Welcome to Gifted Social Studies Seating Assignments First day of school: 1. Please come in and sit...


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Welcome to Gifted Social Studies

Seating AssignmentsFirst day of school:

1. Please come in and sit in a seat where you think you’ll be most successful.

2. Please have schedules out on your desk.


Instructor: Mr. Tomlinson Classroom 301 Classroom phone number 564-3619 Email: paul.tomlinson@indianriverschools.org


Welcome to Gifted Social Studies

6th, 7th and 8th Grade Gifted Social Studies Supply List

1. Folder or 3 ring binder or trapper keeper of some type- (select which is best for the student)  

2. loose leaf paper (college or wide ruled) 3. pencils and/or pens (blue or black ink) 4. USB flash drive (optional) 5.  colored pencils  12 or 24 pack (optional)

 That is it. I do not require parents or students to bring in any supplies,

however, donations of pencils, pens, loose leaf paper, facial tissue, Clorox wipes, and paper towels are always appreciated.


Another Important Item to Bring to Class

You should always bring a novel,

either an Accelerated Reader novel or

other approved book, with you to class. 

Punctuality is important.

Please come to class on time with all your supplies. Forgetting something in your locker is not an

acceptable excuse for being tardy.

Remember, just because you have a locker it doesn’t mean you have to use it every period. Know what you need, when you need it, and how you’re going to have it with you when

you get to class.


Classroom Procedures

What is a tardy?

Tardy, as defined in the Code of Student Conduct (p. 6) “is defined as an arrival to class after the designated starting time or the tardy signal has sounded.”

An excused tardy requires a pass from a teacher, administrator, or other staff member. Without a pass the tardy is unexcused.

Consequences for tardiness On the 4th unexcused tardy of the nine weeks,

your parent/guardian will be called and you will be issued an after school detention.

A phone call to your parent/guardian and

detention will be issued for the 5th, 6th, 7th unexcused tardy.

A discipline referral will be written on the 8th unexcused tardy.

Coming in and out of classEnter and exit the classroom quietly.

a. Upon entering classroom• Copy homework into Agenda• Copy Learning Goal (Objective)• Prepare for Warm up/Quiz/CNN New

Class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.

When exiting class, make sure to look around before you leave to make sure you have all of your belongings.

And clean up your area before leaving the room. If everyone follows this procedure the room should look marvelous.


Classroom Procedures

B. Upon exiting the classroom



• Lockers are issued through 7th period/EPIC teacher

• Students are allowed ONE items in class. All items including purses, string backpacks and lunchboxes must be put in the backpack, or kept in your locker.

Restroom Breaks• Restroom visits should take place prior to the start of


• Students who check in with me before going to the restroom will not be marked tardy if they are late.

• However, students who are late who are caught abusing this policy will be marked tardy. 

• Leaving class to use the restroom will be limited to emergency use only. Students will be required to make up missed time during their lunch

• If you have special needs, please inform the clinic and all teachers.

Consequences • First offense: Warning

• Second offense: teacher/student conference

• Third offense: Send out for rest of period and teacher/student conference.

• Fourth offense: Lunch detention, ten minutes in this classroom immediately following the bell for your lunch. Do not go to the cafeteria to get your lunch, you may bring your packed lunch with you, but may not eat in class.

These consequences are for minor infractions of the rules. Any overly disruptive or any disrespectful behavior will result in more severe consequences (i.e. after school detention, phone call home, office referral etc.)



NOTE: Continuous infractions of the rules will result in a phone call home and/or an

office referral.


How to serve a lunch detention:

• Come to room 301 directly after you are dismissed for lunch. Get here before the second bell and the length of your

detention may be reduced.

• Do not bring any food to eat. You may bring your bag lunch, but no eating!

• Timer starts when you arrive; no eating; no talking.

• Any difficulties following procedures results in another lunch detention.

When we work sometimes it gets noisy, so…To get your attention Mr. Tomlinson will…

say, “may I have your attention please” If needed, count down using “three, two, one”

Students will… become quiet look at Mr. Tomlinson be ready to listen


Make up work in a timely manner When absent, student are required to get missing assignments from my website, the agenda board, a classmate, or via email or phone. Also students can see me before or after class or school to discuss their make up work.

Students should check their class’s file in the front of the room for any worksheets assigned during their absence.

Students will have two days for every day absent to complete make up work


Making Up Work

Start quiz immediatelykeep eyes on your own paperComplete easier ones firstPut all work and answers in the correct boxCheck your work if you have timeQuizzes may be timedRemain quietly at your seat until time is upSelf assess each answerPass quizzes forward only after the time is up


Testing Rules and ProceduresRemain quietRemain in seatKeep eyes on your own paperRaise hand for: new pencil, direction questionsNO passes until test is overWhen finished, turn test over and wait quietlyYou may read or do class work (any subject) when you are complete


Classroom Visitors

Administrator visits. Remain working and quietly answer any

questions asked of you by an administrator.

Office Aide/Student from another class

Continue working, do not speak to or try to speak with them or make gestures to get their attention

Fire Exit and ProceduresExit through front door

In a quiet line, walk out to the grassy area next

to the media center

Line up quickly in alphabetical order, by last name

Stay in line and remain quiet until we are told to

report back to class



