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  • 1. What Do You Do Worksheet This worksheet is designed to help you to develop a number of useful responses for the frequent occasions when people ask you what you do. This approach works well for any business and this example focuses on coaches. When you complete the various sections you will be able to relate it directly with your own business.The most common response I hear coaches make in answer to the question `What do you do?' is 'I'm a coach.' Well this is about as compelling as watching the proverbial coat of paint dry. It also invariably leads to a discussion on what coaching is and what coaching is not rather than letting the questioner know specifically how you can help them. At no stage does it let the other person know of the benefits they will experience when they work with you. There is a better way and this worksheet will help you to find yours.What do you do? You will find that you get asked this question frequently and how you respond can impact whether you begin to develop a client relationship or bore people to death..And remember you'll never bore people into doing business with you!Here is a structure that I've found very useful in working with clients (from any business):I work with... (insert target market)who... (insert common problem)I help them to... (insert solution that you help people to achieve, including the main benefits NOT services)Here is an example. Ill expand on the points below.E.g. I work with coaches (a target market) who are struggling to attract clients (a typical coach problem). I help them to build a successful coaching practice that allows them to profit from their passion (a solution and benefit that coaches want).Do you get the idea?Before you work on your outline note the main points that you think are relevant for your situation, especially benefits, benefits, benefits. Extreme Management Solutions Page 1

2. 1. Write down some concise descriptions of your target market. 2. Write down the common problems that you know your target market experience on a regular basis. 3. Describe the main solutions that people get from working with you. Now use the structure below to develop a number of possible elevator speeches for your business.Remember:I work with... (insert target market) who... (insert common problem)I help them to... (insert solution that you help people to achieve as well as benefits)Some background on the structure... Extreme Management Solutions Page 2 3. The reason you state the target market first is because it immediately lets people know specifically who you work with.Rather than simply saying 'people' or 'small to medium sized business' the more specific you are the better.If the person you are speaking with is in your target market you will arouse their interest more easily. If they're not in your target market then they may know someone who is and therefore being specific allows them to refer you more easily.Who... (state problem) The reason you start off stating a clear description of a common problem is because the person in front of you will be able to relate to it. People live in their problems and it is commonly a problem that will cause someone to want to work with you. If you can describe their problem in exquisite detail then you'll have their attention. They'll know that you understand them and they will most likely assume that you can help them.Pause! After stating who you work with and a common problem that they may be experiencing, stop and pause. Notice the impact that your first introduction is having. Has it hit the mark? If not, change your introduction until it gets a better response. It's almost like you want people to say (verbally and/or non-verbally) that's me!If the person in front of you appears to relate to your first introduction then it may be appropriate to expand into the solutions that you may be able to help them with. If they say 'tell me more' then do so! Dont forget to introduce benefits as well.I help them to... (state solution) If you feel it's right to continue then describe the type of solutions that you help people to achieve. Your target market will most probably have a number of key desired solutions. If you talk about these, they will most likely want to know more.The order The order of the elevator speech (60 seconds) is critical. Some people ask why you need to mention the problem at all. Surely as coaches we focus on the solutions, the better life? Let's keep it positive you say! Maybe - but if you can describe the person's problem first then you will meet them where they are.If you talk about the solution first without mentioning the problem at all they may think that it's all hype and sounds too good to be true. They may not even think that your solution is possible. Establish credibility and empathy first by stating the problem and then move on to the solutions you help them reach if they appear interested.Extreme Management Solutions Page 3 4. Useful things to think of. You should be able to tell people about the benefits they will experience when they work with you telling people about services will quickly turn them off.Think carefully about different types of clients you want and list the benefits that are relevant to them. A specific approach is far better than a general one.Its important to write out your script as this will help your brain remember it. Add to this the practice time in front of a mirror, or helpful friend, partner, etc. then your 60 seconds pitch to those you are networking with will sound confident and relaxed. Dont take it with you and read it out loud as those you are talking to will think you dont know your business!If you are speed networking create a number of 60 second scripts youll get bored using the same one all the time and this will show to those you are telling it to.I hope that you have found this worksheet useful. If you have any further tips on how I can improve this worksheet for you, then do let me know.Pete Mackechnie Extreme Management Solutions Mobile- 07881 598 671 Phone - 0845 458 2549 Email - info@eXmt.co.uk Web - www.eXmt.co.uk Extreme Management SolutionsPage 4