What is Philosophy (Book).docx


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TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... I

UNIT-I.............................................................................................................. 1

PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION............................................................................1

1.1 WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?...............................................................................1

1.2 WHAT IS EDUCATION:................................................................................3

1.3 BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY:.........................................................................8

UNIT-II........................................................................................................... 13

BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY............................................................................13

2.1 CUT LINE...............................................................................................13

2.2 OUT LINE...............................................................................................14

2.3 ONTOLOGY / METAPHYSICS.......................................................................15

2.4 EPISTEMOLOGY.......................................................................................17

2.5 AXIOLOGY..............................................................................................23


LOGIC............................................................................................................. 27

3.1 CRITICAL THINKING..................................................................................27

3.2 DEDUCTIVE LOGIC & INDUCTIVE LOGIC........................................................28

3.3 INDUCTIVE LOGIC.....................................................................................29


3.5 FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE & FALLACY – ITS CLASSIFICATION.............................32

3.6 ARGUMENT FROM ANOLOGY.....................................................................36

3.7 SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION..........................................................................37


UNIT-IV.......................................................................................................... 40

MAJOR PHILOSOPHIES....................................................................................40

4.1 IDEALISM...............................................................................................40

4.2 MAJOR PHILOSOPHIES..............................................................................42

4.3 MAJOR PHILOSOPHIES..............................................................................44

4.4 NATURALISM..........................................................................................46

4.5 EDUCATIONAL VIEWS OF EXISTENTIALISM.....................................................49

UNIT-V........................................................................................................... 51

BRANCHES OF PHILOSOPHY............................................................................51

5.1 ETHICS...................................................................................................51

5.2 SCOPE OF ETHICS:....................................................................................52


5.4 THEORIES OF PUNISHMENT........................................................................62

5.5 RIGHTS, DUTIES AND MORAL OBLIGATIONS..................................................64

5.6 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES:..........................................................................66

5.7 VIRTUES.................................................................................................67

UNIT-VI.......................................................................................................... 72

MUSLIM PHILOSOPHY....................................................................................72

6.1 ISLAM AND EDUCATIONAL THEORY..............................................................72

6.2 AIMS OF EDUCATION IN ISLAM...................................................................77






Derived from Greek word “philo-sofia” which means love of wisdom or

love of knowledge. Great Greek philosophers were Socrates Plato



Philosophy is a set of ideas ant beliefs about every aspect of life. It

is in search of truths and realities about Man – God of universe.

1. P. Montague: Philosophy is an attempt to give a reasoned

conception of the universe and man’s place in it.

2. J.H. Leighten: A complete philosophy includes a world view of

reasoned conception of the whole cosmos and a life view of the

values, in meanings and purposes of human life.

3. E.S. Ames: Philosophy is an endeojourto achieve a

comprehensive view of life and its meaning upon the basis of the

results of various sciences.

1. Relation between Philosophy and Education



Philosophy and Education are closed corrected and

interdependent. Education seeks guidance from philosophy and

philosophical ideas are realized through a process of educates many

philosophers were also educationists, like John Dewey, Herbart, Pestalozzi

and Ghazali Lets first describe the two terns, philosophy and education .

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is a set of beliefs about man, God and universe. It is in

search of truths and realities behind this apparent world. It tries to

understand the purpose and future of man’s life. It makes on enquiry about

the nature and existence of God. It also discusses the aeration of this

surprising world and tries to know whether it is going to change or not.

Major fields of philosophy are:

i). Metaphysics (Reality)

ii). Epistemology (Knowledge)

iii). Axiology (Values)

iv). Logic (Reasoning)

v. Ethics (Morality)

Major theories of philosophy are:

Unit. I continued Philosophy and Education

i) Idealism, that Mind is prior to matter

ii) Realism, that matter is prior to mind.


iii) Pragmatism, that social life of man is important


Education is a teaching and learning process which continues

throughout one life. During this process the individual learns various

skills, gains knowledge and builds character. He is also able to earn his

living by fair means. In other words, education aims at moral, social,

physical, intellectual, religious, cultural and authentic development of the


Education can be formal as well as informal. When education is

provided systematically in a particular instruction, according to a

prescribed curriculum, examination is conducted and certificates are

awarded, it is called formal education. When education is imported by

parents or friends, no proper classes are held and no certificates are

awarded, the individual learns skills and habits of his elders, it is called

Informal Education. Both type of education is important and it has its own


Some Elements of Educations are the following.

i). Teacher

ii). Students

Close Relationship between Philosophy & Education

After a brief description of Philosophy and Education we find a

close relationship between the two. They are like two sides of a coin, one


is the speculative side, while the other is a practical one. Philosophy

presents ideas which are realized through a process of education.

Every nation first develops a philosophy and later plans a scheme

of education. When there is a change in the philosophy of a country, the

system of education also changes. Two such examples are of Greece and

Pakistan. In the city of Sparta (in Greece) when priority was given to the

defence of the state, Militry training was made compulsory in the schools

and colleges. In Pakistan, during the rule of Gen. Zia-ul-Haq more

emphasis was placed on Islamization, as a result of it many Madrasa

schools were established and the text books at all levels were revised so

that the first chapter of all books should begin with the name of Allah and

great Muslim scientists, scholars, philosophers and historians should be

mentioned in the beginning of the book. It is clear that a change in the

Philosophy of a nation also being, a charge in the system of education.

There is a close relationship in the fowling:.

1. Both Deal with Morality:

Both philosophy and education are interested in improving the

moral standard of the people, as it is required for a good and peaceful

society. The chief aim of education is character building, that every

individual should develop certain quantities of character such a polite

speech, tolerance, loyalty, respect, truthfulness, sympathy, kindness,

helpfulness etc. Education brings a change in the behavior and attitude of

the students, that they are able to differentiate between right and wrong,

good and evil, and follow the right path. In all walks of life they should

become regular, punctual, dutiful, hardworking and responsible persons.


They should be helpful in the family, they should be dedicated at the job

and they should be patriotic to the country.

Ethics is also a branch of philosophy which deals with the moral

conduct of man. It raises questions whether man is born innocent or he is

selfish by nature. Philosophy tells us that there is a strange blend of good

and evict in the nature of man. At times, man tarries out to be quite evil

and cruel, at times he is willing to sacrifice his life and property for the

sake of others.

2. Both Provide Knowledge:

Both philosophy and education join hands in providing

knowledge. Education provides systematic knowledge at primary,

secondary and higher level in different disciplines, such as Mathematics,

languages, sciences, Arts, Agriculture, Forestry, computers, engineering

etc. It also informs about animal and human behavior. It provides

knowledge about religious of the world and their mode of worship, about

continents, occasions and countries of the world, about solar system and

mans effort to understand it. Education also describes the nature of

vocations and professions man can be engaged in. Philosophy would also

discuss the nature, sources and validity of knowledge. It is interested in

knowing whether the knowledge which we get is true or complete, or there

is still some knowledge which is beyond mans understanding. It also

provides theories in this connection which are known as Empiricism,

Rationalism, Intuitionism and Skepticism. Philosophy provides

knowledge while discussing the reality of the universe, reality of God,

reality of man, reality of existence and the final reality.


3. Both Emphasize on Value:

Philosophy and Education attach great importance to values in the

social life of man. All societies have their own values. There cannot be a

value free society. In Pakistan it is valuable to give regard to the elders, to

greet each other, to love the children, to say your prayers to God, to

welcome the guests etc. the chief Islamic Values are of freedom (to say

and do what is absolutely correct) Justice (to do justice irrespective of

colour, creed or sex). Equality (all men are equal, high or low, rich or

poor). Brotherhood (All Muslims are brothers, will join in grief and joy)

without regard to these values, there cannot be a good society.

Philosophy also gives great regard to values, it considers moral,

social, religious, intellectual and aesthetic values to be selected by the

people for good life. Philosophy also searches about supreme values,

namely Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Hope and faith.

4. Both Discuss Methods of Teaching:

There is a close relationship between philosophy and education, as

both discuss methods of teaching the well known methods used and

propagated by philosophers are called dialogue, discussion and

questioning. These methods of teaching were used by Greek philophers

(Socrates, plato, Avistotle) in the learning process. In this method, ready-

made knowledge will not be provided to the learners the teacher would ask

many questions from the students related to the problem or topic the

discussion will continue until the students reach to a correct conclusion.


Education further elaborated and developed many new methods of

teaching lecture method will be used for providing factual knowledge.

Demonstration method will be used for the teaching of languages.

Experimental methods will be used for the teaching of science subjects.

Field trips will be useful for the teaching of geography. Play – way and

activity methods will be useful for the teaching of mathematics.

5. Both Discuss Aims of Education:

Since philosophers are greatly interested in the education of man,

they believe that man becomes civilized by education and training. It is

essential for the progress of man. For Socrates, search for truth will be the

chief aim of education. For Plato, four coordinal virtues will be developed

through a process of education. These are wisdom – courage – self –

control and justice. Wisdom means to be objective and thoughtful in life

and differentiate between good and evil. Courage means to sacrifice one’s

life and property for the sake of protecting others. Self-control means to –

exercise control over ones emotions of hatred, jealousy, selfishness and

anger. Justice is fair play and just treatment with the right person. Justice is

the result of wisdom, courage and self – control. According to Aristotle

the, aim of education is to develop body, mind and soul of the individual.

Education develops aims for an all round development of the

individual. These will be the following:-

Moral aim - Religious aim

Social aim - Physical aim

Intellectual aim - Recreational aim


Citizenshop aim. - Aesthetic aim

To conclude philosophy and education are closely related and

depend on each other.


The scope of philosophy would include all the investigations of

philosophers related to human life, experiences and future world they want

to find the teeth and reality behind every idea and every object. Philosophy

really means serious thought to universe, human behavior, qualities of

truth, beauty and goodness.

The scope of philosophy is very vast, it includes:


1. Metaphysics /Ontology

It is concerned with the reality or being of everything that exists,

the course, substance and purpose of everything.

2. Epistemology

It deals with the possibilities and limits of human knowledge can

we get some true and complete knowledge of this world?

3. Axiology

It means that there are values in human life in every society, these

are Intrinsic (valuable for itself) and universal and objective

values. As truth, beauty and goodness are


4. Supreme values. Sometime Ethics and Aesthetics

Definition of Philosophy:

Philosophy is a set of ideas and beliefs about the origin of this

universe, the purpose of man’s life and about the existence and nature of


Philosophers are greatly interested in understanding these

surprising world, the future of man’s life and the future of this universe.

The shortest definition of philosophy is that it raises questions about every

aspect of man’s life in order to understand it better. In answer to all their

questions they present theories Greek philosophy Socrates, Plato and

Aristotle became famous all over the world. French philosopher Descartes

and German philosopher Immanuel Kant became well known for their

modern approach on philosophy definition of P. Montague:

Philosophy is an attempt to give a reasoned conception of the whole

cosmos and man’s place in it.

The scope of philosophy is very vast, it touches all the fields of man’s life.

To improve human life, it performs various.

Functions viz:

It is in search of truths and realities

It explores the realm of knowledge.

It presents theorems about this world

It determines a standard of morality.


It criticizes all fields, particularly, state, education and religion.

(c) Axiology or theory of Values is Another

Branch of philosophy, it discusses the nature of intrinsic and

extrinsic value. It also investigates about absolute universal and final

values and regard Truth – Beauty and Goodness as supreme values. Hope

and faith were also considered as highly valuable.

(d) Ethic: is sometimes considered a separate branch of philosophy,

it is also thought to be a part of Axiology.

Ethics deals with the moral conduct of man and points out a

difference between right and wrong actions. It emphasizes on maintain a

moral standard in all institution of man viz: family, school, employment,

law – courts and government organizations. It presents theories of good

life, i.e.

a). Hedonism / greatest help lines of the greatest number) it is a

materialistic approach.

b). self – realization (Individual qualities of character) to be truthful,

to be honest, kind, police, sympathetic, helps.

c). Intuitionism (voice of one’s conscience)

e). Logic is another branch of philosophy which emphasizes rational

attitude and correct thinking to be developed in life. It wants

human beings to do deep thinking and be careful in the use of

language. In our expression we should be clear and systematic. We

should have valid arguments to support our statements. We cannot


convey our ideas if our thinking is confused logic is useful in our

everyday life.

The importers of pragmatism are Charles Peirce, William John


d). Naturalism- considers Nature as the ultimate reality. It regards

this universe as self – existing and not created. That the universe is

governed by a Natural law and order and man has gat a central

place in it. The chief aim of education is to prepare for his/her life

and discover the secrets of the nature the separators are Rousseau,

Bacon, Comenius and Herbert Spencer.

e) Existentialism states that the struggle and existence of man is to be

respected. Man struggle for his existence throughout his life. His

interests, experiences, and his freedom are worthwhile. Reality

consists in the actions of man. He determined his future himself

the chief aim of education is self-awareness and a regard for


3). Therefore two other contemporary philosophy Conservative and


a). Conservative philosophy likes talk about plato and Aristotle and

consider conservative values, that is of strict discipline and


Education will aim at developing thinking power of the students

and it will include the study of seven liberal Arts, viz: Astronomy


Governor, Geometry, Maths, Music Logic Oratory. Conservative

philosophy include perennialism and Essentialism.

b). Progressive philosophies put emphasis on the progress and

freedom of man.





First Branch

Metaphysics or Ontology

(Deals with Reality)

1. Reality of God: Arguments in favour + again

i) Cosmological Argument

ii) Teleological Argument

iii) Ontological Argument

iv) Ethical Argument

2. Reality of universe / world:

i) Scientific + religions explanation

ii) Time and space

3. Reality of Man:

i). Powers of his mind

a) Determinism b) Indeterminism

c) self-determination d) Fatalism

ii). Soul of men


Plato + Aristotle

iii). Moral nature of man

Blend of good + evil

4. Reality of Existence:

i). Conditions for existence

ii). God – Mind – Nature – Time and space

5. Number of Realities:

i) Theism (ii). Atheism

(iii). Pantheism iv) Poly-theism

(v) Deism (Indifferent)


1. Second Branch – Epistemology

i. Description and Meaning:

i). Philosophical Qs. + Four theories

Empiricism - Rationalism

Intuitionism - Skepticism

ii). Plato: about ignorance – belief – knowledge

iii). Bacon about “four Idols of Mind”.


2. Nature of Knowledge:

Objects of physical world

Living of non – living things

Ideas of fields of life.

3. Sources of Knowledge:

i) Censure experience

ii) Reserving

iii) Authority

iv) Intuition

v) Revelation

4. Validity of Knowledge

i) Test of correspondence. It is based on facts and tested by instrument

ii) Test of coherence. It has some relation with the present knowledge

iii) Test of utility. If proves useful for human beings.



It is the study of being or existence, that is to find out the truth or

reality beyond this apparent world. Since philosophers are interested in

searching for the exact relation of everything that exists, they wants to find


the truth about God, man, universe, existent and the number of realities

Aristotle called ontology, the first philosophy. These will be discussed one

by one.

1. Reality of God.

Philosophers want to reach to some truth by discuss really exist or

it is an idea, they give arguments about the existence of God, many

philosophers support and many others reject the existence of God they

would give arguments in favour as well as against the existence of God,

and leave man to think over for himself. They give many arguments, but

four are well known.

i). Cosmological. Argument states that there is a huge and

systematic cosmos or universe. How could it come into

being by itself, there must be a creator and he is God

Everything that exists has a creator.

ii). Teleo-logical Argument states that everything in this

world performs a useful purpose. Plants are useful as food

for animals, man takes animals and plants as then food.

Human beings help each other in difficulty. But it is

difficult to understand the useful purpose performed by a

lizard or a scorpion.

iii). Ontological Argument states that we accept the

existence of everything which human mind can explain.

There are many ideas which do not have a material

existence, truth, Justice, Freedom, Honesty, Sincerity etc.,


but these are accepted to exist, then the Idea. Of God can

also exist because we can explain this characteristics to be

kind, loving, forgiving, helping, knowing etc. It proves

that God exists.

iv). Ethical or Moral argument states that the concept of God

has a moralizing influence on the activities of man. He

says his prayers to God and is prevented from including

into harmful activities. If he leads a good life by believing

in God, let him do so (Most of the philosophers agree with

this ethical argument). It is rejected on the grounds that

people mis-use the name of God and are often indulged

into harmful activities.

2. Reality of Man: (Mind–Soul–Morality)

The philosophers are greatly interested in finding the truth and

reality of mans nature, purpose and existence. First, they ask about the

power of mans mind, can man know and understand everything and can be

remain successful in his plans of life. In this connection they put forward

four theories called determinism etc.



The term epistemology is derived from Greek word. Epstein which

means knowledge. Philosophers raise many questions regarding the nature,

sources and correctness and knowledge, e.g


Is it possible to obtain all knowledge ?

Is shown knowledge beyond mans understanding?

How can we get, knowledge?

How can we get knowledge?

How can we test or verify knowledge to be true?

In answer to these. Questions, philosophers present theories: viz:

Empiricism, Rationalism, skepticism and Intuitionism.

According to Empiricism, knowledge of physical world is possible

According to Rationalism, all knowledge comes from mind.

According to Intuitionism, true knowledge comes suddenly.

According to skepticism, true and complete knowledge is not possible.

Plato talks above 3 stages of knowledge, ignorance, belief and knowledge.

i. Ignorance means not knowing an object.

ii. Belief means accepting the existence of an object.

iii. Knowledge means verifying the existence of an object. According

to English philosopher France

Bacon, we cannot get true knowledge due to over prejudices; he

calls then 4 Idols of the Mind. These are idols of cave, tribe, theatre and

market. Idol of cave, refers towards taking one’s own ideas to be cored.


Idol of theatre, means to be impressed by the ideas of leaders Idol of

market, means accepting old ideas and rejecting new know.

Scope of Knowledge/Epistemology:

The scope of knowledge would include nature of knowledge,

sources of knowledge and validity of knowledge.

I. Nature of Knowledge:

What is knowledge? The word nature means the basic

characteristic of a thing. Nature of knowledge will include everything with

which we are familiar. It can be about material world, solar system, living

being, non-living things, ideas of natural and supernatural world, future

life etc. It can be knowledge about all fields of human life – social, moral,

religious, physical, intellectual, aesthetic, recreational. It is also a study

about sciences, Art, History, Geography, Mathematics, languages etc,

about Atoms, currents, gravitation.

II. Sources of Knowledge:

How do we get all knowledge?

Philosophers suggest five ways of gaining all knowledge.

1. Sense – Experience:

We get a lot of knowledge through our five senses of seeing (trees,

morentains), hearing (all sounds), tasting (sweet, sourer) smelling

(fragrance or foul) and touching (soft, hard).Those philosophers

who support this theory are called Empiricists, famous supporters

are Locke, Berkley and Hume. The difficulty with sense-


experience is that these are sometimes defective and do not

provide us complete knowledge. It is also said that senses are often

deceptive. A straight stick would look bent, when put in water.

2. Reasoning:

All kinds of ideas are created by the mind of man to make life

comfortable and peaceful. It is the reasoning power of the mind to

differentiate between good and Evil, and to develop concepts of

truth, beauty, wisdom, patience, sympathy, cooperation, kindness,

friendship, freedom etc. These are superior kind of ideas, without

these life cannot exist. Moral, social and religious values are also a

result of thinking and reasoning. Concept of future life are given

by mind. Problem of life are also solved by reasoning branches of

philosophy (Epistemology). Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza are

the main supporters of this view and they are called Rationalists.

French philosopher Descartes words became famous when he said,

“I think, therefore I am”

3. Authority:

A lot of knowledge is obtained from authentic books such as

Dictionary, Encyclopedia, books written by Plato and Aristotle

etc. Moreover, established Institutions, as colleges and universities

also provide relevant knowledge in a particular field. All writers,

institutions and great men providing a tested body of knowledge

are regarded as authority in their fields of study.


4. Intuition:

Some knowledge comes to man intuitively, without reasoning. The

word “Intuition” mean the power of the mind to know something

without conscious reasoning or without effort. It is called sudden

awareness or immediate insight about the nature of things, it also

means obtaining some true knowledge suddenly Mystics claim to

have this true knowledge.

5. Revelation:

The word “reveal” means to possess some hidden or secret

knowledge. The religious knowledge or the word of God is

revealed to prophets in a state of vision or dream. It only comes to

prophets and not to ordinary people. It is believed to be taught

directly by God. A lot of knowledge is obtained by revelation..

6. Validity of knowledge:

The word valid means that which is correct. Philosophers are

interested in this world out of nothing. He is the creation and

controller of this universe. There will be a day of judgment and

human beings will be answerable to him for their actions. The

second view is a scientific one, that living beings originate in

favourable environment, they grow and live for a particular span

of life, they die and become a part of the earth again. The place of

time and space is also discussed by philosophers. They talk about

conceptual time, that it is an idea in the mind of man, for some

people time passes quickly, for others it passes very slowly. We

also have perceptual time. That we can know and measure it with


the help of clocks. What is space, its characteristic is extension, it

is extended around us in all directions.

7. Reality of Existence:

Philosophers also ask and desire to know what is existence itself.

What are the conditions for existence? Is mind going to tell us

about conditions for existence? Can time and space be conditions

for existence? Will God tell us about the conditions of existence?

8. The number of Realities.

Philosophers are always interested in finding and reaching to an

absolute and ultimate reality. They define qualities of an absolute

and final reality of all things. The final reality should be self

existent, infinite, transcendent, immutable and beyond time and


If the final reality is one, that is called theism.

If therefore many realities, it is called polytheism

If the reality is one with nature it is called Pontheism

If there exists an indifferent reality is called Deism

If there exists no find reality is called Atheism

Indetermination (man is all powerful in planning and controlling

actions of this life), self-determine (to a great extent man is responsible for

his actions because of his intelligence sometimes he fails because of some

mistake on errors of judgment and suffers),


Fatalism (the beginning and end of mains life is based on his fate, he is


As to the question whether man possesses a soul, there are two

views from plato and Aristotle. According to Plato, a thing which

possesses a soul will always have it cannot come to an and. According to

Aristotle, soul and body are related, when body perishes, the soul will also

come to an end. As to the discussion of moral nature of man, philosophers

believe that there exists a strange blend of good and emit in the nature of

man. Sometimes man becomes extremely cruel to kill the other person

and sometimes he makes a sacrifice of his own life to save another human

being. Some still think that evil tendencies are stronger as compared to

good ones. Hobbes said that man is selfish, nasty and brutish by nature;

Rousseau said that man is born innocent by nature and he learns evils from

the society.

9. Reality of Universe:

Philosophers want to know the truth behind this external material

world. Why is it created? How long it will remain like this? How it came

into being? What is time and space in this world? They discuss two views,

one is a religious one that God created.


Meaning and Importance:

The word “Axiology” is derived from Greek origin, which means

right or worthy. Those virtues which are highly praised, liked, esteemed


and appreciated in the social life of man. Values are those qualifies of

character which are considered desirable by a particular society, these may

change from society to society. A society cannot exist without regard to

some moral, social and religious values. We cannot think of a value free

society, in the absence of values, there will be choose and confusion in the

society, people will kill each other because there will be no social and

religious binding. Philosophers are greatly interested in determining values

for the creation of a peaceful society. In analyzing values, they want to

reach to some absolute, final and objective values, truth, Beauty and

Goodness are the three permanent and supreme values. Latr on, Hope and

Faith were also included among universal values.

Selection of Values:

According to philosophers, in the selection of values, preference

should be given to objective and permanent values, viz: moral, social,

religious, intellectual and aesthetic values as compared to subjective

values, viz: recreational, physical and political values. Some people give

importance to games, singing, music, body – building, leadership, etc. But

preference should be given to moral values as compared to political values.

Classification by Averett:

A well – known philosopher Averett, classifies values into 8 areas:

1. Heath Handsome, fair, strong, well – built

2. Economic Money, dress, food, house, motor-car



3. Moral Honesty, trustful, justice, polite speech


4. Social Cooperation, sympathy, helpfulness


5. Intellectual Knowledge, education

6. Religious Faith, prayer, kindness etc.

7. Aesthetic Appreciation of nature, providing etc.

8. Recreational Games, music, dancing, acting, visit


Basic Values: These basic values must be observed by all

1. Respect for life: It is valuable to respect all human

beings and not to kill anyone.

2. Respect for property: it is valuable to respect the

property (weath, land, family) of othrs and not to steal it.

3. Respect for freedom: it is valuable to show respect to

ones freedom of speech, religion, job, family etc.

4. Respect for dignity of labour: it is valuable to

give respect to a labouer, former, peon, sweeper etc.

Islamic values: (Reference Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim (p-157)

Love – knowledge – Light/Happiness are supreme values. Syed Amir Ali

(page-18) the people of Paradise are three:


First, a just king. (Justice).

Second, an affectionate man to people (kindness).

Third, a virtuous man (pious and God fearing).






Logic is derived from Greek work “logos” oyos which means

“thought or words. A thought is expressed in language. Philosophers are

interested in the study of logic so that ideas are conveyed in clear

language. They emphasize on correct thinking and rational attitude of

human beings. So that people are thoughtful in their everyday talk and

avoid confusion and mis-understanding. Logic is usually defined as the

science of the lows of valid thought. It is exact and systematic like science,

it has its own lows of thinking, it puts emphasis on correct thinking taught

is the result of accurate thinking. Logic is also said to be a science of

reasoned discourse 9conversation). In all intelligible discourse whether

spoken or written there is a continuity of thought. In all our human

activities thinking is involved, it may be good or bad, clear, confused,

comprehensive etc. , but we can do nothing without thinking of some sort.

All science is an expression of thinking and it is the thinking of the highest


Logic is useful in solving life problems, some solution is reached

after deep thinking. Logic is also useful in law – courts in order to defend a

case. It is useful for leaders and politicians to make effective speeches. It is

useful for teachers to teach in a systematic manner. It is useful for students

to learn properly and write clearly in the examination papers.


Since logic is a science of reasoned discourse, it is based on facts

and exact statements. Every reasoning then contains three elements:

i) Ideas or reasons

ii) Another idea depending on the first one.

iii) Consequent or conclusion.


Logic has been divided into two main classes, deductive and


Deductive Logic:

A deductive reasoning is one in which we reason from a general

principle or law to an individual class or cases. It has three statements. The

statements contain three terms, e.g : (for example)

All men are fallible,

All kings are men,

All king are fallible

The three terms are men, fallible and kings. Deductive logic deals

with the setting of the statements to follow each other systematically, so

that we can reach to a correct conclusion. Take another example from


Man is mortal


Socrates is a man

Socrates is mortal

Here, “man is mortal”, is a universal truth, second statement is a

supporting one, and the third statement is the conclusion. Deductive logic

deals with the formal validity or correctness.

Let us take another Example

All lions are fierce

It is a lion

It is fierce


In inductive reasoning we proceed from particular statements to

general conclusions. It is also based on 3 statements, the first two are

called premises and the third one is the conclusion. Example:

Some men are selfish

Ali is a man

Ali is selfish

Take another example:

Some men are not doctors

Jamil is a man

Jamil is not a doctor.


Inductive Logic emphasizes on the truth of the statements , that the

subject matter or content expressed in the arguments should be correct. It

is called “material validity”.

For a statement to be correct must fulfill both the conditions,

deductive (formal validity and inductive) material validity.


According to Aristotle, a proposition is a judgment. In life, we

keep on passing judgments about people, events and objects, as good as

bad, right or wrong etc. these propositions are of 4 types and are denoted

by first four vowels (a, e, i, o) of English alphabet. In the given examples s

stands for subject and P stands for predicate. The four types are given


a. universal Affirmative (All S is P)

e. universal negative (No S is P)

i. Particular Affirmative (Some S is P)

o. Particular Negative (Some S is not P)

These are explained below:

1) a-Universal Affirmative:

When a proposition is stated about a whole class of people, things

or ideas as a general law, it is called universal. It can be stated

affirmatively, e.g :


All birds are feathered

Al men are mortal

All kings are human beings

2) e-Universal Negative:

When a proposition is stated negatively about a whole class of

people or things, it is called universal negative, for example:

No lions are playful

No men cars fly

3) i-Particular Affirmative:

When a proposition is stated about a particular idea, person or

thing, it is called particular affirmative. For example:

Some doctors are kind

Some students are hardworking

4) o-Particular Negative:

When a proposition is stated negatively about a particular, idea,

person or thing, it is called particular negative for example:

Some students are not intelligent

Some men are not thieves


Truth or Validity of the Statements:

When these propositions are put in a logical order, a valid

conclusion can be drawn.

Example: All men are mortal

Ali is a man

Ali is mortal

Moreover, when we say “No men are perfect” it is a valid

statement. In the same manner, “Some men are not perfect” will also be

valid and based on truth.


Relation of Logic & Language:

Practically, logic is “thought” expressed in “words”. Both thought

and language are interdependent, and closely related to each other. One

cannot be understood without the other.

1. Many Languages: Development of languages by people of the

world is a result of mans power of thinking. All languages have a

basic structure, a vocabulary, sound system and written symbols.

2. Child learns a Language: by associating sounds with objects. He

differentiates between family members and outsiders by virtue of

his mind. At a later stage he begins to identify and classify one

object from the other, he can find characteristics of different


objects. Language provides a scheme of fundamental and general

ways of thinking about the world, to identify and generalize ideas.

3. Provides information: Language is a medium through which

information about all fields of life is provided, human life, animal

kingdom, solar system, plant life, change of seasons etc.

Philosophers, scientists; Educationists, share their ideas and

theories in language. New inventions and discoveries are

circulated all over the world through the use of language.

4. Expression of Emotions: It is not possible to express emotions of

lone, hate, desire, wishes and anger without the medium of


5. Clear & valid Arguments: are learnt in the use of language

Fallacies in Language and Thought

Fallacy is defined as an error in an argument. Sometimes

apparently, the argument looks convincing but actually it is incorrect,

misleading and illogical. A faulty argument can be made intentionally or

un-knowingly, in both cases it will be incorrect and it is called fallacy.

A knowledge of fallacies is important because we will be careful

in making arguments to be valid and avoid making incorrect statements.

Take an example which looks acceptable:

“Every one ought to contribute to the support of the unfortunate,

therefore, there is no harm in a law which compels him to do so”. The


fallacy lies in confusing moral and legal obligation, otherwise it is quite


Aristotle’s Classification of Fallacies:

Aristotle classified fallacies into two groups,

A) those which occur due to incorrect use of language.

B) those which occur due to confused thought.

a. Language Fallacies

1. Fallacy of equivocation (double meaning of a word) it is an

ambiguity in the terms used in the statements otherwise it is appealing.

2. Fallacy of Amphiboly:

It is an ambiguity due to the structure of the sentence. “I will war

no clothes to look different”.

3. Fallacy of composition: (mixed sentences)

Here words are taken together, which should be separate.

Examples are riddles and sarcastic sentences.

4. Fallacy of Division:

It is making no destination between and individual and the whole

class/society to which he belongs.

5. Fallacy of Accent:

By putting emphasis ona certain word, the meaning of the

sentence changes.


6. Fallacy of Figures of speech.

It is using the same grammatical form. E.g. he is an addict because

he sells objects of addiction.

b. Fallacy of Thought

1. Fallacy of Seconded Quid:

It is created when you ignore a particular condition. e.g. walk is

good for health, walk in bad weather is also good.

2. Fallacy of Accident:

Something can be good accidently but it is not always so “wine is

useful as a medicine”, not in daily life.

3. Fallacy of I generation Elenchus:

It takes place by proving the wrong point when a judge is

impressed by the character not by evidence of a judge is impressed by the

character not by evidence of a prisoner.

4. Fallacy of petition principle:

It is also called begging the questions, it is an effort to prove our

proposition. (An idiot will disagree)

5. Fallacy of False cause:

It is a fallacy regarding a cause that which is really not a cause

“this place is centre of the earth”.


6. Fallacy of consequent:

It is taking a false idea, e.g. when it is cloudy, the train is always


7. Fallacy of Many Questions:

It is a fallacy of asking a question in a wrong manner, e.g.

“Have you given up telling lies?” yes or no.

Answer cannot be given in yes or no

Conclusion: Fallacies inform us not to use false arguments and

be always truthful and do not decline others.


Introduction (Meaning)

Argument from Anology is a past of imperfect induction. Anology

originally meant the sameness of relation between two things. It is an

argument from some degree of resemblance to a further resemblance.

According to Mill, we should see the extent of resemblance, if the extent

of resemblance is great, all characteristics are the same, except one, there

is a probability of correctness. Let us take an example of resemblance

between earth and moon. There may be many similar points but if it differs

in one point, i.e. animal and vegetable life cannot exist on moon, due to

lack of moisture. This analogy would be misleading.


Inductive logic is essentially analytic in method. Anology,

therefore, is quite close to scientific method, but it has to prove the

existence of a connection.

Example of Anology

Probably you believe in the existence of minds other than your

own. Is this belief stationed? You cannot doubt the existence of your own

mind. If you doubted it, the doubt itself would be a proof that your mind

exists. Doubt itself is a state of consciousness whatever else you may

doubt, you cannot doubt that you consciousness exists. But the same thing

cannot be said with reference to other minds. You cannot know minds of

other people, as exactly as you know your mind. To conclude analogy will

not be exact as science but it can be a beginning of scientific inquiry.


Inquiry – hypothesis – confirmation

Inquiry: Science is a systematic investigation into the real nature of

things. Scientific inquiry consists in discovering, assimilating and

deducing the laws of phenomena. There is a difference between

popular/common explanation and scientific inquiry. Popular explanation is

usually superficial and explains particular facts, whereas, scientific inquiry

is concerned with general laws. Scientific inquiry would use the methods

of observation and experimentation. Its arguments are based on facts

which can be tested and verified with instruments. It provides a

satisfactory explanation upto the man’s understanding. Scientific inquiry is


trust worthy and dependable, it can be used for research purposes in

different fields of man’s life.

Steps of Scientific Inquiry are the following:

1. Formulation of Hypothesis:

Scientific inquiry would discover the laws of the phenomena, if

the laws are not known, it would start, with supposition or hypothesis,

which is a rough or tentative answer of the problem. On the basis of it,

further enquiries are made Infect; the purpose of hypothesis is to explain

the phenomena.

2. Assimilation:

It means to find points of similarity with other things or with other

laws. The process of analysis (breaking into parts) and synthesis begins

(making a whole out of parts). For example the law of gravitation was

developed by observing all other objects which fall towards the ground. As

the scientist Newton first saw an apple falling towards the ground.

3. Classification:

It is the method of arranging objects to the most important and

numerous points of similarity. An example of it is that man and Earth have

got many similarities, both get heat & light from the sun, it is assumed that

there can be some kind of life. It is still in the process of investigation.

4. Generalization:

After an examination of particular cases, science arrives at a

universal proposition. It is the discovery of a proof of causal connection.


5. Deduction / Confirmation:

After testing, rules are deduced, the hypothesis is confirmed, and a

conclusion is drawn.

Logic believes in scientific enquiry and philosophers use scientific

method for arriving at a conclusion.





1. Basic Philosophy:

According to Idealism, reality consists of mind, ideas, thoughts or

selves. It states that Mind is prior to Matter object of the physical world

exist by virtue of mind. Objects of the physical world course sensations

and mind gives meaning to them, supporters one Plato, Descartes Spinoza

and Legal

2. Objectives of Education.

I dentists advocate Intellectual development as an ultimate aim of

education. Rational behavior is considered important and moral character

is emphasized. Intellectual, moral and aesthetic values will be developed.

3. The Role of the Teacher and Pupil

The teacher should be a maker of democracy He/she should

possess professional excellence and command respect. He should

understand his students and develop their interest in learning. Be a friend

of all students.

The pupil is a complete self he has to mind and ideas. He should

develop a high moral character. He should have qualities of character viz:

sincerity, Integrity and Justice. His environment, education and his own


will contribute in the formation of his personality. Human self is superior

and he is capable of changing his surroundings.

4. The Curriculum:

According to Idealists the curriculum should provide on

understanding of the world. The curriculum will have a areas:

i. The Universe Division:

The inanimate forces of nature origin of life.

The solar system.

ii. The civilization division:

Study of social sciences

All human institutions related to food, clothing and shelter.

iii. The culture division. Man becomes cultured by the study of

philosophy, art, literature, religion and environment.

iv. The personality division: it will include subjects which are related

to the physical, emotional and intellectual development of human


5. Methods of Teaching:

Teaching methods must develop the thinking power of the

students Idealists recommend the following methods:

i. Questioning & Discussion:


Teacher will lead the discussion by asking questions and students

will be encouraged to participate.

ii. Lecture Method:

It is useful for providing objective knowledge.

iii. Project methods will be used where students make visits and

collect information.



1. Basic Philosophy:

According to Realists objects of our senses are real in their own

right. Matter is prior to mind. Mater existed long before the mind become

aware of if, and it will continue to exist even when the mind ceases to exist

supporters of realism are Aristotle, Broody, Herbart and Locke.

2. Objectives of Education:

According to Realists, character Building and good life will be the

ultimate aims of education training will be provided in leading a balance

life, that is accepting pain and pleasure as part and parcel of life.

Moderation will be adopted in all walks of life.


3. The Role of the Teacher & Pupil:

The teacher will have a balanced personality. The teacher will

show regard to moral, social and religious values. The students will be

helped in leading a balanced life.

The pupils personality will be formed by three principles:

a. Self-determination: The pupil will determine his place and

role and perform his duties towards his family, school and job.

b. Self-realization refers towards developing qualities of character in

one’s self.

c. Self-integration means to devote one’s self for the well – being of

others in the society some integrate themselves through religion

and others through social work.

4. The Curriculum:

The curriculum will include the following:

i. Courses in natural sciences will be based on physics, chemistry

and biology.

ii. Courses in social sciences will be based on psychology.

Philosophy, biography, iterative and Religion.

iii. Vocational courses will include learning of skills.

5. Methods of Teaching:

The following methods are emphasized by the Realists:


i. Problem solving and Experimental

ii. Discussion and Activity

iii. Using visual aids and motivating them.

iv. Problem solving means that the students must think over and find

the answers of the question themselves. They should also perform


v. Discussion and practical should lead towards the new lesson.

vi. Hoe of visual ails motivate the students and make the lesson



Pragmatism / Experimtizim / Instrumentizm

1. Basic Philosophy:

According to pragmatism, human life and human experiences are

the ultimate reality with pragmatism philosophy shifted from metaphysical

questions to the problems of social life. According to it all ideas will be

accepted as true, if they contribute in improving human life. It is also

called Experimentalism because it uses the methods of scientific enquiry

and experimentation. It is sometimes called Instrumentalism because ideas

are used as instruments in improving human life. The supporters are

Charles Peirce, William James and John Dewey.


2. Objectives of Education:

According to pragmatists the following aims are emphasized.

Education should develop talent and potentialities of the individual

education should provide training for better social life education should be

useful for students in carrying a living.

3. The Role of the Teacher & Pupil:

The teacher should be a guide and leader to the students. The

teacher should be qualified and must have knowledge of child psychology,

guidance, Adolescent Development and teaching methods. The pupil will

share in learning experiences. They will be active participants. They will

learn by performing experiments. They will enjoy freedom of movement

in the class.

4. The Curriculum:

All subjects of study will be activity based. Language is learnt by

dialogue, story – telling and letter writing. Maths is leant by selling,

buying and keeping records. Geography is learnt by visits to rocks and

rivers. Science is leant by performing experiments. There will be activity

rooms with relevant equipment for carpentry, serving and textile useful

activities suggested by Dewey are spinning, weaving, cooking, modeling ,

Gardening, carpentry, dramatics, conversation, discussion and shop work.

The curriculum will develop four human impulses.

Constructive – Investigative – Artistic – Social


These are satisfied through curriculum.

5. Methods of Teaching:

i. Scientific and experimental method will be used.

ii. Activity and practical work will be done in the class.

i. In the learning of all lessons importance will be given to scientific

approach where the students will use observation and

experimentation and will find correct answer.

ii. All the students will be actively involved in practical work as it is

the best method of learning by doing.


Basic Philosophy:

Naturalism considers Nature as the ultimate reality. It is of the

view that the universe operates according to its own laws and principles

vide independent of divine forces. It relates to Nature as opened to

worldliness. It does not believe in a supernatural power. Moreover, it

regards universe as self existing and not created. There is a system

according to which living beings originate, develop and die, the earth

revolves and seasons change, all this happen due to a natural order. It

holds that the scientific explanation of the world is the only satisfactory

interpretation. Man has got a central place in the world of nature. When

man comes in interaction with nature, he explores it and explains it as he


experiences it. The supporters of the carry of naturalism are Bzen,

Comenius, Herbert Spencer and Rousseau.

Educational Views:

Aims and objectives of Education:

Man is born with certain natural tendencies, his potentialities

should be developed through a system of education. He will discover the

secrets of nature and will gain vast knowledge Nature will prepare him for

life. His power of observation and thinking abilities will be developed

through education.

The Role of Teachers and Students:

Man is a part of nature, he is the highest product of the universe.

Teachers will have the qualities of scholars. They will be men of character.

They will be scientific minded. Teacher will promote values and prepare

students for social life. Teacher will inculcate a sense of unity and progress

in students the students will develop thinking power, they will have a love

for knowledge. They will learn to share to cooperate with others. They will

struggle for good life and hold values high. They will study nature and

learn by experiences and experiments.


Subjects of study emphasized by naturalists are biology,

psychology, medicine and social sciences. It will provide knowledge of

nature and man.


Teaching Methods:

Students will learn everything by scientific methods of observation

and experimentation.


Naturalists stand for human freedom, students will have freedom

in learning. They will make visits and ask questions of man. Moreover,

there exists a university as man, if he wants freedom, it will depend on the

freedom of others.

Fight: Man is always in the making, he is not an end in himself. Man

cannot achieve perfection.

There are two views of existentialism, one is theistic and the other

is atheistic. The first view is that human beings have a desire for an

ultimate being a God, although it will not prove the existence of God.

People would freely choose to live their lives by a faith in God. The

atheistic school of thought believed that man should not live in world of

imagination for the performance of their moral duties. The universe is

indifferent to the plans and wishes of human beings. Man will give

meaning to life according to this individual thinking.

Existentialists focus attention on the concept of future life that the

presence of man in this world is purely temporary. Being aware of the

concept of death, the individual will make his choices regarding freedom

and slavery, love and hate, peace and war.



Aims of Education:

The following aims will be achieved will be responsible for the

education of the public.

1. Education will determine a meaning to life and will develop a to


2. Education will create among people a of self-awareness, to plan

life and make contributions to life.

The Role of the Teachers and Pupils:

1. A conducive learning environment will be created where the

students will develop a concept of self-actualization.

2. Thinking power of the students will be developed about life and to


3. There will be a free discussion about values to be considered

higher in life.

4. The meaning of life, love and death will be discovered.

5. A concept of future life will be developed.

The Curriculum:

Existentialists judge whether or not it contributes and satisfies an

individuals quest for understanding the meaning of life.


A large variety of subjects will be introduced in order to meet

individual needs desires. In addition to other subjects of study importance

will be given to literature and biography as individuals sense of value will

be expressed through these subjects.

Methods of Teaching:

Methods of instruction will be based on self learning the

individual approach towards learning will be respected. Students will be

allowed to talk and discuss the subject matter freely.

Teaching techniques will be based on.

a. Question – Answers (b) Dialogue

c. Pair – work (d) Group discussion

e. Drama (f) Films





Meaning of Ethics:

Ethics is also called moral philosophy as it is concerned with the

moral conduct of man. It tries to differentiate between right and wrong,

good and evil Philosopher are greatly interested in determining a standard

of morality, what is the ideal at which man should aim in his life. Ethics

deals with the ultimate or supreme end to which our whole lives are

directed. Knowledge, love, goodness are considered as ultimate ends.

Ethics provides some general principles according to which man should

head his life. It is a systematic study of what man ought to do? That a

moral standard has to be maintained n all institutions of man:

a. Regard and considerations in the family,

b. Respect and obedience in the school,

c. Honesty and hard work in employment,

d. Trust and patience in marriages,

e. Justice and truthfulness in law – courts,

f. Fair play and loyalty in government organizations.


Scientifically, ethics is discussed apart from religious beliefs, but

morality spring from the foundations of religions belief, all religions

preach morality.

Ethical questions are the following:

i. What are our obligations?

ii. Should we seek enjoyment while others are staring?

iii. Can we control our emotions of anger and jealousy?


It will include three areas of ethics and some ethical issues. The

three areas are:

Meta-ethics, which will investigate ethical principles in our social life, e.g:

What is truth?

What is the will of God?

What is the role of reasoning in ethics?

Normative Ethics, it will determine a moral standard to be observed by all

e.g. ,

What are good habits?

What are our duties?


What should be our behavior towards others?

Applied ethics, it examines issues like, should we have war?

Are there animal rights?

Is capital punishment (death) justified?

Discussion of Ethical Issues:

Ethics explains and discussed common moral issues of man’s life, these


1. Description of Virtues:

Virtues refer towards goodness of character behavior i.e. to be

kind, polite, truthful, honest, helpful, sympathetic, forgiving etc. Plato,

talked about four cardinal virtues, namely wisdom – courage – self –

control and justice. Aristotle, talks about Intellectual and Moral virtues, the

first refers towards the attainment of true knowledge and second refers

towards control of emotions and desires.

Importance of Ethics:

Ethics is based on a moral code a good actions of an individual, to

be kind, polite, truthful, honest, sincere and responsible in family, school

and society. We live in a social environment where we have to observe

certain moral standards. We have to show respect to the other persons

ideas, feelings and possessions, in this manner we can slive in harmony

with others.


It is through a process of education that students can be given

training in becoming truthful, responsible and helpful. They also learn to

share and cooperate with class – fellows , show respect and regard to

teachers and obey school rules and regulations. There should be a

discussion of good actions, virtues, rights and duties, moral and non-moral

actions in the class and in the assembly in order to develop awareness of

ethical code in life. A brief description of such moral issues is given


1. Description of Virtues:

Virtues refer towards, goodness of character or behavior of an

individual to be polite, honest, kind, helpful, sympathetic, forgiving and

truthful. Plato mentioned about four coordinal virtues, these are

i. Wisdom (to differentiate between right & wrong),

ii. Courage (to sacrifice one’s life and property for others),

iii. Self-control (to exercise control over emotions of jealous anger),

iv. Justice (it is fair play, a result of wisdom, courage and self-


Aristotle talks about Intellectual and Moral virtues. Intellectual refers

towards gaining knowledge. Moral refers towards control of emotions and


2. Description of Rights and Duties:

We after talk about our rights for safety, security, education,

health, recreation etc, but we often forget to perform duties. Awareness of


duties is equally important as it is said a right implies a duty. Duties to pay

taxes, to save energy resources, to observe traffic laws, to pay bills on

time, to take care of children and the old etc.

3. Description of moral and non – moral actions:

Moral actions are many which we have to perform in everyday

life, polite speech, regularity, punctuality, obedience, respect, truthfulness

etc. Non-moral actions are those which have no relation with morality, e-

go abusing, lying, stealing, killing, smuggling, abduction etc.

4. Instinctive and customary Morality:

Instinctively man knows what is right and what is wrong, there

exists a moral law is the mind of man. Man can differentiate between good

and evil actions. Instead of quarrelling and beating, it is better to have a

discussion on dialogue to settle down an important matter. Customary

morality is based on customs and traditions of different societies. Once in

Hinduism it was considered valuable for a woman to be burnt alive at her

husband’s death. It was due to the customs of that time.

5. Theories of Good life.

Many theories of good life have been put forward by philosophers

among them three are well known. These are the following:

1. Hedonism: (Pleasure seeking)

This theory believes in the “greatest happiness of the greatest

number”. That such actions should be performed which bring happiness to

a large number of people. When fundamental needs of all the members of

the society are satisfied, the result will be good life. It appears as if


emphasis has been put on the achievement of material gains. Bentham and

Mill were great supporters of this theory.

2. Self-realization:

This theory refers towards perfection of the self, it is a realization

of one’s strengths and weaknesses. The role and function everyone has to

perform in this society for the improvements of human life. It is based on

self improvements to be cooperative, kind, helpful and just in relations

with others. It is said that there can be no self – realization, without self-

sacrifice supporters are Plato, Aristotle and Green. When every individual

examines himself life the result will be good life.

3. Intuitionism:

This theory states that the human mind intuitively knows what is

right and what is wrong. The moral law is within us, our conscience leads

us to the right path. German Philosopher Immanuel Kant is the greatest

supporter of this theory. He said “a good will or a good motive is valuable.

When every individual listens to the voice of his conscience, the result will

be good life.


State & Individual

The moral life of an individual begins in interaction with other

human beings. First he is a member of a family, then of a society and

finally of a state a country. In all these institutions of his life, he has to

observe certain moral standards for peaceful living. Our moral ideas are


constantly criticized and modified by the opinions of others in the society.

A good society and a good state works for the good of the people. The

state has to work for the common good, not the good of an individual. The

wealth of the state is used for the satisfaction of all citizens. The moral

duty of the citizens is to obey the low of the state and remain loyal to the

country by being willing to sacrifice his life and property for the sake of

the state. The state provides the following services:

Transport for safe movement and travel.

Street heightening

Protection and safety and life & possessions

Provision of gas and electricity facilities

Education by establishing schools & colleges.

Health by establishing hospitals & dispensaries.

Recreation by arranging cinemas & parks.

Promotion of culture, e.g. aret gallaries etc.

Development of Moral life

The development of moral life and the relation of individual and

state dates back to 500 B.c.

The total period is divided into 3 areas:

I. The Greek Ethics

II. The Medieval Ethics


III. The Modern Period of Ethics

I. Greek Ethics:

Greek Ethics started some 500 B.C., there were small states in

Greece. At that time the protection of the state was a great problem,

producing “good citizens” call things good merely because they suit

ourselves or the majority of markind. Sourates, the founder of western

philosophy regarded “knowledge as virture that without knowledge we

cannot differentiate between good and evil. Moreover, virtue is also related

to human nature, it is the exercise and control over human deserves.

Socrates further elaborated it by saying “know they self”, it means that we

must think over what is right and what is wrong, we must analyses

ourselves, not to be involved in harmful activities. For Plato, the most

fundamental of the realities is the “idea of the good”, the four coordinal

virtues – wisdom – courage – self – control and justice. He described these

in his famous book “the Republic”. Aristotle too, fully realized the

importance of ethical knowledge and made an analysis of Intellectual and

Moral values in his book “Ethics”. Aristotle defined virtue as

“moderation” as the golden principle of life. The intellect or prudence

would determine the right action to be performed. It in the use of reason as

well as the control of desires.

II. Medieval Ethics:

This period is known for the spread and influence of religion in

determining the moral life of the individuals. The standard of right and

wrong was given in the revelation of God’s law as interpreted by the


religious leaders. It was emphasized that faith in God would lead to

heaven. The ethical code consisted of prayer to God, rights of neighbors,

obedience to parents and avoidance of evil doing such as lying, stealing,

killing etc No one could question the word of God. St. Thomas Aquinas

was the religions philosopher of the time. No one could question the word

of God. It was in the 16th century that the religious leaders lost their

authority saint Augustine found that the presence of evil in the universe

was no problem because God is all good and perfect, man cannot

understand the good hidden in an evil act.

St. Thomas Aquinas said that evil is lack of good. The best way to

attain goodness is to abandon worldly goods and seek the love of God.

Consequently, the good life is one which strives to return to the divine

unity and become one with God. The problem of evil and the sin is related

with the world, not with God. The concept of good and evil could not be

solved because God is the source of all good, but the Devil also exists and

people are put to tests.

III. Modern Period of Ethics:

In the 16th and 17th centuries Reflective thinking took the place of

religion, individual freedom and man’s power of reasoning were

emphasized. Those standards of right and wrong were accepted which

made an appeal to human reason, these can be classified as follows.

a) Some thinkers maintained that the difference between right and

wrong was merely subjective. It could be proved on the basis of



b) In the 18th century some philosophers regarded the concept of right

and wrong on the basis of “Intuition”, that we can know it by

direct insight.

c) Some thinkers presented the view that moral law existed in the

nature of man, and he has an ability to differentiate between good

and evil. Another group of philosophers emphasized that the moral

law is based on reasoning, and it is called a law of reason. German

philosopher Kant gives three principles of ethical standards:

i. Principle of universality (a good action is universally accepted


ii. Principle of Humanity (Human beings should not be used for

the achievement of life goods).

d) A group of English philosophers known as utilitarians put

emphasis on the principle of pleasure leaking. According to them

“the greatest happiness of the greatest number” should be the basis

of moral standards.

Ethical Code of Individuals in Society:

When we discuss the moral ideal in a society and the relations of

an individual with other human beings, the concepts of Egoism,

universalism and Altruism are discussed.

1. Egoism is the view that by nature every individual thinks in terms

of achieving his own good. In the words of Hobbes, “Man

naturally seeks his own good”. According to Egoistic Ethics, the


man tries to achieve perfection and that is the purpose of his life.

While aiming at common good, he will attain the best for himself.

The hedonists said that man may be greedy and ambitions by

nature, but at the same time he also possesses instincts of

sympathy and pity.

Aristotle rightly said that “man is a social animal”, if he, while

seeking his own good does not help others, then he is not a human


Spencer rightly ported out that pure egoism is injurious to man, if

he does not show consideration to others in the society, how can

he expect consideration from them. Egoism puts emphasis on

man’s self and individuality as an end in itself.

2. Universalism holds that it is the moral duty of an individual to

seek the good of the community as a whole. He may think about

his own welfare, at the same time he should given importance to

the community in which he lives. In other according to

universalism preference show given to the good of the society over

individual good. The objective of his life should be the good of the

country and the good of the people of the world. While aiming at

his own good, he should take the whole community along that he

should be willing to share material objects for the welfare of the

whole community. The question arises whether everybody would

be willing to share their food, weather property? In universalism,

individual freedom is denied. Altruisms is based on achieving a

moral standard of self-sacrifice for the sake of other human


beings. That one should always think beyond one’s self. It should

be taken as the chief objective of life to be involved in performing

goodness for other people in the society. That one should consider

it his duty to contribute in life by helping others. This concept is

based on social service of other human beings in the world. It

means that one should be willing to make all sacrifices for the

people without any fear. As many doctors die while curing a

patient with in infections disease.

Altruism states that there is something intrinsically good in self sacrifice.


While dealing with the ethical behavior of the individual, the

problem of punishment and justification for it, is a concern of ethics. The

nature, kind and extent of punishment is discussed by ethics. The

psychological theories of punishment are given below:

1) The deterrent (2) the Reformative (3) Retributive

1. The Deterrent Theory:

According to this theory the purpose of punishing a person who

has done some wrong is to deter (stop) others from doing the same wrong.

Its common example is the cutting one hand of a person who is proved to

be stealing in Saudi Arabia. Ethics would ask whether it is justified to cut

the hard of a human being, when it is a body organ, for the reason that

others would learn a lesson from his punishment sometimes a child is

beaten harshly in schools in order to stop other students from misbehavior


in the class. This punishment may be more severe than the child actually

deserves. It is clearly a moral issue to inflict on an offender greater

suffering than that he deserves and no argument can justify this being

done. There is no doubt that most people punished by the law feel that

punishment beyond a certain limit a particular crime is unjust. This theory

may be accepted in case of a serious crime for capital punishment..

2. The Reformative Theory:

According to this theory, the aim of punishment is to reform the

character of the offender himself. This view is popular, but it is also mis-

under stood. It is based on the concept that the offender needs some

education and counseling, not to be involved in evil actions and live a

better life in future. The individual has to undergo some kind of pain by

solitary confinement or social dis-approval. The reformative value of such

suffering lies in its capacity for making the offender see the evil of his

wrong doing this theory may not be suitable for all kind of offences, it is

difficult to decide whether the offender is going to benefit from this kind

of education.

3. The Retributive Theory:

This theory of punishment in its simplest form holds that the aim

of punishment is to make the offender suffer the same amount of pain

which he has caused to the victim. It is a natural tendency or instinct which

exists in the nature of man to take revenge of the wrong doing. In primitive

society the leader of the tribe used to take such decisions, but in the

modern society vengeance is rejected all together. Now people are not


allowed to take the law in their hands. The state or government has

developed certain rules and regulations for all kind of crime and people are

punished after a thorough trial in the court, judgment about the nature of

punishment is given according to the law.


The Nature of Rights

The concept of rights and duties is a concern of ethics. Right can

be defined as a claim of a person to obtain or possess something or to act

in a certain way. Rights are of two kinds, minal and legal, morally we

should be loved and respected by others; legally, no one should deprive us

of our life and property. If rights is a claim to have something, the ethical

question is “what are the moral grounds on which the claim to do or have

something is justified? The answer to this question provided by

philosophers is that its justification is the “common good”. The idea of a

right exists in a society, a certain right is allowed for the good of the

general public that every individual should be granted the same right.

“Might is right” is a law of the jungle and not that of civilized people.

Therefore, the enjoyment of rights are based on mutual understanding and

for the peace of the public.

There are certain fundamental rights of human being which are

internationally accepted, these are also called “Five Freedoms” Mackenzie

lists them as follows:

a. Right to life


b. Right to hold property

c. Right to freedom

d. Right to education

e. Right to contract

These rights are justified on the grounds that by enjoying these

rights, the individual has on opportunity to attain perfection by realizing

his abilities when we talk about universal good, then the right to education

leads to general good, as it will give mental maturity to the public to have

regard for each other. Close contact of rights and duties.

All our rights have a close relationship with our duties because the

right of one person is the duty of the other person. It is correctly said that

“a right implies a duty”, it is quite true with reference to society. If we

want to enjoy a right we should be willing to perform our duties. We often

think about our rights but we ignore many of our duties we think it our

right to have facilities of health education and transport, but we hesitate to

pay our taxes to the state. The relationship between rights and duties is a

contract by which the individuals agree to perform certain duties because

by doing so they acquire certain rights. The child has a right to education,

so it is the duty of the parents or the state to provide him with education

observance of rights and duties is essential because it leads to common

good and peace of the society.



Since the beginning of the society; the moralists make statements

of universal duties, Mackenze mentioned these duties under the following


1. Respect for life

2. Respect for property

3. Respect for freedom

4. Respect for character

5. Respect for social order

6. Respect for truth

7. Respect for progress

By nature, man feels that he has to performance certain duties, parents

consider it their duty to look after their children, students respect their

teachers, people show regard to the elders and old people, people also feel

like helping the poor and the needy. All these are our moral duties. It is the

moral duty of the doctor to treat the patient kindly,, it is the duty of the

teacher to each devotedly, it is the duty of worker to reach the office on


A duty becomes an obligation when force is used in the

performance of duties. For example we are forced to respect the life and

property of other persons, otherwise we will be punished by law.

Moreover, a duty becomes a virtue when an element of sacrifice is


involved in it. A man who does something outstanding by self sacrifice is

called a virtue. The individual who is always involved in public welfare is

a virtues person.

With reference to duty, German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant

makes an interesting observation. He said that the performance of duties

may not by very pleasant, still one has to do it, e.g. parents to tolerate a

grown up rule son, office worker to reach office on time, troublesome old

people. All these duties are unpleasant, but cannot be avoided.


The Meaning of Virtue:

The word virtue (opery) is derived from Greek language, which

means “excellence of any kind”. In ethics virtue is a quality of character or

an attitude to do what is right in a particular direction or a habit of correct

action. Honesty in dealings, to be faithful in married relations, to be

always true to your words, are all examples of virtue. There is no great

difference between duty and virtue, when a duty is performed with an

extra sense of responsibility, it is called virtue.

The concept of virtue may change in different situations. The

virtue of “courage” in a soldier may have a different meaning as courage

of a ruler, a soldier may courageously sacrifice his life, while a ruler/king

may suppress a rebellion courageously. Virtue is always relative to

circumstances. Lets take “justice” as a virtue ruler will be just if he seeks

the good of his subjects and not his own good, in this case he possesses the

virtue of justice.


According to Socrates, knowledge is virtue, knowledge will enable

and individual to differentiate between good and civil, he will follow the

right path. This will be possible through a process of education. In addition

to other subjects, importance will be given to literature (music) and

gymnastics a the study of these subjects will create a harmony between

strength and softness of character. The individual will turn out to be a

strong and powerful person, but he will not be cruel. He will be

compassionate and sympathetic in his treatment of others.

Socrates further explains three parts of human nature, there is a

rational part which is called brain/mind, its virtue is wisdom, it is the

thoughtful attitude of the individual to know what is right and what is

wrong in life. The second one is the spirited part, it keeps a control over

emotions and appetite, it is called the “guts” its characteristic is courage,

which is the virtue of the fighting part of human nature. The third and the

largest part of human nature is the appetitive part, it consists of appetites

and desires, called instincts, its virtue is temperate, i.e. to keep a balance

and not to go to an extreme. Justice is the result of all parts of an

individual working in harmony. Socrates stated that justice is the normal

healthy condition of the soul and vice or injustice is a diseased condition.

Plato’s Cardinal Virtues:

Plato’s great contributions to ethical thought are his recognition

that goodness consists in the natural and proper functioning of our human

nature, and his view of society as the normal background of the moral life.

In his book “Republic”, Plato described the four cardinal virtues, wisdom,

courage, self-control and justice, the word cardinal has a Latin origin “


cardo” which means a hinge or support, as we have hinges of doors, in the

same manner the four cardinal virtues give a support to the moral life of

man in a society. A brief description of the four virtues is given below:-

1. Wisdom: it has supreme place in the life of man, it is based on

“natural intelligence” and on acquired knowledge”. Natural

intelligence includes at least an analytical ability and a synthetic

ability to understand the problems of universe and of life.

Acquired knowledge is gained by the study of a large variety of

subjects such as Mathematics, Astronomy, Logic, philosophy,

polities and literature. In other words, wisdom comes by

knowledge and experiences of life. A wise person will have an

outstanding ability and knowledge, this will enable him to

differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong. In all walks

of life he will be reasonable, thoughtful, objective and open

minded. He will have a high sense of responsibility and live a

good life.

2. Courage: Wisdom has the first place in directing the man,

courage has the second place to assist the wisdom. Courage is to

accept pain and misery for a right course. Example is of Socrates,

who drank poison for supporting truth, and died to establish truth,

he said, “what if I die, the truth will remain the truth.

Courage is of two types, active courage passive courage. Active

courage is to experience pain in following the right path. Passive

courage is to bear un-avoidable ________ without complain.


3. Self- control or Temperance: Temperance is the third virtue

presented by Plato. It refers towards exercising control over

emotions of anger, jealousy and selfishness. We can have deserves

but we have to limit them, because there is no end to desires.

Temperance demands a reasonable moderation of all faculties of

man, it seeks guidance from wisdom to what extent these desires

needs satisfaction. Each human desire is to be satisfied to its

proper degree and the whole moral life will have harmony.

Temperance means that on access of everything is bad, we should

not go to an extreme in meeting our desires.

4. Justice: Wisdom, courage and self – control are the virtues of an

individual, justice is primarily a virtue of the society. There will be

justice in the society when every individual works honesty

according to his ability when every person works wisely, when he

has sacrificing attitude, when he exercise control over emotions,

the result will be good life in the society.

Aristotle’s Conception of Virtue

Aristotle’s great contribution was his moral philosophy. In his words

“virtue is a state of the will and not of the reason” It means that the will of

man is very strong if he wants to do good, he can do it. He also added that

mind and matter cannot be separated, these depend on each other, one

cannot exist without the other. He further said that every object in the

universe had four causes:

First is the formal cause it is the main idea of the object


Second is the material course, it is the matter on which the idea is


Third is the efficient course, it is the use of tools.

Fourth is the final cause, it is the purpose for which the object is made.

Aristotle called virtue the final cause, which is there in the reality of the

external world. When he said that virtue is a state of the will and not of

reasons he is pointing at the “golden mean” that is “Moderation” in all

walks of life is to be adopted. Do not go to an extreme, always follow the

middle way between emotions and reasons. Keep a balance in the

performance of your actions. For example the virtue of ‘courage’ is

between cowardice and foolishness. According to Aristotle, a good man

will be noble, just honest and considerate.

Man will do these things because he desires to do them from the depth of

his own being. He is not forced to act in this way by some authority

outside him. In the words of Aristotle, “virtue is a habit, involving

deliberate purpose, consisting in a mean that is relative to ourselves, the

mean-being determined by reason a as a president (wise) man would

determine it to conclude good life is rational and consistent.






Islam is an Arabic word which means “surrender” or submission

to God. It is derived from the word Islam, which means peace or union

with God. Islam is a faith in one, true and the only God. It is a belief in the

Holy Quran, the Holy Prophets, Angels, Holy Books, future life and the

Day of Judgment. Five Pillars of Islam are Faith, Prayer, Fasting,

Pilgrimage and Alms giving.

Muslim philosophy is called Sufism or Mysticism, Sufis or

Mysteries are those who disclose the mysteries / secrets of heaven and

earth and do deep thinking. Some of the famous Muslim philosophers are

Alkindi, Al-Forabi, sina, Ghazali and Rushd. According to Muslim

philosophy, this word is a preparation for the future eternal world. Life is a

journey in quest of truth Human beings will be judged and rewarded as per

their actions by God after death. This life is journey towards eternal world,

for successful future, man has to undergo three stages light knowledge

love light refers towards close contract with God, His light will enter a

pure heart, when it is purged out of all evils knowledge refers towards

understanding God when man passes through ten states, viz: 1 Nearness -

2- Intimacy -3- Meditation -4- contemplation -5- longing -6- certainty, -7-

Tranquility -8- love -9- fear -10- hope


Love refers towards complete union with God, after passing

successfully through ten states. It is the highest stage of moral and spiritual

perfection of man.

Concept of Reality:

All philosophers are in search of truth and reality. They want to

reach to one absolute reality. According to Muslim philosophy, God is the

final, ultimate and absolute reality. He is the creator and contrdler of the

universe, he is all powerful and self-existing being. God has many


1. He is no parents and no family.

2. He is compete and perfect and will never perish

3. He has created all living and non-living things

4. He is infinite (un-limited) and in-divisible

5. He is permanent and will never change

6. It is by his orders that the whole system move.

7. He is Omniscient, He knows everything and all knowledge comes

from Him.

8. He is Omnipotent, He has all powers to do anything

9. He is Omnipresent, He lives and works everywhere

10. He is Just-kind-Loving-Forgiving and Merciful

11. He is Sovereign and Master of the Day of judgment


12. Man is to pray to Him and thank for His blessings.

Concept of Knowledge:

How do we know? What do we know? Can man have all

knowledge? These are Epistemological questions. According to Muslim

philosophy, God is the source of knowledge, He has given reasoning

power to man to speech for knowledge but man cannot achieve perfection

the Holy Prophet said, the first thing God created was “knowledge”. Iqra is

the first world received by the Holy Prophet through the Angel, i.e. to

“read”, or acquire knowledge.

Attainment of knowledge has always been emphasized by the

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In his words, “Acquire knowledge

because, he who acquires knowledge in the way of the lord, performs and

act of piety”.

In the Holy Quran, man has been asked to acquire knowledge from

cradle to grave. To

1. Observe the phenomena of Nature.

2. Study the alterations of Day and Night

3. Study the properties of Earth, Air, Fire and water

4. Disclose the mysteries of birth, death, growth and decay

5. Distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil

6. Realize an order and system in the whole creation great

importance has been attached to the seeking of knowledge by the


Holy Prophet. He said, “the best amongst you is one who seeks

knowledge and imparts it is to others”. He also said, “seeking of

knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman”. At

another place He said, “can those who” know” and those who do

not know be equal”? At another place He said, “He who leaves his

home in search of knowledge, walks on the path of the God”.

In Islam Revelation is the best

Source of knowledge, it comes from the Holy Book and the Holy

Prophet, it is true and complete knowledge Reasoning and sense

observation are next in importance.

Concept of Value

Islam present a complete code of life, the highest value emphasized is

that of “Piety and Fear of God”. The tem used for value in Islam is called

“Qadar”. Every man will be judged by his conduct at the Day of judgment.

The people asked the Holy Prophet about the good man. He said, “A good

man is one who gives away his wealth to the kinsmen – to orphan – the

needy and keep up prayer”. It emphasizes the two-fold duties of man,

towards God and towards Human beings Ethical code of Muslim

Philosophy is summarized in the 4th Surah of the Holy Quran as given:

1. Be good to your parents

2. Be kind and helpful to orphisms

3. Forgive those who do wrong to you

4. Worship God alone and pray to him


5. Be good to kinsmen, neighbourers and travelers

6. All Muslims are brothers, do not hate or harm them.

7. Remain constant in charity.

8. Paradise is prepared for those who bridle their anger.

9. When in power, do justice, irrespective of colour, creedorses

10. Give alms, openly or secretly, both are good

11. Do not commit adultery; it is foul and evil action.

12. Be kind to all human beings.

13. Guard yourself against evil, anger and passion.

14. Be true in your thought, deed and action

15. Be patient in difficulties.

16. Be merciful in giving punishment.

17. He who imparts learning, never dies.

18. He who sees his own faults, is the wisest of men.

19. The people of paradise are three:

a. A just kind,

b. A doer of good to the people,

c. An affectionate and virtuous man.

20. The duties of a Muslim are six:


a. When you meet, say Assalamalakum

b. When you are invited, accept theinvitation.

c. Give advice when it is asked for

d. Visit the sick and enquire his welfare.

e. When he dies, go to his bier.

f. Assist every oppressed person


The chief aim of Education in Islam as to develop a balanced

personality and to build the character of the students Education would

develop fear of God and love of human beings. Moreover, students should

be informed from the very beginning that life is temporary and it is a

preparation for the future life and they will be rewarded as per their good

actions. The following aims of education are emphasized:

1. Balanced Personality:

Education helps students to head a balanced personality. That they

have to develops the both sides that is the material and the spiritual.

They can take interest in the affairs of the world, at the same time

they should keep before them the principles of Islam and say their

prayers five times a day. They need not to be so religious minded as

to neglect their family responsibilities Moderation is the golden



2. Character Building:

According to Islam, the teacher should be a model of high moral

character, he should observe and talk about faith, prayer, fasting, Haj and

Zakat. Inform students that stealing, gambling, drinking, bribery, cruelty

are Sims in Islam. Qualities of character are prayer, polite speech, honesty,

truthfulness, kindness, patience, respect etc.

3. Islam Ideology and Culture:

The students should be informed about the true spirit of Islam and

Islamic culture, that one should do good and keep up prayer and thank God

for all His blessings. Islamic habits of eating, drinking and greeting. That

all Muslims are brother there is no difference between rich and poor, high

and low. That all Muslims are brother these is no difference between rich

and poor, high and low.

4. Awareness of Rights and Duties.

There are many rights and duties of parents, teacher and neigh

Don’t be angry with parents, be kind to them in old age Respect and obey

the teachers, they are spistual parents. Do not harm the neighbor, help

Ehen and give them gifts.

5. Discipline and Emotional Control:

Students learn disciple by regular prayers of five times. By

keeping a fast, they from emotional control over hunger, thirst and anger

and prevented from evils.


Curriculum and Content

Islam presents a very comprehensive curriculum, it has 3 aspects:

knowledge of God –m of self – of universe It emphasizes on the oneness

and supremacy of God as the cration and controller of man and universe.

Man is the vice-gerent of God on this earth, and he is to lead his life

according to the Holy Quran. The purpose of his life is to perform duties

towards God and toward shuman being and Follow teaching of Islam. Pray

to God and do good to human beings.

A large number of subjects of study were given importance by

Muslim Educationists like Ghazali, Ibn-e-Khuldum and Dr. Sir

Muhammad Iqbal. These are Reading – writing-calligraphy-Astronomy,

Hygien Medicine – Mathematic – Arabic language and literature

Primary Education:

1. Cultiration of Islamic values and love and God.

2. Familiarity with basic concepts Islamic way of living

3. Basic subjects are of language, Islamyat, Hygiene, Maths, Reading

and written.

Higher Education:

It will have two areas General and Specific Education.

A. General Education will include study of Holy Quran, compiling of

Hadith, Explanation of Quran, Islamic Law, comparative Religion,

Arabic language and literature.


B. Specific Education will involve the study of philosophy,

logic, History, sociology, Medicine, Astronomy,


The role of the Teacher

The teacher has a great significance in Islamic system of

education. It is not sufficient to give verbal instruction to the students. The

teacher will be a role model for the students as they are greatly impressed

by the attitude and behavior of the teachers. The teacher will exhibit a high

moral character by being polite, encouraging, honest, just, sincere and

hardworking. The students will be able to develop the same virtues in their

personality. The teacher should also act upon the basic principles of Islam.

According to Islam some of the characteristics of good teachers are the


1. Keep a serious attitude in the class and avoid irrelevant talk. Use

gestures within limits.

2. Be regular and punctual in the performance of duties.

3. Speak clearly and loudly in the class.

4. Repeat and explain the lesson three times.

5. Not be greedy to expect money or gifts.

6. Love to seek knowledge and keep on increasing knowledge.

7. Be careful in the use of language, no insulting remarks to be used.

8. Treat all students on equal level


9. Give respect to students.

10. Keep a check on the moral behavior of students.

11. Visit a sick puil and enquire his welfare.

12. Do not treat students harshly.

Teachers are like spiritual parents, besides providing knowledge,

they should give them training for good life. Iqbal said the Education is a

builder and what he builds is the human soul.

The teaching and learning strategies

According to Islamic system of education the teaching and

learning process was based on an element of interest and discussion. The

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was himself a model and great teacher

as he explained difficult concepts with examples and drawings. He

(PBUH) and his four caliphs kept an encouraging attitude towards the

seers of learning. All kinds of questions and discussion was allowed upto

their satisfaction.

Imam Ghazli emphasized on the method of proceeding from

simple to complex and from known to un-known. Ibn-e-Khudum was

against memorization on the part of the students, he was in favour of

discussion until every point is understood and made clear. Early morning

was considered to be the most suitable time for the purpose of learning.

The following teaching strategies were recommended.

1. Discussion and Questioning. Were the mostly, common

methods used by teachers, it is called “Bahis o Hull.


2. Exemplification : concepts by giving many examples and


3. Story telling was a method used by teachers to remove the element

of boredom.

4. Lecture method was also used to provide factual knowledge to the


5. Reading and Recitation was another method for the study of the

verses of the Holy Quran.

6. Curiosity and creativity was encouraged by the teaches, until the

students were satisfied.




In Islamic system of education, the school and society have the

most important function to make people familiar with the true spirit of

Islamic Ideology. The children get training in Islamic way of life in the

school and later they become members of the society. There is a close

relationship between school and society in propagating the teachings and

basic principles of Islam of in creating an Islamic environment.

Family as a Part of Society:

The first training centre of the child is the family where he is born

and grows, he learns by observations and imitation the Islamic ways of life

as praised by his parents and relatives. If he is provided an environment

where all the members of the family observe all the basic teachings of

Islam (Faith, Namaz, Roza, Haj & Zakat0, he follows them and turns out

to be a good Muslim

School as a Part of the Society:

As compared to family, the school has a more serious and

systematic function in spreading the teachings of Islam 1- Teachers

presenting a mode 2- subject of Islamyat -3- learning of Arabic language -

4- seminars on Islamic Brother-hood and unity -5- knowledge of Islamic

values by conducing speech completion.