me to walk you through the audit process. I think I can help you see where you are making mistakes."

D) "I'm concerned that you seem to be growing less committed to the mission of our organization. Why don't you spend a little more time with our customers so that you can reignite your passion?"

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Discussing someone's attitude with them is part of the counseling function, not the coaching function.

B) Incorrect. Talking with someone about personality clashes is a feature of counseling, not coaching.

C) Correct. When managers coach, they provide guidance and instructions to help build the employee's competence and skills.

D) Incorrect. Discussing someone's attitude or commitment level is a feature of counseling, not coaching.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 245

Topic: Coaching and Counseling

Skill: Application

41) How many attributes of supportive communication are described in the text?

A) 1

B) 3

C) 6

D) 8

E) None of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Eight attributes of supportive communication are described in the text. Supportive communication is (1) congruent, not incongruent, (2) descriptive, not evaluative, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) validating, not invalidating, (5) specific, not global, (6) owned, not disowned, (7) conjunctive, not disjunctive, and (8) supportive listening, not one-way listening.

B) Incorrect. Eight attributes of supportive communication are described in the text. Supportive communication is (1) congruent, not incongruent, (2) descriptive, not evaluative, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) validating, not invalidating, (5) specific, not global, (6) owned, not disowned, (7) conjunctive, not disjunctive, and (8) supportive listening, not one-way listening.

C) Incorrect. Eight attributes of supportive communication are described in the text. Supportive communication is (1) congruent, not incongruent, (2) descriptive, not evaluative, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) validating, not invalidating, (5) specific, not global, (6) owned, not disowned, (7) conjunctive, not disjunctive, and (8) supportive listening, not one-way listening.

D) Correct. Eight attributes of supportive communication are described in the text. Supportive communication is (1) congruent, not incongruent, (2) descriptive, not evaluative, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) validating, not invalidating, (5) specific, not global, (6) owned, not disowned, (7) conjunctive, not disjunctive, and (8) supportive listening, not one-way listening.

E) Incorrect. Eight attributes of supportive communication are described in the text. Supportive communication is (1) congruent, not incongruent, (2) descriptive, not evaluative, (3) problem-oriented, not person-oriented, (4) validating, not invalidating, (5) specific, not global, (6) owned, not disowned, (7) conjunctive, not disjunctive, and (8) supportive listening, not one-way listening.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 243

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Recall

42) What is the statement "You interrupted me three times during the meeting!" an example of?

A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication

B) Owned, not disowned communication

C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication

D) Specific, not global communication

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Conjunctive communication is a focus on statements that flow from what has previously been said and that facilitate interaction. This statement is an example of specific, rather than global, communication.

B) Incorrect. Owned communication is a focus on taking responsibility for your own statements by using "I" words. This statement is an example of specific, rather than global, communication.

C) Incorrect. Problem-oriented communication is a focus on problems and issues that can be changed rather than people and their characteristics. This statement is an example of specific, rather than global, communication.

D) Correct. Specific communication focuses on avoiding overgeneralization, extreme statements, or false dichotomies (either-or statements).

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 253

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Understanding

43) What is the statement "I have decided to turn down your request" an example of?

A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication

B) Owned, not disowned communication

C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication

D) Specific, not global communication

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Conjunctive communication is a focus on statements that flow from what has previously been said and that facilitate interaction. This statement is an example of owned, not disowned, communication.

B) Correct. Owned communication uses first-person nouns and verbs so that the communicator takes responsibility for a decision or opinion.

C) Incorrect. Problem-oriented communication is a focus on problems and issues that can be changed rather than people and their characteristics. This statement is an example of specific, rather than global, communication.

D) Incorrect. Specific communication is a focus on specific events or behaviors to avoid general, extreme, either-or statements. This statement is an example of specific, rather than global, communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 255

Topic: What Is Supportive Communication?

Skill: Understanding

44) Managers pass along advice and information and help employees improve their skills by setting standards. When managers do this, what is it called?

A) Coaching

B) Counseling

C) Validating

D) Delegation

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

B) Incorrect. Counseling refers to when managers help others recognize and address problems involving their level of understanding, emotions, or personalities. The behavior described above is coaching. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

C) Incorrect. Validating is an aspect of supportive communication that refers to focus on statements that communicate respect, flexibility, and collaboration. The behavior described above is coaching. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

D) Incorrect. Delegation is a time-management technique that refers to assigning employees responsibility for certain tasks. The behavior described above is coaching. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 244-245

Topic: Coaching and Counseling

Skill: Understanding

45) Managers help employees by addressing problems involving employee attitudes. When managers do this, what is it called?

A) Coaching

B) Counseling

C) Empowerment

D) Discipline

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. The behavior described above is counseling. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

B) Correct. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

C) Incorrect. Empowerment refers to conduct by a manager that helps the employee feel liberated and valued. The behavior described above is counseling. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

D) Incorrect. Discipline refers to conduct by managers that attempts to influence or change undesirable behaviors. The behavior described above is counseling. Coaching focuses on abilities, while counseling focuses on attitudes.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 244

Topic: Coaching and Counseling

Skill: Recall

46) You notice that since hiring Barbara, she is always working early and stays late; she appears to be working very hard. Co-workers have commented on how much they enjoy working with Barbara. Yesterday, in a conversation with her, she remarked how she was unhappy with her performance but was determined to try harder. This surprised you since you find her very capable, competent, and hard working. What kind of problem is Barbara most likely facing?

A) A problem that needs counseling

B) A problem that needs coaching

C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication

D) A problem that needs global communication

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct. Barbara seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but she is dissatisfied with her performance. The problem that Barbara is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

B) Incorrect. An issue stemming from Barbara's lack of abilities would require coaching. Barbara seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but she is dissatisfied with her performance. The problem that Barbara is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

C) Incorrect. Though person-oriented communication is one aspect of supportive communication, it is not the correct answer. Barbara seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but she is dissatisfied with her performance. The problem that Barbara is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

D) Incorrect. Global communication is not a recommended communication techniquecommunication should be specific rather than global. Barbara seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but she is dissatisfied with her performance. The problem that Barbara is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 249

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Application/Analysis

47) There is a problem with George. You don't doubt his knowledge or ability to do the job. However, lately he has developed a problem concerning his co-workers. He doesn't need or want their input to the project. He says that his work is above standards and remarks, "Can I help it if I work with idiots?" What kind of problem is George most likely exhibiting?

A) A problem that needs coaching

B) A problem that needs counseling

C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication

D) A problem that needs global communication

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. An issue stemming from George's lack of abilities would require coaching. George seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but he thinks he is above his co-workers' advice or criticism. The problem that George is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

B) Correct. George seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but he thinks he is above his co-workers' advice or criticism. The problem that George is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

C) Incorrect. Though person-oriented communication is one aspect of supportive communication, it is not the correct answer. George seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but he thinks he is above his co-workers' advice or criticism. The problem that George is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

D) Incorrect. Global communication is not a recommended communication techniquecommunication should be specific rather than global. George seems to be capable, competent, and hard-working, but he thinks he is above his co-workers' advice or criticism. The problem that George is facing is most likely one that needs counseling (a change in attitude).

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 244

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Application/Analysis

48) You know that your performance has recently declined. You tie this decline to the new software. Even though you fully understand how to use the new software, you think the software is garbage. In fact, you campaigned against the software but lost the political battle. Your boss has called you into her office. What would be the most correct response for the boss to use?

A) "You need to either shape up or ship out. The software stays!"

B) "Don't worry ... everything will work out. Just give it time."

C) "I can help you do this better."

D) "You do recognize there is a problem, don't you?"

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is not a supportive response. It invalidates your concerns and shows disrespect. The correct response is a counseling approach that is geared toward helping you understand that a problem exists.

B) Incorrect. This response does not address your concerns or the underlying problem. It ignores them. The correct response is a counseling approach that is geared toward helping you understand that a problem exists.

C) Incorrect. This response is more suited to a coaching situationone in which the employee's abilities are in question. Here, you fully understand how to use the software and your abilities are not questioned. The problem lies with your attitude. The correct response is a counseling approach that is geared toward helping you understand that a problem exists.

D) Correct. Here, you fully understand how to use the software and your abilities are not questioned. The problem lies with your attitude. The correct response is a counseling approach that is geared toward helping you understand that a problem exists.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 244

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Application/Analysis

49) Which of the following supervisor statements is an example of coaching?

A) "Id really like to see you try to approach this problem more optimistically."

B) Lets sit down and work through the audit process together this time so that you see what Im looking for."

C) "You need to work on your attitude."

D) "Your teammates are expressing concern that you dont handle conflict well."

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This statement is not a good example of supportive coaching. It is one-way listening rather than supportive listening. For coaching to be effective, the other person must understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.

B) Correct. This statement is focused on helping the employee understand the problem and how to overcome it. It is problem-focused, specific, owned, conjunctive, etc.

C) Incorrect. This statement is not a good example of supportive coaching. It is global rather than specific. For coaching to be effective, the other person must understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.

D) Incorrect. This statement is not a good example of supportive coaching. It is disownedthe supervisor is not taking responsibility for the criticism. For coaching to be effective, the other person must understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 244

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Application/Analysis

50) What is an important goal of counseling? To help the individual

A) get along better with co-workers.

B) understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.

C) recognize that a problem exists and identify ways to address the problem.

D) identify ways in which the problem may be addressed.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though counseling may have the side effect of inducing better relations with one's co-workers, the primary goals are to help the employee realize that a problem exists, that his or her attitude is of critical importance, and to help the employee identify ways in which the problem might be addressed.

B) Incorrect. This is only a partial answer. The primary goals of counseling are to help the employee realize that a problem exists, that his or her attitude is of critical importance, and to help the employee identify ways in which the problem might be addressed.

C) Correct. More fully, the primary goals of counseling are to help the employee realize that a problem exists, that his or her attitude is of critical importance, and to help the employee identify ways in which the problem might be addressed.

D) Incorrect. This is only a partial answer. The primary goals of counseling are to help the employee realize that a problem exists, that his or her attitude is of critical importance, and to help the employee identify ways in which the problem might be addressed.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 245

Topic: Coaching and Counseling Problems

Skill: Recall

51) What are two major problems that result when principles of supportive communication are not followed while coaching or counseling subordinates?

A) The person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.

B) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person is not trustworthy.

C) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance.

D) The person is not trustworthy, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Dislike is not one of the primary results of nonsupportive communication. The two major obstacles resulting from nonsupportive communication are defensiveness (agitation and discomfort) and disconfirmation (feeling put down or insignificant).

B) Incorrect. Lack of trustworthiness is not one of the primary results of nonsupportive communication. The two major obstacles resulting from nonsupportive communication are defensiveness (agitation and discomfort) and disconfirmation (feeling put down or insignificant).

C) Correct. The two major obstacles resulting from nonsupportive communication are defensiveness (agitation and discomfort) and disconfirmation (feeling put down or insignificant).

D) Incorrect. Neither lack of trustworthiness nor dislike is a primary result of nonsupportive communication. The two major obstacles resulting from nonsupportive communication are defensiveness (agitation and discomfort) and disconfirmation (feeling put down or insignificant).

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 246

Topic: Defensiveness and Disconfirmation

Skill: Recall

52) You have noticed since your discussion with Mary about her performance in the team that she seems withdrawn and not very motivated. What should you suspect about your communication?

A) It was very supportive.

B) It caused some defensiveness in Mary.

C) It caused some disconfirmation in Mary.

D) It caused both some defensiveness and disconfirmation in Mary.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. If the communication had been supportive, Mary likely would not be acting withdrawn or unmotivated, a clear sign of disconfirmation.

B) Incorrect. If the communication had caused defensiveness in Mary, she likely would have acted out by blocking the message or the interpersonal relationship. Instead she is acting withdrawn and unmotivated, a clear sign of disconfirmation.

C) Correct. Acting withdrawn and unmotivated is a clear sign that disconfirmation has taken place. Other possible signs include self-aggrandizing behaviors and loss of respect for the communicator.

D) Incorrect. If the communication had caused defensiveness in Mary, she likely would have acted out by blocking the message or the interpersonal relationship. Instead she is acting withdrawn and unmotivated, a clear sign of disconfirmation.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 246

Topic: Defensiveness and Disconfirmation

Skill: Application

53) The CEO from headquarters has just arrived. You make some opening comments and she replies, "I'm glad to be here. I look forward to talking to everyone here that has made this plant number one." Looking straight at you she continues, "My time is yours to do as you see fit." She then looks at her watch. What type of communication is this an example of?

A) Congruent communication

B) Supportive communication

C) Incongruent communication

D) Disowned communication

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Congruent communication is communication that accurately represents the speaker's beliefs. Immediately after telling you that her time is yours, she looked at her watch, which implied that she really did not mean what she said.

B) Incorrect. The communication is not supportive because it fails the congruence test. Immediately after telling you that her time is yours, she looked at her watch, which implied that she really did not mean what she said.

C) Correct. Incongruent communication is communication that fails to accurately represent the speaker's beliefs. Immediately after telling you that her time is yours, she looked at her watch, which implied that she really did not mean what she said.

D) Incorrect. Disowned communication occurs when the speaker fails to attribute personal opinions or beliefs to him- or herself. Here, the CEO clearly uses "I" and "my" in her communication. The communication is not supportive because it fails the congruence test. Immediately after telling you that her time is yours, she looked at her watch, which implied that she really did not mean what she said.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 247

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationCongruent, Not Incongruent

Skill: Understanding/Application

54) What should you do when practicing congruent communication?

A) Blow off steam immediately on getting upset

B) Never suppress your feelings of anger or disappointment

C) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what you are thinking and feeling

D) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what others are ready to hear

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Suppressing angry or disappointed feelings until you are able to deal with them productively can sometimes be helpful. At that point, you can deal with them through supportive communication. Congruent communication requires only that the verbal and nonverbal communication matches what you are thinking and feeling. It does not mean that you should always be brutally honest with others.

B) Incorrect. Suppressing angry or disappointed feelings until you are able to deal with them productively can sometimes be helpful. At that point, you can deal with them through supportive communication. Congruent communication requires only that the verbal and nonverbal communication matches what you are thinking and feeling. It does not mean that you should always be brutally honest with others.

C) Correct. Congruent communication requires only that the verbal and nonverbal communication matches what you are thinking and feeling. It does not mean that you should always be brutally honest with others.

D) Incorrect. Merely telling others what they want to hear is not supportive communication, it is flattery. Congruent communication requires only that the verbal and nonverbal communication matches what you are thinking and feeling. It does not mean that you should always be brutally honest with others.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 247

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationCongruent, Not Incongruent

Skill: Recall

55) Your boss has just left your office. You heard what she said but feel there was a hidden message in her statements. What type of communication did your boss most likely practice?

A) Supportive communication

B) Nonsupportive communication (it was person-oriented communication)

C) Nonsupportive communication (it was incongruent communication)

D) Nonsupportive communication (it was evaluative communication)

E) Nonsupportive communication (it was problem-oriented communication)

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden messagesomething the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent (and therefore nonsupportive) communication.

B) Incorrect. There is no evidence that your boss focused on you as the person rather than on the problem. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden messagesomething the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.

C) Correct. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden messagesomething the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent (and therefore nonsupportive) communication.

D) Incorrect. There is no evidence that your boss evaluated your behavior rather than describing the events. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden messagesomething the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.

E) Incorrect. Supportive communication should actually be problem-oriented rather than person-oriented. You left the meeting feeling like there was a hidden messagesomething the boss was feeling but did not say. This is characteristic of incongruent communication.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 247

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationCongruent, Not Incongruent

Skill: Understanding

56) Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up and this upsets her. Tonight her date is late again. What should she say?

A) "I can't believe you are late for the fourth time. This really upsets me! Why are you always so late?"

B) Nothing, but when he asks, "What's wrong?" reply as coldly as possible "Nothing."

C) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. Maybe the next time you should call from the car phone and let me know you are running late."

D) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. I wonder if your mother knows how you disrespect me?"

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is an example of global nonsupportive communication. (Why are you always so late?)

B) Incorrect. This is an example of incongruent nonsupportive communication. (Stating that nothing is wrong even when it is)

C) Correct. The steps to descriptive communication are (1) objectively describe your observation, (2) describe your reaction to the behavior, (3) suggest a more acceptable alternative. This answer choice followed the steps quite well.

D) Incorrect. Though this communication is specific and congruent, it is invalidating and evaluative because it assumes that her date is disrespecting her.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 248-249

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Application

57) When using descriptive communication to help modify someones behavior, what should a person do?

A) First describe reactions to the behavior, describe the behavior, and then suggest an alternative behavior.

B) First describe the behavior, describe reactions to the behavior, then suggest an alternative behavior.

C) First discuss the problem, then the alternatives, then decide on a solution.

D) Describe the behavior, describe why it's a bad behavior, then describe what will happen (the consequences) if the person keeps doing the behavior.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This answer incorrectly switches the first two steps of descriptive communication. The correct steps to descriptive communication are as follows: First, describe the behavior, second, describe reactions to the behavior, lastly, suggest an alternative behavior.

B) Correct. The correct steps to descriptive communication are as follows: First, describe the behavior, second, describe reactions to the behavior, lastly, suggest an alternative behavior.

C) Incorrect. This is a partial description of a problem-solving method. The correct steps to descriptive communication are as follows: First, describe the behavior, second, describe reactions to the behavior, lastly, suggest an alternative behavior.

D) Incorrect. The steps to descriptive communication are as follows: First, describe the behavior, second, describe reactions to the behavior, lastly, suggest an alternative behavior.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 248-249

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Recall

58) You have called an employee into your office to discuss his poor performance. How might you start the conversation?

A) "Nice day, don't you think?"

B) "Have you given any thought to doing some quality work here?"

C) "We have a problem here, don't we?"

D) "Your performance is below average. What do you plan to do about it?"

E) "Your output is the lowest in the department. I'm concerned."

Answer: E

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is avoiding the actual topic of poor performance. It is better to get right to the point by describing the behavior, describing your reaction to it, and suggesting alternative behaviors.

B) Incorrect. This is evaluative and jumps right to the solution without addressing the problem.

C) Incorrect. This statement does not identify the problem and is disowned (uses "we" instead of taking ownership of the opinions and feelings).

D) Incorrect. This correctly describes the behavior according to an objective standard but incorrectly asks the employee to think of solutions. It leaves out step 2 (describing your reaction to the behavior).

E) Correct. This includes the first two steps of descriptive communication. Next, you should describe specific behaviors that might remedy the problem.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 248-249

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Application

59) You have just practiced descriptive communication to modify some problematic behavior. Your subordinate replies, "I have an excuse ... it is not my fault." What should you do?

A) Point out (without causing defensiveness) to your subordinate that it really doesn't matter if it is his/her fault; the problem still exists

B) Keep trying to describe the problematic behavior until the subordinate understands

C) Refocus the communication away from blame or fault toward counseling

D) None of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This response abandons principles of descriptive communication by becoming defensive (it doesn't matter if the problem is the employee's fault).

B) Incorrect. This ignores important principles of supportive communication. It is disjunctive rather than conjunctive because it fails to focus on the subordinate's concerns.

C) Correct. When you are attempting to modify problematic behavior through descriptive communication and the subordinate displays defensiveness or a lack of concern, this becomes the new problem. The solution then is to refocus the conversation on the new problem.

D) Incorrect. When you are attempting to modify problematic behavior through descriptive communication and the subordinate displays defensiveness or a lack of concern, this becomes the new problem. The solution then is to refocus the conversation on the new problem.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 249-250

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Application

60) If you believe people want to do better, to perform successfully, and to be contributors, what assumption do you make?

A) Theory X assumption

B) Theory Y assumption

C) Theory Z assumption

D) Stress-free supportive communication assumption

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Theory X assumes that individuals should be mistrusted since it takes threats of punishment to motivate change. This belief is more typical of Theory Y.

B) Correct. And according to the textbook authors, few individuals are completely recalcitrant about wanting to improve, and few are completely unwilling to work on problem solving when they believe the communicator has their interest at heart.

C) Incorrect. McGregor posited a Theory X and a Theory Y, but Theory Z is not a known theory of motivation and employee behavior. This belief is typical of Theory Y.

D) Incorrect. "Stress-free supportive communication assumption" is not a known theory of motivation and employee behavior. This belief is typical of Theory Y.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 250

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Recall

61) Your boss tells you, "If you continue to be late, you will lose your job." Did your boss practice supportive communication?

A) No, this is an evaluative comment.

B) Yes, even though the comment is evaluative in nature, it is linked to a probable outcome.

C) Yes, this is a validating comment.

D) No, the comment is person oriented.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Supportive communication can sometimes be evaluative as long as it is made in terms of (1) some established criteria, (2) some probable outcomes, or (3) past successes of the same individual.

B) Correct. Supportive communication can sometimes be evaluative as long as it is made in terms of (1) some established criteria, (2) some probable outcomes, or (3) past successes of the same individual.

C) Incorrect. Though this is supportive communication, it is not necessarily validating. Validating communication focuses on showing respect and flexibility. Your boss is not invalidating you or your abilities, but neither is he validating you.

D) Incorrect. This focuses on a particular behavioral problem (lateness) and its likely consequence (losing your job). It is not person-oriented.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 250

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationDescriptive, Not Evaluative

Skill: Application/Analysis

62) What does person-oriented communication focus on?

A) The problem and its solution

B) Validating the other individual

C) Achieving congruent communication

D) The traits of individuals

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is describing problem-oriented communication. Person-oriented communication focuses on the characteristics of the individual.

B) Incorrect. This is describing validating communication. Person-oriented communication focuses on the characteristics of the individual.

C) Incorrect. This is describing congruent communication. Person-oriented communication focuses on the characteristics of the individual.

D) Correct. Person-oriented communication focuses on the individual's characteristics rather than focusing on the problem.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Recall

63) You overhear a conversation where one person says, "You really believe that? I think if you look at the facts again, I'm sure you would draw a different conclusion." What would this communication be an example of?

A) Practicing person-oriented communication

B) Practicing problem-oriented communication

C) Practicing communication that validates the individual

D) Practicing communication that is disowned

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Correct. Rather than focusing on the underlying problem or issue to be changed, this communication focuses on a perceived rational weakness of the listener.

B) Incorrect. Rather than focusing on the underlying problem or issue to be changed, this communication focuses on a perceived rational weakness of the listener. This communication is actually person-oriented.

C) Incorrect. Validating communication communicates respect and flexibility. This statement is in fact invalidating because it questions the listener's rational thinking skills. This communication is actually person-oriented.

D) Incorrect. Disowned communication occurs when the speaker distances him- or herself from the opinions of the communication. Here the speaker is "owning" his or her beliefs. This communication is actually person-oriented.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Understanding

64) You just watched your employee handle a customer poorly. How should you respond?

A) "What were you thinking? That's not how we do it here!"

B) "I don't like the way you handled the situation."

C) "All employees are expected to follow procedures outlined in the employee manual when dealing with a customer. I am disappointed with the way you handled that situation. Can we review that policy together?"

D) "Let me show you how to do it. I can't believe you are unable to do something so simple."

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. This is person-oriented and invalidating.

B) Incorrect. This goes straight to your reaction to the behavior and skips the first step of descriptive communication, which is to describe the particular behavior you observed.

C) Correct. This describes the behavior you observed, describes your reaction, and mentions a possible solution (descriptive). Additionally, it focuses on the problem, rather than on the employee (problem-oriented).

D) Incorrect. This is invalidating and one-way listening.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Application

65) The difference between saying "You are stubborn" and "This is the second time we are unable to reach agreement" is the difference between what two types of communication?

A) Congruent and incongruent communication

B) Owned and disowned communication

C) Superior and egalitarian communication

D) Person- and problem-oriented communication

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Congruent versus incongruent communication refers to the extent to which the communication is an accurate representation of the speaker's thoughts and feelings. The first statement (you are stubborn) is an example of person-oriented communication because it focuses on characteristics of the individual. The second statement focuses on the problem or issue to be solved (repeated disagreement).

B) Incorrect. Owned versus disowned communication refers to the extent to which the speaker takes responsibility for his or her beliefs and communications.

C) Incorrect. Superior versus egalitarian communication (one aspect of validating communication) refers to the extent to which communicators treat subordinates as worthwhile, competent, and insightful. The first statement (you are stubborn) is an example of person-oriented communication because it focuses on characteristics of the individual. The second statement focuses on the problem or issue to be solved (repeated disagreement).

D) Correct. The first statement (you are stubborn) is an example of person-oriented communication because it focuses on characteristics of the individual. The second statement focuses on the problem or issue to be solved (repeated disagreement).

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 250-251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationProblem Oriented, Not Person Oriented

Skill: Understanding

66) "Not only does a fairway wood have a larger sweet spot, but it reacts better to bad hits. Thin shots don't lose as much yardage as off an iron. Toe shots don't lose ..." You are lost in the discussion of golf. What type of communication is this person using?

A) Rigidity

B) Indifference

C) Superiority-oriented

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Rigidity in communication occurs when the statements are portrayed as absolute, unequivocal, or unquestionable. This discussion (and the fact that you are lost) is an example of superiority-oriented communication, which includes boasting, one-upmanship, and the use of jargon to create distance between the speaker and listener.

B) Incorrect. Indifference in communication occurs when the other person's existence or importance is not acknowledged. This discussion (and the fact that you are lost) is an example of superiority-oriented communication, which includes boasting, one-upmanship, and the use of jargon to create distance between the speaker and listener.

C) Correct. This discussion (and the fact that you are lost) is an example of superiority-oriented communication, which includes boasting, one-upmanship, and the use of jargon to create distance between the speaker and listener.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 251

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

67) You are channel surfing while watching TV, and you come across a rather rotund individual sitting by himself talking politics in a rather rushed manner. In the few minutes you watch, you notice that he has an answer for everything, that his answer is always right, and that he appears to reduce complex issues to very simplistic definitions. You think to yourself, "I'm glad no one listens to this person." The TV person is practicing which form of communication?

A) Indifference

B) Superiority-oriented

C) Rigidity

D) Imperviousness

E) None of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Indifference occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the other person's existence or importance. This is an example of rigidity, which occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something.

B) Incorrect. Superiority-oriented communication is characterized by put-downs, the use of jargon, or boastfulness. This is an example of rigidity, which occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something.

C) Correct. This is an example of rigidity, which occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something.

D) Incorrect. Imperviousness occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of the other person. This is an example of rigidity, which occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something.

E) Incorrect. This is an example of rigidity, which occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 251-252

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

68) You notice that your manager frequently interrupts you; when you ask him a question, you have to repeat it two or three times before he acknowledges you. Your manager is practicing which form of communication?

A) Superiority-oriented

B) Rigidity

C) Indifference

D) None of the answer choices are correct.

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Superiority-oriented communication is characterized by put-downs, the use of jargon, or boastfulness. Your manager's frequent interruptions and failure to acknowledge you are examples of indifference, which occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the other person's existence or importance.

B) Incorrect. Rigidity occurs when the communication is portrayed as absolute or unequivocal or when the speaker refuses to admit that he or she doesn't know something. Your manager's frequent interruptions and failure to acknowledge you are examples of indifference, which occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the other person's existence or importance.

C) Correct. Your manager's frequent interruptions and failure to acknowledge you are examples of indifference, which occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the other person's existence or importance.

D) Incorrect. Your manager's frequent interruptions and failure to acknowledge you are examples of indifference, which occurs when the speaker does not acknowledge the other person's existence or importance.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 252

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

69) A manager maintains little eye contact, interrupts subordinates, and criticizes them for feeling a certain way. He or she is displaying which type of communication?

A) Rigid and evaluative communication

B) Indifferent and impervious communication

C) Indifferent and superior communications

D) Indifferent communication

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Rigid communication occurs when the speaker portrays the message as absolute or unequivocal and evaluative communication. This communication is impervious, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of subordinates. It is also indifferent, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the existence or importance of subordinates.

B) Correct. This communication is impervious, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of subordinates. It is also indifferent, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the existence or importance of subordinates.

C) Incorrect. In addition to being indifferent, this communication is impervious, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of subordinates. Superior communication occurs when the communicator tries to elevate him- or herself in the eyes of others through the use of put-downs or jargon.

D) Incorrect. In addition to being indifferent, this communication is impervious, that is, the manager does not acknowledge the feelings or opinions of subordinates.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 252

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

70) You have a tendency to finish your brother's sentences. This annoys him but it makes you happy. You are practicing what type of communication?

A) Respectful

B) Problem-oriented

C) Invalidating

D) Evaluative

E) Validating

Answer: C

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Finishing your brother's sentences is invalidating or disrespectful.

B) Incorrect. Problem-oriented communication focuses on problems and issues that can be changed. Finishing your brother's sentences is invalidating or disrespectful.

C) Correct. Finishing your brother's sentences is invalidating because it is disrespectful.

D) Incorrect. Evaluative communication makes a judgment about the propriety of another's actions instead of describing the events from an objective standpoint. This communication is problematic because it is disrespectful and invalidating.

E) Incorrect. Validating communication expresses respect. Finishing your brother's sentences is invalidating or disrespectful.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 252

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

71) If, in a counseling situation, you are willing to accept that other alternatives besides yours exist, what type of communication are you practicing?

A) Indifferent communication

B) Superior communication

C) Person-oriented communication

D) Flexible communication

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Indifference is expressed when the other person's existence or importance is not acknowledged. Willingness to accept other alternatives is indicative of flexible communication, which focuses on being receptive to the opinions, perspectives, and knowledge of others.

B) Incorrect. Superiority is expressed when the speaker resorts to put-downs or jargon in an attempt to make others look bad. Willingness to accept other alternatives is indicative of flexible communication, which focuses on being receptive to the opinions, perspectives, and knowledge of others.

C) Incorrect. Person-oriented communication focuses on the characteristics of an individual rather than on identifying and solving the problem. Willingness to accept other alternatives is indicative of flexible communication, which focuses on being receptive to the opinions, perspectives, and knowledge of others.

D) Correct. Willingness to accept other alternatives is indicative of flexible communication, which focuses on being receptive to the opinions, perspectives, and knowledge of others.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 252-253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

72) Your boss always asks you questions and gives you "air time" to offer your ideas. She is practicing what type of communication?

A) Problem-oriented

B) Congruent

C) Descriptive

D) Validating

E) Specific

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Problem-oriented communication occurs when the speaker focuses on identifying and solving a specific problem. Asking you questions and giving you an opportunity to contribute is validating communication, or communication focused on communicating respect and collaboration.

B) Incorrect. Congruent communication refers to communication in which the speaker's words accurately represent his or her thoughts and feelings. Asking you questions and giving you an opportunity to contribute is validating communication, or communication focused on communicating respect and collaboration.

C) Incorrect. Descriptive communication occurs when the speaker uses objective facts rather than subjective opinions to describe a behavior. Asking you questions and giving you an opportunity to contribute is validating communication, or communication focused on communicating respect and collaboration.

D) Correct. Asking you questions and giving you an opportunity to contribute is validating communication, or communication focused on communicating respect and collaboration.

E) Incorrect. Specific communication occurs when the speaker describes specific instances rather than using inaccurate generalizations. Asking you questions and giving you an opportunity to contribute is validating communication, or communication focused on communicating respect and collaboration.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 252-253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Understanding

73) You want to utilize supportive communication. You plan to employ validation in your communication with your subordinate. In particular, you want to practice areas of mutual agreement. What will you do?

A) List the subordinate's disadvantages before his/her advantages to finish on a strong positive note.

B) List the subordinate's past mistakes to establish a foundation so that new positive steps can be utilized.

C) List areas of disagreements first followed by areas of agreement.

D) List compliments before criticisms.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Discussing negative aspects of your subordinate's behavior will make him or her feel invalidated and it will be unlikely that he or she will respond positively to your suggestions. You should instead list compliments before criticisms, because it provides positive energy and a willingness to invest in the conversation.

B) Incorrect. Discussing negative aspects of your subordinate's behavior will make him or her feel invalidated and it will be unlikely that he or she will respond positively to your suggestions. You should instead list compliments before criticisms, because it provides positive energy and a willingness to invest in the conversation.

C) Incorrect. Discussing areas of disagreement will make him or her feel invalidated and it will be unlikely that he or she will respond positively to your suggestions. You should instead list compliments before criticisms, because it provides positive energy and a willingness to invest in the conversation.

D) Correct. Listing compliments before criticisms provides positive energy and a willingness to invest in the conversation.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationValidating, Not Invalidating

Skill: Application

74) In her student evaluations, Morgan notes the following comments: (1) "The course is boring," (2) "The room is always cold," (3) You are a great teacher," and (4) "You are easy to understand; you provide real-life examples to clarify your point."

A) All the comments are global communication.

B) All the comments are specific communication and are useful.

C) Comments 3 and 4 are specific communication and are useful.

D) Only comment 4 is specific communication that is useful.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Global statements are generalizations unsupported by specific evidence or occurrences. The first three comments are global, while the last comment provides specific evidence (you provide real-life examples) to support the student evaluation (you are easy to understand).

B) Incorrect. Global statements are generalizations unsupported by specific evidence or occurrences. The first three comments are global, while the last comment provides specific evidence (you provide real-life examples) to support the student evaluation (you are easy to understand).

C) Incorrect. Global statements are generalizations unsupported by specific evidence or occurrences. The first three comments are global, while the last comment provides specific evidence (you provide real-life examples) to support the student evaluation (you are easy to understand).

D) Correct. Global statements are generalizations unsupported by specific evidence or occurrences. The first three comments are global, while the last comment provides specific evidence (you provide real-life examples) to support the student evaluation (you are easy to understand).

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSpecific, Not Global

Skill: Understanding/Analysis

75) Your co-worker remarks to you, "You are always late to meetings, how come?" Your co-worker is practicing what type of communication?

A) Specific

B) Invalidation

C) Descriptive

D) Global

E) Incongruent

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Specific communication would entail a description of concrete instances in which you have been late to meetings. This comment is more accurately described as global because it makes a general observation without specific evidence or description of the occurrences.

B) Incorrect. Invalidating communication is disrespectful and communicates inflexibility. This comment is more accurately described as global because it makes a general observation without specific evidence or description of the occurrences.

C) Incorrect. Descriptive communication focuses on an objective occurrence and the speaker's reaction to it. This comment is more accurately described as global because it makes a general observation without specific evidence or description of the occurrences.

D) Correct. This comment makes a general observation without specific evidence or description of the occurrences.

E) Incorrect. Incongruent communication consists of statements that do not accurately represent the speaker's thoughts and feelings. There is no evidence here that this has occurred. This comment is more accurately described as global because it makes a general observation without specific evidence or description of the occurrences.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSpecific, Not Global

Skill: Understanding/Analysis

76) "Either you do it now or never." Why is this statement useless?

A) It is an inaccurate representation of reality.

B) It denies any alternatives.

C) It has potential for hidden agendas.

D) It invalidates the other person's identity.

Answer: B

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though this may be an inaccurate representation of reality, this is not the reason the statement is useless. The problem with this communication (global communication) is that it is not useful because it cuts off dialogue by denying alternativesthe possible responses of the listener are either defensiveness or unproductive argument.

B) Correct. The problem with this communication (global communication) is that it is not useful because it cuts off dialogue by denying alternativesthe possible responses of the listener are either defensiveness or unproductive argument.

C) Incorrect. The problem with this communication (global communication) is that it is not useful because it cuts off dialogue by denying alternativesthe possible responses of the listener are either defensiveness or unproductive argument.

D) Incorrect. Though this statement may disparage the other person's opinions, it does not disparage his or her identity. The problem with this communication (global communication) is that it is not useful because it cuts off dialogue by denying alternativesthe possible responses of the listener are either defensiveness or unproductive argument.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 253

Topic: Principles of Supportive CommunicationSpecific, Not Global

Skill: Recall

77) Examples of conjunctive communication include (1) "Relating to what you just said, I'd like to discuss this." (2) "... so, that's how I see it. So what is your opinion?" (3) "Let's talk about horned frogs ... No, I don't want to talk about birds ... I want to talk about horned frogs in particular and lizards in general."

A) Only statement 1 is an example.

B) Only statement 2 is an example.

C) Only statement 3 is an example.

D) Statements 1 and 2 are both examples.

E) Statements 2 and 3 are both examples.

Answer: D

Explanation: A) Incorrect. Statement 1 is an example of conjunctive communication. It relates the other person's previous message (relating to what you just said). Statement 2 is an example of conjunctive communication. It asks for the other person's opinion in the context of the previous discussion (so what is your opinion). Statement 3 is an example of disjunctive communication. The speaker is attempting to exert control over the topic of communication.

B) Incorrect. Statement 1 is an example of conjunctive communication. It relates the other person's previous message (relating to what you just said). Statement 2 is an example of conjunctive communication. It asks for the other person's opinion in the context of the previous discussion (so what is your opinion). Statement 3 is an example of disjunctive communication. The speaker is attempting to exert control over the topic of communication.

C) Incorrect. Statement 1 is an example of conjunctive communication. It relates the other person's previous message (relating to what you just said). Statement 2 is an example of conjunctive communication. It asks for the other person's opinion in the context of the previous discussion (so what is your opinion). Statement 3 is an example of disjunctive communication. The speaker is attempting to exert control over the topic of communication.

D) Correct. Statement 1 is an example of conjunctive communication. It relates the other person's previous message (relating to what you just said). Statement 2 is an example of conjunctive communication. It asks for the other person's opinion in the context of the previous discussion (so what is your opinion). Statement 3 is an example of disjunctive communication. The speaker is attempting to exert control over the topic of communication.

E) Incorrect. Statement 1 is an example of conjunctive communication. It relates the other person's previous message (relating to what you just said). Statement 2 is an example of conjunctive communication. It asks for the ot
