What is a Chakra


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What is a Chakra?Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world. At the same time, within us resides a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centers of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. Each of the seven chakras has several spiritual qualities. These qualities are intact within us, and even though they might not always be manifest, they can never be destroyed. How does our program work? Each chakra has an associated colour and vibrational range. The lowest of the each chakra harmonic frequency range has a corresponding brainwave activity. If we stimulate the brain to produce the correct activity it will in turn stimulate the chakra. Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration - that chakra is stimulated.The program works through all 7 chakras in sequence from root to crown. By doing this it gently stimulates and activates each chakra in sequence, allowing the free flow of energy through each chakra. This is hugely beneficial for health (and can quickly reverse any energy blockage related conditions) and vitality.What are Chakras?The word 'chakra' is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning 'wheel'; but perhaps even a better translation would be spinning wheel. If you could see chakras (as many of us whom work with them do) you would be able to see each primary chakra as a spinning vortex or wheel of energy; spinning inward from the front of your body towards the center point of that chakra on the kunilini and then spinning outward from that same point from your back. Chakra Locations The chakras start at the base of the spine and go up through the head on the kunilini which is located almost on your spinal column. The kunilini is shaped like a staff and many have mentioned that the Twenty-third Psalm of The Bible is speaking of the kunilini. Almost all religions believe in the spiritual and energy power points within the human body and these power points are called chakras. There are seven primary or main chakra points with about a hundred smaller secondary chakras. The smaller points are often called meridians and are used during acupuncture to attune the Chi flow. The secondary chakra points are influenced with action and physicality while the seven primary chakras deal with emotions and spirituality. The primary chakras influence your health greatly, the health concerns related to them are caused by an unbalance in the chakra itself, from an emotional or spiritual cause, which then manifests into a physical ailment. Chakra Healing Each chakra relates strongly to a specific part of the body, specific emotions, mental, and spiritual concerns. Seven Chakras Health/Body Collation ChartVibrations of ChakrasEach chakra has a different frequency of vibration, symbol, color, and sound that it is attuned to. When the chakra is balanced, clear, and energized it would be in tune and play the most wonderful sound of it’s own, emitting the proper vibration for that chakra. Many things can effect the vibrations including sounds of voice, drums, music, chants, mantras, the vibrational energy of colors, and of course gemstones. All colors and sounds are vibrations and using the sounds and colors of the chakras assist them in becoming aligned and balanced. The colors of the chakras are that of the rainbow; starting at the root chakra black/red, orange, yellow, green/pink, light blue, indigo, and violet/white for the seventh chakra; as shown in the picture above. Each chakra needs to be able to function at the correct frequency independently. Each needs to be balanced, clear, energized, and properly spinning. Each time all the chakras reach a level of unison the entire physical vibration of the human body is raised. Think of a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest and best. Next, think of each chakra needing to be at the same number on that scale. Once each individual chakra is at the same number your entire physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body raises into its own new vibrational level to match that of the chakras. The more chakra energy work you do the higher your whole body will be raised on this scale with ten being enlightenment while still in this physical human form.Unbalanced and Blocked Chakras = IllnessWhen your chakras are not vibrating or spinning properly you are unable to move your physicalemotional, and mental body onto a higher spiritual level. When we are born we can have a perfect balance or have an imbalance from the past lives we bring with our spirit. Although the human body is just a vessel and a machine it is seldom broke from manufacturer reasons and natural biological causes. Each chakra effects different parts of the body and almost all illness is caused by poor chakra health. Chakra Healing Illness is usually for us, or those around us, to learn higher lessons. You are given intuition and hints all the time about what you should be doing and how you should be living but we often ignore the words from Spirit and our higher selves. We are too often stuck in the reality and physicality of life to listen to our inner selves. Eventually, the chakras become out of balance and since you are stuck in the reality - the chakra manifests the energy imbalance into the physical; the health of your physical body.When you have chakra blocks you slow down the Chi, the life force, and the spiritual connection. You may feel depressed, out of touch, like you lost something, tired, unable to clearly think, or listless. You may get angry for no reason, be afraid, be unsure of yourself, lack self-confidence, be unhappy without a direct understood reason, and have a general negative outlook on life. All of these are indications that you have a problem to resolve that is chakra based.Balanced Chakras = Happiness & HealthUniversal Love, Energy, and Knowledge (ULEK™) flows through the chakras. It is important that you try to maintain the correct energy flow through each chakra since you could also negatively be effected by a

chakra being too open. Remember that balance in each, and balance in all in comparison to one another is what you seek. When the chakras are aligned on the kunilini and balanced the energy flows freely from the primal base to the spiritual chakra allowing us a grounded connection to a higher spiritualcommunication. Think of each chakra as a water valve and your goal is to have each on the same amount so the ULEK flows through the kunilini, uninhibited and constant. Cure Yourself through ChakrasChakra Healing Most major illnesses and ailments are chakra based. Think about how when you feel uncomfortable and almost scared how your stomach gets in an uproar. This is your emotions, your chakra emotions, manifesting into your physical form. When you are no longer scared your stomach eases and returns to normal. Your whole body can be effected depending on the emotions and concerns you carry with you. Childhood and past life issues that you may not be consciously aware of could be the cause of your illness now. I am not saying that every single thing wrong physically is a chakra issue because we are human physical beings that is effected by nature and flukes happen. But on a spiritual level we choose the body we are in this time, or Spirit choose this body for us, for a reason and for lessons to be learned. Chakra work is not easy or painless. We often think we have resolved an issue mentally when there may still be emotional garbage attached to the chakra. We also have a tendency to bury things and those emotions are transferred to a cellular level in our bodies, so clearing those issues may take a lot of work to resurface and resolve. Crystals and stones also aid in working with Chakras Additional chakra information - published articles by Reeda GarciaAny of us who have done major chakra work will tell you that "Gee, I got it all fixed." We then raise to a new physical vibrational level and cope with those feelings of being in two places at once before we settle into our new physical vibrational level. Then just as we think we have it all together we will find more chakra issues to deal with. Often we can not see all the issues because something will be in the way. Once you remove that thing you can see what is behind it, more issues! You will know when an issue is totally cleared when you experience the release on all for levels; physical (you will feel it physically), emotionally (usually crying or screaming), mentally (understanding it like never before), and spiritually (feeling it transmuted into pure unconditional love). But fair warning... even after you think it is gone it can come back or you may not have resolved all the associated emotions, reasons, or spiritual concerns connected with the issue. So perhaps you can never really know if it is totally cleared but you will understand when that part of it is embraced and released.As you progress to higher levels you will probably need assistance to bring the issues to the surface. We all need help and that is why people have talents for assisting others. Psychologists and psychiatrists help us with our mental and emotional problems which in turn assist the chakras. Our preachers, priests, rabbis and spiritual leaders assist us on the spiritual level. Our doctors help our physical being. So each in turn assist a minor part of the chakra healing and advancement work. But when you can incorporate all those things and healings into the focus of the problems - to each chakra, then you are making true advancements for your whole being.SEVEN CHAKRAS: Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Levels1 Survival, tribal issues, instinct, past life issues, family, marriage, parenting, correct behavior, society, ability to provide basic needs for living. Following the establishment and the families rules. Doing what your family/spouse wants. Trying to fit in. Compromises to these issues. Main supporting functions of body: blood, bone, and immune disorders. Rectal cancers & trouble. Base of spine/ chronic lower back pain. Feet and leg problems including varicose veins and leg cramps. Depression.2 Power, creativity, sexual issues, blame, control, passion, ethics, money, greed, honor in relationship issues, fidelity, feelings of repression or wrongness in sexual matters. Reproduction issues. Birthing new ideas. Reproductive organs are effected from menstrual cycle problems, cancers in this area, to impotency. Pelvic and lower back pains, urinary and bladder problems, hips.3 Responsibility issues, caring for others, trust, fear, guilt, career, intimidation, personal honor, victimization feelings, and courage. Self concern issues; self- respect, sensitivity to criticism, self-esteem, self-worth and own confidence. Indigestion, stomach, intestinal, and colon problems. Eating disorders. Diabetes, arthritis, adrenal, pancreas, liver dysfunctions, gall bladder, kidneys, and ulcers. Spleen and middle of back problems. 4 Love, happiness, desire for happiness, sadness, anger, hatred, prejudism, loneliness, forgiveness, compassion, hopes, desires, wants, grief, resentments, commitment, trust in your close interpersonal relationships. Choices in love. Heart and circulatory system, lungs, breathing problems, chest area, breasts, asthma and associated allergies, pneumonia, bronchitis, upper back, shoulder, and arm problems.5 Communication, expressing yourself, telling truth, following your dreams and being true to yourself. Addictions, habits, judgement, faith, making decisions, knowing and being yourself, criticism, will power, doing what you said you would do. All forms of expression & communication. Neck area, mouth, teeth, gums, mouth sores. Thyroid and gland problems. Throat, esophagus, hiatal hernias, sore throats, choking, gagging, laryngitis. 6 Truth, knowledge, intellect, intuitive powers, learning from experience, feeling inadequate, inner wisdom, knowing yourself and self evaluation, open-mindedness, accepting yourself and others. Listening and seeing openly. Ears including hearing problems and ringing. Eye problems including sensitivity to light to blindness. Nose, brain and nervous system, full spine problems, learning problems.

7 Spirituality, devotion to spiritual and personal matters. Unconditional love to self, the earth, and to others. Empathy, humanitarism, selflessness, values, and ethics. Connection with ULEK™, ability to go with the flow of life and to see the larger picture, inspiration without wants. The Higher Self. Skin and muscle systems are effected. Energy/exhaustion problems, mystical depression and searching feelings, sensitivity to the environment, sun, light, and sound. Chakra HealingEach moment is new - each minute offers a new beginning.Every day is a great day. Happiness is how you think. The SN has undergone so many changes in the past 20 years, as I am sure you have also. Most people's chakra spots are dorment from lack of use:Opening them helps in many ways; it helps the energy you focus flow better, it also helps awaken your natural psychic abilities. Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.Chant the sound LAM.*Open the Sacral ChakraPut your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).Chant the sound VAM.*Open the Navel ChakraPut your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.Chant the sound RAM. *Open the Heart ChakraSit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.Chant the sound YAM.*Open the Throat ChakraCross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.Chant the sound HAM.*Open the Third Eye ChakraPut your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops.Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.Chant the sound OM or AUM.*Open the Crown ChakraPut your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right.Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.Chant the sound NG.*Crown - Top of the head - White Third Eye - Middle of Forehead - Purple Throat - Throat - Blue Heart - Chest - Green Solar Plexus - Solar Plexus - Yellow Sacral - Right below your belly button - Orange Root - Base of Spine - Red Hand/Feet - Palms - WhiteChakras are real. They appear in the astral body. They are 'assigned physical locations' in ones body for convenience only. Attention to any one Chakra will act upon the physical related parts of the body. Forget about 'how many Chakras and colors are there for use'. For starters, use only the basic seven Chakras. Use the colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.Know that there are also 'feet Chakra's and hands Chakra', that come into use.Use the imagination to 'see' the Chakras appearing as the blades of a fan.Use the imagination to 'see' either a clockwise or a counterclockwise rotation.Use the imagination to either 'open or close' the Chakras.Use the imagination to 'feel' the Chakras open / close, vary in color intensity, and direction of rotation.Use the imagination to 'feel' the energy involved.Use the imagination to 'feel' the glands associated with each Chakra.Use the imagination to inspect the Chakra's. Learn to trust what you see and feel.Use the imagination 'see and feel' if the Chakra is 'damaged, cracked, warped, or tilted in any way, in relation to the energy channel flow.Know that all psychological stress or trauma does affect specific Chakra's, which in turn will affect the other Chakra's.Know that 'events or feelings' can be either 'positive or negative'.Know that Chakra's can be blocked or have a literal 'image or picture' stuck in that Chakra.Know that physical or psychological problems can result from these blockages.Know that Chakra's can be 'cleaned and realigned'.Know that beyond the basic seven Chakra's, the 'feet Chakra's and the 'hands Chakra' will play an important part in your life.Know that regardless of all that is said, one may experience Chakra's, not as color, but as an impression of some type.Experiment in getting the 'feel and look', of 'how' you , not some one else, or even my descriptions, register with you. We are all unique

and special souls. We will experience differently then others. We will see and feel differently then others. That is neither good nor bad, it just means It's the way we experience things.Each person has what is called a 'life force' energy and this is run by their Chakras.The seven major Chakras have their own area of responsibility and each is linked with a different part of the endocrine system.They are part and parcel of each and every sensation, feeling and emotional experience that we have.Stress can imbalance our Chakras – you can see this in the form of physical illness; illness is often a sign that our Chakras are out of balance.While there are a lot of different ways to balance and heal your Chakras, sound has been shown time and time again to be the most effective method of all Technically there is a proper way to utilize Chakra routines. Spiritually, doing Chakra routines is another matter. In the beginning stages of Chakra routine usage, you may falter and stumble around.Eventually though, if one is paying attention, you will become aware of 'what works best for you'. When I'm having a beautiful day, I know some of my Chakras are wide open. When I'm in an off mood, I realize that some Chakra has either 'closed down' or was picking up some one Else's 'vibes'. Sadness, happiness, anger, or whatever, can be why I'm in a 'mood'. When all is functioning 'as should be' ones 'chakras' are like the shutters on a fine camera, but doing so 'mostly' in slow motion. This automatic action will adjust to what is being received. Beauty, harmony, love, hate, anger and so forth, will cause an automatic reaction to take place. Good is perhap's a wrong word to use, but for this post will use it. Good vibes, will be sending healing or corrective energies to associated physical glands within ones body. Bad or poor vibes, if sent to the same glands, will cause said glands to release certain hormones that trigger various and not so nice feelings, like tension, stress, anger, hate etc, that give rise to ill health and even arguments.By using 'intent' and imagination, and contrary to what many might say, one can 'close' to what ever degree desired, a specific or 'all' Chakras. When one is constantly experiencing the 'bad' days, day after day, is when a good full Chakra routine will set things right again. Grounding is part of establishing harmony. Won't go into detail at this point, as there are numerous sites and printed words that cover each Chakras function, and they are many. You wont go to far off base in the reading thos descriptions, as most will be correct, regards the 'what and how' of activity and function. How many Chakras and colors and routines, is another story, as no general agreement is to be found. Chakras can fully closed, partially closed, or be wide open. Each action will cause a different reaction within you, depending on 'You'. The question you raise 'will eating meats and cheeses/drinking alcohol etc unbalance them, falls into the category as above, 'each action will cause a different reaction within you, depending on 'You'. Truth be said, a whole book could be written covering just those items.As for 'sorry for all the questions', there is only one answer, and it is to 'question everything, and to ask questions if you don't understand a 'thing'. Do of course, keep in mind that as I've stated, 'this is from my perspective'. You may experience major or subtle variances. Neither is good or bad, only your spiritual and physical reactions to the 'who and what' you are in this moment of 'Now'.And as I often mention, much more could be written here, but for this moment in time...l I'm not sure if there is a deffinate answer to this question but approx. how long does it take to re-align or open each chakra? To be more specific, how long would a chakra track need to be for it to have any benefit or affect? 5-6 mins per chakra? Is there anyway to go about answering this?When beginning to open the chakras, I recommend starting from the bottom and work your way up to the top. Basically you would start from the root chakra, once that chakra is opened you then procceed to the Sacral Chakra, Naval Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and then lastly the Crown Chakra.Each Chakra is responsible for a different emotional,physical, and mental state and they are all interconnected with one another. They all rely on each other in order to maintain proper balance. 1.) The foundation of all the Chakras is the Root. Once the Root Chakra is open, you will immediately experience a feeling of welcoming and security. 2) Now you are able to move on and open the Sacral Chakra so that you may be able to properly express feelings and sexuality.3.) Next, you will be able to move on to opening your Naval Chakra and properly be able to assess your wants and decisions upon them.4.)Then, you will move on to opening the Heart Chakra, so that you may be able to form affectionate relationships.5.) We now move on to opening the Throat Chakra which is responsible for your ability to express yourself.6.) The next Chakra we open is the Third Eye, we is the source of our insight.7.) Finally, we are ready to open our Crown Chakra. By opening this last Chakra we devleop our wisdom and awareness of our self and our surroundings.There are many methods we can use to open our chakras, my favorite method is through the use of Binaural Beats. It has an immediate affect and saves many people from years of intense meditation training to reach the same affects. Learn more at How To Open Each Chakra Chakras govern instinct and intellectAs I mentioned in Part-1, the Chakras are energy centers which control the flow of energy in and out of the body. The Chakras located in the lower region of the body are mostly connected with instincts or basic human desires and those towards the top govern the higher mental faculties better known as ‘intellect’. It is essential to have all the seven Chakras open at all times in order to maintain a healthy physical and

mental being. A blockage in any Chakra may result in (unexplained) weaknesses, deficiencies or chronic ailments in that part of the body in which the blocked Chakra exists. Hence, it’s extremely important to ensure that all Chakras remain open and if they appear to be blocked, the blockage should be removed without any delays.Anjali Chugh Introduce yourself to a whole new world...the Unseen world. Chakras…their significance, the Indian way. (Part-1)The word ‘Chakra’ has its origin in Sanskrit language and means ‘wheel’. Although a human body is said to have over 80,000 chakras (minor and major), only seven are considered to be primary Chakras or...Role of each ChakraIt's generally considered best to open the Chakras starting from the lower to upper region of the body. This means that the Root chakra should be the first step to start with and should be followed by the Sacral chakra, then Navel, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and finally Crown chakra.1. The Root chakra is the foundation. When the Root chakra is open, you're able to feel mentally secure and stable. Having opened this chakra, you'll feel like having deep roots (firmly grounded) and no one can destabilize you. After all, most of the times, the insecurity is all in the mind and that needs to be cured. 2. Only when you feel secure, welcome and acceptable in your group or community, you are able to express feelings and sexuality appropriately, which happens to be the domain of Sacral Chakra. How comfortable you are with your sexuality and how expressive you are with your partner falls within the purview of Sacral Chakra.3. Having opened the Sacral Chaka, you can proceed to the Navel chakra, to assert your desires and have them fulfilled. This assertion is something that's prevalent in social groups and communities and is by far the most important factor in gaining social acceptance. 4. Being able to deal with social situations, you can enjoy warm, healthy and long lasting relationships, which is the domain of the Heart Chakra. This controls the aggression of Navel chakra and makes a person kind, loving, selfless and generous.5. When relationships are formed, you should be able to express yourself properly and that is what Throat Chakra helps you with. We all know how important it is to be able to communicate flawlessly and appropriately while dealing with other people. Throat Chakra gives you that potent power of speech.6. That takes us to next level, the Third Eye Chakra. This is better termed as the seat of thought, reasoning, insight and intellect. By opening Third Eye chakra, you enjoy all the rewards offered by this Chakra.7. When all these Chakras are open, you're ready for the Crown Chakra, to develop wisdom, self-awareness and awareness of your existence as a part of the Higher Self. This ultimately leads to spiritual bliss.Activate Third EyeAlthough there are prescribed tests to find out which of the Chakras need to be opened, yet the simplest way to assess the blockage is to review the benefits associated with each Chakra. If you feel you are experiencing a problem in any of these areas, it’s time to work on the Chakra related to that particular area. The thumb rule is…’Start from the Root Chakra and then work your way up.'The symptoms of awakened chakras are very clear:The Frontal Chakra, located between the eyebrows, engenders Clairvoyance.The Laryngeal Chakra, Clairaudience.The Heart Chakra grants Inspiration and Intuition.The Solar Plexus Chakra, Telepathy.The Pulmonary Chakra allows us to remember past lives.The Prostatic/Uterine Chakra grants the power to consciously depart in the Astral Body. Every student must possess such a power, if not, it is mandatory for such a student to awaken this Chakra.The chakras are the energy centers that fuel these powers. If your chakras are awakening, then you begin to experience these powers. Chakra AlignmentWhat Are Chakras?Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. They are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. There are seven major chakras. The aura is often referred to as the eighth chakra. The first chakra (root) actually hangs outside of your body. It is located between your thighs, about halfway between your knees and your physical body. The seven chakra (crown) is located on the top of your head. The remaining chakras, (sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye), are aligned in sequence along your spine, neck, and skull. Individually, your chakras look similar to funnels with petal-like openings. Chakras are invisible to the human eye, but they can be perceived intuitively by trained energyworkers. Introduction to the Seven Major Chakras Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names Overview of the Chakra System How to Clean Your Aura Introduction to the Seven Major Chakras Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names Overview of the Chakra System How to Clean Your Aura Evaluating the Health of Your Chakras

Having your chakras evaluated by a trained practitioner is a good way to get a better understanding of how your body functions on an energetic level. An energyworker trained in reading chakras will be able to tell you which chakras are functioning poorly and which chakras are working overtime. When one or two chakras are performing at a reduced level, the remaining chakras have to pick up the slack. Having a non-functioning chakra can effectively "blow out" an otherwise healthy chakra. Not good. Evaluating the Chakra System Alert to Chakra Shutdown Home Clutter Mirrors Blocked Chakras Evaluating the Chakra System Alert to Chakra Shutdown Home Clutter Mirrors Blocked Chakras Keeping Your Chakras in Proper AlignmentWhen your back or hip gets out of alignment you will make a trip to the chiropractor's office for a spinal adjustment. Similarly, a healer trained in manipulating the energy flow of energy can assist you in getting misaligned chakras back to functioning properly. It may take one or more appointments with a practitioner to get your energy levels up to par. Afterwards, there are a variety of healthy actions you can take to help keep them open, allowing your energy to flow naturally. Aligning the Chakra System by Drumming Foods That Fuel Your Chakras Activate and Stimulate Your Chakras Balancing Chakra Bath Chakra Balancing Zen Meditation Aligning the Chakra System by Drumming Foods That Fuel Your Chakras Activate and Stimulate Your Chakras Balancing Chakra Bath Chakra Balancing Zen Meditation Learning More About ChakrasCrash Chakra eCourseThis seven lesson ecourse will allow you to explore the seven primary chakras individually as well as offer you general information regarding the complete chakra system. If you are not familar with chakras, being told that your chakras are out of alignment can be frightening. And unfortunately, there are unethical healers and charletons posing as caring intuitives who alarm people by telling them a blocked chakra is causing great harm and needs to be repaired immediately. For a ridiculous price, a blocked heart will be opened and the ability to find your true love will be yours! This is a scare tactic to bilk unwitting individuals out of their life savings. What is a Medical Intuitive? Psychics VS IntuitivesWhy some healers refer to themselves as intuitive rather than psychic.Chakras The spine and the human energy field contain chakras, or energy centers, that vibrate at different frequencies. Each chakra presents us with the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy a deep soul desire. Each frequency holds the gift of a certain power, which enhances our human experience on Planet Earth. As we tune into this power, we are internally empowered to deal with the specific life challenges of that energy center or chakra and as a consequence to live more whole, meaningful and fulfilling lives. The Swadisthana, or Sex Chakra, is located at the sacrum - the pelvic area between pubis and navel. Its name means "abode of the vital force" or "dwelling place of the self.It is associated, in the body with the genitals, reproductive organs, and bladder, with the element water, and the color orange.Human Challenge and Gift - to bond and connect with others without losing our identity.Soul Desire - to freely expand - to effortlessly create.Primal Relationship - with other human beings, emotions and emotional body, inner child, wildman or wild woman.Navel Chakra Come Alive!The Manipuraka, or Navel Chakra, is located some 2-3 inches below the navel. It's name means "jewel of the lotus" or "lustrous gem".It is associated, in the body with the small intestine, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, with the element fire, and the color yellow.Human Challenge and Gift - to connect with our internal source power and energySoul Desire - to ignite, connect with and focus physical energyPrimal Relationship - with internal source of power, identity, statusHeart Chakra Clarity and PurityThe Anahatha or Heart Chakra, is located at the heart. Its name means unstuck, fresh, clean unhurt.It is associated, in the body with the heart, hands, arms and thymus gland, with the element air and the colors green, pink, and rose.Human Challenge and Gift - to open our hearts to the nonjudgmental, detached vibration of universal love.Soul Desire - to experience unity, devotion, reverence for life, unattached bonding.Primal Relationship - with higher spiritual power, our own heart and the hearts of others, the pulse that unites us with the universe.Throat Chakra Claim Your Voice The Visudda or Throat Chakra is situated in the throat, at the base of the neck between the collar bone and shoulders, at the site of the reptillian brain or lower brain stem. Its name means pure.It is associated, in the body with the throat, ears, thyroid, parathyroid, with the element ether, and the color royal blue.Human Challenge and Gift - to fearlessly express our truth and hear the sound of the universe.Soul Desire - to be heard and understood, to transmit

and receive the Truth.Primal Relationship - with our vibrational connection with all existance.Third Eye ChakraInternal ReflectionThe Ajana or Third Eye Chakra, is located between the brows in the inward, center of the forehead. Its name means command, perception, knowledge, authority.It is associated, in the body with the pituitary gland, eyes, brain, with the element light and also beyond the elements, and with the colors purple and indigo.Human Challenge and Gift - to move from dualistic mind to intuitive neutral mind.Soul Desire - to focus the mind, where one-pointed clarity and peace automatically occur.Primal Relationship - with inner and cosmic knowledge.Crown Chakra MergeThe Sahashrara or Crown Chakra, is located at the crown or top of the head, baby's soft spot. Its name means "thousand petal lotus".It is associated, in the body with the pineal gland & cerebral cortex, with consciousness and beyond the elements, and with the colors white, silve and the quality of luminosity.Human Challenge and Gift - to tune into and surrender to divine consciousness.Soul Desire - to connect with and utilize infinite energies, to know the unknown, to experience the transcendental meaning to life.Primal Feeling - oneness, bliss.Solar Plexus Chakra Deepen The Solar Plexus Chakra is located, as its name suggests, between the navel and heart, at the pericardium (below the breasts at the V of the ribs). it's name means "Seat of the Soul", or solar network.It is associated, in the body with the stomach, with the elements fire and water, and the color deep gold.Human Challenge and Gift - to transmute the energy of the emotions into soulful passion for life i.e. fear into love, anger into action, sadness into surrender and blissSoul Desire - to experience the depth of emotions and transmute them into passion and devotion. To activate our soul.Primal Relationship - with our soul and emotional body*Although traditionally there are 7 major chakras, the spine and even our subtle body contain many other chakras. Through meditation on my spine and body I experienced that the solar plexus - the area above the navel and under the heart-contains energy and offers experiences and powers very different from the navel chakra. Explore yourself and share with me what you discover. (GKK)Aura WholenessThe Aura is the electromagnetic field, the psychic field of energy surrounding all beings, human or otherwise. Its size can vary from a few inches to many feet in all directions.It is associated with the health of the physical body, and all the organs impact the strength and the size of the aura. It includes and is impacted by all the elements, and its colors vary and change depending upon the mental, emotional and physical states.Human Challenge and Gift - to experience one's energetic self.Soul Desire - human individuation and identification with one's Soul.Primal Relationship - with Self and Soul.Using crystals to energize – Understanding the 7 Chakra’s to HealThis brings us to the energy flows of the body. The best way to use crystals is in conjunction with your own energy ‘points’. These are known as chakras. The word Chakra is Sanskrit for ‘wheel’ because each of the seven main chakras is an energy point that spins to carry and transfer energy. If the flow of energies is blocked because of negative emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or anger they can cause physical illness.Each chakra has a colour associated with it. To clean, open and activate these energy points you can wear a chakra necklace or bracelet which includes crystals in each of the seven chakra colors. Alternatively, you can perform a ‘chakra layout’.How to perform the energizing Chakra Layout You will need 7 crystals that correspond to the chakra colors. You can buy complete ‘chakra sets’ or choose individual crystals. There is a list below to help you choose. You may feel more drawn to one than another and if so, go with that one.You will be laying down on the floor for this exercise. First, make sure that you will not be disturbed so take the phone off the hook! Gather your seven crystals and lay them on the floor in sequence next to where you will lie. Then lay down and place each stone on its’ associated chakra point on your body. Simply lie quietly and try to relax. Do this for at least several minutes.The position, function and color of each chakra and suggested crystals Crown Chakra (number 7)Location: on the top of your head (your crown)Function: Helps to connect you to your spiritual inner self. Helps with positive thoughts, brings inspiration and increases imagination.Symptoms of chakra blockage: feeling confused, can’t think clearly, depression, becoming obsessional, feeling tired all the time.Color: Purple or White Crystals to choose from: Amethyst, ametrine, atlantasite, lepidolite, opalite, clear quartz, ruby in zoisite, russian serpentine, seraphinite.Brow or Third Eye Chakra (number 6)Location: In between and just above the eyebrows Function: Helps with clear vision (physical and spiritual), strengthens intuition, aids psychic abilities, helps with concentration, brings increased self-knowledge.Symptoms of chakra blockage: headaches, nightmares, eye problems and/or poor vision, neurological disturbances including poor balance and hallucinations Color: Indigo or dark blueCrystals to choose from: Amethyst, celestite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moonstone, clear quartz, seraphinite, sodalite, turquoise.Throat Chakra (number 5)Location: over the throat.Function: Helps with clear communication and expressing ourselves.Symptoms of chakra blockage: repeated colds and sore throats, asthma, hearing issues including tinnitus, stiff neck, being unable to show emotion.Color: Light blueCrystals to choose from: Amazonite, angelite, aqua aura quartz, aquamarine, blue chalcedony, blue lace agate, blue calcite, celestite, chrysocolla, kyanite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, clear quartz, sodalite, tanzanite, topaz, turquoise.Heart Chakra (number 4)Location: Middle of the chest..Function: The center of emotion, helps with being compassionate, showing and feeling love, understanding and forgiveness.Symptoms of chakra blockage: heart problems, lung problems, hyperventilating, circulatory issues, raised blood pressure, fears of abandonment or betrayal.Color: GreenCrystals to choose from: Moss agate, amazonite, atlantasite, green aventurine, chrysocolla,

chrysopras, emerald, jade, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone, morganite, peridot, pink kunzite, clear quartz, rose quartz, rhodonite, Solar Plexus Chakra (number 3)Location: Between belly button and bottom of ribs.Function: Helps with confidence, having a sense of humor, personal power and authority, showing and feelin warmth.Symptoms of chakra blockage: anxiety, stomach ulcers, digestive issues, feeling low, constant tiredness, allergies, feeling overly sensitive, having low self esteem, feeling a loss of control in one’s life.Color: YellowCrystals to choose from: Ametrine, orange calcite, citrine, haematite, yellow jasper, moonstone, clear quartz, rose quartz, rhodonite, sunstone, tigers eye.Sacral /Navel Chakra ( number 2)Location: Between the Navel and the Pubic boneFunction: vitality and strength, generates creativity, new ideas, passion, endurance and sexual energySymptoms of chakra blockage: impotence, bladder, kidney and uterine disorders, prostate problems, lower back pain and infertility. Associated emotionally with fear, shock and guilt. Color: Red and yellowCrystals to choose from: Blue Jasper, Fire Agate, Brown Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Cuprite, Hematite, Mahogany Obsidian, Tourmaline, Rhodonite Base Chakra (number 1)Location: The base of the spine.Function: Helps with keeping your feet on the ground, controls the nervous system so helps with keeping you safe and centred, promotes stability and patience, courage and success.Symptoms of chakra blockage: problems with any part of the body from the hips down, arthritis issues, dental problems, constipation and often issues with gaining weight or obesity.Color: Red or black.Crystals to choose from: Garnet, haematite, red jasper, black obsidian, smoky quartz, clear quartz, rhodonite, black tourmaline.It’s also advisable to put a ‘grounding’ crystal such as black tourmaline, haematite or smoky quartz on the floor between your feet to keep you ‘anchored’ and stop you feeling spaced out.The all-purpose crystalIf this sounds like too much hassle and you’re not sure about the whole crystal thing anyway – why not just get yourself a bracelet, necklace or earrings of clear quartz. You may have noticed that this crystal is applicable to every chakra and it is a favorite with crystal lovers because of its’ multiple applications.If you’re not a jewelry wearer, just put one under your pillow and see how it improves your sleep. If you find it on the floor one morning – it has done its’ job!Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!Crystals are not only healing, they’re beautiful too – so why not get some and give them a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!==========================================================Basic Seven Chakra Information One of the basic tenets of new age is that each human body has seven chakras - energy locations which can be blocked, healed, and even seen by some.Chakras are a core belief of yoga, and have been incorporated into many different new age practices. The chakra system was first developed in India in the middle ages. The word "chakra" is a sanskrit word meaning wheel.The major chakras are located along the spinal column of the body - starting at your perineum and going up to the top of your head at your crown. Each chakra is traditionally represented by a different color of the rainbow - starting with red at the bottom up to violet on the crown. Each chakra location represents different emotions and feelings.Ideally all the chakras should be balanced- open and spinning at a similar rate to each other. Most of us however have some chakras which are overactive and others that are closed down or underactive. Read on to learn more about each chakra!First Chakra - Root Chakra - RedSecond Chakra - Sacral Chakra - OrangeThird Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - YellowFourth Chakra - Heart Chakra - GreenFifth Chakra - Throat Chakra - BlueSixth Chakra - Brow Chakra - IndigoSeventh Chakra - Crown Chakra – Violet

First Chakra - Root Chakra - Red The root chakra is the chakra located at your perineum, at the bottom of your spine. The root chakra is represented by the first color of the rainbow - red.If your root chakra is healthy, it governs your basic instincts for survival. It controls your ability to maintain a home, to earn money to pay the bills, to have enough for your physical needs. If this chakra is unhealthy, it can cause you to be greedy, feel needy, or unappreciative of what you do have. It can cause you to neglect the steps necessary to maintain your environment.To help strengthen your root chakra, focus on the color red, which is found in ruby and garnet gemstones. Visualise a red flower opening.If the problem is that you have too open at the root chakra, and are suffering issues of greed or domination in relationships, then it is time to balance the root chakra. See the red flower gently closing.Second Chakra - Sacral Chakra - Orange The second chakra is the sacral chakra, represented by the color orange. The word sacral relates both to the back of your pelvis, as well as meaning "sacred". Looking at the front of a person, the sacral chakra would be located at around the bellybutton.The sacral chakra governs the creative and emotion related energies. If your sacral chakra is in balance, then you find yourself on an even keel when you relate to people. You find yourself able to pursue your creative hobbies, to write, paint, sing or dance.If your sacral chakra is out of balance, this could cause you to have roller

coasters of emotions - perhaps being too obsessive about someone, or perhaps falling into deep despair over issues that really are not that bad. It could cause you to have problems feeling creative - writing that paper, thinking up new ideas to solve issues in your life.If you need to boost your sacral chakra, try carnelian or tiger's eye. Visualise an orange flower at the sacral opening its petals. This will help you find ways to express your emotions more fully, and tap into your inner creativity.If the problem is that your sacral chakra is too open - that your emotions are swinging wildly out of control, that you are so hyper that you do not have time to focus on any of your ideas imagine the orange flower gently closing its petals.Third Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow The third chakra is that of the solar plexus. This is located below your ribs near your stomach. Interestingly, with the word "solar" in this chakra's name, its color is yellow.In essence your solar plexus is a group of nerves that has a very 'radiating' appearance to it, which is why it got its name. This chakra is in control of your energies and activities. It controls the things you choose to do and why you choose to do them.If your solar plexus chakra is healthy, you will make wise decisions in your life, choose to work on projects that are worth your time and feel content with the results you achieve.If you are having problems with your solar plexus chakra, you could make bad judgement calls or head down paths which are clearly bad for you. You could also become a workaholic, pouring far too much time and attention into a given part of your lifeIf the problem is that you are not finding the right paths or applying yourself properly to a chosen path, it's time to find some honey calcite, topaz or amber. The solar plexus is like a powerhouse, if you focus on the area you should feel its warmth radiating out. Imagine a beautiful yellow flower opening its petals wide here.If the issue is that this chakra is over energised compared to the others and you are over working or trying to go ahead too fast then gently close the yellow petalled flower. Take time to be patient and seek the correct balance.Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra - Green The heart chakra is the fourth chakra, and is represented by the color green. In some people who have developed the ability to be unconditionally loving, the heart chakra becomes a rosy pink. This is the chakra of love, romance, relationships and communication.If your heart chakra is healthy, you will both be able to empathize with others as well as accept love and friendship into your own life. You will have good friends who you get along with, and will be able to form loving relationships. You will also be compassionate towards yourself.If your heart chakra is unhealthy, you will have trouble maintaining friendships and finding love. It might be that you feel lonely or are hard on yourself. It might also be that you are obsessive and domineering, or closed off, 'cold hearted'.To help open your heart chakra, try working with green stones such as jade or aventurine. To be kinder and more loving towards yourself try rose quartz or mangano calcite. See a beautiful pink flower opening at your heart. Rose and geranium essential oil can help here. This will help draw friendship and romance into your world.If the problem is that you are jealous or possessive it's time to cool things down. Interestingly, because this is the central chakra, you also use green to bring it down as well - your aim here is to focus more on the love, and less on the control. You need to learn to trust. You may sometimes feel too sensitive. At these times visualise the pink flower gently closing for a while, but don't leave it closed, it is important we all learn to work from the heart.Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra - Blue The fifth chakra, of the throat, is the primary focus of communication and action. Represented by blue, this chakra helps ensure you are heard and that you can speak your truth.If you have a healthy fifth chakra, you are able to communicate easily with friends and family - with those you work and interact with. You're even able to give talks in front of an audience.If you're having trouble with your fifth chakra, you might be shy or intimidated by these situations and feel unable to say what you really mean. You might also be too talkative - boisterous or overbearing in situations where you should listen more.If you want to strengthen your throat chakra, try blue lace agate or turquoise. Visualise a sky blue flower at your throat unfolding its petals. This will help you express yourself better and be more self assured.If the problem is that you are too talkative or overbearing, it's time to tone things down. Balance is important between the chakras and this would suggest your throat chakra is overactive compared to the others. Imagine a blue flower softly closing its petals.Sixth Chakra - Brow Chakra - Purple The sixth chakra is the brow chakra, also called the chakra of the third eye. The color assigned to this chakra is indigo, or purple. This is the chakra of intuition, of thought and of spirituality.If you have a healthy sixth chakra, you are at peace with yourself, and are able to study and investigate issues of spirituality. You will also be able to develop your psychic awareness.If, on the other hand, your sixth chakra is unhealthy or closed, it could cause you to jump from idea to idea with little focus. It could also cause you to cling to a single idea without any ability to even consider or discuss any other idea- hence 'close minded'.If your aim is to open and clear your sixth chakra, try working with amethyst or lapis lazuli. Focus on the spot just above and between your two physical eyes. You may get a glimpse of your third eye, usually very beautiful, looking right back at you. Even if you don't see it you may become aware of it. You may imagine a deep blue flower gently opening its petals wide.If the issue is that you that you are overwhelmed with psychic information and it is interfering in your everyday life you may ask the chakra to gently close. Either visualise the third eyelid closing or petals of a blue flower folding softly inwards.

Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra - Violet The seventh and final chakra is the crown chakra, represented by the color violet. It is sometimes also represented by white.This chakra controls wisdom and true understanding. When the seventh chakra is healthy, it allows you to plan your life and handle the daily trials and tribulations that life throws at you. You will feel your link with the Divine and with the rest of creation.When your seventh chakra is unhealthy, it leads to unwise decisions, unhappiness, and a sense of indecision. You will feel alone and seperate.If your aim is to open your seventh chakra, then you should start with amethyst or quartz. Meditation is a key to developing the crown chakra. Visualise a beautiful flower at your crown with hundreds of petals gently opening. This will help you find wisdom and a sense of universal connection.If the problem is that your seventh chakra is too open, and you are finding it hard to cope with the hustle and bustle of everday living then imagine the same flower gently closing the petals over to protect the chakra.*********************************************************Essential Oils for Chakras Using essential oils for the chakras is a way to help balance body, mind, and spirit.Crown Chakra: neroli, rose, frankincenseBrow Chakra: rosemary, juniper, hyacinth, lemon, pine, angelica seedThroat Chakra: chamomile, linden blossom, cypress, petitgrain, basil, peppermint, hyssop, rosewood, rosemaryHeart Chakra: rose maroc, bergamot, melissa, ylang ylang, mandarin, tangerine, geranium, jasmine, lavenderSolar Plexus Chakra: juniper, cedarwood, coriander, black pepper, lime, hyssop, marjoram, cardamomSacral Chakra: sandalwood, clary sage, fennel, cardamom, elemi, benzoinBase Chakra: myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, rosewood, thyme, balsam de peruChoose essential oils appropriate to the mind, body, spirit, and character of the person.Source: The Fragrant Heavens by Valerie Ann Worwood. If you are at all interested in the spiritual aspects of aromatherapy, I highly recommend this book.Labels: aromatherapy for chakras, aromatherapy for spirit, chakra essential oils, chakras essential oils, essential oils chakras, essential oils for chakras, spiritual aromatherapyEssential Oils and Chakras The connection between body and Kundalini. Literal meaning of Chakras in Sanskrit is wheels or vortexes. The ancient and deep science of spiritual and physical studies in India have defined chakras as transfer points for our thoughts and feelings and the physical functioning of specific endocrine glands. Any obstruction in the free flow of energy at the point (or chakra) can create corresponding physical problems and vice versa. Chakras connect from the front of the body all the way to the back of the spine. When they are open you can feel the free flow of energy. Even though you may not be able to see chakras, you might be able to feel them with your hands. When there is balance between the chakras, you have maximum vitality, health, and body ecstatic. This energy flowing is what makes it possible for our physical bodies to exist and function properly. Chakras respond to our emotions, state of mind, creativity and general well being. Blocked chakras reflect the malfunctioning in a particular area of our life. Since aromatherapy provides for our overall well-being, and particular aroma oils have particular effects on us, hence the specific effects can also be used to balance the chakras corresponding to the same properties. Seven Chakras The First chakra is known as the Base root Chakra or Muldhara chakra. The literal meaning conveyed is "The foundation." It is placed between the genitals and anus in a human being. In a woman, it signifies her procreativity. When this chakra is blocked, women may experience constipation, hemorrhoids, low back pain, fear, and instability with money, powerlessness, and the need to control life. When women free themselves and open this energy, they are at harmony with the life, and are able to let go of struggle. The corresponding color for the Chakra is Red. The Therapeutic essential oils to activate the chakra are Vetiver, Angelica, cypress, jatamansi and ginger. The Second chakra is known as the sexual chakra or Swadhishana. Literally, It means the place of "self". It resonates in the pubic region. This chakra represents our creative energy and sexual force. It is associated with the functions of our reproductive organs. When blocked, we may experience lack of purpose, impotence, frigidity, confusion, restlessness, fantasies, jealousy and guilt. When it is open, we can experience our creativity, approaching every challenge that shows up in a creative manner. We open to, and understand our sexuality. Corresponding to color Orange of Chakra, the essential oils are Cedarwood, clary sage, cypress, lemon, trifola, rosewood, ylang-ylang and patchouli. The Third chakra also known as Solar plexus, is located between Navel and rib cage. In Sanskrit it is known as Manipura, literally meaning "The city of Gems". It controls the functioning of the adrenals and pancreas, which regulates blood sugar. When blocked, we experience digestive problems and lust for power. We become pushy, over bearing and egocentric. When it is open, we are at peace with the happenings in our life. We embrace self-discipline. We let go of beliefs that don`t serve us any longer. We are in full trust of the universe. Corresponding to the color yellow, this chakra is activated by essential oils Dhavana, Gold Chamomile, Sandalwood, Anise, Fennel, Champa and Lavender. The Fourth chakra of Heart is also known as Anahata or "Unrestricted."

It resonates just over our heart, in the chest. The fourth chakra is associated with the heart and thymus. It reflects our connectedness and is also the center of joining between the higher and lower chakras. When this center is closed or restricted, we experience heart problems, loneliness, isolation, hatred and live in condemnation of others, feeling separated and disconnected. When open, we experience unconditional love. We know that love is fact and the basis of our being. Our challenges are lessons and we experience connectedness to all things. The Chakra corresponds to the color Green and essential oils of Rose, Cinnamon, Champa, Orange, Neroli, Bergamot and yarrow. The Fifth chakra is the throat chakra, known as Vishudha chakra in Sanskrit, meaning "Pure". It is located in the throat and the neck area. When obstructed or blocked, we experience verbal, hearing and communication problems, sore throats, and difficulty in expressing our feelings (telling the truth). When we open this area, we become a channel for truth and expressions. The corresponding color for this chakra is Blue, and essential oils boosters are Blue Chamomile, Tea tree, Cajeput, sandalwood and bergamot. The Sixth Chakra is also known as the Third eye Chakra or Ajna meaning "Unlimited Power". This chakra is located above and between Eyebrows. The sixth chakra affects our receptivity and is associated with the pituitary gland. When blocked we experience vision problems, headaches, feelings of separation, fogginess, and dizziness. When open we see our connection to all things. We know the future, the past, and we live in the now. Our clairvoyance is stimulated along with our ability to see and understand all things. The corresponding color for the chakra is Indigo, and essential oils are Basil, Lavender, Rosemary, camphor, jasmine and eucalyptus. The Seventh Chakra is also known as Crown chakra or Sahasrara meaning "Thousand petaled". It is located at the crown of the head and is associated with the pineal gland. It is a source of divine energy and self-realization. When it is blocked, we dwell in the ego. Our prayers lose any connectedness to God. When open, the ego falls away and we experience a burst of spiritual enlightenment. The corresponding color for the chakra is Violet, and essential oils are Myrrh, Henna, violet absolute and Frankincense. How to apply chakra oil: · Mix a total of 30% of the prescribed essential oils with 70% vegetable oil. Cold pressed vegetable oil (sweet almond, grape seed, jojoba, etc.) is preferred. · Place 10 drops of this mixture on the corresponding chakra location and rub into the skin in a counter-clockwise direction while visualizing the corresponding color. OR · Place a total of 6-12 drops of the prescribed essential oils into one cup of warm water. · Soak a small cloth with the solution, squeeze out the excess and place as a warm compress over thechakra. · Cover with a towel and rest until cool. Essential oils can stimulate and assist in the process of awakening, healing, opening the chakras, and strengthening the aura. It is really a boon to us to be able to use such tools to meet our "Higher Self". OIL BLENDS, OILS THAT CHANGE YOUR MOOD, OILS, CHAKRAS and AURASAroma Therapy - To Order the Essential Oils please contact Edith Rodriguez - Miami, FloridaALERT BLEND: For those times when concentration and analytical thinking is important get this great energy boost. Contains Rosemary. (Use caution if you have high blood pressure).DEPRESSION RELIEF: Leave anxiety and depression behind with this blend of Bergamot and Geranium Rose. Instant spiritual uplift.ENERGY BLEND: Get your energy level in high gear. Prepares you to encounter any challenge. Peppermint and Basil are your allies. HEADACHE RELIEF: Inhale for instant relief. Put a couple of drops on the palm of your hands & cup them to your nose. Place a drop on each temple.INSOMNIA BLEND: Restful and deep relaxed sleep, without sluggishness when you wake up. Contains Orange and Lavender.JOY BLEND: Neroli & Orange oils contribute to the feeling of happiness and harmony.MEDITATION BLEND: Old world blend of Myrrh, Frankincense and Cedarwood to bring you to higher levels of relaxation.MEMORY ENHANCER When you need to focus your energy and expand your memory sensors, Basil Blend will be the answer.MUSCLE ACHE BLEND: Shake those rainy day aches and oxygenate your sore muscles with Sage and Clary Sage.PSYCHIC PROTECTION & CLEANSING BLEND: Put a few drops on palm of hands and visualize a bubble around your body – Move your hands around the bubble to permeate same with the magic energy of Fennel. Bring your hands to your solar plexus and massage.SINUS/COLD BLEND: Eucalyptus acts as a soothing and penetrating agent for the relief of colds and congestion. STRESS RELIEF BLEND: Experience relief of tension immediately and be filled with peace and a sense of well being. The scent of Ylang Ylang and Orange does wonders. Oils that change your mood:· CravingsTo stop yourself from over eating sweet foods try vanilla, the sweet smell will help you to stop that sweet tooth.· Stress help beat the stress away try jasmine, frankincense, ylang ylang, grapefruit, lavender, sandalwood, geranium, rose, bergamot, benzoin, vetiver, mandarin or roman chamomile. · Emotional baggage any of us have some baggage trailing behind somewhere, to help put the past back where it belongs juniper berry is meant to work wonders. · Uplift the spirits jamine is the oil to help bring out your sunnier side. · ConfidenceTo send your confidence soaring through the roof try a helping hand from bay laurel, bergamot, cypress, grapefruit, jasmine, rosemary or orange. · DepressionTo lift depression, try these oils to change your mood; may chang, frankincense, lemon, grapefruit, jasmine, clary sage, sandalwood, ylang ylang, geranium, orange, neroli (orange blossom) and helichrysum. · InsecurityThese oils will help produce inner security and self-acceptance; frankincense, jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver, cedarwood and bergamot. · LonelinessMany of us feel alone at times, these oils will help take that negative feeling away;

rose, clary sage, frankincense and helichrysum. · HappinessTo help yourself become a happy, vibrant, full of life person, grapefruit, lemon, orange, rose, sandalwood and ylang ylang may well do the trick. Other OilsBasil (Ocimum basilicum) antiseptic, antispasmodic, antidepressant, expectorant. Suggested for sinus congestion, bronchitis, headaches, coughs, mild depression, anxiety, mental fatigue.Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) antiseptic, antidepressant, deodorant, antibacterial. Suggested for bad breath, acne, eczema, colds, flu, stress, anxiety, insomnia, grief. Will increase sunburn.Birch (betula alba) anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic. Suggested for eczema, arthritis, muscular pain, obesity.Cedarwood Atlas (Cedrus atlantica) antiseptic, astringent, insecticide. Suggested for acne, oily skin, dandruff, insect repellent, fear, strengthening our connection to the Divine.Chamomile German (Matricaria recutita) antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, sedative. Suggested for asthma, inflammations, acne, insomnia, anxiety, anger, speaking truth.Chamomile Roman (Chamaemelum nobile) anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal. Suggested for acne, inflammations, rashes, muscular pains, insomnia, anxiety, depression, burns, assist in channeling.Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) antispasmodic, antidepressant, antiseptic. Suggested for muscle spasms, cramps, hot flashes, depression, headaches, nervous tension, enhances dream recall. Do not use during pregnancy.Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) decongestant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, astringent. Suggested for asthma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, PMS, nervous tension, help in time of transitions.Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) antiseptic, expectorant, stimulant. Suggested for bronchitis, aged skin, infected cuts and wounds, coughs, nervous exhaustion, meditation, balances upper and lower chakras. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) antiseptic, expectorant, febrifuge, antibacterial. Suggested for colds, flu, chest and throat infections, insect bites, clearing the mind, clearing negativity.Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic. Suggested for asthma, bronchitis, cellulitis, obesity, psychic protection.Fir Needle (Abies sibirica) analgesic, antiseptic, expectorant. Suggested for bronchitis, coughs, colds, muscular aches and pains.Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, sedative. Suggested for aging skin, wrinkles, bronchitis, anxiety, nightmares, meditation, helping to break ties with the past.Geranium Rose (Pelargonium graveolens) antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, anticoagulant. Suggested for oily or dry skin, burns, mature skin, PMS, anxiety, depression.Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) antidepressant, antiseptic, diuretic. Suggested for hair loss, insomnia, muscular fatigue, jet lag, tiredness.Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiseptic. Suggested for menstrual cramps, coughs, skin softener, depression, postpartum depression, heightening spiritual awareness.Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) antiseptic, astringent, diuretic. Suggested for detoxification, water retention, acne, anxiety, insomnia, clearing out negativity. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiviral. Suggested for headaches, insect bites, cuts, burns, acne, scars, insomnia, anxiety, calming and balancing the chakras. Lemon (Citrus limon) antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal. Suggested for boils, oily skin, nosebleeds, muscle aches, insect bites, fever, repels ants and moths.Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) antiseptic, astringent, insecticide, antiviral. Suggested for athlete’s foot, open pores, acne, good insect repellent, mental fatigue, muscle soreness.Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, bactericidal. Suggested for insect bites, mouth ulcers, acne, asthma, throat infections, colds.Mandarin (citrus reticulata) antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, digestive. Suggested for hiccups, obesity, muscle spasms, insomnia, restlessness, overactivity, grief, depression, helps us to get in touch with our inner child.Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) anti-inflammatory, anti fungal, expectorant, antiseptic, astringent. Suggested for mouth sores, gum infections, sore throat, chronic lung conditions, bronchitis, meditation, emotionally or spiritually moving forward.Neroli (Citrus aurantium) antidepressant, antiseptic, sedative. Suggested for dry, mature, sensitive skin, depression, insomnia, sadness, chronic anxiety, helping to connect us to our higher self.Orange (Citrus sinensis) antispasmodic, antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericidal. Suggested for anxiety, depression, insomnia, mouth ulcers, bronchitis, when sad to create joy.Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, aphrodisiac. Suggested for dry, cracked skin, acne, athlete’s foot, depression, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, grounding.Peppermint (Mentha piperita) analgesic, antiseptic, expectorant, decongestant. Suggested for headache, colds, bad breath, bronchitis, depression, general debility.Pine Needle (Pinus sylvestris) antiseptic, decongestant, expectorant, stimulant. Suggested for colds, muscular stiffness, soreness, sore throat, fatigue, bronchitis, clearing rooms for meditation.Rose (Rosa spp.-rosaceae) antidepressant, aphrodisiac, astringent, antispasmodic. Suggested for nausea, irregular menstruation, aging, mature skin, insomnia, sadness, grief, bringing healing to the heart chakra. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) analgesic, diuretic, decongestant, antiseptic. Suggested for hair loss, dandruff, respiratory problems, mental fatigue, nervous fatigue, to strengthen memory. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) antiseptic, analgesic, antibacterial. Suggested for acne, skin care, headache, colds, coughs, nervous tension, meditation.Sage (Salvia officinalis) diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent. Suggested for muscular aches and pains, gum and mouth infections, arthritis, visualization.Sandalwood (Santalum album) antiseptic, astringent, antispasmodic, emollient. Suggested for dry, cracked skin, sore throat, laryngitis, depression, grief, meditation.Spruce (Picea mariana) antiseptic, astringent, anti-microbial.

Suggested for muscular aches and pains, colds, coughs, good for grounding and meditation, stress.Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, decongestant. Suggested for insect bites, cold sores, asthma, bronchitis, acne, blemishes, athlete’s foot, burns, nail infections.Thyme White (thymus vulgaris) anti-microbial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal. Suggested for insect bites, arthritis, asthma, muscular aches and pains, bronchitis, sore throats, insomnia, colds.Vetivert (Vetiveria zizanoides) antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative. Suggested for acne, arthritis, muscular aches and pains, depression, insomnia, grounding, balances chakras to each other.Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) antiseptic, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, sedative. Suggested for acne, hair growth, hypertension, insomnia, depression, anxiety, dispels anger, creates feelings of peace. Do not use if you have low blood pressure.All the blends are infused with Reiki energy and crystal bowl sound. A chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. A chakra is a kind of vortex, a significant point of organized life energy. Chakras are energy centers in the body through which we draw in life energy from the cosmos. There are seven main chakras seated in the body. They are vertically aligned with the spinal column from its base to the top of the head.The chakras transmit and receive energy on all levels from the etheric to the physical. It is through this continued process that we contact and interact with other people and our environment. The first center is the Root or Base Chakra. (http://www.yogabound.com/index.htm) Its Sanskrit name is Muladhara, meaning root/support. It rests in the perineum at the base of the spine or the end of the coccyx. It is the location of the resting Kundalini and it is the closest to the earth. It regulates the sense of smell and relates to survival, grounding, money, contact to the earth, health and possessions. Parts of the body that can be affected are the Nervous system, the spine, the kidneys, the legs, the feet and the large intestine. It controls the adrenal cortex. It is the center of vitality and physical energy. Blockages can result in lack of inspiration and tiredness, obesity, constipation, sciatica and degenerative arthritis. The color associated with it is red, which is a symbol of life, strength, health and vitality. Essential oils used are patchouli and myrrh. The crystal used is coral. Location - Kundalini Center, Base of spine (Tailbone, pelvic Floor), cohesionColor - Red or red orange (secondary color is black)Element - EarthSymbol - SquareEnergy - Life promotingFrequency - 523-3 cpsNote- High CSense - SmellStatement - "I want stuff"Astrological Sign - ScorpioSpinal Contact - 4th Sacral VertebraInterrelating Organ - GonadsFunctions - Gives vitality to the physical body. Life-force, survival, self-preservation, instinctsGlands/Organs - Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bonesGems/Minerals - Ruby, garnet, bloodstone, red jasper, black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartzFoods - Proteins (meant and dairy products no recommended), red fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons - Matters relating to the material world, success. The physical body, mastery of the body, grounding, individuality, stability, security, stillness, health, courage, patienceNegative Qualities - Self-centered, insecurity, violence, greed, anger, overly concerned with one's physical survival, tension in the spine, constipation The second center is the Sacral Chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhisthana, meaning sweetness or one’s own abode. It is located between the pubic area and the navel. It is associated with sexuality, creativity and relationships. It is the center of desire and pleasure. It is associated with the physical ability to move forward in life. Parts of the body that can be affected are the reproductive organs, diseases of the blood, the adrenal glands. A blocked chakra can result in impotence, stiff low back and kidney trouble. The color associated with it is orange, which represents creativity, luxury and pleasure. Essential oils used are ylang ylang, jasmine and grapefruit. The crystal used is carnelian. Location - Lower abdomen, 1-2 inches below the navel, contactionColor - Orange (depending on the school of thought)Element - WaterSymbol - TriangleEnergy and Frequency - UnknownNote - DSense - TasteStatement - "I desire" (Anything from money to God, sex, etc.)Astrological Sign - Libra Spinal Contact - 1st Lumbar VertebraInterrelating Organ - SpleenFunctions - Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexualityGlands/Organs - Ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder

Gems/Minerals - Carnelian, coral, gold calcite, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurineFoods - Liquids, orange fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons - Giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual/passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, health, family, tolerance, surrender, working harmoniously and creatively with othersNegative Qualities - Over-indulgence in food or sex, sexual difficulties, confusion, purposelessness, jealousy, envy, desire to possess, impotence, uterine and/or bladder problems The third center is the Solar Plexus Chakra or power chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Manipura, meaning lustrous gem or jewel of the navel. It is situated over the navel. It is the center of personal power, personal feelings, desires and emotions. Will is associated with this center and how we manifest our power out into the world is expressed here. It affects the gall bladder, the stomach, the Digestive system, the liver, the diaphragm and the pancreas. It is the brain center of the Nervous system. We hold our anger, rage and hostility in this center. It deals with self esteem and confidence. A blocked third chakra can cause poor digestion, mood swings, ulcers, diabetes and hypoglycemia. The color associated with it is yellow, which is a symbol of mind and intellect and represents imagination, happiness and wisdom. Essential oils used are juniper and vetivert. The crystal used is citrine. Location - Above the navel, below the chest, lumbar center, power, expansionColor - YellowElement - FireSymbol - CircleEnergy - Life-preservingFrequency - 349.2 cpsNote - ESense - SightStatement - "I want happiness"Astrological Sign - Leo Spinal Contact - 8th Thoracic VertebraInterrelating Organ - N/AFunctions - Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system, digestive processes, metabolism, emotionsGlands/organs - Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, musclesGems/Minerals - Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, goldFoods - Starches, yello fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons - Will, personal power,authority, energy, mastery of desire, self-control, radiance, warmth, awakening, transformation, humor, laughter, immortalityNegative Qualities - Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize, too much emphasis on power and/or recognition, anger, fear, hate, digestive problemsThe fourth center is the Heart Chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Anahata, meaning unstruck sound. It is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. It supports the heart, circulatory system, the lungs, the Respiratory system, arms, hands, the immune system and the Endocrine system. The thymus gland is associated with the Heart Chakra. It is in the heart center that we deal with issues of the soul. It is the seat of Divinity. It is the center of compassion and universal expression of love. An unbalanced Heart Chakra may restrict life force energy to the lungs, breasts and heart. It may result in lung disease, asthma, pneumonia and high blood pressure. The heart chakra is the midpoint between the Physical Self, represented by the lower chakras and the Spiritual represented by the upper chakras. The colors associated with this center are green, a symbol of harmony and sympathy, which also brings balance and soothes the nerves, and pink, the color of mother love and affection Essential oils used are bergamot and rose. The crystal used is rose quartz. Location - Center of the chest (heart), loveColor - Green (secondary color is pink)Element - AirSymbol - CrossEnergy - ConsciousnessFrequency - 659.3 cpsNote - F#Sense - TouchStatement - "I want to give and receive love"Astrological sign - LibraSpinal Contact - 1st Thoracic VertebraInterrelating Organ - ThymusFunctions - Anchors the life-force from the Higher Self. Energizes the blood and physical body with the life-force, blood circulationGlands/Organs - Heart, thymus glad, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungsGems/Minerals - Emerald, green and pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, chrysoprase, kunzite, rose quartz, rubyFoods - Green fruits and vegetablesQualities - Divine/unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life, acceptance, peace, openness, harmony,

contentmentNegative Qualities - Repression of love, emotional instability, out of balance, heart problems, circulation problemsThe fifth center is the Throat Chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Visshudha, meaning purification. It located at the neck. It is the center of communication and speaking your truth, as well as perception of the inner voice, expression without judgment of self and others, creative projects and clairaudience (hearing the voice of the Divine). It supports the vocal cords, the ears, the throat, the thyroid, parathyroid glands, the neck and shoulders. A blocked chakra can result in a sore throat, stiff neck, colds, laryngitis, TMJ, thyroid and hearing problems. The color associated with this chakra is blue, a symbol of inspiration and devotion. Essential oils used are German chamomile and eucalyptus. The crystal used is turquoise. Location-Throat (bottom of the neck), knowledge-teaching, listening-hearingColor-Sky BlueElement-EtherSymbol-CrescentEnergy-ExpressiveFrequency-392 cpsNote-G#Sense-HearingStatement-"I want to speak freely and openly"Astrological Sign-GeminiSpinal Contact-3rd Cervical VertebraInterrelating Organ-ThyroidFunctions-Speech, sound, vibration, communicationGlands/Organs-Thyroid, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouthGems/Minerals-Turquoise, chrysocolia, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, asurite, dyaniteFoods-Blue/Purple fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons-Power of the spoken work, true communication, creative expression in speech, writing and the arts, integration, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindnessNegative Qualities-Communication and/or speech problems, knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, depression and thyroid problemsThe sixth center is the Third Eye Chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Ajna, meaning to know, to perceive, to command. It is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is the center of psychic power, intuition, clairvoyance, visualization and spiritual awakening. It governs the eyes, nose, ears and brain. The pituitary gland is associated with this chakra. It regulates emotional responses. A blocked chakra may lead to irritability, confusion, sinus problems, sleeplessness, migraines, blurred vision, nightmares and mental stress. The color associated with it is indigo, which represents spiritual attainment, self mastery, wisdom and saintliness. Essential oils used are sage and rosemary. The crystal used is lapis. Location - Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, cognitionColor - Indigo (dark blue)Element - Light, electrical or telepathic energySymbol - Six pointed starEnergy - SynthesizingFrequency - 440 cpsNote - High A*Sense - ThoughtStatement - "I want to see clearly"Astrological Sign - AquariusSpinal Contact - 1st Cervical VertebraInterrelating Organ - Pituitary Functions - Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system, visionGlands/Organs - Pituitary gland (some sources say pineal gland, left eye, nose, earsGems/Minerals - Lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire, indicolite tourmalineFoods - Blue/purple fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons - Soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination, clairvoyance, concentration, peace of mind, wisdom, devotion, perception beyond dualityNegative Qualities - Lack of concentration, fear, cynicism, tension, headaches, eye problems, bad dreams, overly detached from the world The seventh center is the Crown Chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, meaning Thousandfold. It is located at the top of the head. It governs the brain, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, which is associated with higher consciousness and is the realm of the Divine. A blocked chakra can cause depression, alienation, confusion and nervous disorders. It is the center of spirituality, union with cosmos, manifestation of the Divine, cosmic consciousness and universal wisdom. It enables one to see the truth concerning self-limiting concepts. The color associated with this chakra is purple, which is a symbol of spirituality. Essential oils used are sandalwood, frankincense and lavender. The crystal used is amethyst. The information for the location and oils for the eighth through twelfth chakras we found in our research and through inner guidance. Please feel free to choose your own description of the these higher chakras.Location - Top of the Head, pure consciousness Color - Purple (Violet, could also be gold)

Element - Thought/will (Cosmic Energy)Symbol - LotusEnergy - IntegrationFrequency - 493 cpsNote - High BSense - "I want to be lazy (The seventh day is a day of rest)Astrolog cal Sign - PiscesSpinal Contact - NoneInterrelating Organ - Pineal.Functions - Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum)Glands/Organs - Pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eyeGems/Minerals - Amethyst, alexandrite, diamond, sugilite, purple fluorite, quartz crystal, seleniteFoods - This chakra is associated with the idea of fasting: Also violet (purple) fruits and vegetablesQualities/Lessons - Unification of the Higher Self with the human personality, oneness with the Infinite, spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding, idealism, selfless service, perception beyond space and time, continuity of consciousnessNegative Qualities - Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve, senility Eighth chakra (aura or grounding) - at least two inches below the feet. Oils used are sandalwood, lime and lemon. Ninth chakra (etheric body, karma or choice, manifest in your life) - at least two inches above the head. Oils used are cedarwood and clary sage. Tenth chakra (real self or belief system) - above ninth chakra. Oils used are elemi and rosewood.Eleventh chakra (soul or higher self) - above tenth chakra. Oils used are neroli and orange.Twelfth chakra (connection with Divinity, higher self, and/or cosmic connection) - above eleventh chakra. Oils used are rose and frankincense. Auras - Colors of the Aura http://www.paralumun.com/auraetheric.htmWhat is the Aura ?Everything in the Universe seems to be just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example). This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration.THE ETHERIC AURA The etheric aura extends about two inches out from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue in color. The shade of the blue relates to the physical condition and health of the physical body. Athletes have strong etheric aura's of a deeper blue in shade. In the etheric aura you feel all the sensations, both pain and pleasure. EMOTIONAL AURAThe emotional aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and appears as rainbow colored clouds. This aura is associated with feelings. Positive feelings generally create bright colors, where as negative feelings generally create dark colors. Problems in this aura will eventually lead to problems in the first and third aura'sMENTAL AURAThe mental aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in color. Within this aura are our thoughts and mental processes. The more active our thinking processes the brighter our mental aura becomes. Within this aura can be found thought forms.ASTRAL AURAThe astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly colored rainbow clouds. The astral aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world.COLORS OF THE AURA White, Black, Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Gold, Silver, Pink http://www.indigochild.net/a_die_indigo_kinder_lightbody.htm#5AMBER : personal strength and courage APPLE GREEN : healers APRICOT : caring communication AQUA : healer BLACK :Often seen in the auras of abused children, divorcees, drug addicts and torture victims. Could be someone protecting themselves or someone hiding a secret. BLUE: Blue is the color of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white ...back to source. Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns. Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.BUTTERCUP YELLOW : focused on a course of action CARAMEL : I find this color in people who are going through positive career changes CARMINE : people who are seeking change CHARCOAL GREY : depression CHARCOAL GREY, MUDDY BROWN AND PALE PINK TOGETHER : terminal illness CHOCOLATE BROWN : the color of environmentalist and farmers

CLARET : self determination COBALT BLUE : intuition coming from the higher dimensions of the aura COPPER : I only see this color around people in the mining industry CREAM : heading in the right direction CRIMSON : natural creative skills DARK BROWN : indicates a person with common sense DARK GREEN : mental stress DELFT BLUE : strong ethics DOE-SKIN : found in people who are very orderly DUSTY PINK : foolish people EMERALD GREEN : a problem is being put to rest FAWN : period of problems is coming to an endGREEN: Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill. Top of PageGOLD : a higher level of consciousness. Gold is the color of wisdom learned here on earth, confidence, courage and strength. Gold is also a protective color, having very strong protective energy. If someone is about to embark on the experience of Astral Travel they may envision themselves covered in a gold light as a way of protection. Gold within our aura represents our will, our determination to seek the positive side of life. Someone with a lot of gold in their aura knows who they are and what they seek out of life. Gold is an empowering color, giving us the power to cut loose of any negativity we may have around us. Gold is a healing energy helping cure illness if used in a proper way. While gold is strong, it is so strong that acquiring gold in ones aura takes a long time allowing the person to adjust to the strong energy. GOLDEN YELLOW : inspiration GRAPE : laziness GRAY : people who feel trapped in life IMPERIAL PURPLE : heightened dream activity INDIGO : strong psychic ability IRIDESCENT GREEN : I find this color in very friendly people IRIDESCENT PINK : sexual desire JADE : a charitable nature LAVENDER : I have often seen this in people who have had a near death experience LEMON GREEN : I have found this in people who are liars and cheats LEMON YELLOW : strength of direction LILAC : spiritual balance MAGENTA : often found in entrepreneurs MAROON : self empowerment MAUVE : humble people MUSHROOM : a slowing of destiny MUSTARD : I have seen this in people who are manipulative NAVY BLUE : people with this color tend to move slow, but safe and sure OLIVE GREEN : scrooge ORANGE : strong motivation.The mental body in both its logical and conceptual form. It is used to increase immunity, to increase sexual potency, to help in all digestive ailments, chest and kidney diseases. Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly. Orange, like red should not be used for too long. It is not a good color for nervous people or people easily agitated. Top of PagePALE BLUE : the color of sensitivity. PALE GREEN : spiritual advancement PINK : true love. Pink is the color of love and romance. Pink is a universal color expressing joy, compassion, human love and abundance. Pure Spiritual love is found within a deep rose pink shade. This pink is devoid of any negative human emotions such as jealousy. A crimson pink shows a person with a calm and loving nature. A pearl luster pink shows a deep religious person or someone pure love for God/Goddess. Pale pink is often associated with true love. Salmon Pink often represents people who are happy in their career. Top of PagePALE YELLOW : shyness PEARL : I often see this around authentic mediums PINK MADDER : loyalty and commitment PRIMROSE : optimism PRUSSIAN BLUE : represents harmony PUMPKIN : self control

PURPLE: Purple is also a color that will connect you with your spiritual self. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones. Too much purple and you don't tend to live in this world.Top of PageRAW SIENNA : indicates poor thinking process RED: Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. Red also represents righteousness. Red is the passion that is within us all. People with red in their aura are able to connect and communicate with others easily. They are strong, sometimes stubborn and are not defeated easily. They may also be a bit on the competitive side. Red is a powerful healing energy for diseases of the blood and circulation. Someone with high blood pressure should not use red as a healing tool. Being a life energy it can also help with depression. The downside to red is it can bring agitation. Wearing red to often or being around the color red can make us irritated. Ruby Red signifies endurance, physical strength.Rose Red signifies an active love.Clear Red signifies loyalty and faithfulness.Red-Purple signifies individual effort.It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc., it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!! Top of PageROYAL BLUE : I have found this in people who have found their chosen path in life RUSSET-BROWN : a hard working person RUSTIC RED : short tempered SALMON PINK : people who work in a career they love. The frequency is used for peace, truth, and balance. SCARLET RED : found in people with a big ego SILVER : this is the link between the spiritual realm SILVER GRAY : I often see this in people involved in yoga. Silver is the color of spiritual intelligence. In an aura silver shows someone who is spiritually aware with keen powers of perception. This is someone who can stand his/her own ground and will not allow anyone to influence him/her. Someone's who psychic abilities are developed may have a lot of silver within their aura, connecting to the "spiritual realm" is a part of the silver energy Silver is the energy of peace and persistence. While not the primary healing color, silver can also be considered a healing energy. It can be used to remove unwanted diseases from the body. SKY BLUE : strong natural instincts STRAW YELLOW : day dreamers TERRACOTTA : people who challenge convention TURQUOISE : I often find this in people who fought their way out of poverty to become a success in life ULTRAMARINE : seen in the aura of sailors, surfers and people who are around the sea. VERMILLION : indicates creativityVIOLET : once again humble people VIRIDIAN : emotional and mental stress WHITE: White in a Aura is considered to be one of the highest colors. Symbolizing the divine light, it means purity, compassion and wisdom. The wisdom offered to humanity by the "higher forces" is represented in the white, the divine light. Many spiritual people have a lot of white within their aura. Pearl white represents compassion, kindness and forgiving quality. Crystal white represents a soul who is close to the completion of their soul journey. A yellowish white represents a determined soul who is trying to learn his/her lessons quickly. The color white in which ever shade always represents wisdom, the search for wisdom and humanity.YELLOW: Yellow is the color of intellect and it is used for mental stimulation, it will help you think quicker. It is good for clearing a foggy head. To help cure dermatitis and other skin problems and again it must be used carefully because it is very stimulating and it could cause exhaustion and depression.ZINC : often seen around sexual organs when aroused‘Olfactory’ CHAKRA OILS can be used as portals to help open and balance the chakras. They are synergies of pure essential oils, Kauai healing energy flower & crystal gem essences and energetically charged crystals all blended in a base of golden jojoba oil. You can simply inhale directly from the bottle or you may also anoint each chakra point with a drop or two of the corresponding chakra oil. For healing, place a small amount of chakra oil in your hand. Rub your palms together and gently stroke or rest your hand in the area it is needed. The bottle alone may be placed directly into the client's energy field. Our blends consist complex synergies of energetically infused essential oils, gem and flower essences as well as herbs and crystals. They are then blended in a base of pure organic golden jojoba oil for ease in application. 1-Root Chakra – (Muladhara)- Center your Energy. Overcome StressOil Blend: Patchouli, Neroli & Sandalwood oils; Garnet gem essenceRed is the color of this first Chakra. Crystal-black tourmaline, ruby, bloodstone The gland is the adrenals. The main issues are survival, physical needs & sexual development- the beginning of awareness. This is the chakra of self preservation, concept and original idea (10ml-USD30)2-Sacral or Belly Chakra- Be playful, supercharged, sexy and wise- Overcome DepressionOil blend: Vanatu Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang, Clementine Petitgrain, carnelian gems The main issues are emotional balance, life enhancement & sexuality. The sense is taste and the body parts are the sex organs, bladder, prostate & womb. When open one honors their body and feels good about his or her sexuality. - Be playful, supercharged, sexy and wise

3- Solar Plexus Chakra– (Manipura) – Be Creative, powerful, energetic. Overcome TardinessOil blend: Mint, Cinnamon & Mandarin oils; Citrine gem essenceYellow is the color of this Chakra. This Chakra is located just above the navel. The gland is the pancreas. The main issues of this power chakra are personal power, energy, spontaneity, self-will & intellect. Helps you manifest positive situations in your life… self esteem. The sense is sight and the body parts are the digestive system & muscles. This chakra affirms that you are deserving of respect, believing in your gifts and abilities(10mlUSD30)4-The Heart Chakra- (Anahata) – Relate, Emote, Overcome InhibitionsOil blend: High Altitude Kashmir Lavender, Ylang-Ylang (for true Tantric 2nd & 4th Chakra connection) oils. Rose Oil and a bit of Jasmine Sambac, rose quartz gems Rose & green are the colors of this Chakra. Crystals-rose quartz, pink tourmaline, green aventurine & jade. This Chakra is located under the breastbone between the breasts. The gland is the thymus. The main issues are love & relationships- divine unconditional love. The sense is touch and the body parts are the heart, chest, lungs & circulation system. Also controls the production of infection fighting white blood cells. The heart center also stimulates the imagination- it is the center of sensory feeling, compassion, understanding & balance. The heart opens and you love yourself as well as others unconditionally. (10ml-USD30) 5-The Throat Chakra – (Visuddha) – Fear & Anger Management, Calming the spiritOil blend: Kashmir Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Taos Sage, lapis lazuli gems.This Chakra is located in the hollow of the throat. The gland is the thyroid. The main issues are communication, speech, sound, & creative self-expression. The sense is sound and the body parts are the mouth, throat & ears. Anger is the source of more diseases than any other emotion. Kept internalized it is the cause of most illness. This is the Chakra of expression-speaking from the heart, freely with no fear of what others might think. (10ml-USD30)6-The Third Eye Chakra-(Ajna) – Clarity in thinking and focus. Overcome SleeplessnessOil Blend: Frankincense, Cedarwood & Mandarin oils; Passionflower essence & Holy Amethyst gem essenceThis Chakra, the middle spiritual level, is located at the brow or third eye. The gland is the pituitary. The main issues are intuition & wisdom. The pituitary regulates all the other endocrine glands. The sense is the "sixth sense" and the body parts are the eyes and the base of the skull. This is the Chakra of insight, a connection to your intuitive thoughts (10ml-USD30)7-The Crown Chakra – (Sahsrara) – Destress, Overcome HeadachesOil Blend: Elemi, Jasmine & Frankincense oils; Lotus flower essence (a master healer-balances all Chakras & soul) & Quartz gem essence .This Chakra is located at the crown of the head. The gland is the pineal. The main issue is spirituality. The sense is enlightenment beyond the self & release; thought and will. The main body part is the cerebral cortex. It is here we learn to trust our inner voice, that sense of knowing, our spirit guide moving us along with clear and focused thought. This is the Chakra of release. (10ml-USD30)8- Foot Chakra Oil - Overall wellbeing. Overcome Aches and painsOil blend: Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Ginger, garnet gemsLocated on the soles of each foot…grounds you to the element of the earth’s core. This chakra governs the logical mind and overall balance of energy. It regulates the flow of energy from the body to the outer layers of the aura and keeps you balanced in times of duress; grounds you when you are taking new directions. (10ml-USD30)9- Transcendental Chakra Oil - Happy Spirit, mind and body.Oil Blend- White Lotus, Lemongrass, PearlsThis Etheral chakra is the pinnacle of spiritual growth. (10ml-USD30)How to Use Essential Oils to Balance ChakrasUsing essential oils is one way to balance your chakras. Here are some suggestions to get you started.Things You'll Need:Essential Oils Step 1Seventh (Crown) Chakra:Frankincense is stimulating and elevating to the mind, and useful for visualizing, improving one's spiritual connection, and centering.Rose essential oil helps bring balance and harmony with stimulating and uplifting properties that create a sense of well-being.Step 2Sixth (third eye) Chakra: Rosemary is an energizing oil that may be beneficial for helping restore mental alertness.Juniper has a cleansing effect on the mind, spirit, and body, and may work as a detoxifier and cleanser.Lemon has a strong, purifying, citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting.Step 3Fifth (Throat) Chakra: Basil essential oil's strong, spicy aroma can refresh the mind, soothe the body, and help restore mental alertness.Cypress has a fresh, herbaceous aroma that is refreshing and restores feelings of security and stability. Peppermint can also improve concentration and mental sharpness.Rosewood is comforting and soothing, and has a steadying and balancing effect on emotions and may help to uplift feelings of despair.Step 4Fourth (Heart) Chakra:

Bergamot it is good for building confidence and enhancing your mood.Lavender is an adaptogen that can assist the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. Melissa has a light, fresh, lemony scent that is both strengthening and revitalizing, and soothing and calming.Ylang ylang calms and brings about a sense of relaxation, and it may help with releasing feelings of anger, tension, and nervous irritability.Step 5Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra: Cedarwood and Coriander essential oils are relaxing and soothing.Black pepper is comforting and energizing.Hyssop is noted for its purifying properties. Marjoram has a warming effect on both mind and body and soothes tense muscles after exercise.Step 6Second Chakra: Clary sage essential oil has a mellow, warm, herbal scent that is uplifting and relaxing, making it a great choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. Fennel has a sweet, earthy, anise-like aroma that is energizing, vitalizing, and balancing.Sandalwood has a rich, sweet, warm, and woody aroma that is uplifting and relaxing.Step 7First Chakra: Myrrh has a rich aroma that is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting. Patchouli is commonly used to provide general support for health and to help release negative emotions.Vetiver oil is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilizing.Tips & WarningsChoose essential oils appropriate to your mind, body, spirit, and character.For best results, use only therapeutic-grade essential oils.If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider.Resources sing Aromatherapy and Essential OIls BlogThe Fragrant Heavens by Valerie Ann WorwoodThe Chakra and Essential Oil IndexThis is a general index of the chakras. The essential oils suggested can be used in aromatherapy, massage, baths and other therapies. 1 - Root chakraThe Root chakra is about being physically present. Feelings of stability, safety and stamina are held here. This is the foundation chakra and is the first chakra of the system. When the root chakra is open we feel present in the here and now and feel that our physical space is sufficient, respected and connected to our physical body.If the root chakra is closed we are insecure. We may be paranoid, fearful, and full of hatred and anger. We may be overly possessive. We may have low blood pressure, circulatory and sexual dysfunction. Essential oils to help open the root chakra are vetiver, peppermint, frankincense, cedarwood, myrrh, carrot, cardamon, clove, oakmoss, patchouli, laurel, ginger, sandalwood and benzoin.2 - Sacral chakraThe Sacral chakra is the seat of personal boundaries, trust, intimacy and the sense of attraction between two people. When the sacral chakra is open we are patient, desire and pleasure are balanced. We are able to manifest desires, have healthy attachments and healthy emotional needs. When it is open we are open to intimacy.When the sacral chakra is closed we are withdrawn. We may have fears about our relationships, be manipulative, suspicious and insecure. We may have uro-genital ills, a low sex drive or an addiction to relationships.Essential oils to open the sacral chakra are jasmine, ylang, cinnamon, petitgrain, tangerine, myrrh, pine cypress, coriander, oakmoss, rose, rose geranium, geranium, vetiver, clary sage and patchouli.3 - Navel chakraThe navel chakra is the center of our power. It is about personal power, will and metabolism. Self-confidence and self-esteem reside here. This energy is empowering as well as protective from negative energy. When the naval chakra is open we are in control, we are decisive and motivated. If the naval chakra is closed we are passive and indecisive, we have low energy and are apathetic. We don’t get what we want. We may be jealous and have an inflated ego. We may have indigestion, constipation and liver ills. Essential oils to open this chakra are ginger, ylang, lemon, lemongrass, carrot, cade, juniper, cedarwood, meilssa black pepper, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, thymes, vetiver, cinnamon bark, peppermint, cardamn, citronella, valerian and spikenard. 4 - Heart chakraThe Heart chakra is about love. When the heart chakra is open we are open to change and growth. We fell sympathy and empathy, are sensitive to others. The heart chakra is associated with hopes of the future and awareness of our spiritual purpose. This chakra integrates and connects opposites; ego and being connected to all that is, the mind and the body. When it is open, we are compassionate and friendly; we experience love, joy, acceptance and fulfillment. When our heart chakra is closed we have fears about our involvement with others. We may distance ourselves from others. We may have an inflated ego; we may be jealous and ungrateful. We may have circulation ills, high blood pressure and seasonal allergies. Essential oils to open the heart chakra are rose, benzoin, meilssa, neroli, frankincense, bergmot, carrot, inula, lavandin, lavender, spikenard, oregano, marjoram, black pepper, sage, sandalwood, tansy, everlast, hyssop, cinnamon bark, laurel, camphor and amni visnaga.5 - Throat chakraThe Throat chakra is about expressing yourself and communicating verbally and non-verbally. This can be creative expression for an artist. This is what we use to ask for what we want and get those desires manifested! When it is open we are good communicators, we are connected and interact with others to

mutually beneficial ends. We are good breathers with an open throat chakra, we can release well and take in the breath of life. We heal better with this open. Not speaking the truth can close this chakra. When it is closed we tend to not speak, to our detriment. We are unable to express ourselves. We may be addicted to cigarettes, nasal inhalers and runners high. We may have fevers of unknown origin, inflammations, chronic throat ailments and thyroid problems. We may be fearful and timid. Behaving in a manner that is honest and true to your self can help open this chakra. Singing, chanting and mantras open it as well. Essential oils to open this chakra are lavender, Roman and German Chamomile, spearmint, catnip, frankincense, opopanax, cypress, geranium, spruce, sandalwood and carrot seed. 6 - Third Eye chakraThis Chakra is about seeing, both literally and intuitively. It gives us insight. When it is open we are very self aware, perceptive and may have heightened clairvoyance. We are better at healing, more sure of the future, and tend to make better choices. This is the chakra of visions and dreams and imagination. If this chakra is closed, we tend to not think for ourselves and are easily confused. We may rely overmuch on others for guidance and direction. We may be without purpose. Physically we can have a depressed thyroid and respiratory trouble. Essential oils to open this chakra are wormwood, frankincense, cedar, everlast, spruce, pine, terebinth, rose, rosemary, clary sage, oregano and marjoram, thymes and linden. 7 - Crown chakraThis is our connection to others and to the world outside of ourselves. With this we greet the divine in everyone. When this chakra is open we see ourselves in others, we experience without prejudice. We are brought knowledge and wisdom and an understanding that promotes peace and a spiritual connection. We are better at manifesting desires. If this chakra is closed, we are probably rigid in our impressions. We likely feel unaware of our own spirituality as well as that of others. We may have low energy, feel depressed and isolated and generally anxious and worried. We may have a negative feeling about our self and feel inefficient and forgetful. Physical problems can be related to the bladder and cramping.Essential oils for opening the crown chakra are benzoin, cistus, frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, spruce, angelica, bois de rose, opopanax, lavenders, spikenard, rose, ravensara, basil and rosemary.ot – Chakra 1For strength we have included several wood oils from tree trunks for stability as well as roots for grounding. Himalayan Cedarwood cedrus deodora, India Vetiver vitueria zizanioides, AsiaSandalwood santalum album, IndiaRuby Red Grapefruit citrus paradisi, USASweet Birch betula campiefolias, USASacral – Chakra 2Several flowers have been included here, since they are part of the reproductive organs of plants. Included here are oils for relieving menopausal and menstrual problems, oils to relieve anger and aggression.Clary Sage salvia sclarea, France Ylang Ylang cananga ordorata, Comoros Islands Spearmint mentha spicata, USA Cardamom CO2 elettaria cardamomum, Guatemala Temple Orange citrus reticulata, USA Fennel CO2 foeniculum vulgar, Europe Solar Plexus – Chakra 3I have included several oils here to detoxify and balance organ functions: stomach, upper digestive tract, liver, kidneys, and the adrenals. Also used are oils, which decrease fears and anxieties while strengthening the nervous system. Ginger zingiber officinalis, IndiaRoman Chamomile anthemis nobilis, UK Juniper Berries juniperus communis, IndiaHelichrysum helichrysum italicum, CorsicaJasmine jasmine officinale, EgyptPeppermint mentha piperita, USAHeart – Chakra 4Several oils that I have included here are to relieve grief, trauma and emotional shock, which open to feelings of joy and expansion, enhancing feelings of love. On a physical level, included are oils to strengthen the heart and circulation, and to open the breathing passages.Elemi canarium commune, Philippines Neroli citrus aurantium Calendula calendula officinalis,Egypt Rose rosa damascena, Bulgaria Angelica Root angelica archangelius, Belgium Melissa melissa officinalis, Europe Throat – Chakra 5Oils to stimulate communication and release emotions are key ingredients of this formula. Also included are oils which reduce mucous and open breathing passages.

Rose Geranium pelargonium graveolens, FranceSpruce picea mariana, North AmericaVanilla vanilla fragrans, MadagascarMonarda monarda fistulosa, USAAnise illicium verum, ChinaThird Eye – Chakra 6Included are oils which are known cephalics (oils healing to problems of the head.) Also, oils which enhance meditation. Oils encouraging euphoria yet improving mental clarity. Oils to enhance dream state. Oils which are anticonvulsants against seizures.Bois de Rose (Rosewood) aniba rosaeodora, BrazilHoly Basil ocimum sanctum, India Frankincense boswelia carteri, Oman Myrrh commiphora myrrha, Ethiopia St. John’s Wort hypericum perforatum, Europe/Asia Crown – Chakra 7Included are several oils that increase body strength, relieve fatigue, refresh the mind, relieve headache pain, balance moods. Bulgarian Lavender lavandula augustifolia, Bulgaria Champaca magnolia/michelia alba, India Armoise (Mugwort) artemisia vulgaris, Africa Galbanum ferula galbaniflua, Iran Yarrow achillea millefolium, UK Clove Bud eugenia armatica, Madagascar

Introduction to the chakrasWhat chakras are and their psychological propertiesChakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven of them, and they govern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side.The chakras can have various levels of activity. When they're "open," they're considered operative in a normal fashion.Ideally, all chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this is usually not the case. Some chakras are not open enough (being under-active), and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced. To find out what the state of your chakras is, do the chakra test.There exist lots of techniques to balance the chakras. Mostly techniques to open chakras are used. It makes no sense to try to make over-active chakras less active, as they are compensating for other chakras. To restore the compensation they'd be over-active again in no time. To stop them from compensating, the chakras they are compensating for must be opened. See the techniques to open chakras. 1 - Root chakraThe Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome.If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change. 2 - Sacral chakraThe Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual. 3 - Navel chakraThe Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want.If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive. 4 - Heart chakraThe Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships.When your Heart chakra is

under-active, you are cold and distant.If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons. 5 - Throat chakraThe Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist.When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case. 6 - Third Eye chakraThe Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize.If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily.If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases halucinations are possible. 7 - Crown chakraThe Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking.If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.What's a Chakra?Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed.These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us.The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.Results from Chakra testRoot Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye CrownRoot: under-active (0%)Sacral: open (44%)Navel: open (25%)Heart: open (63%)Throat: open (63%)Third Eye:open (56%)Crown: open (25%)Percentages go from -100% to +100%

Chakras and the Healing Properties of GemstonesFinding Chakras ~ Single Chakra Therapy ~ All Chakra Therapy This information is not meant to replace any medical treatment. It is offered here as a service. Use this information at your own risk. No guarantee is made towards validity. This is my personal belief on how high quality gemstones work for me. Lorraine V.There are two main ways gemstones are used on chakras -- placement on a single chakra at a time or placement on all chakras at once. One can experiment to see what works best for them.Chakras are the 7 main energy centers of the body according to Eastern medicine. They are in the center of the body, starting at the base of the spine and running up to the top of the head. *Root/Base Chakra *Sex/Navel Chakra *Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra *Heart Chakra *Throat Chakra *Brow/Third Eye Chakra *Crown Chakra To find a chakra: Use a gemstone and circle front of body in a large circle over where a chakra should be many gemstones will work -- but I find Black Onyx easiest one can do this without a gemstone after practice but using a gemstone makes it much easier Slowly decrease the size of circle following the energy. With Black Onyx, you can feel where the Chakra is by where you place it on your body. One's body will tingle where chakras are. Other gemstones can be more subtle. The gemstone simply feels like it is being lead to the Chakra. Single Chakras Often one simply wants to work on a single chakra. Simply

place a gemstone or strand of gemstones on a Chakra and keep them there from 3-25 minutes. I prefer using clear optical quality quartz on chakras. However, here are the stones that others recommend on each chakra. Root/Base Chakra: Black Onyx/Obsidian Sex/Navel Chakra: Carnelian Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz/Ruby Throat Chakra: Indigo (translucent Sodalight)/Purple Rainbow Fluorite Brow/Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst/Aquamarine/Lapis Lazuli/Clear Quartz Crown Chakra: Amethyst/Clear Quartz One can always substitute clear quartz sphere or strand of frosted quartz for any chakra. Other people have different charts. Experiment. Find what works best for you! If a stone ever feels very uncomfortable, I recommend removing it. Another way to do single chakra therapy is to take a single stone and sequentially work your way up the chakras. Ie. put malachite on your root chakra for 3-5 minutes; then on your sex chakra for 3-5 minutes, etc. This teaches you multiple things: How a stone feels on each chakra Which chakra it works best on (or does it feel good on all) If the stone works well on more than one chakra My favorite gemstone to do this with is emerald (a 2" ring of beads works GREAT). My clients have found this very healing. All Chakras The easiest therapy is to take 7 clear quartz spheres or 7 strands of frosted quartz and place them on all your chakras - starting at the base chakra and working your way up. Let them stay on your chakras for 5-25 minutes. Remove the strands in the opposite order -- starting from the crown chakra. You may wish to wear a strand of frosted quartz when done to help maintain your balance. I have tried this therapy w/ spheres and strands of several types of gemstones. When using other gemstones, I recommend using with spheres. I tried this once with strands of black opal and it was very overwhelming. Green Aventurine felt healing but didn't help nearly as much as putting it directly on an organ that needed it. Amethyst was very uplifting -- but it seemed to be much better on the higher chakras singly or directly on an organ such as stomach or liver Rose quartz felt good -- but my body wanted more rose quartz on heart chakra than on other chakras Rhodocrusite was too strong for me. Try it for a very very short time (15 seconds) on a single chakra. Always follow it by something soothing/healing. New Age Harmonics: Astral travel , Remote View, Lucid Dream, Clairvoyance, and a whole lot more. Chakras are energy centres, vortices that draw spiritual energy into ourselves. There are seven main chakras - the harmonious use of each chakra is essential to our well being, and our wholeness.Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ ‘circle’ or ‘lotus.’Each of the seven main chakras is located near major endocrine organs in the physical body, that is, they are connected to the functioning of the endocrine (hormonal) system in the body. They form etheric organs in the aura, being responsible for processing the spiritual energy into usable energy for the physical body. ( “stepping down” the energy from very high fine vibrations to lower, thus slower, vibrations that can be used by the physical body.)We will look at each chakra in turn. You will discover which ones in you need the most work or cleansing, how they work, and what you need in order to become more in a state of balance. They are fundamental to healing, so you will have a better understanding of the illnesses or states of imbalance that manifest in your life. Imbalances need to be corrected at the deepest, essential level by yourself; (self-healing is the most empowering and the most deeply transformative). It can help to consult others for healing or chakra balancing for example, but if you do not change the underlying pattern that caused the dysfunction in the first place then the chakra will go out of balance again. Red: Survival, Grounding, Passion.Orange: Joy, Relationships, Money, Sexuality, Emotions.Yellow: Self Esteem, Confidence, Power.Green & Rose Pink: Love, Harmony, Healing, Divine Love, Compassion.Sky Blue: Communication, Truth, Self Expression, Willpower, Action.Violet: Higher Mind, Imagination, Clairvoyance, Original Thought.Pearly White: Unity with God (or Spirituality). Gateways to other dimensions, cosmic connection Pearly White: Unity with God (or Spirituality); Gateways to other dimensions, cosmic connection.The crown chakra is your connection with your God and Higher Self. There are many gateways in the crown chakra which, when open, connect you to other dimensions and the cosmos.Symbols are the language of the soul. Colour and symbols were the way of communicating before language was created. A symbol always has many layers of meaning contained within it that reach far beyond the literal, logical, rational interpretation. They also have an energetic value and act in your physical and subtle bodies to a corresponding vibration. Symbols bypass the logical-rational part of your brain and connect to the instinctive, intuitive, feeling part of the brain. Symbols lead you to a deeper and greater understanding of the mysteries of the universe, enriching your life with another dimension of discovery. Symbols are a paradox the logical mind cannot understand: you need to use your soul to access the wisdom they contain. Symbols will be more important in the future. They will be used as a healing tool, and as a way of learning. The way this works is that the

energy of the symbol imprints upon the aura and the soul and the wisdom of the symbol will become part of our conscious mind. The effect of symbols (like Crop Circles) upon the mind depends upon the ‘softness’ of your etheric body – the softer it is the more we are able to receive the imprint and knowledge. The etheric body also needs to be strong. Soft and strong.Symbols are the language of the soul. Learn about how dreams, colours, numbers and many other symbols profoundly affect our lives.

5 OM Brow HU (hue) Indigo 6 AUM Crown I (eye) Violet 7Root: under-active (-6%Sacral: open (38%)Navel: under-active (0%)Heart: open (50%)Throat: under-active (13%)Third Eye: open (31%)Crown: open (56%)
