Warhorse Pride #46 (17 Feb 11)[1]


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8/7/2019 Warhorse Pride #46 (17 Feb 11)[1]

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Feb. 17, 2Issue 46erving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families o 2nd BCT, 4th In . Div.

ach Company running through this lane is given the opportunity to prove theompetancy o their medics. A ghan Nation Army Soldiers show up with a personn urgent need o medical care and Coalition Forces step up to the task. The medicbove is rom Company B, 2nd Battalion, 8th In antry Regiment. The patient wasabablized and a helicopter was own in to take him to a medical acility.

ANA Soldiers and U.S. Soldiers come together at a compound where advisors gathertogether to go over their plan or the mission. While the meeting is going on U.S.Soldiers are running through drills with the ANA Soldiers on how to clear a building.Female engagement teams are also recieving additional training to help their teamconduct a sucess ul mission. The unit above is Troop A, 1st Squadron, 10th Cav. Reg.

For the mission to be a sucess each company running through the lane must capturethe high value target and secure all evidence o his crime. The insurgents above whowere captured by Troop A, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment were identifedthrough the HIDES system to veri y they captured the right target and then to up-date the system a new photograph was taken with thier stash o illegal equipment.

Once the training is complete at the compound Both the ANA Soldiers and U.S. Sol-iers pack up and head out to the village where they are searching or a high valuearget. Soldiers rom 2nd Battalion, 8th In antry Regiment set up a 360 degree area

security to protect the Soldiers searching or the target. During the search there isndirect fre throughout the village and Soldiers must get down or sa ety.

8/7/2019 Warhorse Pride #46 (17 Feb 11)[1]

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Te leaders o ask Force 1st Squadron, 10thCavalry Regiment as well as Security ForceAssistant eams 1 and 4 received training on

he nuances o Key Leader Engagements whilet the Joint Readiness raining Center.

Planning or KLEs involves all the squadronta including the squadron’s Governance

Development Chie 2nd Lt. Je rey Parrot.“We really look orward to the challenge

head,” Parrot said.A er hours o training and a rehearsal, Lt.

Col. John cook conducted an engagement withhe “ uran District A ghanistan Uni ormedolice Chie ” and then with the 3rd Battalion

A ghan National Army commander or therst o many KLEs to come on Forward

Operating Base Sword.Te meetings were conducted to lay the

oundation or the Squadron’s partnershipwith the A ghan National Security Forces.

Te relationship will only last or 2 moreweeks but Cook and his sta are gaining thexperience necessary or their up comingeployment.

“It is extremely important or us to developur KLE plan here at JR C, so that when weeploy we will be well rehearsed and ready totart partnering with local security orces,”

aid Capt. Rich Lopez, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav.Reg.’s Forward Support Ofcer.“JR C is the per ect place to make mistakes

nd learn what works best.”

Warhorse Prideage 2 Feb. 17, 2Issue 46

tory by Capt. Peter Luft st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment

1-10 hosts KLEs

1-10 medics run night drills

Te Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest o theSoldiers o the 2nd Brigade Combat eam, 4th In antry Division. Te Warhorse Pride is an Army- unded news-letter authorized under provision o AR 360-1.

Contents o Te Warhorse Pride arenot necessarily the views o , nor endorsed by the, U.S.government, Department o De ense, Department o theArmy or the 4th In antry Division. All editorial contento Te Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided andapproved by the 2nd Brigade Combat eam Public A -

airs Ofce.Te Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commen-

tary, and photos rom readers. Te Warhorse Pridereserves the right to edit submissions selected or thpublication. All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be v iewedonline from your home computer at www.facebook.com/2bct4id

Submissions should be emailed to theeditor: seth.barham1@conus.army.mil

Col. John S. Kolasheski..................2nd BCT CommanderCommand Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa............2nd BCT CSMMaj. Kevin Toner......................... ......................2nd BCT PAOSpc. April York........................................Layout and DesignSgt. Seth Barham............................................................EditorSgt. Ruth Pagan...............................................................Editor

Warhorse Pride