Welfare aware?: informing, engaging and supporting tenants to meet the challenge Malen Davies &...


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Welfare aware?: informing, engaging and supporting

tenants to meet the challenge

Malen Davies & Laura Gardiner, Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion

Marc Molloy & Mumtaz Samad-Dey, Family Mosaic

Kamini Sanghani, London Borough of Brent© www.islington


How are tenants responding to the new welfare and employment landscape?

Malen Davies & Laura Gardiner

Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion

Policy context – a reminder Reforms to Housing Benefit during 2013:

social sector size criteria and benefit cap Longer-term welfare reforms through Universal

Credit – particular changes for HB claimants More tenants on ‘active’ out-of-work benefits,

greater engagement with mainstream employment provision

Affordable rents and housing supply policies – further driving financial incentives to work

Awareness and understanding

“I didn’t know that. It's actually quite scary now that you've said that to me. Obviously if I can't pay my rent then I'll have to move out.”

Tracy (benefit cap, £315 / wk loss)

A couple had no knowledge of upcoming changes...

“When I did an interview at the Jobcentre, they told me that if you’re not working and you’re on a certain amount of benefit for the year then the government is not going to pay.”

Samira (benefit cap, £80 / wk loss)

...most knew that reforms were coming, but not how they would be affected personally and financially...

...almost no awareness of changes under Universal Credit

Preparation and response

Some had already taken action in the face of the changing landscape...

“What happens, happens.”

Janet (under-occupier, £25 / wk


...but many were responding passively and waiting to see what happens

“If I start budgeting from now, I think I’ll be alright...It just makes me want to get into work more, and ideally that’s what the government wanted anyway...I think, in the long run, I do think it will be a good thing, definitely, because I think as a person you can’t sit on benefits all your life. You need to grow as a person, and show your children to go out, to go to uni, to go to work and stuff.”

Anita (benefit cap, £20 / wk loss)

Support needs

An appetite for support and advice across the board, and strong connections between housing, employment, financial, and digital needs...

...but a feeling that information and support should and will come to them, without them need to go out and find it or ask for it

“My single parent support, she's quite good. Since I've been going with her she's been quite supportive.”

Colette (benefit cap, £180 / wk loss)

...generally positive views of the range of organisations out there to help...

“It just seems so confusing...so I am just going to leave it.”

Fay (benefit cap, £130 / wk loss)

Views on moving into work

Two groups: those who were very work focused...

...and those who felt that work was not a realistic option...

“I'm not fussy, I don't mind doing anything as long as I can provide for my household and my kids...if I could do courses or the Work Programme or things like that I would definitely do it.”

Colette (benefit cap, £180 / wk loss)“I couldn't sit in an office all day, it would bore me...and I won't put my children into childcare. I don't trust anyone with my children.”

Tracy (benefit cap, £315 / wk loss)

...widespread confusion within both groups about whether work would make them better off £421














£0 £100 £200 £300 £400 £500

Better off in work (16 hours per week at NMW) pre-2013

Better off in work (16 hours per week at NMW) post-2013


Communication Personalisation Outreach A holistic approach

we can

Family Mosaic: Employment Support

we can

Family Mosaic: Employment Support

Mumtaz Samad-Dey&

Marc Molloy

we can

Engaging the hard to engage

What we will cover today?

• Why we invest in employment support

• Our Employment Boot Camp Model

• What we have learnt & Key outputs

• Follow up Support Models

we can


• Why the 1000 into Jobs?

- team placed 740 people into jobs from 2005 to 2012

- have in-house expertise – Matrix accredited - good internal and external reputation - excellent partnership working – Las, JCP, other

RSLs and employers- More investment = More jobs!

we can

Employment Boot camps

• Gap in service - medium to long term unemployed - closer to the job market

• Offer something ‘unique’ that challenges people to:

- rethink their lifestyle- identify and address personal barriers- change their attitude - feel positive about the future

we can

“Insanity is doing the same

thing over and over again and

expecting a different result” –

Albert Einstein

we can

Designed for customers

Challenge, Invigorate and Inspire customers through practical workshops

we can

How does it work? The Boot Camp Model



Pre Course


1 hour workshops

2 Days per week

6 week Course


Holistic Learning



Follow Up Support


In Work


we can

EBC Modules: Confidence & Employability

• Self Confidence & Presentation

• Self Motivation

• Creating a winning CV

• 21st century job search

• Confidence at interviews

• Lifting the lid on the recruitment sector

we can

EBC Modules: Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing

• Understanding different types of nutrition

• Healthy eating

• Wellbeing

• Fitness & Vitality

we can

EBC Modules: Money management

• Welfare reforms

• Budget planning

• Debt management

• Lending, loans & banking

• Personal action plans

we can

What have we learnt?

• Emotional reaction

• Pre Course Interview

• Learning Agreement

• Suitable trainers

• Follow up support

we can

What are the outcomes so far?

• Increased engagement

• 25% gone onto work/training placements

• 28% employed

• 80 people will have gone through by Aug

we can

Follow up support: Get that Job!

Bespoke 3 day course focussing on:

• Emotional intelligence• Team building exercises• Employability skills including 2 mock

interviews with feedback with senior & middle managers within FM

• Presentation skills• Dress for success

we can

Follow up support: Get that Promotion!

Bespoke half day course focussing on:

• Building on skills

• Career progression

• Getting noticed in the workplace

we can

Thank You for listening

Any Questions?

Kamini Sanghani

London Borough of Brent

© www.islingtongiving.org.uk

2,604 affected by benefit cap in BRENT

Benefit Cap – customer contact and support

2300 benefit caps

Revenue & Benefits Welfare Team

1200 people

>£50 a week shortfall

Face to face interviews

Employment needs identified

Housing Options team

831 households

Living in temporary accommodation

Outreach - Door knocking

Employment needs identified

Complex Constraints


Referral to JCP

Referral to JCP

Referral to CAB

Referral to CAB

Referral to other services

Referral to other services

Referral to Employment


Referral to Employment
