What’s happening with cru jan 2013


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Opportunities and People Sent

What’s Happening With Cru

The Vision of Cru is

to see a world where

everyone knows someone

who truly follows Jesus.

God sent us to touch lives in Japan with good news

God Used Us to Share the Gospel and Disciple Japanese

Students on campus, women’s groups,young leaders, pastors, staff

God Used Us to Partner with Churches to Introduce Japanese to Jesus

Japanese Jesus Film tools. Projects distributing the tools with local churches in Japan’s country-side and cities.

Now We Are Sending Cru staff to the World from the Orlando, Florida HQ

Steve Leads the Sending Team

Recruits new missionaries

Evaluates potential

Prepares and places

Coordinates with thefield leaders

We put 50 to 70 new missionaries on international fields each year

Called to Help Reach the WorldUkraine, Germany, South Africa, Mexico, Middle East, UK, Haiti, Philippines, Thailand, more.

Sending and Caring for Cru’s missionaries

Thanks for Your Partnership