Welcome! This Week at Good Shepherd ~ On Faith ~ A Word ...Faith is not belief. Belief is passive....


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T h i s W e e k a t G o o d S h e p h e r d

O c t o b e r 3 1 s t t o N o v e m b e r 6 t h

~ On Faith ~

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but by it I see everything else. ~ C. S. Lewis

Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active. ~ Edith Hamilton

Faith is taking the first step, even when you can’t see the whole staircase. ~ Rev. Martin L. King Jr.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. ~ Thomas Aquinas

Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith. ~ Paul Tillich

I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I've been closer to him for that reason. ~ Elie Wiesel

Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its trage-dies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys.

~Madeleine L’Engle

Forward Day by Day

The new issue of Forward Day by Day for August, Septem-ber & October is on the table at the back of the church and in the Parish Hall. Please take one, they are filled with wonderful meditations for every day.

The Inquirer's Class

Back by popular demand! The Inquirer's Class will meet in the summer months! Our August session will be held today, August 7th after the 10 AM service, in the Conference Room. Our topic will be Embracing Mys-tery.


Our Nursery is currently unavailable due to renova-tions.

Bible Study is suspended for the summer.


Welcome to Church of the Good Shepherd. We’re glad you’re here! Episcopal worship is participatory. We stand, we kneel, we respond vocally during parts of the service, sometimes with singing! Please join in at your level of comfort. If you’d like to learn more about what we as Epis-copalians believe and do, or if you have any questions, please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew and give it to Mother Susan or one of our ushers. We hope you feel welcome here and that you will come back often to feed your faith.

Contemplative Prayer Time Before Our Worship Services

For those who seek a time for quiet prayer on Saturdays and Sundays, from now on Mother Su-san will open the church on Saturdays at 4:45 PM for the 5:30 PM service. We ask that 4:45 to 5:15 be a quiet prayerful time. Likewise, for Sundays, she will be in the Church at 9 AM for a quiet time from 9 to 9:30. We ask that all who come early to church hon-or these times as times for quiet prayer and con-templation.

Prayer Request Box

We now have a Prayer Request Box right inside the front entrance to the church. If you have a prayer request please fill out one of the cards that can be found in the pew rack in front of you and then, before you leave after worship, please drop off your prayer in our new Prayer Request Box on your way out – or anytime! All Prayer Requests remain confidential.

The Food Pantry

We are trying a new approach for collecting dona-tions for the Pitman Food Pantry. Each week we will be collecting a different item. Next week, August 13th & 14th will be Cereal. So, please bring in your donations of Jelly on the 13th & 14th. All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church

All are invited to the Altar to receive. You may stand or kneel. If you do not wish to receive, but would like a blessing, cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive in one kind extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to decline the wine. If you desire to receive the wine you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gently on the chalice’s base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharistic Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth.

Gluten-free Communion Hosts

Gluten-free Communion hosts are available for those with allergies. Please let the priest know.

Bible Study

We are now looking at the Book of Acts. How did a rag-tag group of disciples become the Church? How did all of this get going? 7PM on Tuesday nights.

Inquirers’ Class

INQUIRER'S CLASS will meet on Sunday, June 5, following the morning service in the Conference Room. Our topic this month will be "Evil, Suffering & A Loving God." Mark your calendar for the next study of Up-pity Women of the Bible! We'll begin on Thursday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. (following Morning Prayer). Our focus for this study will be the book of Judith. Watch for more details toward the end of summer.

Closer to Cooler!

Our Parish Hall is a great space for us to enjoy fellowship, but it’s terribly uncomfortable during the heat of the summer. Hallelujah! An anony-mous parish member has offered a generous donation towards air conditioning! Our original goal was $7,000. We have raised $4,420 so far! Please consider a special donation to the Parish Hall AC Fund. We will not begin the project until we have the needed funds in hand, but we’re getting there.

To donate, please put “Parish Hall AC Fund” on the memo line of your check. You will find a thermometer in the Parish Hall that tracks our progress. Unlike others where you see the tem-perature rise toward the goal in red, this one will show the temperature falling in blue! We thank you in advance for your donation.

The Building & Grounds Committee and the Ves-try.

A Word About Receiving Communion in the Episcopal Church

All are invited to the Altar to receive. You may stand or kneel. If you do not wish to receive, but would like a blessing, cross your arms over your chest. If you decide to receive in one kind extend your hand for the wafer and cross your arms over your chest to decline the wine.

If you desire to receive the wine you may guide the chalice to your lips by placing your hand gen-tly on the chalice’s base and guiding it. Or you can dip your host (wafer) into the wine. Or you can give the host to the Lay Eucharistic Minister, who will dip the host into the wine and place it in your mouth.

Gluten-free Communion Hosts

Gluten-free Communion hosts are available for those with allergies. Please let Mother Susan know.

T h i s We e k a t Good Sh ep h e rd A u g u s t 6 t h t o A ug u s t 1 2 t h

Pentecost 12 August 6 & 7 Saturday 8/6 - 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday 8/7 - 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Inquirers’ Class Tuesday 8/9 - 9 AM Morning Prayer Wednesday 8/10 - 7 PM Property Committee Mtg. Thursday 8/11 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

Pentecost 13 August 13 & 14 Saturday 8/13 - 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday 8/14 - 10 AM Holy Eucharist Tuesday 8/16 - 9 AM Morning Prayer Thursday 8/18 - 9 AM Morning Prayer

Are You “Standin’ in the Need

of Prayer”?

Our Prayer Ministers are ready and able to pray with you every Sunday during the administration of Communion. Our Prayer Ministers are located in the front of the Church. Our Prayer Ministers are specif-ically trained for this ministry and all prayers are confidential.


Summer is here! We need to keep our Lawn-mowing Schedule going. If you are interested and available to help out with mowing the Church grounds please add your name to the Mowing List

in the Parish Hall. Thanks in advance!

Photos and Photographers Needed!

We need photos for our newsletter and occasionally

for this publication (the tri-fold). Do you have

some fairly recent photos of church events? They

can be from your phone or whatever. Just send

them via email to Maryanne, our Parish Adminis-

trator goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com. And take


T h e E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h o f t h e

G o o d S h e p h e r d

Phone: 856-589-8209 Email: goodshepherdpitman@gmail.com Fax: 856-582-2306 Http://www.goodshepherdpitman.org/

The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector revmomott@gmail.com

315 Highland Terrace Pitman, New Jersey 08071

Thank you!

Parish Office Hours The Regular Business Hours of the

Parish Office are: Monday through Thursday

8:30AM to 2:30PM. Friday - 8:30AM to 1:30PM

Pentecost 12

August 6 & 7, 2016

Pastoral Emergencies

If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you, hospitalization, death in the family, please call the Church Office 856-589-8209 or after Office hours please call Mother Susan at 732-759-4358.
