Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery...


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Dear Parents,

Yesterday Tigers presented a lovely assembly linked to their learning this term. They all spoke clearly both

individually and collectively with their class poem about Busy Bees. Well done and thank you to the children,

Mrs Lockhart and Mrs Britten for their hard work.

The children had an exciting start to their Healthy Activity Week on Monday with their walk around the

field. Please read more below.

We are looking forward to our main 50th Anniversary Community Event on 6th June. Saracens Cheerleaders

have confirmed they will able to attend and we are planning a special balloon race. There are lots of different

members of the working party busy with lists and looking for volunteers. Please get involved– we really

appreciate your time and the whole event is planned to raise funds for the children in school and to create an

excellent legacy. Thank you to everyone who attended the Cake Sale last week, we made an amazing £386.00


Well done to the children in Wick House who lead with 1307 points. They are

closely followed by Clarence on 1279, Heartwood with 1230 and Jersey Farm

with 1166.

Diary Dates

FRIDAY 15th MAY 5.00pm –6.00pm Year 1 & Year 2

Disco Party


WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 8.30am—9.30am 2.30pm-3.30pm

Maple Target meetings


Class Assembly:Nursery

THURSDAY 21st MAY 9.10am

Class Assembly:Zebras

FRIDAY 22nd MAY 9.10am

Class Assembly:Nursery


The doors open at 4.40pm and the disco starts at 5pm. Please remember to

bring your entry ticket. Sign in will be by year group and class. Year 1 through

the main school entrance. Year 2 via Ash classroom. If you have children in

different years or classes just join one queue and we will sign them in

together. A drink and a snack will be provided. Please do not bring any food

due to allergy reasons.


A reminder that parents should not drive into the school car park at any time

before or after school or during the school day. We have also been asked to

remind parents that scooters must not be ridden in school, they should be

pushed. In addition, Children and their siblings must not use the playground

equipment before or after school. Thank you for your cooperation.


Please find a list of term dates for 2015—2016 attached with the Newsletter


On Tuesday, some of the children built

a grass nest on the field outside of

Chestnut Class. On Wednesday they

were amazed to discover that an egg

had been laid in it ! The most likely

explanation is that one of the

partridges that can often be seen on

the school field is responsible.

Newsletter No.31: May 15th 2015

Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

Headteacher: Mrs J Whitehurst MA NPQH


As part of our Get Up and Grow focus, children in Reception

have been observing how caterpillars turn into butterflies. Each

class has it’s own butterfly net and the children have been

recording daily changes. They have produced a beautiful book

detailing their observations, pop in to the classrooms to have a

look. The children have discovered that usually a moth comes

from a cocoon and a butterfly comes from a chrysalis , however

the butterfly in ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle

comes from a cocoon. Eric Carle explains this as follows:

Here’s the scientific explanation: In most cases a butterfly

does come from a chrysalis, but not all. There’s a rare genus

called Parnassian, that pupates in a cocoon. These butterflies

live in the Pacific Northwest, in Siberia, and as far away as

North Korea and the northern islands of Japan. And here’s my unscientific explanation: My caterpillar is very

unusual. As you know caterpillars don’t eat lollipops and ice cream, so you won’t find my caterpillar in any field

guides. But also, when I was a small boy, my father would say, “Eric, come out of your cocoon.” He meant I

should open up and be receptive to the world around me. For me, it would not sound right to say, “Come out of

your chrysalis.” And so poetry won over science!


You may have noticed some changes to the garden outside Ash Class.

Mr Evans has nearly completed the makeover of the circular raised bed,

which has now been transformed into the school sensory garden. All the

plants have been chosen to encourage the children to use their describing

words to explain what the plants look, smell & feel like. Mr Evans is very

pleased how much this project has captured the interest of so many pupils

and has been helped by the children at every stage of the makeover from

clearing the old bushes, brick laying, planting and watering. There are only a

few more plants to go in so watch out for the finishing touches within the

next few weeks. Look out as well for a new gardening page on the website.


The children have been talking about Rufus Rabbit this week. Rufus is reciprocal and one of his learning

muscles is imitation. The children have been learning that imitation can be used to mirror something that

others do well. Please ask the children about this.


Open 8am-6pm, All staff are DBS checked and experienced. There is always a qualified and first aid trained

member of staff on each shift. Great fun for children 4yrs-11yrs. Your child doesn't need to be a regular

jousters child to attend. For more information or to book your space call or email the office

Jennie@jousterschildcare.com 01707 894650


On Monday the children all walked around the Sandringham School field as part of their sponsored activity.

Mr Thomas has asked if all of the children can now complete the remaining metres. These can be completed by

using a range of ways e.g. running, scooting, hopping, swimming or jumping to name a few. Please can you fill in

the form with the children, writing the amount of metres completed to add up the total distance of 2015m.

The individual sponsors list is on the back of the form, add up the amount at the side. Cheques are payable to

WINS PTA. The sponsor money needs to be handed into the office by TUESDAY 2nd June. Thank you for

your support. All the money will going towards our Early Years Outside Environment.


Results of the school Election were as follows:

Mountain Gorilla 126 votes

Hawksbill Turtle 98 votes

Black Rhino 87 votes

We will therefore be adopting a Mountain Gorilla. Well done to Ash Class for

their excellent election campaign.


All of the money raised from the 50th Anniversary Events will be used to redevelop our Early Years Outside

Learning Area

The existing garage will be removed and the area expanded and developed as a Forest School area

The existing play equipment (train etc.) will be removed and this area will become a messy play area –

water and sand play etc.

The canopy will be removed and replaced with a larger outside canopy with shutter walls

The existing flooring over the whole area will be replaced. A new play equipment area will be installed at

the bottom of the playground area


Thank you for everyone who has sent in applications for Wheatfest, We have had a fantastic response for the

event and applications have now closed. At the moment we will be unable to accommodate anybody for the

evening activities who has not purchased a ticket.

Information packs will be distributed very soon and will contain details of the activities that will take place,

menu choices for the Hog Roast, breakfast order forms ( at additional cost or bring your own) along with a 10%

discount from PJ Camping in Smallford. The packs will also contain information about recommended

equipment to bring.

Wheatfields Infants’ Summer Jamboree is coming on 6th

June and we need your help………

Jazzy Jars – a favourite for the kids! The jars are coming out on Friday 15th May, if you could

fill them and return on Friday 22nd May that would be fantastic

BBQ – Dads, your school needs you…….this year we will be hosting a BBQ at the jamboree and

are looking for some dads to show off their BBQing skills for 30min slots. If you are interested

could you please email Gina Allen on gina.allen77@icloud.com.

Wheatfields bake off –calling all bakers, this year we are holding a cake competition so let’s get

baking…..if cakes could be brought to the Jamboree, they will be available for sale at 4.30 after

judging to give plenty of viewing time!

For those budding bakers there will also be a children’s bake off!

Any books you no longer want?? Bring them along to school on Tuesday 2nd June. There will be

a second hand book stall at the Jamboree and we will need all the books we can get!

Have you any old Wellies your children have grown out of? They will be perfect for our

plant stall, so please bring them into school in the run up to the Jamboree

Like a glass of Pimms? Anyone who has any mint/cucumbers they would like to donate to aid

the Pimm’s preparation for the refreshments stall, please can you let your class rep know.

Bring a bottle on non-Uniform day. On Thursday 4th June it will be non-Uniform day in

exchange for a bottle for the bottle tombola.

Any Cuddly toys which need a new home? The adopt a soft toy stall will be happy to take

them. Please bring them in for Friday 22nd May

Mrs Fitz would like donations of old tea cups and teapots (things that people don’t need

returning) and possible waitresses for the olde tea rooms and if anyone has a commercial

business that could lend mini pots for jam and cream.

Finally….via the class reps we will also be looking for help with people distributing leaflets to let the local

community know what we are doing, we are also going to need volunteers to set up and man the stalls on the

day. Plus if you could donate a Gazebo/tent for the day please let Mrs Churchill know.

This is the main community event Wheatfields Infants are hosting as part of the 50th birthday

celebrations and are hoping to raise over £3,000 for the school from it.


We hope you have an enjoyable weekend

Mrs Whitehurst and the Staff Team.
