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Gary Puckett,

Union Gap

Will Appear Gar)' l'ud,\'lt Jm..l The Union

Car .... 111 :i 1•1•c:1 1 a t the com·ludu1tl, ,•wnt of Willc~r Canu,·:11 on Fd• 16 at S 1• .111 111 lhcfu:k1hou~

fh,· Un11.,n Gap i:ain,•J na11onwiJc popularity wi t h thl'ir f irst ,c.-orJinit of ·· \\'om:111. WomJn "

T he i:1oup .... as ;.1ri:an1uJ 111 S:m Dicgo.Cahforn ia .hn. l '.167. :ind is nann:,I aft,• r the histor ic t o wn o f Union Cap, Wa sli in111on .

The i,:roup had four mi llion sclkrstn 1h,·sinJ,Jks,kp:ut11u:nt .

:tri)~::~~i~:1~,;;t: ...... ~,~i;~ :1lb~}i0;'rr9i1,~ ,r;··!~.~~; ~:~;,~~ ··1ncrcJibk"

Th,· Union Gap 1s i:ompn s..•J of GH)' 1'11.:k,•1 1. l)wij!ht tkmcnt , K,•rq • ('hater. Gar)' Witli.•m :11111 l'aul Wh,•athn•a,L

GAll'f PUCKETT ANO THE UNION GAP will be in concert os port of the ;sincludmg p1og,01ri of Win ier Corn ,vol.

WSU -STEVENS PO INT, Thursday, January 30, 1969

The c.once1r ,s scheduled for Feb. 16 ·ol 8 p.m. m the f1eldhouse.


Will Climax

On May 3 llw )•'Jt·k•ni: o t,,.:nJrh:,• of

WSU Stn'<' ll) l'ornt·s 751h Jn!IW<'ISJI}' "ill b,: ,; linlJ\<'J .\!Jr J wnh J s..•ri<'S of rubli .: programs on .:Jinpus. a.:corJ1ni: t,•.1•IJnmni: ..:um1111 th·,· ,·hJnm:111 OrlanJ !<JJk<'. J1h'Ctur uf 1h.:

Beaux Arts Trio Will Perform Carnival Ball

Will Be Held

February 14 In Arts And Lectures Tuesday

),hoor~,·,t.:115.1011J1,1s1on l h,· B,•Jui. ,\ rts l riu 01 N<'" York "Ill frJIUh' th,· \\Ullo.S uf

,\frJllj:<.'lll<'III S JI<' i...•mi: l la)Jn. k. J>d J111I ll1Jh111s 111 :a maJ,· . h,· SJiJ, to ha,,: OP<'rl ,;-h:an1t>,·r mus1,• .:on.:nl Tu,· )Ja)'

}~li~~~·;J 1~~· l~lt ni:~.~f1~;~~

1i mght at WSU Si.•wn~ 1•u m1. r,·u111on for :all clas.s,•s. :and an Th,· p<'rforman.:c w,11 b,·gin Jt .:h•nmi: bJm1u,·1 who:r<' l'r es1J.:nt 8 p . m . 111 MJm lh11klmi: Le,· Sh,· rman Dreyfus " 'ill :iud1torium undnlh,· auspK,'SUI 1hhu1» 1h,· sd1001's rmssion fo, the An s :an.t l.,·~tur .:s Seri.:~ tlw n,· .,1 ~5 ~,·Jrs JnJ wh,:1c Jn Jir.:.:tcJ t>y Ja,:1,, Cohan . lk Jn,I uuts t Jnd1ni: Jlumm sc r<k.: (hark~ (;,un ,1f th,• WSU mus,.: l"Jr,J 1111!h.: maJ,·. fa,:u!ty asprol,..)!e\•s o fMenahem

C:impus toua will bo: hdJ fr~~:!''[;1~'.\<' p1anis1. "Ill a1111c~r

h,·a rmi: th,• Ilk} l'l.•} ... ,111,• d1J111h,·r 0111,1,· "1th1m1...-r,·at,k !J,h' JU.I IIUl~h,'1Jr1,hlp.. .

\\'!wn K1•l1o.•1tl":as.i,lhush,·;i"I 11,,..m. h,· 1111111,•,hJld} ,·:ilk-11 the m " 111<' f111,..,.1 tno I h:!1<' h,·J1,l Ill \111,· r1 .::a .. /1110 Fr ani:,•...:Jll1 1,r11i.· thJt tw · ·,·nJ•') ,·,! 1r,•nwn1lou~I)' llw 11.:1frd1t,n Jn,I .11t1str} of t111s J,tm1rahk ,•n),:mhk . :a 11-f•'l l .:M,:111hk .. uh i:1<·J t :a, t1,ts ...

\11ohnM Dan1d {;uikt ,s J

:~~.~"to~:~~r:.'~e~:. 1:~:~i~>t,:~·1~.

11';~ llalf~

1~1 h)•e~:lj 1~\'~~ .. ~~\!:~:;~;,~

l'JflS l ie c:ime IQ l hc LI s III R .. om uf the Un11·ns1ty Center 19.t l \\lmc hl' riri:an,,,.,t ~ ~cw· on Feb l<lfro ml't to 11 :JOr.m.

~ 11:~~;~h~,\1ar~~,,~11~~h,I r~;;~·;: ~~:ec, 1 ~i!:1 ~ ·s r:;11t~1~c!,u~~


~~""; O,·~~:.~:.i~t~11a)' h.e 11urchJsed at

~l;c;::~;:u~: .:h~~)~r~ .. a~i:;lr~:~~I~ 1:f~llll~~~V~~:l,,I \ ~r [~1; ~~I~; IJh' TMcamni . In l'JS I h.: of t"o dullau 11 <'' l'Ouptc or at h,•canw ,;on.:n1mas1er or ihe th .: J oor . u r,:h,:su -:1 Jnd remain.:d m t hat

11.eAGES, NO. 15

15 Couples Vie For .Carnival Royalty

F lftCcn coup!.:$ reprucnt1ng s t uden t organiuuons :ind residence ha lls a t WSU- Stel'cn1 l'oint arc vying fo r t he kmt1aml t1 t1 ecn tilk or winter c:amival, to bt helJ Feb. 8-16 unJer the th e m t of ··Diamond let·TMtics ...

The the me 1 s in commemor:at ion of the school's 75 than111vers:iry.

Roya lty will be ekckd Feb . 7 and th,·quetn willb.: crowned andfourattendantsnarnedJta carnival kickoff dance t he nening or Feb . 'J in 1hc f1cldhouse .

T he couples. by sponsoung 01g:uuz:atiunsar,.. :

Alpha S igma Al11hu so rority --Elk:n Ahlers. 19. Grafton, intermtJ1:itecduC:it1on. anJ J oe Schndder, 10, Sheboygan. biology :

Alp h;i l'hi Soro ruy •• J,I Sh.:imbke, !0. Luck, Sp;rmsh JUJJOI , and l:lruce T:iylor. !0. S11en , biology amt h1s1or,· student . ,

Nelle IIJII- K:ithly Abclc. 21. Waulo.egan. Ill . h1s~ory and l~nglish. and Andy ObnJer . 21. M llw:iu kce , bU) II\ CSS adminlstratio11.

SlgmJ I', Fraternity-Dianne Lipman. 19, SI . Fr.inns. hqme ,·cooonucs :ind l'Jul llauns, 20. lkle\'311. h,ology:

Delta 11.•ta soronty-K:i.l<'n RJkii:h . .!I. Verona . sp,.-ech pJthology anJ aud iology and Mi.:h.iel N. h'.:. 21, ~lilwaukee . Spanish :

Sigma Tau Gamma fratcrn1ty - l'a11i Jo l'L'<'lers. 19. NeenJh. primary .:ducation and J dr \l illar • .!0. M1l"aukee. 111:i 1hemat1 cs :ind rolit1cal Kie nce.

De It D SI gm a I' h 1 fr:1ternity - Kris1111,: !',..troff. 20,­Detrfa:kl, , 111 .. psychology :ind Lance Lc.wandowtk1. ~I. Bca~er Dam. biology:

S 11; m D Ph I I; psi Ion fra 1t rnit)' ··Sue JorJ:in . !0. 8:iraboo. home economics :ind Dan Leider. 21. WJulX'kl. g~'Ography;

Smith Hal1-Ka1 l:i Pfeiffer. 19.

CranJon, phys1calcduea1ion ;rnd Jeff Zabel. 22, West Alhs. bloloi:y and 11hysical eJuc:icion.

B:ilJ.,.,,in llall-Sherry Ku\ t , 20. Co leman, 111athematics and J :ime!I lolm, 2 1, Sha"ano, ma1hcmaticsandcconomics:

T :iu Kappa Fpsil o n frat e1n1t)•- Kar<'n KosrnuSSl'n , ~O. Dcninark , pru11:1ry educ:ition llnJ Ber land Meyer. 21, M1lw auk,,.., c lemc nt J1y cJuc:ation .

Roach ll all - Lil Koran'J;i, 20. Milwaukee . r sycholOl!,Y and Rkk

Meeting Tonight

F:1h1enk111g, 22. \londJha, Ohio, speech.

!I yer 11:all J) o 11na J !;vans. 19 , Manitowish Wat,..rs. Jrt :ind hmes llansen , 21. Racine . elemcntr:iry educ;11on ,

Wat son llal\-Paul:i Jones, 20. MJmtowoc. i:.n!(l ish :ind Robert Wes1pha J, 20. Green Bay, histo ry.

Schrn.:cckle ll alJ •• Jitl B1llesbJ c h . 20. Chicago. interm c d1.i1c edutat1on and Pa lmer Ckuw nt~. 22, Sttl'ens Pomt . psychology .

The Pointer Enlists

Student Workers . The Pmnto:, \\tll hold r,

m~·ttmg tin.~ eYCning 10 h'cru1t members for us staff for the stconJ semester at 6 :JO rn the GarlJnd Room of the Unil'crsity Center . lliu pre1·1ous c:1;pen,:nc.:

1s rcqu11ed . Pos111ons available on the

Slaff :ire in the are:is o r w111ing . copy read1 ng , 1 yping. :id1·en,smg, busin,·ss. circu lat1on andphot(ll!,r:iph)'

Writers .ia• 11eedeJ 10 1.: po1t ., _____ a m ~~m~1~;1cs c~o;: ~~au!~/ J~

Save Old I.D. Cards

R,..u1cmb,·t those old fall so:mtstcr 1JcntificJ11on canls .,.,•11h pictures eneased m plasllc" Well . the)··rc , 11l1 v;i!uJblc

Hold on 10 th,·m for they will he requirtd m o rder 101 students to p1(k up llli:..Jd1, 1hc l'J61S-1969 yearbook next foll . ,, _______ _

typists are needed to prep:uc COJI)' for the printers. wuh this type of .... ork IX'ing donr on SunJJysand Mondays .

,\n assis tant ad,·crtis.ing ~n.on Ii also SO\ll',hl to h;;-!p JUt•1.11e 1ht "ork o vcr-looJ of 1he prescnl ad1·ert1Sll11!, manai;.er

A bu).lnts) manai;i:r a ;1\50 nteded to handlt the finances and tn111n11m 1hc books of 1he p:ipl•r. Some kno .... tedgt of bookke.:ping should he necesury for this fk'Wly c1e:i1,•d

"'"' In the circulJt1on f1clJ . 1hc

~~11110~~1~.:utu~ 1•rofmou "ill br lh}i~~~'t ~~\l'~~s•~~a1~~l~~:,,~!

Ru:I,, Fr ,·Jerick, coorJin:ato1 will be JJmilled \\ith a,:unty of 1h,· n.:111 Jnd J1,,..c tor of .::irds. a\umm Jlllm,. ,:i1d a ~<l,p:ig,· Program listmgs an• llay1ln's histOf)' 111.,1gJ/1n,· IS nc:idng .. Tno 111 (._' MJJOr , .No. J." compkt1on :ind will bc Ran•l's "Trio in ,\ Minor" :and J1stnbu1,·,I JI the cckbrJtion. ??hms· .. T,10 m B MaJor. Op.


~!~r~•hif do11

~,..ot !\~:~nj :ago~r~~~iz~~10 at~1 h!J }~1~:

l'1a111~1 l',,•,,l,•r "JS horn 1n \IJ ti1kl>ut~. C,•rmany , hul fk,I "Ith tus lan11ly In brad wlwn ltit kr ,·am,• tu po1,i:1 lk bepn · Im 1•10fr~,.mnal cJrl'er m his Jdopl1•J ,·ounlr)' JnJ JumpcJ tu 1n1,•rn:at1onal 1•romincnce whcn he \\OU the Cl31uk O,:bu~)' prue at th,· :ti!<' of 17. afkr ihmi;. f10111 T,•1 A1·1~ tn S:111 Fr:innsL·o for the comr,· t111on.

E111bark111g ,111 his first Am,·tkJn tour . he wa s ~oloist f11· .. 11mes w11h th.: l'h1bUdph1~ Orch,•s1u. amt "a~ 1mmclhJtd)' ~wJrJ,:J an unpr.:,:cJrn tcd threc ·)'<'Jf ,:(,ul1;.i;;-t fm s,•1·c ral a1,r,:JJJt1rc~ each Sl'a-.On with that worlJ,rcno"·n,•d S)'t11phony.

!'OSI unlll the J.:alh of t he fam,..11 mac51ro lk rb)'S the " ll ri nial)'" StrJ1li1·Jnus d:a1,•d 17 1.!.

C.:llist BernarJ C: reenhou5t' . formefly a frllows hir, stude nt :it Ju111i:ard . Sd100\ of Music. went lo h111011c ro, a n auJ1t1on .. uh l'.1b lo C-:is:als which turn.:J int<> t"·o y,·:ar) of st udy wi th the Sp:amsh m:islcr , Wro1,• C.:u:i.ls· "8.:rnard Cr,-cnhouse 1s 1101 only a r.·markat>lc \'\.•lhst but. whal I esteem mur~. a dignified ar1is1 : ·

Over 200 Receive Degrees At Mid-year Commencement

Pomtcr mails ou t 11lmos1 J 1 housrnd · 1.'0pks of each hsu,· I.Ind needs c11culat1on people to keep a hsl or 1hc subscribers 111 order

Peoplt with some knowledge

: .~fr~;~:r3:1~rur:sh°uc'

0: r~~;

c:unpus Cl'ents and ar,• IIIOWL-d to use the mqdi: rnl)' equipped Pom1cr-lns darkroom f:acilitics.

.. We inc f1.1ced w11 h D serious problem afl<'r this sc:mtstn unless ..., e c1.1 n i;e t n1orr people to JOm 1he stJff ," Poin ll'r eJitur Gen;; Kemmctcr oommenled

will 1ccc,l'e corks hy mail. And 2,000 con,:t"rt ,·npgemcnts o n :aft.:r the a11nivo:rsaiy IS three eon1111,•n1~ and maJe conduJcJ. the publkat1on wilt · numerous best so:lhng r.:,·ordings go on sak. of dassic:1\ mu~1r

Th,: ;;-,htor, ~lrs. Ellen Spccht , "An msp,ring ,·xp,..ri.:nce. · hl~ bt,•n working on tht pfOJti:t WJS th,· late Arturo ·1oscan111i's nc:arly a ye:ir . l'Crdict J r,..,. )'<';11~ ago :after

Kleiber Joins News

Service At New Post Thonl:ls Kleiber. Milw3uktc,

ha s a ss umed th,.. new con1b inauon spon s informa tion officer and news photographer posuion Jt WS U-Ste1·ens Point .

Hc will be par t of lhe news and public:itionsservict stJff.

K kibcr . 27. is a 1968 gradua le o f the journ:i lism school J t the Universi1y of Wisconsin-Milwauke(' and a veteran of four yurs of serv ice in the U.S. Air Force .

He was on 1he sports staff of the Janesville Gntlte the past

se1·en months anJ while a student work,•d pJlt tune :it th ,• Milwaukec Sentinel As J 11niYtr:id1y intern, he scr1·,-d about ,·1ght 111on1hs on t h,• public relations dcpar1rncn t JI StJ te Fair l'ark 111 West Allis. And :it UWM , he s,.•rwd as spoils edi1or of t he stuJ ent nc"·spJper two ye.us.

Kleiber 1s a n:itil'c of Oshkosh and J resident of ~hlw:iul:ec most of t he time since he was in t he fi fth grade, llis p:uen1s :arc Mr. and Mrs. Alfml Kleiber, 2607 N. Picr('c St. . Milwaukee.

Point Blank Call II-. ht. 235

by Ed Marks and Milte he

Why was the niektlodi1n Sttics di5conlinucd1

Robert Busch, Program Advisor o f the UruYersi1y Cen ter , Aid t hat the nickdodbn sierics was set up by I student who iITTduated lut yeu. The slides used in the series were furnished by 1hc studen1 ; such slides arc nQl commercially avlWbk. •

There ue plans for a nickelodian Kries next semester. The movies and piano player should be. rclativt.ly simple 10 obtain locally. However. the slides will be to be made by private individuals.

Jk has smn• ~pl)t!arcJ "ith such orch.:sirasastheNe.,., Yo1k l'h1lhJt1non1.:. ch,· (:k1·clanJ Ordi.:str:i . th,• l ndiJn:irolis S)·n1pho11y. 1h.: National Symphony 111 Wa~hmi:ton. D. C. ant.I 1ho: RoyJ I l' tulhlrmomc m New Yorio. lie rcMd,•s m Bloonuni;ton. l rnh:m:a " ·hi:r,· he 1sa full vrofrS">or on the faculty of thl' U1m·.:1s11yof l11Jian:i.

Sm,:,· 1hen. Gr~eohouS<' h11s apptJi.·d in mos1 of the mJjo1 c1Ue!< of both l:uropt" JnJ Amn ica 111 r,..cital. with orehestrJ , with ch:ambcr music cnscrubks and with reco rdings for Columbia. RCA Victor. Conccn 11:sll an.t t lJe Americ:in R,•.:ordin~ SuCll' ly .

lie i~ on th,· facu lt j,..s or th,.. M:anhallan School or Music in New York anJ the Uni>·ersi ty or Il a rt ford . Uc p la)'S the "P:1.gan in1·. Stradivar ius ' cello d~tl·J 1707.

Pr csiJent Le,.. SherrJ1Jn Dreyfus of WSU -SteVl'OS l'om l Jddrcs.scJ the fast rniJ ,ye.:ir comrnenc,·mcnt m rccent years Jan . l'Ja1 his~hool.

Two hundn'U and ' "enty•I\\O S<:niorsrecewcJ Jq;1c.:sin th,:.! r, . m. ~cnnvoeJtion in the Wiscon s in Room of t he .\.Jniven1tyCcn1cr.

The Rev . ll arris lhU , Episeopali:ln chap lain on campus. delil'c r cd the invoca rio n . Vic( l'reSldent Cordon lh ferb<'ckc r r,•ad 1he honors list JnJ pr1,scntcJ the c:indidaws: Pr';sidcnt Dreyfus

THE BEAUX ARTS UIO of New York will perform o f fi rst Arts ond le res series progrom of second semesler. The trio is schedu h!d 10 oppeor on Mondoy ot B p .m. in the O ld Main auditorium . ·

d.:Ji ,•ertd J ch:ugc to thc graduaies and the Very Rev. Alben Thomas, Roma n Catholic chaplain. g.av(' the bcn,·diction .

College o r Let ters and Science Bachelor of Sc.icnce Dcgrct

Ka1 hryn M. FridJy. Elizabeth A . Gross, hmes J. llak:i. S1ephen A. Hansen. Rich:ud K. How:ud. Kurt Hohnson. D:i.1·id L. Jurgella. John W. Koehl. Rl lph E . LepJk. Barb3r:i J. Roser and Cheryl A. Wentworth. Stevens Point ; James L. Baumgart, Roland Don:1th, James A. Okrasinski, Philip R. Fai vre. :ind Bonnie Schade Metzger. Wisconsin Rapids.

James T. Helling, DonJld R. Kar len. Ja mes A. Mie lkt. F~nklin Y. Piano. D:1vid R. Rh einsch~id t, Elroy A . SchJlow, and Richard J.

• SchJuer. Waug,u : Michae l L. Norman. Kenneth P. Ptterscn. Mark M. Ropcki. Oi:11111 L. Weirich, Jnd Lawrence C. Whiffen, Milwaukee.

John L. Baker . R:t)'mond C. Kr oupa. and Th omas McLaughlin . Wauw:i tosi. Donald C. Mo llet , Virginia A. Small Jnd S1even J . ~hd son. Green 83.)': Leonlll'd A. Krolczyk Jnd Allan R. Stader, Minocqu3 ; Di.Inc M. Btnuc hawcl and Paul N. Wernecke, Mani1owoc : Roy· J . Ulmbe rty. 0;1.vid r. P1ustc'nb.1ch and Rom1ld Retterath. Medford.

hmcs R . Gorman and William J . Gncr. Wt'St Allis: DJn A. Bobzin and James A. Nirschl. Soul h Milw:iukcc: Stu:irt E. Alle n, Baraboo: Peter 0 . Bordini . Ka.ukauna : Blfry K. Brigham, Madison: Tbom:1s J. Bri,hl. Westmont . Ill.: Pei;gy A. Brt'gan. Friend ship; Steven J .. • Ca.llin,Bro wn Deer.

David A. Chandler. Mo ntdlo: R o l a nd A . Christe nsen. Rhinelander ; Daphne D. Copeland. Babcock; Fred M. 'Dahm, Baver Da m: Eliubcth A. Davidson, Washingion. D.C.: Robert A. DiVerde . Elmhurst,­IIL; Paul Drake. Jr . . Philadelphia , Pa.; David L. DuBore, Schofidd: James A. Fox . Phillips: Tom A. F rclieh, Maribel.

Suzanne C.Ciesscl. Waupaca. Philip C. Gilbert. Colby : Duane N. tl Jnsen. Whitehall. l.Jrt}' M. llclbach. Mosine.: . Jamd J . llochevar. New Berlin. Michal.'! A. Irwin. Nd:oos:a. Allen K. Jacobson . ll h:tnn . Atth ur R. Kricwaldl. Shaw~oo: RonJld A. Led,·inJ. Luxembu~ . Joyce Lir,ovsky. l)ownm(!.: Yu;rn l.unt1,. Tokyo . Japan. LtOnJrJ J. MJrcis,. Whil inr,. lnd .

Dennis A. Mech. Nc11ls,,·1Jlc, SUJanri.: C. Mill,:r, Fall R1•,·r . Clydl· G. \loon. l.Jh• Odton. John W. Nor1on. Lena. Kober! W. P:age.l'r.airlt.'DuS:i,·,1.Jtryr.. Pct crmJn. ShclXJ)pn: John F l'hil ir,chud .• Aurou. Ill . OJ1IU L. Po lzin. Clintonville. De11n i:1 A. Rumussc.n, Cable. Jan1o.·s A . RicharJson. Ro.:kford . 111

John F. SJc1J. GJki11llc; Michael L. Schi!Jcman. \\'ab,·no; D.i,·KI R. Schmid t . \IJ11Jwa . G,'01~c C. Schrnoller. Waukc:.h3 . RonJld E. Sch11.,:rd1fr~cr . Sun Pra11i,:: Thomas C:. Snnth. Seymour: Donn G. V1tel,,. Crystal Lak,:. Ill : WiJh3111 I' \'o l m. l:lryant : Lorram,· I·. Weber. Columhus. Kent D. Wilson. Arhni;.ton rtl'i!!,hts. JIL John W. Yrios. \hllJdor.: . and Robert W. Zimmtr. Fort Atlo.mson.

8Jchelor of Aris Thomas R. Stone. WJusau

Co llege or Fin..' Ar ts B:ichclor ofScicnc,.. n,'l,'.rce

Ooris:in J. Born, Milw:iuk". John A. Butterb10J t , LoyJI . Gw,:nJolyn ,\ . Co l b)· . Abbonford . and h mcs F l'etcrs.E ln1hurs1. Ill.

fbc hdor of Music DC"gn.-..· ' Lois A. Wood, l'ulasJ.:i.

Colkge ~f Applkd Arts and Science

Bach~lor of Science 0,-grtr

Caro l Madsen. Douglas Newby and Anton J: SY111os, Stel',..ns Po int : Willilm A. Brockm11n~ ma~ H. Mani: .

(contin11ed on /'HIF .J)

..8) 1he ,·nJ of this scmtst.:r wt .... 111 be losmi: 1h,· bulk of our stJff and 11 1"' ",int toktcp the pJp e r 1unn1ni;. ~rnoo thl)' m.:chJnicall).· .,.,.,.. will hal'c 10 aJd som,: staff members who .... m h,• h""' 111 imure )'l'.ats." he conllnu,:d



License l h,· h •d,•rJI Commun,.:ation

Commt~s,on hJS grunlcd :a I''' rm :a n,·nl 11.l.'l·nse to

::;: ~~ ·,·,~:i'· virC~~·: • n ~al~: \\SUS- F\1.

llll· l.'dut::itlOnal stat ion has t>,•.:n on th,• 1111 since bsl fa ll "llh 1,•mf'IOr:iry rcrmissionfrom the FCC. Dr, Seklon Faulkner. cha11man of the drama Jq1 allmen1 which directs broJdcastini: f'IOlicr. r,·qutstcd hs1cncrs 10 contact him with :ipr,ra1s.ils or 1he prc,i:rJmm ing.

"W,:'d be ,·cry inttrcsted in sua:es11uns from ind,ndu:ils or grours about new kinds or offtrin!!> .,.,.e could 11131,,,.. over th<'lll',"he1.1ddcd.

The pr~nms m:ay be tuned in al 811.9 on lht FM dia l bct"een 4: 30 p.n1. and 11:30 pm. v.·eekdays during the schoo l )'eJr j'nd rrom II :i.m.10 11 :30 p .m. on Saturd:iys and Sundays.

While the stat io n is, in1e ndcd as 3 1Jbor3tory for drama dep:irtmcnt students and 2S an ,..dueJllo n:i l channe l ,· Dr . Faulkn,..r says much of the plOJr.!mrning will b,: directed to the people m ccntr.11 Portage . County.

Viclor Fuchs is faculty a.d,·1Sti ro, the sta1 ion and John Griffilh. Milwaukee , is siudent manager.

January "'-', Uf69


"Criticism comes 'easier 1/,011 craftsma11sl,ip. " · • Zeuris Milwaukee 14 Spokesmen

_p O D I U M = Will Speak on Campus

Editorials •

The Uni\'crsifr of WiS<'onsin nnd the St.1lc ,uni\·crs ity system mny soon· become the sc:1pcgoats of Wisconsi n'i, current finnm:inl fiasco.

Go\·cnior 1\nowlcs' fnmous prc.clC<'lion st.ntc finnncinl surplus wh k h hns turned in to nn horrendous financial deficit. m:w be s.a\'cd ol the l'OSt of s lttlc education.

A pc,;ding bill from 1hc legislative fin:mcc committee (submit1cd b,· John C. Shnbnz. R-New Berlin) would mnke-- 11(, :1l>o~l hnlf the money needed to CO\'Cr the de-­licit (rom the budJ:cts of the UW _rand the s tate schools.

The slUte uni\·crsity system alone wou ld lose fou r million dollars. This money not only inl'ludcs such items ns huilclini: projects. kind aequisitions. supplies nnd physi, cnl planl opcrntions. but nlso will cut-off all state money paid to s tudent employ~.

If the pending bill holds up sta le money, 246 s tuden t nssistnnts nt Ste,·ens Point will have lo be fired by Fcb­nmry with n torn! loss of $35,945 for the remnindo.r o f the ye:1r. These student assistants nrc not under work-s tudy or J1.1r1 of the housing or uni,·ersit y center operations which nrc self-sustai ning.

The 11tudent as.<iilanls who will be fired include s lu­denls employed by every dcpmtment on cnmpus. As.,ist­mus doing SC<'relarinl. clericn l. lnb, or librory work will be di,:.misscd. The effect will be "rnstnstrophic" accord ing to Robert Rossmiller, director of financia l aids.

The fimmcin l crisis al.so affects graduate assistnnts. While thii:, is not a major problem nt the state schools (apprm:in~atch· 20 studen ts will be cut-off nt Point) , the t ini\wsity of· Wisronsi n will be se\•er ly afft.-cted. There grnduatc a ,;sista nts carry much of the undergraduate teaching lo..1d.

But it i:. imporhmt to nole that this bill is still in the le,:i~lntu rc. It must. pass the lower house, then t he senate ond finnlly the go\'enior. Amendments nnd dclclions nre Slill po,;sihlc. But R ossmille r odds a new pessimis tic note, "IL tho leJtisla tors nre willing to chop into exis ting budgets, what will they do to future budl{cts?'' .• R oi:smiller goes on to l'C<'ommend !hat s tudents nnd the ,,.uents of s tudent, must le t their legislators know that. education is not the place to cut the budget. While a n indi\'idual studen t may not be cut-oH from n job himself, he will be llffected by such things :is the shortened library hours due to the lock of st udent help.

Tlil' Poin ter urges s tudents to alert their parents and thei r lel!is\ators to th is c risis. We nlso nsk the Student Sennte to take the initinti\'e to o rgnni1.c a leUer writ ing ct1mpaign. We also encoumcc the United Council of the stntc uni\'ersity system to work townrd averting this finan­cial crisis.

The Editorial Board.

J.ofiwf "Bf.4t A/!4(/)e-i

JO 7Jw-# Quw.iJJ,i The drnft is back in the news again ~;th the recent

proposal by n group of senators calling fo r the army to be filled entirely by \'oiunteers and the pay scale to be increased. What would t his mean? IL would mean the United States would hove a merrenn.ry nnny guarding its shore. And what would happen if 11. high ranking general offered to pay his army more if t hey would follow him a nd take over the Un ited States? T h is probnbly ~ould never happen but with an army such tts this . it is possible bc­caue you would not ha,·e soldiers who did not want to be soldiers nnd t he promise of money can lure many people to one's point or ,•iew.

What should be done? The lottery appears to be the answer : not. a lottery that. would rover lhe years from 18-26, but one covering all males for the first lwo years a fte r their grnduntion from high school or from their 18th to 20th birthdays. This way the d raft would be facin g some­one for only two years instead of eight; 1md it would come al :i time when most people haven 't really made up their minds about. what t hey want to be or 'do.

If a person goes to college righ t after h igh school a nd his name is selected in the lottery, he wou]d fin ish the semester a nd then report for duty. No local d raft boards would make decisions on whethe r someone · was u nfit for service. Only the district office where the person takes his physical examination wouJd judge whethe r he is fit. P eople with m edical histories would undergo a lengthy examin a tion by a n a rmy physician to determine if he is fiL , Wha t would t his mean to college s tuden ts? There would be no worrying about whe ther or not you were carrying enough credits. ' Or if you were going to be drafted right after you graduated, stopp ing your putt ing to prac­tice what you 've spent fo ur or more years and thousands of dolla..re to learn.

Raising the pay scale in the a rmy is a good idea, b ut b uilding a mercenary army isn't. What the Selective Serv­ice shouJd become is a lottery for~two years after the age

18. Gene Kemmeter

, _ _ _ i

Columns • letters

A Review -

Candy Ain't So Dandy; liquor's Still Quicker

ByScoll Schull t havt dcckkd that a lillk inccH and ksbi:1.nism · would spit-.:

Nut wec:k tht l'oi,; thtalc:r l hings UI) a li ll k . will tK' sho,,.ing Candy. a movie The cast of th,: fil111 is very lh:11 hualllhel'lcmcnl5needc:J imprc:ssivt and v.ty much for a ~rt.at sat ii~. 11 is based on w:asud . Ringo Stal'T ap()l."ars as a 1hc: b11th:1nJ s:ihrt on 111.·i,; and Mexican gardt'nt'r, which is hard por nogr:iph1c non-ls by M:ison I t'nough to bchcve. Out Marlon

~~~~c~,l~r~hj=~!~\~~!~~ei',',:: :!~1~d~h~s f~n~i~'ju::n!~i~1a\1~~~

talents of Oui.:~ lknry who, We :1rc subj.: cted to Walter among other thmgs, wn:i tl' the Matthau as an Air For n:c si:rct'n pb)' for The C.radu.all' Gcn,•nl with ,trong right,,,.ing an~ ro-<ttll tl·d lht lf kv111on views and even st ronger s,.•i,, 1enes Gel Sm:ut w11h Mel ,,hn'ts Richard Burton is a poc1 Brooks. If this is siill nol enough, and ·hrnn Coburn 1•lays a add an a ll ,sur eut .. Thc r,sult is su rgto n . The: two reiular one of lhe wont l)ldurts that I ptrformers art nc ... ·i.:omc:r E,,.·3 havt c: vtr scc:n. Aulin, who JO\"s well in sho,,.in1,

The !)lot fl'\'Oh'U around a hlllc t:ilcnt :inJ :.m unSJM.'t'lacular 51 11p1d but SoCll)' tct~)'·bo1•JM.· r body and John Aitin as bolh htr who spends all her lime bcmg father and undc molcs1cd by ewry filthy okl · man lhat the script can li(1uetzc Amid tlu• bleak hap1>enings In . To aJd novelt y, the :iuthors arc a frw momcnu that shuw u nf lhis 1110,·ic ti.a ,·e ,-on t rivcil 10 true bb,;k l'Omcd)' , HiclmJ have: Ca ndy mokstcd on a pool fturt on provides th<· f1nt such 1abk, ma par:llloop plane, 111 a moment wlwn he 1k hvcu :i men's 100111, in a police c:ir, ill a po.•m which is :i nlJ rvdousl)' hos pi ta I bcJ, in 3 funny 1:11111: on 1110J,·rn l"(R' lry .• Mcrctdes,Bcn~. in a travchn~ II,· 1•ortrays a ~o il of semi, in a Buddhist Tempk and windblown, h)'pl'Mensivt, Ho1I on a gr.ind piano. I 111t·as looking McKuen. The new poet IS :u fix a kitchen smk, b111 rcalizmi goJ,awrut u the or1g111:a l 1tg1 not t >'ery loc:ition known Another fine momcnl is :111 to n1:1n could possibl,1 be Ulil'd, Optr:atron on Candy's father 1h:a1 the authors of the SC"flf'I rnus1 as h ra tcd as a bullniti1 in one of

the bloodk·st sc,ncs,wtJ placed o n film. Al one point In tht optnrt ion Di. Coburn turns to has :11udic:nce, btJCwl,d matrons :anJ society tlites, and proclaims thal ir he wtre 10 move his indcx rmg,r a fraction of an inch, " I would ruin his pa,,.·us of digct Jialinvfort\'tr ."

Thc tro uble with lhesc bri,f moments is the ccntr.il trouble wilh the whole f1l111: o nce l hey hav, been sci up, 1hey Jcgcner.a1e into 11uplid ity. Uurton ends ur lidunr: booz, from lhc 11oor of his limo usine: ind lht opera tion cu1minalc5 in a mc:t:tl plate in John Aslin's head w.hich someont inc:vilablty pluji;sa r:adioinlo.

It iSJ\1$1 poM1blc: that by lhlS point I h:ive convinced you to s.:e lhe (ilm for ifs wealth of

~;~;i~~ ;ct1~;!L: u;!~:tu;~,c:~Y dirc.:-tor Christian Ma111uantl, JI ,~ an •·•ecdini;ly Jull flln1 . II is not o nly dull. it is as ..,,pr :11nd 1:astknafilmas l havektn

~Jen N.1sh once wrote:, "(~ndy is Jandy/ But liqLK)r 1s {IUicker .' ' Lt1 mt assurt the tQr,sorn,: aowds of Stc:vc:ns l'oint that C:indy ain't Jandy :and hquor is both 11uicktr and k ssramful

Two ,pokum,n fM the drafl raistina MU.,.-. ukt, 1,4 will 1pt1k on campus Tuaday u,nU11. F,b. 14 11 7:00 p.m. In chc Frank Lloyd WrWhc Loun,c of lht Unt,,n1ity Cmltr. Th, ro11o.,.·lna artlde wu aubmlc ttd by Davkt Buchrtn1 ol the WSU En, llshdt partmcn t.

La te on a Tuesday afternoon last fall in downtown Milwauktc: a mildly sc:ns:a tion1 I incidtnl occuntd which wme of us n\lY vagutly r,m,mbtr . Fourlc:tn malt adults, among thtm rive Cathol ic priests in cltric:al 11rb and one Protcs!ant minister, mllnagcd to sciu a key from a cleaning woman and utc It to en1cr thcSt1cc1ivcSc:rvlc, Hoard Offitt and rtmOYC OVtr ten thousand l ·A duft filrs . These:

~:~~c1:~i!~~ ,:cr~W!n ~~r':~

of World War I and proceeded to burn lhtm a lmly and c,rcmoniously wilh home-made:

h!:~m an~~f~"fng '~~n~'i~'~! lhe y watched tht flames consum, the records.

The Fourtc,n lhcnsubn1i11c:d peaceably 10 arrtsl, and were, quit , logu:ally , charged with burglary, crimlna l dama,e 10 11ropc:ny and " l hdt from a pc:non," but nol before: they ti.ad issued in defense of their 1c1 1 5tatemeht which prcdiclably rtctind kss publicity 1han the dctdit,elf.

Thein was, thty s:aid, a case of • outr:agc:d conscience: and symbolic protut, not Just :apinst go,·,rnmtn l war policy in Vittna m bu t " agai ns t i nstitut ions and sys!Cms destructive or man ... :i protest to which we wl'!'e not easily awa kcn.-d ," As they sawit,thty were willing to offer their "lives and futurt to bl0tkade. absorb :tnJ t111nsfo1m the: vlokn«: ind madness which our socic: ty has come to personify ." S<.'Cin& t htir action :as b:u:itally one of non-vtoknce. lhty "procbim that propc:riy has sanction only insofor as it scrvu 111:an·s nttd.

Rifleman Clarifies ----~lectronics Aids New Doctor's Hiring Teache~ Training

Otar Editor:

I am writing you conterr,i~ lhc rtcen t cdilorial rtprding your comment on the hiring of ;i full,timc physici:tn :al 1ht Studcnl llca\th Service htre :it WSU.Stc:v,ns Point. There arc two cnixs thal shoukl be corrc:ctcd .

First , I wish to infixm you thal 111t·c ar t not lhc only unn'trsity 10 hire a full·limt staff physicii1n as you stau•d . WSU-Oshkosh has h:id at 1,ast two full-time physiciansovtrlhc past fc:wytauand lh isyear hu lh rc:e full-time phy1icbns. WSU-La Crosse has had :a full ,tim, physicia n, also, for u vcr:alytars,:andhutyurhired :inothcr physician to ,,.·ork full -lime: on its staff. Eau Cbirt Univtrsi ty, this pasl yur, also hirc:dafull,t1mephysician.

The sccond commtn t on your tdi1o rial co ncerns stuJ,nt in•olvemc: nt . Even though Studtnt involvtment is appreciated, I think ii Is erroneous to convty t id,a tha t the rc:tent ·tudtnt involvement co rning the inadequ:icic:s of the Student lleallh Sc:niicc w:11sinstrumen1al in hirint ;i full-time staff physician at this Univtnity. This ac1ion bepn sever.ii yc.irs :igo when I took O\'tr lht dutits1Sa parM lmt physician on the sbfr of tht Health Stniicc hnt at Stcnn,Point . ·

Al thttime,itwurccogniitd that th, adi:quacy of the llulth Servic:, kft much to be duired, and asa rtsult,cl<PJnsionofthc facilities has been continucly worktd upon, as has the e•p1nsion of tht ncct'SS:lry Ptnonnc:1, It w:as the act ion pr Dr. McMahon at WSU-La Crone and mystlf that brought th,

h~~t~ts~= 1~r!c ~::: a;,~ and as a result of our meeting with ~ht. Board or Presidents, we wue 1nvucd to.,pa.k bdore th, Boa rd of Rqcnts conurning the health Strvicc probkm. The:

?:':';~~~~~~!}", r:~lt~ comm,ttte compQxd of thn:t rqtnlstostudy th,probltm.

A. bo, an organil.11ion now known as l hc Wistonsin A. ssocil tkln or Student Hcatih ~niution, was form,d 1nd 1h11 usoch t ion hu been wo rkin1 diligtnt ly on 1h, probkms of Sludc:nt hta llh throughoul the stu,, A.s a result of this1soc::iH ionandthc.1ction or the commillcc of 1hc Board o f Rtgcnts. a survey was rtq u,sttd by the American Colkac Htalth Associl t ion bolh

htrc Ill SIC\'ens Po; nl and Whitewater.

Also, thro~h tht :actions Sllltcd above. the rommitttt r c4ucS1eJ l hat t•ccutiv, 1ppointmcnts be made for at lt ast one: fu1l,1ime physician at each of the Wisconsin Stale Univ,mties. AISO, !ht Student Senate ctrlainly shook! be livtn dut credit for working very dilig,ntly with me on this probkm and we have had many disc ussio ns and mc:e t ings concerning 1hc probkm.

I certainly think dut crtd11 should be givtn to Paul Schilling for his work with the Student Sen:itc concerning student health.

It was in th, beginning of last ytar thal a rtquc:st ,,.-;as 111:idc by me to begin steking a full-time physician,sincc:asyou can easily sc,. it is imponiblc for not only one full-time physicil n, lct alone a part-time physician , 10 care for the htalth nttds of almou 7,000 studtnlS. Beginning 1h is Lut fisal yur. I insis ted that adv,nising be sou,ht which cov,rcd journals throughout the United States to t ry to obtain lhe serv ices of a fu ll-l ime physician .

Thr ough an clcctr'onic 111cthod, S1e~·,ns Poi nt publit and parochial schopl teachers h:ivc begun receiving in-se rvice 1rn ining at Wisconsin Stat\' Univtrsi1y,

The leach.:rs reprcM.:nt the !1th uc:a school distni.:t 1n a pilot proJcc1 sponsored by the feder;il jt O VC: rn mcnt, Victor ( 'omptomelcr Corp .. and WS U. Uncle ~m has offercd hll aMISl~nce bcC:1111Sl' of thecrc~t1,·t approachundert:aken .

In tss..-nce. in·SCIVICt l)roa;r.ims for teachers havt lraJitionall)' invoh·cd a Jay or

' t,,.·o or mcctirq;s. mostly before 1heopcn ing o f1he fall trrrn. The new progr.im. first of ill kind in the country. r,gul:ir\y provides lceiures on a v:ar it1y of subJccu durmg thc yur and duls spccifo:ally "''Ith problem!!: 01 spccbh1.,dsub.ic:c1ma1tcr.

Smee: Scptemb..-r of 1967 , 1h<: Ant-io. Mosmec, Rothschild· Schoncld and Wausau d,suicu ha\'C' had continuing 11p.Ji11i111: on cd ui.:ationa l l)roccdurcs thr o ug h the ope ratio n headquartered on lhc Sttvtn Point L-ampus and dircctcd by Jai.:k Xh:in S<:hmidt. formerly or Waugu.

l'r og r:1ms have bten transmilled from the WSU campus to one pl1cc in tath districl with ccltphonc: hook ups and tcltwrilc:r ,qu ipmtnl which a:nJs wrillcn or d1111wn mattrial fof' showing on screens.

Scharrsc hmiJt nys the: -c:quipment has madt it po~iblt for ~cat.en to commun1at,

Afttr inttrviews with sc:vtr1I candida tes fina lly Dr. Johnson, who ,,.;u be: Knting fuU,1imc on the HC3 llh Service staff was obt1intd. Thus, u you ca~ 5CC, cv,n though l hc s tudent involvtmcnt in this prognm bu bttn appreciated, it had litt le lo do 111tith the: hiring or a fu ll4imc stdf physician, as implied in your tdilori:tl. This problem has bec:n worked upQn by my1elr and ot htrs fo r quite somt tim,.

l dowish.also. ,ocorrcc, any Vets Club Cl'Tor that might ht concclvtd in the annountc'menl of Dr. St ic:lstni's in t he: Stev,ns Point

vtrbally :rud visua lly lo any lilt g r o up . W11h the: phone conntc u o ns, tc :tc hc:rs ask CJUC:st ions and the c:kct rowriler HIS as a tcle,·isio n•l)'pt. blackb03:N.

With annual grants of about S70.000 from Uncle Slim , two4hinh of 1h.:11 sum is used 10 tonuac1 speUus, somt from th, Stev,ns Point campus and o thers from llC-0511 the nation.

Scharnchmidt cnimatu that by 1h.- ,nd o r this school yur, hll offlt'c: will hav, conduttc:d 51.!verJ l hundred ttk·lc:c\un:sfor thcleaehc:rs.

The Stevens Point gro up will attend their meet ings in the WSU Lab or:a 1ory School t0nfucnce room on lhe second floor whc:rc tlccuical hook-ups :art inst:il lcd for 111ning\non the .samt pTOJtam being heard in lhc !our other schoo ldisu ku.

Whik lht tnchcrs i1rt:i~y from thc1r o,,.·n cl:as.sroom. duties will be handled cilhcr by pan-9rofrssional aides or olhtr teachers.

Such subjcclS as t hikl dtvtlopment. home: economics, mathematics, an thropology, Wisconsin history : kinduprtcn and crc1tiv, dramatks will be offtred . U.S. Sc:n.1tor William Proxmire will kcturt from his offi tc' in• W:ishirigton Ftb, 2S and Apr, ~2 about the workings of the ftdcral govnnn1tnl.

UAB Trippers

Are Planning

Cam pout Daily Journal. The Slaltments w·11 M t mad, in 1ha1 announc,m,n l 1cd I ee ~t':ta~li~ic:=/~!;0~:,=f~ The UAB Ttipl)trs arc

:!m~~~t .~~ I ~ sc~~o w~~; Ton ·,g ht ::t~t!n lahc :}~:k!nif0Crc~1

subsundard . Tht only ttason fcir 7: l'b!JS now arc to camp o~ . my not atccptini1 lhc posit ion as night m a shclttr and one night full -timc:physieianat lhis Hc;i lth ounidt aft c:r a day of Service is that I have: 1 great Tht SSO WSU VtU Club will backpacking into Chcquamc:gon

mponsibili ty 10 many loyal and ::~csl~~c~0

J~~l ~~1~,S th: ~;;:~I tr'" or ~u Claire: ~~~~. ~ t ic:nls in my private Roy's Bar. 2220 Division Stttct . and rood ~ill~::~iid~ Ihm

Staying on the Htalth Se-vice All WSU vrts ~!h liid ~nl~ th,Tr"::n sf:~ b.aU:~ndsui~~

:Ca:!u: 1or:a:~te1ei:!1:/1:~h~ ! 1~ib':!

0:! j!in.1D;: a,/ss ~ shoes If they hive them. Warm

p robkm o( St ud,nl Hea lth . semester and the~ art f!O clo t hes whic h hoc had Sc:rvk:c,, not only htre 11 Slevtns initiation cc:rc:~mn. Liquid w11,r p roo f 1rc11mcn 1 arc =~~~~:n,~u"t nct;!i"lh Sft'f'ice ~t'""N~!: ~(}~, sc;;gci:: rccomm,ndtd . Jn1ercst td

• ~kcltd for I )'CU. • rc~son.: r:aa~,,:a~u~:, t ~~~~; All WSU vets arc 111t'tlcomt. Umva111y books1ore

R. H. Rilkmi n,M . D, Thi:)' rtgularly 1ehtdulc partiH Fo r mo re in fo r mulon Medical Diffctor and cl ub spo rts con ttsts ~ntact Mike Jocu u:t. 263

Student Hu lth Service fra1urin1 liqu;d r, fn:shmtn ts. room 227-B.

of C1tholic Unlvcuity, w1U hf htrc for th.II purpok m thr Frank Lk>yd Wright Lou~e It should make: an mlcrc:\1111,: cnnlng for 1U, whc:ihcr huu1lc critk:11 o r l&ep1ic1I, who JI~ <:0ncc:mcd with• quu11on ,,. h,d, is bc:com1111 incrn11ngly cru,1.11 and excruciating for ptoplc JnJ institutions c:vcrywhtic tllr rc lallon of conscience JnJ mora lity to law ind ordc,

A Point We ll Tak ~

Catch-69 UyB ill McMiUcn

{I offtr 10 1polou 10 the ruck,: howC\'tr, 1 could nol ruis1 .r1 t r

rudina Catch-21)

··1 w1nt toquil Khool." The: administrator looked at Yoshanskl with bortd symp3lh)

'1"1ut'squitc impauible, you know." , " Why is it impossible? I don't wanl to go 10 school 1nyfJ\()re '1"hat doesn' t malltr." " What doesn't m1tttr1" "1"hllt you don't want to go to school." "But I'm sick of school." · " I don't think you really understa nd , Mr ... " "Yoshanskl, sir ." Yoshanski knc:w the: administnitor wo uld forftl

his name lmmcdi1tdy - which he did. "Yes, w,11. uhm , you sec you can't jusl quit school." "Why no1?" "Catth-69." ''Cltch-69?" "Catch-69 sptcifiu that one: cannot lcav, school without a prop,r

rtason." Yoshanski didn't und,rstand . "But I have a propc: r reason " Tht administnlor cy,d Yosh:anski with a slight bit of cont tmrt

"Leaving school bc:causi: you want to is not a proper re1son" " Why not?" "CUch-69.'' "Ca!ch-69?" " I just txplaintd Clltch-69 10 you, but let me put it 1nothrr ... l)

What do you think lllt'Ould happen to draft boards 111 o, er 1h.­country if we: kt you quit Khooljust becllusc: you WJnttd to.,"

Yoshansk, was btwitdtrtd by the- magni tude: !he convtrullon hJJ grown 10. "All ovtJ the country?"

'1"ht dnh systtm i.s Kl·UP on a pr,cisc proccdur1l sys1t m." th.: administr.itor explained wnnly, "studtnls art drafted ,,.hen the} flunk-0u1 wh,n lht)' :irt suspended. when thty act mam.-J JnJ whtn they gnduatt. The dnft sysicm is not geartd for s1udcnt1 ,,.ho don't ,,.·ant 10 bestudc:nls."

Yosh:anski nodded al the loglc of it :i ll . "Is th;it why yo u 11un·1 let me dropout?"

"Absolutely not," tht administrator wu vehement, "'do )·011 lbink we want word 10 get uound amooa the " 1ud,nt1 thJt ,..,,. coopeu t, w11h the dr:ar1?"

" I hopt not," Yosh;inski was shocked. "Exac1ly, .... , kc,p u far from the dnft as po•ibk." '1"hcn t htre shoukl bt no probltm about me dropping out " The: administr11or sighed , "' You still don't undtrst.nd ." Yoshanski couldn' t help ftding foo lish. The administnitor start,d over . .. What do you think ... oulJ

~;f.l;>C'n to our school if ,v,rybody w:anttd 10 drop out like ) OU ,,.~nl

" But cv,rybody doesn't want to drop out like mc," "Prcdscly, btcausc w, don't let th,m." "You mean everybody would if they could? .. '"They miaht, we hav, to protect oursclvts 1111J 1imu " Yoshanski thought he und,rstood this . .. Bur whit if. I don'1 1.-ll

anybody?'' "You ~n·1 11.nyv1ay. w, would deny t.vtrything. Bts1Jcs ...... ~:;.!, k~llng )'Ou out any ... -ay. In fact , I'm not really tal.,ing h> }i.lll

Yoshanski looktd confu11td, "You·rc- not?" "Right now I'm !Diking to !he had mainttnancc man :.ibout llflll

b.ulbs. I talk lo th, hc::ad mainten:anc, man about light bulbs ~H' r) 1,n1t I talk to a stud,nt about dropping out . What if sonK' s1ud,•r.1 chc:ck~d up on how many timu I talktd 10 other students :ak1u1 droppu,g out? My sccr,tary hu to protect me."

1~ !::~:!~!. k>okcd hopeful. ''You mean oth,r stud,nts a1,· ll)UI.'

''?~ cours,e not, you're the only one wc-'vt had ir> months" 1 lu lldm,rustr;i to r suddtnly bcc.rmc angry. "'And I 1hink y('u bctll'r cd! lhc othtr &tudtnts in your cons.piracy !hat we aren't knmr, an} ,,! you drop ou~. no matter how many o{ you come and kt" nK' ...

~o;"'ansk1 w:as ta~c:n ab.lick, :"'!'he-re's no conspiracy.su ."

und~sta:0::;r :i:~,i~~'h;!~,

1~~~~~~~ .. smiltd again . .. , hopj' )i•u

Yoshanskt nodded wc:akly,

rn::,~~uw~:liz~~ o~~unc, that I have jusi brought up tht nuii,r details that Y , not drop out. There arc many 1dmimstrJl1H IBM docsn·t~:t':~~1 must folio~. For exan1pk, our contract ... uh s:avtd us hund d cr'p~ogr.ammcng for drop.outs. Th.ut \1t1k 11<·1 bu.ild id rch o I ouunds of dollars which lllt'C luvt us,:J " ' dtop~s0:t~e alls which )'ou wouldn'c be: able ~ ·lh·, in 11 >•'II

Jcft?shanski thought for ·a Stcond , "What would hapl)en 1f I 111)1

Th, admi?istr:itor smiltd confidently, "You ain't .. ~~hr:.~s denant ... , could, who would stop ·me?'"


,ca:::.~~h-69 lr,tcifits th:l t one cannot luve school ,,.ithout a prop~·,

::.,~;~:~~l~~i""~!t~~t.' jun suddenly wasn't htre."

::~!'.··wouldn't matttr?"


sus::d~a.r~:aro!:.r:~0:nto the ~~ool until .>'?u Oun.,~ut . ;ir<'

~i:~~u':"::c!:1~~ ... ~::;1:· .. n;!'; ~!~~·:~~~: ::'!J::

~=~::~~~'! ~:ificd: "No,.'. ju; ~nt to quit for awhile -111Cord !hat you Wtrc su ~Sltnl. Do you 11.-;ant II to 10 on you, btcausc you !ailed, 10 pay ~:r :,:

11:,;.:aute o( disciplinary reasons or

!::~~:~·.~::1;: :~/~:::~~I. ::No." Yosh~nSk.i •lmost shout~d.

A.re you 10,ng to 1J11d1111e 0•

No::~~.~ski couldn't stand tht thought. !his time he shouttd ... No.

triui::hll~~:t!~s rkl:1kd back in his ch1ir and sm1kd

you .shoukl bt happy, Yo': r~ .noh reason to cry you know. In fad . :::~=~tor went uound h~n~~:: ~~;:/~::a::~~:..!= ~ ~!"::!~;:'!~~r:"rirc if he should be happy.

o~t. " IJ you have l ny ::: : 1,! ';~~~ll~ ::?a: ; s~d ;~s~C:t!

-- J,nJ,y 30, 1969


·I Edna Carlsten Receives

Two Dedication Honors· \II', I ,1111 I Jtht,•11 ,,.11,,

,,·r • ,·, I ,,u th,- 1.,. uh, ,•I \\,l -.. ,1,-,ni- l'.•ml 11<•111 1,1:1 I,, 1•11,I "·'' n,,m,,1 1,, r,·,,·11,· ' "'' h,•n,,r, rr,•m rti.· 111,1111111<>11

111 ,• 11.,,111,,,n.11 ,,11111•11, \lm1,•1t ,11111 ,.1l·-"1i,•, luk·,l lr,•111

l ,t, ,i.,11,.,,111,,:,l,·il,,.11,·,lh • l,,·1 .111,l lh,• .1111:,1 11,·11 Ill Iii,• l uh \ 1h t ,·ni.·1 m•v. 111111,1 ,••!hLlU,111•11."1111•1',II h,•1 II.Ill!<'

1'1,•,,,l,111 I ,·,· !'>h ,•1m.1n llr,•1 1u, .11111,• 1111 .. ·,1 Jh,· , •111111,·11,l.,1,,,,i- m 1,·,,•i:nui.,11 ,11 h,·1 1,\,'J""l"''l\hl',l),I p,•1,,,,,,,,1.,11

\11, , \ Jlhl,!i \\Ill j'Jlll,11',lh ' II I ,,,r,11 hi:ll1mi: H'h'tll .. 11\ l,h "1111r,,n1 .. 1\l.1111llu1l,l111j! "I'-''' -•1 h,1 ,•1 11.i.tl 1,•l,•m1h,· •. ,11111.11 In lh,· ,11111111,·1 ,,1 l1•"U ,h,·u 1h, .111, ,,•111,·r 1, ••'1111'kl,·,I ,ti.· "ll\ 1•1• .I 'l'•',1.11 ,•u,,1 .,r ., ,ln11,.111,•n ,•t 111,, ,1111,IUh

\ ,h,,rl Ill •l.11111,· \H•Ul.111 "11h ,11',·r "hu,· h.111 .iml .1 1,,,1111,, ,,..,lh. ,h,· 1•1,•mll} ,l,·,, 111•,·, h,·r-.·lr .1, 1tw 111,1 1•,•1 ... ,11 "' ,.,. ,·,11,h ,I, ,,,·m 1<• -.·~,·,.,,Iii.· 1.1,1111, .. 1 ,rn,·n, l'. •1111 !IIJh' l h,· Ul•Lllul"•n "J' :•1 \,·.11, ,>1,1 "h,·n ,lw .1111\\..J .111,I 1h,• ,·,u,,11111,·11 1 ".1' ,•nh "''"'I.it hun,h,•,1 11 "'"' 1~ in 11, ,11.,11,.,11, t 111hil,·,· 1,·.11 .1ml h.,, .1 ,111,kur 1,,.,11 .1l•nut 1.: lrni.•, l.11i:,·•

\ ,h.1t1i:,• 111,•r.· •IJ,!mt1,.111 L h•

;;?l; ;:~~~~:~rl:1~11 ::::,:·::~·::;, ~~~~

r,·.ih,m 1,.1, , 1, ,·,.,•,t rn Jr1

,, lhhd, m Ill\ ,l.1) I ll.II 11111'1•'"1•'11"11, hm,! .if p.11111111)! h.1,11'1 ,11i.-1<·,1,·,l 111,· 10,, nunh '"-' 11', h,n,1 , ,1 fullll) th.ii •l>k "'" h,: p,•1•ul.11 m l h,• '"'" i:.,lkt) ... 1111 m) 11.1111,·,'' ,he )J1tl ,m1hni:

l he ,Jti"'ltJ i:.ilkr) "1111•,· ,•nth,• )<'<',m,I flou1, mca.sut,•t,.5 I•} JU k,:t .111,I hlH' " 0.hl.:o 1,,IJmi: J,,.11) 111 fron l lhat 1,111 "I''" ' " .1 l•.11,on) OH"r lool.11~ 1h,·t•111l,L111j.:',111.1111lobl>)

-.h,.,•l-11t llhn,>t) llwn ,t lh·mk,I 11,., \11ln,111u1 ,·,•f ( ' h1,.1).'.o,rn,I h "m 1••1 1- t" 1•1:1 1.,u),'.ht ,nth,· 1n,tu,1r1.1I .11,·.1 " ' u,,1 1li.•r11 l tullJIIJ

\h•.1n\\.-4tk ,I .J.1,..IUJ I<' 11,,111 lh ,· Jlt 111>llluh' 1,i.,h .i 1,,1, .,1 I ii,· n"r1u.1I \,t,,.,, 1111 S t,· • cn, l',•1 nt '" "ll<'ll ,h,• ,l,·,111<',I 1, , k,ts,· lh,• ,,·11 11 ., I \\1,,,,n , ,11 ,11, \1 1..- t .111,r ,·11 "·'' r,•.,1111 111<·11 , 1,:,1 ., ,,,,.•111 ... ,·111,·111

,. \I ) "h.11 ., ,lt.111~,· 11 l<J, ' "' ""' t,, .,,,11,• 1,, 1111, l•,·.mr111, I .11,•,1 l,.,m l h J I l.1,t.'I) ,·111 11 <11101,·m· ,h,•mu-.·,t " 11 ,· Jl"J)' 1h,•urh1 .11.,,u, 1111,.1, 1u,1 1,"d} .. ,11111 11-I ,,.ul,tn't l,·J1,· 11 "

\h,~ t .itht,·n ".1, 111,· ,•nh ,111 111 ,•t,-,.,,r JI lh,• MIM•"I t,11 ,nu,1 ,q li.·1 t~IIUh' 1kt ,t111i.·s 111,lu,k,l l'"'11.1rmr h'.1,twr,, ,,,n,lu,11ni: d.1,,,.·, m 1h,· t.1111pu, SdM•ul .111J h.111,lh11i: .1,lm1111,1rJl11,• du•n·~ f._.. 1tw ,111,·m,·111(1,·r.1rtJ,· 1•.1rt11i.·111

~h,· ,,,n l mu,·, tu 111.1mlJ111 Jn mh·r.·,1 m ,•1i:.1t11/J 111,11,,11<h.1, lh,·,1,·,,·11, l',, , 111\\ ,,111<·11·,itut•. lh,· t ,111 S,·, ,111,. , -,lu,., ri,,n.11 •""''IJll<•II) Jn,I 1! 11..,11,'" .111, I l1 t,•l •·"1"nJI \\ ,.111.1 11 ·~ ( In t•

~ :::tt\::~·~1:1~1::::,,~;~:~ ,.•,;···· h, ,ur,

~111,,· 1 •1J11 ,h,· tu~ ~p,•111 11\tl\l ,>I h,·1 ,11111111,·1, J I J

,<1lt.1i:,· 11"JI H,H,·n,,· ,,n 111,· S1•h·.11I I-J i:k l ' h.1111 ,•I I .1~,·,

Mt,) C.1rl)h•n \J)' "'n"' ,., h,•r f,,nJ01 11wn~ 111,·, 1.1!.,· li.•1 l•,,d, 11• 111.111) )llk)><·.1,,,n,"!1,·n ,h,• .j,·~•~ncJ llt.' l , 1,., ,p,·,1.11 ClunllllJ~ p1~ran1, h} ,.11111•u, lllU)KOf)!an11.1t1vt1)tl,1n,l111.1,1,·1 l',· 1t1 Midwl,..·n ".15 ,1 d"" Jl>)ll<IJlt llllll<IN.' J'l\'l'Jl.llh•n, . " anJ .loO I ho r ,· )0111,· lmo,•""111 lw i:,1Hn m In) rn,•uwr) t>) th,· 1uuv.-rs1t) son1<· 1111~· ..

An JII r1~n111J)!t ,., 1 un,,,. .. 11.11h a lx:,ut 100 ,,111,·1 h'.1,h,·1, fwm II"· coun tr) m th,· 1•1.1u, 11.hcn 11.1,·<'1 lo lh:11 .. ,1111111,·n t ".1 5 •IUIIC UIIU)UJI, 1.11,·, .I~

.1no th,·1 h~ hl~hl ul h,·t ,.1n·,·1

EDNA CA RLSTEN ,~ ~how n he,e w ith ca replico of the new

f,,,~, ,\, !s h.nl,111,g ,,..h,ch ·~ co11ently vnde, const rvc1to r1 She \\1,1• !;onc·,'d ,..,,,,111, whl'n ,1 wco leomed 1h0 1 !he 0,1 gol!er y

m 1!,t.' n~·,~ bv,ICI !HJ ,,.. ,11 b..-o, her nome lflho10 by Jun Pier•


WSU's Award 1,725 Mid-year Degrees

UniversityBegins Wind Ensemble Collection· Of' Art Will Tour State

A f"'lm.1n,·111 colkl11on o f sl~dcnt s m all kinds o ( 1111 l''';' fo!>I011.1II) 111.1,h- K ulr1u1 r, clusu. 11:1111111111, crJru. duwin11• and Uesulu 1heStcppa1sclupture , 1•rm1 m.ikmtt 1) ht:rng •·s111bluhcd o lhl'I 11iecu avadabk: fot them al WSU · Slc\cns 1',11111 for both to study ,n lhe new colltctlon 1•1luc.1lio1rnl and 11uph.1l ional a rc a htholnph by McGardl , 11 ru 11111s.-s. a .. ,·011111111 to Dr . con temporary 11riut . wood cut Wilham 11:in for.l , ,1,·an of fine by Ku'n is,ida who lived in hpan :m s hom 1785 1011164 ... -olorct china

The 5111.111 hut g1ow111g by l>:nKl D11csbach done in IIUmb.-r U( lllt l:CI \\,ill be 19 2 2; I 1'11111 by the J,~l'IJ )'ttl in the new Hm.- Ans French-born Anshdc Maillol , C1•111e 1, a S4 . l rnillion. 186 1 to l '.144 , anti II color un111ucly .. 1,·,~nc t1 ~t1uclur t" 11 0 ""' in 1ag li o hy 1.on 1c111 poruy li.•m11hu ilt o111hc50uth,•as1 •·, li:e M1l wauke.- rrofrssor A11hur 11( llw c J11111us. It w ill be n •aUy l hnll . fur""'' in 1'170 To b1.· 11111un1ed for fulur.•

lkru ) kunl.t , d1,111m.10 of d1s 11la)' will he- aboul 12 tlw art ,lq1.11t11i.•11t, ,.uJ 1,hcn 11.·ond cut punt s :inJ rau1 tmp l h~ ,,.,o,h\ ~" ' rlO I o,h1!11 1c1I o r Jon,• b)· .irt is ts. on a~\-.:11111ent u"·Ll hy , l.1 ~\ICS. lh,•y 1,111 l'l l hl·t from t h.: frJcral l!IJl'Crn1111·n1. h .. • placc,1 111 s1w,·1.1 I \'.1ulls fo1 Ju11ng 111,• cconont1t' J ,·pi.·~sion rr,1h·.i,nn ur t1.1J,·J ro, 0 1h,•1 • of the 19JOs 1•11•,•,·,-·un J 11•mr•H.1 r y Th.: 11.orks nf sueh .111,su as hJs1~- 11omsiu,•1 lll ) tllul 1un~ tlw l.11 c AlfrcJ S.-ssk,. l>amcl

A 11111<·,I f'tl~l,4'~'1011 ,~ J P\:uc anJ John BcqunJnn , a ll ,,ulp1ur.• ,•n 1\tk1I "S1 .. ·.:t.•1" h)' WI sc o n s ,n 11 cs, ,,.,re I.co Sh•111•.1t who J1,:d 111 1'165 ,-urnu11ss1on.:d by lh,· Wo !l.s

The S.5·"1tlllbo.· r ))lllf'horuc wlnJ enk'rnblc o f WS U-Sh·1cns Point will holJ p,ctfOf1nJn,e1 rn IO co mmun1t k1 du11n11, an a nnual to ur Feb . ! -5.

Di,ec101 Oon.ild C1<·cnc sakl eight concert sck,·rnm). four muches. and f1H· solos .inJ e n se mbles wi l l comp 11 ~,· 111og111ms 111 Kaukauna , FQn,t ,lu Uc , Sh,· boY11,:1 n , Uc,1 \'c 1 0Jm, Br oo kf ie ld. O con umowo~. Marsh:1 11. hl11,·rtvn. \\1~ons1n lk1ls uml Wauloma

hmes Wcs1hmol , Jucctnr uf the s~hool' s mJ 1d11ni: hJml .i n,1 concu t h.111J 1,111 Ill' part 01 •I"' troupe 11s fnult~ 1,1,1km1 1k 11.111 play " FJnt un· 11J)l01Jk llongrou.c." wl11d1 ht hdr,..-J <'0111J"ll)('

J:.m,·~ Dut111,Jn,d11e,tnr of1hc Ulll\\' 0 11 )' Sl:IJ:<" h.111J. "Ill JllCWIII 1h15 15-memh,•f)!HIUIIJI ,·J~h.-omrnunlly for :mm lc1/uJl' ofjJIIJnd Mru l;tr nlu\1,

(,,..·en.• 1hc ne1, eha11man of th,· Si.•v.-ns 1'01n1's musi.­dc11:111m,•n1 , announ,cJ 1h.-11rn,•r.ir) iln1l 11m,:sanJ 1•l.1cc1of 11<:rrn,ru.111,,·t""

h h ! ~ .lO r 111 :11 K.iulJunJ lllt"h SdmnlauJ 7 JO 11111 .it h 1ml .lu La,',C:uodr1d1 lh~h S(hOOI.

l•ch .1 • fl 10 J 111 a l Slwht•)t1.1n lt 111 h Sd1ool. I JO 1•111 J I fkJVCr U.1111 11/J lt Sd1ool. .ind NI' rn J1 fh uohf1dd l.-nlrJl ll11=h

l·d, J • 10 .i m .iL Oa,111111111"0(· lhgh 'iehool, ! JO ''"' .11 \larJhJ II 11 111h S,hool. JnJ II JI m 31 I d11,cnon 11111:h Sd1oo l

I ch S '} JO a rn JI \l, h<'UIISl!l Udb "111h SlhOOI ;tlld I ~O fl n1 at Y. .1u1mn.1 /llgh S,hovl ,

All uf l hl' con.-•11, will be 011<:n 10 1h~ ruhh,

·11ic ~4,1111. h h~h lmm.1I MJn of Pro~reu Adrn1111)llll10n l" l' i\J

:~~: .. ~~ .. ,~~~~J~.l~r~~ .~::~.I ~'t~~~! w,1fa~~ )~~: .. c~hc r~:~Jt~~rt,r,·,:r! I G RA-N D Op EN ING \u , t11Jn •ho111 arli.l') fm,·~t fulure rurch.1-cs. bul 1>1 I'"'"') lt a nfo rd ,crn111J 11 <'•' nllJI

lh, s, ul1•1t11.-, .11 ,• m k.1J1ni: W15consrn :in rau o ns lh.11 th.-11111).- um , thl UUJ,'huu t lh,· Ulll\'CISlty 11.1Jl ll t\Cf he JJ1,•1s.· <'ounlr)' and µmrnJ,' 111 ,.llu,· 1,, 11nlnc1.1 I suprort from 1h.-

•1u 11 ,· 1.11•1,ll) , M.11nL ~ ,Jul Al1<.•ut 11uhh, WEEK• (11111 f.1,·111 1) 111,·ml>,·1,.11 M••1,·n,

----- I ::11.~:;:: .. ::::::.::1;,\·~.:;"'"""' Book Publisher • Kunh ,• , 1a1 ,•, I . '' U11)'U\l!

;;::::~i.:::• ./':~'.·:i',''',,,,';: .. , ''. Seeks Authors I '":lilteet.ww.L ff I '"Ji''- s I p1~ .. ,·of th<'Jetu.1l111a11" i,M-1 Q ft(, IJM lo "" '" " '"1' ''" · '°' Whu ,·h, 11 !'omp,o),, hook . (U(A,, IMO

"l'f'OIIUmt) 10 1<ui.Ji 11"' , m f.1,.... 1'U h lu he 1 uf co lk gc .111d I ::\: 11 ~

111/;~ur~'11°'.,1f\ 1~::~·11~~;u~: ~t:~~,:s•:f,111 t•;1~!:~.,,~f~


3'/::~~ • 1320 St1ongs Ave.

m u,· h mor ,. ,·1 1,·, 111<' H'JJ) for publii;hmi: to h,: us,:d ,·du~auon.11I) t h.in ..:,·mi: J JS cb. ssroom 1ei,:1 s :inti re frr,:,i el' I ~:~:

1:·~ur~~1-:...:;~,.'h" 1,,,rl

111 ntJ ti"~~I. •co lleg.-_ .-J o o r ,s ENTERTAINMENT EVERY NIGHT

I h,· r, ,s. ... ·,~1un ut " ' ii:rn.1I ,n1e1 es1t d ,n d.us,00111 not,•s ,1 ~

1'.t>rl.\ al \lJ .nl,h , ,, ih, 111~·,11i:,· ... ,.ll :.seomrk' tc 111a nuk 11r 1, I I ~!h.~ .... ~t,,1,,I\ Jll ,k ,,Jrlu1<·nl. h,· c·ol~~~~i·ss :.~ ~~;1

1•:~l"l-'.;t~~~~ Thurs .-Jo" · JO, Burley Arbor Bond 8 :15 pm , 7Sc odm

J,,1~~1~1:~·;,~ ~l~:~ 11:11::·:ut I.ii.~ C'o 111rJn)'. ',170 1 !\ouh Kenton , Fri.-Joo. JI , Phil Bun, Folf & Bli.,u Gu ilo rist 8 p .m . 75c \h..- (.irl,i.-n, "ho ),:rH'll

u11,k1 ,,., 111 lh,• nm,• 1•h·)1,knh ,,1\\',l ".,,t,,,11117 ) ,'J l ,Jj:(1 .ii l'J'lh•II. Ill :i 1•r,·Jom111Jntl) '"•·J1,h ,,,11,111111u l) ,,.lwr,· h,·1 1111,n,i:1.1111 1•.11cn1~ .,.,•re .imoni:

lkor)' Ku ni..,· Jurn~J \11 ~ l'.1tl,1,•n on th,· .111 f.i,uln ~,· , ,·1.1 1 >•·.i r s lwfor,· h,:r r.·11rv111<·nt Jlld looJ.. O\\' I th,· du 111 t1Jn,l1111 from Ii.-,,,, 1•11.0

Shol. l<.'. 111 60016 I Sor.-hb. 1, Ph il Bu n 8 p .m . I \l,•i.· 1h.1u J 700 ,tu,knl• .11 •1>1.•~•· '" .1.11 i:r.1,lu.11cs . .ind JI ==::::>u<=::-,«t<= ==:::::::,oc::::::::::i =>tic::::::::>! Sol.-F,b. I. Book Sole 11 o .m .

,•,i;hl ,,1 1h1· \\ 1,,ori.io StJI•' s,.,111 SI.it.· l l mHISll}' .11 Mon .-Feb. J , Burlty Arbo, Bond 8:15 p.m .• Adm. SOe

l 11 1, ,·r,11 .. ·, 1•.1,lnt l lh'II M,•n .. ,nunr.· . ... h,·1c fon11,·r T l 11·~ nn _.\T B.-\R'.' r ! I TtJu .-f,b . 4 , Fronk Holch presenh Folk Ooncing. 9 p .m . I Ith· t.111' wltl, 1~

\11 ,•1 lu~h ,,ho,.•l i!ud uJL n•n ,/1,· 1.11'J,!hl ..,.· .. ·u l )<'Jl\m rural

\11" Catl)ICn 1<'S1<kS .1I _111 1 I lh) ~t 'lllh .1 si~tn , M" Ku1 h S.1u,ht,·Jt . J retu .. ,1 p11M 11: ,,hu,,.•lh'.1 .11,•r

J..·l,,nJ,'mJ,'• sJ"I i:u,111,1•) t,• lh,·n . l' r,•, .. 1,·rt l t lij!•'"'' II . Kl,·1111w ll of • I) - ' d.1"111.11<•, .111,I ldl ii i.· ,.1m11u"''~ '\\Sl · l<IH'I FJlh .1JJ1cs.-d I SJ No Cho19e 111 J.in u.U) "1th b.1.l1d,11'~ or p.1,IUJ t,·~ · Where So01ethm9s Alv.oys Cookmg" W ed .-hb. S, People1 Choice 8 p .m ., Adm . 25<

"f1c1h As A UIJ,h'r',,ki;H·,·, \I I J Cro»,·. 1•,or i'r111•,1 I I

1-t ,•i;i,er.1,, h'!>lllh',I 1,. lh,· 'C,· r ,lwn d1anm~ n o f th , Every W,d"esdoy is " Nickel N ile" •

\\ Sl •)•km .,,r1 ... th.11 1.7 :~ ~t::!;~111:~171~.1~\.~~:,I~~~: J:J~~'. Sc off o n all Drinks from 8 p .m . to 9 p .m .

) \u,knh '"'"' )!f,hhr.it,·,I .il th,· 1 , 1 1 1 1 I Pick Your N ights - or Come E11 ery N ig ht. I rn::::~5.:/1;~:·1:;:~(f;ti- ;;:::~~Irf;;:1::·i.;:Ir? .... , M'"::::: ::: :::::: ·" N;ght . ,., o ...... "··· M,", J J lllllh' lfrJII Ill J JIUIJI} I'll>)( r,;,•,lt~lt 'l~'l,.~'l:~:Jl~~.s°~~lll~:J~~:-= ==::::l c::::::::::::l ==::::l ~1,=>11(::;:=:,n~ ••

S,·1,·11 S1.1t1• lm1,·r,111<·, !\ti\\ Jlhl J I Wt,11,• ... .1 1,· r . ... h,·r,.· Iii,·

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,u111m,·n,,· 11h'III ,,·1<·11i. , n,.:, wsr ,S1n.-r1, 1• .. 1111 h.-1,1 11, 111,1 m1J•) <'J I '"'llllh'll,,'11h'IIL SunJ.1) .1lt.•111rn•n . J .111 1•1, trlnlmi: l~U ,ki:n·,·, 1'1<·,1..t,·111 L,·c Sh.-rm.,n l)h')lu, ,,1 lh,· U II I\ f I , I I ) j: ~ I ,. I h ,­<'01111lWn"•hwlll .1,l,h,-"

Every Mon., Tues. and Wed . HOURS: 7 .A .M.-6 P.M. Doil~ Mo" . thru Sot.


At Regular Priu Every Doy of the Year!

\I l'l:J11 ,·L1lk, ,lq:.r..·,'S .,.ere ~1.1nh'J J.in 11 tu ~~'JgnJ11Jt1') .111, I I h,• JJJr,·~~ l'.'J) h) llr HhJun J,1,1,.,.111 of South,•111 l 111-.·r~U). H.11 .. n Huuiw. I J

Profe uionolly Cleon,d o od Piened

257 Divi, ioo Street

(;ra,h,.111011 pr,,1:1.1111, 1,,·1,• \\ Sl'-S up,·1101 1q•or h 'l.i 10 7

11tJ1l·)tJl)!r.1JUJI<') hdJ r, .. 1.,, J.in 1- .. 1

Acron From North Point Shopping Ceole, U, h l u,h "h,-,,· "''", hru.1J,~~1,·1 \l.111m \ pt1n>~ )

~,·<1111,I wrn,·,11•1 ,·IJ-.. ... -~ ht·i:an \l11nJa). J.1n :1 . .11 n111)11•f 1lw Sr.1t ,· l ln11cr,111<·,

1:~;· , t ·. ,pric1• ('oupt!

No clowns . No houpla . No fun11,y hats.

J'hi:1 is :m r vent for the .serious c:ir buyf'r. The n,,, n who has N num­ht•r of dollal'!I (o s pe nd a nd is detl'r­mined to gt t his money's worth and n1.1ybt:, mol'C'.

Come lo n C hf•,•roll't Showroom durinK our Va luf' Showd()\1>'11.

Ask thl' man 10 show you, on paper, how you can order most any

1969 Chevrolet with' n big VS nnd uutom:,tic transmission for less than you could last year. .

Come in and SJX!nd some time. Dig. probe, ask quf'Stions, take notes.

You c:er!~ i:crz:en Lo be thorough.

Get a free aample o r C hevrolel's luxurious full-coil , cushie'lfK'd r irit>. Shut the windows and see how fresh i,,e inte~or stays. thnnb to Astro

Vcnti l,Jlion. Ft'(.!\ tl1t.• kit·k o f the bii::· gesl stand11rd V8 in our tidd.

·nwn go down the strrel or ncrOM town :incl i;.oo hov,• we s tack up ngoinst Those Oth<'r Cms.

W e think you' ll wind UJ> with a Chevy.

More people do, you know.

,a:Ov P'vW•a }'1tll first. 11 .. ,. U1 11nL

. The Chevrolet I Value Showdown is on.

· I I

Does it really work?

If you've ever resorted to NoDoz· at 4 a.m. the night before an exam. you've probably been disappointed.

NoDoz. after all. is no substitute for sleep. Neither is anything else we can th ink of.

What NoDoz is is a very strong stim­ulant. In fact. NoDoz has the strongest stimulant you can buy without a prescrip­tion.

Caffeine. What 's so strong about that? If we may cite The Pharmacological

Basis of Therapeutics , Caffeine is a powerful central nervous stimu lant. Caf­feine excites all portions of the central nervous system. Caffeine stimulates all portions of the cortex . but its main action is on the psychic and sensory functions. It produces a more rapid and clea rer flow of thought and all eys drowsiness and fatigue. After taking caffeine. one is ca­pable of more sustained intellectual ef­fort and a more perfect association of ideas. There is also a keener apprecia, tion of sensory stimuli .

Very interesting. But why take

NoDoz when you can get caffeine in a cup of coffee?

Very simple. You take NoDoz all at once instead of s1 pp111g coffee for IQ min­utes. And If you take two NoDoz tablefs, the recommended dosage. you get twice the caffeine 111 a cup of coffee.

Two tablets isn't that likely to be habit forming? Def1111tely not. NoDoz 1s completely non-habit forming.

Wh ich means 1t·s safe to take whetheryo,ire cramming at night. Or about to walk into an 8 o'clock class. Or driving somewhere (even though you're rested) ~nd the monotony of the road makes you drowsy.

One last thing you shou ld know about NoDoz. It now comes in two forms. Those familiar white'p1lls you take with water. And a chewable tab let cal led NoDoz Action Aids . It tastes like a choc­olate mint. but it does everything regular NoDoz does.

And 1fyou·venianaged to stay awake this long, you know that's quite a lot.

Fewer Frestimen Will Get Grants

A ~mpu">,· ,nl m frdna l funJs h1 Ji.I n,;nly studni ts pbnr1111i: tl> ,·ni.•r om~\'ISilks a111\ eo lkg,·~ r,,;\I fJU IS ""011yin11 1111an~1Jl ai.1 ,hr.-.·10" and 11111 h ~dK>OI ,·nun30:luu. the Wisco1um Slalc l 'n.h·1:.tlin sy~l,;m off ice "'IIOlh

Offi.•,• of l·d u ca tion J1lmmsl rator s 111 Washington . U.( . n t11nat~ rhat - unh.' !iS the fun,l s ur 1.-S1a1ed by Ct1ni:n\,!,~nly about 3!.000 11cshmen ,..ii\ rccC'1v.­l ,l11cJt10nal 01•portum1y Gnnh r," 1~6'1-70. ,·o.uup.:ir.•d with )Oml' 14S ,OOO fr.· shmcn gr tl1n1 ,u,·h i:1Jnh rn th\' na tion lhi'> )\'JI

Fur 19t,'J-70, the U.S. Ofrlcc o r EdU\'al ion rc11u.-~h:d S16S milhon. This "'Js tmmuc1I h}' I ll\' Wlnl l' 11,, uir to S l 40.6


~011~1u1~t:'t~,;~~.~~ bs1-nunut<' cut of S l 6 mi\hon. This muns that afte r i unb to con1ui uing~uJrnts11r 1rne,..rJ, only S10 .S nulhon rema ms for gr.inu to ent ering fr rshn1,• n throu11 hout t hl' uation nex l '311

January 30, 1969

Over 200 Receive Degrees 1nd J ud\lh K. So nia &, M i l wa u kee : J ames C. llu.sdsuom ind Terry R. Valen ,

• Wauwato,a; Pau l F. Adler ; Mau hlield : Bruce J, BuhmaM , Wausau .

Daniel L. F1nar, West AILis: Willi.am D. Fllla , Brantwood: Roser J . Gu.a , Berwyn, Ill.: Thom.is U. lflrr is, Pcsh!iJo;hne Eller! lhuboldt , Puk P1U1; Mary E. Knudsen , Suuex; Paul l..&Mcre , Green B1y ; Linda J. Lockwood, Markesan; Pc1cr F ,

' Mosldc wict, Thorp.

(con t /n utd from pogt I J

Primuy Education

Ruth A. Jaeger, Merrill.


Arlene 8 . Molzahn, Ro lh1eh ld and N,oml L. Pogue, MarshfltJJ

Fo u,.Yeu Elcmenlny l!duc111ion

Mabe l Gallagher , Neillm11c Ke nneth L. Hall , Arkdalc Delores Mahan , Ant igo; Doru1hy Ro lai n , Rh inelan der , llf'c Stuiewski, Mcrt ill : and K:u en ,\ Torkelson , To mahawk .

Mulcr of Scicnct m TachingDcg,ec

J udi lh Mich.

Thibault , v. ,rr,...r.

I n 1h ,· W1\,:0nsm Slatc lt1m•ru1tl\'S ))Str111. a 1,1nul;u 7SI ,ut m nutuhcrs or )IU.knl'> hdj)\.·J "'ould 111.-an that on ly 1,~o fi.-,;hm,·n "'oulJ recc1~c thr f,·dtral grJrU,, ~un111J1e,I "'1th ~.IS i '' 1tns )1'a1 I he "> lat ,· uni ,·,· rs111cs haH· ,ubm uted h'•IU\..,IS for SI .tt:0.000 in HJ(; tunds 10 ;ud .1.101 fn•shm,•n dunni l',lti'J ,70

Thr W1s.:onsin Assm:aa11on of St udrnt Financia l A1J Admin1)t1atou- a stah·w1dr o ri;a111ut10n of colkp: 1111.J UIII VCISII)' f1na11c 1a l a1d dir<!ctors- rc crntly adopt,•d a rrsolutlOII urging tha1 llw n,·w (.'onirr!o\ rcSIOrt' t he F()(; fund cut r 1thcr hy a su1wkmcntal .:i11propnaw.,11 orb)· 1,;,1llu~Jlll11t o lher funJ~ •

RbTC Adds

David Ross

A 24-PAGE HISTORY of W15con,m Stole Univer1ity-Stevens Point is neoring com­ple1,on for d,,111but1on lo olumni ouoc,otoon membe!S during 1he 75th onni· vc,H11 y celebrC1T•on Moy 3 11:ev,ew,ng poge p,oofs cue 11:,ck FrederKk, leh, olumni ciuector, OrlC1nd 11:odke, choirmon of tho event, ond M,,. Ellen Specht, ed1ror.

tphoto by J,m P,e,son)

Mary Kowalciylr: Pu.houwcr, Lena: Dale L. Rapin , Sault Sic. Marie, Mich.; David K. Ryden , DeKalb , Ill.; DJVid L. Schu lz, M1 . llo reb : Robe rt G. Severson, Roc kford , Ill. ; Daniel R. Simoruon, Menomonee Fa lls, Ray S11ska, Crand on: Richard L. Treptow, LaVa ll.:, and Dale A . Winklcr . llilcs.

Sccond:ud Education Ba chc lor orSck: ncc Dcgrce

Ka thleen J . Lan sing , Jean J .

Fifteen Seniors Win High Honors

The H )C \'foi,:r;irn ~g:ui 111 1'1(,t, a$ J four•)('ar p1opa111 of i:r.1'1!~ 11/ Slud('nls from th~ 1,,,,.,,·~r-111,vrnc farmlics. lo rr,wiJ,· nt"" fr,:~h111an granhand r,;n,·"' i:ranh h) ~tud.:nhalrrady rn th,• 1•rut.TJU1, thr l·OG 101al 1,•1 thr n~uon Nii<' froru S46 S n11l hon 111 \'lbt, to SQ~.5 m 1•167 ,1nJ S1J7 7 111 J ll1>~.

To Staff

Book Exchange Also

Will Include Records

Brass Choir Toured State Last Week

S1nah and Suunnc K. Summers. S1cvcns Point , Philip J . Kinzel, llcn ry G. Plcuu, LeRo y Sauder and Maxi ne M. Schicll!, Mani1owoc: Lyn ne llanncman Gibbs. Karen L. Schraufnagcl and R o berl II . Woe lfl , M I i waukee ; Marl ene Br o n in:cwski and Fnncd Charland ,Grccnfield .

hmes Auen, Wes1by: James J. Blair , Mmill: Richard J. IUombcrg, Qacma ; Bo nnie Ulr ich Buchberger. S1ra1ford : Earl J . Car lson. Waupaa~ Donald M. Clemen!. Marshfield ; Rita Rae Dins, Co lby : William M. Ferge , Schofield : Kaili Jerdee Fry, E lroy ; DJv\d G. llamshire,

F i£1 c en sc n i o r.s 11 1 WSU-S1evcns l'oint gnduah·d wl1h audemic honors.

President Lee She rman Dreyfus announced that twp o r t hr; students had gradepo1n1s averaging be1ween 3.75 111d 4 ,0 {straight A) , Rcc.ipi1:nu o~ th!S highest honors ci tat ion wi ll be

~~~\~ JJ~t:~·. ~ro3'111;!~~rr.

Lois Wood, daughter of Mr and Mr s. Casey J . Wood, Pu bU. Gwendolyn Co lby , daugh1ci " -Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Col l>) Abbotsford. S1cven Madson ,'tOn of Mr and Mrs . Elmcr Mad1.0n. 1261 Library SI. . Green Da y

Thomas Marx, son o r Mr anJ Mrs. William Marx, 231(1 II. Ro hr . /\vc , Milwaukee. l..111~ Peterman, son or Mr and \In Le.she II . Peterman, l 'Kl'I 'i 171h SI ., Sheboygan, Anton

GI Students

Must Meet

Requirements S1udcnb daun ing bcnl'fi t5

umk, the F.-d,•nl Vocational R,·hlb1htation Acl . lh\' War Orphans Ar t ,01 t h,... G. I. Hill arc 1,·nundcd thal they must re pcrt 10 th,• R,;gis t r.uion Office, Room 10'1. Mam Building, and fill out lh<· V,•1nans R\•gis tral io n r.uJ . This mu~I bc done ,111mrd1atd)' m order tha t claims "'111 not b1: dt'laycd for lhe )l,"l-Undsc111estc1

\'t'IJ:;~r !r1 n~:w~e~S ~~· ih!

rnihtary , has been as.signed to t h t Arrn y Reserve Officc1 Training Co rps un11 a l WSU-S1e,·cns l'oi nl.

The Tu~s native ,e.-enl ly return,'\! 10 the sutes r,om a lour of duly in Soulh Victn:im. ll t,,.,·1 ll s.- r,·c.1sanadmblistr:itivc non<ommlSsiGncd offic,cr het<'.

S11 t Ross is m.:inicd .:ind h:is ,,,.,-o sons who u c her,: with him.

Th,• Al1•h.:i Phi Om,·ga book ,·,-ch:1011e will open Mon. Feb . 3 m the tunnel of the Um\·ersi ty C,·nlrr New 1h11 semut.-1 will bl' 1111' addi11on o f a record l'lfChl~l\,

On ly LI' .1 lbums "'"i lh their jack.-t swillbca.-n•p1ed . The sale of rccorJs will bo.• handled in the SJme rnannrr u the sale or boob.

All 5lud•· nts and foculty h3wing books o r r,;curds I hey

Campuses Flavored I

With Global Students ,\ student attendin~ 1ehool

1111dn 1hr G. I. Hill willreecive b1•nc hts acco,din. 10 the numb.:1 of crcdiu hc is anylng. T he crcJ ,1 load s which J,·1ern11 nc thr amount of paym,•n t by the Vctcnns A dm , 111 s t1a1\ o n t o a n

Stud ent s a t thr nin e Wisconsin State Univeuities th is fol! come from all SO sta tes an.d 72 fore ign counu ic(, but 86 of every 100 live in Wisconsin.

2,0JS, Waukesha l .9q9, Fau Cbirc 1,989, Outai.:itni.: 1,447. Grant 1,344 , Dout:las 1,291, Walworlh 1.26 1. Rock \ ,!]},· Ra't:ine 1,21S. Fo nd du Lac 1,18?. Bra "'n l ,099. Chippewa 1,065 J 11d Portage 1,048.

undcrgr~duatc follo,,.,·s:

scud..,nt arc .:i s

14 -cr iffull-t,me J(). J3c1. 1f J/4 time 7-9c1. 1s l /2 time 4-6c1 . 1s111ore thJn 1/4 lime

bul k u thanl /2 timc 1-3 er ts 1/4 ti n1c 01 lcu

T he c rcllil loads which dete r min e 1hc .:.mount or paymen t by the Ve1era ns Adminislr:a t1on 10 a graduate student arc as follows:

9--<:r. is full,timc 7.Scr . if3/4 timc 5.ficr. is l /2 1imc J-4cr. ismordhan l /4time

bul less than 1/2 l imc l -2cr. i1 1/4 limcor lcss

Thc WSU system enrollmc: nl rrport jusl published shows tha t thr S8.242 5tudcnts includ e: 49,971 ftom Wisconsin, 7,817 from o ther ua1cs and 454 h o m fo reign countries.

Canada and llong Kone have the la11c.st dc\cga1ions0Cforeign students al the Stale Universi ty campuscs-64 each. The rcpor!S lists 20 students from South Korea, 19 uch from Taiwan and Iran. 18 from Kenya, 14 each f rom Guyan a, Indi a and Thailand ant.I small groups fr om o thcrcounuies.

Other states with the large reprcscnla tions arc IIUnois, 3,789 ; Minncsota , 1,697 ; Iowa, SO I ; New York , 289: New Jrr,ey, 191, and Pcnns)•lvania 168.

Six1ccn Wisconsin counties have mor,: than a lhouSJnd of their reside nt s .:incndingState Uniwc1sit1n.

I\ total o f 5,068 studcnls from homes in Milwaukee coun1y 11rc attending 1hc State Unive1sit ics at Eau Cbire, la Crosse, Menomonie , O, hkosh. Pbttcvillc , Rh·Cf Falls, S1cvcns Po int , Superior and Whitewater and the brJ nch campus 3l Rice Lake.

Other countks wilh more lb.an a thousand sHKknts at the Stale Univcnl!ics arc Winnebago 2,746. Dane 2.239, La Crosse

The figures show D 3 l 'l, increase in . the number of students from WJl,,.,·o rth count y · over l.:in fa ll , J 28':', incrr:asc for Poruge county. a !4% inc,nse for Granl county.a 20'A, mcr,:asc for Winnebago Cou11ty, a 19% increase for Outagamie county and a 17':li increase for Racine count y.

Racine County

Offers Girl

Scholarship T he Racine Branch of !he

A mcri ca n Anoclatio n of Univcrsi1y Wo men has a nn o unC"Cd tha t applic::uions now arc being .:icceptcd for the S400 scholarship which AAUW awards annually to a Racine

.Co untygi.rl. The scholllrship awud , which

is ba1cd on academic achicvemenl and financia l need , is awardrd each year 10 a Racine Count y girl beginnirc her · nior

Students Sh Id B . RO. TC !~ii::t~··:hi·1:,1.·.:. ::1:::;1 Ou egln .. ,.,.,,,.

Dead l ine fo r filing app lia1ions is April I. The ~holan hip will be awarded at

Participation Procedure AAUW 's annual ~nquct in May,

A·pplication blanks m.:iy he obtained from Mn . I'. S.

:aa~r!:~· :Ji!~ ~1~~gt ~~

:~,~~~h!~:t:i:::cc:::ttaai~S Men interested in joinin& !he senior divWon of the Army Reserve Officer Tninins Cor ps al WSU-Stcvcns Point havc been e n,oura&cd to be111in !heir parlicipal ion p,roccdurcs before Fcb. 14.

Lt. Co l. Neil O'Kcefc. chairman of1hc mililaryscknce department, said his sta ff wiU mccl inorrices on Ncbon llall's firsc floor wilh prospcctiw candidates who will be able to spend two years in lhc prognm .

cad!;foisrc ~ t~itrihce,.~~; orncials, !he candidaJcs are requited 10 take phy11cal and ·ment al tests and pan an oral inlcr'Y1tw 'pen by ROTC and

lo~ol."S~'!!re~7:~t1e men

t~1 'sc:r!,~0C:.~:!!1nm/U:!

IS and July 28 for basic 1rainina. After rc1w-nlna 19 c:ampw next fall, each or lhcm will be paid $SO per monlh or 1he Ulvolnmcnt in lbc propam.

He reminds pc~na:. e:llhtt mc:n or women, Iha! comP:CMll ion for careen in the militlt)' is "quite oompclittfe." Graduilu who \enter II

commistoncd officers July I will receive S7 ,000 per year or SS,109 ir1 new kind of pay plan is approved before then. Making captain is almost automatic in two years, he cxpbiocd . and salary for lhal nnk asof July 1 will be SI0,500 o r SI 1,900 by the proposed plan.

dirfct~a t.:i studcnt'scollcgcor unwel"Slty.

Application blanks should be rFlurncd to Mn . Baldukas along with a transcript.or the student's c redits fo, her fint three xmestcrs o r fow qu:111crs or collcscwork .


DELIVERY SERVICE Herve Your Pi.u:a O.livered Piping Hot

Phone 341-2100 FO• SPUDY DEUVHY O.livery 4 p .m. Dolty

Plua Smorgasbord - TvHday S p .m.~I p .m.

wish lo ~It :uc uri;.-d to brmg sin~!: !;5!~-~~nar1o~:ia~;i~~

ru~:~111!~ mt:; ,tt~l~:c~ 11I1~~ ~~~~'~'~snil:~'":n '~h:C'!ou~:~~. and 111 111 rceciv t a rrceipt for hi:, po rl ion o f the Badgc rland hooks and/or l\'COrds. bctw,...cn Jon . 20 .:iml 23.

The fntnml y will then put Robe rt Van Nuys and them on the 5hclvn lo be soki. Kenyan! E. Smith arc directors When coming to d aim his o f the ins1 ru rnen tal and voc1I money. unsokl book1 or records. groups resprctively. 1hc cuS10111c1 must present his The brass chou has made two r.-edpt. annual lours o f the sutc fo r1hc

The fraternit y will chargc a pasl six ynrs. This is the !int l~·n 11Crce n1 serv ice ch:lrgc for ::i ll 1lme the madrigal singen have


111~:i b;~~~~~ u:~dy F~~I gone on 1hc ·road. Mar. 14,or d 5C they 111:comc the T,:~:;:,:.rsJ,~~n~hz:~irw!'1f~ proper ty of !he fral e!mt y. • Ives. Dan Laufcr. John Kjos.:.,

The cxchJnge will bc ope n Robcrl Burgdor f and Kt'n Ca nce. f rom 10 a .m. to 4 p.m. lto rns • Edilh Ehler! , Jim weekdays. T ischer. Sh:lrun h nd t and

Marine Corps

Will Recruit

Randy B.:im ncur. T ro mbo nes • StC\'C Milkr, OaV<! Davin, Tom Belt and Jack llclJin,:. Baritone • Larry Zunker. Tuba · Roger Herma nson and John Caves. Pt'fCUHIOn Richard F.:ivour, :}:~u~·;r.ll' tsky and Ted Brown

Madrigal singers 110: Lenore 01:i;cn, Roger lkrma nson. Judy ll anncman, Wayne D)·kstra. Vakr;c Gor ton, To ni Burt ch, Marilyn l'abs t .LindaWillb1nson, Sue Iverson. Ken Schmidt , Dave Cbyton, ~nJ Tcuy Zimmerman \

The Marine Corps recruiting tum wil l be on campus nex l wct'k, Monday thr o ugh Wcdnrsd:lyt A ublc wlll be set u p in the tunnel where i nfo rn1.uion will be made n:a.iLablc about Marinc Corps programs. Volunteers WSU Alumni For Tutoring Will Tour Are Needed

Voluntccn ire nc t.•tkd for

In Europe Alunmi and friends o f WSU.

Stevens Point have been invited to part icipate in 11 22-day European to ur not summer. it has been announced.

Rick Frederick, director ot. the 1lumnirclationsdeparl mcnt. SJidinformat ionhasbcenmaiJcd givin1 a detailed it incry o f the reunion abroad.

Engbnd , Holland, Germany, Ausiria , Italy , Monaco, France and Switzerland will be visited be tween July 14 ud Aug. 4.

Fred erick said 10111 cost, inc luding ai.r transport.:i tion, lod11ing and food would be S76 1 and rc,crva1ions lo carry a SI OO deposit will be accrptCt.l unt il June I by his o ff ice.

tuto ring Indian chiklren this semester. Two tutorini projccu .:ire scheduled for !his scmcs1cr, one at Wisconsi n iupids and the o ther at Menominee County.

ThoSc intcrcstrd arc urged to .be al the Oki Mai n parking Joi at thcdcsignatedtimcs.

S tud c n u int erested in tutoring junior high and high school students in Menominee county arc asked 10 be 11 lhc parking lot at 4:3S p.m. on cilhcr Mondays 01 Thursdays 11ar1in1 Fcb. S.'

S 1udcnu inlercsaed In tut Ofing in Wisconsin Rapids are urged to ~1 tthep1rkinglot on ~'cdncabys at 6:15 p.m. Fo r more inf01"m1t ion concerning bolh projccu contact G race l)avidson, 344·9286 o r Obne l»iliff, 34 1-1360. lnfo rm.alion ca n also be obtained a1 Extended Services. Room 240, En . 683.

Wai.er loo. Kay L. Hillery , Dulircton:

Karen K. llochlrill , Wausau: Emily Bahr llubat ch, An1igo; Judy L. llu mptucy, Shcboypn Falls ; Leonard J. Ironside , Wi5COnsin Rapids; Eliuibeth A. K1i1Cr , Dakota, Ill.: Diane K. Reber Klawikowski . Rudolph ;

S1cven, Point , and John yrios, son of Mr. and Mrs. W1lh:u11 Yrk>s, Rt. l . Millatlorc .

Winning high tK>no1s wi th 1rades averaging bc1.,., een 3.5 and 3.7S durini four yca1s o f st udy were Glo r ia Ihle•. dai.ight,r oC Mr and Mu. Robcrt llik,, Rt. 2. Granton . and Ros.!

~~~ct:::a!fi~~~/:!r ~1Rt ~n{

Crivitz. The 0 1hers at tained gudcs

averaging between 3.2 and 3.S ;

~Ive~-~~!· Po\111 !ndWloar~:tcrl~'~f

Mi lwaukee; Arlene Moltahn daughte r of M1. and Mrs. Joe IKJurxcius, RI. 2. Lu xcmbu1, J \!Jn Sm&h , Rt. l ,StcvcnsPom1 and forme rly or Rushv1llc, lnd Hcnr)' Leck , son of M1 . and \I(} lknry Leck. Sr. , Rt 6, Mcm\l Delores Meyer , Westfield and Joyce Lipovsky, daugh1e1 of \Ir and Mrs Andrew Lipovsky. R1 I .Dow ning , Wis

~it~:mt· ::~hn:n /0~!~~: r-------~---:~----,

Wa uwa1 011: Ba rth elemy M1kobc10, Burundi, Ccnlral Afr ica.

Delo res Meyer, Westfield: Michael J . Morpn , Gree n Bay: Palrida A. Nelson, Tomahawk ; Mary F. Walt O'Lairc, Fond du­Lac; Lamoni P. Prell , Tomah: Richard 8. Recd, Hart ford: Di:mc Keit h Sdkc , Rhinelander; Mary A. llazlcwood Siegle, MarkcSJn : William W. Simpson, Bruce : Gknn R. Smcalon, Oconomowoc.

Ri cha rd J. St egeman , Kaukauna: Arthur I. T.1kishian, Sout h Milwaukee : BarbJra A. Ta1eh. Chilton: Jan C. Vo lk . Wa ben o; and Rose Mark lkKey,er and Donelle A. Will , Crivitz.


at Sccond:iry Educalion

8achclorol Music Degree JIIADISON B SI 'ESS COLLEGE Paul C. Baumgarten, Tomah ;

Richard L. Fellenz, Spencer. Jerome R. LaV11lc . Ada ms: Henry H. Leck , Merrill: and Alice M. Lowman, Augusta .


January 23. ]969 CALL 256-7794

for further ihformotion ond brochure lntcrmcdbte-Uppcr

El,meoluy Ed,a1io, MADISON BUSINE s COLLEGE Cuolc L. Andruk.a , Park "o pre5tige college of business since 1856"

Falls: Darrc ll M. Bohm and 215 West Washington Avenue, Madison

thn~~o n,, . Jo::neru!oti1=zi~ .: 'r:=:=::========::::::=:::::=::::::::=: ~~::.,'"t~:~'hL,,'J~~r: When you come on in a Van ::~~~· M~f;1J; s~::C ~: H h" hhM. °'""~- eusen s 1rt the rest come

Gcrdd J . Johnson, Mauston:

I,~n?1:.....~:: L{b M~,.~~d~!n"a: off like a bunch of stiffs. Al mond ; Ronald J . Presl. Tigerton: Gordon R. Radtke, MarincUc ; Jamcs M. Reim, Liulc Swimico; Teri A. Swanson , Merrill: and Kenneth Woyak, Schofield ,

Kindcrg.arlcn-Primary Eduat ion



home of the I/2 Pounder

, 7 to 8 oz. of Tantalizing Beef Served · on H~t Italian Bread

.. ·t~, .. , .. '""._....,._,Jl:l"I.•-

/. 417 WithKodel•

J .. VAN HE,USEN" the people who unnuffed the shirt


' January 39. 1969 THE POINTER Page 5

Dr. John Chen Appointed Director of Libraries

Al1Jmni Use Mascot

Will Add Courses On Negro History

,\ ,lbt1np1ish,·J int ,·111Jll\.lll.l l ra 11i,ll)' ,·~1'Jmi1ni: university ~d10 IJ1 J1hl hhra ,y !l'•'•' IJ\ist h::is whkh I) ,kn• lo11iii'g both on the h,·,•n a1'1w1111,·,I 111h'.:h)I uf ·i: ra1l uah· anJ un,ll"ri;raJua te ht-r.111\' S .11 WSl'··Sh·\-c11s Point , lcn•b AnJ hi.• kno1...s lhc dk.:111·c Ju ly I l't obkm~ r,f 1,oth slat e :rnd

lk ,s O, . fohnCl1,·n .:1 n:1 111·f 1•11v.1te su1•11ortcd ins t itu1 ions," ,,( {'hma ""ho , u,r.·nll)' ,l in•cts lh KH' m11k s:aiJ . hl>1.1r)' oreratt0ns ;at l ynd1bu1g, Dr . Clw11·s a rnval to Stcvcrn Colk;c m V111:11u:i. . l'orn1 will br ·k ss than a yeu

111• hol,ls fin• a.::ul,·rnic h,•f,, 1.: l lh' :i 11ti cipa te J

11?~:r~·u: l:I;~:~ .~: a ~7;! ~f Ir~; ~-~~~:~:l\:;~11:.';: :'.:;IC~l=~~;~ .... ,u1h,·astnn Sl:lh'! on hb1.11)' .. m have some o r t he latnt JU111m;1t111n, 1s th,• au t hoi or ~S ,•kct ronk librJ1y c,1uipmc111. \•,l\.1b, 111u11c1o usa111d,·s anJ 1h1· 'fhe faci1 il y also Is upecltd ,11n11er or :i S I0,000 Likraltuc • tu undngo its grealesl growlh A11,a1d for S,·ho lJU. b,•t ,,. cc n then anJ 1975.

I n J n 11 o u n c ini: th,• Dr. li.re n111le reports tha t J\11'01n t 111,·nt. l>r. Fn•d,·rich there )lltscntly a,c 160,000 Kr,' tul'k , 1kJ11 llf thf k:arnmi: ,·olm11u plus 11 "largt,txcclltnf' ,c:w..,ui.·es e,·nkr ,...hkh induJcs ll\'rioJkals collect ion . The Board l1 brJ 1) . JuJM.N't!mJ \ opfrat ions, or Rtgenu o r st:ll e univcui t its .111 ,I J1,·h11•,· ;;. s;:ii,I D1. Ch,•ll's h:is in!.lkatcd tha t by 1975 it knl• ,,.kJi;c "f hbu ry Jut omalim1 hor,t:s each WSU library will ,111, ! ,·,m11'Uh'lt1.al1<.:in of libr.ary have JS volumes per st ude nt. S.0.'l\h'o w1l\ 111al,· ii possible to If there il re 10 ,000 st\11Jcnts k,•,•p t h,· fonhty IIIO!l' up lo hert the n . the library would J.1h' have about JS0,000 or twice u

" lk .ilso hJS had bfood many books mort than at ,'\l'l'!1"11C•' as d1TL'ChH of a preSl'n l. '

WSU Expect 6,858 '-- ./ I

More Students In Fall T h,• \\' 1>.:u nsin S t :atc

Un1\..-1 S1t1n >) ,1,·m coulll rm anoth,·, Ulll\Cf ~II) llC:\I fall the pr,•:w..• n1 >Ill' of WSU.Si.•vcns l'ouu

fh,· s~,t.-m off1,'t' m Ma,lison h ' j'l\llh thJI JJrmnis t r.itors art 1ncrJ1u1i: '° enro ll an tUi111ah'li 6 l:158 J1td1tiona l stuJrnt s in l ~o\) , · l n s1,•ad of Opl'n ing anotlwr unwcrsity, however . thl')' ,..111 11rondl' for th t :added , 1uJ,·n 1s at t he prncnt nine U111\' l'IS IIICS, th ree h r.in ch campus.·, and :a ncw freshman ~·a rn11us t o b1: opcntJ lit l\k.lfo,d To la\ cnro l1 n1rnt next fatliHstima ted al 65,100.

If all th;: addi tional studcn1 s d1d ,·nroll ai a new universit y. it ,,. o uld han- :?. 165 fresh man . 1.688 SO l'homore,. \ ,24J J un,oh. 1.008 seniors, 678 i;r~duatc Studtnts and 76sp,:dal ,1ud,•n1s,,f1 1d Robert W. Winter , JS )1Stan 1 Jirccto r of sta le 11111,cr!>ltics for busint's:i and f111 .1nc,•,

To tt>ach and sen·c,. thcaddcd sruJt>n ls. 1hc WSU system has r equ,• s1cJ ap1uova\ of an ~dJ1tional 480 fatuity ml'mbcrs and .166suppo1tini;s tarf.

The WSU syst1iu this }'tar is

th\' fith laf8cSI in the nation in full t ime tnrollment. The· t:ii:ptc ttd growt h of 6,858 in s tudt nt populatio n in 1969 is ntarly eqm1I to the comb ined c n r o llm e nl thi s yc1r a t WSU-S up;: rior and WSU· H. ivcr Falls. The number is l:arger than the populatio n of ei ther o f l hl' ei t lt's o f Spa rt a or Shawano. It is a lmost as largeu t hcc nro ll111tnl al the Uni\'t-rsi t y o r No tre Dame.

Becau se the gro wt h was .'.lnlicipatcd by 11bnnt1s, t hl' sys iem will co rnpktc anJ o pen I S new ::icadt111ic bu ildings or aJdilions in 1969. It will also open two new food Sl' rvicc build ings. three new reside nce halls and two fl'side ncc hall additions.

E n rollm e n t c s t im:lt ts .:11pproved by lhc Coord inating Council for Higher Education fo r Septtrnbe-r 1969 a,e : Ea u Cbirt 8.090, U Cros.sc 6,1 10 , O s hk os h 12 ,430 ; Pbttcvillc S,46S , Rivtr Falls 4 .)9S,Stc\'ens Point 7.60S .Sto ut (Menomonie) 4,87S. S up e rior 3.685, Whitcwu c, 10,360. B1;111ch campuses: R ice l :ikc 4 S0 . Fo nd du L:ic 460, Richland Center 425 and Mcd fonl I SO.

~ · Oudoou By D1ve Crthorc

Tht recent NB C- TV produ.:tion . "The l ions arc Free.. d rcw some poin ttd conlraslS between !he luxuriant freedom o f t he "Born Free" pride of ho ns in Kenya, :and t he relentless pacing of a young honl'~ in a 10':ii: 12' zoo cage. I c:m 't remember having seen a stronger protest against zoos on na tiona l television, and perh.:11ps ii is ti me t he subject was bro u ght up for public consider.i t ion.

wildlirc refuges should cont inue to keep the Department o f the Interio r under close scrutiny, Fo r every man who look~ at t he la nd and sees o nly the fm andal and political succus it might b ring him if it were ex ploited . there are 3 hund red who look at 1he land and sec rest . relaxa t ion . beauty. fascinating wildlife, and relief from th l' antlikc cxistcnct in the ci t ies. Wt must strive lo assure t hat the wi\1 o f the majorilywillprevail.

"Weare hu1111)' that Di . Chen has b\'tn a consultant fo r ,cvcral 11cw libra ries and an analyst to, such 01icratiolls," 1he Jean uid. " It will be helpful for ' uias we make o ur transition into a new enl1u geJ building." ·

Before coming to t he United S l ues in 19S6, D1 . Che n received his B.S. and l'h.D. dtgreu in libra ry scic ncc and librnr)' cdu c.:u ion fr o m Kanw Univcrsit)'. an Ivy League ins titute 'of higher learning in China.

11.e was o n": senior supl'rvisor of higher cduc.i tio n and libu rics 11 t he lntc111ational Coo pfration Administr.il ion (now the U.S. Ag e n cy for I n ternatio nal De ve lopment). He also hu 11C r.·i:d as profeli$0r o f cduca1ion, J ean of summer school and directo r or lhc library in v:ar iou~ univcr~it its in the Repub lic o f China .

After l>r. Chen c:lmc to l hc United Sh ies. he rc11un,•d to school for forlher po~t ·gra<iuate st uJy. lk ho lds 111ash:rsd,•gn:cs, M.S. , M.A .. a1KI M.S.l.S .. from Vir11 inia Po lytechnic l nstilutc, New York l!mvcrsil)' ~nd Co I um b i :i Un i,· e , sity, 1cspc,1ivcly,

l ie reccivcd a i.lot·tora t,• in ed ucat ional allministf"Jtion w1 1h twel ve academic honou at l'tnns)'lvani3 Slate Unl\·crsily.

l'teviously , D1 . Chen servi:d ai;

dircelo r of thl' hbrary , 1irofessor of education and fore1gn stuJeul advisor at Wesl Virgin1:1 l ns1i1u1e o f Technology, and director of the l ns t ru c1io n:al Mate ria ls Ctn ler a l the S1:itc UniverS1l)'Of New York .

Among Dr. Chen's books :ire "A St ud y o f Populat ion in Asi:i," "From Near East 10 Far East ," "From T urh tan to Fo 11110sa," " Fo rmos:i ,As I S« lt ,"and "Co llecteJ l'o.:ms."

Hi s book "Originals o r Orient31 Pcopks" won the national Chint!ie Citat ion o f Merit and Ch e S I 0.000 li terature Awa,J for Srholars.

He rcctnt ly has wr illcn "Bibliothtrapy ," on a nl'WI)' Jevc\oped field of libr:i r)' science. A number of copies have been re11uesh-d by both the U.S. Libr:i ryofCongrcs:sanJ thl' New York Stat e EJuc:ition Dcpartmtn t ro, distributio n .

Dr . Chen also is inten:sted in translat ion from l~nglisb inti> Chinese and vie,· versa . ""Thl' First Disco\·cry of America" by Dr. Betty J. Meggers of lhl' Smit hsonia n l ns li tuh· h3s lwen transta ted by him from l:n&lish inio Chinese anJ 1mblished in Taiw.iin ,China.

Fo r hobbies he tnJoys photograph)', espfcially d)'e transfer anJ color pho cogr:iphy, lie has ex hibi ted pholograpluc work1 o n SCH'l"Jl C'Jmpuscs :and somchavcbcenpubhs hcd in life :and look ~fagazines.

He is manitd and has l wm sons who were born last foll .

On Button A Negro will teach new

· ·S tevie t he Poi nt e r ," cou1Sl'1 in t he his to ry o r black I o n g lini e mascot o r Americans 10 beoffc~d for 1he WSU-Slcve ns Point , has been first tim e next fa ll a l re,cre•1cJ ill the form o f a lapel WS~;51j~~~~:ott , Franklin , a

: 1~::; a'::i~:~n~f the school'• native of Mtr idian, Mia., and 11

Ri c k Fred e r ick, alumni [:~!t ~c:=."1!;~ ~! 'is :~: ::f; ~~~·:~c"~~cdt~\•SlJups!!,~'::: member o f his race ln the WSU which has a membership pin . It :::;11~:n~ will hand le s uch an shows the dbg si ning on his hin!.1 llis cour11C will be

I st udy o f

}:~ "ann~ W:,;~~~·n;:•~:. 'iri':":~: Ntgro Americans of the 20t h alu mni aSlOdation ihould be centur)' a nd their impsct on 1ha1 as well 15 a center for sock ty . A second class 10 bc i nfo rma l ion , prova ms and Uught by Dr . Arlen Fowler will

:~~~~~1ic ch.:11 llcnges," Frederick ~:n~l;':.l:~ t j;~I~~ ,{:rr;1(}(),~~:'.

~;:ti:::;~:~··~;~!!£}~ 1\~ f ~f ttl1,t~'1f ti;it ~~~!~;e / i~E~ IEpi ~~ : r~~!~~E:.,;·07~~:0

:c~:0~:~-1~';::n:5::::: he ho pes t he pin will rcprcK nt t he St ates. these advancc,mcnts. Dr. Franklin believes I here

Says Regulations On Mass Media May Be Harmful

In !he 111cmbfrship dr ivt now are advont~gcs fo r Negroes 1o underway, his o ffice is teach his to ry of their nee but


:~cri,~1~ '~s::~:! caulions them not to deve lo p ~

:,~ .. ~nbes,~lverFr!J~:icklo ,e;~~:: rno~~~~ o~ ~~~::~~c~inl. out that Slcvic will become known ii IS a lcgilimate field or st udy in 11 11 paJts of t he world where wh ich had its beginn inp a hair

alu~;::n~r~o;:i:c~K) receiving :in ~~ntt~?A!g!i:i~~~ ~~~ t~~ustti;~

A s 11c,•ch 111 ofcsso1 31 WSU--Stl'\'CllS l'om l repoflcd to his coulll crpall s convcnini 111 Clucago that some pwgramming u·gu lalio ns 1mpo~d o n raJ,o and 1ckv1sion broadcastns 1113)' be ha rmful 10 llw publu; inll'rest .

J ames Wc so lowsl1' s con11m•n 1swtrl' ill a 113p,·r ' "TIK' l) \·vclopmu1 1 of l'ublic libel'" offcrt J in Decl'mbn to 111,·mbn) o f t he S1i.:cd1 Assod~ t1011 or Amer ica.

The 1epo 11 cJ:plam\'U rn,earch o f th,• Fedcnl Cum111unicat io n's in lcr.'l'nt io n o n pu blic lib\'! caso.•s s i nce 1918 anJ the FCC " Fairness Doc1rine' . to l>L· 1,•s1,•J soon b)' the U. S. Su prellll' Court.

lf'ap111oveJ. Che FCC would, be alluweJ t o co ntinu e c11forccmcn1 o( rules OJI the broadcas tin g inJu Hry. Wesolowsk i JiugrccJ becau~ "we wi\l gl' I evtn be t1 cr11u1l1t)' br~dcaste,s if wt expect lhl'III to be pro fr ssional and esla blish thc irown e1hks."

S1u:ci(ic11ly, he said the Nat i o na l A ssocia t io n of Hro1 J castcrs wanl and sho ok.I bl.' abll' to aL1 as its ow11 regulato r instrad of th\· govcrnme n1 . Ill' believes 1ha1 whl'nt\'fl libels o ccu,. 1he persons affected should sta rt k:ga l 3ct ion , instead of 1he FCC.

FCC imposed regulations would he a Jctnrcnt in t he ethical ma turit y of the ioJustr)', headdtJ .

Wesolowski. who joined lhc Stevens Point State fa culty earlier th is ynr. said the FCC

~~finite i~u1c!9a6n~ n~~k/~~bnl!~

alumni Jecal llnd numero us o f Neg,o life and llisto, y.

obl~ 1~:~~~~·:~caft:~~':.;wed the a!OOcia llo n 11ublica11ons. ~;1:J~d k)e,i:;:r:'cr i.?~"~~ tsot~:~

proposals as uneol'lli t i1ulional and aJticulate volccs p~eacb~

fr'~~~~~1~1~'~\~:~spr,..!ion~(T1~~/! Fa b j an O Displays ~': sa'w~efiu or Negro histo ry ,



1r9lr A rt In Ken Os ha Fr:·~:ri:iv!d!i:te~f:a·n "D~: leading co mmunicalion ex pecte.d I O promote netw ork1 had Joined the A o ne ma n show o f d rawings, und.crstandmit o n the . Part of 1csistana:. Action on the matter painting :.ind ·coqs1ruc1ions by w hi les o f th e plight o f is CXJ>el' lcd in !act 1969 or early Daniel Fa biano is on display th is Afro-American s.'" Quo1ing the I 970. moll th :.it the Kellosha · Public words of an edi tor of lhe Ncg10

Th,· F('C alltmpts come Muse um. The show consists o f publtcat ion, ··Ebony." he sa id: Je spilc i1s handling o f on ly J O 11bout 40 pieces of work done "By sins of commission a nd pe rsonal hhcl raSl'S in JS years. thl' pas1 year. Mr . Fabiano is omission,bywordsnid,but also ,\11d llw 1nelhod! of dea ling wil h cu rrently an instructor in design, by wo rd s no t said, facts 1hl's.: ,·as.;,s ha~e been diverse and drawing and painting at WSU • conveniently owcrlookcd and 5eve1..-, Wesolowski S3id . Stevens Poinl . The museum is images suppressed, the Amer ica n

lk rcp<>1 ted t hat in 1hc early open 8 :1 .m. to noon and I to 9 school has made the fourth history o r bro.:11di;asting. lkcnsi:es p.m. wcckday1, 8 :a .m. to noon R-racism-- the g1ou11d or its gui lty o f 11ubllc libel wtre 1ulc,J S3turdays and 2 lo 4 p.m. traditional 1hret H. fare ." o ff the :air. Severa l such c.ascs Sundays.

~~curcdS~ ~r~rn:c N~~u~~ :hi~~ ,-.-,-"<1_0,_11,.-· -ll-,·~-,I0-,,-,,-.,,-,,-1 " Ho wever, the ,·0Ju111e o f

matr11al on the Ntg10 which has come out rceen1]y is lu rge. Dr . Franklin said, a nd many progrusive school 'Systems have co mmissioned • wo,k s :ind adoplcd tex ts rc le\·an1 10 1hc divenity or American life."

:#~~~sl:~d pr~~·~nt;i~:~~ r~~!~ Bcren's Barber Shop l'Ublisbingin tlu: fu turc.bl.•cause h,· had published scurr ilous ma 1erial in the past. arc un1.·onstitut ional prio r restra in ts o n hctdom of the press.

Thn,e Hiir~n, \'ou m,1~· he rn:.1:t l' h .. 11(': J...l,l,4!)3f\

j\'. , •.,1 tu ~po11 Shnp lie emphasizes that educators

co1~~1i~~~l~~io~\'i;Jt:~,;~~~: i!;!;;;;,;;;;;;i!'!l~;;;i!!!;!!!)!li!]!!!!!!!!;!!'!l,!1]!!!!;;:;iii';;;;;,;;;;,,;l;;;/i;,;;;;;;;ii!!!l :fc!~!trsut~~~f~\~ t~:d~::tn~ ~ ' p1actice o f vilification in o ther ri media, his chances of receiving ~ , thc lkensc u cslim. Yi ·


N~t~J ~ tsl:ho ~ r:ec~ i:~n: ? socia l sccum y benefits 3ft


WANTED Social Security l ( Benefit Students .

rt>mindt'd thal tht)' must carry

F It M b :11 least 12 nt>Ji1s in order 10 ~ ~ a CU Y em er s conl inui: receiv"ing benefi ts. Any ~

:1::'~~;f.,'!~;~~ ~rr/)~"~~o~ \


ot th e

Present Recita I ,o,..,,;~::;::;e, ' Two mu sic d epu tmcnl

fa~u\1y members :it WSU.Sttvcns Po int will present a recital Wedne sday n ight in Main Buildin& 3udilotium. T he evtnl will begin al 8 p.m. and be open t o t he public without chaigt .

seven yc:ll'SIS principal flutist with t he hckson Symphony, Mobile Symphony, Memph is Sympho n y and Me r idia n Symphony . A l presen t . Westbrook is dircc1or. of 1hc Univerli1y marching band. lhe conctrt band and profcSSOf or flu te.

Summer 1969: $S3S indud11 Ponom Jet trao,portotion, 10 doy tour, 45 doy . meol and lodg ing cord . You lrov1! whe re you W'Gnl to. Wril1: Ke ith k u-lo1<h, Bo• 743 Colle9nill• Minoesolo 56321.

) __ _

RED LANTERN Coll 341-1 4 14 210 l1odore l

need IO be mmdCul o f J commilmen l to the whole truth . and lo be aw11 re of t he po,,.cr o f t r uth lo ,cform ou1n10di·d lnstilutionJ anJ t o buikl ntw,•r o nes on a fi,me, :inJ 1110 , r t nduringbasls.

In • memorandum chis mon th . t o S tevens l'oi nt fa ..: ully

mcmbcn, rc11uciling lhl'm to 1pprovc thl' new councs. Ur . Franklin ind Dr Fowler wrot e-: " We arc cogni1.ant,Jus.l 115 many o ther s, th at a11 his101ical pcrs11ec11vc co ukl possibly prCl\'ldt the intellectual ham fur the event ual l'csolution of some or our monumcn lal sociJI problems. Wt should e mphasi 1.c. howeve,, that t ht ( OUISC S WC propose ,.. o ukl no t be a n fXct r1sc in propaganaJa . Wc,11c intc,t~tl'd m the pursuit o f1ruth ..Stlusivcas it m.iybc . bul tobe o blwious o f t he 1,os:ublc social ef(c,;ts or t he unadultcut ,•tl truth is to be naive:·

Stevell5 Point Sta t,• has h~.,_·n a leader m pru rnoling acadrn11c s tud ies o r black 1' !.0l'll', a cco rd111 i; to the Sute D e p artment o f l'u blic l nstru ..: 11o n. A spoke!>man from there 1cpo11cd reccnll)' !hat an inslltull' held h,· re las t year on "1'heTeachmgand l'rea l nl\'nt of Che Negro in An1l'rican lhstclry" was 1hc f1rs1 o r 1u kind conducu:d by II Wisconsin schonl or higher learmng

FOR SALE! New cond11ion. pro feHion­ol model 8uff1t Clorinel. Model l!: -1 3, 1ove over $ 100. Rondy S,ott, 402 'It She rman, Wou101,1 , Winon­sin 84 S-8943.





NEWST A'\TI 1 136 Mo in St.

N uit to the Fox Theatre

Ccrl:ainl)' the presentation of w ildli fe in antiquated and c vil ,smcUing zoos does litt\c to foster lo ve and respect for nature , and cvtn 1hc e nforced eas)' living and security afforded


anim:als in t he modem zoos is of doubtful value. A wild animal in a cage is "o ff sit e", :and l hc

~:r~~~gi~~ p~fvi~·:ircs~~il~~~

Do.goode rs take note ! II appears that an obviously deranged young man some ho w got possession of two( !). pistols and attempted to .:nassmatc a public oHicial whik he was passing in a motorcade. Th.c amazing t hing is t hat l h'5 ba p pened n o t in the frecdonMid den :ind "v iolent '. Uni ted St ales. but in the Soviet Union. one o f the n,ost rig idly controlled societies on lhe face of the earth. II would see m that even the repression or the Soviet slate cannot deter unbalanced individuals from obta ining firearms and allcmpting to kill pcoplt they do no1 likc .

Donald Grl'Cnc. dcpartn.cnt chairman , will play !ht claricn t and James Westbrook . flu1e . Work s or. the composers Francois Rassc. Handel. Busser , Louis Mo)'se, Howard Hanson, Brahms and Henri Dut illcu:,: \\'ill be perforn1cd.

"What did you say your name was?"

l~\ - \\ An animal in its natural habitat has to work fora living,docsnot have1ve1erinaria.ninconstan1 attendance, and is subject. t~ many dangers. but .:111 least II 1s where ii belongs.

II is fooli sh t o speculate whet her lions, for inst:incc, arc "happie r" in zoos or oi:i t~e pl:ains o f Africa. The pomt ,s that t he lion cvotvcd in Africa­there isa place fo r him thnc.an ecologic:a l niche. If we wish t o stud)' the lion, even foc.:11n hour, we sho uld study him in his ho m e. Te lev isio n . modern t ransporta t io n, and motion pictures a n make t his possible.

Much mqie can be kuncd from a well-made film narrated b y a biologist _ 1h:1n can be Jcu ncd from any amount of t ime spent wal ching a caged lion

r:c:,:~u~i:,haatrcis :: :~~~~= out hcrt?

The currcnl fw or over the co n firmation o r A laska's Governor Hicke l u Seae11ry of the Interior is foo d for t hought. Some conservationists say that he 'will bvor busineu interu t1, a nd allow them to u pk> it. public b nd 10 the det riment o r outdoor recreation and wUdliCe .. Othen favor giving Secretary Hickel to prove by his actions 1h11 be has l hc public interest at heart. 1!1 a ny casc,. t he fact .t hat hu o pinions o n COJUCn'!tJOn were questioned isa good sign.

T hotc o r us who would lite l o see so me w ild c rneu

~~~;dda'bo~t~e ::1:1,:~~ o w national pub, forests, and

Onc wonders what su~ccss we in the United States ,riight have j n t ry ing to prevent such ocwrcnces. Pcrhops the Sovie1s could wo rk to clur@e the conditions which inspire )'oung socialists 10 kill thdr leaders. Perhaps the Americans could try to alleviate 1he causes of mental illness and crimc, ra thcrthanuse privalC firearms ownership as a cheap and cuy sc.:apegoat . A gun is a dangero us thing. to be sure, but it is curiously lifeless and Inert when no l di rected by t he hands and mind o fa man.


Piano accompainsts wilt be J udith Brown and hck Cohan.

Greene. who ean1c hen: in 1967.isagraduateof~hcate Co llege at Mansficld ,' Pa . d the Eastman School of . usic at Roc hester. N.Y. He is currently

th!nla! ,~ 'a':Scgt!:~~c ~~~1{ :al

Uc has appeared as guest conductor, adjudicator , and clinician throughout New Yo rk Su t c and Wisco n s in~ lie o rganized t he WSU Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Stage Band .

Westbrook is a graduate or the Universily of southern Mississippi and the Universi ty of Missiuippi. lie had about 10 yea11 of teaching upcricncc o n 1hc high school. college and univcrsi1y levels in Mississippi bcforccomi11£hcrc last fall.

His professional career coven ,



Now Avoiloble ot the Gridiron for only $10.00



U,e meal ti,~et anytime - low on Saatch

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SPORTSWEAR 1/2 Original Price

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'tr\\ '"" """-. . ~· ~: " _ (/ C\' girls. lucki ly for you. we put instruc-tions on self-defense in every package of Hai Karate ' After Shave and Cologne. But'even so, please be a little careful how you use it. A good soc~ llfe is fine, but the way you're going you'll be too ba ttered to enjoy it.

Hai Karate-be careful how you use it. I = ............................... L--~~~~~~~~~~~ . .J

Page 6


From Congressman

To Cabinet Memher ...

From Marshfield

To Washington •••


' ' January 30, 1969

Central Wisconsin Honors· t

Melvin Laird At WSU (\·ntral Wis..:onsin honor,·,I

it s lon~·lltm: r..-r,rcs.:n1at1w M..-h'in L:urJ ;u the ~SU Fidl hou~· Jan. I ! . A linl· ,11' ,.,,..rJ .v.1$hlll}!lV IISl!IUl·nt>i:r•·l'led L.11rJ as lh<:)' cntl•r,·J lupr,..-r r1i:h1) . Th,• prOj! laru ":I)

atlnllkJ b) S1'natnr G:1)•1'11tl N..-hon. Cov,•rnor W:11n·n Kncw, k ~. WSU l'n:s1,.k111 I.e..· S. ()1qfus. :iuJ numerous Ol h.:r dri:1111:ilin l'r,·siJ,·nl K1ch~rJ N1,on aJJn•S!i.•J th,· cr(l."'J b) ' telephone . An ROT(.' hunor i;uarJ (miJJk rll!htJ wu on haud. The Lo11rJ fanul} (left ) said ihci r far..-"rll . "It's I\OI i:ooJ-t,y··. !he new S..-cn•tary of Ocfrn~insis1.:J . lk!i.1io.l he "'as ,ucrdy moving to :i Jiffrr..-11 1 offi .. o.c amf wouW t>unlinuc lo SC'.rn the 1work or cential Wisconsin .

Photos An'd Copy By Mi~~ Dominowski


January 30, 1969

' '01:TII I' \I I K 1'1:owr •·i~ F'T T r C'r.1wford S 5.<:; ZI Z:i , ~k,· :; :! ·I> l:? ll•,•km• ; J.1 l i

r .. ~.·:1~"'0" ; ~:~ .. ! J:n,lrndl S 2-Z iS U /.:w;,n-.,n I 11,,) 2

'NTAI.S J. :!v-:?!l 9S

~Tt: \ ·· :~S I '11'.'' T

:;:;~1:·:11 . t ~: Tl~ T RJtuU\h,11,r 1-1 1.1 J ,, ~';111" :!•:J 11 \ .. ,n,kn !1, 111.d 0-1 10 I~ lt1tz,n01.,kr o-:: ii ci,,, .... 1s 1-2 1:. W,·~\ph.\l 1 1·1 J lh'nnini,: I 1-2 9


Xt11th f".uk ~O 1S -.t ,·1 • 1b f'.,,,,t 1!1 :J~ S6 1', ,:.,I , .. 111, l',11k !6 Pmnt ZO. F,,..t.,t vu l . 1J,,1.um . \',uuJ.:n· lku1al

14 .Students

,\ rwwly form,:J national honorary foi.:nsk (111 lcrml y d 1J1•t ,•1 JIIJ US 14 Ch:111<'1 nn·m lJ<•n ...,, .... mst:ilkd 1n 1,,r111JI c,:1<·mom,·s 1-fonJa)' Jt WSU--S1,·vcns l'o1n1

Mu ~·h:ip1n1•f l'1 Kappa De ll a and 11s ::iff1l iah·s 1,,,·r,· r,·ee1vc,I int o uw1uh1•1shipat 5 11111. ,n th,· l> l: 8 0 1 (' L· nt e r Luung,: b)' l'iofrswr Cran• Walsh. 1:Ju Clauc , go,·cn1or o f the I'll;!) Upp1•r Mmii.sip1•i 1'10\'IIICC. wsu l' r,·s1,lcnt Lee Sherman 1>1cyfus w1tld,:hvc r hridrc1113r\.: s.



11 29 MAIN

Book Includes One Chapter By McKinney

··Th,: Glo be AnJ Its Uses:· a cl1Jptcr for the book .. ~k1h0Js of Googr.iphk lnstiuc1io11·. "'a s wmten by Dr. Wlllfam M. MdUnn ty. 1irofcuor o f i:.:og r:111hy ll l ·WSU-Slcvcns Po int.

Dr . Mc K1nn ,·y·s chaptn 111vo!ves a hrid his to ry of ~lot)(' u~uge . l'ritcria fo r choosing glot>cs. the us.: o r i;lobc1 in 1n,:asu r,• m,: n1 and ,l 1recl10n, lht h,:mi s ph,:ri.:a l to n ct pt , 1llt1111nu1 10n of th\' tt lo h.: , advance.I 111a1hema11ca l 1opin with th,: i: Job;.•. 1hc s11bsobr J1Qi11 t . lcnglh of daylight anJ t im,·.

• D,en






This Satt1rd11)' cv.:1111111 w1U be- one of 1hc: key games in 1his haskctha ll ~ason for Che 1'01ntcnwhen II tough Stout squad, pic:ked ~~i~~~ of t h.: nmc coat hl'S to wm th,: cham11ionship. Invades Stevens

111 overall hJlane,: , the l'omt,:rs have th,: ctlt1e, hut they will have 10 ron1am the Hluc Devi ls' grc~t uio of Mel C'o lcm;in, Bill ll dJrm~nn Jn,1 Ca l Glo\,:r to ooruc out v1c1orious.

In th ,· fu st 111Cl' t111g, of the )·.::i r bct..,,.tcn the 1 ..... 0 teams. the l'omh·rs play,:J thnr best garuc of 1hc'yc:ir to da te . The l'om ters Sloppc,I S1ou1\ flUtcnt fos1 tir.:ak anU playnl tha t 1khbcr.uc kmd of ba ll that hnmaJc thcmso$Ucc,·ssful th is year.

T he home l'OUl1 aJv:1111::igc shoulJ help thl' l'oin ters some. but it ""'I ll 001 mean much unless the, ,· Is a big, LOUD. crowd . I .:an't l'mphas1ic cooui;II ho" 11rnd1 11 rn,:an1 10 the rl:iycts lo tu.,·e the CIO"'J behinJ lhc111 \'Ol.llly :mJ 1101 iu'st phyMc:r ll y, So this SaturJ:iy, take m lhe i;amc h,:fore )OU Jo 1h,: hats, anJ'Cll t:Ek I.OUDLY fo r a fin,· l'ointe, b:i!>kc1ball t,::r m th:it )'Ou should be rrouJ 10 have as youro ..... n



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. All You Can Eat!


Acron from "Old Moin'"

Chi<ken Mondoy

Fis h Fry Tuudoy

$1 .39

.. $1.39






Point '5' Rallies To Wallop Titans

By Tim Lasch WSU-Stc vcns Po int ralhcd In

Thcsi:oond halfaftrr a slow fln t hllf and Jdealcd UcfcnJing champion WSU- Ushkosh, 7S,62. 1n u to nfcrcncc dnh on Tuesday.Dcc. 1 , at O,h\.:osh.

The win kt:p l the l'mn1cr1 in und~putcd posseuion of fiu1 place wit h a 6.0 conkrencc mark anti 10-2 over.a ll . SeconJ p lace S10 11t , which invaJu S1evc-ns Pomt th is Saturday, st ayeJ only one game bl:hmd by whipp rng E.:iu Cbirt, who dropped to 1hirtl place.

The whole game wu a ra thl'r loosdy pluyc-d :1 ff111 by both teams as they 11.·ue ttuilty of nume rous turnovers. although 1he l'orntcn playcJ much belle, in the l::ist 1cn minutes when 1hey finully coo\.: charge of thcpmc.

S1<•vens Point was very tight m th,: ol)Cning minutes of the Oshkosh dash and the Tu , ns j11111p,:d out to a surpr isi n,- 16-4 katl 111 thefirst sevcnminutcsof play. Oshkosh hi t on c~h t of l h.:ir first th11tct 11 fickl ·jlOJ] attempts whik the l'o intns couki muster only on.: fic:JU gOJ I in t ht; rirst seven minutes

The 1'01nlen soon began to finJ the r:mi:c . how,:vcr. J nU shot wtll over !he Titans· ,on,:, cspec1ally '°rhomorc i:11a,J 011 inn V :in den ll cuval Vandcnlkuval hit on 6 of tus !list 7 shots 111 the half. mos! o f 1 hem from long rJng\' Co-Captarn l'alh1c1 C'lcoll'nts cam,: off the bench to s1•arl. th,• comeback h)' ronn,.•1.1mi: on 1h1ccof fou r long Juniper)

St,:ven'> Pou1t finally took 01·e1 the l,·jd ""'ith only J JO left 111 the half on ~ iump,•r hy Vanlil•n lkuval. Oshkosh caml· out of t ho::11 ,.on,: Jcfcn!il.· afl,•1 the l'oinlcri took the leaJ hu1 the l'omteu 1uanai:ctl IO hokl on 10 :i narrow :?'J-17 katl at th,: half. •

V:rndcn lkuvJlkJ th,: l'oint.-r a\lack 111 the hJlf w1 1h I~ IICHnl5 on six o f 1<·n f1clJ jloals 'I lw Tita ns 6-7 B1l1Scl111.J1t1 Jl!>0had 12 Jl()111ts to leaJ Osh\.:u~h . anU it w::is l:11gcly h1~ shoo1mi: m the early 1101njl Iha! kd th\· Tit ans to their ,:arl)' cJg,·

TotJ1 K1t tcnth alc, fs\Ot hot ro, 1he Pointers in 1hc sco:ond half and the 1chabk Ckmenu again c:unc into the pme to spnk StevcnsP01111

The Titans made on,: la:.1 th!cat, narrowing t he gap 10 scvfo at 58-5 1 with 7 4S kft , bul Clemcnu snuffctl that rally by connect ing on two s11~1ght

· 20 foot Jump shou

Tom R11zcntha lcr JlOUfCd m 16 poin ts in the !<:cont! half to finish high for lhC' pmt wuh 2~ points. hutilli on II o f IS 1tu:rnr1s Clements w.is 1cd ho t and poured 111 8 of 12 shots for 16 poin'6 Co -C:ap!am Mik e llughcs haU JIIOlhcr stcatly1•111t.· for the l'omtcrs. ga thcrllll! 16 rcbound5 1md to taling 12 roinu.

V11mkn llcuv,11] con1.cntia1 ed on playmakini: and 1cboundini: in 1he !<:cond half anJ finished wilh IS point s ~nd JJ r\·boun,.u. as the PorntcrshcJJ a w1dc 4K ,J I rebountllngedgc in theg.,m,

Stevens l'oinl ~hol a f1111• 4f>.1 for llu: uen111, on J I of h7 utcmp1J,wh1lc the Titans h11 ~b of61,a 3118nmk.

lhc loss t11oppctl Oshl. .. ~h into la~I place wnh Wh1t,·wJh'1 m l he WSUC, Wt l h :a 1,6 "1 Jfl 111 confcrenc,: play ,

SINKING THE TITAN-IC! . ~n ~,·•:~s 1•o"T

1•1u,,• r •·c, 1-· 1 1·1· H UJ:h U ... 6 (I.:; I." T R1tt,·nU111 lr1 8 6·11 DcFnu\\ . 2 2·J Varnt,·n tlt·111·a1 6 J·J 1:, K Hll1.,·11thall'I' l l -3 C'k11wnlJ1 ii 0.11 I•, lh-n11h1i,: 0 l•I I W1•11 lph:1I . 0 O,h 0

TOTALS 31 13·:?1 ;~

OS IIK 0:-: 11 P ... r,·r t ·1, FT Tl ' V,·r Cowc. 3 Rar(' J ~:~ ~ SC'l,wartt 9 1-2 .:" R rhm ~ J ,:? M11lone i ,., ;\111!,'1 I :?,:t Young 1 o.() 1 Smith ........ , 0 l-1 l Kl rlnschmldl 0 0-1 () H >ltl ................... 0 0-0 0 Simon . 0 /) ,/) 0 1.,o(',t ..... 0 IJ.n O

TOT,U..S ....... 211 JO-Vi 62

Placement Opportunities College of l:Jt11':lt1on - J uue Jnd Augusl graJu;itcs. Jrc rl'UHnJ,·,I

o f the 1ntcn·1cw Sthcllul.: ..,.h,eh h,:gmi; fcb . 3. S~n-ur .:hr hoJrll) :ire tl15 pla)'cJ rn the Umvenuy l'Lu:c111rnt Ccnlcr for patlu::ilm~ seniors. on eamrus. or adJaccnt. to lloli:\n ur for in1crv11'"'S, Ll).\S 01 vac:inck·s. rcport,•J Ii>· 111JJC1r, :u,· rost.:J for the rc11i,:" of 1hos.: intch·s1cd

StuJcnts who S11,\11 ur for m1cr11l'"S arc n·m1nJ,•t1 of 1h,· 1rnror1anc,: of nwct111~ IIJ<:1r sd1nliik,J 1111.:f'·1e11. on ti111,: ,and l',,.•111.,: suitab ly pn.•rar,•J for th,· rn1,•n11·"

lnab11i1y to meet lhc ;ippo111tmcnt shoukl b,,· r.·110ri.-,I IO Hi,· Pbccml·n1 C.:n11•1 as ,•arly 35 possible. ,\11y studcllt "ho ,to~·s mu have ;a pll1.:c1111,•n1 fok/c r rcatl)° for the rc,·1e11. of 1h,· tdk)ol oflicia1. musl Jo so h,:for,• sch1·J11hni: tlw int,•n1e"' I mploymi: 01 ftdJI\ hJ•c rc1111cs1cll t111s s..-1'\'ict• so that J fil,: 111a)· he r.·1i.:11.eJ t-1'1'01<· 1h,· m1,:rvic11. . Stu<knlsshoukl chn·L lh <.· oomrleuon of th,•1r fik.

('reJ,•nllals arc not 1sS11,oJ from th,· l' l.u:,:me nt C't•nt,:111.uhout 1h,: :it11hori.ul1on of the S1u1knt A form 15 pro\'IJeJ 10 rnvrJ the nam,· . rosmon :anJ lo,:ation of l hc schoo l ofl'ki:il to "hom .:1cJ,:nt1Jb J(,·

10 bl' issucJ Th,: stuJ,•111 )1i:ns this 1.:,1ucs1. ( 'onh1knti;,I r!:l.:e111cru


~:.~,:.r:t"rl ) oY th,· Umvm1t>, l>ut 1,sul .. l onli,' ~1th

Fach stutlcnt shoulJ L,•,:p a f'C<'Or<l of wh,•re cr,·J,•11t1:1ls ha1·c hl:,•n 1i.sucJ and 3rrJIIJ!,: w1lh th,• l'laccuM.'nt C'cn lt·r for th,• r,•.:::ill of Jll) crctl,·111111\s froms.:l'ioob "11,•n nolan act1wt-an,l"IJI<'.

h IS ver y 1111portan1 thal till' pl:Jcc1u<.·r1t (',:111,•r t,,. 111for111,:d rromptl)' 11.hcn a posiuun ha) h,,:n accert\•J or 1f :i ~Jn,h11J1,· 1, no lontct av::iilahk fo r a t,·Jeh1n~ po11 1ion Wh<.•n th.: 01f1cial pL,~,·m;:111 form hJS b,:cn filkJ out hy th,: stu,knt . hi\ file 1t tlwn r.:nK11c,t floni 3Cll\'e Stal US 111111 nu loni:.: r maJ<.· a1a11JM<.· 10 crnrlo> mi: o ff1c i.rls

S,:nion arc in1it,•U 111 ,·all ~I tlw 1•1.,._,.m,•111 ( \•nt,•r lur JII) assrs1anccanJ ,,,:rv1ccs lh,·ofl1c,· i)ahk IOJl/011<1.: • l'o i~:~~~-~



~~ • Um\\•ait} l'l..tc,:ni•·n1 C\·nt.•r , ~ .!I l, . ~1~·1,:11:.

INT I-R VII WS , TrnlJIJV<· :>dt, .. luk J~ of JJII IS . Su11rt11n,·111Jr) s,:heJuksav~i\ahk 111\\m rc,1uc~t.

Mon, F,·h. 3 · \lnr.•n11 Vall,:)' Un1fk-J !,d111ol lh,tn,1 SunnrmcaJ. Cahfornu •I .00,4 ·00 I krn,•n tary : ,\11 pJd,•, . Jr. l l1i:.h Ari : l·ni:lish: C,•n Sl·1,•nw. lnJu,t11J I Aris: MJth,•ntJllO, l'h} I ,I. (Ciirlsl. S11:umh: Sp,.•dJI I ,lu.:, ll1,trkt. Sp,·~·.:h I h,·rJ111,1 . lh~h School. All . Bu5. I ,lu.:.; I ui:!hh. Sp;uush. l·n:nd1. llom,:

~~~;~!1!~i~~~;~;.r~n~::::h··: ~::11t~~.S~::l I::::· ,::~~{:. ~:~~·~::·:

W1s.-llo,.~.,,J W, s~-cmJn. Supl I 1•.m.·4 r 111 thi:h School. l'hy~1~~­Mathcm:ilics. l'o litkJ I So:n .. ,·. I kUk.'lltJr) An. l'h} . hlu .. ~11011 .

Tu,-s. 1:.:b. 4 l..Jon;, Joint Schoul DIM .. No. I. bonJ. Wis.-ll llWJnl W. Se,•m:an. Supt •1-nu,rn,

Wl>J .. J!<.•h . S. 11: irnhcil). \\1 .... •KJy II. llJUl;lnn. Supt. •1 :i .m.,4 !',Ill.

W,"U. f d•. S,hl~,.,1 .. 11 . \\"1~ • r,.. cnn,•th I-' . \\1Uiam,. Sup-t .. I ;\0 r .m.·5 11 .m.

Thuri;. 1-',·h, /,.('IS,\ \i:,·nq l\n c,. \Ir ft.:111 > \nJ.:n.on -( 'h11'f'c"~J Fall,. Wi,. , 10 J 111 . ..:i 1• .111 Sr,.·,·d, I IJ<:u11~ .

Thu,~. F,:h (,, lfacnw. Wi'- • \I r. W.1 chJ11I '-d)(JII. l)u UI l't·r~•nn\'l.'IJ.111-l p.111

F1i. F~·h :, -Wllha111 l<a111,·} lbq•.-r Cnlki:,•. I U, ( ,r,;i.•. 111 • John B11lhol1 'IJ 111-;\ 1•.m

Fu l·ch 7. fan,:~,1\k, \\ "'· - l· r,·d It , ll<1lt. Supt •1 a m.-l r 111. Mn11. F,·h. IO . MJn1tt""1c. Wi'- • C'. 1. Jon.,·,. Supt. •1;30 :a.m •. l

r .m. Mon. F .. ·h. 10 • \IJ1lr,,u 11 . \\ i,.,-\\1Jliaml• (;ardncr. A~ISI . D11.

l'crsonnd. •Ja.m. -411.,n. · i m•s f1·h . 11 - (,r,:,·n 8Jf. Wis.· hl11.m 't· Okh.Supt.. 'Ja.m.·4

p,111 • w,-..1.. i:..-t, . I~ • St . l'aul. Minn. • KidwJ 11:a lk:n, Supt. 1$:30

a .111.-41•11l W,:11., Fcl> 1~ · \\JU"Jll, \\' is.• \ lar~h:all R. T,1ylor. Sur,1 . 9

a .m.-.l: JO p.m. Lk111,•n1ary; SbnnJary:- ,\II ,\1c:is. Thurs. 1-'.:h . l.l- W:iusrn. Wis. · M:1tshall R. 'la ylor. Supt. 'J a.m.-3

p.m. a .u~!u~~;/~ · Bdo11. \\'fs. · Lyman B. OOOn. Aufs1 . Supt., 9

'rhurs .• F .. ·h. I .l - Arrklo n. Wis. • Orlyn A. Zieman. S.:c. C:urrkuh1111 ('ooulin~tor IJ ::i .m.-4 p.111. Ekment:iry: Secondary : All Arl•:as.

Fri. Fch 14 • W:iuk,:5ha. Wis. - l'aul Dybv3tl. Asst. Supt .• 9 a.m.4 r .111.

Bl• sure to check 111 t he Univcrsity Pb1.\:111('nt Cl•ntc r fo r lhc roliitionsav::iilablc in each school sysicm. if not lis tcJ above.


THE POINTER Page 8 January 30, 1969

Cagers Lose .To Eau Claire,. Drop Lead Defeat Ends Six Game WSUC Winning Streak

l·Ju t IJ1r.· ,lr,•1•1'•·•1 th,• ,·,.rnnh·"·,I \\1lhun,· l'.•1nh•1, h • .,.•,·,•n,I l'lJH' 111 1 h,· W11 h 1.1 :,,:~un,h k ll K,·n \\'Sl ll ' \\Uh J )IUnnm1•. 7S-MI K1tNnlhJk1 ,·.anm•J J 1u1111•~hr,I \'1.l,•1) un l',1111!') h"1m· 1!1>111 , hutJohnson1•ut th,·i:;1111,·0111,1( S.at 111,l.1), J ,111 .:~ , ...... :h \\I th J ~ho,t JUUII' ~ho1 .au,t

I Ii,· 1,1~ l'Ul 1lh' l\1mt,·1) .a lh.:n .a,IJ,:J t"'u fr.·,· lhrnw~ h.alf r,11n,· 1.._•Jnml ~1,,111 \\Ith J "lwn tlh' l'u1nt.' 1s "''"' ,\1tkJ t> •l 1,· .. 11,I .an,l,•11,l,·,l,1!>1\ ·µnu: r,,r .an 1111,·,111,nu l fou l Mih· "11111111)! ,11,·.al,,. 111 ,uul,•r,·n,·<' ll ugh,·~ \\J\ luuk:d ,II th,· huu,·r l'IJ) 'ih•Ut 1, 7, 1 111 ~unh·n·n~,· .and Jni1•11,·,l 111 t"o 11.:.: lhw"' s .a,lh•n IU m.11...: the )<'01<' .a mm.:

lh,• \\111 Lq•I I JU l'!Jn,• 111 10111.·i.:IJIJk. 7S•t>IS , I h ,. 1 u n n 1 1111, Io f t la• ' LJ II ) Stull o l the Ulug,ikb ,·hJmp100,ht1• ,..,111 ;,a \,1 h',u,i,I kJ h,•th kJUI> 111 i,:orini: l'llh

In tin• iu,l hJlf tlw l'nuu.-n :o 1'011\I S r· .. ., otlwr Hl11i:01J s kJ l•) J' mJU) J,nu,,•pomllJ) hit 111 llouMc t1i:mcs 1<.1 lh J,·11y tlw Hlui:,t•kh 1<.IIIILl,·J J1<.,1y al llui:hcs Jml I 1nJ••.') cJ,hj:•'ll1n~ thal kJIJ ... h,·n 111,• l'Olllkf ) 141'0IIIIS ,ulf<11<1,I thmut,:h ,ulJ ) l•dl lh,· 1',11111,:h ,,n,·,• ai;.am h.1J l!Jlf1m1,· lourul llll' Hlli6"kh 111 10111 nwn m Juubk hi:1110 .uut lh,• kJ,1 , .1h-.lS <Ilk' JUSI UllJ>.~IIIJl b) J 1"11111 , l•nt

1111 lh,· f1r)I h'II 1111nul,') ol JII f1H' \\t'I•' ,1:111,·r, Jt1J th,: tin- wnm,1 hJlf ,·1th,·, h'JIU ,ul>~\IIUh'S utJllJl'•'•I .. 111 , Ulk' ,.,,ul,,I F,JIII control OI r!J) ,.,,h 1"-1 1111 rurnhm,•J I Ju t ' l.111, u,1ull) h,•kl1ni: J K,•11 R111,·1uhak1 Jfhl \Iii,,,· 1'"0·1"ml 11:J,I l\ui:,h,·) k,l l',111111n,,;,>1 1n,1!'"11 h

l h,·111111m,1!1"<>1n l III th,·i:J1m· 1 1' r••lnl, JI'"·,,· l,,m <Jlll•' 1ulh 7 ,U.) k it ... ti.·n !<>L1'H' RU1''1l1hJl.t JnJ Ru J>., l kl JII\I J,,hnwn 1•111 1nJ,1iu1Juput th,· J,1,t,·,I I ! Jn.l l,·n l""n" IJlui:.,IJ, 111 11,,111 (•1-:'i~ \lh'f r,·, 1• ,•, 11,,·l) "h1k l..)umn i:••lllf ""' IUIIIUh') .. 1,h<1ut J \'J1hknll,•111Jl hJ.t 'I h<'lllr,·

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1'"1~1'/,1} ,.,/ 1\'f}~··,, 1;1

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Hockey Club Practices

For Game Jh,· "!II lt.1-h·) t luh hJ)

r,•i:un 1•1:., 11,mi: th1, ... ,·,·I,. -..1111 lh 111,1 ~JUI•' -.h,·Juk,I for I i.:h •I Jl!Jllhl !'II , urh,·1h nl U~l',11,: Jt(,ll,·rl.chdJJt :1,m

t'Ol!<>' Tl: n.: l•'C, l·vr 1'1' Tl'

T 1m1..-nth:lh•r :i Ii" H1U,nth.1l,•t :'I 11 111:h,·~ , . ti \' u111k11 1i,'U\'l'l l

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n,,lrn1th.r J :1,·k,.,111 f J""""''"'·,; 11 .. ,.,. r \\'<11<1' i:

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,1.] I ,1 .,1 11 1- , 11

,1 , : (I U,,, I

I ,_, 3!'> ,1

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Swim T earn Drops Two Dual Meets ,\n) p,:1wn 1111,·r.:)h'J m

pla) 11 fi: h.,, 1-c) •~ J)l..,·J ,,.. ,·on tJ,t \Ir HJlhlf JI C.\t , S-IQor ,'Orm· lo l'rJdl"' ~I 4 11.111,, J I Gunk,• hd,1 •

Tu1;, lit E.m C'L.un• Sk•,·ns l'mnl

ZS 1;.:.; :,; l h,• !)11,•1,•11, l',,1111 1'01111,·1, :lti ;:, '"11111111111! t,·.1111 k" I I\\" ~UJI

, :;:. l,i:, 111,·,•i- lJ'I \\1·,•l,•11,I On I rnlJ} 111<·> ,1,·r.· .1..r,·Ji.·J 1,r

Po·1nters Host Stout ~:::J:·;·..,·,;,,"t.::·-... ":i, .... ::: I ~'Jt1·J1:>J1~:~· •• ~

111:;J~·"';: ..... u 111,·

h ' ,\I,\ ( ' h.,rnp111t1) l'"ll•' ,Uhl

Face W ·1t t . "'"""""""''"""'''"""'""''"' . ewa er u>1hd .. 1f,"''"'"

B)· Tuu LaM:h

1 111· \\~l -S tc,,•n, 1'01111 ,Jr.:r, ,r1Jni: t>J,;. 111h.1 J.tio11111 lh,• \\')l(' IJ,C "> ho\Llllt:, \\!:il ·LJ lw,ll<I t.,,1 n~ht J\ tin: hdJh,1ui,,:

lh,• l\>1nt1'f) u11\ ho" 1h,·11 .:h1d 111JI !or th,; \\S\ 'l ,hJmpmn~h1p, Slo\11 S!JI•·, 1n ;a mo~t 1m1• u1 1Jnl i:J111,: 1lm SJturJJ) ,·,rnmt:, !:lt..:H·n,J\11111 . ,..1th J(>- 1 i.:unh'r.·m:,: 111J1!.. trJ1I Stout . .. 1u,h " 7.1, h)' Ju,t Olll.'·hJ!f t:,Jtn<I \lw l'" O 11'. J lll) '"l'II." p1,;l,:J J ~ th,• 1•rc •....,J \On fa\'om..:sh) 11w ... ·0Jrh.:s

rlw IJ!ui.: lk,11~ Jh' l,:J h)• an uutS1anJ111i: 1110 of pl."tfouo,:rs. ~kl rokmJ11. 11111 lki;kmJml. JnJ lJI Gk.wci. all pf .. 110111 ari.: .11·.:ra~mrr, hd .. ,:c11 I S JnJ 10 pomt, lk'l ~·onw,1 '\he 6·7 Cokmln !><II J ,:unfrrencc rrcorJ for r.:bounJm~ \JSI }<':H anti

11,•,J,•mJnn kJ th,· ,:onkrcn~-..· rn M'.011111! '"1th ;i. 11 b J\,:1ai:,c IJ.oth ar,· WIik.it<. Gto,·,• 1, J b·l "'11homorl.", il.'Or,·J :.l pumh .ll(:!111)1 S1ni.:ns 1'01111 111 th,· 11r,1 1111.·,:tmg of th,• tc:im~ 1h1~ year which th.- l'omt<·D '"on, 77.;o Cokrn:sn. ll c1J<1111Jnn, anJ Gl,w,:r ...:o"·J S~ of S111u1·, 70 pum1,t,,:1-.,,·n th,·m 111 111.11 fu~• l(Jm,·

(i11J1Js Tun 0 01111.i.: JnJG1<1~ l:.h,cn round 0 111 Sun,t's ~1anmi: f1\'e

Nc,1 Mon.Jay , lh\'. l'omt..: r~ tt~•cl lu \\' h11.: .. .lh't 10 pla) th .: WurhJ'"I,.~ Wh1t l''"Jtc r 1.1o .1,trni,tglm11- 1h1uui:h;moth,·1 losioi; §l'a!il.in,;inJcurr..:nl l)' tsrnlasl place in 1h,: coufcr..:ncc. The s11uu1ion 1<.'.l)much t hcs:am..: la,1 y,·ar. however, anU the W.11hJwl,..1, s t11l 111Jnagi.:J tu bt:.11 th.:l',>mkrst .. 1t."C

The Warhawk.s' .i ll ;u:k ccnh:rs

NOW THRU TUESDAY fi!i:l N ighlly ol 7: 15 p .m . ond 9 p .m .

PITY POOR PAXTON QUIGLEY ... justho~much love can a young manll stand? -

3iTTiC ;,. . !ID©» ii

is candy faithful? ... only to the boc)k

arnunJ h·O [).,11 l'Jub.:n. an Jll-n•nfrr,•nc,•s.•k,:t,onlJ)l )l,·Jr t,.~ frn) Std!></ " J ,t runi; fur .. J1J JnJ,11.mh l'Jul l'Jic).)\' JoJ !Joh Uuchholll ,Jn ~i\'t

~~! ''111'. Uoubk '"IK'n I h,·) ar,:

I h<· l'omh'IS rulkd 10 :tn ,·u) I!\.{,'! \\Ill III the flnt jt.1111,: o l tht )C.11 l,,:1•,H't.'11 th,• 1'" 0 IC.lll1S Jf1.:ra H"f)' i.:olJ fuM hllf

Wi1hi1wofth,·un,•.1.t"'''"'n µmes al horn..:. t h,• l'oml.:r~ shoukl hJ\1' a guoJ d1Jnw ltl str1.1ni:th,•11 1h1.·11 holJ on th..: WSU(" l,·Jd

The skiing is easy ... on H~rts

Seo our ab: great models: easy-turning Standuda tor

novices, JubJlees for

hart: skis ij Your Hart Ski Speo1al~ Shop:


RUSS DeFAUW 221 b,ec, ~s owoy r,om Je1ry Hughes 1251 of Eou Cloi,e m o closely fovgh1 gc11ne ,n wh,ch 1he Pomter~ felt 10 dcfe0r 75-68 Th,s Jele.,1 01 the honds

of Ec,u Cloue wos rhe f1ru deleot ,n con/e,ence ploy Jo, 1he Po,nie,s 1Pho10 by Bob Holdef\) •

yJrJ bacl.s11ok,: , Sd1ut1t·n m th~· 500 ya1J fri.:c.1ot)k Jilli hl .. Jr.b in 1h,· :?OO )'J rJ b11·:i~ts1ro l..,· l h,· rday ti.:Jms also finhhi.:J lol'l.'UnJ

J'hmJ pbc\'S wtnl 10 Ro1ga 111 th,• 1000 yarJ f1i.:tnylc JnJ thl•

500 )JrJ fr,·.:~l)k, l'J>,'t.'is m th..: !00 )':Ir.I fr.:.•st)k JnJ \laass rn 1h,· !00 ):IHI mJwnlual 111.:,lk) .

Co1n·h Lynn Ula11's 1.:am 11J1·,:ls to [)u .. ncn (;101·,·. lllmois 10 m,-et Gcor~,· l\'11liams Colki,:,• on FmLa) .

Tip St. Norberts, 85-75 With Ffurry

The Poinltr b:nkttball teirn ~ughes uch hal.l 17 poin ts wllh fin ished strong to post I Ken pullin& In sevrn of eight

~~~:~1,n:i~~s J'~r~::~,~: frl."Tt~,o~ Ulffe,ence in 1he

on Wetlnesda)' evening, hn . 22, 1•mnter second half comeback In a non-confc,encc t>;ilke1b;IU wu 11,dng free tluow shooling.

81111\.~ win put the. Po inl ers' .:u~~n~:s~roh:i~ :~eot)~11


season ,ccord at J \ .J while t he 1hrows but in t he seconU half Ion Uroppc:U a h ighly rcgmlel.l re,ponded with 17 of 2 1 fm rn SI NorbcrlS 101 -S. the ch11i t y 11ripc.,

The 1um\' was c lose · S t. No1bcr1S1lso i.lidan1 bout 1hr oughout with neit her 1eam race on the free 1hrow line In the ga111ing con ll ol in th~ first half . seconU half . AflCI makir141 13 of

Point opcnctl up a 24-17 lcad 19 in the opening period, the midway throu,h 1he fiul half bul G reen Knighls mai.le o nly six of 1he Green Knights fou, h1 b:ac.k I 2 in the second half. to 1r.ib a J7-36 halftime JeaJ u Oebler and Erner lead St 1hc: l'ointu s suffen:U th roU&h a Noberu in scoring wi th 17 cokl spell. points 1piecc.

In the 1eoond half neither team wu 1g:11n 1blc: to dominate untilla1c:in1hcpmc.

With 4 40 ldt in the game Steve Dinc:n knotteU l hc 1.eo1e at 66-66 bul l'oint again grabbed l hi.: luU on i, bucket by 'Rim Ri1zent h1 ICJ . After the l'oin1ers gol 1he b:all b;lck, Mike ll tiihcs lippeU in a shot and t he)' ...,ere off anti 1un111ng.

Afltr Jot hmi.:r d1oppcU m a baski.:t for th,: Green K11igh1s, th..: l'oinlc rs pulled uw:ay on baski.:ts by Tom anJ Ken R i1zen 1 hale, and two free l hrows by Russ Dcl·uuw whi le u~ng up two 11ri.:cious nunutcs ofplay111g1ime. ,

l>uWaync Nash dosctl the gap 10 70-10 with II JUIIIP shot Ill SS . hut two fri.:c th1ows :.piece

ST, NOlllU;;RTS t ·G t""T J•t' Tl' 7 3.3 4 17 Ccbler , f

Ranking, f Grignon, g Na.tih , C Emer, g Callahan, g Dantn, f R lopeltt, g


0 ... ., 4 4 G 0-0 4 10 G 4-7 4 I I G 7•ll 3 17 2 0·3 4 4 4 1·2 I 9 0 0-0 0 0

28 19-31 24 7G

l'OJNTt~ltS fli f'T 1' 1'" Tr

H u,;M11. C 7 3-5 G 17 K R1tzenthaler G 7,8 4 11 T.Rltzenthalcr JI 0·6 2 21 Vanden Heu'al 1 O·O 3 8 DeFauw, g 2 0·8 3 10 Clcmcnl11, f 2 0· 1 1 4 Jlennmg, g I 0·1 2 2 Wutphal f-c O 2·G 2 2

TOTALS 31 23-34 22 M

~~Fa:!"\~d't!ntll~~l::P a;i ~-M-A-fN_S_J_R_f_f_J_~ l>cFauw put 1'0 101 ah..::.d by 12 pomu,111,70w11h · 2"1 ldt.

In lhe hc:rl1cfinal ,ccontlsthc:


111~f:~~1~ (AfE

bJsket Jnd t"'o free throws wi th

.:ig~thS:~'On~~~~ic wcsq,h;iJ Bonte Cooking ~~~~~1.:\d11::.',~1t~.1f;;c ':~3:..i .in~ , vi th ~:t~.~!·c~·~~ OIi\' s..•coml )00 .. ing Homernade thc

11~1:t:;/!~i~11"'~~ ~~~;~cf;, Pies and ~~r;n1:1s .V;..: 11trow ,o make ,he Cookies

Turu R111tnthJkr llirnl·J in lus 1011 point 11c,!01mance of the y.:ar , n\'llm,i: l WSU c:irccr high

O~n Doily

530 AM·..:. 30 AM.


1 ~i:',,~ Closed Mondoy Nights

lhrows Al 6 00 P M

1Jro1her Ken anJ Mike ~-'°-''- ''-' _o_" _. -" -""~''- '"~
