Weathering Erosion and ·...


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When students are allowed to make choices about how they learn their accountability is immediately

increased. By using TicTacToe or Choice boards students are empowered and feel in charge.

•  Students should complete three items in a row either vertically, horizontally, or on a slant. •  To differentiate you can adjust the number of

activities that each student is to complete.

•  Make sure that you have all materials ready for students. Nothing stifles their creativity like not having what they need to complete a project.

•  Have fun with it! I have seen some of my students’ most creative thinking coming from these independent projects.

•  If you have any questions at all about the product, implementation, or ideas for a TicTacToe board you would like me to create please leave me a message on TPT.


Name______________      #_____    Date___________  

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Tic-Tac-Toe


Complete frayer

models for the words weathering,

erosion, and deposition.

Create two different

illustrations of weathering in


Write a story from the point of view of a piece of sediment traveling the earth.

Create a single illustration that

shows weathering, erosion, and

deposition. Include a description of each process happening.

Design an

experiment that tests soil for at

least two different properties.

Complete a triple

venn-diagram comparing the

three type of rocks.

Compare and

contrast physical and chemical

weathering using a venn-diagram.

Write a news article explaining the

changes in a local landform due to

weathering, erosion, or deposition.

Using a t-chart state the

similarities and differences

between constructive and

destructive forces.


Name______________      #_____          Date___________  

Soil Experiment �

Purpose_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ��Hypothesis___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ��Materials____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ��Procedure: 1.  ____________________________________________________ �2. ____________________________________________________ �3. ____________________________________________________ �4. ____________________________________________________ �5. ____________________________________________________ �6. ____________________________________________________ �7. ____________________________________________________ �8.  ____________________________________________________ �9.  ____________________________________________________ �10.____________________________________________________ ��Observations __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ��Conclusion __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ���


Name______________      #_____          Date___________  

Constructive and Destructive Forces

similarities differences





Triple Venn-Diagram


Name_________________  #_____        Date____________  Frayer Model Resources

Create a Frayer model on weathering. The word weathering should go in the middle and the four sections should include a definition, examples, non-

examples, and attributes.                  Definition Examples Non-Examples Attributes



Name_________________  #_____        Date____________  Frayer Model Resources

Create a Frayer model on erosion. The word erosion should go in the middle and the four sections should include a definition, examples, non-examples,

and attributes.                  Definition Examples Non-Examples Attributes



Name_________________  #_____        Date____________  Frayer Model Resources

Create a Frayer model on deposition. The word deposition should go in the middle and the four sections should include a definition, examples, non-

examples, and attributes.                  Definition Examples Non-Examples Attributes



Name________________  #______          Date____________  

Illustration of Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ���


Name________________  #______          Date____________  

Illustrations of Weathering


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Graphics  Created  by  Sassy  Designs  Graphics  Created  by  Winchester  Lambourne  

