Wealth Magazine



Wealth Magazine is a lifestyle Magazine for young entrepreneurs, professionals and business students

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There is nothing in the world that is as

powerful as words. you have probably

heard it beofre nad I am here to empha-

size it. Sometime ago, we looked at the

power of the mind and thoughts and

how they attract circumstances. That

discussion led us to the conclusion that

thoughts are attractive. Today allow me

to forward to you another dimension;

Words are creative. This is to say, if the

thoughts we allow to dominate our

minds attrct circumstances, it is our

words however that will those circum-

stances into reality. Given the close rela-

tionship between words and thoughts,

this is a given.

I am not theologian but if you may, allow

me to interpret the biblical narration of

the Creation Story. God looked at the

desoluste place that the world was and

he had a wild imagination. He saw light

in his mind; trees, rain, water and all the

other natural things created then were

all presented into his mind. it was how-

ever after he had said the amazing

words 'Let there be' that there was. Had

he not said this, his ideas might have

probably dissapperead in his head and

we would not have this wonderful world

that we live in today.

Although we are not as powerful as God,

similary we can create whatever we

want with our lives, steer them in the di-

rection we want and creating the lives

that we want.

Words have been likened to a ships's ra-

dar. Although I ahve never seen it, I have

been made to understand that it is a tiny

component of the ship which does not

amount even to a percentage of the

ship's entire size yet it the very same

thing that drives ships into opportunities

gloom or untapped lands. Similarly, the

tongue is a tiny, seemingly useless part

of our body yet it is the most powerful

too that we possess, a tool that can

drive our live towards greater heights.

Wealth Editor

Imakando Musho



I actually worked for a large corporation in long ago days.

While the time there taught me that corporate life wasn’t

the career that I ultimately wanted for myself, I also

learned a lot from my mentors on ways to get ahead,

much of which is good advice no matter what career

choice you choose to take.

When it comes to your career, it is usually small things

over a long period of time that add up to the success that

you achieve. Getting into the habit of making small im-

provements on a daily basis will reap huge rewards over

the long run. If you find yourself at your desk with some

free time, here are 25 things you can do to help improve

your career.

Find A Mentor: If you do nothing else on this list today,

do this. Find someone (or several people) that you re-

spect and ask them to mentor you. Most people will be

more than happy to pass along advice that they have

learned over the years which can be invaluable in helping

your career. They will also be great people to use as a

sounding board with ideas you have and help you figure

out the best way to obtain the goals you are seeking to

accomplish. A mentor can have amazing effects on your

career and will make your advancements much easier.

Start Your Own Part-Time Business: I’m a firm believer

that if you want to have the perfect job, you’re going to

have to go out and create it yourself. While I have had

many jobs over the years that I have truly enjoyed, it was-

n’t until I started building my own sites and blogs that I

realized what true passion for something was. Begin part-

time and build slowly when you have free time, but start

the process today. Five years from now you will be so

thankful that you did and you might even find that it ends

being your full time work.

Identify How You Procrastinate: We all do it, but if you

can identify how you’re doing it and put in a system to

discourage yourself from doing so, you will dramatically

increase your productivity. My big vice was watching TV

far too much and I’ve had to also ween myself from

spending too much time on social networking sites as

well. Once you have identified places that you are spend-

ing too much time, take steps to reduce the amount the

time you spend on them and instead use that time to

further your career.



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r Andreas Viklund

Pinpoint Work Essentials: The big myth in business is that

the ones who work the hardest are the ones that get

ahead the most. Working hard is important, but working

smart is just as important. Working smart means finding

the areas within your job that are essential to your group

and to the company and focusing most of your resources

in those area. This is one of the best pieces of advice I ever

received when working for a large company. Take some

time to look at your job and what portions of it are most

essential to others both inside and outside your group. If

you pinpoint those areas that are most essential, you be-

come the person that people come to when things need

to get done.

Begin Making Lists: I used to think that making lists was

useless until I started making them myself in a way that

was useful for me. I actually have two lists – one is a list of

all the things I want to do and one is my daily must do list.

On the daily list, I only place the three most important

things I have to do that day and work on those three

things until they’re done. Once finished, then I can go to

my general list and choose projects from there. This en-

sures that I get those things that I may not like to do as

much that would be constantly delegated to the end of

the longer list. How you develop your list to work for you

may be very different, but creating a list system will help

you be more productive. Once you complete something,

don’t throw the list away. Instead, date and file them in a

work completed folder. This will allow you to have a docu-

mented list of all the tasks you accomplished which you

can take out at your next performance review or when

asking for a raise.

Learn a Second Language: As someone who was the worst

student ever when it came to languages in school, I’m

living proof that absolutely anyone can learn a second

language. I think all of my high school language teachers

would roll over in their graves if they knew I was proficient

in Japanese. Being proficient in a second language can

open up a lot of career opportunities and is well worth

pursuing if you have an interest in one. There are plenty of

resources online including those developed by the Foreign

Service Institute.

Take Some Classes: Too many people feel that education

ends when you receive that college diploma. In fact, it’s a

never ending pursuit even if you aren’t taking formal clas-

ses. There are almost certainly classes you can take or

skills that you can obtain that will make it easier for you to

advance in your career.

Take a few moments to talk with your boss or a mentor

to find out what skills will make your advancement easi-

er. Talk with your personnel department and ask if they

will help pay for you to obtain these skills. Many will. It’s

easier than ever to take classes while working full time

with online education.

Update Your Resume: Take some time to look over your

resume to update it and improve it. It’s always a good

idea to have an up-to-date resume handy on the off

chance that another opportunity arises. Make new cop-

ies and place them in your briefcase so that they are

always ready to hand out.

Make A Few Calls: For the exact same reason that you

should send out some emails, you should also make a

few phone calls to catch up with peers and others. Call-

ing is a more direct approach that will make sure that

your message doesn’t get lost in all the other emails the

recipient receives.

Make A Lunch Date: One of the most effective tools I

used when I was working for a large company was the

lunch break. First because I really didn’t like eating

alone, but later because of all the advantages that come

from it. Lunch dates give you an opportunity to talk with

people about ideas you have in a more informal setting

than the office. Making a lunch date is also excellent

way to network and catch up with peers and mentors,

or to meet someone new you’ve wanted to talk to. If

everyone seems to be too busy with their work sched-

ule, this is an excellent time to set up a meeting.

Go To Career Events: Take some time to research what

meetings, presentations, talks or events are taking place

in your area which are related to your career and sign

up to attend. Not only are you likely to gather some

good information, these are excellent places to meet

new contacts and expand your contact network.

Weaknesses Into

Strengths By Imakando Musho

Every one of us has an attribute to our characters

that we do not like and are constantly trying to

change. Sometimes we go to great lengths buying

ourselves stashes and stashes of self improvement

books, attending seminar after seminar and paying

outrageous consultation fees for psychologists, psy-

chiatrists and life coaches just to change and im-

prove ourselves. The desire to be better people,

better husbands, better colleagues, and better

workers even better employers is natural to us as

humans. We all want to change for the better Frus-

trated at my weakness of talking too much, I lis-

tened to tapes of Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar and

Kerry Shook about the power of the tongue and yet

I did not come close to change and become the

person that I had wanted to become. I got even

more frustrated as I realised the power that the

mouth and the tongue has and the trouble mine

was likely to lead me into.

Tired, I said heck, this is who I am and let me not

change for anyone. Most people want to change

because they want to please someone, fit a certain

social status or please their friends. It was only

after I had packed all the tapes and books I had

bought or borrowed on the subject and put the box

away that I discovered the amazing mine of possi-

bilities that this weakness held for me; things that I

could do for myself improvement. I discovered that

I could take my motivational career to the next step

and include motivational speaking to my resume,

take up radio, acting and voice acting and voice

overs (amazingly most people who talk too much

have amazing voices).

Most of us want to run away from who we are be-

cause of the belief that that the other side is green-

er and better that where we are. However the ac-

ceptance of who we are is sometimes the only way

that we can move forward. Whatever our weak-

nesses, If we search deeper, there is always an up-

side to them, things we can use to catapult our-

selves into the forward zone. The first step to real-

izing the power of our weaknesses is by first ac-

knowledging them.

If you are a generally weak character admit

it. Do not run away and take refuge at the

gym, yoga classes or steroids. Rather em-

brace it and acknowledge it! The fundamen-

tal mistake most of us make is closing our-

selves from us; away from who we are. That

will only lead to further frustration.

We have to explore ways with which we can

transform our weaknesses into strengths.

The perfect example is that show that once

aired on Music Television where a gang of

professional conmen tired of how they had

ruined many people’s lives decided to turn

their weakness into strength and decided to

share with the vulnerable public how they

are usually conned. Besides this show fatten-

ing their bank accounts I believed it also

helped a couple of people avoid losing their

wealth to conmen.

We have to use our newly found strength to

the best advantage of every human around

you. When you do that, your life can move

into the forward zone because its power and

strength lies not in manipulation of people

but in aiding humanity improve itself.

We should however understand that even

though we should embrace our weaknesses,

there are aspects of character that I believe

people should deal with and try to change.

Such character attributes as gossiping, ex-

cessive lying, pedophilia, drug and sex addic-

tions, abusiveness in relationships, quick

temper, rape and low self esteem should be

addressed and people who have these prob-

lems should seek professional help..

If you want to change your fortunes, devel-

op an art of self discipline that will not allow

deferring from the very progress you might

have made. Find an accountability partner or

practice the Eastern forms of meditation

such as Yoga which have been proved to aid

the mind focus.

Go Ahead, Start That Side Business 3 entrepreneurs offer tips on how to have a full-time job, sideline business and a great life.

By Margie Zable Fisher

If you're working for someone else, chances are

you've thought about being your own boss at

some point.

One of the easiest ways to become your own boss

is to start a sideline business while you're working

for someone else.

Choose a Sideline You're Passionate About "My sideline business was created out of passion.

I have two children with life-threatening food al-

lergies. I have always dreamed of having my own

business, so this has provided a great opportunity.

Plus, the timing is right for food allergy aware-

ness, as it continues to grow and be a national

health concern," says Dina Clifford of Centennial,

Colo., founder of Mind Flight LLC, which offers

products that teach children and those who care

for them the principles necessary to stay safe with

food allergies.

Create Clear Boundaries

Sue Sweet's sideline business, BedHog, is a his-

and-hers line of bed sheets that she founded in

2008 in San Carlos, Calif. But Sweet makes sure

she gives priority to her full-time job.

"Make sure you give 110 percent to your day

job," she says. "You probably need the money,

and it's the right thing to do. You do not want to

be perceived as the person who is slacking off be-

cause you have something else on the side."

Fries notes that many women in the work force

have sideline businesses, such as Avon, Pampered

Chef, Partylite, etc. "SizeWize.com is handled

outside of my work hours or during my lunch

time, so it doesn't interfere at all with my full-time


Show Your Employer How Having a Side-

line is Useful

"Not only does my employer know about my

sideline business, but I was hired because of it,"

Sweet says. "I was previously with a very large

software company, and the position I was apply-

ing for was at a startup. The startup team was con-

cerned that having worked so long at a big firm

with considerable resources, I might not be able to

'roll up my sleeves' to do the necessary tasks at a


While other employers may not be so open-

minded, you learn many useful skills as an en-

trepreneur that can be applied to your full-time

job. Case in point: At night, Clifford was re-

searching ways to promote her sideline business,

and she learned how large companies were using

Twitter effectively to promote their businesses.

Says Clifford, "If I hadn't been looking for new

ways to promote my sideline business, I would-

n't have learned about this. Since social media is

still new to my employer's industry (oil and gas),

I was able to suggest some ways that we could

use Twitter and other social media to achieve

some marketing goals."

Set Up a Strong Support System

With a full-time job, a sideline business, family

obligations and the need for a life, a strong sup-

port system is critical.

"I really rely on my support system to help me

make everything work," Fries says. "When I had

my first child, my husband and I moved back to

my hometown to be nearer to a strong support

system, including my parents and sister. My par-

ents watch our two boys often and are my back-

up if the kids are sick and can't go to day care.

And even better, when everyone is healthy, they

will usually take the boys once a week to sleep

at their house, which the boys love, and [which]

is critical to the 'adult time' that my husband and

I need."

A supportive spouse is another must-have. "My

husband and I are a great team," Fries says. "We

are very good at managing our time and energy

to focus on both our jobs and the children. When

I decided to launch SizeWize.com, he was more

than supportive. He encourages me and gives

guidance if I ask for it, but knows that this is my

project and lets me fly with it on my own. We

celebrate the victories, and he supports me when

I am overwhelmed."

And don't forget the kids. All of the business

owners in this article have children, and they all

help out.

Family And Work The Struggle Of Many Working Mothers

By Dian Jones

Make the Most of Your Time

Knowing that time is a precious commodity to

most working parents, it is important to make the

most of what little time you may have to spend

with your children. Make the time you spend with

your children more memorable to them by doing

something they enjoy doing. Whether it is playing

catch in the front yard, baking cookies or playing

a game together, your children are sure to cherish

their time with you more if you choose activities

that allow for sharing of daily events or talking

about their concerns. Keep a relationship with

your children that is strengthened by open discus-


Keep up with what your children are interested in.

Being aware of what they enjoy doing helps you

to choose activities that they will enjoy doing to-


Don't forget that even the small things, like reading

a book together at bedtime, can make a big impact

on your children and their sense of security. Even

the shortest amounts of time can be quality time.

Accept help. When relatives or friends offer a help-

ing hand take it. If a grandparent offers to babysit,

though it may be difficult for new parents experi-

encing separation anxiety, allow them to keep the

kids. This is a perfect time for you to pamper your-

self, take some alone time to relax, or spend quality

time with your partner. Occasional time to relax

will lower your stress levels which will in turn as-

sist the quality of time spent together as a family

From time to time the working parent is forced to

bring work home with them, or in some cases peo-

ple work from home. If at all possible keep work

and family time separate. Either save work for after

the children's bedtime or set aside a certain time of

day when a spouse or family member is able to

help. Less distraction from the kids will aid your

productivity and make you less likely to show an

aggravated attitude towards your children.

Family And Work

If working from home attempt to work during

down times for the children. While they are at

school, taking naps or taking time to watch a

movie are good examples of times to work. Try

to lower the amount of multitasking you do

when the kids are involved, this will make jug-

gling work and family much simpler and less

frus- trating for you

Tips & Warnings

The drive home from school or the day-

care is the perfect time to discuss the

events of the day.

Helping your child with homework is an

excellent way to show them how much

you care about what is going on in their


Remember the amount of money you

spend does not affect the way your chil-

dren feel about you. Time spent together

is much more valuable than material


Even though you may be tired attempt to

keep disgust and aggravation out of your



