Welcome to Year 3 Mr Wolfson Miss Connor Mrs Bastow


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Welcome to Year 3

Mr Wolfson

Miss Connor

Mrs Bastow

Curriculum Coverage

Maths, Literacy & Guided Reading are all taught daily.

Science, ICT, PE, RE, French & PSHE and recorders are taught weekly.

Other curriculum subjects may be taught on a rotational basis but over the course of the academic year, all objectives will be covered.

Colour groupings – may change over the year

Marking Policy

Positive Behaviour Management

Good to be Green system - same used throughout school)

House points - towards whole school total and individual rewards

Merit box - please remember that your child may receive this more than once or perhaps not at all

Good Work assembly Responsibilities in class – sports leaders,

school council, jobs


Let’s Rock – Stone Age history topic Europe There’s No Place Like Rome Lights, Camera, Action Gildersome and Me Food Glorious Food


Outdoor kit : plain white t-shirt; navy, grey or black plain tracksuit; suitable trainers.

Indoor kit : plain white t-shirt; plain, navy, grey or black shorts.

Monday and Thursday this half termMay change each half term


White polo t-shirt or shirt, with or without school logo.

Black, grey or navy trousers or skirt.No jeans or tracksuit bottoms please.No jewellery (small stud earrings only). Pumps if bad weather

Expectations of your Child

Be ready to learnBe organised - PE kit, homework, no

toilet during lesson timeBe friendly and work co-operatively with

classmates.Be resilient – ask for help, don’t give up

Encourage independence.

Communication between home and School

Homework diary- sent home on Friday, due in following Thursday. Sign each week, comments if necessary

TelephoneEmail – gildersomeyear3@gmail.comPlease come to see us, don’t brood over

potential issuesYear 3 blog


Recorders. Times Tables. Open ended tasks – not every week, but an

opportunity to learn and present in their own way Assessment – sometimes teacher, sometimes

peer My Maths – username and password same as in

year 2, available upon request Homework on the blog every Friday afternoon –

contact me if there’s any problems/confusion


Children will no longer have spellings sent home with a test every week.

Children will be learning spelling patterns relevant to their learning needs and year group.

Parents will still be able to support their child at home following the guidance to be given to you this evening.

How can I support my child?

Read with them as much as possibleTalk with them about their learningPractice times tablesEncourage more responsibility and

independence at home.Talk to us!


Are there things that you would like to happen that do not currently take place?

Maths workshops for written methods later in the year

Parent Open sessions – dates TBC