We make law firms grow. Ask us how. · 2019-07-14 · Power Practice Builder Webinar Series Webinar...


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We make law firms grow. Ask us how.

Social Media Marketing and Reputation Marketing

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About BusinessCreator, Inc. and me

About the Power Practice Builder Webinar Series



How To Get Your Phone To Ring

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

BusinessCreator is a full-service local search, lead generation

and mobile marketing agency specializing in innovative and

engaging local and mobile programs, promotions and


Our goal is to increase your online presence and convert

your website traffic into new clients.

Holistic approach to local search marketing

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

Local Search Marketing and LSEO

Citation and Directory Building

Lead Generation Platform-All In One Marketing Solution

Live Attorney Leads GUARANTEED Quality Calls

Reputation Marketing-5 Star Reputation Program

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

WebCreatorPlus Custom Rent-To-Own Websites

Lead Generation Websites

Website and Online Marketing Audits

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Video Marketing-production, SEO, syndication



About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

Mobile Websites

iseekLaw Mobile App Directory

iseekLaw Mobile Website Directory

Mobile Apps

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Display Advertising-NearYou Mobile Marketing

Consumer Financing For Legal Services


Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on


1. Local Search Marketing for Law Firms

2. Why Are So Many Businesses Struggling With Mobile


3. Mobile App Marketing For Law Firms-Daniel Rosemark, Esq.

4. Lead Generation-Live Attorney Leads Program, PPC,


5. Social Media Marketing and Reputation Marketing

6. Video Marketing

Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on


Future webinars will focus on specific topics

Open invitation to attorneys-anyone who would like to

participate in our Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

should contact me at ed@forlawfirmsonly.com or call me

at 855-943-8736

Future podcast series. We are inviting attorneys and law

firm marketing experts to participate in a question and

answer weekly podcast beginning January 2016.

Goals of the Power Practice Builder Webinars

Educate attorneys on best practices in local search marketing to

help them make informed decisions on how to best spend their

marketing dollars for the greatest ROI.

It is about learning what will get your phone to ring, your next

appointment, your next client.

It is NOT intended to be an Local SEO Marketing program for digital


Not that level of detail and not that technical

Most lawyers do not have time or patience to do their own local search


Lawyers should be practicing law and not practicing my craft

Local SEO Uncovered

Business Listings ManagementCitation Management and Building



that integrates well into local

digital offerings.

Piece you must do PRIOR to

everything else you’re doing

in your local search

campaign. Content Marketing









I. Why focus on social media?

II. Common social media mistakes and


III. Strategies for success with social media

Why focus on social media?

act one

Staggering growth

+ #1 activity on internet

+ 500 million tweets daily

+ 975 million daily Facebook active users

+ 1 out of every 6 minutes

spent online is on Facebook

Cream of the crop-Here are the top 7 Most Popular Social Networking Sites ranked

by a combination of continually updated traffic statistics as of Oct. 2015

1 | Facebook

2 | Twitter

3 | LinkedIn

4 | Pinterest

5 | Google Plus+

6 | Tumblr

7 | Instagram

How time flies….

Social media Makes up 27% of time

spent online

Both personal and business

+ 77% B2c / 43% b2b companies found

customers using Facebook

+ double the leads of telemarketing,

direct mail, or pay-per-click

+ 46% of users count on social mediaWhen deciding to purchase

Don’t underestimate the impact

+ 70% of consumers more likely to use

Social media Friendly businesses

+ 72% trust online reviews as much as

personal recommendations

+ b2b companies with blogs generate

67% More leads

…how social media benefits them+ increase brand awareness and traffic

+ build relationships and influence

+ gain new customers / increase loyalty

+ more revenue per customer

+ gather market intelligence (cheaply)

…how social media benefits them

Common social media mistakes

and misconceptions


Act Two

Do you make these mistakes?

+ Thinking it doesn’t influence

Your customers or market

+ Not participating / incomplete profile

+ inconsistent or inappropriate activity

Dangerous misconceptions

+ Waste of time / Unimportant

+ only young people are using it

+ ROI cannot be measured

+ you have to be on every network

+ It is free marketing and gets immediate


It’s not just young people

Consistency is the key

+ Create consistent social profiles across

largest networks (twitter, FB, G+, LI)

+ Post updates on a consistent basis….or

else Risk being ignored

There are ways to measure ROI

Results take time

It’s a marathon, not a sprint…

Needs 3-9 months of consistent activity to see results

Strategies for success with

social media

Act three

Strategy #1: Go where your customers are

Start with the most popular networks (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and


Strategy #2: Create complete profiles

Use professional photo(s), describe your

product/services, and link back to your website

Strategy #3: Be real and authentic

Be genuine and personableadmit to mistakes, engage your audience,

and share stories

Strategy #4: Listen to what is being said

Keep a finger on the pulse of your

customers, competitors, and industry

Strategy #5: Create and post compelling

content consistently

Create valuable content and share with

your audience….on a frequent basis.

Go the extra mile and deliver helpful content

Strategy #6: Actively engage your community

Strategy #7: Offer exclusive information

Strategy #8: Have a call to action

Strategy #9: Advertise

Facebook Twitter LINKEDIN

How can my law firm benefit from social media?

That’s where people are-you can connect with people, which you can

advertise a little bit and kind of have a presence and gain some exposure.

You can stay connected with your past clients and referrals and this is just

another way of staying top-of-mind which can actually increase referrals

in the long-run.

Resource to give information to provide resources, blog articles, news articles,

things that are going to benefit your potential audience=subject matter expert!

Bottom Line

Bottom LineSo how exactly do you choose the best social networks? Here are a few factors that we think might fit into this discussion.

Time – How much time can you devote to a social network? Plan on at least an hour per day per social network, at least at the start. (Once you get going, tools like Buffer can help you save a bit of time.)

Resources - What personnel and skills do you have to work with? Visual social networks like Pinterest and Instagram require images and photos. Social networks like Google+ emphasize quality content. Do you have the resources to create what’s needed?

Knowledge - What will be the learning curve for you for a given social network? Are there ones you're quite familiar with already? Getting up to speed might be a factor to consider here.

Your audience – Where do your potential customers hang out? Which social network has the right demographics?

Bottom Line

For answers to this last question, you can reference the audience research and

demographics from surveys like those conducted by Pew Research. For instance,

Pew has complete data, collected last fall, of the demographics for Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Here are a few quick takeaways:

Facebook and Pinterest are more popular with women

LinkedIn is more popular with men

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are popular with the 18-29 age group

LinkedIn and Pinterest are more popular with those with advanced education

Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are popular among those with higher income


Customize Your Social Profile

You may have heard "you never get a second chance to make a first impression"?

That's why it's so key to get your profile filled out completely, before publicizing or

promoting or going ahead with any more steps of your social strategy.


Here's a quick checklist about all the parts you'll want to consider.





Profile picture

Cover photo


Seed your account with 5 to 10 posts (this helps people get a taste for what type

of content you'll be posting and shows them that you're established and invested

on the channel already)

Profiles typically involve two different types of input: visuals and text.

For visuals, we aim for consistency and familiarity with the visuals we use on our

social media channels. This means that our avatar on Twitter matches our avatar on

Facebook. Our cover photo on Google+ is similar to our cover on LinkedIn. Etc.


Establish a Voice and a Tone

Voice: Your brand personality described in an adjective. For instance,

brands can be lively, positive, cynical, or professional.

Tone: A subset of your brand’s voice. Tone adds specific flavor to your voice

based on factors like audience, situation, and channel.

Essentially, there is one voice for your brand and many tones that refine that



Timing and Frequency

What’s the ideal amount to post per day?

How often should you post?

When should you post?

What should you post?

The solid gold, ironclad answer on questions like these is: It depends.



Let's start with the basic six types of updates we all post: Links, images, video,

quotes, reshares, plain-text updates.



Let's start with the basic six types of updates we all post: Links, images, video,

quotes, reshares, plain-text updates.


Visual content is huge for social media.

Photos on Twitter lead to a 35 percent boost in retweets.

Places like Pinterest and Google+ are tailor-made for visual


Maybe the only place where image posts seem to suffer is

on Facebook, where video - an alternate form of visual

content - is surging.


Here’s an overview of what SumAll found in terms of best practices for social

media timing (all times are Eastern Time).

Facebook – 1-4pm and 2-5pm weekdays

Twitter – 1-3pm weekdays

Google+ – 9-11am weekdays

LinkedIn – 7-8:30am and 5-6pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Tumblr – 7-10pm weekdays and 4pm on Fridays

Instagram – 5-6pm weekdays and 8pm on Mondays with a sweetspot at 6pm

Pinterest – 2-4pm and 8-11pm weekdays with weekends being the best

FrequencyThe simple answer for frequency: Post as often as you have engaging,

entertaining, or useful content to share.


Here are some reference points for where you might start off with your

scheduling (and test and see for yourself what's best).

Facebook - 1-2 times per day

Twitter - 5 times per day or more

LinkedIn - 1 time per day, Monday through Friday

Google+ - up to 5 times per day

Lead Generation

To use social media to generate new leads, we recommend using these five


Set up a targeted landing page. Your landing page is separate from your

website. It should feature content that addresses the specific needs of your

target market and have one compelling call-to-action that gets them to

connect with you.

On the landing page offer them something of value. Offer visitors a free

special report, audio CD, recorded webinar or white paper on a topic of

interest to them. It must address a specific need of your target market like

“Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Commercial Litigation Attorney.”

Drive traffic to your landing page by promoting it via your social media

outlets. You can announce your free special report on your blog, Facebook

fan page, post a tweet or promote by including the link to it on your LinkedIn

account and posting tips from it in your LinkedIn posts and any LinkedIn

groups you belong to.

Visitors to your landing page can only obtain your valuable information

if they give you their contact information (name, phone and email

address) and by agreeing to opt into your database and be contacted by

your law firm for follow-up.

Use their contact information to follow up with them. When you connect

with visitors to your landing page, you qualify them to see if they are a good

prospect for you and then offer them a complimentary consultation (if that’s

part of your business model) or invite them to sign up for your monthly

newsletter to keep in touch with them.

The key word is “social”!


+ build relationships and TRUST




To Give 5 Star

Companies The


The Game Of


Marketing Just


Reviews Are So Important

Local SEO Uncovered

Marketing Game ChangerReviews Give You Pre-Qualified Presold Leads

Because Buyers Trust Reviews…

As Much A Family And Personal


88% Of Buyers

Trust Reviews As

Much As Personal

Recommendations.~ Bright Local

Could this happen to you?

Would you even know it?!

Is your law firm getting blasted someplace online

without you even knowing?!

It takes forever to build a good

reputation, but only a seconds

to destroy it.

A difference of one “star” in

average rating led to difference in

revenues of 5 to 9 percent.

-2011 Harvard Business Review Study

“Negative reviews can hang an

albatross around your neck if they

appear prominently in search


-Kermitt Pattison, NYTimes.com



Four Good Reviews

Two Bad Reviews

No Reviews Six 5 Star Reviews



Three Law Firms Are Virtually Identical


Who do you think the customer is going to choose?

They’re going to choose the first law firm listing they see that has the most positive

reviews, right?

More Reviews = More Money

Why are Reviews Relevant?

Protecting Your Reputation

Who needs it?

Organizations of all sizes

Retailers, restaurants + hotels

Lawyers, accountants + other professional services

Physicians, dentists + other healthcare providers

Celebrities, athletes and politicians

Anyone who needs help improving their online


Monitor, manage, promote


Social media (Twitter, Facebook, et. al)



Message boards/forums

Location-based directories (Foursquare, Yelp, etc.)

Key influencers

Free Monitoring Tools

Google Alerts

Social Mention


RSS readers


Claim your listings

Respond to complaints (IMPORTANT)

Encourage positive reviews


Social media promotions

Local directory management (e.g. Google Places)

Company blogging / website management

Press releases

YouTube (SEO!)

Customer outreach

Advertise (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn , et. al)

Best Practices

Make ORM an ongoing part

of your business.

Be willing to face hard truths.

“A bad apology is worse than

no apology.”

-Randy Pausch

Take complaints seriously,

not personally.

Study: 90% trust online

recommendations from people they

know, and 70% trust opinions of

unknown users they have never


-Econsultancy (July 2009)

Get Reviews

Step 1: Ask customer for email address

Step 2: Write up and send email to request review

Step 3: Customer leaves review

Step 4: Monitor reputation

Process of Online Reviews

You Need to Do

Ask every customer for a review

Respond to every review

Two Best Practices

Ask every customer for a review

Don’t Be Scared!

Builds relationships

Creates referral pipeline

Respond thoughtfully to each one

Positive Review

Always respond professionally

Offer a solution

Negative Review

Use as opportunities to resolve issues

to Take Reviewsto the Next Level

Highlight reviews in all marketing materials

Involve your employees

Ask every customer for a review

Respond to all of your reviews

Leverage reviews throughout the web and in all marketing materials

Involve your employees

Key Takeaways

When You Take Control of Your Reputation

You Control Your Online Image

The Success of Your Business is

Anchored to Your Reputation


Your Search Reviews are Your Revenue!

Real Strategic Inc. All Rights Reserved

Reputation Marketing &


“After Being Referred A Business, What Do You Do Next?”Q:

Pull Your


Local SEO Uncovered

How does your business and website appear?

Tools to check

www.localsearchprofiler.com –Check How Your Business Appears

Online (Citation Report) and Reputation Report


check how your site appears on a mobile device.

Contact me for a Free website evaluation/audit

Contact me for copies of slides

Contact me for book “Internet Marketing For Local Business”

Ed Kundahl, Ph.D., M.B.A.

855-943-8736 ext. 101


Social Marketing ToolsBlog Tools I use almost every day

Sprout Social


Monitor and schedule posts.

Social Made Simple


Calendar features allows me to schedule posts and repurpose posts

for future syndication to the top social sites.


Once your blogpost is written and published, you can set up an easy

sharing schedule with Buffer. Schedule your new article to go to your

social channels multiple times with different headlines or images

attached to each update.

Social Marketing ToolsBlog Topic Generator


Don’t know what to blog about? Use the Blog Topic Generator to help get some ideas.

Fill in the fields with terms (preferably nouns) that you would like to write about and

the system will come up with a week’s work of relevant blog posts titles.


Enter a topic or a URL into the BuzzSumo search box, and you’ll get a wealth of

information on the content that performs best for social media sharing. BuzzSumo can

be super useful for fleshing out an existing idea to find the perfect angle or in taking a

broad look at the content that does well (and the blogs who do it best) in your niche.


Enter a subject into the Portent tool, and you’ll get a sample blogpost title, complete

with helpful and witty breakdowns of why the title might make for a good read.

Refresh as many times as you’d like for new ideas.


We’re here to help – Get in touch!

We make law firms grow. Ask us how.

Social Media Marketing and Reputation Marketing

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