What needs to change for us to meet the challenge€¦ · Professor of Leadership &...


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Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

December 5, 2016

Dr. Jean-François Manzoni

Professor of Leadership & Organisational Development and Incoming President (January 1, 2017)

IMD (Lausanne)


Accelerating the development of

global leaders:

What needs to change for us to meet

the challenge

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Are leaders born, or are they made?

The answer is YES!!

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Condition number 1 is: You must believe that you can!

Research on the “growth mindset” is gaining huge momentum


Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Good news: Ongoing development is possible!

―The truth is that major capacities and competencies of leadership can be learned, and we are all educable, at least if the basic desire to learn is there ….

Furthermore, … nurture is far more important than nature in determining who becomes a successful leader.‖

―We have seen evidence that points emphatically to (this conclusion): Old leaders can learn new tricks.

Leaders can and do make significant, in some cases life-altering, changes in their styles …‖

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Recent discoveries (invalidating what many of us were taught earlier in life)


Brain plasticity

At the end of the London cab drivers‘ training, their hippocampus — a part very involved in visual-spatial memory — is measurably thicker.

In other words, neurons that fire together wire together, even to the point of being observably thicker.

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Brain plasticity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chr3rQ6Vpcw

Neurons that fire together wire together

The more repeatedly they fire together, the stronger the wiring together

Human beings produce new neurons every day throughout our life

To enhance brain plasticity:

o Sleep

o Exercise!

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

The goal: Help Executives to develop new leadership capabilities

Unconscious Conscious



Awareness!! Practice!!

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016


Executives face

3 major challenges

in their efforts to

develop new capabilities

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

1. Insufficient awareness of the need for change

First step in any change process is «why this, why now?»

Executives increasingly (think they) know quite a bit!

I know I should do it… so I’m doing it! (Right?)

o Human beings tend to be unaware of their own biases (Bias Blind Spot)

o Executives are effective some proportion of the time (especially…)

o Add to this

Confirmatory Biases …

Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance …

Increasingly limited (honest) feedback…

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

1. Insufficient awareness of the need for change

First step in any change process is «why this, why now?»

Executives increasingly (think they) know quite a bit!

I know I should do it… so I’m doing it! (Right?)

o Human beings tend to be unaware of their own biases (Bias Blind Spot)

o Executives are effective some proportion of the time (especially…)

o Add to this

Confirmatory Biases …

Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance …

Increasingly limited (honest) feedback…

=> It is extremely easy (and tempting) for executives to

• over-estimate their leadership effectiveness

• under-estimate the need for them to continue to develop their capabilities

=> EDIs often collude with Senior Executives on this front…

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

a. Insufficient effort to acquire knowledge

o If it’s not in your head, it’s not usable!

o Neurons that fire together, wire together!

o Fluency illusion

often reinforced by programme design & delivery (& objectives)

o The role of group work…

2. Insufficient (investment in) knowing and in learning to do

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

a. Insufficient effort to acquire knowledge

b. Under-estimation of implementation challenge

o At 10,000 feet, problems always look pretty small!

And instructors often stay at 10,000 feet…

o Management knowledge often looks deceptively simple

And the way instructors present it reinforces this illusion

o E.g., Fair process

Identify the actionability gap => fear of failure => refrain from implementation

Not identify the actionability gap => failure!

2. Insufficient (investment in) knowing and in learning to do

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

3. Insufficient persistence…

Feeling Consciously Incompetent is painful…

Temptation to make the pain go away

o Rationalising the gap away

o Return to Unconscious Incompetence

Unconscious Conscious



Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Learning a new skill from scratch is hard enough

Learning to modify habitual behaviour is even harder!

1. Intercept the habitual response / Catch the cue

2. Find a more appropriate response

3. Produce that other response

… in real time and under performance pressure!

a) Producing non-habitual behaviour is hard!

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Hurdles getting in the way of this three-step process

Automatic pilot / lack of mindfulness

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

In Science, November 12, 2010 (Vol. 330)

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Hurdles getting in the way of this three-step process

Automatic pilot / lack of mindfulness

Habits are powerful shapers of behaviour…

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

How the Brain Makes and Breaks Habits by Ann M. Graybiel (MIT) and Kyle S. Smith, 1 June, 2014

The encoding involves multiple parts of the brain

The behaviours are encoded in packages/“chunks” of neural activity

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Hurdles getting in the way of this three-step process

Automatic pilot / lack of mindfulness

Habits are powerful shapers of behaviour…

Ego depletion (running out of self control/willpower)

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Hurdles getting in the way of this three-step process

Automatic pilot / lack of mindfulness

Habits are powerful shapers of behaviour…

Ego depletion (running out of self control/willpower)

Retrieving knowledge under stress is not easy

Creating «new, innovative» answers under stress is even harder

And then, each of us faces some individual, specific challenges

o Genetic make-up

o Personal history

o Competing commitments

• The anxious executive

• The very direct entrepreneur

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Competing commitments

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Hurdles getting in the way of this three-step process

Automatic pilot / lack of mindfulness

Habits are powerful shapers of behaviour…

Ego depletion (running out of self control/willpower)

Retrieving knowledge under stress is not easy

Creating «new, innovative» answers under stress is even harder

And then, each of us faces some individual, specific challenges

o Genetic make-up

o Personal history

o Competing commitments

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

3b) Insufficient support by the eco-system

a. Observers don‘t always notice our efforts

o Our ―quality‖ is imperfect for the reasons discussed above

o They have labeled us + suffer from confirmatory biases

b. Beyond noticing, we need key stakeholders to support our efforts!

o Acceptance: People around you may not welcome the change!

o Support: Are they willing and able to give you the support you need?

Is the organisation‘s culture consistent with your new behaviour?

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

3 challenges to on-going personal and professional development

I’m doing it already

I know I’m not doing it, but now I read/heard once how to do it, I’m going to do it easily!

It’s not working as well as I hoped/it should… maybe I am the way the I am…

They’re not helping!… maybe we all are the way we are…

1. Insufficient awareness

2. Insufficient investment in knowing

3. Insufficient persistence

a) because of implementation difficulties

b) because of insufficient support from eco-system

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Less (honest) feedback at the top

More (superficial) knowledge Less time to ‗study‘

Habits more deeply ingrained

Less spare bandwidth/self-control

Less tolerance for Conscious Incompetence

Personal brand more firmly established

More dislike for vulnerability / harder to ask for help

Bad news: It gets worse as leaders get closer to the top

1. Insufficient awareness

2. Insufficient investment in knowing

3. Insufficient persistence

a) because of implementation difficulties

b) because of insufficient support from eco-system

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

If we took impact seriously, how would our ED interventions change?

More clarity upfront on programme focus and desired outcomes

More training in intact teams

… &/or intensely enough to ensure critical mass quickly

More homogeneous programme, with fewer concepts explored in much greater depth

• Customisation of the intervention‘s focus & content

• Team can hold its members accountable

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

If we took impact seriously, how would our ED interventions change?

More emphasis on developing awareness

More practising during programme o with special attention to trade-offs & competing commitments

e.g., ―provide honest feedback‖ vs. ―be caring‖

• Experiential learning

• Coaching support of group work

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Definitely include Mindfulness and Reflectiveness in every programme!

If we took impact seriously, how would our ED interventions change?

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Develop your Mindfulness

Very few executives spend much time here-and-now!

o Past

o Future

o Everywhere!

If you’re not here-and-now, the habit wins!

Learn to bring yourself back here-and-now

o Conscious breathing exercise… (Thich Nhat Hanh)

o Plan breaks into your schedule

o Meditation practice

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thich_Nhat_Hanh http://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/9074.Thich_Nhat_Hanh

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Mindfulness Apps by Stephany Tlalka from Mindful Magazine

Stop, Breathe & Think


Mindfulness Training App


Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Develop your Reflective Practice

Deliberate practice

Think ahead

Think back

o On what worked, what didn‘t

o Why did you behave this way?

Solicit feedback – observe others‘ reactions

Write up your reflections – consider developing a writing ritual

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Develop your Reflective Practice Mahatma Gandhi

His secretary, Pyarelal, reported that well into his seventies, Gandhi daily ―held a silent court with himself and called himself to account for the littlest of his little acts. Nothing escaped his scrutiny. He gave himself no quarter‖.

Warren Buffett: ―I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think.

So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business. I do it because I like this kind of life.‖

Warren Buffett is one of the best learning machines on this earth (Lucas Remmerswaal)

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Definitely include Mindfulness and Reflectiveness in every programme!

More serious selection of A&D items, action planning and re-entry planning at the end of the programme/module

More modular training, for

o Repetition

o Progressive deepening of discussions as new implementation difficulties surface

More support pre-, between- and after–module, using o technological support

o Learning teams/home groups

If we took impact seriously, how would our ED interventions change?

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Knowing vs. being able to do!

As an educator, I fear world-class business schools and high-performance businesses overinvest in ―education‖ and dramatically underinvest in ―training.‖

Human capital champions in higher education and industry typically prize knowledge over skills. Crassly put, leaders and managers get knowledge and education while training and skills go to those who do the work.

That business bias is both dangerous and counterproductive. (Navy) SEALS can‘t afford it.

―Under pressure, …you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. That’s why we train so hard.‖

When I see just how difficult and challenging it is for so many smart and talented organizations to innovate and adapt under pressure, I see people who are overeducated and undertrained. That scares me.

How the Navy SEALs Train for Leadership Excellence, Michael Schrage, May 28, 2015


Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

On Practice * ~ Matthew Kelly from The Rhythm of Life

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Any questions, comments or other forms of observations?

Professor Jean-François Manzoni HRDF Conference & Exhibition 2016

Good luck and

best wishes to you!
