What is Metabolism



All your basic information about metabolism and metabolism related issues.

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It is enveloped in an aura of mystery. It has a particular resonance in the minds of any

newcomer to the world of bodybuilding. it is mentioned in a lot of articles. Each beginner

who had the curiosity to read a bodybuilding magazine met at least once the term

"metabolism". He most certainly asked himself sooner or later what it means and what

connection is there between metabolism and going to the gym to get big muscles.

In the simplest terms metabolism is the rate at which the body consumes energy.

Metabolism varies from person to person. You can have a higher metabolism than

normal, or a slower one. Metabolism is known as the balance between two opposing


- catabolism (where energy is degraded). This type of reaction is accompanied by the

release of energy (exothermic reaction);

-anabolism (where energy is synthesized). Anabolic reactions are characterized by

energy and they are called endergonic reactions (endothermic reactions).

Catabolism and anabolism are conducted through a succession of many chemical

reactions: hydrolysis, hydrogenation, dehydration, decarboxylation, deamination,

transamination, esterification, condensation polymerization.

Nutritional health depends on a number of factors and components that can be grouped

as either "source of energy" or as "active substances" Energy sources are proteins, fats

and carbohydrates, and the active substances are vitamins and minerals. The energy

required for biosynthetic processes comes mostly from breaking the macroergic bonds

of different compounds. Depending on the capacity of energy production, organisms are

divided into:

Autotrophic (Greek autos = itself, troph = nourishment) - organisms which synthesize

organic substances required by the process of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

Heterotrophic (Greek heteros = different, troph = nourishment) - organisms that provide

their food using various decaying substances (saprophytic and parasitizing other living


The main factor that causes the most intense effect on metabolic rate is exercise.

Maximal exercise can increase up to 50 times more heat productionthan normal within

seconds . Just think how much you sweat and how hot it is after running to catch the

bus. Therefore, it is very important that those who want to lose weight are aware that

exercise is an essential help.

Age is an important factor that influences metabolism. After 30 years, the metabolic rate

begins to decline gradually. According to studies, regularly practiced exercise

contributes substantially to preserving muscle mass, thus indirectly contributes to

maintaining an optimal metabolism. The main ingredient in all the metabolical processes

is water. Water shortages cause termination of all processes, both anabolic and

catabolic ones, resulting in death of the organism.

An important fact to remember is that with good physical exercises, healthy nutrition and

hidration there it is impossible for anyone to fail at being their best version of

