Week 2: Monday Character Description: (Irina) · Week 2: Monday Character Description: (Irina) What...


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Week 2:


Character Description:


What is a character description?

This is describing a character/person in

complete detail.

It’s normally separated up into appearance

(looks) and personality (behaviour, hobbies etc).

You are going to

write a character

description on Irina

from our story

Enchanted Horse!

What is her

appearance like?

How does she

behave? How does

she act with others?

Write one paragraph

describing Irina’s


Write another

describing her



Character Description:

(Roman Gladiator)

What did a

Roman Gladiator

look like?

How did they

behave or fight?

Can you come up with

any similes to describe

the way a gladiator


For example, He was as

fierce as a tense lion.

Write one paragraph

describing the appearance

of a Gladiator.

Write another paragraph

describing how they fight.

Use adjectives and similes in

your writing!


Character Description:

(Favourite Teacher)

Think of your

favourite teacher

and write a

description about

their appearance

and personality!

Can you come up with

any metaphors to

describe them?

For example, Ms

Raymond is an Angel.

Write one paragraph

describing the appearance

of your favourite teacher.

Write another paragraph

describing how they

behave/what their

personality is like.

Use adjectives, similes and

metaphors in your writing!


Character Description:

(Favourite Book


Think of your favourite book

character ever!

It can be someone from a

Year 2 or Year 1 book too!

How do they look?

For example, Willy Wonka

is an incredibly colourful

man with a bright sunny


How does your book

character act/behave?

For example, Willy Wonka

is an eccentric man who is

incredibly smart.

Can you come up with any

expanded noun phrases to

describe your character?

Write your character

description for your

favourite book character!


Character Description:

(Favourite Person in the


Using everything you have

learnt/used this week

(adjectives, metaphors

etc.) write a character

description for your

favourite person!
