Welcome to St. Pius X Parish • May 18, 2014 Fifth Sunday of Easter · 2014-05-19 · Welcome to...


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par ish : www.s pxc c .org schoo l : www.s tp iusxschoo lcc .o rg

We l c o m e t o S t . P i u s X P a r i s h • M a y 1 8 , 2 0 1 4

Fifth Sunday of Easter“T

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ist” Dear Friends,

Reflecting on the Scripture passages this weekend, I’m reminded of a backpacking trip I took nearly 30 years ago. We were given a little weekend break from our seminary studies, so I headed out with a fellow seminarian to Sam Houston National Forest for some primitive camping. I took along my backpack full of camping gear and a map of forest trails. It turned out to be a good lesson in staying on track. Camping in the forest is a fabulous experience, except that the trail sometimes becomes very inconspicuous. Like the surrounding topography, the trail is usually carpeted with leaves and twigs, creating a situation in which a person is prone to get lost. One pine tree looks like another, so any step off the trail could very easily lead one astray. Fortunately, those who carve forest trails place trail blazes on the trees to show the path to follow. In this case, the trail blazes were small rectangular strips cut out of galvanized sheet metal and strategically fastened to the trunks of certain trees. To direct a person straight ahead, they were positioned vertically on the tree. If the trail veered off to the left or right, they were placed at an angle in the appropriate direction. To direct a person to a hard right or left, they were placed horizontally. It is a very simple, but effective system for keeping a person on track. There was a sense of security in them, because every time we saw them, we knew we were on the right track. Yet, despite their presence, it was sometimes a little difficult to spot them. There were a couple of instances that we didn’t pay close enough attention and we missed the blazes. Very quickly, we found ourselves trekking into dense forest and had to backtrack. If we hadn’t been alert, we could have easily gotten ourselves into trouble. Those little trail blazes became very critical. In the gospel, Jesus tells the disciples that where he is going, they will know the way. In response to Philip who asks Jesus how they can know the way, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” What does Jesus mean by this? Throughout our lives, we are accustomed to following directions. Inevitably, though, we often decide to try to forge our own path. This can be a positive if we are talking about following our own creative path in a career, or when starting a new venture. In fact, we encourage people to forge their own path through life. Even in the ways of faith, God gifts people with unique and diverse abilities that he wishes to use to communicate his love. We have to cultivate those gifts so that God can shine through them. That is why we have great intellectual saints, simple saints who served the poor, other saints who were educators, and some who were profound preachers. But there is one thing that is common to all the saints. Each of them, in forging their own path to holiness, looked to Christ as The Way. They were obedient to Christ’s action in their lives and they adhered to his teach-ings through the Church. In their creativity, they were obedient to the essential principles of life that Jesus had set forth in the gospels. They followed the “trail blazes” of faith that Christ has “fastened” to his Church, which guide us and keep us on the right trail to the heavenly kingdom. What are these “trail blazes” of faith? They are the sacraments, the moral teachings, the virtues, the corporal works of mercy, the precepts of the Church, and the law of love he has written on our hearts. Jesus is in the Church and the Church is in Jesus. Jesus is

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Parish Office Hours:Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-5:00PM

Schedule of ServicesMasses: First Friday: 5:30PM - Anointing of the Sick

First Saturday: 8:15AM Saturday: Vigil at 5:30PM. Sunday: 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 5:30PM (Youth Mass)

(Babysitting at 10AM and 12 noon Sunday Masses - Ages 6mo-5yrs - in Parish Hall Nursery)Weekdays: Monday through Friday 8:15AM,

Wednesday & Friday 5:30PMHoly Days: 8:15AM, 12PM & 6:00PM(Vigil 5:30PM)

Confessions: Saturdays - 4-5PM and 6:30-7:30PMMarriages: By appointment only and notice six months in advance.

Weddings take place on weekdays any time and on Saturdays no later than 2:00PM

Baptismal Instruction: Pre-register through the office.Anointing of the Sick: On request and at the 5:30PM Mass on First Fridays


PastorFr. Paul Hesse

Parochial VicarFr. Joseph Nguyen

Permanent DeaconsSalvador (Sal) Alvarado

Manuel MarroquinMark Arnold

Parish Secretary/BookkeeperLisa Catchings

Parish Office AssistantWilma Toledo

Music MinisterMichael Conley / 991-0995

Music AccompanistCharles Branning

Youth Mass Band Leader

Mick Boudreau

Director of Religious Educationand CMSE Director

Sr. Barbara Netek, IWBS / 993-9024

Director of Adult Faith Formation and Director of RCIA

Sr. Annette Wagner, IWBS / 993-0299

Director of Youth MinistryRobert Streight / 452-4513

Medication Assistance Program (MAP)

Dolores Saenz / 906-2529

School PrincipalBryan Krnavek

School Secretary/BookkeeperLeigh Anne Gibbon

MaintenanceErnie Peña, Jose Vasquez

HousekeepingYolanda Ruiz, Virginia Medrano

Bulletin/Website EditorLisa Catchings

Office phone: (361) 993-4053Office email: parishoffice@stpiusxcc.org

5620 Gollihar RoadCorpus Christi, TX 78412

parish website


“the way, the truth, and the life”. If we stick to him, we will not get lost. Frequently, we attempt to ignore the “blazes” of the Church. We may forego Mass for some other activity, we may ignore the teachings about cohabitation and pre-marital sex, we may be lulled into greed and materialism, or we may be unforgiving of someone. Each of these steer us off course from the Way of Life. They direct us away from Christ himself. In the long run, these paths create confusion, a sense of being lost, and lead to greater difficulty for us. Let’s stay on the trail. There is security in adhering to the Church’s teachings. If we have wandered off the trail, backtrack to Jesus who is “the way the truth and the life.” God bless!

Welcome New Parishioners!We welcome Velma Villarreal and

Estela B. Mejia. We invite them to become an active part of our growing faith community!

Recently BaptizedSt. Pius X welcomes into the Catholic

Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism: Robert G. Franco II, Shelby Jackson Ritch, Yulisa V. Buelva, Noah O. Hinojosa, and Evelyn Kay Williams.

† May They Rest in PeacePlease pray for the repose of the soul of

parishioner, Dian Winstead, who passed away last week and buried on May 16th. Keep her husband, Michael, children and grandchildren in your prayers. Also, pray for the repose of the soul of Carolina Fuentes, sister of Gigi Kelly, who passed away last week in San Antonio Also, pray for the repose of the soul of Ursula Kugler, a former parishioner who passed last month in Arizona and was buried through our parish on the 17th.

Priest Pension Plan CollectionThis weekend of May 17th and 18th,

there is a special collection for the Diocesan Priest Pension Plan. This is a very important collection for it helps support our retired diocesan priests with a monthly pension and helps build the Pension Plan for the future retirement of our younger and active priests. Presently 25 priests, who are disabled or past the age of 70, are receiving a monthly pension. For many of them, this pension is their primary means of support in retirement. Just as these priests responded to God’s call in their youth, let us help them live in dignity, free from any anxiety in their retirement years. They have been and still are images for us of Jesus the Good Shepherd, who laid down his life for the flock. So please give generously to this special collection.

Comings and GoingsThe Week at a GlanceSunday, May 18

8:30AM - RCIA - CC#210:00AM - Mass with Scouts - CH1:30-5:00PM - Sisters’ meeting - CC#2

Monday, May 1911:00AM-3:00PM - Student Council - PH3:30PM - Ballet - PH5:00-7:00PM - Confirmation - YC & CC#16:00-9:00PM - K. of C. - PH6:00-7:00PM - Cub Scouts - Cafeteria7:00PM - Scouts - Cafeteria7:30PM - Angels - CC#1

Tuesday, May 206:00-8:00AM - Men’s Journey - CC#1&210:00AM - Journey - CC#2 12:00-3:00PM - MAP - CC#11:30-5:00PM - Meeting - CC#26:30PM - Men’s Club - CC#17:00-8:30PM - RCIA Team meeting - CC#2

Wednesday, May 217:00-8:00AM - Joyful Pillars - CC#29:00AM-12:00PM - MAP - CC#19:30AM - Schola - C/R11:30AM - Friendship Circle - PH5:30PM - P.T.O. - PH

Thursday, May 2212:00-3:00PM - Student Council Party - PH1:30PM - Bridge - CC#1&26:00-10:00PM - Veritas - CC#16:00PM - Bell Choir - C/R7:00PM - Adoration - CH7:30PM - Adult Choir - C/R

Friday, May 239:00-11:00AM - Women of Faith - YC5:00-10:00PM - Instituto de Cultura Hispánica - PH6:30PM - Wedding rehearsal - CH

Saturday, May 242:00PM - Wedding - CH5:00-7:00PM - Sisters’ meeting - PH


Friendship Circle MeetsLadies, our last meeting for this 9-month year is on May 21 in

the Parish Hall at 11:30 a.m. do come early and socialize, share your ideas and plans for the summer months and enjoy again one-another’s company. We are grateful to Virginia Medrano, Yolanda Ruiz, Norma Perez and De Havel for the work they did in preparing the serving the delicious and enjoyable meal each month. Now we can look toward gathering again in September!

Graduate Scholarship and Graduation MassGraduating High School Seniors have the opportunity to apply for

the Christopher Janosek and Emil Habeeb Scholarships. For more information call the parish office. A Mass for the high school and college graduates will take place on Sunday, June 1st, at the 5:30 pm Mass. Please RSVP by May 30th by calling the parish office at 993-4053. A reception will follow in the youth building.

Scholarship DonationsWe are currently accepting donations for our two scholarships; the

Christopher Janosek and Emil Habeeb Scholarships. The graduating seniors in our parish will have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship money. If you would like to donate to either of these scholarships, you can drop your donation in the collection basket or make an online contribution. The scholarships will be awarded at graduation Mass at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 1st.

St. Pius X School Job Openings for

2014-2015 School Year:

School Secretary/BookkeeperK-4 Teacher’s AideComputer Teacher (Part Time)Spanish Teacher (Part Time)Enriched Reading Teacher – Grades 1-3 (Part Time)

Positions posted until filledApplications Procedures: download application from www.

diocesecc.org. Click on Administrative, then Human Resources, then under “Documents” Applications for Employment. Return the application and a resume to the school located at 737 St. Pius Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78413

Something New for YouThe Dominican Sisters, Incarnate Word Sisters, the Adoration

Sisters, and Sisters of Providence have brochures on the table in the foyer of the church. Please select one or more brochures and read about the Associate relationship of each Congregation. See if it is something you would like to take part in. On the weekend of May 24-25, you will have an opportunity to meet some lay men and women who have found peace and joy in being an Associate in one of these Congregations.



World Youth Day PilgrimageThe youth of St. Pius X will begin preparations for our

pilgrimage to World Youth Day in 2016, starting with a meeting on Sunday, May 25 at 6:30 pm! If you will be a junior or senior in high school (16 years and up), college student, or chaperone (21 years and up) in 2016, we invite you to attend this informative meeting in the Youth Center. For more information, please visit our website at www.stpiusxym.com.

Be the Heart CampaignDo you have a heart for ministry? Do you care about the youth of the parish? Do you feel that God is calling you to serve the Church through serving Youth Ministry? We are already in the process of planning for 2014-2015, and we are looking for parishioners who are interested in serving the youth of the par-ish. If this sounds like YOU, we invite you to our Be the Heart Campaign gathering on Thursday, May 29 starting at 6:30 pm.

Summer CalendarAlthough EDGE and LIFE TEEN are taking a brief hiatus this

summer, we will still have several events going on throughout the summer. Please continue to read the bulletin, as well as, visit www.stpiusxym.com for more details on our Summer Calendar!

NEW Youth WebsiteIf you need information about anything St. Pius X Youth

Ministry, please visit our brand new website, www.stpiusxym.com. Information about our programs, World Youth Day pilgrimage, forms, volunteer opportunities, and pictures can be found online.

THE NEXT LIFE TEEN NIGHT…Tonight is our FINAL LIFE NIGHT of the 2013-2014 year!

Come and join us for food and fun, as we have an all out WATER BALLOON WAR!! See you at 6:30 pm in the Youth Center.

Upcoming EDGE & LIFE TEEN EventsTONIGHT - LIFE TEEN Summer Send-Off: Water Balloon WarsSunday, May 25 – World Youth Day Dinner/MeetingThursday, May 29 – “Be the Heart” Campaign GatheringCheck out www.stpiusxym.com for more information on

upcoming events!

Altar ServersMay 24-25

Sat. 5:30 p.m.MC Tessa HeinesKraig BrayHannah CazalasRyan Park

Sun. 8:00 a.m.MC Toby ShullMC Tori ShullChristian RamosJonathan Shull

Sun. 10:00 a.m.MC Ryan TrevinoMC Natalie TrevinoSang HoangEmilee Flores

Sun. 12:00 p.m.MC Paris HannaLuis LopezPaxton HannaRiley Maas

Sun, 5:30 p.m.MC Marisa MatthijetzIsaac MatthijetzBenjamin MikulencakHudson Mikulencak

LECTORS6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24 SAT 5:30 P.M. Amy Nye MAY 24 SAT 5:30 P.M. Ron Osman MAY 25 SUN 8:00 A.M. Tracie Jensen MAY 25 SUN 8:00 A.M. Joe Skrobarczyk MAY 25 SUN 10:00 A.M. Richard Arizmendi MAY 25 SUN 10:00 A.M. Theresa Arizmendi MAY 25 SUN 12:00 NOON Margaret Thompson MAY 25 SUN 12:00 NOON Clay Thompson MAY 25 SUN 5:30 P.M. Christine Wisian MAY 25 SUN 5:30 P.M. Martha St. Romain

Youth Ministry FlocknoteWant to stay in the loop when it comes to information

about EDGE, LIFE TEEN, COLLEGE LIFE, or anything St. Pius X Youth Ministry. Follow these simple directions: Text SPXYM to 84576 -or- Text SPXYM to 202-738-5764

Find Us on Social Media

Website – www.stpiusxym.com Facebook – St. Pius X Life Teen Twitter - @stpiusxym Instagram – stpiusxym Youtube - stpiusxym


RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONSchool NewsBy Principal Bryan KrnavekThe end of school is always an exciting

time for students. Teachers do their best to keep the students focused, but it isn’t easy. If we could stash that energy, our school would have so much money that all kids could attend free! However, that is not the case.

This past week, we had Final Registration for parents who had already pre-registered their children for the 2014-2015 school year. It was an opportunity for parents to get school supply lists and calendars, as well as purchase gently used uniforms at bargain prices. Our numbers are looking real good for next year.

Two speakers visited the school this past week and gave talks to the students about ocean life. Mr. Sid Stovall, owner of Ascuba Ventures, spoke to the children about the underwater marine life. The children enjoyed his talk and had many questions about his experiences as a scuba diver. Emily Hanson of Swim Schools of CC talked to them about water safety, a timely and important topic with summer vacations around the corner.

The highlight of the week was a visit by Bishop Mulvey on Tuesday. The day began with a Mass, followed by a light breakfast with selected students and then a visit to all the classrooms. Father Paul, Father Joseph and myself accompanied the Bishop. Each class visit began with the Bishop asking what exciting thing they had learned this year and then he allowed the students to ask him questions. The only place he didn’t ask for questions was in our 3 and 4 year old classes because we all know that real young children will want to tell stories like pet dogs dying, boo boos, and a variety of other things. The saying, “kids say the darndest things” was avoided here. Before the Bishop left, he gave a blessing to the entire class and he asked them to extend the blessing to their families. When he left, the Bishop commented on how well behaved, educated and reverent the students were at St. Pius X Catholic School. It was truly a blessing to have the Bishop on our campus.

This week will be our last full week. It will be filled with a party for Student Council, a field trip for our 1st and 2nd graders to the National Seashore, a field trip for our 6th graders to a Synagogue, a PTO meeting, a SAC meeting and our Field Day.

Our Student Council members will get a well-deserved party for their hard work this year. “Move-Up Day” gives students in K-3 through 5th grade the opportunity to visit their next year’s teacher and classroom. The 6th graders get to move “down” to K-3 and visit their teacher. They probably have the most fun of all. It gives them a reality check on how much they have grown through the years.

The Field Day and school picnic (which had to be rescheduled due to wet conditions from the recent rains) on Friday will be a fun day for the children in grades K-5 through 6th grade. Our little ones in K-3 and K-4 will have their own separate “Splash Day.” After the picnic, the 6th graders will have the opportunity to play the “Fearless Faculty” in a game of volleyball. It should be a fun week at St. Pius X Catholic School!

CCD STUDENTS enjoyed a Hot Dog party on the last day of class for the Catecheti-cal Year 2013-2014. Thank you to all parents who enrolled their children in classes, who faithfully brought their children to class each week and who worked with their children to rein-force the message of “God’s love in our lives”. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE CATECHISTS faithfully came to bring the pres-ence of Jesus into the lives of the children they worked with. Their gentleness, diligence and generous love for and with the children is beyond just a thank you. However, they are the only words we have to express gratitude. We will begin a new Catechetical Year with registration in August.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program in CCD The purpose is to assist the involvement of children and

adults in a common religious experience in which the religious values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God, are predominant.

This year the Religious Education Program is extending this program beyond the Kinder and the First Year of Sacramental Preparation to the second year of Sacramental Preparation. We will need many hands to accomplish this. Please consider being a part of the Religious Education program at St. Pius X. These children are the future of our Catholic Faith.

Needs: Catechists—The formation course is needed. The course

is offered here in Corpus Christi at St. Philip Parish. St. Pius X would take care of all fees for the course. Please consider this and if you need more information, please contact Sister Barbara Netek—993-9024.

Hands & Hearts—to design, make, assemble, paint etc. the materials for the program. Every little bit will help.

Please consider joining our Religious Education program by being a Helper!



You can pick up registration form(s) in the Parish Office. If you or someone you know would like to be involved in the

activities of the week, please let us know as soon as possible. We need group leaders, activity leaders and all around help! Confirmation students, this is an opportunity to get your service hours! Contact the CCD office at 993-9024 or send an email to: bnetek@stpiusxcc.org


Please Pray for our Sick & Shut-Ins:Marcie Aguilar, Alicia & Luis Alvarado, Luisa Arevalo, Ann Bednorz,

Don Birt, Pat Booth, Stella & Michael Campos, Mary Lee Cantwell, Sabrina Cisneros, Robert Cotter, Shirley Curry, Florinda DeLaGarza, Mark DeGaish, Sandy DeGregorio, Minga DeLosSantos, Samantha Didear Deste, Annie Dornak, Poco Falcon, Bobby Floyd, Sherry Frenzel, Esperanza Garcia, Catherine Garofolo, Antonio Garza, Dora Garza, Terry Garza, Sally Gilbreath, Elida Gonzalez, Maria Griffin, Charlotte & Tommy Groner, Jared Groner, Terry Groner, Suzy Guzman, Colleen Habeeb, Marie Habeeb, Rose Marie Hand, James Hartman, Chris Holland, Josh Holland, Graham Hughes, Ben Janosek, Elizabeth Johnson, Betty Kollaja, Tim Kleffner, Dorothy Krause, Dora Lambert, Anne Lee, Hank Lee, Arlene Leep, Ed Lewis, Dorothy Mathews, Michael McCloskey, Virginia Medrano, Johnnye Lee Mokry, John Morgan, Dan Murray, Toufic Nicolas, Patricia Paris, Phil Perabo, Robert M. Pope, Derrel Puckett, Ron Randolph, Raymond Richter, John & Irene Rosales, Rebecca Rosales, Marguerite Ross, Paul Rossi, Albert Rubio, David Russell, Luis Salazar, Tim Salch, Amber Saylor, Earl Saylor, Josephine Sheldon, Tina Shepherd, Msgr. Richard Shirley, Willie Mae Shirley, Helen Shropshire, Judy Slaughter, Maxine Sommers, Adrian Sosa, Mary Ann Starkey, Mamie Stoner, Lydia Tey, Diane Thompson, Norbert & Rosalind Thonnard, Sara Trevino, Luke Valdez, Idolina Vela, Luz Villarreal, Melva Walet, John Weed, Kay Woolley, Sarah Zuniga and all those who asked for and need our prayers.

Financial Report for week ending 5/11/2014

Operating Revenue:Sunday Collection ............. $16,026.56Sunday Online .....................$5,238.00Other Income ...........................$25.00Memorial ..................................$25.00

Total Operating Revenue ..$21,314.56

Other Contributions:Janosek Scholarship ................ $25.00Rice Bowl .................................$85.62Retired Diocesan Priests .......... $10.00

Total Other Contributions ....... $120.62

Total Contributions ............$21,435.18

Loan balance on Youth Bldg as of May 5, 2014 ....... $335,116.48

Mass Intentions

Saturday, May 17th5:30PM Mother’s Day Novena Sunday, May 18th 8:00AM † Vera Catchings by Lisa & Dewayne Catchings † Chris & John Janosek by Kevin & Susan Janosek10:00AM † Dale & Iluminada Gunnar by family12:00PM For the Parishioners5:30PM Mother’s Day Novena 7:30PM † Souls in Purgatory who don’t have anyone to pray for themMonday, May 19th 8:15AM Mother’s Day NovenaTuesday, May 20th 8:15AM † Randy Havel, Anniversary by DeAnna HavelWednesday, May 21st 8:15AM † Bob Shirley by Art & Mary Salinas † John Gross by Chuck Gross † J.M. Didear, Anniversary by Didear Family † Margaret Greene by Edmond & Mary Tanry5:30PM † Alene Koenig by Karen & Harly Day † Ma. de Jesus Ramos Rodriguez, Annv. By Elva Rodriguez † William Woodhouse by Mike & Susie Kaspar † Michelle Tagliabue by Don & Corinne Leiser † Jacinta Dang by friends † Ellen Litchko by Art & Mary Salinas † Bruce Balli by Lee & Velda Trujillo † Bea Wilson by Jim & Carolyn BuehrigThursday, May 22nd 8:15AM † Augusta Gross by Chuck GrossFriday, May 23rd 8:15AM † Anna Brandesky Krejci by Chuck Gross5:30PM † Charlie Noack by Penny PachecoSaturday, May 24th 5:30PM † Joan Duerr & Pat Hill, Annv. By Sid Duerr & Dotti HillSunday, May 25th 8:00AM For the Parishioners10:00AM † Ellen Hubbard by Carolyn & Jim Buehrig † Bobbe Ford by Tommy & Charlotte Groner12:00PM † Chester Zablocki by Aneda Zablocki † Ann “Frog” Wetegrove, Annv. By Fitzgerald girls5:30PM † Bruce A. Balli by P.A.G.A.

