Western Philosophy of Education


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EDU 3101 : Philosophy and Education in


 Western philosophy 

of education 

Prepared by,

Farhana binti Mohamad Sum

 Jeremy Joel A. Bernard

Kennedy Yamil


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something to ponder on...

Most questions about education will lead one, sooneror later, to ask about

the nature of education and whether there are certain

aims that are

somehow inherent in its nature or for some reason

necessary or desirable.This makes questions and theories about the nature

and aims of education

a good place to begin in learning to think

philosophically about education,

though they are also a good place to end. Wherever

one starts, one will be

drawn back to them in attempting to address other

educational questions in

a deep and systematic way.

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Type of schools in Western traditional

philosophy of education





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Comes from the word, “perennial” which means “fixed and do not change” 

Education should focus on the search and dissemination of knowledge

which is fixed

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Human beings, by nature have universal characteristics which are


Education Goals Education is for teaching universal knowledge and values which are everlasting and not

constrained by time limits.


Curriculum : Critical subjects that is to be given attention arehumanities and literature (Languages, Literature,

Mathematics, Art, Science)

Teacher’s Role : Deliver knowledge, Facilitate group

discussions, Discipline his pupils

Teaching Method : The teacher has expert power and does

not entertain his pupil’s views 

Pupil’s Role : Work hard in order to gain as much knowledgeas the can. The have to com lete all the assi nments iven

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Started as a systematic educational movement in the 1930s. It is originated

from realism & idealism.

Generally speaking, this school of philosophy is conservative in nature

Pl i t th b i th t i h t i di id l d t

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Places importance on the basics, that is, what an individual needs to

know in order to become a productive person. In this sense, it said to be

both practical and pragmatic

Education Goals 

To teach factual information which needs to be learnt, appreciated andstored by our pupils as well as how to appreciate culture 


Curriculum : Basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic (3R),

Science, History, Art and Music are compulsory subjects whilst Literatureand Humanities are optional.

Teacher’s Role : Regarded as an authority in the teaching and learning

process in the classroom, Skilled in classroom and be a role model to his


Teaching Method : Pupils are not encouraged to involve themselves in the

speculative reflection process which is regarded as total waste of time

Pupil’s Role : All pupils have to study hard and pay attention to what is

taught in school 

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Type of schools in Western Modern

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It developed from pragmatism that came under the influence of John

Dewey’s ideas (1902, 1910, 1916, 1938) 

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Believe that change is the core of reality. Knowledge cannot beregarded as an everlasting truth. An educated person is defined as

one who has the insight which enables him to adapt to changes in

his environment. The progressisvists doesn’t believe in the

existence of permanent and pertinent truth.

Education Goals Aims to prepare pupils to accommodate to

changes in their everyday lives. 

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Curriculum : Pupils should be given the freedom to choose the

subjects that they wish to study, study according to their personal

interest (enable learning becomes more effective and pupils are

able to maximize their individual abilities and potentials)

Teacher’s Role : Play as a role of facilitator and assist pupils to

handle any problems in their ever changing surroundings. Also

act as a manager who responsible for creating a conducive

learning and puts forward questions to stimulate pupil’s thinking

and guides their interests towards a positive directions.

Teaching Method :1) Teaching problem solving skills which use the inductive

approach and the scientific method. Because of this, formal

education stresses rote learning of information and discourages

abstract facts ;2) Laboratory work and experiments which provide opportunities

for exploring one’s surroundings 

3) Direct experience with the environment. For eg, fieldwork.

Pupil’s Role : Seek their own explanations for phenomena given

by the teacher.The need to study how to ask questions about their environment 

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stems from progressivism

recommends that we improve and reconstruct our society 

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 human beings. Schools are the best platforms for building a new society

to identify social problems which obstruct the development of society and

create cultural crises.

Education Goals To lay the foundation for a new cultural pattern and also to eradicate

social ills. 


Curriculum : Consists of the social sciences specifically social studieswhich emphasizes current and future orientations, besides local and

global issues.

Teacher’s Role : Acts an agent of change and innovation. Has to be

creative and innovative in the classroom

Teaching Method : Pupil centered approach is given due emphasis where

pupils are taught problem solving skills through activities, brain storming

, role plays and simulations.

Pupil’s Role : Pupils are expected to take an active role in order to achieve

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focus on the nature of existence of man

consider reality as something which is subjective and can only be defined

by the individual concerned

C t

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Concept An individual is responsible for himself and has the autonomy to

determine his goals and make his own decisions without having to refer 

to outside authorities

Education Goals Implies that the school system or teacher does not have the right to

impose goals of education 

Focus Curriculum : Does not have specific subjects. Subjects like art, literature

and drama are considered relevant.

Teacher’s Role : Provides educational opportunities so that his pupils can

voice out their feelings and emotions.

Teaching Method : Activity centered and pupil centered

Pupil’s Role : Encouraged to involve themselves actively

so as to maximize the educational opportunities offered to them 

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In conclusion, Western philosophy of education looks on the learning

process at educational institutions in producing a knowledgeable &

competence students. If we utilize both traditional and modern

 Western education philosophies together with Eastern educationphilosophy, we might produce young generation who are

knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and

who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of 

personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony 

and betterment of 

the family, the society and the nation.

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