What are we planning?. Two major areas for development Continuing Competence Program Internet based...



Drivers New era of public accountability by professions COTM is mandated to serve and protect the public interest Mandate further reinforced in RHPA Status quo no longer acceptable Value added in efficiency Greater accuracy Secure communication

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What are we planning? Two major areas for development Continuing Competence Program Internet based Information Technology Infrastructure Drivers New era of public accountability by professions COTM is mandated to serve and protect the public interest Mandate further reinforced in RHPA Status quo no longer acceptable Value added in efficiency Greater accuracy Secure communication Continuing Competence Program Secure member portal CCP components integrated with COTM online IT system Development of Phase 2 of program implementation Enhanced member seminars and engagement CCP Phase 2 Focuses on Competence Review Began in fall of 2015 with paper audit Will include creation of an objective method of review In other provinces / professions this has included MSF or examination Phase 2 (continued) Competence Evaluation and Improvement develop an onsite review and remedial process The IT System Will address the areas of: Initial registration Annual renewal Committee and council communication Complaints file management and secure communication And possibly the CCP member portal Preparation and Processes Technology Scoping exercise (with OMFC funding) Working with other regulators and advisers Request for Proposal Working with a recognized vendor Legal review of contract Project management Projections and Planning Initiatives CONTINUING COMPETENCE PROGRAM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM RISK MANAGEMENT (RESERVE FUNDS) HUMAN & EQUIPMENT RESOURCES Considerations Sufficient risk protection Development (start-up) and Management (on-going) expenses Increasing organizational demands/needs Increasing cost-of-living/cost-of-business Five year projections (2020) Reserve fund targets Reserve Fund Office Upgrades Special Projects RHPA10000 IT Discipline Activity Sick time Contingency Total$199,420$250,000 Five year projections (2020) Reserve Fund targets Development & Management costs ProjectStart-up $overAnnual on-going $ IT Platform130,0002 years$18,000 CCP60,0005 years$10K 30K Total$190,000 Five year projections (2020) Reserve Fund targets Development & Management costs Organizational costs Increased EFT by 2020 Cost-of-living increments Adjustments for increased and newly incurred costs Funding Model Member fee: baseline & on-going costs (i.e. permanent) Member levy: development costs & reserve fund enhancement (i.e. temporary) Method was recommended by Deloitte following review of funding plan End of Fees Levy Total Income296,875341,250423,250472,490480,625533,750 Regular Expenses291,750311,130322,970369,550382,290444,410 IT Start-up85,45044,700 CCP Start-up120022,000032, IT On-going18,56018,50018,900 CPP On-going700010,000 25,00030,000 Other project costs Total Expenses291,750408,380421,100398,050460,315498,560 Surplus (Deficit)5125(67,130)215074,44020,31035,190 Reserve Fund Total 199,450132,320134,470206,720227,030262,220 COTM Fee History Base FeeLevyTotal OT Regulatory Organizations Fees Province Members as of March 2015 Fees 2014Fees 2015 Ontario5504$ HST Quebec British Columbia Alberta Manitoba Levy Levy Nova Scotia New Brunswick Saskatchewan Newfoundland/LB PEI
