Water by Leeon Vella, 3.02




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Why is water so important?

• Water is one of our resources to survive.

• We need water to clean dishes, to keep ourselves clean, to water plants … and so on.

• Without water, the whole planet wouldn’t survive.

Waters’ history

Millions of years ago, the Earth was just rock and magma.

The Earth did not have rain but it had the materials from volcanic gases. Hot gases rose in the air and cooled, creating rain. It rained for days and created oceans and lakes. From

there the Earth started.

If rain didn’t exist, there would be no life on Earth.

The planet needs water as much as we do.

How can we get water?

• Water comes in different ways, we can get water from lakes, we can purify it using the reverse-os-mosis.

• We can get water from rain, we purify it.

• We can also take up water from boreholes stored underground.

• Farmers need more water than us .

• They need water for watering plants to grow vegetables and fruits, they also need water to drink and use water for there everyday lives.

• Most farmers take up water from boreholes

• We can get water from rain.

• Rain comes in three types:

Relief rainfall, Convection rainfall and Frontal rainfall.

Relief rainfall

• This type of rainfall comes from the mountains.

• The warm air rises over mountains, the air condenses and cools, making rainfall.

Convection rainfall

• This type of rainfall comes from the ground.

• The ground is heated by the sun causing the warm air to rise, when the warm air rises it condenses and rain falls.

Frontal rainfall

• Frontal or cyclonic rainfall is when a mass of warm air meets a mass of cold air.

• The point where these two meet is called the front.

• These types of rainfall are also sources of water, the warm air is forced to rise since it is lighter than cool air.

• This depends on the temperature from the sun and if the sky is cold.

The water cycle

The water cycle

• Water can be in the state of a liquid solid and gas.• Evaporation happens when the warm winds blow over oceans and

seas, the water on top evaporates, so the water changes from a liquid to a gas. Evapotranspiration happens when the water evaporates from trees and plants. The warm air rises and condenses, this is called condensation, when the water droplets become too heavy to carry, they start to fall to the ground, this process the called precipitation.

• The water cycle mostly happens in the form of rain, when it falls overland, water runs into streams, rivers and back to the sea to start the cycle.

• The water cycle is also called the Hydrological cycle.

Problems involving water

• In some countries, there are problems in water. Some countries have less water than others, or some countries suffer from flooding.

• These two problems decrease the population of the country, making it hard to survive.


• One of some countries that suffer flooding is Bangldesh.

• Bangladesh suffered flooding in 1954,1955,1956,1962,1963,1968,1970, 1971,1974,1984,1987 and 1988.

• The flooding came from both human and natural causes.

Shortage of water

• Some countries do not have lakes or rain to get water from, so they suffer complete dryness.

• To dry and hot countries water is rare.

• In these countries water is hard to get, they get it from boreholes.