Web Designe Trends 2015 infidirect


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Web Design Trends: 2015

The emergence of screen size demands from the web designers to work on responsive designs. It allow users to better access the web pages on their devices.


The change in user behavior and preference over mobile and tabs has given birth to the simple layout. It is user-friendly, attractive and designed to promote content.


Flat design is the in-thing but it has some technical glitches such as lacks gradients but it make use of eye catching colors and white space to expose content.


Flash is attractive but is not user friendly all the time. The new age designers are diverting towards HTML5 and CSS3, they are not very comfortable using flash.


The language of color needs to be translated in the website. It is important for designers to try to be natural in color combinations and avoid using fiery colors that irritates visitors.


It is important to use relevant images in your web page. It gives your site unique identity. Web designers should make use of high quality and contemporary images for good results.


Use of content in the current scenario has to have more of white space in page layout to expose content to your target audience. 7

Integrating your web content, blog and social media. It will help people find your content and will drive traffic. 8

It is important to adopt advanced page scrolling it helps your users to browse your web page in effective way. 9

It is important to have SEO ready website. SEO friendly CMS like WordPress, which is most preferable CMS for SEO, will gain importance.



Madhumita Mishra | E: madhumita@infidirect.in | M: +919900590343