Welcome to ST. PIUS X PARISH · 2015-06-16 · 6905 Blondo St., Omaha, NE 68104 Parish Office...


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Parish Office 402-558-8446


We Are St. Pius X Parish,

grateful to our founders for a tradition of sacrifice, hard work and simplicity, proud of our economic, cultural and age diversity. As a Catholic community, we share our gifts and resources to live the Gospel of Jesus in a spirit of joy. We commit to Spirit-filled worship and prayer and excellence in education for all. We strive to be a welcoming community, to work for justice and to provide caring service for one another and the world.

Parish Office: Office Hours:

Weekdays 8:00 am—4:30 pm

Saturdays 8:30 am—Noon

Pastor: Rev. Michael Eckley

Associate Pastor: Rev. Mark Bridgman

Deacons: Mike Leick, Jim Nardini (Cindy)

& Gene Schimonitz (Carol)

Weekend Masses:

Saturday Vigil, 5:00 and 7:00 pm

Sunday, 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 am

Daily Masses: 7:00 am and 5:30 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Saturday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm

Marriage Preparation: Call the Parish

Office at least six months in advance

New Parent Baptismal Class: 2nd Thursday

of the month, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Parish

Center. This class is required for

baptism. Pre-registration required 1

week in advance. Call 402-558-1898

RCIA (for those interested in becoming a

Catholic) Call the parish office.

St. Pius X/St. Leo School: 402- 551-6667

Religious Education Office: 402-558-1898

Liturgy Office: 402-558-1847

Youth Ministry Coordinator: 402-558-8446

Pastoral Minister: 402-558-8446

Prayer Line: 402-556-4350, Irene Wolf

Bulletin Deadline: Two weeks in advance.

Bulletin e-mail: bulletin@stpiusxomaha.org


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ST. PIUS X PARISH “A Place to Call Home”

Welcome to

From your Pastor’s Desk…

Happy Father’s Day

As we celebrate this 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Third Sunday of June, I’d like to extend to all the Fathers of the Parish a blessed and happy Father’s Day. Thank you for saying yes to the vocation of Fatherhood.

All the rain and storms we have had recently remind me of

my own Dad. Growing up, Sundays were usually a day that we would have dinner at one of my grandparents. I loved those Sunday dinners. It was always fun to spend time with my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. While growing up, we either lived in Fremont or we lived in Omaha. It seemed that every other Sunday we were on the road going to visit Grandparents. My Grandma and Grandpa Eckley lived in Fremont and my Grandma and Grandpa Trout lived in Omaha. Depending on where we were living, half the time going to grandparents, we were on the road. It seemed also that we would run into storms often on those road trips when I was a kid. Storms can be a scary time, especially

for kids. Yet, I don’t remember being scared when we were in the car with my Dad driving. The rain and hail could be falling and the wind could be blowing, but there was calmness in my Dad when he drove and a confidence that I had in him. My memories of those trips and storms are more of watching the white and red lights of other cars out the rain soaked windows as we moved between Fremont and Omaha. In the Gospel today, the disciples are in the boat crossing the Sea of Galilee and Jesus is asleep. The boat is being battered by the rain, wind and waves. They are scared. They wake Jesus and He calms the storm with the rebuke, “Quiet! Be still!”

It may not be storms that scare us but some of the situations we face in our life. We can be scared and worried about our financial situation. We can be scared about a medical diagnosis or procedure that we are facing. We may worry about the lives of those we love whether a spouse, child, or parent. There could be many other ‘storms’ that we are facing in our lives. Into these moments and ‘storms’ the Lord is present. He is not unconcerned and not distant. His desire is to speak to our hearts, ‘Quiet, Be Still’ and know that His peace can be found. With my Dad’s driving, I was confident that we would be safe. It was based on years of experience of driving with him. We

can trust the Lord is with us when we look back at our past ‘storms’ and see how the Lord has brought us through them. Church Air-conditioning: I’m writing this on Tuesday, June 16th. Earlier today, Dave Ludwig informed me that part of the problem that we have been having with the air-conditioning has to do with recent vandalism. No copper or other items were stolen but someone had been on the roof recently and did damage. A Freon line was broken which meant the loss of Freon and also that air and moisture got into the system. By this weekend, much of that should have been addressed and fixed. I just ask that if you see any suspicious activity around our campus, please report it immediately.

We have a security system in place but we also need to be vigilant. Discussions with the Pastor: You are invited to come and

visit with an idea, concern, question, or if you would just like to talk. Feel free to come alone or with others. This week I will be available Tuesday, June 23rd 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm; Friday, June 26thfrom 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Saturday, June 27th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Fr. Mike

Monday, June 22nd 7:00 am †Richard Wessling 5:30 pm †Judy Lambert Tuesday, June 23rd 7:00 am †Bill & Mona Braun 5:30 pm †Margaret Ehlers Wednesday, June 24th 7:00 am †Dan Tosoni 5:30 pm †Joni Wailes Thursday, June 25th 7:00 am †Homan & Schmit Families 5:30 pm †Harry & Arlene Borer Friday, June 26th 7:00 am †Don Garvin 5:30 pm †Lowell Logan Saturday Vigil Masses, June 27th 5:00 pm St. Pius X Parishioners 7:00 pm †Bob Brown Sunday Morning Masses, June 28th 7:30 am †Jack Meysenburg 9:30 am †Jane Bender 11:30 am †Colleen Zender




To have a name listed in the bulletin for prayers for the sick: call the rectory at 402-558-8446. Names will be

listed for 4 weeks.

To have a prayer intention added to the Pius X Daily Prayer Line: please call Irene Wolf 402-556-4350. These prayer requests are phoned or e-mailed to

a group of parishioners each day.

Our Sick . . .

Arlene Borer, Tom Mitchell, Kay Baye, Judy Bednarz, Maurine Bloemer, Ron

Bojanski, Carol Brock, Joyce & Richard Castle, Jane Cannon, Leone Coyle, John DeVoe, Jane Dunn, John

Durkan, Ron Duros, Jerry Ewald, Peggy Fleming ·

Cindy Flogstad, Mary Gaffney, Mary Ann Garvin, Margaret Garvin, Jimmy Grasso, Kathy Haley, Louise Hanten, Rick Harrell, Buzz Hawte, Corky

Hillebrandt, Ralph Hoffman, Jack Kacin ·

Deb Vana, Lorraine Versch, Sr. Viola, Dan Wais, Irv Wickert, Dorothy Williams


Our Deceased . . .

†Matthew Kuhfahl †Bob Johns

†Jack DeVoe ·

. . . and all those who are in need of our prayers.

Religious Education


Needed for the Wednesday evening Religious Education Program:

Catechists: Two catechists are needed for the upcoming 2015-2016 year. Openings are in grades 3 and 7. Please contact Patty Griffith in the Religious Education Office to inquire or apply. Call 402-558-1898 or e-mail pattyg@stpiusxomaha.org . Classes begin September 2nd. A background in teaching is helpful but not necessary. A love for children and sharing the faith is. Children: Registration for the 2015-2016 RE year will be taken all summer. Children and youth in grades 1 – 8 are invited to attend Wednesday evening classes beginning September 2nd. Class time is 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM. The program fee is $100/child. Class sizes are small and the catechists who teach are dedicated. Contact Patty Griffith at 402-558-1898 or pattyg@stpiusxomaha.org to inquire or register. Additional information on the RE Program can

be found on the parish website at www.stpiusxomaha.org .

No matter their age, children in the RE Program are prepared to receive the sacraments. Sacramental Catechist Cyndi Pane prepared Tyra and Talia for their First Eucharist.

Patty Griffith, Director

“Good News” From St. Pius X/St. Leo School


The following faculty and staff members were honored at the end of the school year by the School Board for their years of service to St. Pius X / St. Leo School:

5 Years of Service Lisa Brewster (Office Assistant)

Tammy Findley (2nd Grade Teacher Assistant) Emily Klassen (4th Grade Teacher)

10 Years of Service Jenny Howard (Kindergarten Teacher)

Robert Sorick (Cafeteria Assistant)

15 Years of Service Melody Phelps (1st Grade Teacher Assistant)

20 Years of Service Karen Burns (Resource Teacher) Lisa Wilson (1st Grade Teacher)

25 years of service: Karen English (Music Teacher)

Christy Vogel (Library/Media Specialist)

30 years of service: Paula Holder (8th Grade Teacher and Coordinator)

40 years of service: Pat Dunlap (Cafeteria Assistant)

Special Awards This year we also honored the following people who are leaving our school. We are thankful to the following people for their years of service:

Christine Jensen – 7 years as Teacher Assistant for Grade 6

Marikay Schwaller – 23 years as a Resource Teacher for grades K to 6

Luci Catalano – 32 years as a 1st through 3rd Grade Teacher with most of the years in 3rd Grade.

Mary McGuire, who has been a kindergarten teacher, and also a 4th grade, 2nd grade, and a pre-kindergarten teacher, announced that she would be leaving our school after school ended, so she did not receive an award when the others did but will receive it later.

We are thankful for the service these people have given to our school community and wish them well in their new endeavors. They will be greatly missed by the members of our school community.

St. Pius X / St. Leo School is accepting registrations for all grades pre-school through grade 8 for the next school year. Please call the school office at 551-6667 for information and a tour.

Joyce Gubbels, Principal

Fiscal Year July1, 2014 – June 30, 2015


Our per Sunday goal is………………………….$19,096.00 Sunday Envelopes……………….$12,268.48 Deficit Reduction……………………..$510.00 Children’s Collection………………..$161.68 Plate Collection………………………..$827.74 Total Sunday Contribution……………………$13,767.90 This week’s deficit……………………………….($5,328.10) Year-to-date Parish Stewardship…………$906,446.46 Budgeted Year-to-date Stewardship……$954,800.00 Parish Deficit Year-to-date……….………...($48,353.54) This is week 50 of 52 weeks this fiscal year 2014-15. Our Weekly Average Year-to-date is……..$18,128.93

Thanks for your help!

Last weekend it was our pleasure to welcome and congratulate the following child who was baptized at

Saint Pius X Catholic Church:

Sofia Jeronimo Valdez Daughter of Luis Enrique Jeronimo & Alma Lidia Valdes

We welcome her to the family of God!

“He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?’” – Mark 4:40 Most of us like to be in control. Loss of control makes us fearful. Try changing your perspective, let God be the pilot! There’s an old saying “do you want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans.” Put your trust in God, He always has a better plan!

Original Musical About Fr. Flanagan at Boys Town: "Flanagan’s Boys: The Story of Boys Town," presented by S.T.A.G.E. student theater of Lincoln, will be performed at Boys Town Music Hall, Friday and Saturdays, June 19 & 20, and June 26 & 27 at 7 p.m., and on Sundays, June 21 & 28 at 2 p.m. Tickets: $12 adult, $6 student, available at Gloria Deo, 13065 W. Center Rd. Call 402-898-4633 or visit http://bit.ly/FB2015Omaha for more information.

Ministers for June 27 - June 28

5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM


M. Donovan L. Douglas M. Bieker B. Campbell E. Rogan M. Perrotto M. Vana

G. Schimonitz P. Juszyk D. Juszyk C. Nelson M. Dorcey S. Hillier M. Hillier

J. Nardini C. Nardini D. Ann Bayer D. West W. West B. Kirkpatrick J. Kresl

K. Roshone A. Pyle J. Stolze M. Wessling A. Weidle C. Morrissey J. Morrissey

M. Leick K. Dinkel K. Dinkel I. Salzman M. Milota M. Ursick R. Versch

Greeter P. Botos V. Fugger C. Ciciulla L. & B. Skelton S. Skorniak

Lector Sr. Rosalie V. Wilson

P. Dau P. Franks

B. Giles R. Pedersen

M. Waldron J. Maciejewski

A. Salzman K. Salzman

Server J. Townley L. Burns C. Genzler

G. Dau L. Dau T. Novotny

W. Wharton S. Loukota J. Brennan

T. Stolze D. Stolze S. Stolze

E. Dinkel E. Salzman K. McLaughlin

CARE M. Fell M. Novotny L. Thomsen L. Stolze D. & M. Martins

Music P. Kern Alleluia Choir C. Johnson

Maplecrest J. Harden, P. Potter, P. Juszyk



June 14th 7140 Ellie Ernst

June 15th 8412 Bob & Mary Nowaczyk

June 16th 7290 Kersch Walters

June 17th 7333 Joey Eckley

June 18th 7391 William Herek

June 19th 8489 Mary Mausbach

June 20th 7232 Mary Ann Garvin Campaign Funds Returned to Parishes. As

of May 15, 2015, the total rebate to

parishes from the 10% Parish Share and

the 40% Rural Catholic Education Share of

the Ignite the Faith Capital Campaign is $4,420,054. The

total funds returned to the parishes is a testament to the

generosity of so many in the archdiocese. Parishes can look

forward to an estimated $6,000,000 more as donors fulfill

their gift intentions. Fr. Mike Swanton, pastor of St. Jane

Frances de Chantal, Randolph and St. Mary of the Seven

Dolors, Osmond, noted the impact the Parish Share gifts

have had on his parishes: "When parishioners have a

project, it causes the community to come together to be a

part of it in some way, whether it is in the planning, the

carrying out of the plan or donating time, talent or treasure.

They ‘own’ the project. Its excitement breathes life into the

parish." Read more about how Ignite the Faith continues to

help parishes across the archdiocese in The Catholic Voice.

Coping with Life Alone Sessions at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m., July 2 through August 6. This is designed to help adults work through the trauma of divorce, separation or the loss of a spouse through death. These sessions are open to individuals of all faiths. Cost is $25.00. Scholarships are available. Pre-registration is not required. “Who Am I Now?” for children ages 5 -15 will be held in conjunction with the Coping With Life Alone Sessions for adults. This program is designed to help children adjust to the changes in family life due to the death of a parent or the divorce or separation of their parents. Cost is $10.00 for one child or $15.00 for a family. Scholarships are available. Pre-registration is required for the Children’s sessions.

All events are in the Parish Center unless noted.

Monday, June 22

9:15am Tai Chi 6:15pm Pillars II Tuesday, May 19

6:30 pm AA (School Cafeteria) Wednesday, June 24

9:15am Tai Chi 6:00pm Deacon Mtg. (MPR) Thursday, June 25

6:30pm Pastoral Council Saturday, June 27

Dusting Disciples Crew #1 Rosary: 6:30 am and 5:05 pm M-F, 7:10 am Sundays

C.A.R.E. is sold after the weekend Masses and weekdays

in the school and parish offices.


Some gifts to the School and/or Parish Endowment Funds may actually pay you income. Discover the life income benefits of trusts and other charitable gifts. You and your spouse and children may save administration fees and taxes by considering a charitable gift. Please prayerfully consider remembering our School and/or Parish in your charitable trust plans. Please contact Bob Nowaczyk, SPSL's Development Coordinator at 402-551-6667 for more information.

Ann’s Attic Clothing Sale: Keep saving your clothing, linens, shoes, purses and other accessories for our 27th annual sale. ALL donations are needed and appreciated! Set up is Friday, July 10th at 7:00pm. We will collect and begin sorting on Saturday, July 11th from 9am to Noon, and 4:30 to 7:00pm. Sunday, July 12th hours are 8:00am to 11:30am. Sale dates/times are Thursday, July 16th 9:00am to 7:00pm, Friday, July 18th 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Saturday, July 19th 9:00am to Noon. Cleanup will follow beginning at noon. Please come and help ANY of those times above. We would LOVE to have you!!! Looking for a family service project? Do your teenagers need service hours? Want to get out of the house? For more information or to volunteer, please check out the SPX website or call the rectory 558-8664, for more information.

Yarn Needed: The Prayer Shawl Ministry is working away at new shawls. We are in need of yarn, or donations to purchase yarn. If you can help us out please contact: Pat Franks, 551-9796 or email shawl@stpiusxomaha.org. You can also drop off at the rectory.

Scripture Readings Next Weekend:

1st) Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 2nd) 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15

Gospel) Mark 5:21-43

Garage Sale: The garage sale is July16-18 in the Parish Center. Collection dates will be Sat. July 11 through the 14th. Please remember that we cannot take electrical, large furniture, snow blowers,

mowers. We can take hand tools, garden tools, books, household items, small furniture pieces, bikes, toys, craft items, pictures, and much more. We also need people who would like to work at the sale. If interested, call Joyce Zupan, 402-391-9459 or e-mail joyce.zupan@cox.net.

Catholic Social Teaching News Flash: The anticipated encyclical from Pope Francis on the Ecology and the Environment was published this week. The encyclical is entitled Laudato Sii, and has the subtitle Sulla cura della casa comune. Laudato Sii is translated as Praised be, and is a hallmark line from St. Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures. Sulla cura della casa comune is translated as On the care of the common home. Mark your calendars now for a presentation on the key teachings from this encyclical at St. Pius X on Thursday, October 8th. Presenter will be Dr. Roger Bergman, Director Peace and Justice Studies in the theology department at Creighton University.

High School Youth Group

St. Pius X Church Youth Group is a monthly gathering for all 9-12th Grade Students. We meet the second Sunday of the month at 12:30. It is an opportunity to meet new people, learn about our faith, and have fun! All are welcome! For more information, please contact Janet Drvol at janetd@stpiuxomaha.org or 402-558-8446.

Did You Know? St. Pius X Youth Group participated in a variety of events over the last year! Keep an eye on the bulletin over the next few weeks on what kinds of things we are doing in St. Pius X Youth Ministry!

Prayer and Spiritual Opportunities: Prayer and connection with God are an important part of St. Pius Youth Ministry. This year has given us many opportunities to grow in faith. Youth Group Meetings included days on grace, the Holy Spirit, and included varieties of prayer. We always close our meetings with prayer. Youth attended the Archdiocesan Youth Rally last fall and will attend the National Catholic Youth Conference this fall. If you are interested in any of these, join us next year!
