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President, Gil Cox

Vice-President Hugh S. Macdonald Secretary Treasurer Mary Etta Kreklau Recording Secretary

Walter Beard Sergeant-At-Arms

Julie Bauman Ronald Yee

James Sockolosky Executive Board

Faith Cairgle John M. McCall

Jerry Smith Trustees


Membership Meeting

February 10, 2015

Cairgle, Cox, Kreklau, Lykes, Macdonald, Sockolosky, McCall, Smith, and Yee

EXCUSED: Bauman and Beard


ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Brother Macdonald made the motion, properly seconded by Sister Cairgle, to accept the roll call of officers. The motion carried.

Sub-Chapter 38 minutes for the Executive and Membership meetings are recorded to help the Recording Secretary to produce minutes for each meeting. Pursuant to the previous direction of the membership these recordings shall be disposed of as soon as reasonably possible after the Sub-Chapter 38 membership has approved the minutes. The minutes are not or intended to be an actual verbatim record of the proceedings but are summarized notes of the agenda items, motions maker of the motion, votes and lengthy discussions.

CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence was received from:

Michigan Alliance for Retired Americans - MiARA January 2015 Newsletter with a summary of the Michigan legislature "Lame Duck" session. Next membership meeting will be Thursday, March 19, 2015.

Alliance for Retired Americans - Announcing the 2015 Legislative Conference July 7-10, 2015 at the Washington Hilton, Washington, DC

WC Employees' Retiree Club - Internet newsletter Issue #7 for January 2015 containing information on various retiree matters.

Wayne County Commission - A listing of the various committee appointments for 2015/2016 by Chairman Waronchak.

AFSCME International - Copy of the "Recommendation: Retiree Chapter Minimum Dues and Dues Per Capita Tax Increases" that was presented to the International convention and

February 2015 Membership Meeting Page 1 600 West Lafayette Boulevard, Suite 500, Detroit, Michigan 48226

Telephone (313) 964-1711 • Fax (313) 964-0230 ® l ^ t » ^ ^ - 161

adopted. This results in 2016 international per capita increasing from $.30 per month to $.40

and in 2017 to $.50 per month.

Metro Detroit AFL-CIO - A letter commenting on 2014 and expressing gratitude for our support.

Khaled Sabbaugh - Requesting the endorsement of this Sub-Chapter as a candidate for the Wayne County Employees' Retirement System as an active employee representative (Commissioner). Mr. Sabbaugh is currently the President of AFSCME Local 3317.

Secretary - Treasurer - Letter dated January 16, 2015, to Ms. Ann Widger, AFSCME

International. The letter restates this Sub-Chapter's demand for a retiree chapter. Read in full

out loud.

Secretary-Treasurer - Financial Report - Statement of Receipts and Disbursements with Total Receipts of $3,663.95 through January 31, 2015, and Disbursements of $2,187.72 through January 31, 2015, with a Total Cash and Investment balance of $72,856.58.

Schedule of legal fees incurred and payments made to Miller Cohen for the prescription co-pay lawsuit. Fees through December 2014 totaling $902,779.83 with payments to date of $194,499.98 for a balance of $708,279.85.

Michigan State Democratic Convention - Item added by President Lykes - notice of the Convention to be held Saturday, February 14, 2015, at Cobo Convention Center starting at 8 am for Democratic Precinct representatives.



Martin Luther King Dinner

Speaker William Barber was excellent. He made good recommendations for activity. Warren Evans, County Executive, approached President Lykes and told him again the Subchapter didn't endorse him for CEO. Richard Kaufman, former Wayne County Circuit Court, is the new Deputy CEO.

Alliance for Retired Americans

President Lykes will be attending the ARA 2015 Legislative Conference July 7-10, 2015, in Washington DC. The Retirees Council of AFSCME will be meeting from July 10-12, 2015 so he should be back on the 13 t h.

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Council 25 AFSCME

Some building problems are being resolved. Heat is back on because City closed building

without heat or electricity. It's been a hard year. Larry Roehig is Chairman of Building and he's

getting things done.

It's been difficult for the Council to maintain status quo with the active employees.

Wayne County

President Lykes believes the most important Commissioner on the Board is Alicia Bell who is the Vice-Chairperson. Two new commissioners; one from Livonia and one from Wayne. He feels good about the commissioner from Wayne. The one from Livonia is an unknown. He believes this Commission will be more responsive to the retirees'. The Democratic State Convention is Saturday, February 14, 2015, at Cobo Hall at 8 am. Motion by Brother Pendracki, supported by Sister Biesiadecki. Motion passed.


The Wayne County Labor Coalition will meet 2/18/2015, Wednesday, at Noon at Council 25 offices in Detroit. The Wayne County Retirement Board will meet 2/23/2015 at 9:15 am at 28 W. Adams, Detroit, Ml.

Motion by Brother Macdonald, supported by Brother Pendracki to accept the report. Motion Passed.


Financial Report

The Secretary-Treasurer reported that the Subchapter has $72,856.58 in the two bank accounts as of January 31, 2015, with a membership of 1513 and 185 members participating in the PEOPLE voluntary contributions program. There were 45 applications in process. Investment account is providing cash immediately.

Brother Macdonald made the motion, and properly seconded by Brother Pendracki, to accept the financial portion of the Secretary Treasurer's report. The motion carried.

2014 Annual Tax Return has been prepared and a copy provided to each Board member. The Executive Board this date, recommended the Secretary-Treasurer sign the return and place a copy in the Subchapter's file. Motion by Brother Macdonald, supported by BrotherPendracki, to ratify the Executive Board action for the execution and submission of these returns to the US Department of Treasury and AFSCME International. Motion carried.

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The Michigan Supreme Court remanded the 13 check lawsuit back to the 3r Circuit Court for issuance of a judgment. Motion to reinstate the case has been filed and a hearing is scheduled for 2/13/2015. MERC is drafting an order in response to the Wayne County appeal related to the 13 t h check dealing with current employees. An inquiry this date, was that MERC has still not issued an order. The Prescription lawsuit - nothing has changed. The Facilitator is the proposed new Deputy CEO so expect some changes in that. The Health Care Changes lawsuit is still pending. It appears the County is working to a global solution of problems which should be known by the middle of May in order to be placed in effect for the next taxpayer year. They have to do something based upon projections that the County will be broke by July 2016.

Lawsuit against WCERS Commissioners-Two retirees filed a lawsuit against current and former Retirement Commissioners It's going nowhere since every judge it gets assigned to is a member of the Retirement System and so they are recused.

Wayne County

Wayne County's position relative to labor is that they are looking at the big picture - not at just one part and looking for solutions. Wayne County Charter limits mils that may be assessed. Not much left to take away from current employees. Questions asked about what else can be done by the County to solve financial problems. All potential solutions involve going to taxpayers for special levies or court action.

Chapter Status

Ms. Widger placed calls and is extremely upset as a result of January 16, 2015, letter regarding Chapter Status. She refuses to acknowledge the committee we appointed and will only deal with President Lykes. She took exception to the Sub-chapter's claim of a right to pursue other options if there is no action from AFSCME. She has lost most of her staff recently and used that excuse. Expect a meeting sometime in March about Charter status. International does not want single unit chapters.

Motion by Brother Pendracki, supported by Brother Jerry Smith to accept the Secretary-

Treasurer report. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

Reported in other sections.

Unfinished Business


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New Business

Alliance for Retired Americans 2015 Legislative Conference:

The Executive Board moved to pay incidental expenses for President Lykes to attend the annual Alliance for Retired Americans 2015 Legislative Conference to be held July 7-10 in Washington DC and the AFSCME Conference to be held 7-10 through 12, 2015. In addition, the Executive Board moved to send Sister Faith Cairgle as a representative of the Subchapter with the subchapter paying the appropriate expenses for her attendance. The majority of President Lykes expenses will be paid by AFSCME.

Motion by Brother Macdonald to ratify the action of the Executive Board and authorize President Lykes and Sister Cairgle to attend the conference to be held July 7-10 in Washington DC as representatives of the Subchapter and to reimburse them for appropriate expenses, supported by Brother Pendracki. Motion carried.

Recommendation of Dues Changes by AFSCME International

The Executive Board referred the recommendations from AFSCME International regarding dues increases, to the Constitution Committee for review and recommendations of any and all changes that are appropriate. This increase will cost the Subchapter about $300 per month. Motion by Brother Macdonald, supported by Brother Pendracki, to ratify the decision of the Executive Board on this matter. Motion carried.

Endorsement of Wayne County Retirement Commissioner

The Executive Board moved to endorse Khaled Sabbaugh for the Wayne County Employees' Retirement System interim 2015 Trustee (Commissioner) vacancy representing active employees of the Sheriff's Department and Prosecutor's Office. Motion by Brother Macdonald, supported by Brother Pendracki, to ratify this decision. Motion carried. Good and Welfare

President Lykes asked for a moment of silence for the deceased members.


49 members attended the meeting

Drawing Winners:

#40-Jim Rzeppa #15 - Mary Etta Kreklau #22 - Paul Pendracki

Motion by Brother Macdonald, properly supported by Sister Cairgle to adjourn the meeting at 1:59 pm. The motion carried.

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