Washington D.C. Red Eye Flight AIPACs mission is to strengthen the ties between the United States...


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AIPAC 2012Washington D.C

Red Eye Flight

AIPAC’s mission is to strengthen the ties between the United States and its ally Israel. As America’s leading pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC works with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to enact public policy that enhances the U.S.-Israel relationship.

AIPAC empowers pro-Israel activists across all ages, religions and races to be politically engaged and build relationships with members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to promote the U.S.-Israel relationship. The vital work of AIPAC is made possible by its dedicated membership participating in AIPAC’s Clubs, investing with the AIPAC Tomorrow Campaign, and being politically engaged with members of Congress.

In a landmark event, the presidents of Israel and the United States kicked off Policy Conference 2012 on Sunday morning with addresses saluting the robust alliance between the two nations. 

The historic speeches by U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli President Shimon Peres highlighted the shared values and common challenges of both nations in an increasingly dangerous Middle East. 

President Obama discussed his administration’s strong record of support for Israel, from security assistance and strategic cooperation to diplomatic and political support in international fora. 

President Peres, in turn, expressed his nation’s gratitude for America’s historic support. “America was, is, and will remain the indispensable leader of the free world,” he said. “The indispensable friend of our people. Today more than ever, the world needs America.” 

Both leaders also discussed the urgent need for an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians and its importance as a U.S. and Israeli national security interest. 

The threat of Iran’s nuclear program constituted a central subject of their addresses. While President Obama said he strongly prefers to resolve the crisis with diplomacy, he asserted that all options remain on the table and rejected calls for a containment strategy. 

Over 13,000 people were in attendance 200 of them were high school and

college students

Cadre – the college AIPAC experience

The Cadre on the Brigham Young University campus won the highest honor awarded this year for all of their effort

In the past year, the cadre created a leadership statement signed by students in 50 states, became the first campus to raise $1,000 for the Campus to Congress Spring Initiative and secured 500 volunteer hours. The cadre pledged to double this for next year.

A Mormon College…. BYU's cadre worked to pass a resolution

reaffirming the Utah-Israel relationship by

28-0 in the school

Senate and 75-0

in the House.

State of Humanity: How Israel Is Helping a World in Need

As a country founded upon Jewish values, Israel views humanitarian aid as an integral part of its role in the international arena. The Jewish state has a long-standing tradition of extending assistance to alleviate hunger, disease and poverty, as well as in the wake of natural disasters and terrorist attacks beyond its borders.

Learning is FUN!

We learned that Israel is responsible for being one of the first responders for such tragedies as the earthquake in Haiti and the Tsunami in Asia.

Israel has created and developed training programs for medical facilities and renewable energy centers for other countries

Israel views Humanitarian Aid as a major role of being a country as well a part of Jewish Values.

“Israel is a poem of the impossible”

- Richard Schiff

We saw so many speakers!!!

An organization called the Creative Coalition took many media employees such as actors and writers to Israel for the first time. They were amazed by it’s history and thriving economy

Kathy Ireland spoke of Israel not only being a Jewish Value but a cherished American Value

Kathy Ireland quoted Martin Luther King: “Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect her right to exist, its territorial integrity and the right to use whatever sea lanes it needs. Israel is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security, and that security must be a reality.”

Senator Joe Lieberman stated, “And that is because Americans and Israelis have so much in common—from our humanitarian values to our technological innovations, from our system of justice to our systems of defense, from our belief in God to our faith that the Bible is the word of God. Americans and Israelis come together not in an alliance of convenience, but in a relationship of family.

We learned about the future of energy

A common concern is dependence on oil, Israel has a goal to be off oil within the decade

Israel had found and is mining natural gas of it’s coast line

Due to high gas prices, electric cars are more popular and affordable in Israel. A way they are more affordable is the company Better Place has built battery stations, better place cars do not include the price of batteries and when your battery runs down you can switch it a battery station

We also did a little site seeing

And had some interesting encounters