What is a corporation ? Business owned by investors who buy shares of stock


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What is a corporation?

Business owned by investors who buy shares of stock.

Key terms dealing with corporations?

• Capital• Stock

• Stockholder

• dividend

• Money to invest• Share in a corporation (partial

ownership)• Owner of stock (partial owner of a

company)• Payment to stockholder from a

corporations profit

So why do you invest in a corporation?

To make money – either through the price of your stock going up and

then you sell it for a profit or through dividends.

Key terms dealing with railroads?

• network• consolidate

• rebates

• pool

• System of connected lines• When companies combine

• Discounts to large customers

• Several railroad companies divide up business and agree to charge high rates

What do we need to know about the steel industry?

• Leading company• Leading individual

• Name of process for making cheap and strong steel

• U.S. Steel• Andrew Carnegie

• Bessemer Process

Important individuals in the rise of big business?

• J.P. Morgan• Andrew Carnegie

• John D. Rockefeller

• Cornelius Vanderbilt

• Leading banker• U.S. Steel (Steel Industry)

• Standard Oil (Oil Industry)

• Steamships and railroads

What do Carnegie, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt all have in common?

• Started as poor people

• Became filthy rich

• Gave away most of their profits to projects benefiting society

Important terms for big business.

• Trust

• monopoly

• Free enterprise system

• Group of corporations run by a single board of directors.

• Company that controls all of an industry.

• Businesses that are owned by private citizens. Companies compete by making the nest products at the lowest price.

Inventors and inventions you need to know:

• Sleeping car• telephone• phonograph• Light bulb• Automated assembly

line (allowed for mass production)

• George Pullman• Alexander Graham Bell• Thomas Edison• Thomas Edison• Henry Ford

Knights of Labor

• Terence Powderly

• 1869-1886

• Very idealistic (create a perfect workplace all at once)

• Not for strikes

• Haymarket Riot brought about its end

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

• Samuel Gompers

• 1886

• Union of skilled worker unions

• Baby steps to improve the workplace

• Supported strikes

Labor terms you need to know:

• strike• injunction• Scabs

• boycott

• Refusal to work• Court order to go back to work• Workers who replaced strikers

(very unpopular)• Refusal to buy a company’s goods

What was the importance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire


It led to safer working conditions in factories.

What factors made people leave their country and become immigrants? (Push


• No land

• Religious persecution

• Political persecution

• No jobs

What factors made people become immigrants to the U. S.? (Pull Factors)

• Cheap / free land• Religious freedom• Political freedom - democracy• Jobs in factories• Family already established in the


What are the theories of how immigrants assimilated or blended in with the

American culture?

• Salad Bowl theory – people adopted much of the American culture while maintaining their own traditions.

• Melting Pot – Everyone adopted the exact same American culture.

Anti-Immigrant terms you need to know:

• Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

• Quota

• xenophobia

• Stopped Chinese immigration

• Set the number of immigrants that could enter the country from a specific nation – favored Western European immigrants

• Fear of immigrants

Anti-Immigrant groups you need to know:

• Know-Nothing Party

• nativists

• Party against Catholic immigrants

• People against immigrants who they believed were taking their jobs

What was it called when people were

given jobs based upon support rather than


Spoils system

What are civil service jobs?

Government jobs which are not elected or part of the military.

How was the spoils system reformed?

The Civil Service Commission was formed. It was

responsible for filling government jobs.

People had to take the civil service exam to be eligible for jobs.

How were trusts and monopolies reformed?

The Sherman Antitrust Act forbade trusts

although it was used against unions at first.

My political cartoons were aimed at reforming city

governments. Who was I?

Thomas Nast

What were newspaper reporters who exposed

corruption called?


I was a leading boss. Thomas Nast targeted me with his cartoons.

William “Boss” Tweed

I was a muckraker who targeted big businesses.

Ida Tarbell

My book How the Other Half Lives

featuring photographs of city living conditions helped improve living

conditions in tenements.

Jacob Riis

The Declaration of Sentiments was written at this

women’s rights meeting in 1848.

Seneca Falls Convention

These two women led the National Women’s Suffrage Association – a group that wanted to

amend the Constitution so women

can vote.

Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

What does suffrage mean?

The right to vote

What amendment gave women the right

to vote in 1920?

19th Amendment

Who was known as the trustbusting president?

Teddy Roosevelt

What did Teddy Roosevelt think about


Some trusts were good and should be left alone while others

were bad and should be broken up.

What was Teddy Roosevelt’s plan where all people should have an equal opportunity to succeed called?

Square deal

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was against was problem of


The abuse of alcohol.

I was a leader of the W.C.T.U.

Frances Willard

I was a member of the temperance

movement who went and destroyed saloons

using a hatchet.

Carry Nation

What was the result of the temperance


18th Amendment (1919) which

prohibited the sale of alcohol. The 21st

Amendment got rid of this amendment.

I was a muckraker who exposed the

meatpacking industry with my novel The

Jungle. The Pure Food and Drug Act was

passed as a result of my work.

Upton Sinclair

I was known as the conservationist


Teddy Roosevelt

Gifford Pinchot and John Muir were

associated with this movement to save the



I founded Tuskegee Institute. I accepted

segregation and believed that by

becoming educated African Americans

could improve their lives.

Booker T. Washington

This organization worked for African American rights.

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

Who was the leading African scientist who specialty was finding uses for peanuts and

peanut products?

George Washington Carver

What leader urged African Americans to fight discrimination?

W.E.B. DuBois
