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Redrow HomesIn just 40 years, Redrow has grown from a small civil engineering enterprise in North Wales to become one of the UK’s leading housebuilders and a FTSE 250 company. We have a proud and proven track record for constructing award-winning homes throughout England and Wales. A thorough understanding of current and future housing needs, as well as frequent customer research, feedback and engagement, has seen the Redrow portfolio expand significantly over recent years.

Redrow Homes Eastern is proposing outline plans for new homes on the site north of London Road to help meet Basildon’s housing need through its local plan on a site that has been identified by the Council for development.

Today’s exhibition gives you the opportunity to have an active role in shaping our proposals as we work towards submitting a planning application.

The development team is on hand to answer any questions you may have. Please do complete a questionnaire to let us know your thoughts on the proposals. This can be done either today or later online.

You can visit website to review the material on display today and comment on our plans and sign-up for future updates. The consultation closes on Sunday 1st December 2019.

Welcome to our exhibition on plans for a new development in Billericay

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

North of London Road

Our site will help meet some of the need for new homes by creating a new attractive and vibrant place to live.

We will submit our planning application by the end of the year but the Council is not expected to make a decision

until after the local plan has been approved by the inspector and adopted. Submitting the application now allows us to investigate the detailed impacts of the proposal and will help inform the Local Plan process.

Basildon Borough is thriving and its population is growing. The local plan sets out the vision and framework for guiding this growth in all parts of the Borough up to 2034. It identifies how many new homes, jobs and

businesses are being planned for, where they should be located and what infrastructure is needed to support them. This includes new and improved roads, schools, healthcare facilities, open spaces and leisure facilities.

To help provide the homes that the Borough needs, the Council has identified South West Billericay as a location for new development. The other sites in this location are at Tye Common Road, Frithwood Lane and south of London Road.

A masterplan is currently being prepared for all four of these sites and work on this began earlier in the summer. A further event, which will seek the views of the wider community, will take place in the near future.

North of London Road

Basildon Borough

South West Billericay

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

Our proposals

HomesThe Redrow Homes site will provide around 540 new homes. These will be a mixture of house types and sizes, with 31% being affordable with a choice of tenures. At this stage, we are only consulting on the access into the site and the principle of residential development. The remaining detail will be the subject of separate applications and public consultation exercises in the future.

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

Our proposals

The application will seek permission for a primary access from London Road and a secondary access from Mountnessing Road. The internal roads that link these access points will be a matter for the detailed design stage that follows the outline planning application. The detailed design of the road will ensure that it keeps traffic speeds low and will discourage rat-running between London Road and Mountnessing Road.

Transport assessments are in preparation and will set out measures to encourage sustainable travel, the

impact on the local road network, and any mitigation measures.The proposal will also include improvements to junctions away from the site entrance to ensure that additional traffic can be accommodated on the road network. At this stage, we expect to carry out improvement works at the London Road/Mountnessing Road junction to incorporate pedestrian crossing points, and potentially to the London Road/Tye Common Road/Western Road junction.

Proposed Mountnessing Road access

Proposed London Road temporary


Access and roads

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

Our proposals

Relief road and roundaboutThe proposed allocations include the requirement to deliver a new relief road through the other sites in South West Billericay. To access this road a new roundabout will be created on London Road – part of which is within the area controlled by Redrow Homes. The delivery of this important part of the relief road will be the subject of a separate application to ensure that it can be delivered early in the development process and replace the interim access arrangement that is proposed for our site.

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

Local infrastructure

The local education authority and the health authority have been working with Basildon to advise of the education and health implications of the local plan. The submission of an application now allows both providers to make detailed preparations for the needs identified and secure the necessary funding to ensure that provision is in place without delay.

At this stage, it is expected that primary school children from the site would initially be able to be accommodated Brightside Primary school, where plans for an additional 210 places were recently approved. A new primary school is also proposed in South West Billericay and will be delivered in a location that is to be agreed with the local education authority.

The Billericay School is expected to be the likely location for secondary school children from this site and we will be discussing the specific needs of this school with the education authority in the first instance.

In the short term, we expect that new residents will use the existing GP provision in Billericay. This will be supplemented in the long term by new healthcare provision elsewhere in South West Billericay. We will now commence detailed discussions with the healthcare providers to understand any improvements in existing provision that need to be provided until such time as the new provision becomes available.

Health and education

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

Managing the environment

The scheme will retain all watercourses, including the Mountnessing Brook on the site’s western boundary.

A thorough flood risk assessment is being prepared by PFA Consulting. They will be looking at the impact of rainfall, groundwater, sewers and drainage systems, as well as water from rivers, reservoirs, canals, lakes and other artificial sources.

Surface water drainage will be managed using Sustainable Drainage

Systems (SuDS) in the form of detention basins and swales located in the landscape buffer adjacent to the Mountnessing Brook. The drainage system will capture rainfall and gradually release it into the onsite watercourses at greenfield runoff rates or below. SuDS provides an opportunity to create wetland habitats, reduce flood risk downstream and treat the surface water runoff before it enters watercourses.

Drainage and flood prevention

The scheme will deliver a number of gains for biodiversity. As well as enhancing the on-site hedgerows, new wildflower grassland and seasonal wetland habitats will be created to provide new opportunities for bats, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, birds and small mammals. New homes for wildlife will be provided within the scheme, such as a range of bat and bird boxes.


Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com

March 2019

Early 2020


December 2019



If the Local Plan is found sound by the inspector, it may be adopted by the Council as part of their Development Plan in early 2021.

Thank you for attending our exhibition. Please do complete the questionnaire and leave it for us today, or complete it online at www.homesforbillericay.co.uk before Sunday 1st December 2019.

Timescales and next steps

The Basildon Local Plan 2014-2034 was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on the 28th of March 2019.

The independent examination of the Plan is estimated to commence in the first quarter of 2020, with the inspector’s report anticipated to be published by the end of 2020.

Our planning application is likely to be determined in 2021 by the planning committee.

Redrow Homes will be submitting an outline planning application in December.

Basildon Local Plan may be approved, with any modifications, in early 2021.

The detailed planning submissions will then follow and the first homes are likely to available later in 2022.

Contact uswww.homesforbillericay.co.uk 020 7939 7939 planning@chelgate.com
