When to wear catseye gemstone



One Should always consecrate a gemstone ring or pendant and wear it in most potent time frame selected according to astrology.Cat’s Eye gemstone should be worn on Tuesday

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  • When to Wear Catseye Gemstone ?Presented By- catseye.org.in

  • Cats Eye protects from mysterious dangers and diseases. This prevents from unexpected mishaps of life.

  • Rahu and Ketu stones should be worn only in specific condtions by consulting with astrologer.

  • Minimum weight of Cats Eye should be 7 carats (1400 mg) for the stone have astrological effects.

  • Cats Eye should be wear in Middle finger or Ring finger of working hand of its wearer.

  • Cats Eye must touch your fingers skin.Then it helps in relieving you of malefic effects of Ketu.

  • Dip the ring into gangajal or cow milk at least 10 min before wearing.

  • Wear ring on Tuesday during the ascending moon cycle(Shukal paksha) near sunrise time. Recite AUM KETAVE NAMAH mantra while wearing the ring.

  • Lehsuniya ring should be cleaned regularly using Soapy water or soft brush as dust deposited at the bottom of the stone reducing the gemstone jyotish effects.

  • Website- www.catseye.org.inCall Us - +91-9216112277