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OneSchoolUnit Plan

Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)Duration: 8 Weeks

Year Level: Year 4

Applicable LearningAreas/Subjects: English

Unit Plan

Examining traditional storiesIn this unit students read and analyse traditional stories from Asia and from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures. They demonstrate understanding of the stories by identifying structural and language features, finding literal and inferred meaning and explaining the message or moral. Students plan, create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.

For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the:

Year level plan Teacher lesson overview Supporting learning resource - Assessment alignment planner

Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills:

Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685-85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html

Throughout this unit, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Such ICT include spreadsheet software, graphing software, graphic calculators or mobile device apps. Note: A mobile device is a portable computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. Ensure that the use of ICT in the classroom, including mobile devices, complies with DET policy http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/ requirements.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 1 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks


Assessment Task Summary Type Learning Areas Status Date

Comprehending a traditional Asian story (Yr 04)Students comprehend a traditional Asian story.

Monitoring English Unscheduled

Create and present a traditional story (Yr 04)Students create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.

Assignment/Project English Unscheduled

Document Table of Contents

Curriculum Australian Curriculum Considerations

Teaching SequenceTeaching Sequence Summary

Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories

Connections between stories Traditional stories from Asia Plot and characterisation Reading comprehension Traditional story outlines Writing a traditional story

Resources Attachments Plan Resource Bank

Assessment Assignment/Project - Create and

present a traditional story (Yr 04) Monitoring - Comprehending a

traditional Asian story (Yr 04)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 2 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Australian Curriculum

English - Year 4Year 4 Achievement Standard

Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)By the end of Year 4, students understand that texts have different text structures depending on purpose and context. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences. They describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different texts

They fluently read texts that include varied sentence structures, unfamiliar vocabulary including multisyllabic words. They express preferences for particular types of texts, and respond to others' viewpoints. They listen for and share key points in discussions.

Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas.

Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying language according to context. They demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use accurate spelling and punctuation, re-reading and editing their work to improve meaning.

Content Descriptions

Language Literacy Literature

Expressing and developing ideas

Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students' own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (ACELA1498)

Investigate how quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech work in different types of text (ACELA1494)

Understand how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an activity (ACELA1495)

Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases (ACELA1493)

Interacting with others

Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations incorporating learned content and taking into account the particular purposes and audiences (ACELY1689)

Use interaction skills such as acknowledging another's point of view and linking students' response to the topic, using familiar and new vocabulary and a range of vocal effects such as tone, pace, pitch and volume to speak clearly and coherently (ACELY1688)

Interpreting, analysing, evaluating

Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (ACELY1690)

Creating literature

Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (ACELT1794)

Responding to literature

Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view (ACELT1603)

Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas, text structures and language features of literary texts (ACELT1604)

Literature and context

Make connections between the ways different authors may represent similar storylines, ideas and relationships (ACELT1602)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 3 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Language for interaction

Understand that social interactions influence the way people engage with ideas and respond to others for example when exploring and clarifying the ideas of others, summarising their own views and reporting them to a larger group (ACELA1488)

Language variation and change

Understand that Standard Australian English is one of many social dialects used in Australia, and that while it originated in England it has been influenced by many other languages (ACELA1487)

Phonics and word knowledge

Read and write a large core of high frequency words including homophones and know how to use context to identify correct spelling (ACELA1780)

Understand how to use knowledge of letter patterns including double letters, spelling generalisations, morphemic word families, common prefixes and suffixes and word origins to spell more complex words (ACELA1779)

Understand how to use phonic knowledge to read and write multisyllabic words with more complex letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds and known prefixes and suffixes (ACELA1828)

Text structure and organisation

Recognise how quotation marks are used in texts to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech (ACELA1492)

Understand how texts are made cohesive through the use of linking devices including pronoun reference and text connectives (ACELA1491)

Read different types of texts by combining contextual , semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies for example monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing (ACELY1691)

Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing and evaluating texts (ACELY1692)

Creating texts

Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1694)

Re-read and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure (ACELY1695)

Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements (ACELY1697)

Write using clearly-formed joined letters, and develop increased fluency and automaticity (ACELY1696)

Examining literature

Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers' interest by using various techniques, for example character development and plot tension (ACELT1605)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 4 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Understand how texts vary in complexity and technicality depending on the approach to the topic, the purpose and the intended audience (ACELA1490)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 5 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


Prior and future curriculumRelevant prior curriculumStudents require prior experience with:

understanding how different types of texts vary in the use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (e.g. tense and types of sentences) understanding that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts knowing that word contractions are a feature of informal language and that apostrophes of contraction are used to signal missing letters understanding that a clause is a unit of grammar usually containing a subject and a verb and that these need to be in agreement understanding that verbs represent different processes, such as doing, thinking, saying, and relating, and that these processes are anchored in time through tense understanding how to use letter-sound relationships and less common letter patterns to spell words knowing how to use common prefixes and suffixes, and generalisations for adding a suffix to a base word creating texts that adapt language features and patterns encountered in literary texts, (e.g. characterisation, rhyme, rhythm, mood, music, sound effects and dialogue) using interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and communicating in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone,

pace, pitch and volume planning and delivering short presentations, providing some key details in logical sequence planning, drafting and publishing imaginative, informative and persuasive texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print, and

multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose re-reading and editing texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation using software including word processing programs with growing speed and efficiency to construct and edit texts featuring visual, print and audio elements.

Curriculum working towardsThe teaching and learning in this unit works towards the following:

Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (ACELA1504) Understand that the starting point of a sentence gives prominence to the message in the text and allows for prediction of how the text will unfold (ACELA1505) Understand how the grammatical category of possessives is signalled through apostrophes and how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns (ACELA1506) Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and that a complex sentence involves at least one subordinate clause (ACELA1507) Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways to provide a fuller description of the person, place, thing or idea

(ACELA1508) Understand how to use knowledge of known words, base words, prefixes and suffixes, word origins, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to spell new words (ACELA1513) Create literary texts that experiment with structures, ideas and stylistic features of selected authors (ACELT1798) Use interaction skills, for example paraphrasing, questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues and choose vocabulary and vocal effects appropriate for different audiences and

purposes (ACELY1796) Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and sequenced content and multimodal elements (ACELY1700) Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and

audience (ACELY1704) Re-read and edit student's own and others' work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features (ACELY1705) Use a range of software including word processing programs with fluency to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 6 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


General capabilitiesThis unit provides opportunities for students to engage in the following general capabilities.Literacy

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Text knowledge Grammar knowledge Word knowledge Visual knowledge

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability Creating with ICT Managing and operating ICT

Critical and creative thinking Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Reflecting on thinking and processes Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures

Personal and social capability Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Social management

Ethical understanding Understanding ethical concepts and issues Reasoning in decision making and actions Exploring values, rights and responsibilities

Intercultural understanding Recognising culture and developing respect Interacting and empathising with others Reflecting on intercultural experiences and taking responsibility

For further information, refer to General capabilities in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area specific advice.

Cross-curriculum priorities

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 7 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culturesStudents will develop a knowledge, deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' history and culture and build an awareness that their histories are part of a shared history belonging to all Australians.The embedding of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures into the curriculum can be a challenging task. For further information, including pedagogical approaches, refer to C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx.Asia and Australia's engagement with AsiaStudents will learn about and recognise the diversity within and between the countries of the Asia region. They will develop knowledge and understanding of Asian societies, cultures, beliefs and environments, and the connections between the peoples of Asia, Australia, and the rest of the world. Students will develop skills to communicate and engage with the peoples of Asia so they can effectively live, work and learn in the region.For further information, refer to Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area statements.SustainabilityStudents will develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.For further information, refer to Sustainability in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area statements.

Assessing student learningAssessment name: Create and present a traditional storyAssessment description: Students create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.In this unit, assessment of student learning aligns to the following aspects of the achievement standard.

Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)By the end of Year 4, students understand that texts have different text structures depending on purpose and context. They explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of audiences. They describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different texts.They fluently read texts that include varied sentence structures, unfamiliar vocabulary including multisyllabic words. They express preferences for particular types of texts, and respond to others' viewpoints. They listen for and share key points in discussions.

Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas.Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying language according to context. They demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use accurate spelling and punctuation, re-reading and editing their work to improve meaning.

Monitoring student learningStudent learning should be monitored throughout the teaching and learning process to determine student progress and learning needs.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 8 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy

ConsiderationsEach lesson provides opportunities to gather evidence about how students are progressing and what they need to learn next.Specific monitoring opportunities in this unit may include observations, consultations and samples of student work, for example:

identifying language features, ideas and relationships in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures expanding content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures making connections between storylines, ideas and relationships in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures expressing viewpoints about stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures comprehending the literal and implied meaning in a text using language features to enrich a story through descriptions that provide more detail to make the story more engaging for an audience using text connectives to create a cohesive text using a narrative text structure to create plot tension to meet the purpose of the text, to teach a moral or lesson.

Monitoring taskMonitoring name: Comprehending a traditional Asian storyMonitoring description: Students comprehend a traditional Asian story.

FeedbackFeedback may relate to writing and creating texts. In this unit this may include students’ ability to:

identifying language features, ideas and relationships in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures interpreting and evaluating language features, ideas and relationships in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures making connections between storylines, ideas and relationships in stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures using metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas and language features and techniques in narratives sharing and discussing students' own and others' understanding of the effects of particular literary techniques and language features authors use effectively planning, drafting, editing and publishing a traditional story using appropriate text structures and including language features to hold readers' interest and make the story more interesting rehearsing and delivering a spoken presentation, taking into account the purpose and audience.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 9 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Curriculum Plan Topics

Duration Topic

5 Lessons Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Lesson 1: Understanding the Dreaming Lesson 2: Connecting personal experiences, ideas and relationships Lessons 3-4: Reading traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories Lesson 5: Understanding language and cultural context of a community

4 Lessons Connections between stories Lesson 6: Understanding a contemporary story 1 Lesson 7: Understanding a contemporary story 2 Lessons 8-9: Making connections between stories

5 Lessons Traditional stories from Asia Lessons 10-11: Exploring characteristic features of traditional Asian stories Lesson 12: Identifying direct speech in a traditional Asian story Lesson 13: Examining cohesion in a traditional Asian story Lesson 14: Reading and understanding a traditional Asian story

4 Lessons Plot and characterisation Lesson 15: Examining plot and characterisation Lessons 16-17: Reading and analysing a traditional story Lesson 18: Examining character development

3 Lessons Reading comprehension Lessons 19-20: Monitoring reading comprehension Lesson 21: Understanding the assessment task

4 Lessons Traditional story outlines Lesson 22: Constructing an orientation Lesson 23: Adding direct speech Lesson 24: Adding structural and language features to events Lesson 25: Thinking of ideas for a traditional story

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 10 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

7 Lessons Writing a traditional story Lessons 26-27: Writing a traditional story 1 Lessons 28-29: Writing a traditional story 2 Lesson 30: Rehearsing the presentation Lessons 31-32: Sharing a story with a younger audience

32 Lessons Total Unit

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 11 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will listen to and view explanations of the Dreaming to gain understanding of what it means. They will read, expand content knowledge, and link ideas and relationships in traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 1

Understanding the Dreaming

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to expand content knowledge and integrate and link ideas about the Dreaming.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Link prior knowledge to the Dreaming? Identify the significance of Country/Place, language and culture in

the Dreaming? Write sentences to explain and make connections about the

Dreaming?Example learning sequence

Review prior knowledge of the Dreaming Identify the significance of the Dreaming Make connections between texts

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Find and prepare a collection of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' traditional stories.

Find and prepare a short information text about the Dreaming. Video - Sunset to Sunrise (Ingwartentyele - Arrerlkeme), 2006: My father's country

(australianscreen online) (TLF R11363) Supporting learning resource - Sunset to Sunrise: Focus questions Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources Supporting learning resource - Local community Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Introduction to the unit: Examining traditional stories


Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Note: Prior to using any of these websites, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 12 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will listen to and view explanations of the Dreaming to gain understanding of what it means. They will read, expand content knowledge, and link ideas and relationships in traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Website - Twelve canoes (Indigemedia Incorporated, Christensen Fund, South

Australian Film Corporation and Screen Australia) http://www.12canoes.com.au (Click on 'Our ancestors' - left image)

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/map/

Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au(Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal stories)

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government) http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/dreaming

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 2

Connecting personal experiences, ideas and relationships

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to make connections between personal experiences, ideas and relationships.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Make connections between own and peers' personal experiences, ideas and relationships using a Holistic planning and teaching framework?

Example learning sequence Make connections between ideas and relationships Examine language features Create and share connections about ideas and relationships

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Find and prepare a collection of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' traditional stories

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Teacher

example Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander

peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 13 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will listen to and view explanations of the Dreaming to gain understanding of what it means. They will read, expand content knowledge, and link ideas and relationships in traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal

stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Note: Prior to using these resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Website - Twelve canoes (Indigemedia Incorporated, Christensen Fund, South Australian Film Corporation and Screen Australia) http://www.12canoes.com.au (Click on 'Our ancestors' - left image)

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government) http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/dreaming

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 3-4

Reading traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to use comprehension strategies to expand content knowledge and integrate ideas in a traditional story.

Understand how language features help storytellers to link ideas and provide details about characters, events and circumstances.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Write and share a viewpoint about a traditional story?Example learning sequence

Read or listen to a traditional story Examine language features Create a viewpoint Share viewpoint

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Sheet - The Rainbow Serpent and the Story of Creation Sheet - Language features of 'The Rainbow Serpent and the Story of Creation' Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1327e81e-d236-461d-b37a-b8bbf02388ce/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 14 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will listen to and view explanations of the Dreaming to gain understanding of what it means. They will read, expand content knowledge, and link ideas and relationships in traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander

peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 5

Understanding language and cultural context of a community

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to use reading comprehension strategies to expand content knowledge and integrate ideas about a community.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify literal and inferred meaning in a text? Identify language features that provide details?

Example learning sequence Investigate the cultural context of a community Respond to information about a community's context Examine language features describing a community Read a section of text about a community Read or listen to a traditional story Share responses to information about the culture and language of

a communitySpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Text - 'The story of Girbar' as told by James Akiba Senior in Saibai Community & Thompson, L 2011, The story of Girbar: A story from the Saibai Community, Pearson Australia, Melbourne, Vic

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: 'The story of Girbar' Sheet - 'Our community': Focus questions Slideshow - How language features communicate meaning Supporting learning resource - Guided reading: 'The story of Girbar' Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1327e81e-d236-461d-b37a-b8bbf02388ce/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/696ffcd4-6100-19f3-b658-

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 15 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will listen to and view explanations of the Dreaming to gain understanding of what it means. They will read, expand content knowledge, and link ideas and relationships in traditional Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources8fcf28215815/0/C2C_HolisticPlanningTeachingFramework.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: 'The story of Girbar' https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/107efe47-4e44-4499-977d-85c7c094cfef/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_HPTFStoryofGirbar.docx

Sheet - Language features of 'The story of Girbar' https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/dd92256c-61e3-435c-b733-77e51a293014/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SH_LangFeatGirbar.docx

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/map/

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 16 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Connections between stories Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will make connections between the ways different storytellers represent storylines, ideas and relationships. They will connect themes about land, language, culture, time, place and relationships in the stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 6

Understanding a contemporary story 1

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to make connections between the ways different storytellers represent storylines, ideas and relationships.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify language features and the effect they have in the story? Express viewpoints about a story referring to the language

features used?Example learning sequence

Investigate a contemporary Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' story

Read the story Co-construct a Holistic planning and teaching framework for a

story Complete information about language used in a story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Text - Kwaymullina, A 2007, Crow and the waterhole, Fremantle Press, Fremantle WA

Find and prepare a range of contemporary and traditional stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures.

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Connections between stories Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Crow and

the waterhole Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1327e81e-d236-461d-b37a-b8bbf02388ce/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/696ffcd4-6100-19f3-b658-8fcf28215815/0/C2C_HolisticPlanningTeachingFramework.pdf

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/map/

Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government)

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 17 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Connections between stories Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will make connections between the ways different storytellers represent storylines, ideas and relationships. They will connect themes about land, language, culture, time, place and relationships in the stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourceshttp://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/dreaming

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 7

Understanding a contemporary story 2

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how different storytellers use the themes of land, language, culture, time, place and relationships in a story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify language features and the effect they have in the story? Express a viewpoint about a story referring to the language

features and theme used?Example learning sequence

Investigate another contemporary Aboriginal peoples' or Torres Strait Islander peoples' story

Read the story Co-construct a Holistic planning and teaching framework for a

story Complete information about language used in a story

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Text - Morgan, S & Kwaymullina, E & Bancroft, B 2009, Sam's bush journey, Little Hare, Surry Hills, NSW

Find and prepare a range of contemporary and traditional stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures.

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Connections between stories Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Sam's

bush journey Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

cultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1327e81e-d236-461d-b37a-b8bbf02388ce/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/696ffcd4-6100-19f3-b658-8fcf28215815/0/C2C_HolisticPlanningTeachingFramework.pdf

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 18 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Connections between stories Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will make connections between the ways different storytellers represent storylines, ideas and relationships. They will connect themes about land, language, culture, time, place and relationships in the stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourceshttps://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/Indigenous/map/

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government)http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/dreaming

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 8-9

Making connections between stories

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to compare the language features and themes of two stories.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify similarities and differences between stories? Identify language features and the effect they have in the story? Express viewpoints on stories?

Example learning sequence Re-read contemporary stories Compare holistic planning and teaching frameworks for stories Make connections between stories presented Present opinions about stories.

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.Note: Prior to using any of these suggested resources, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

Text - Morgan, S & Kwaymullina, E & Bancroft, B 2009, Sam's bush journey, Little Hare, Surry Hills, NSW

Text - Kwaymullina, A 2007, Crow and the waterhole, Fremantle Press, Fremantle WA

Find and prepare a range of contemporary and traditional stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures.

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Connections between stories Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Sam's

bush journey Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Crow and

the waterhole Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 19 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Connections between stories Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will make connections between the ways different storytellers represent storylines, ideas and relationships. They will connect themes about land, language, culture, time, place and relationships in the stories.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourcescultures suggested alternative resources https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1327e81e-d236-461d-b37a-b8bbf02388ce/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6af7563c-70cd-4f7f-32a1-ae6ec0aed6bc/0/C2C_EATSIPS_YarningCircles.pdf

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/696ffcd4-6100-19f3-b658-8fcf28215815/0/C2C_HolisticPlanningTeachingFramework.pdf

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/map/

Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/ (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government) http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/dreaming

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 20 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional stories from Asia Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will review and listen to traditional stories from Asia to identify characteristic features. Text structures, such as cohesive devices used (text connectives and referencing pronouns), and direct speech in traditional stories are examined.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 10-11

Exploring characteristic features of traditional Asian stories

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify characteristic features that meet the purpose and audience in traditional stories.

Understand how to compare the characteristic features of traditional stories.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify characteristic features in traditional stories? Compare characteristic features of traditional stories that meet

their purpose and audience?Example learning sequence

Review prior knowledge of traditional stories Identify characteristic features in traditional stories Listen to a traditional story from Asia Identify features of traditional stories Read another traditional story from Asia Compare traditional stories from Asia

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Find and prepare two traditional stories from Asia in a picture book format.

Note: Prior to using any text, review the content to ensure suitability for your school context and class.

eBook - The wishing fish: a Chinese folktale Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories Sheet - Features of traditional stories Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional stories from Asia Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 12

Identifying direct speech in a traditional Asian story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify characters' direct speech. Understand how direct speech develops characterisation.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify direct speech in a traditional story? Explain the effect direct speech has on characterisation?

Example learning sequence Listen to a traditional Asian story

Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional stories from Asia Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 21 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional stories from Asia Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will review and listen to traditional stories from Asia to identify characteristic features. Text structures, such as cohesive devices used (text connectives and referencing pronouns), and direct speech in traditional stories are examined.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Identify direct speech in traditional stories Perform character's direct speech Write sentences to explain direct speech

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 13

Examining cohesion in a traditional Asian story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to identify text connectives and explain how they link ideas and sequence events.

Understand how to identify pronouns and explain how they refer to a noun or noun group.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify text connectives and explain how they link ideas and sequence events?

Identify pronouns and explain how they refer to a noun or noun group and help the cohesive flow of the text?

Example learning sequence Read a traditional Asian story Identify text connectives in traditional stories Track pronouns in traditional stories Investigate the effect of using cohesive devices

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional stories from Asia Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 14

Reading and understanding a traditional Asian story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to read a traditional story, using text processing strategies.

Understand how to use comprehension strategies to expand content knowledge of a traditional story.

Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional stories from Asia Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 22 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional stories from Asia Topic Duration 5 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will review and listen to traditional stories from Asia to identify characteristic features. Text structures, such as cohesive devices used (text connectives and referencing pronouns), and direct speech in traditional stories are examined.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Apply reading strategies while reading a traditional story? Apply comprehension strategies to understand meaning and the

effect of text structures and language features in a traditional story?

Example learning sequence Review reading and comprehension strategies Read and comprehend a traditional Asian story Self-assess use of comprehension strategies

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 23 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Plot and characterisation Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will explore how authors use plot and characterisation in traditional stories to engage the interest of readers. Another traditional story is read and studied and language features and their effects on the text are examined.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 15

Examining plot and characterisation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how authors and storytellers make traditional stories exciting by using techniques such as character development.

Understand how characters' decisions and consequences contribute to plot tension.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify characters' behaviour and actions at pivotal points in a plot?

Express a viewpoint about the consequences of characters' actions and behaviours and how these add to plot tension?

Example learning sequence Review authors' techniques to involve readers: Character

development Review authors' techniques to involve readers: Plot tension Identify pivotal points in a plot Analyse how events and characters' behaviour affect plot

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Sheet - Effects of character behaviour on plot tension Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Plot and characterisation Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 16-17

Reading and analysing a traditional story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to analyse how authors use techniques to involve readers.

Understand how to make literal and inferred meaning when reading a traditional story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify and explain the effect of techniques and language features used by authors in a traditional story?

Resources Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Plot and characterisation Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 4 Unit 3: Lesson 16


Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 24 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Plot and characterisation Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will explore how authors use plot and characterisation in traditional stories to engage the interest of readers. Another traditional story is read and studied and language features and their effects on the text are examined.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Example learning sequence Review features of traditional stories Read and analyse a traditional story from Asia Re-read and discuss sections of a story Share responses Compare traditional stories from Asia

SpellingConduct a unit post-test (Lesson 16).Diagnostic assessment (Lesson 17).

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 18

Examining character development

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how storytellers make the audience care about the decisions and behaviours of characters.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify the development of a character throughout a traditional story?

Explain how storytellers make the audience care about the consequences of characters' decisions?

Example learning sequence Review features of traditional stories Analyse character development in a traditional story Explore plot and characterisation Share responses

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Plot and characterisation Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 25 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will be monitored for reading comprehension. Students will read a traditional story and respond in writing to literal and implied questions. The structural and language features in a traditional story are examined in preparation for the assessment task.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 19-20

Monitoring reading comprehension

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to use comprehension strategies to expand content knowledge, link ideas and analyse language features and text structures in a traditional Asian story.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Answer questions accurately by using literal and implied meaning to link ideas, analyse language features and text structures and evaluate a traditional Asian story?

Example learning sequence Review reading and comprehension strategies Complete monitoring task

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Monitoring task - Comprehending a traditional Asian story Monitoring task - Comprehending a traditional Asian story: Model response Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Reading comprehension Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 21

Understanding the assessment task

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand the audience and the purpose of the assessment task. Understand how to identify and analyse text structures and

language features of a traditional story and relate these to the requirements for the assessment task.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Write sentences to explain why the identified text structures or language features were used by the author/storyteller in a traditional Asian story?

Example learning sequence Examine the assessment task and Guide to making judgments

Resources Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China Sheet - Annotated Certainly! Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Reading comprehension Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 26 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will be monitored for reading comprehension. Students will read a traditional story and respond in writing to literal and implied questions. The structural and language features in a traditional story are examined in preparation for the assessment task.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Examine text structure and language features in a traditional Asian

story Identify other language features and text structures

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.


Attachments Lesson plan

Teaching Sequence

Topic Traditional story outlines Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will construct traditional stories including a simple idea or problem. They will add structural and language features to the story ideas to enrich the text and create a more engaging story.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 22

Constructing an orientation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to construct an orientation to a traditional story by adding text structures and language features that provide information and details about characters, time and setting.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Construct an orientation for a traditional story adding text structures and language features that provide information and details about characters, time and setting?

Example learning sequence Explore orientations of traditional stories Discuss language choices for an orientation Generate ideas about expanding orientations Rewrite an orientation Edit new orientations Share new orientations


Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China Sheet - Adding information and details to orientations Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional story outlines Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 27 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will be monitored for reading comprehension. Students will read a traditional story and respond in writing to literal and implied questions. The structural and language features in a traditional story are examined in preparation for the assessment task.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Refer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Lesson 23

Adding direct speech

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to develop characters' interactions by adding direct speech.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Add direct speech to an interaction between characters in a section of text?

Example learning sequence Review authors' use of direct speech in traditional stories Discuss language choices for direct speech Share examples of direct speech Construct an interaction between characters with direct speech Edit new interactions Share new versions

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China Sheet - Adding direct speech Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional story outlines Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining

traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 24

Adding structural and language features to events

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to develop events by adding structural and language features to a basic text.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Add structural and language features to a basic text to develop an event?

Example learning sequence Review the use of structural and language features in traditional


Resources Sheet - Adding structural and language features to an event Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional story outlines Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea


Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/69561437-d122-46b6-9a5c-

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 28 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will be monitored for reading comprehension. Students will read a traditional story and respond in writing to literal and implied questions. The structural and language features in a traditional story are examined in preparation for the assessment task.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Analyse a story event Write an event adding more details and information Edit new events Share rewritten events

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

50e0b4afeb44/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SH_TheProudSonBooklet.docx Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China


Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 25

Thinking of ideas for a traditional story

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to generate ideas for writing a traditional story. Understand how to develop key information and supporting details

about storyline, characters and setting.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Generate ideas for a traditional story? Develop information and supporting details about the storyline,

characters, setting and surrounding circumstances?Example learning sequence

Review characteristic features of traditional stories Review the assessment task Research ideas Share notes

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story - Sample

response Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional story outlines Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea


Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/69561437-d122-46b6-9a5c-50e0b4afeb44/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SH_TheProudSonBooklet.docx

Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/eb98cded-e574-4ce5-b7d4-93a993a9c650/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SH_CertainlyBookStorybrd.docx

Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 29 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Reading comprehension Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will be monitored for reading comprehension. Students will read a traditional story and respond in writing to literal and implied questions. The structural and language features in a traditional story are examined in preparation for the assessment task.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5e7a48a5-9839-4be3-b181-6351cb543e80/0/Eng_SLR_Y03-Y06_Metalanguage.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 30 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Writing a traditional story Topic Duration 7 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series students draft, write and edit a traditional story for the assessment task. They present their stories to a younger audience. Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 26-27

Writing a traditional story 1

Assessment purposeTo create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story - Sample

response Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Writing a traditional story Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 28-29

Writing a traditional story 2

Assessment purposeTo create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Resources Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story - Sample

response Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Writing a traditional story Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 30 Lesson objectives Resources

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 31 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Writing a traditional story Topic Duration 7 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series students draft, write and edit a traditional story for the assessment task. They present their stories to a younger audience. Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Rehearsing the presentation

Students will: Understand how to use a range of vocal effects to speak clearly

and coherently to enhance meaning of and add interest to a presentation.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Use a range of vocal effects to speak clearly and coherently to enhance meaning of and add interest to a presentation?

Example learning sequence Review spoken conventions Rehearse spoken presentation Share viewpoints

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area.

Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Writing a traditional story Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Helpful information Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6


Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining traditional Asian stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/ded38f46-6cd6-4d53-a466-753ef560fbad/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_SuggAltResources.docx

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 31-32

Sharing a story with a younger audience

Assessment purposeTo create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards Conduct the assessment

SpellingRefer to unit spelling overview for suggested focus area (Lesson 31). Conduct a unit post-test (Lesson 32).

Resources Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Writing a traditional story Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32


Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 4 Unit 3: Lesson 32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Attachments Lesson plan

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 32 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Resources* Attachments are available in the relevant Unit Plan Section directory in the downloaded zip file.

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence -Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP01.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP02.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP03_04.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP05.docx

Sequence - Connections between stories

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP06.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP07.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP08_09.docx

Sequence - Traditional stories from Asia

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP10_11.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP12.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP13.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP14.docx

Sequence - Plot and characterisation Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP15.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP16_17.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP18.docx

Sequence - Reading comprehension Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP19_20.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP21.docx

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 33 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence - Traditional story outlines Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP22.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP23.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP24.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP25.docx

Sequence - Writing a traditional story Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP26-27.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP28_29.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP30.docx

Lesson plan - Eng_Y04_U3_LP31_32.docx

Sequence eBook - The wishing fish: a Chinese folktale

Find and prepare a collection of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' traditional stories

Find and prepare a range of contemporary and traditional stories from Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures.

Find and prepare a short information text about the Dreaming.

Find and prepare two traditional stories from Asia in a picture book format.

Monitoring task - Comprehending a traditional Asian story

Monitoring task - Comprehending a traditional Asian story: Model response

Sheet - Adding direct speech

Sheet - Adding information and details to orientations Sheet - Adding structural and language features to an event

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 34 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Annotated Certainly!

Sheet - Certainly! A retold traditional story from China

Sheet - Effects of character behaviour on plot tension

Sheet - Features of traditional stories

Sheet - Language features of 'The Rainbow Serpent and the Story of Creation' Sheet - Language features of 'The story of Girbar' https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/dd92256c-61e3-435c-b733-77e51a293014/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SH_LangFeatGirbar.docx

Sheet - 'Our community': Focus questions

Sheet - The Proud Son: A retold traditional story from Indonesia

Sheet - The Rainbow Serpent and the Story of Creation

Sheet - The tiger, the rabbit and Chung-Ho: A retold traditional story from Korea

Slideshow - How language features communicate meaning Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 1-16 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Spelling - Spelling overview Year 4 Unit 3: Lessons 17-32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 4 Unit 3: Lesson 16 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Spelling - Spelling unit post-test Year 4 Unit 3: Lesson 32 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/64032b89-6bac-f41d-9983-90b6dfb51b73/0/index.html

Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures suggested alternative resources Supporting learning resource - C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx

Supporting learning resource - English metalanguage: Years 3-6 Supporting learning resource - Guided reading: 'The story of Girbar'

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 35 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Crow and the waterhole

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Sam's bush journey

Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: Teacher example Supporting learning resource - Holistic planning and teaching framework: 'The story of Girbar' https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/107efe47-4e44-4499-977d-85c7c094cfef/0/Eng_Y04_U4_SLR_HPTFStoryofGirbar.docx

Supporting learning resource - Introduction to the unit: Examining traditional stories https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1b7b636c-945a-4109-a432-b62394085a25/0/Eng_Y04_U3_SLR_UnitIntro.docx

Supporting learning resource - Local community

Supporting learning resource - Suggested alternative resources: Examining traditional Asian stories

Supporting learning resource - Sunset to Sunrise: Focus questions

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Connections between stories

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Plot and characterisation

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Reading comprehension

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: 'The story of Girbar'

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional stories from Asia

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Traditional story outlines

Supporting learning resource - Teacher tips: Writing a traditional story

Supporting learning resource - Yarning circles

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 36 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Text - Kwaymullina, A 2007, Crow and the waterhole, Fremantle Press, Fremantle WA

Text - Morgan, S & Kwaymullina, E & Bancroft, B 2009, Sam's bush journey, Little Hare, Surry Hills, NSW

Text - 'The story of Girbar' as told by James Akiba Senior in Saibai Community & Thompson, L 2011, The story of Girbar: A story from the Saibai Community, Pearson Australia, Melbourne, Vic

Video - Sunset to Sunrise (Ingwartentyele - Arrerlkeme), 2006: My father's country (australianscreen online) (TLF R11363) Website - Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority - Defining Aboriginal stories (The State of Queensland) https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au (Home > Search > Defining Aboriginal Stories)

Website - The AIATSIS map of Aboriginal Australia (ABC) http://www.abc.net.au/indigenous/map

Website - The Dreaming (Australian Government) http://australia.gov.au/about- australia/australian-story/dreaming

Website - Twelve canoes (Indigemedia Incorporated, Christensen Fund, South Australian Film Corporation and Screen Australia) http://www.12canoes.com.au (Click on 'Our ancestors' - left image)

Assessment Planner - Comprehending a traditional Asian story

Monitoring Task - Eng_Y04_U3_MT_CompTradStory.docx

Monitoring Task - Eng_Y04_U3_MT_MR_CompTradStory.docx

Assessment Planner - Create and present a traditional story

Assessment task - Eng_Y04_U3_AT_CreateTradStory.docx

Assessment task - Eng_Y04_U3_AT_MR_CreateTradStory.docx

Assessment Task - Eng_Y04_U3_AT_PlanForTask.docx

Assessment Task - Eng_Y04_U3_AT_PlanForTaskSample.docx

Assessment Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story

Assessment task - Create and present a traditional story: Model response

Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story

Assessment task - Plan for task: Create and present a traditional story - Sample response

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 37 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 38 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks


Assessment Task - Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Create and present a traditional story (Yr 04)Type Assignment/ProjectDate

Description Students create and present a traditional story which includes a moral for a younger audience.

Learning Area English

Knowledge and understanding Creating texts (Productive)

Uses language features to create coherence and add detail to the text. Creates a structured text to explain ideas for different audiences. Demonstrates understanding of grammar, and uses accurate spelling and punctuation.Re-reads and edits work to improve meaning.Makes presentations, varying language according to context.

A ◄ Provides circumstantial details to engage the audience by including adverbs and/or adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases. ◄

Sequences events to build tension to convey the moral of the story to a younger audience.Uses a range of sentence structures, to engage the interest of the reader.Varies use of tone, pitch and pace to create and sustain audience interest.

B ◄

Includes direct speech to enhance character development and advance the storyline.Enriches sentences by adding descriptive noun groups/phrases and verb/ verb groups.Uses pronouns and text connectives to make the text cohesive.

Creates a traditional story with a developed storyline, characters and setting. Organises ideas into paragraphs in the narrative structure of orientation, complication and resolution.Uses quotation marks to signal dialogue.Adds, deletes and moves words and word groups to edit text.Speaks clearly and coherently, using appropriate volume and pausing for emphasis.

C ◄ Uses language features to create coherence and add detail to the text. ◄

Creates a structured text to explain ideas for different audiences.Demonstrates understanding of grammar, and uses accurate spelling and punctuation.Re-reads and edits work to improve meaning.Makes presentations, varying language according to context.

D ◄ Provides information about setting and characters. ◄Writes a story.Uses capital letters and full stops to punctuate sentences.Delivers a presentation.

E ◄ States ideas. ◄Uses simple sentences.Spells high-frequency words.Presents ideas about a traditional story.

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 39 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 40 of 41

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 3 - English Year 4 (V8)

Year: 4Learning Areas/Subjects: English

Duration: 8 Weeks

Acknowledgement, Disclaimer and Copyright

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities are extracts from the Australian Curriculum.

These are subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 and are owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) [2014].

Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular,

ACARA does not endorse or verify that:

The content descriptions are solely for a particular year and subject; All the content descriptions for that year and subject have been used; and The author's material aligns with the Australian Curriculum content descriptions for the relevant year and subject.

You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au. This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Copyright in this publication and the content therein is owned by the State of Queensland (acting through the Department of Education and Training) (‘the Department’) or, in the case of some materials, by third parties (‘Third Party Content’).

Apart from any use expressly permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced, published, adapted, communicated, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of the Department.

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