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‘‘Celebrating and sharing the love of

God’PENTECOST SUNDAY Pastor André 31st May 2020 Due to restrictions brought in by the government to fight COVID-19, we are not able

to worship together until further notice.The weekly worship services can be found streamed live on the St John’s Facebook page, or uploaded to the St John’s website. If you don’t have a computer, but live with someone who does, perhaps you could get them to open up the St John’s website for you, so that you can watch the sermon on the computer. Please pray that God in his grace and mercy will give continued understanding and wisdom and strength to all people, and especially to our community leaders to help guide us through this perplexing and challenging time.

HYMNS: TIS 400, AT 249, TIS 411 PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK M: Let us pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. [Silence for reflection]

Almighty and merciful God,C: you sent your Holy Spirit at Pentecost, making the disciples bold to preach the

good news. Send us out with the power of the same Spirit to spread the fire of your love. We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

BIBLE READINGS FOR TODAY Acts 2:1-21 The coming of the Holy Spirit Psalm 104:24-34,35b 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 The gifts of the Spirit John 7:37-39 Jesus promises streams of life-giving water


M: Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for giving the Holy Spirit to your disciples. Fill us with the joy and peace of the Spirit.

C: Amen.

Welcome to Worship!We’re so glad you have chosen to be with us today. Please relax and enjoy the music before the service starts. Quiet your heart before God. Ask him to meet with you and teach you today. We invite you to fill in the welcome form from the pew information holder and place it in the offering bag with your offering. Please join us for coffee or tea and a friendly chat between services.


OFFERING PRAYER “Agnus Day cartoon appears with the permission of"

C: Holy God, may the Spirit you give us make us more and more like your Son, loving and self-giving. Amen.

PSALM 104:24-34, 35b (NLT) L: How many are your works, Lord!R: In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.L: There is the sea, vast and spacious,R: teeming with creatures beyond number- living things both large and

small.L: There the ships go to and fro,R: and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.L: All creatures look to youR: to give them their food at the proper time.L: When you give it to them,R: they gather it up;L: when you open your hand,R: they are satisfied with good things.L: When you hide your face,R: they are terrified;L: when you take away their breath,R: they die and return to the dust.L: When you send your Spirit,R: they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.L: May the glory of the Lord endure forever;R: may the Lord rejoice in his works—L: he who looks at the earth, and it trembles,R: who touches the mountains, and they smoke.L: I will sing to the Lord all my life;R: I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.L: May my meditation be pleasing to him,R: as I rejoice in the Lord.L: But may sinners vanish from the earthR: and the wicked be no more.L: Praise the LORD, my soul. R: Praise the LORD.WORD SEARCH – PENTECOST


NEXT WEEK’S WORSHIP – Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020 Bible Readings: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8; 2 Cor 13:11-14; Matthew 28:16-20.

ANNOUNCEMENTSWELCOME to Anita Edkins who reaffirmed her faith today & was welcomed into the St John’s family through the rite of confirmation. We look forward to meeting & greeting Anita in person when worship services are again held in the church.

FOR SALE Concordia congregation, Duncraig has 16 handmade, solid timber, 1.8m x 0.8 m trestle tables that are being replaced. If you would like one for the garage, a potting table in the garden, a work bench in the shed, extra table for those large family gatherings that we’re all planning to hold once we’re allowed to, a ‘kid’s table’ for Christmas lunch etc please contact Wilfred on 0408 866 210.

OFFERINGS Still haven’t organised to give your offering via direct debit? It’s not too late to do so. The work of St John’s still continues, albeit in a different format. There are 2 options:- once off payments to our ANZ bank account A/C Name: St John’s Lutheran Church, BSB: 016-002, Account Number:4214-39409 or you can make a regular weekly payment (direct debit from your bank account) to the LLL. The form isn’t needed if the money is coming out of your bank account. To download a direct debit request form (for your employer) please go to: When completing the form our church account details are: A/C name: Perth St John’s Lutheran Church Inc REG A/C BSB: 704-942; Account: 100173128.

ELDERS next meeting is Sunday 7 June. If you have any needs – emotional, prayer, physical or financial please let either them or the pastors know, so that help can be offered/ organised.

4MOVIES CHANGE PEOPLE had a number of beautiful films ready to release in cinemas in 2020 … and that isn’t going to happen now. Their first film is quite incredible. It’s called SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME and stars Renee Zellweger and Greg Kinnear. It’s another amazing true story and this one is sure to melt your hearts and move you in powerful ways. Since this can’t happen now they are offering this movie online for a short period of time. If you would like to watch the movie use the coupon code THANKYOU and you’ll receive a 50% discount on any Single or Family pass. Click on the movie title to go to the website to purchase tickets.




Sunday, Pentecost (A) – John 7:37-39Tips of Discipleship: Be Open to the SpiritFocus Question: How has the Spirit been at work in your life during the last


word of life “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.” John 7:37 (NRSV)

Read John 7:37-38Jesus is participating in the annual Festival of Booths. (John 7:2) This seven-day autumn event is sometimes referred to as the “Festival of Tabernacles”. People gather at this agricultural festival to pray and celebrate the autumn rains needed for a healthy crop during the following year.

Each morning people join a processional to the fountain of Gihon near Jerusalem to watch the priest take water from the fountain. The crowd moves from the fountain back to Jerusalem carrying symbols of the fruits of the harvest and singing songs. The final day is the most solemn.

In the middle of the festival Jesus teaches at the temple and stirs up the Jews. They are baffled by his authority and his identity. Tension mounts. The Pharisees and chief priests send the temple police to arrest Jesus. (See John 7:10-36)

On the final and climatic day of the festival Jesus stands and cries out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ‘Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:37-38 NRSV)

1. What do the words of Jesus mean to you?2. When do people get thirsty for things other than water?3. How does the speech of Jesus about water connect with the Festival of Booths?

Jesus quotes scripture in these verses, but his reference is unclear. Bible scholars attribute this quote to either Psalm 78:16, “He made streams come out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down like rivers” (NRSV) or Zechariah 14:8, “On that day living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea; it shall continue in summer as in winter.” (NRSV)

These images of water flowing freely from rocks and out of the desert are powerful. Most of Israel is a dry, barren land with minimal sources of water. Thus, when Jesus claims to be the source of water and invites those who are thirsty to come to him, people listen. Jesus realizes everyone in his crowd is a person who gets thirsty. Consequently, his words have the potential of touching a chord with each person who hears. He invites each person to come to him to be satisfied. Yet, Jesus is addressing more than water. He is promising living water, the same water described to the woman at the well in John 4. Jesus promises not just a drop or two, but flowing water to every believer through the Holy Spirit.

4. What does “out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water” mean to you?

5. How do those rivers of living water flow today in your life?Word among us

8The red geraniums surrounded the chancel in the sanctuary and red streamers hung from every corner of the church. This congregation had been planning for some weeks to celebrate the Festival of Pentecost with red banners, paraments, and wonderful music. It had been a particularly tough six months for the small close-knit group of believers as they attended heart-wrenching funerals for four active members of their congregation. Each died under different circumstances, but each death was sudden and premature.

This congregation wanted the Holy Spirit to pick them up, console them, give them hope, and bring them to new life. And so, they hoped Pentecost might be a celebration as large as Christmas or Easter. Each person was encouraged to wear bright red clothing. And sure enough, red filled that sanctuary. Young girls had red ribbons woven into their flowing hair. Men wore red shirts and ties with splashes of red. The oldest man of the church came through on his promise and borrowed his neighbor’s red pants. He admitted those pants were the ugliest thing he had ever worn in his life. All that red helped, but it could not compare to the renewing and soothing presence of God’s Spirit on that day.

1. What is your understanding of Pentecost?2. Take time to read the story in Acts 2:1-21 of the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples on

Pentecost. What would that have been like for the disciples?When the disciples gathered in Galilee, they were filled with fear and for good reason. Their rabbi and leader had been arrested, beaten, mocked and crucified. Yet, it was the Holy Spirit who transformed them from frightened followers of Jesus to those empowered by the Spirit to openly proclaim a risen Christ as they were launched into mission work. Pentecost is often considered the birthday of the church because of the gift of the Holy Spirit given to the disciples.

3. Where in your life do you need transformed by the Holy Spirit?4. Where do you need courage?

Just because the Holy Spirit is given to disciples, it does not necessarily mean life will become easy. Instead some days can feel like a parched desert. We get thirsty for meaning and substance. Jesus says to each of us, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living waters.” (John 7:38 NRSV)

5. What does it feel like to get thirsty?6. How does Jesus provide living waters to you?7. How might you invite someone else to know about Jesus and his living waters?8. How might the Holy Spirit empower and guide you in that conversation?

Prayer Holy Spirit, come into my life and fill me with courage and joy to follow Jesus every day of my life. Amen Dig Deeper Acts 2:1-21last word Each day this week, take a moment to breathe deeply and pray for God’s Spirit to fill your heart.

Daily Discipleship Written by John and Robin McCullough-BadeCopyright © 2008 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

May be reproduced for local, non-sale use provided above copyright notice is

COVID-19 HOPE Spots!Everyone is talking about COVID-19 Hotspots – so let’s enjoy some COVID-19 HOPE Spots!

9HOPE Spot #2:You don’t know Phatima.You will never visit the remote village in Nepal where she lives with 31 families.Yet life is safer here because of a message from the front-line LWF team you support through ALWS. The message explained the dangers of COVID-19, and how Phatima’s community could protect itself. You deserve to know how much Phatima valued this care and concern:

“I feel some emotion when I receive this message.“We feel great that Lutheran has expressed their concern about us and our safety.“We also hear the message through FM radio in Santhali language. This has better impact in the society for those who do not understand Nepali language.“Before, we were in a dilemma about the rumour and also the fake news spread all over the village about the consequences of COVID-19.“Now, we are hopeful that Lutheran is with us for our support, and to give us authentic information, and help us to prepare against the risk.“We are practising the social distance, frequent hand-washing, covering the nose and mouth with elbow while sneezing.“There are 31 families in my village, and some of them cannot read. I have asked them to get support from their school-going children. Our children catch the message easily, and they tell us if we are not following the instructions properly!”As Australia works to protect ourselves from COVID-19, we hope you can feel a sense of joy knowing

your generosity keeps on working hard in places like Phatima’s village.While we have a wonderful health system, good education and quick access to care – people in poor communities like Phatima’s don’t. So it’s vital we are quick and creative in how we work to protect them from COVID-19.So, as well as messages to community leaders like Phatima’s, through ALWS you also provide posters like this one …

… and radio messaging in Nepali, Tharu, Doteli and Santhali.You also support front-line teams with masks, surgical gloves and goggles to protect them while they distribute soap, and provide handwashing lessons, to local communities.Your kindness through ALWS brings love to life for people who might otherwise be forgotten.Your generosity helps make sure no one is left behind. Thank you!

For more go to:

Remote community undeterred by COVID-19 25 May 2020by Larry Kenny and Martin Bennett

10Singalongs at the remote Amunturrngu community and neighbouring outstations in the south of the Northern Territory have become cultural celebrations observing anti-viral protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The nightly events at Mount Liebig are being enriched by senior students from the local Watiyawanu School. Teaching principal Larry Kenny said the students were supplying music and Pintupi/Luritja lyrics for the festivities.

‘The borders imposed by the coronavirus have deflected young men and women into activities that are self-enhancing and socially inspirational’, he said. ‘Our local pastor is pleased to see our adolescents develop music and dance routines for these performances. And I witnessed people observing the social distancing guidelines and amalgamating them into normal cultural meeting practices.

‘Singers and musicians were about two metres apart, microphones were cleaned between performances, and two-and-a-half metres separated family camps of just five to eight people.’

Students from Watiyawanu School had some forthright views on the pandemic and the value of the singalongs. Brendan Tilmouth, 13, said: ‘We sit apart in family groups at singalongs because of COVID-19 and social distancing. We like to come together because it is lively, and we like to sing.’

Dyson Wheeler, 17, said: ‘I’ve come back to the college because of (the) singalongs. I like going to singalongs with my family, and at the college, I can practise on the keyboard and with the guitars. At the college I can get help using computers and printing lyrics. I like to write my own songs in English, and also in Luritja.’

Rosemary Daniels, 12, said: ‘Because of the coronavirus sickness, we come together and sing and pray for people. Singing makes people happy and we love it.’

The singalongs are organised by Finke River Mission and Lutheran pastor Roderick Kantamara. Pastor Kantamara said: ‘Family groups sit apart because we follow the government’s rules about social distancing. All the Amunturrngu people come to our singalongs at the outstations to sing, pray for the world, and listen to stories from the Bible.’Larry Kenny is principal at Mount Liebig School and Martin Bennett is from the media section of the Education Department of the Northern Territory.

‘In this together’: LCA Bishop reflects on Reconciliation Week

1126 May 2020

In the leadup to Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June), LCA/NZ Bishop John Henderson took the opportunity to reflect on the theme for 2020, ‘In this together’. In a Heartland eNews, issued on 20 May, Bishop Henderson encouraged the church to remember that we are ‘one humanity, joined in Christ Jesus’.‘In the context of Reconciliation Week, “In this together” is about people with and without Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ancestry journeying together … [it] is also a call to us all to be involved in the work of reconciliation, however best we can. What harms one, harms all of us. When one does good, we are all better for it. All Australians will live in a better place when we work on this together.’

This ‘appeal for solidarity’ has even more significance during the COVID-19 pandemic, with health restrictions preventing the usual mass events for National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week from taking place. Bishop Henderson emphasised that despite this, the work of reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians will still progress.

This is embodied in the LCA’s journey towards reconciliation through a Reconciliation Action Plan: ‘A RAP helps us see how we are travelling, and what the next steps are, on our way to a destination that only God can see’, Bishop Henderson said. ‘Building and deepening relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians has been a focus of many Lutherans for a long time, a hundred years or more. We have done some things well, and there are always things we could do much better.’

Reconciliation Week is a timely reminder that in Australia, ‘We are not merely isolated individuals, worried only about ourselves. We belong to a community which cares about and looks out for each other’.

Read Bishop Henderson’s full Heartland message.CONGREGATION MINISTRY CONTACTS PO Box 8199, Perth BC WA 6849 Email: PH: 9227 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am – 4pm.


12Pastor Peter Hage


St John’s is a SAFE PLACE approved congregation. If you wish to report a matter of harassment or abuse related to the ministry of this congregation then please phone the SAFE PLACE COORDINATOR. It is never too late to report abuse or harassment. Our church uses the SafePlace Safety Management System as an expression of our concern for the safety of all people in our care. Our Safe Place Coordinators are: Ruth Brisbane & Sharon Reid

Chair: Armin Bartels Elders: Mark Altus, Steve Lamont, Vice-Chair: Michelle Sellner Sharon Reid, Yos Tamba. Secretary: Kathy WilsonTreasurer: John Spicer Property: Dean SolmundsonCouncil Members: Sean Hotinski, Negasa Hunduma, Solomon Megharaj, Eloise Muller, Noel Reid.

Care Ministry: Rebecca LamontChildren’s Church: Heidi Spicer, Jodie Belke Fellowship: ?Small Groups: PastorsWorship: Sharon Reid Youth: Zach Offszanka

FAMILY ROOM is available when children become restless in church - entry is at the rear of the church. The sermon & service can be heard from inside the room. CHILDREN'S CHURCH: Held during the Sunday 8:30am service (in the school term) in the Teaching rooms, from 8:45am. All are welcome. LITTLE LAMBS: For 0-3 year olds. Held in the Lounge during the sermon in the 8.30 service (during school term). A parent must stay with their child. MORNING TEA/COFFEE is available between services. ST JOHN’S CAR PARK: Parking is free Sunday mornings until 12:30pm. At all other times parking fees apply. A parking pass must be displayed on the dashboard on weekdays. The pass is available from the office. Please note that parking is available across the road at CIT car park on Sundays for services, as well as on the side of the road.
