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WEEKOF: 1/4-1/8/2021 TEACHER’S NAME: Katelynn

Day of the Week

CC Goals being


(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes-

Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)

Play focus

[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]


Jan. 4, 2021

Before the break we were learning about different places people and animals live. We learned that people can live in boats on the ocean and that animals call the ocean their home. The ocean is made of water and covers most of our planet. Water is important because all living things need water but what is water and where does it come from. Water is a liquid, and it feels wet on your skin. Water is always moving through the water cycle. The water cycle is a cycle that helps keep water in different forms move between the oceans, land, and the atmosphere (sky). This week we will be learning about the water cycle learning about each of the stages of the cycle.

Music and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-59ljA4Bs&t=50s

Pretend/kitchen Play: Students can pretend to be a water molecule going through the water cycle. Help them to pretend to be collected in the ocean by rolling and laying down on the floor. Then use a hair dryer to blow warm air and tell them they are evaporating have them stand up as a water vapor. Then hand them a pillow to hold and tell them they are condensing and becoming a cloud. Then pretend to be the wind and blow them into the bathroom. Then give them a spray bottle to spray and let them pretend to be the rain.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: use scissors to blue waves for the ocean water

Art: use watercolor paints or make your own by dipping markers in small amounts of water. Use the watercolors to paint an ocean (blue), sun (yellow/orange), clouds (gray), and rain drops (blue).

Science/discovery: fill a clear water bottle about a quarter full with hot water from the sink. Then help your child pour in some cold water and put the top on water bottle watch what happens in the bottle.

Writing: Practice drawing/ tracing circles and the letters c and o.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Cc/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/48450

Book suggestion (Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/49965

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Cc/. Go over how to make the letter sound and

Play the Bounce Patrol to review the letter sound and some things that start with the letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dhzPuT6jm0

Math: Number Recognition/ Identification

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)


Jan. 5, 2021

Yesterday we learned that there is a water cycle that keeps water moving between the oceans, land and the atmosphere (sky). Today we will learn about what is called collection. Which is done by run off from precipitation and rivers feeding into lakes and oceans. Water that collects in the ocean is called saltwater. The water that collects in lakes and rivers is freshwater.

Music and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3iJjUKWrkk

Pretend/kitchen Play: Students can pretend to be at the beach. Put a shallow amount of water in a cooking tray or the bathtub with salt in it. Help your child Pretend to be a scientist and collect water samples from the beach in a clear water bottle. Then have them collect a small sample of fresh water from the sink. Salt water is cloudier when shaken than fresh water.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: use aluminum foil and have your child squeeze it with slat inside to create pretend rocks for their river.

Art: help your child use a marker on a plastic bag or paper to draw the ocean.

Science/discovery: help your child use aluminum foil to create a river place some pretend rocks made from crumpled aluminum foil and salt in the bottom of the river. Have the river you build end in the ocean Use a bowl or tray to catch water. Then have your child pour water into their river and watch it flow to the ocean. Touch the water that is collecting in the ocean add a little salt. Encourage your child to taste the

water from their ocean off their fingers. How does it taste? (-Salty)

Writing: practice drawing/tracing horizontal and vertical lines by playing the start and stop game like freeze dance.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Cc/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/74016

Book suggestion (Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/16060

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Cc/. Review the letter name of the letter and the letter sound with your child. Then help your child create the caterpillar by tracing circles or cutting out circles from paper or playdough and building the caterpillar on the letter /c/ on paper.

Math: Practice identifying shapes by drawing 3 different shapes on a paper 3 different

times (circle, square, and triangle). Then direct them to color all the triangles.


Jan. 6, 2021

Yesterday we learned about collection. Today we will learn about evaporation. Evaporation is when the sun heats water and it turns into a vapor. Water vapor occurs as the heated water is turning into a gas.

Music and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-59ljA4Bs&t=50s

Pretend/kitchen Play: Students can pretend to be a water molecule going through the water cycle. Help them to pretend to be collected in the ocean by rolling and laying down on the floor. Then use a hair dryer to blow warm air and tell them they are evaporating have them stand up as a water vapor. Then hand them a pillow to hold and tell them they are condensing and becoming a cloud. Then pretend to be the wind and blow them into the bathroom. Then give them a spray bottle to spray and let them pretend to be the rain.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: use scissors to cut waves and cloud shapes in playdough. Practice using 2 hands one holding and moving the playdough while the other open and closes the scissors.

Art: help your child use a marker on the plastic bag or paper that they drew the ocean on and have them draw a sun.

Science/discovery: Put water in a teapot or pot of water with the top on, on the stove and get it boiling then take the top off and watch the steam with your child. That is the water vapor, that is water as a gas.

Writing: Practice drawing/ tracing circles and the letters c and o.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Cc/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/18960

Book suggestion (Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/16131

Phonics: This week’s letter is /Cc/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will walk around their homes with an adult to help with identifying objects in the home that start with our letter of the week.

Math: Number Recognition/ Identification

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little

learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)


Jan. 7, 2021

Yesterday we learned about evaporation and that as water is heated by the sun it turns into a gas. Today we will learn about condensation. Condensation happens as the water vapor in the air cools and condenses back into liquid forming clouds or water droplets.

Music and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpm1p0-N8M0

Pretend/kitchen Play: Students can pretend to be a water molecule going through the water cycle. Help them to pretend to be collected in the ocean by rolling and laying down on the floor. Then use a hair dryer to blow warm air and tell them they are evaporating have them stand up as a water vapor. Then hand them a pillow to hold and tell them they are condensing and becoming a cloud. Then pretend to be the wind and blow them into the bathroom. Then give them a spray bottle to spray and let them pretend to be the rain.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: use play dough or conditioner or shaving cream to make a cloud. Have your child use aluminum foil to make small water molecule to find and roll out of the cloud as rain drops.

Art: help your child use a marker on the plastic bag or paper that they drew the ocean and sun on and have them draw cloud.

Science/discovery: Put water in a plastic bag with air in it then use a blow dryer to blow on the water in the bag. Or use a bag to catch steam from a teapot or boiling pot of water.

Writing: practice drawing/tracing horizontal and vertical lines by playing the start and stop game like freeze dance.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Cc/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/74001

Book suggestion (Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/25377

Phonics: Work on identifying/matching skill for this month’s letters:

Use letters c/g/j/v on flash cards laid out on a table. Then have a bowl of the letters c/g/j/v cut on pieces of paper so that you have 4 of each letter in the bowl. Mix the in the bowl and have the student draw the letters out and match them to the large letters on the flash cards. Say each letters name as they are pulling them from the bowl and matching. Encourage student to say letter if speech skills are present.

Math: Practice identifying shapes using flash cards by drawing different shapes on cards (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, heart, and star). Place out 3 different cards and give students the direction to select a specific shape.


Jan. 8, 2021

Yesterday we learned about condensation. Today we will learn about precipitation. Precipitation is the part in the water cycle when the water droplets fall back down to earth. This can happen through different types of weather depending on the temperature: rain, snow, or ice.

Music and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-59ljA4Bs&t=50s

Pretend/kitchen Play: Students can pretend to be a water molecule going through the water cycle. Help them to pretend to be collected in the ocean by rolling and laying down on the floor. Then use a hair dryer to blow warm air and tell them they are evaporating have them stand up as a water vapor. Then hand them a pillow to hold and tell them they are condensing and becoming a cloud. Then pretend to be the wind and blow them into the bathroom. Then give them a spray bottle to spray and let them pretend to be the rain.

Fine Motor/Manipulatives: use a white washcloth or paper towel and have your child dip in in water then lift it up pretending it would be a cloud full of water droplets and have them squeeze the cloud (washcloth or paper towel) to make it rain.

Art: help your child use a marker on the plastic bag or paper that they drew the ocean, sun, and cloud on and have them draw rain drops.

Science/discovery: Use a sponge soaked in water and have your child pour more water on the top of it as it sits on the top of a clear glass/cup. Watch as the sponge

rains into the cup. (do in tub or sink).

Writing: Practice drawing/ tracing circles and the letters c and o.

Literacy: Books- Sit with your child to look at books. Work on book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week /Cc/.

Book suggestion (English): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/51125

Book suggestion (Spanish): https://www.getepic.com/app/read/25379

Phonics: Work on matching all lowercase letters from the alphabet. Lay out letters on flashcards 3 at a time and direct your child to match a letter to one of the letters laid out in the field of 3 by telling them “match i with i”. After they follow the direction to match switch all the letters with new letters and have them match a new letter. If student does not match correctly. Show them the correct match then have them do it before switching out all the letters.

Work on identification by pointing for all lowercase letters of the alphabet. Lay out letters on flashcards 3 at a time and directing your child to point to one of the letters laid out in the field of 3. After they follow the direction to point switch all the letters with new letters and have them point to a new letter. If student does not point correctly. Show them the correct letter to point to then have them do it before switching out all the letters.

Math: Number Recognition/ Identification

You can create 2 sets of 0-10 flash cards:

lay out a field of 3 and ask your little learner to point to a number

or match.

Switch out numbers and repeat with new numbers. (recommend starting with match. If your little learner is able to successfully match all the numbers move to point. If your little learner is verbal, you can hold up number while asking “what number is this”)

Social Emotional- Review Week 13 by looking at Daily Social Emotional Letters. Focus words for week 13: Worried/ Uncomfortable Feelings Common Core Goals:CC Domain 1 – PK.AL.FS.1: Actively and confidently engages in play as a means of exploration and learning – a. Interacts with a variety of materials through play.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects – e. Uses buttons, zippers, snaps, and hooks and loops successfully

CC Domain 3 – PK.SE.6: Understands and follows routines and rules. – b. Engages easily in routine activities

CC Domain 4 – PK.CLL.AC.1: Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate – a. Participates in small or large group activities for storytelling, singing, and/or finger play.

CC Domain 4A– PK.AC.1: Demonstrates motivation to communicate – c. Listens attentively for a variety of purposes.

CC Domain 5– PK.CKW.ScientificThiknings.6: Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world – a. describes, compares, and categorizes objects based on their properties.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – a. Identifies sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – b. Compares and contrasts different sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.

CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – c. Uses descriptive words to discuss sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures.
