"When you commit a minor sin,do not look at its minor status rather think of Whom you...



"When you commit a minor sin,do not look at its minor status rather think of Whom you disobeyed". AL-HADITH AL-QUDSI A WORD OF ALLAH. "For a believer there is nothing in this world except worship and difficulties and grief. In the hereafter there is Heaven for him". AL-HADITH AL-QUDSI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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"When you commit a minor sin,do not look at its minor

status rather think of Whom you disobeyed"



"For a believer there is nothing in this world except worship and difficulties and grief. In the hereafter there

is Heaven for him"



"Indeed this world may be yours for

today, but tomorrow it will be for others"



"Teach your knowledge to others

and (try to) learn yourself the knowledge

of others."Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"Treat others similar to the way you would like for

them to treat you." Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"Teach others your knowledge & learn the knowledge of

others so you will bring your knowledge to perfection and

learn something which you do not know."

Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"When the desirable & commendable services damage & harm the obligatory services,

abandon them."Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"Shame and disgrace is better than the fire

(of Hell)."

Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"All the beneficences of both the worlds come to the hand & are achieved

by the mind (wits).”

Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"I have not seen a cruel and more similar & resembling

with an oppressed & wronged one than the


Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

"Do not haste in punishing the sinner for his sin & let a way (passage) between the two (fault & punishment)

excuse & apology."

Imam Hasan ibn-e-Ali (A.S)

“ Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live finding their

sustenance in the presence of their Lord”

The Holy Qur’an (A’LAY IMRAN:169)

“ O you who believe! If an evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it,

lest you harm a people in ignorance then be sorry for

what you have done ”

The Holy Qur’an (AL HUJURAT:6)

“Mischief has spread in the land and the sea on account

of what the hands of men have wrought,that He may make them taste a part of which they have done, so

that they may return (from evil)”

The Holy Qur’an (RUM:41)

A blessing is trial, if gratitude is shown for it, it

becomes a blessing, and if you

show ingratitude for it then it

becomes a wrath.

Imam Hassan (AS)

One is ignorant of blessing as long

as they are present, but when

they pass, one becomes aware (of the value) of


Imam Hassan (AS)

Do not struggle hard like a successful (searcher) of material and do not depend upon destiny like those who surrender to it. (Neither greed nor laziness).

Because seeking the Grace (of Allah) is Sunnah and not being

greedy in seeking sustenance is modesty. And modesty is not the

cause for the repulsion of sustenance, nor does greed

attract grace, because sustenance is (already) apportioned, and being greedy is being sinful.

Imam Hassan (AS)

Opportunities pass away

swiftly, and take longer to returnImam Hassan (AS)

I wonder at a person who ponders over the

things that he eats, how he does not ponder

over his reasoning. He preserves his stomach from that which harms him, yet deposits in his breast that which is a

cause for his destruction

Imam Hassan (AS)

The annihilation of people lies in three things: Arrogance, Greed and envy. Arrogance causes destruction of the religion and because of it

Satan was cursed, and Greed is the enemy of one’s soul,

and because of it Adam was expelled from Paradise, and

envy is the guide to wickedness, and because of it

Qabil killed Habil.

Imam Hassan (AS)

One who lacks intelligence has no decorum, and one

who lacks determination has no magnanimity,

and one who has no modesty has no


Imam Hassan (AS)

The best wealth is contentment and the

worst poverty is humility Imam Hassan (AS)

How can a believer be a believer when he is

discontent with His (Allah’s) predestination, and

disparages His (Allah’s) status, when it is Allah

whom rules over him. And I guarantee, for the one

whose heart does not harbor other than satisfaction, that if he supplicates Allah, he

will be granted.

Imam Hassan (AS)
