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Walking in the Freedom and Victory of the Cross By: Scott Boyd “The Truth will Set you Free” John 8:32 “You’ll uncover the Science of Supernatural living within this booklet. You’ll not only find information, but transformation in these pages.” Pastor Jeff Baldwin (Heartland World Ministries Dallas Texas) "One of the greatest needs in the body of Christ is the absolute freedom that Jesus paid for on the cross. Far from the decision of receiving Christ as our Savior is the eventual lifestyle of liberty that enables us to become everything God wants us to be. This freedom comes through overcoming satanic and worldly hindrances that have taken hold of our lives, and being set free and delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is this great need that moves Scott Boyd to write such a book as this. Scott is a man of prayer and power that has seen God bring freedom and victory to numerous Christians who could not understand why they were not living victoriously, in sickness, or in daily torment. Through Scott's teachings in this book you will discover the plan of God for your victory, and how you can overcome all the power of the enemy that is withholding God's blessings from your life. And as you read this book, let God's Spirit move upon your life and begin unlocking the truths of what Christ has won for you, and how you can access it." Pastor Tommy Nunn (New Life Assembly Dallas Texas)

Copyright 2009 Scott Boyd All Rights Reserved This book is dedicated to Jesus the Christ who came to seek and save the lost, and he also came to set the captives free and heal the broken hearted. I would like to thank my wife, daughter, and friends who have contributed to this in many ways. God has truly given us a great team of anointed powerful prayer warriors. Your contribution and prayers are felt within the pages of this book. Thanks to my mother who helped edit this book!

Disclaimer This book is copyrighted, but it is written for the purpose of being copied or email and shared with as many as you feel led to share it with. This booklet can be a tremendous asset in discipling new converts and also seeing those that need a spiritual breakthrough receive it. This is compiled information put together over years of sermons, studies, revival services, and deliverance sessions. I have no doubt that any sincere Christian can read through this book and be totally set free from anything satan has ever had in their lives. There has been a lot of prayer and fasting over these writings and for all of you that are going to be reading this. May the God of peace sanctify you through and through your whole spirit, soul, and body to be kept pure and blameless until the coming of the Lord.

Introduction: Examine Yourself The Bible teaches us to “examine ourselves to make sure that we are in the faith” (2 Corinthians 13:5), and to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). As I write below, I am asking that you really let the Lord do a work in your heart. Let us all take a moment to humble ourselves and make sure everything is right between us and the Lord Jesus. This is the first step and the most important thing you will ever do in this life. Read below.

Do you feel like you are a good person? Most people do. People think to themselves "God wouldn't send me to hell." Well, let's look at the Ten Commandments of God to see how good you are in the sight of God. Have you ever told a lie in your life? Have you ever stolen something? How about a white lie or stolen something small? Jesus said, “If you look at someone with lust, you have already committed adultery in your heart with them.” Have you done that? Jesus also said, “if you hate someone, you have already murdered them in your heart.” Have you ever hated someone? Have you ever used God's holy name in vain as a cussword? That is blasphemy and very serious. Have you ever dishonored your parents or envied what someone else has? Have you ever had something in your life more important to you than God? That is an idol in your life. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. If you and I were to go rob a bank, kill the tellers, and get caught on video doing it, how much mercy would a judge have on us? We could blame society, our parents, or even say "there are others doing it." Would the judge care? No. In the same way, we are guilty of sin before God who is the judge. We will die and stand ALONE before him guilty. What if we were in that courtroom after robbing the bank and a stranger came up to the judge and asked to pay our fine so that we could go free even though we are guilty? Or if this person offered to go to prison on our behalf, or go to the electric chair for us so we wouldn’t have to? That would be amazing, wouldn't you agree? That is exactly what Jesus did 2000 years ago. God became man and died to pay the debt of sin we have all committed before God. We are guilty and need God's forgiveness. So we can humble ourselves and ask forgiveness for our sin, or we can be prideful and end up in hell. The choice is ours. Someone reading this may think, "Well this loving God wouldn't send me to hell." If you are thinking that, you just broke the second of the Ten Commandments which says not to create a god. You used your imagination to create a god that would not send you to hell even though you refuse to turn away from sin and get right with Jesus. Jesus' price he paid at the cross is the only way God will accept us on judgment day. There are maybe others out there that say, I don't believe in Jesus. I say to you, you have never met him. When you meet him, you will believe. You can look at a building, or a house, and know there had to be an architect. You can also look at a painting and know there had to be a painter. In the same way, you can look at creation, and know there had to be a creator. We are without excuse! Not only does creation cry out there is a God, but God has given us a conscience that tells us right from wrong. Deep down we know it is wrong to sin, but we have still done it. You may be reading this and are a mystic, a Hindu, or into witchcraft. If you are willing to turn from these things and turn to Jesus, God will forgive the sin in your life. and give you a chance at eternal life in heaven. Others may be reading this and feel you have done too much to be forgiven. There is no such thing as doing too much to be forgiven. God will forgive you no matter what you have done if you come to him. Maybe you're a homosexual, a prostitute, a junkie, an adulterer, a witch, or addicted to porn. Jesus can set you free from that sin and give you what you need to live a holy life, if you turn to him. Now I want to speak to those that call themselves "Christians." I have met many in the Bible belt that call themselves Christians, but are getting high, drunk, having sex outside of marriage, look at porn, have a foul mouth, or simply do things Jesus would never do. Let me assure you that you are not saved. Jesus calls you a hypocrite. You say one thing with your mouth, but you deny Christ with your life. Not only are you going to hell, but you are causing others to not want to

accept Christ because they see a fake in front of them. If you turn from your sin and become a true follower of Christ, you can be forgiven. Now I want to talk to those that are religious. Christianity is not a religion, but it is a relationship with God. Adam and Eve lost the relationship they had with God and Jesus paid the price for that to be restored. You can go to hell with baptismal waters on your face, a communion wafer in your mouth, sitting on a church pew, and singing from a hymnal. Those things will not save you. Jesus said, in Matthew 7: 21. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. 22. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23. "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.' The two problems Jesus had with these religious people he cast into hell was that they: Did not know him, and they practiced lawlessness. In other words they had no relationship with Jesus and they lived in sin. So I ask you, if you claim to be a Christian, what has Jesus been speaking to you lately? If you claim to be a Christian, are you living holy according to what the Bible calls holy? If not friend, you need to get right with God. Many reading this know you need to get some things right with God. Don't put things off! You are not promised tomorrow. Get right with Jesus now! God is looking for humility and repentance. Repentance means turning away from and forsaking sin. Only the shed blood of Jesus from the cross can wash away your sin. Also, you must forgive others of what they have done to you before you can be forgiven. Forgiveness is a choice. Here is a prayer you can pray to get right with God: Dear Jesus, I have sinned toward you, others, and even myself. I have not kept your commands. I ask your forgiveness today. Wash me holy in your blood, which is like spiritual soap that can make me clean and wash all my sins away. Let me be born again and new in you. Give me a fresh start. Please fill and baptize me in your Holy Spirit so I can be used of you. Anoint me Lord. Deliver me from ALL the works of satan so that I can be free to live a holy life. I give you my life and make you my God today. I renounce satan, all his kingdom, and his works. I now serve notice on satan’s kingdom that I am yours now, Jesus, bought by your blood on the cross. No part of my life or family belongs to satan anymore. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

I will cover these issues listed below more throughout this booklet, but for now here is some advice. If you have prayed that prayer and meant it, you are forgiven. You need to get involved and faithfully attend a powerful on-fire church that is in revival. You need to pursue getting water baptized as soon as possible. Get a Bible and begin to read it. You can start with the book of John. Start taking the Lord's Supper on a regular basis- once a week or so. Make sure and get all the sin out of your life. Burn any pornography, witchcraft or occult materials, and any false god materials. Flush illegal drugs down the toilet, dump alcohol down the drain, and throw away any tobacco products. Throw away the old ungodly music, movies, and quit watching T.V. shows or movies Jesus wouldn't watch. If you live holy, you can maintain your walk with God. The only sex God will accept is between a man and wife in marriage. If you are living with someone get married or move out. Any other sexual activity (including looking with lust or masturbation) needs to be removed from your life completely. It is sin.

You must love Jesus more than any sin. He wants your whole life or nothing at all. He must be the only God of your life. I will talk about these issues as we go on. We will look at several topics in this book in summarized form. I have written on most of these topics in length in my other writings, but this is meant to be more of a booklet that can be read in a few sittings. Here are some questions I will try to answer in this booklet. Why do Christians deal with sickness, oppression, struggles with sin, anger, divorce, family strife, lust, depression, insomnia, family curses, and financial problems? The Bible CLEARLY has promises regarding all these issues being taken care of for us. I believe more times than not root issues of pride, fear, rebellion to authority, unforgiveness, an unrenewed mind, not living by faith, the need for inner healing, cursed objects in one’s home, or the need for personal deliverance are the reasons for these things. We will look at the topics and answer some questions as we go along. Right now pray this prayer before reading on: As a blood bought Christian I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God. In Jesus’ name I bind every satanic spirit that try to hinder me from reading this book and receiving what God has for me through it. I command that you will not function or manifest in any way from this point on as I read this book. I ask you, Father, to send your angels to be around me to minister to me and fight for me and protect me as I need it. Let the blood of Jesus cover my life and every person or thing tied to me now. Holy Spirit I ask you to fill me, give me mental clarity, and help me to receive all that you want me to receive and understand through this book. Bring things to my mind I need to remember. Give me spiritual wisdom, revelation, and understanding as I need it. Thank you. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. If you feel you need to pray this every time you start to read this book, feel free to do so.

Section One The overwhelming majority of people after committing their lives to Christ will need to be fully cleansed and drive the enemy completely out of their lives. This does not just automatically happen just because you accept Christ as your savior. I wish it did, but that is wishful thinking at best. This booklet will help you to be discipled, cleansed, and free from anything satan has ever put in your life. This book will cover a lot of material but in a condensed form. To get a deeper look at these subjects, you can listen to the audio teachings on our website and also read the other books I have written. Once you have accepted Christ as your savior, you have entered the oldest, most serious, and deadliest war known to humanity. It boils down to a battle between God and satan over the eternal souls of men. Satan can only be in one place at one time and only has limited power and knowledge. He sends his demons to attack Christians. Here are some areas he attacks people: 1. He attacks your human spirit which makes it difficult to pray, read the Bible, or grow spiritually 2. He attacks your human soul with: He puts evil thoughts in your mind, your fills your emotions with anger, fear, or depression, or your imagination with evil images. He will

also attack you with lust. Satan will attack with unforgiving thoughts trying to cause you to keep remembering the hurt someone has done to you. 3. He attacks your human body with health problems 4. He attacks your nights rest and gives people insomnia 5. He attacks your relationships filling them with division and strife 6. Your finances with lack 7. He tries to hinder your ministry from ever being what God called it to be 8. He will try to attack you kids with rebellion and marriage with divorce (don’t let him win) Here are signs that there might be a generational curse at work in your life or family. When you look at your family do you see any of these? 1. A history of physical or mental breakdown 2. Repeated chronic sickness 3. Barrenness or tendency to miscarry 4. Divorce or family alienation 5. Continual financial stress or poverty 6. Accident prone- repeated unexplained accidents 7. History of suicide or early deaths Here are some signs that there could be demonic spirits at work in your life as an individual or within your household. Do you deal with any of these issues: Fits of rage, constant headaches, migraines, insomnia, incurable diseases, fears, mental illness, seizures, suicidal thoughts, female problems, depression, addictions, fascination with the occult, nightmares, hearing voices, seeing scary visions, stubborn arrogance, compulsive dishonesty, marital problems, dizziness or fainting, or sharp unexplained pains in various parts of the body. In the Bible we read that basically there are seven (the number for perfection) blessings for obeying the Bible and nine (the number of judgment) curses for disobeying the Bible. Here is a list of the seven blessings. Seven blessings: exaltation, health, reproductiveness, prosperity, abundance, God’s favor, victory over enemies Nine curses: humiliation, barrenness, unfruitfulness, mental or physical breakdown, family breakdown, poverty or famine, defeat, oppression, failure, and God’s disfavor. The goal of this book is to help you move to a place of being free from anything satan has ever had in your life, and then moving into the fullness of the blessings, freedom, victory, and dominion Jesus paid for you to have on the cross. As you go through this booklet, make it a point to specifically confess any sins you have ever committed as they come to mind and those your ancestors have committed. The sins of your ancestors will not send you to hell, but it can affect the quality of your life here on the earth by causing oppression on your life. My heart is to see you that are reading this totally free from any oppression of the enemy.

Dealing with root issues of satanic bondage: Pride Matthew 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3.And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” James 4:6 "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble." 1 Peter 5:5 “You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. 6. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.” Proverbs 6:16 “There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, 18. A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, 19. A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.” Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” What turned a beautiful angel named Lucifer into the most wicked being that ever existed we now call satan (satan means enemy) was pride that led to rebellion. Almost everyone that has that evil rebellious streak in them struggles with pride first and foremost. If we are prideful and rebellious, we are like the devil. Oftentimes pride is like bad breath. The person that has it is the last to know it. Also, many times people are afraid to point out a pride issue in someone else because they know the person will not be very receptive. It hurts our pride when someone tells us we are prideful or wrong in some way. We need our pride hurt sometimes to teach us. There are certain root issues of bondage I would like to mention here. The first root issue to deal with is pride. There is on our website some audio teachings on these issues on the discipleship page under Deliverance and Warfare teaching. The spirit of pride is Leviathan. Pride is basically not being teachable and able to be corrected. Jesus talked about the importance of being childlike. Little children are humble, teachable, able to be corrected, and don’t feel like they know everything. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are really humble. You may want to commit these to prayer and let the Holy Spirit fill you and start helping you to see where pride is, and also helping you to repent of pride. Remember to repent means to turn away from, quit doing it, and even changing the way you think about it. 1. Can you take discipline, constructive criticism, or correction with a good attitude? 2. Do you blame others for your problems or sins? (even blaming the devil can be a cop out) 3. Are you an independent person that has a problem truly submitting to authority? 4. Are you critical and fault-finding of others? 5. Do you run into spiritual battles in presumption? (be careful! We have to be led by the Lord)

6. Do you defend your pet doctrines and are you very territorial? (we don’t know everything, we actually could be wrong in some things, and someone may know something we don’t.) 7. Do you have difficulty admitting you are wrong or apologizing? 8. Do you have a history of having relationship problems with those in authority over you? 9. Do you have problems honoring others and showing respect to authority figures? 10. Do you lack patience with others in their imperfections or sins? 11. Do you feel self-righteous or take pride in your gifts, anointing, or things God has done in you? 12. Performance measuring or measuring success by outward things can be rooted in pride. 13. Do you desire or yearn for praise and compliments? 14. Do you rejoice in the failure of others, or feel God will destroy those that have wronged you? 15. Do you compulsively defend yourself or worry about what others think of you? 16. Do you interrupt others a lot trying to dominate the conversation? 17. Do you have fake or exaggerated knowledge trying to appear more knowledgeable than you are? 18. People who are not “risk takers” are usually too prideful to fail in front of others. 19. A lot of people with pride are easily angered.

Above are just a few questions to help you begin to see pride in your life. Many people take pride in their looks and treat people with disrespect. These are pride issues. One of the main ways pride is in our lives has to do with the fact that we have issues with letting others speak into our lives or correct us. Take this issue to the Lord in prayer. Here is a prayer you can pray. “Father please forgive me for all this pride in my life. Holy Spirit, I know that you can help me overcome pride. I ask you to fill me and show me every area there is pride in my life. Destroy these prideful strongholds, and help me walk in humility in every area of my life. Give me a hatred for pride and a love for humility. Change me from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” Now I command any satanic spirits in my life associated with pride to take all your influence and go from me, my family, and bloodline forever in Jesus’ name! According to the will of God, repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen, then go into the abyss forever in Jesus name!

Dealing with root issues of satanic bondage: Unforgiveness Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you. 25. "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your transgressions. 26. ["But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions."] Many of us have been severely wronged by others. But we must remember that if we do not forgive people, we will not be forgiven. The only way we are going to heaven is if our sins are forgiven, so we don’t have a choice in the matter. When God forgives us, he no longer keeps a record of the matter, he no longer remembers it or brings it up, and he is not angry toward us anymore. To be like God we must do the same. Holding unforgiveness is basically harboring a grudge, resentment, and not letting something go. We can see from the Bible in Luke 17:1 that many offenses will come in these end times in which we live. One of the main reasons people are away from God or out of church is because of being offended. Offense leads to unforgiveness and unforgiveness

leads to bitterness. This is a very deadly downward spiral. This is a MAJOR trap and tactic of satan (2Corinthians 2:5-11) and we can see the offended heart is breeding ground for deception (Matthew 24:10). This is a very serious issue. First forgiveness begins with a choice. You need to get out a pen and paper and write down anyone that you could possibly have unforgiveness toward and pray out loud to the Lord naming them and stating that you choose to forgive them. Now your heart may still be hurt, and you may still feel anger, but you must take this initial step or you will not be forgiven for your sins, and you will not be able to break free from the satanic bondage in your life. God’s medicine for inner healing After choosing to forgive them, Jesus taught us to pray for those that have wronged us. Also he taught us to bless those that have cursed us. In Luke 6: 28. bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29. "Whoever hits you on the cheek, offer him the other also; and whoever takes away your coat, do not withhold your shirt from him either. 30. "Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back. 31. "And just as you want people to treat you, treat them in the same way.” Have you ever heard the expression easier said than done? Well, this doesn’t even sound easy does it? If you are a normal person, you will not want to do this at first, but you have to obey the Bible. This is your key to freedom. You must commit to start praying and blessing the people that have wronged you daily. As you do this, God will heal your heart, change you, cause you to start loving this person, and you will become a different person. This could take years. But you MUST follow through with this. If you don’t obey the Bible, you will never truly be free from the satanic bondages in your life. We will talk about blessings later, but speaking a blessing is speaking positive words over someone’s life out loud by faith. It is literally putting those positive words on them by faith. Blessings are meant to be an agent of change. So we pray for and bless those that have wronged us. Last, you may need to go to a person and talk with him/her. I wouldn’t do this unless you feel the Lord has told you to, because in some cases it will only make things worse. If you feel led to go, when you do go don’t say something like “I forgive you for being a jerk.” That is only going to make things worse! Go in humility and say something like this. “I am sorry for anything I have done to hurt our relationship, and I want you to know I don’t hold anything against you, and I do love you in the Lord.” You may even take them a gift. This will take humility on your part. Also, if we have hurt someone and caused them to be away from God or out of church, we must go find them and apologize! We need to seek others forgiveness if necessary. Luke 17:1 “And He [Jesus] said to His disciples, "It is inevitable that offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they come!” We want to make sure we have righted any wrongs we have done! When you have truly forgiven and been healed by the Lord you will be able to talk about the incidents without getting upset. You will genuinely feel sorry for, or compassion for, the person who has wronged you. You will even start feeling love and concern for their soul. I heard of a man that went to his father’s grave to truly forgive him and let things go. A minister I greatly admire preached a sermon that someone didn’t like. This person hid in the pastor’s office in the dark behind a door and grabbed the unsuspecting pastor

from behind when he came in, spun him around, and started punching him in the stomach. The pastor walked away, sat down, then tried to reason with the person. He saw this person later at a meeting. He knew not to hold a grudge, so he went to the person and tapped him on the shoulder to say, “Hi.” See that is how to handle situations in a Christlike manner! Turn the other cheek and refuse to hold a grudge. Before all was over the man that had punched the pastor had tears running down his face and their relationship was healed. This is the way we are supposed to handle offenses. We forgive and walk daily in forgiveness. It is not easy, and our flesh does not want to do it, but by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in us, WE CAN. Matthew 18:�21. Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" 22. Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. 23. "For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a certain king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves. 24. "And when he had begun to settle them, there was brought to him one who owed him ten thousand talents. 25. "But since he did not have the means to repay, his lord commanded him to be sold, along with his wife and children and all that he had, and repayment to be made. 26. "The slave therefore falling down, prostrated himself before him, saying, `Have patience with me, and I will repay you everything.' 27. "And the lord of that slave felt compassion and released him and forgave him the debt. 28. "But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began to choke him, saying, `Pay back what you owe.' 29. "So his fellow slave fell down and began to entreat him, saying, `Have patience with me and I will repay you.' 30. "He was unwilling however, but went and threw him in prison until he should pay back what was owed. 31. "So when his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were deeply grieved and came and reported to their lord all that had happened. 32. "Then summoning him, his lord said to him, `You wicked slave, I forgave you all that debt because you entreated me. 33. `Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, even as I had mercy on you?' 34. "And his lord, moved with anger,handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him. 35. "So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, if each of

you does not forgive his brother from your heart." If we don’t forgive quickly, bitterness will set in. When this happens, you will start to have anger issues, health problems, torment from demonic spirits (the torturers that were talked about in the above passage), you will struggle with various sins, and your prayers will only seem to hit the ceiling when you pray. Bitterness is like a spiritual cancer, and it will take some time to get it out of you once it sets in. Even from my own personal experience, bitterness will cause your “spiritual immune system” to breakdown, and you will find yourself too weak to fight off the attacks of the enemy and will certainly begin to struggle with sin. I personally experienced this in my life in the past. I got hurt and bitter and starting having health problems, difficulty praying, and it became very difficult to live holy. I started really dealing with past sinful habits again. God mercifully kept me from totally falling into sin, but my life was miserable until I fully dealt with this issue. It was very miserable! I remember speaking with a precious elderly minister that goes to nursing homes to preach. He is in great shape and still serves on staff at a church. He was telling me that many of the people in these homes are actually younger than him, but because so many are bitter, they have terrible health issues. It is very sad. I feel as I am writing this there are some that will read this that have hatred toward others. If you hate someone, remember Jesus considers it murder. We have to renounce hatred.

1John 3:15 “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16. We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” It takes humility to forgive others, and it takes the love of Jesus to change us to love our enemies the way Jesus loved his enemies. Even on the cross he cried out “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” That is true love and true forgiveness. This is a process of inner healing that will take time. You first choose to forgive, then by your daily praying and blessing those that have wronged you, you will be healed over time (Remember it could take years. Keep going and don’t give up.) So what do we pray for these people? Well, first you can pray for yourself to love them and truly forgive them from your heart, etc… Also, pray for them to be saved, or healed if they need it, to be truly right with God, delivered if they need it, God would bless them where they need it, that your relationship be healed and restored as though none of this negative ever happened, etc…I think you get the idea. Just pray positive loving prayers over them. The same principal applies with blessings. Speak positive loving words over them. This is God’s medicine for your heart. Jesus taught us to pray and daily check ourselves for unforgiveness in Luke 11: 2. And He said to them, "When you pray, say: `Father, hallowed be Thy name. 3. `Give us each day our daily bread. 4. `And forgive us our sins, For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” Daily we must check ourselves for any unforgivenss and learn to walk in forgiveness as a lifestyle. I believe this one issue alone will send countless people to hell. So many just simply refuse to forgive, and they die in that sinful condition. It is very sad. We don’t have a right to harbor unforgiveness because look at all the evil the Lord has forgiven us for!�True forgiveness will actually let go of all resentment. Some people may have made a choice to forgive, but if they saw that person in a store, they would still have resentment toward them and not want to talk with them. There has to be a true exchange of the resentment for love. Here is a prayer for you to pray. Jesus I choose to forgive __________(list them all out by name). Heavenly father, forgive me for harboring unforgiveness toward others and being bitter. Bring to my remembrance any one I have unforgiveness toward so that I can choose to forgive them today. Holy Spirit, fill me and totally change me from being an unforgiving and bitter person to someone that loves even my enemies. Give me a new heart and mind. In Jesus name I pray. In Jesus’ name I command any satanic spirits that have been at work in my life because of unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred, take all your influence, oppression, and what you have sown, and go with it from me, my family, and bloodline forever! According to the will of God I demand you to repair any damage you have caused my life or family, restore sevenfold what you have stolen from me, and then go into the abyss forever in Jesus’ name.

Dealing with root issues of satanic bondage: Fear and wrong thought patterns There are three basic ways that satan controls people’s lives. He controls people through pride, fear, or rebellion in their hearts. These are the main ways, or root issues, that bring most satanic control. There are also three major emotions we all have. They are love, fear, and anger. Love will cause us to get close to people, anger will cause us to come against people, and fear will cause us to separate from people. Fear and anger

are the two main emotions that evil spirits try to manipulate in our lives. If you ever start feeling anger or fear for no reason, or on a level that it should not be there, you should try taking authority over the enemy and command him to leave you in Jesus’ name. Another area satan tries to control people is through their sex drive. Everyone has natural sexual desires toward the opposite sex that God has given to you. The problem is evil spirits try to manipulate that part of your psychological make-up. This leads me into an important teaching. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” God is three in one. He is Father, Son, and Spirit. They are three distinct persons, but they are one. Just like an egg is made up of a shell, the white, and the yolk. Since we are made in the image of God, we too are made as three parts but one person. We are a spirit, soul, and a body. We are NOT talking about three different Gods, but rather one God who is three persons in one. Your human spirit is that main part of you that communicates with God by the Holy Spirit who lives in you. Your spirit is exactly like your body except it is a spiritual body. Your spirit has eyes to see and ears to hear. I know this is not a good example, but I will use it anyway to help some understand. This part of you is very similar to what someone would call a ghost or apparition. I am only using that as an example. When you die, you go either straight to heaven or hell. The Bible clearly teaches that. The apparitions people see haunting places are demonic spirits that have the ability to appear as little children, old men, animals, or anything else they want. Your soul is much like a computer. This is mainly your personality and intellect. What makes up your soul is your mind (thoughtlife and intellect), your emotions, your memory (remembering the past), your imagination (which is very active at night with dreams, the part of you that is creative and sees images, and also the part of you that imagines what your future holds), and your will (this is your decision maker). Last is your body. You body mainly craves food, sleep, and sex. It is the part of you that the sinful nature inherited from Adam dwells. Satan plays a lot on human flesh as the Bible cursed the serpent to eat dust (our bodies are made from the dust of the earth) in Genesis 3:14. You body communicates through the five major senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Our spirit man is where the Holy Spirit dwells, where we are “born again”, where Christ’s spiritual DNA dwells in us, and how the Holy Spirit mainly communicates with us. The desires for the things of God dwell in our spirits. The desire for sin dwells in our flesh. So there is such a battle between our flesh and spirit. The battle takes place in our souls. Our souls must be servants to our spirits. The Holy Spirit in our spirit man should be filling and changing our souls. We are commanded to renew our minds in the Bible. That means ANY negative, lustful, evil, violent, or fearful thought that enters our minds, we must immediately throw out like a piece of trash and force ourselves to think on something else (preferable what the Bible says). The Bible promises us that we are “transformed by the renewing of our minds” in Romans 12:1-2. The word transformed in the Greek is metamorpho. This is where we get our word metamorphosis. A metamorphosis is the process a caterpillar goes through in a cocoon to become a butterfly. As you learn to have a very disciplined soul, your life will take on

such a radical transformation that it will be equivalent to the difference between a caterpillar (which crawls lowly on the ground and bound to earthly terrain) to that of a butterfly (a heavenly victorious life that is not bound by the contour of the earth’s terrain but is above what is going on in the earth. It is a peaceful life of faith in resting in God’s word). Lastly, our bodies are to be the slaves of our souls. We are actually to DIE to our bodies and their desires daily. Meaning we don’t give in to what our flesh wants, but rather what our spirits want. For example, God told you to fast. Your flesh says NO, but your spirit wants to obey the Lord. We must choose in our soul area to obey the Lord. Same with getting up early to pray or give up TV time to study the Bible. Also, the daily discipline to not look with lust, be careful to make godly choices, and to fully obey Christ’s teachings. The desire to do the right things is in our spirit, but the desire to rebel is in our flesh. By the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we have the strength to do right! So we must die to our flesh daily. Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.” 1Corinthians 15:31 “I protest, brethren, by the boasting in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” The way we are to accomplish this is by having strong prayer lives. As a baby Christian I would encourage you to start getting up earlier in the morning and pray at least around 15 minutes or so covering your day in prayer. I will talk more about prayer and Bible reading later, but for now let me show you some things. Your prayer life should grow to at least an hour a day. That is actually very easy, and it will become increasingly difficult to really get everything fit in an hour as you grow in Christ. I usually pray anywhere from one to four hours a day. On an average I pray at least two to three hours daily. This is important to me and I make time for it to happen. We have to love the Lord enough to make time for this. This is not hard. Some of you reading this think that is impossible, but actually it is easy. I will teach you how later. Also, it is VITALLY important that you read and study the Bible for yourself. You have to know what it says so you will not be deceived by the devil or evil men. There are too many conflicting and confusing voices out there. In your daily time of prayer, you will die to your flesh, and your spirit man will be strengthened. As you read and meditate on God’s word, your mind is renewed. The key to a powerful prayer life is getting to know the Holy Spirit as a person. As the father is in heaven, and the son at his right hand, who is it who is with us right now? The Holy Spirit is the one here to teach us, empower us, help us live holy, help us pray, help us die to our flesh. We will go deeper in this later. As you pray, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and read the Bible, your spirit will become sensitive, strong, and powerful. Prayer, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, time in God’s presence, and the word of God is spiritual food for your spirit and soul to make them strong. If you neglect these things, your flesh will dominate your life, and you will not ever really become a strong powerful Christian. Stongholds of the mind As you meditate on what the Bible says about you, you will develop righteous powerful strongholds of truth that will keep you. But if you entertain fearful negative thoughts, these will eventually become strongholds in your mind, and the enemy can traffic in that area of your life. Fear is a horrible thing! The Bible says God has not given us a spirit

(evil spirit) of fear, but rather the Holy Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind in 2 Timothy 1:6-7. Picture your soul being like real estate. You can build on what you want. Your soul can be full of life, light from heaven, truth of God’s word or it can be filled with lies of the enemy, darkness, negative thinking, fears, bitterness, lusts, etc… If evil thoughts are entertained in your thoughtlife, a defilement comes to the real estate. Next thing, picture a castle being built stone by stone by evil spirits in that part of the real estate that has been darkened and defiled. After the castle (stronghold) is built, the evil spirits try to come in to live in that home they have built. This is how it works. When it gets to this point, it will take a level of deliverance to see a person truly set free. Remember this, victory over lust begins in the renewing of the mind. No adulterous affair just happened. It was thought about first. Victory over sin begins in the mind area. People that allow this evil in the real estate of their soul will usually be given over to obsessive and compulsive behavior. I heard of a woman that was literally skin and bones sitting in a pastor’s office. Her skin tone had a grayish color to it and her eyes bloodshot and sunk into her head. She had lost A LOT of weight. The pastor said, “my you have lost weight.” She replied, “doesn’t it look good?” He said, “no, you look sickly.” She finally admitted to taking up to six to eight boxes of exlax a day to lose weight. She became obsessed with her looks, and a spirit came in to assist her in that obsessive and compulsive behavior. Some people become depressed and start struggling with bad habits like drinking because of a weak soul. I also know of a woman that had a little sister die when she was only around five years old. Something her parents said (they did not mean it the way she took it at all) led her to believe her younger sister’s death was her fault. She grew up believing every person she got close to would probably die, so she pushed everyone away. She ended up marrying a great guy. He liked being at home and spending time with her. She constantly pushed him away. Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore and left her for another woman that showed him the affection he longed for. I am not condoning his behavior as the Bible calls what he did adultery, but she has a stronghold in her mind that caused her to push people away. Have you believed lies of the devil in your mind somewhere? Has someone ever told you that you were worthless or that no one would want you? My wife’s father told her those things. It took time to help her break that pattern of thinking. I pray over you reading this, and I break those strongholds, lies of the enemy, and the darkness of their soul in Jesus’ name! I command you evil spirits tormenting their minds to go in Jesus’ name! Do you deal with fear of your future? Are you afraid of getting sick? Fear is not only an emotion but also a spirit. We see in 1Kings 19:1 Elijah was hit by a spirit of fear and ran for his life. It is amazing that he did run after just having such a huge victory and killing so many evil men for God. It is hard to believe he then ran from the threat of a woman, but it was more than a threat, it was a Jezebel spirit and a spirit of fear (intimidation). Fear causes people to be paralyzed and not able to do what they are called to do like Moses at the burning bush. It causes people to overreact and not live in peace. It causes an open door for intimidation and satanic attack, and causes people to not do what they are told to do by the Lord because they are afraid to do so. Fear can also cause our damnation as we see in Revelation 21:8 as the cowardly ending up in the lake of fire. This is because the cowardly will deny the faith if they are challenged. So what if you are captured and tortured to death because of your faith, would you deny Christ to be set free? Remember these statements. I have more faith in the Lord to keep me from

falling, than in the devil to cause me to fall. I have more faith in the Lord to protect me, than in the devil to harm me. I have more faith in God to keep me from deception, than in the devil to deceive me. And I have more faith in God to keep what I have entrusted in him, than in the devil to destroy what has been entrusted to me. Jude 24 “Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy.” Meditating on the word of God produces faith. I have faith that God will keep me from falling in this life, and present before him blameless one day. 2 Timothy 1:12 “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him against (or until) that day.” Whatever you entrust to the Lord care like your health, kids, family, finances, ministry, etc…He is able to keep it against that day. What does “Against that day” mean exactly. It means when satan shows up, God will defend it against satan. Sit down and pray and entrust everything to the Lord so that when satan’s kingdom shows up, you can stand on that promise that God is able to keep what has been entrusted to him against that day. Many people are afraid the enemy will prevent them from their destiny. No one, and I mean not a person or a demon, can keep you from fulfilling what God has called you to do except yourself. If you get bitter, prideful, living in unrepentant sin, rebellious to authority, or fearful you might prevent yourself from it. But always remember, God is a God of restoration, and he can give you back all the years satan has stolen from you! Just ask forgiveness and repent. God can take what would normally take one thousand years and do it in a day (2 Peter 3:8). God wants to deal with any rebellion you have. He will purposely put you under the authority of people you have a hard time submitting to, to work out that rebellious streak in you. We have to learn to put down our agenda, and submit to authority. Wife, are you fully submitted to your husband? Children are you fully submitted to your parents? Church attender, are you fully submitted to the leadership of the church? True Biblical submission is “asking permission and obeying the decision with a good attitude.” Never forget that! Jezebel and Ahab spirits are basically spirits of rebellion. This is such a serious and important issue that I have placed a teaching along these lines at the end of this book. I strongly recommend you read that section. The Bible predicts the rise of these spirits in the end times in which we live. We also must allow the Holy Spirit to help us have discipline in our emotions so that we are not given to outbursts of anger or sadness. We must remember the good of our past and not meditate on the negative we have been through. We must have a holy and positive imagination (no wicked, violent, or perversion in our imagination area). Also with our will, we must make godly, wise decisions based on the leading of the Holy Spirit and word of God and stick to them. As the Holy Spirit gives us the grace to do these things, we will have a very disciplined powerful soul. People that have weak souls are very up and down spiritually and usually deal with depression and even suicidal thoughts. They will usually be in and out of church and lack discipline in their prayer lives and time in the word. Dealing with root issues of satanic bondage: prospering soul

3 John 2 “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” You souls prospering speaks of your soul being made whole, complete, and doing well. As our souls prosper we will then begin to live in prosperity and health. Most of the issues of our lives have a spiritual root somewhere. Many have certainly been wounded in life and need inner healing. As your soul area is healed and made whole, many times your health will also follow. Dealing with the mental strongholds, lies, and pain the enemy has caused in your life can bring a lot of healing to your life in many areas such as mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is often overlooked by many in the inner healing and deliverance ministry. The areas of forgiveness have almost everything to do with inner healing, but also many have blamed God for what the devil has done and deal with anger or disappointment toward God. The fact is, the devil is the one behind the scenes causing sickness, premature death, mental and emotional torment, fear, hate, racism, wars, poverty, famine, plagues, etc… God has already demonstrated his love toward us when he sent Jesus. He showed us under Moses that He has already laid out blessings for obeying the Bible and curses for disobeying it. God encouraged us to choose blessings. God is not in the sky ready to strike someone that does wrong. Just like gravity is a law that is already set in motion, so are the blessings and curses. It is all about our choices (or the choices of our ancestors) as to what kind of life we live. Is our life blessed or cursed? One time the Lord spoke to me to witness to a manager at a Cici’s pizza place where I took my family to eat. He was kind of upset with me at first. I asked him what he had against God. He said, “Well, I just think God is uncaring and just simply has us like an ant farm.” I asked him why he felt that way, and he said “my wife just died giving birth to my daughter and then my daughter died.” I felt sorry for him but I encouraged him to not hold that against God because God is not a murderer, and he did not kill them. I told him to not blame God for what the devil did, and also that his wife and daughter would not want him to end up in hell over this issue. He really listened to what I had to say. Secondly, we must realize that we are not victims. So many people have a victim mentality about life. They sit around having a pity party and feel sorry for themselves. God may have allowed negative things in our lives, but it is for his ultimate glory as he heals and delivers you and then uses you. God might have plans for you to be one of his greatest champions. Maybe that is why satan has worked so hard to bring so much pain in your life. Don’t look at life from a victim mentality anymore. That will hold you back. You are now God’s child and a champion. As long as you are a victim in your mind, you will never really be a champion of faith for God’s kingdom. God is not a person that plays favorites. His word is the SAME for everyone. Either you believe as God’s child you have a right to ALL he has promised, or you choose to not believe the word. God is fair. I am his child just as much as anyone else. Therefore, I have full right to every promise of God just like you or anyone else. So do you. Let God heal the soul area of all fears, worrying, doubt, negative thinking, low self-esteem, depression, etc. It is time to move on. I will talk about faith later in this writing. I refuse to let myself think on fearful, negative, or ungodly things anymore. When these things come, I rebuke the enemy and then start quoting scriptural promises that are mine in Christ. It is amazing how much a change filling our minds with faith will cause. Here is a prayer to pray. Lord, you see the wounds of my soul. I commit them to you.

Holy Spirit come fill me and bring your presence and healing to all of my soul and spirit that has been wounded. Let me know what it is like to walk in divine health and prosperity in life as my soul prospers. In Jesus’ name I pray. Now I command any satanic spirits that have been at work in my life in the area of mental or emotional torment, mental strongholds, fears, or lies of the enemy to listen to me now! You take all your influence, your oppression, and all you have sown and go from me, my family, and bloodline forever in Jesus’ name! According to the will of God, I demand you to repair any damages you have caused me, restore sevenfold what you have stolen from me, and then go into the Abyss forever, in Jesus’ name. Strife and striving So many deal with strife and spirits of division. The Bible warns us to not go to bed angry with unresolved issues (Eph 4:26-27). I can see in my mind like a sliding glass door opening and powerful spirits of strife and division moving into homes as people are asleep at night. The problem is, they have unforgiveness and anger in the home because they didn’t deal with it before going to bed. Now the enemy has a right to come in. This is a serious situation. Do you see strife, division, divorce, and/or a lot of fighting going on in your ancestors, extended family, or in your own home? Strife and divisive spirits are so tormenting. They cause rejection (which by the way there are spirits of rejection as well) and emotional torment. These type of spirits are fiercely generational. These spirits are very prevalent where you see Jezebel and Ahab spirits at work in families and family lines. Jezebel and Ahab spirits are deadly and must be dealt with quickly. Here are some questions to see if there could be an issue with strife in your life. Do you see a lot of broken relationships in your past? Do you have difficulty keeping peace in your home with your spouse and kids? Do you deal with anger? Do you deal with road rage? Do you find yourself angry and arguing with people in your mind? Are you quick to flare up in anger? Do you feel you are striving toward things instead of resting in the Lord and letting the Lord do what he wants in his timing? These are signs of strife. Just remember that our battle is NOT against flesh and blood (humanity), but rather against spiritual forces of darkness (Eph 6:10-24). If you feel there is a generational curse or a work of the enemy in your life or family, here is a prayer you can pray. Father, forgive me for all the strife, striving, anger, stress, fighting, division, and impatience that has been in my life and family and ancestry. I repent. Holy Spirit please fill and change me to never be the same again. Change me into someone that is patient, slow to anger, abounding in love, gentle, and a peace-maker. Jesus please wash away my sin in this area, blot out our transgressions, and take away all this iniquity out of us forever in Jesus’ name. Any generational iniquity about these issues please take out of me and my family forever as I ask forgiveness for it now. Now I break any curse or work of satan off my life and family either generationally or from my own sin in Jesus’ name! I command any satanic spirit that has been causing strife, striving, anger, stress, fighting, division, discord, or rebellion to be bound right now in Jesus’ name! All of you take your influence, oppression, and what you have sown and go with it from me, my family, and ministry forever! Go from us, our families, our bloodlines, our

descendants, our households, our properties, our relationships NOW and FOREVER in the name of Jesus! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damages you have caused our lives and restore sevenfold what you have stolen from us, and then I command that you go into the Abyss. I command these things in the name of Jesus. Heavenly Father I ask you to release a restoration and healing in our lives and relationships. Restore every broken relationship and heal every wound. Please bring peace into my life, family, home, and relationships. In Jesus name I pray.

Section Two: The Incredible Importance of Faith

Faith is an extremely important topic for these end-times. Most people do not really know a lot about faith and how to live by faith. It is vital that we live by faith, for the Bible says “without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).” But we also must direct our faith to the cross. So how do we get faith? Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). How do satanic spirits attack: They attack our health, finances, relationships (with strife and division), difficulty praying reading word, mental and emotional attacks, lust, depression, fears, anger, lies, temptation deception and accusation, and kids with rebellion. Satan is the god of divorce, pain, suffering, lying, theft, hatred, murder, violence, drugs and substance abuse, child abuse, and every evil you can imagine. Satan’s kingdom traffics in dark, dry, and defiled places. If you were to take garbage and dump it in your living room floor, eventually rats and flies would gather. If you remove the garbage, eventually the rats and flies would disappear. Satan’s kingdom hates the light. The light of God’s word (the Bible) being preached and taught exposes satan’s kingdom. Exposing them causes them to lose their power and ability to be successful in what they are doing. The river of God’s precious Holy Spirit will wash away satan’s attacks and influences. Satan’s kingdom hates the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Last, spiritual defilement is probably where almost all demonization begins. I will talk more about that later. I said these things to help you see why faith in the word is so important. We combat the enemy by having faith in the word, knowing what the word says, and the power of the Holy Spirit. As Christians we have so many promises in God’s word. Let’s start looking at some of them.

The awesome power of the cross: knowing what Christ paid for us to have on the cross Victory over sin This is the first and greatest victory Jesus has given us. 1Peter 2:24 reads “Christ bore in his body our sins that we might die to sin and live for righteousness.” Jesus has not only paid for our sins to be forgiven, but that by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us, we will be able to live a holy life! We must walk in faith regarding these promises. There is no sin that you have ever struggled with that Christ will not give you victory over. In fact the first place Jesus shed his blood was in the garden of Gethsemane when he sweated drops of blood as he prayed “Father not my will but yours be done.” Jesus shed his blood and paid for us to be able to say no to sin and yes to righteousness. As

we learn to have strong prayer lives, daily get into the word of God, take authority over the enemy, renew our minds, and live filled with the Holy Spirit, we will start walking in victory over all our sin! I need to stop and explain what sin, transgressions, and iniquity really mean. Sin literally means to “miss the mark.” We have all sinned and deal with sin regularly. Sin is basically wanting to be perfect for the Lord but falling short. How many times have we gotten upset and said something in anger we regretted later. That is just one example. Jesus paid for our sin to be forgiven at the cross. Make sure as soon as you sin to quickly ask forgiveness and repent of it. The longer you wait to do that the more opportunity satan will have to try to find a way into your life! Transgression is literally translated “rebellion.” You see in the garden of Eden Eve sinned because she was tricked into doing something, but Adam knew what he was doing and did it anyway. That was rebellion and a serious transgression! Transgressions are a more serious offense than a sin. Iniquity is very different. Iniquity literally translates “crooked, perverse, or bent.” It is something that can either travel down a family line or come from the sinful activity of an individual. Major areas that quickly produce powerful iniquity are occult activities, false god worship, and sexual sins. Iniquity is an evil crookedness within someone that draws them toward sinful activity. For example, in a family bloodline how many times have you heard a story like this? A father was a drunk and beat his kids. The kids hated him, but grew up to do the same thing. That iniquity in the kids they inherited drove them into the same sins they hated in their dad. Or do you feel within you a drawing toward sexual perversions, the occult, or violent activities? Do you see the same sinful weaknesses in you that are in your family line? That perversion within is iniquity. People that have been molested will deal with iniquity. Homosexuality is a serious iniquity issue. The good news is that Jesus was “pierced (bleeding on the outside of his body) for your transgressions and bruised (bleeding on the inside of his body) for your iniquity” as we see in Isaiah 53:5. So you can pray a prayer like this in full faith that Jesus paid for this to be removed from your life forever. Lord please forgive me for all the sin, transgressions (rebellion toward you when I knew to do right but chose to do wrong) and all the iniquity from either inheritance from my ancestors or within me from my own evil lifestyle. I repent. Cleanse me with your blood Jesus. I ask you to wash away all my sin, blot out all my transgressions, and take all iniquity out of me and my family forever. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Healing 1 Peter 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. Again we see in 1Peter 2:24 that “by his wounds you were healed.” The same cross that paid for your sins also paid for your healing. The same faith by which you are forgiven of sins is the same faith by which you are healed. Faith is an interesting subject to me. Faith goes against everything you have been taught in the natural your whole life. You have been taught “I will believe it when I see it,” but actually faith is “I believe it is done even though I have not seen it, felt it, or have any reason in the natural to think it is done.” Faith is a daily walk. As I pray every morning I thank the Lord for all he has done for me and spend time worshipping him and quoting scriptures out loud of his promises. Today I choose to walk in faith that I am already healed and living in health. Sometimes my

body has to line up with the word, but I ask the Lord humbly “where am I missing it” when I deal with sickness. He will show me and back into health we go. On our website (www.fnirevival.com) I have quite a few sermons on faith that will help you understand the subject better, and I will talk about it more later in this booklet.

Deliverance Galatians 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree" 14. in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Jesus completely paid for our deliverance at the cross as well. Not only can we be free, but we can help others get free. I am only touching on subjects as I write this book, so I can’t really go into much detail on these points I am making, but let me just say that much of the body of Christ has no idea of the true authority and spiritual power that is really available to them. In Matthew 16:13-19 Jesus told the disciples that we have been given the keys to the kingdom (authority) and whatever we bind and loose will be bound and loosed. Binding is literally translated “to tie up.” So when you bind demons they get wrapped up in spiritual chains and can’t do anything. Loosing means “to untie or destroy.” This is when we loose, destroy, or break off satanic bondage off of people’s lives and set them free from the works of the devil. I love the scripture 1John 3:8 “The one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”� There were many ways the Father could have chosen for Jesus to die as an atonement for sin. So everything about the cross is very significant. Jesus took nails in his hands and feet for a reason. Blood was shed from them. We have SO much authority available to us from our hands. The Bible says in Mark 16:17 "And these signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18. they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them;�they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." Did you know there is authority and power in our hands! Also in our feet there is authority and power. God spoke to both Abraham and Joshua telling them everywhere the souls of their feet tread it would be given to them. An interesting point about the authority in our feet is when Jesus went to the Gadarenes. It says in Mark 5:2 “And when He had come out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him.” I can just see Jesus feet coming off that boat and hitting the soil in that region. As soon as that happened, all hell was stirred up and the demon possessed man came running to Jesus crying for mercy. Jesus shed both blood and water out of his side because as Eve was created out of Adam’s rib, so a bride was created out of Jesus’ crucifixion. Also blood and water is present when a baby is born into the world. This crucifixion made a way for us to be born again.

Financial provision and prosperity

It is God’s promises that we will prosper and abound. Proverbs 10:22 “It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it..” God has promised us these scriptures in his word. Philippians 4:19 “ And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Deuteronomy 8:18 "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 28:12 "The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. 13 "And the Lord shall make you the head and not the tail, and you only shall be above, and you shall not be underneath, if you will listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully” Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, `How have we robbed Thee?' In tithes and offerings. 9. "You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! 10. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. 11. "Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it may not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes," says the Lord of hosts. 12. "And all the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land," says the Lord of hosts. If you will obey the Bible and stand in faith, you will see prosperity in your life and supernatural provision. First we must tithe the first and full ten percent of what we make into our home church. Second, you need to live a life of giving as the Lord leads you. I would recommend that you bless Israel somehow with your finances and give to the poor. These things will please the Lord and really release a blessing into your life as well. Jesus took a crown of thorns and died nude for poverty to be broken off your life. Dying nude is humiliating, but also it is dying without any material possessions of any kind! When Adam sinned, God cursed him that he would only eat by the sweat of his brow and that the land would produce thorns for him. That is a curse of poverty and famine. Well, Jesus took a crown of thorns on the sweat of his brow breaking the curse of poverty for you to live a life of prosperity and supernatural provision.


The word promises us supernatural protection from satanic forces and the negative things of life. I have so many stories about all of these promises I have listed above that I just cannot put them here for the sake of keeping this a booklet. But let me tell one. A dear friend of mine was driving down the road with a cement wall on his left and semi on his right. He was going around 65 mph. He hit a large pot hole which caused his to swerve to the right and he should have hit the semi, but his steering wheel went the other direction on its own and his car never hit anything. I wish I could have seen the angel that kept his wheel straight! He could have died in an accident like that. Psalm 91 is a scripture I recommend everyone memorize and speak over yourself and your family daily. It is so powerful. Here are some excerpts from it:

Psalm 91:7 “A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not approach you. 8 You will only look on with your eyes, and see the recompense of the wicked. 9 For you have made the Lord, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. 10 No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. 11 For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. 12 They will bear you up in their hands, Lest you strike your foot against a stone.” I also love Psalm 34:7 “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them.” There are countless scriptures promises protection of some kind throughout the scriptures. You might want to buy one of those promise books that list a lot of God’s promises to you and memo rize those scriptures. We really need to memorize scripture. That is what David meant when he said “Psalms 119:11 Thy word I have hid in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.” Peace God wants us to have peace in our hearts. We are living in what the Bible calls the end-times. These are going to be challenging and glorious days. As Christians we have to be living in total peace that our God is with us and will protect us. Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” The world, The flesh, and the Devil There are three areas of enemies that we have. We don’t just face demonic forces. You will have a fairly good understanding about demonic forces attacking Christians by reading this booklet. If you want to know more, read my other books. I want you, as a reader, to understand that you battle the seductive pull of the world and the sinful nature that lives within our flesh. Some of the greatest battles you will ever face has to do with your own flesh. It is vital that we die to our flesh daily and live in the Spirit. James 1:14 “But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. 15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” We will face the flesh every day of our lives and have to truly die to it daily! If we don’t learn to master our flesh, we can end up back in sin, bondage to evil spirits, and ultimately in hell. The world is continually pulling us toward evil. It is so important that we separate our lives from the evil of the world. I am so careful about what I watch on TV, movies, where I am, and what I am doing. The reason is because I don’t want the seduction of the world to pull me away from Christ. I don’t understand how some Christians out there can watch, listen to, or be around some of the things they are, but I have never seen one of them survive it spiritually. They always end up spiritually dead, backslidden, back into bondage, and very possibly on their way to hell. James 1:27 “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” There is a man named Demis that was a disciple of the Apostle Paul that fell away by the

seduction of the world. 2Timothy 4:9 “Make every effort to come to me soon; 10 for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; 11. Only Luke is with me.” Think about that scripture. This man walked with Paul in ministry and still fell away after this evil seductive world. You will have to quit hanging around the ungodly, going to bars, and ungodly parties of any kind. This type of filth will kill you spiritually. If you are really Christ’s, you won’t want to be around that anyway. The incredible importance of Faith!!! Faith has a lot to do with all healings, answered prayers, and deliverances. First, faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Basically, how can you believe unless you know what God has told you to believe in? The word shows you what God has promised and what you are expected to believe. Second, faith is believing you have something BEFORE you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch it. Mark 11:23 "Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it shall be granted him. Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you.” See you have to pray and believe that you ALREADY HAVE RECEIVED THEM before you see them in the natural. One of the greatest difficulties I have had is helping people understand that after you command the enemy to go or pray about something, you have to believe it is done NOW. You will then see the result of you faith later. This goes against everything you have learned in life I know, but it is God’s way. Faith comes from the Lord. Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Both grace and faith are given to us by God, it is not something we make happen on our own. As you read and meditate on the word, faith will ignite in you, and the Holy Spirit helps strengthen your faith within you. To truly walk in faith, you have to think faith thoughts and speak faith words. Sometimes it takes years to really see all God has for you in a certain area come to pass. Sometimes God has to deal with some sins or issues in you before his blessing can truly come into your life. Don’t think on negative doubt, fear, or unbelief thoughts and whatever you do, DO NOT SPEAK DOUBT, FEAR, OR UNBELIEF. Speak the word of God and faith words. Speak what you are believing for. We are called to “speak things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). Many times your senses and the outward circumstances of life will go against what you are believing for. You will have to stay focused on what God’s word says to stay in faith. Last, you will have to act out on your faith. Jesus told people almost every time he healed them to do something. For example, to the cripple he would say “pick up your mat and go home.” I remember a friend telling me they had an issue with restless legs that would keep them up at night. One night she asked God to heal her and she believed it was done immediately, but the pain was still there. She then asked God, what can I do to act on my faith and show you I believe. She was lying in a fetal position from pain, and the Lord told her “lie down like you would normally without any pain.” She did and all the pain immediately left her, and she has never had restless legs since. She believed, thought faith thoughts, spoke faith words, and acted on her faith. Now she is healed. As you go through this time of cleansing and praying about issues of sin from your past or ancestry, you need to believe it is done NOW when you pray. When you

command demons to leave, you need to believe it is done IMMEDIATELY. You may not see the immediate change in the natural, but it will come. Faith gives substance in the natural which is an evidence of what you have believed for (Hebrews 11:1). Believing comes first before you will ever see anything. Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” There is a book called Faith study Course by Kenneth Hagin that will help you learn to live by faith. It is a very powerful book that changed my life. The satanic spirits that oppose faith are doubt, fear, and unbelief. You may need to bind them as you try to live by faith.

Section Three Walking Through Deliverance Jesus taught us in Matthew 16 that the “gates of hell” will not prevail against us. A gate is a doorway or point of entry. This is what we are going to discuss below. Most people deal with satanic oppression. What is the point of entry that the enemy has had to your life? Is it because of the sins of your ancestors, occult involvement, sexual sins, or substance abuse? We will explore these “gates” or “doorways” next and close them by the blood of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit. Defilements First I have to say that most demonic influence in people’s lives begins with defilements. In these last days, people are being held captive by defilements they may not have known about or understood. Every day, satan tries to contaminate all of us by releasing a flood of filth from every direction: Television, internet, movies, media, family, friends, work places, things we touch, or even our surroundings. We all know that you are defiled when you commit a sin, but I want to briefly mention the defilements that are not sins committed by you. For example, someone that has been molested (even very mildly) is defiled by it. A woman can be defiled by being around a perverted man that is lusting after her or has a dirty mouth. What you watch on television or through the internet can defile you and your home. If you touch evil things like occult books or pornography just touching it can defile you spiritually. The best way to describe it is like picking up manure and then putting it back down. You may have put it down, but your hand still needs to be washed or it will stink and remain dirty. Places you go can defile you by your surroundings. These are not necessarily sins you are committing, but they still affect you. Defilement is much like being vomited on, or accidentally stepping in manure. Once defilement creeps in and is on you, then evil spirits try to attach themselves to that defilement and begin to influence your life. Legion is the demon of defilement. This spirit tries to enter the lives of people that are defiled. If he is able to come in, his job is to then keep someone defiled, and to allow as many other spirits as possible to enter someone’s life. A lot of time you can see legion oppressing someone’s physical health in their urinary areas or intestines, because he loves human waste. Also, Legion will bring in obsessive behaviors. For example, to some that have Legion

in their lives, they will obsessively clean themselves with multiple daily showers and over-clean their homes. Others will do the opposite and not shower or take care of themselves at all and let their house be filthy. You might see the obsessive behavior in other areas of bondages like obsessions with tattooing oneself, body piercing, cutting oneself, being obsessed with buying certain things (like an addiction to collecting something) or obsessions with grave yards or eating filth. These obsessive behaviors have to do with Legion, but you can still be very defiled and not have these symptoms in your life. Ask the Lord to wash you in the blood of Jesus from any defilements. In the future be careful about what you are around, and also pray daily for the washing of the blood of Jesus from any defilements. Cleansing your life One of the purposes of this book is to help you cleanse your life completely. In Christ we have precious promises from God’s word: 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 1 John 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” To confess our sins before God means that we are as specific as possible, and that we agree that it is actually sin that we have committed, and finally that we ask for God’s forgiveness and pardon from them. God does not forgive excuses, he forgives sins. So let’s be brutally honest before God. He already knows EVERYTHING anyway, so don’t try to make excuses, hide something, or lie. Just look to the cross of Jesus for mercy and grace. I promise you, you will find mercy and grace at the cross. It is also important that you are as specific as possible. Don’t pray general prayers, but be as specific as you can. If you had sex with someone, you sinned specifically in that. So specifically confess that sin. God knows that you cannot remember everything, but do your best to be as specific as possible. It might be good to get a pen and paper ready to right down everything you need to as God helps bring everything to your memory. Pray this prayer: Jesus, help me to remember every sin that I need to confess to be

cleansed and free from satan’s influence. Help me to hate what you hate and love what you love. Totally change me into your image. Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill me and give me the grace to be thorough, and give me the strength to be able to go through this list and pray all that I need to. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Now let me pray for you, “In Jesus’ name I bind every satanic spirit at work in the live or families of those reading this booklet. I break off them anything that is trying to blind, deafen, or hinder them from getting all God has for them out of this booklet. I bind you now and sever the cords of your strongman off you. You will not function or manifest in any way, in Jesus’ name! Throughout reading this material, if you are having trouble with confusion remember the demons will attack you as you are doing this. If you experience confusion or trying to make your mind go blank or make you feel sick, simply take authority over them. Speak out loud “you demons be bound in Jesus’ name!” If you have trouble saying the prayers or confessing sins throughout this booklet, keep binding the demons. Make sure that you can pray the prayers with clarity about what you are doing.


If you have had a past of any occult activity, catholic ties, freemasonry, Shriners, Illuminati, witchcraft, or satan worship, or other religions in your past or in your ancestors you have been dedicated to satan’s kingdom. I don’t’ have time in this booklet to deeply explain all this, but just like we have baby dedications in Christianity, satan’s kingdom dedicates the children and their descendants to his kingdom. Catholicism is a serious cult and is not true Christianity. Also, when you break these dedications to other gods, there is a death and destruction curse that automatically triggers because satan’s kingdom now considers you a traitor for not following in the sin of your ancestors by serving other gods or not continuing to serve the gods you once served personally. We will break this first. First I want you to say this out loud, “As a Christian I now dedicate myself, my family, and descendants body, soul, and spirit to Yaweh (Jehovah) the God of the Bible- the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I ask forgiveness for the involvement I or my ancestors have had with _______. I renounce _______ all these evil organizations in Jesus’ name. In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce and reject any dedication on my life, and the lives of my descendants, to any other god other than Jesus. I dedicate us to Jesus (Yeshua) his son, and to the Holy Spirit. I now break and cancel any other dedication to any other god, demon, organization, or religion in Jesus’ name I command it now. I also break any death and destruction curses released against me or my family or descendants forever. I command any demonic spirits associated with these things or that have come through inheritance to take your influence, oppression, and what you have sown and go with it from every area of my life, family, bloodline, descendants, household, property, or ministry forever in Jesus’ name, and according to will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused us, and restore seven fold what you have stolen from us (Pr 6:16) in Jesus’ name! Then after that, I command you to go into the Abyss, in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

If you are adopted, you will need to deal with this regarding both your adoptive parents and your biological parents. We will deal with generational curses at the end of this time because you will know more information by then. But for now, you can pray this: Father, in the name of Jesus, I humbly acknowledge to you that my forefathers have sinned against you. Regarding my biological parents, adoptive parents, or even those that raised me, I ask forgiveness for the sins, transgressions, and all iniquity in their lives. I ask you to wash away the sin, blot out the transgressions, and take away all the iniquity from me, my family, and my descendants forever, and separate us from these things so that it will never be a part of our lives again. Please close the doorways of inheritance in my life, my family, and my descendants lives, at once and forever. Seal us so that we can never again receive any spirits through lines of inheritance. In Jesus’ name I ask these things. Thank you for doing it. Amen.

We will visit inheritance later again, but I wanted to help clear the air regarding dedications for now. If there has been any involvement in Freemasonry you will need to deal with that right now as well. It goes along with what we just dealt with regarding dedications. Any secret organizations like the masons, Shriners, Rosicrucians, or Illuminati are very evil and have direct ties to satan worship. The lower level people will have no idea about this. Please remember this booklet is a brief booklet on getting free. I don’t have the space to go in great depth on these issues here. For more information read my other writings. To renounce these organizations you can pray this:

Jesus I ask forgiveness for my involvement or my family’s involvement in ______________. I renounce ___________, all its branches, all it’s ties, every oath associated with it, any pacts with satan’s kingdom associated with it, or any satanic rituals associated with them. I break every curse, bondage, or work of satan associated with these things off my life and family forever! I command any satanic spirits that are associated with these things to take you influence, oppression, and what you have sown and go with it from me, my family, my bloodline, descendants, household, property, or ministry NOW and FOREVER in Jesus’ name. I also command you according to the will of God, to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen, and then go into the Abyss in Jesus’ name! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.

Curses from God There are around sixty sins in the Bible that bring a curse from God with them. I will list them here. You will need to ask forgiveness for these sins and if your ancestors have done these things. Then humbly ask God to remove any curses He has placed your life, family, and descendants that are there because of these evil sins. 1. Those who curse or mistreat Jews (Gen 12:3, Num 24:9) 2. Against willing deceivers (Josh 9:22-23,Jer 48:10, Mal ?,Gen 27:12) 3. On adulterous women (Num 5:27) 4. Disobedience to the Lord’s commandments (Deut 11:28, Dan 9:11, Jer 11:3) 5. Idolatry (Jer 44:8, Deut 29:18-20,Exod 20:5, Deut 5:89) 6. Those who keep or own cursed objects (Deut 7:25, Josh 6:18) 7. Refusing to come to the Lord’s help (Judges 5:23) 8. House of the wicked (Prov 3:33) 9. Refusing to give to the poor (Prov 28:27) 10. The earth, because of man’s disobedience (Isaiah 24:36) 11. Jerusalem is a curse to all nations if Jews rebel against God (Jer 26:46) 12. Thieves and those who swear falsely by the Lord’s name (Zech 5:4) 13. Ministers who fail to give the glory to God (Mal 2:12) 14. Those who rob God of tithes and offerings (Mal 3:89) 15. Those who hearken (listen) unto their wives instead of God (Gen 3:17) 16. Those who dishonor their parents (Deut 27:16) 17. Those who create graven images (Deut 27:15) 18. Those who willfully cheat people out of their properties (Deut 27:17) 19. Those who take advantage of blind people (Deut 27:18) 20. Those who oppress strangers, widows, or the fatherless (Deut 27:19, Exod 22:22-24) 21. He who lies (has sex with) with his father’s wife (Deut 27:20) 22. He who lies (has sex with) with any animal (Deut 27:21, Exodus 22:19) 23. He who lies with (has sex with) his sister (incest) (Deut 27:22) 24. Those who smite (strike) their neighbors secretly (Deut 27:24) 26. Adulterers (Deut 22:22-27,Job 24:1518) 27. The proud (Ps 119:21) 28. Those who trust in man (or the flesh) and not in the Lord (Jer 17:5) 29. Those who do the work of the Lord deceitfully (Jer 48:10) 30. Those who keep back the sword from blood (Jer 48:10, 1Kings 20:35-42) 31. Those who reward evil for good (Prov 17:13) 32. Illegitimate children (for 10 generations) (Deut 23:2) 33. Murderers (Exod 21:12) 34. Those who murder deliberately (Exod 21:14) 35. Children who strike their parents (Exod 21:15) 36. Kidnappers (Exod 21:16, Deut 24:7) 37. Those who curse their parents (Exod 21:17) 38. Those who cause the unborn to die (Exod 21:22-23) 39. Those who do not prevent death (Ex 21:29) 40. Witchcraft practitioners (Exod 22:18)

41. Those who sacrifice (worship) to false gods (Exod 22:20) 42. Those who attempt to turn anyone away from the Lord (Deut 13:6-18) 43. Those who follow horoscopes (astrology) (Deut 17:25) 44. Those who rebel against pastors and leaders (Deut 17:12) 45. False prophets (Deut 18:19-22) 46. Women who do not keep their virginity until married (Deut 22:13-21) 47. Parents who do not discipline their children, but honor them above God (1Sam 2:27-36) 48. Those who curse their rulers (Exod 22:28, 1Kings 2:89) 49. Those who teach rebellion against the Lord (Jer 28:16-17) 50. Those who refuse to warn sinners (Ezek 3:18-21) 51. Those who defile the Sabbath (Exod 31:14, Num 15:32-36) 52. Those who sacrifice human beings (Lev 20:2) 53. Participants in séances and fortunetelling (Lev 20:6) 54. Those involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships (Lev 20:13) 55. Necromancers (those who consult the dead) and fortune tellers (Lev 20:27) 56. Those who blaspheme the Lord’s name (Lev 24:15-16) 57. Those who are carnally minded (Rom 8:6) 58. Those who practice sodomy (Gen 19:5-15, 24-25) 59. Rebellious children ((Deut 21:18-21) 60. Those who tolerate a Jezebel spirit (Revelation 2:20-23)

Occult Practices The occult or false god worship is the greatest open door to iniquity, curses, and demons in a person’s life. I would strongly recommend that you stay far away from it and don’t let you kids anywhere near it. If you don’t want demons in your kids life, keep them away from things like Harry Potter, Pokemon, and carefully screen what they watch on T.V. and in movies. List of occult activities Watch out for pagan worship and ties. In other countries outside of America, there is so much demon worship it is unreal. Notice when people take you into a mosque, they ask you to take your shoes off. Don’t do it or leave. That is a form of worship to that god. When you go to Hawaii they put a real lei around your neck. That is a form of worship to their demon god. As a matter of fact so is all the dancing, tiki torches (the real ones), and other traditions they have. The masks and statues of Africa and other places are tied to their religion. There were powerful death and destruction curses put on people that looked at or touched the Egyptian artifacts from tombs of the Pharaohs. If you have ever been around that stuff you need to pray and break these curses and command these demons to leave your life. I know all that originally excavated these Egyptian tomb sites died young and mysteriously, but recently a group of kids at a public school went to see these exhibits. Afterwards, they had to close the school because everyone was so sick. Get anything tied to other religions out of your life forever. See as a Christian, when you go around these things it is like an act of war to satan’s kingdom. You are trespassing on what is sacred to satan. Anytime you go to buildings or land that has been dedicated to evil, satan’s kingdom has tried to put a death and destruction curse on your life. These places could include but not limited to: Burial ground of Indians, pagan temples of any kind, Freemason or Shriner buildings, Catholic properties, witchcraft or occult bookstores, or anything tied to the occult or other religions. Unless God sends you to these places for some reason, I just wouldn’t go. If you have ever

done this, pray about these things. I have experienced these attacks myself and know the reality of them. You need to pray: 1. Cleansing of the defilement from there (not that you sinned, but you were defiled) 2. Break any curses, witchcraft, or work of satan trying to come against you from there 3. Command any demons to go from your life and family forever The word occult comes from a latin root and means “hidden.” It is the mysterious dark world that connects you directly with satan and his power. Deuteronomy 18:9-13 talks about the occult. There are three branches to the occult. The first is the divination branch which is the information branch of the occult. It would involve things like tarot card reading, palm reading, or psychics. The second branch is sorcery and would mainly be the material branch of the occult. This would include things like talismans or material objects that would bring power, sexual desire, wealth, protection, wisdom, or good fortune. Many witch doctors in Africa give women potions to drink for fertility. Witchcraft would be the power branch of the occult. Witchcraft is basically controlling people. Witches learn to use curses, spells, incantations, rituals, and sacrifices to bind people to their will and conjure demonic spirits up to do their bidding. Now you need to get a pen and paper and make a list of any occult practice you or your ancestors have ever done. Also I will include in this list things that would have caused your mind to blank out, or the worship of other gods. Here is a list of possible things you might have done. Various: Child abuse of any kind, drunkenness, street drugs (list each kind), rages or losing your temper, participation in any raves (they combine street drugs with demonic music and help promote getting in a trance like state or blanking out the mind), any connection with a cult of any kind. Cults would include but not limited to Jehovah’s witness, Mormons, Catholics, or Hare Krishnas. Divination: fortune telling, psychics, clairvoyance, séances, horoscopes, astrology, zodiac, reading tea leaves, reading palms, reading crystal balls, reading lumps on the head, reading runes, using bones, pendulums, divining rods, new age meditation eastern meditation, yoga, or chanting mantras, astral projection (out of body experiences), psychic healings, rekke, iridology, biofeedback, homeopathy, acupuncture, hypnosis, automatic handwriting or drawing, ouija boards, interpreting omens, ESP, mind control, water witching (using a stick or divining rod to find a water source to dig a well). Contacting the psychic hotline, having any type of psychic reading, or visiting a psychic in any way, confess as sin any occult or psychic powers or abilities you have, meditation of any kind that blanks out the mind such as transcendental meditation or sylva, channeling (allowing spirits to speak through you) or being involved as a spiritist medium in any way, telekenesis, or prognostication. Truthfully seeking any information from a spiritual source other than Jesus Christ is dangerous and will quickly get into divination, deception, and lead you astray. Sorcery: any superstition of any kind, charms for protection or luck, crystals with powers, tattoos or body piercings, jewelry with occult symbols, martial arts (anything beyond just kicking or punching), occult books, talismans, anything that has ever been considered a “good luck charm”, ever sharing your blood with someone in a “blood brother” ritual, or ANY type of drinking blood, cannibalism, occult swords, wands, occult

capes, occult table cloths, occult chalices, occult anointing oils, occult bath salts, anything purchased at any type of occult store, seeking any objects to bring power is dangerous, will lead into the occult, and deceive you. Witchcraft: visiting priests, shamans, witch doctors, Santeros, taking any ritual or spiritual “cleansing” baths, herbs from occult sources (be careful because most are), performing any act they instructed you to do, any form of “cleansing” or drinking any potions they gave you, praying to ancestors, offering any sort of sacrifices to ancestors, or any sort of ancestral worship, or calling on the spirits of dead people in any way, sacrificing or presenting food or anything else to idols, anything you trust in more than God or put in a place of higher importance than God is an idol (money, sex, relationships, material things, etc…), hearing voices or seeing into the spirit realm at your own ability or continually, or worshipping or serving any other god other than Jesus Christ, making sacrifices to other gods- this would include tribal or culturally as well, participating in ANY ritual of any kind that is not directly associated with true Christianity (this would include catholic rituals or mormon rituals), praying to saints (this is catholic and they are praying to dead people), any praying to, worshipping the dead, partaking of Roman Catholic communion (which is NOT Christian communion), catholic confirmation, lighting candles for prayers, attending a confessional, playing any demonic games like pokemon, dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, bloody mary, etc…., many video games, tv shows, or movies are purely demonic as they are participated in by someone they can allow demonic infiltration, celebrating Halloween or any other satanic holiday, initiations into fraternities (many of them are occult in nature that must be renounced and broken, and many include giving honor to the dead founders of the organization and sexual sins), any communication with spirits, any praying to idols, any type of blood ritual, blood covenants, or putting on masks and/or participating in any native ritual dances or ceremonies that involve masks, having a priest of any other religion bless you, lay hands on you, or pray over you or your children, visiting shrines or temples of other religions, asking a psychic, witch, or priest to put a curse on someone for you, or to put a spell on someone for you, watching occult or horror movies or listening to satanic music (usually rock music), the only power we need is found in the Jesus Christ of the Bible and the Word of God (Bible). Any other power will come from satan. Getting free from the occult I am sure you have made a list of everything you and your ancestors have done connected with the occult. Once you ask forgiveness for your sins, it is washed away in the blood of Jesus, and satan’s kingdom no longer has any right to oppress someone’s life anymore. Here is a prayer to pray to get free: “Father in Jesus’ name I ask forgiveness for and renounce __________(list it all out loud)! I break every curse, bondage, yoke, or work of satan that has come upon my life because of these things. I break any generational curse or work of satan that has come upon my life because of what my ancestors have done in these areas. I break these curses and works of satan off my family and descendants as well now in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of occult involvement, or causing a link between my spirit and soul, or giving

me occult powers or abilities to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then go into the Abyss and never return to us again, in Jesus’ name! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Occult powers If you have been involved in astral projection, psychic abilities, working with familiar spirits, seeing into the spirit realm continually or whenever you want, or have been hearing voices or continually receiving physical sensations from the spirit realm, then you have a demonic link between your spirit and soul that allows these things. First confess all those things as sin. If you have any occult abilities renounce them and confess them as sin, and confess as sin every time you have ever used them. Pray this prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to completely sever between my soul and spirit and take away all ability to experience in the spirit realm except at you causing it. I renounce all my occult powers specifically ______________powers and abilities. I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life causing a link between my spirit and soul, or giving me occult powers or abilities to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name, and then go into the Abyss! I command this all in the name of Jesus. I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

If you have received any familiar spirits or communicated with any spirits, you need to list each one by name. Ask God to forgive you for communicating with them, and you will need to command each one to leave by name, in the name of Jesus. Here is a prayer: “I command _________ (call him/her by name) take all you have sown, your

influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, household, property and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Pacts, oaths, bride of satan rituals, or contracts with satan If you have made any pacts, taken any oaths, or signed any contracts regarding secret organizations, witchcraft, Satanism, or anything else, you will have to ask forgiveness for and renounce each one individually. If you can’t remember the exact words, you can renounce the pact or oath itself in a general sense. Pacts and Oaths “I renounce _______pacts and _______oaths I have taken in Jesus’ name. I

break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in

Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Bride of satan ritual “In Jesus name I renounce any bride of satan rituals or marriage to

satan or any part of his kingdom. I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Contracts: “Heavenly Father, I ask you to cover _______every contract with the precious

blood of Jesus. I renounce these contracts in Jesus’ name. I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Any satanic rituals: “I ask forgiveness for and renounce _______ritual in Jesus’ name. I

break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Areas often overlooked in deliverance Most people coming out of the occult world have been involved in satanic rituals that involved curse pins, implants, inserts, or things swallowed in ritual. You need to document any satanic rituals, new birth ceremonies, fertility rites, sacrifices participated in, or ritual sex and carefully confess them as sin and renounce them. Then break any curses or works of satan that have come on your life from them, and then command any spirits to leave. Here is a prayer to pray. “I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you

have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Also, here is what I want you to do. For anything swallowed, I want you to take communion right now. Ask the Lord to remove anything swallowed. Take that fruit of the vine (it represents the blood of Jesus), and rub it over any areas that have inserts or curse pins or anything else like these things. After applying the blood of Jesus by faith, I want you to pray this prayer now: “In Jesus’ name, I break every curse or work of satan than is associated with ________I have swallowed or these inserts or curse pins NOW! I apply the blood over them and make them holy now by the blood of Jesus so that they are only piece of metal (or wood or bone or whatever) so there is no satanic power associated with these things now in Jesus’ name. I ask you Lord to remove these things from me now and forever. I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name. Jesus, I ask you to sever every tie associated with these things forever. Holy Spirit I ask you to fill these areas, sanctify them, and not allow anything in through them anymore. Lord I ask you that nothing will ever be able to attach to these things again or enter my life again from this point on. Amen”

We also need to be careful about who we let lay hands on us. The laying on of hands is a very powerful thing that should be honored. (Matt 19:13, Acts 8:17, 9:12, 1Tim 4:14, 5:22, 2Tim 1:6, Hebrews 6:1-8). The Bible says believers will lay hands on the sick and they will recover (Mark16:17-18). We need to understand that when an elder, pastor, or an anointed holy servant of God is used of the Lord to lay hands, there can be a powerful transference of anointing and healing. But on the same note, if someone unholy, defiled, or demonized is going around laying hands on people something evil can be imparted. You really need to pray for protection from this day forward when getting hands laid on you, but don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. There are some very powerful men and women of God out there, and the laying on of hands is a very powerful thing. There can be counterfeit gifts of the Spirit, and laying on of hands by someone not of God is a quick way to get them. There are counterfeit tongues and prophecy etc…Again don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. The gifts of the Spirit are very holy, powerful, and valuable. Here is a prayer to pray: “Father I ask forgiveness for being hasty at times in laying hands on others, or letting others lay hands on me. I now realize this can bring defilement and demonic activity. I break off my life anything that is not of God that has come into my life through the laying on of hands- either my laying hands on others or them laying hands on me. I break any curse or work of satan that has

come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. I command any spirits of counterfeit gifts of the Holy Spirit to go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus!”

Many times people go through traumatic events growing up and learn to “disassociate” or completely blank out their minds. This causes the person to feel during a torture or something terrifying like they are totally escaping and not even present. My wife had a field she would go to in her mind during rapes and terrifying times of ritual satanic abuse. She might have astral traveled there or it was just a figment of her imagination, but to her it was a real place that was a “safe place” to hide from mean people. A passive mind that blanks out is very dangerous. It is basically surrendering your soul by passivity to demonic influence. NEVER blank out your mind! Some deal with black outs etc… You will need to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill your soul area and give you the grace to have a strong disciplined mind. You will have to fight to stay conscious and not allow these disassociations to continue in the future. Over time things will improve by the power of God and your learning to discipline your mind. Also, others still deal with very deep-seated fears, nightmares, lusts, or being tormented by evil memories of the past. Something that can help is ask the Lord to cleanse the deep parts of the subconscious or unconscious areas of the soul. This is the part of your souls that has deep memories and is active during the day dreaming or sleeping at night. Ask the washing of the blood of Jesus, and ask the Holy Spirit to fill these areas with his presence and power. He is a sanctifier, and he will be happy to sanctify that area of your being and help protect you in the future. Trauma and unconsciousness has allowed in demons. I know this is horrible and shows how horrible satan is, but demons will enter through trauma and loss of consciousness if they can. That is why you need to pray for protection daily. I have known several people over the years that either had a traumatic experience and will attest they are different after it, or had a car wreck that caused a total change in their lives and personalities. Surgery can also be a door in this area. Also, demons have transferred from one person to the next through anesthetics, blood transfusions, and organ donations. Here are some stories to help you understand. There was a woman delivered of a demon because as a premature infant she laid under a lamp for two weeks. As she was delivered from the demon, she laid on the floor in a fetal position crying for her mommy. I have heard of spirits of rejection leaving a grown man that entered him while he was still in his mother’s womb. He was an unwanted pregnancy and talks of abortion were taking place. The demon of rejection entered him then. Even traumatic deliveries of children into the world, times of deep humiliation growing up, dark times of rejection or feeling of abandonment, or children that have endured their parent’s divorcing have all been times of demonic invasion. Any emotional trauma, near death experiences, terrifying times, or even loss of consciousness can be doorways. There have been people that have lost consciousness by anesthetics, drug use, alcohol use, an accident, or maybe occult meditation and demons entered them. Demons are so wicked, they take full advantage of our weak and vulnerable moments in life. If you feel something might have entered your life through trauma or loss of

consciousness kick it out in Jesus’ name. Some people have had a major trauma like a sudden death of a spouse or child. Demons try to capitalize on that pain and enter in through the emotions of a person. I would pray for protection over your life and loved ones from this sort of attack. Now you can pray that anything that entered your life through _____________ event go now in Jesus’ name and according to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Often times spirits of guilt, shame, depression, rejection, abandonment, fear, or suicide (death) are among some that will try to enter through this avenue. Others seem to deal with split personalities. I am not saying that this cannot happen. Can a soul fragment? Yes, but so far every time someone has “split personalities” I have found them to only be demons at work. To these people they seem like part of them, but it is just demons. But you might ask the Lord to integrate any fragmenting of the soul. I would expect after a thorough deliverance you will find these personalities are gone. I personally hate all the psychiatric influence into the deliverance ministry. It is unscriptural. Let’s get back to the Bible and cancel any legal ground, destroy the works of the devil, and drive out demons in Jesus’ name. For those that have been deeply involved in the occult, you will probably need to deal with these issues below. You will need to deal with satan’s access as a demonic strongman called a Son of satan. This strongman is in you which allows for satan to control, possibly have sex with you, or acts like a gate-keeper to let other evil spirits in. Second, deal with the cleansing of your human spirit and soul by driving out your spirit guide by name if you know it. Third, you need to drive out spirits of death, destruction, and infirmity from your body. These spirits are usually strongmen that need to be directly dealt with quickly. Pray this prayer: I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command you satanic spirits ________ and any satanic spirits with you or under your authority to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

It is good to pray by categories as well. Like commanding all satanic spirits at work in your spirit to go, then all involved in your soul, then all involved in your body, then all involved in your family, then all at work in your home or on your property, then in your kid’s lives to go. You want to hit the strongman first, then drive out the rest in categories if possible. Sealing prayers regarding victory over the Occult

Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Cursed objects Deuteronomy 7:26 “Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.” Many Christians unwittingly allow paganism and occult things into their home. The more obvious things would fall under the category of anything connected to false gods, divination, sorcery, or witchcraft in any way. Here are some things to watch out for. Are there things like this on your property or in your vehicle: statues of Virgin Mary or Catholic paraphernalia, Kwan Yin, anything tied to Buddha, Shiva, carvings of tiki gods (or anything tied to the Hawaiian religion), books on the occult, fortune telling, stones and rocks from heathen temples, paintings of Roman Greek or other gods, tarot cards, IChing books, Fung Sue teachings, Chinese healing foods or books on the subject, ceramic and macramé depictions of frogs, owls, dragons, and other demonic objects. Dungeon and Dragons or other role playing games, good luck or superstitious objects, oriental dolls, samurai swords, martial arts paraphernalia, altars to other gods, incense, oils, or salts connected with other gods or Wiccan rituals, Aztec carvings, and souvenirs from Hare Krishna followers? Are there any good luck charms, occult crystals, occult wind chimes (be careful because many are), dream catchers from American Indians culture or anything tied to that culture. Some Christians allow water witching or Pow Wow magic into their lives from the Indians. This is witchcraft and must be repented of. What about jewelry that is turquoise made by Pueblo Indians, Hindu copper bracelets, or jewelry with occult symbols. Christians have reported demonic invasion by Japanese dolls, certain puppets, smurfs, other various dolls, What about secular Rock-and-roll records? I heard a story of a spiritual “black dog” demon jumping out of a rock group’s poster on a teen-agers wall. It so shook him, his mother said he was shaking, crying, and had screamed in absolute terror when it happened. Another report I heard of someone struggling with masturbation until the rock records were removed from underneath his bed. These things need to be quickly destroyed and their ashes removed from your property. Also, that alone will not be enough. You will need to confess and renounce these things as occult. Then you will need to take authority and break the curses and works of satan that have come into your life by having them. Last, you will need to make a forceful command to the demons to go in Jesus’ name that came in with these things. As I have stated earlier, children’s materials are filled with the occult and that is no accident. It provided fertile soil for open doors to satanic spirits to enter children and satanic mind control on their lives. From smurfs, Heman, monsters, demons, snakes, having powers within, supernatural abilities, magic, and many other things we see the occult and witchcraft. Even Star wars promotes the occult with its’ “force be with you.” It’s universal force and meditation seems to be very New Age. Now I don’t want to get religious and live in fear. I know, for example, things like oriental pictures may be in an encyclopedia. Do you throw it out? Maybe in some cases, but in other cases things like that can be prayed over. You will have to ask the Holy Spirit about such things. Even in the Yellow Pages of a phone book you can find occult

pictures, psychic phone numbers, and occult ads for acupuncture etc... Ask the Lord what to do. The Holy Spirit will guide you. There may be some things to tear out or throw out, while others can be simply prayed over. It is very scary to see how much of the occult and New Age has moved into the local church. Things such as chanting, meditation, sitting in the lotus position (crossed legged position in Yoga), and even things like crystal ball reading and praying to the dead! Be very careful! You better know the Bible for yourself and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit for yourself so that you will be able to discern when things are wrong! This is one reason why it is so important to have teachings like this. It teaches people what to avoid. If I were you I would go room by room, drawer by drawer, attic, basement, video cabinet and find anything that needs to be removed from your property, destroy it completely, and remove it from your property. Sealing off your property On our website Deliverance Page under Downloads we have a guide to cleansing your home and land that can be printed off and used. Here is the link: http://fnirevival.com/Deliverance%20Sermons/Cleansing%20homes%20and%20land.pdf Sealing off your property is one of the most important things you can do. Your home and property can be totally cleansed and sealed off where no demonic spirit can trespass onto it at all. It can be a place of God’s glory. You need to cleanse your home also from past owners and their sin. Some ask can demons dwell in houses, furniture, material objects, or animals? The answer is yes. If you feel something is there, anoint them to make them holy unto God, and then command the spirits to leave. If any objects have been defiled, came from previous owners, or somehow has ties to the occult, you might have a problem with these things. Turn to the appendix to see a guide to walk you through cleansing and sealing off your property. You can apply the blood over whatever you are concerned about (you can use water so it won’t stain, or simply apply the blood by faith). Then anoint with oil and break any work of satan off of it. Then command any satanic spirit to leave and never return in Jesus’ name. Some things cannot be cleansed and need to be destroyed and removed. After cleansing your home, here is a prayer to pray: I ask forgiveness for and renounce____________.I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things we have allowed into our home or in our possession in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life or family because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Sealing prayers regarding victory in Cleansing your Home Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Sex Regarding sexual sin, make a list, by name, every person with whom you have sinned sexually (ANY sex outside of marriage between a husband and his wife is sexual sin). If you cannot remember the name, write down the incident. Also, list any other sinful sexual activities, such as pornography, masturbation, adultery, fornication (sex before marriage), incest, homosexuality or bisexuality, orgies, sex with children, sex with animals, and sex with demons. Also, if you have ever had any strange sexual dreams that seemed real, or sexual activity in your bed at night. These can be actual sexual encounters with demons. If you have ever had sexual encounters on the astral plane, confess these sexual encounters as well. List if you have been sexually molested by someone, or been raped, or if you have ever participated in any sexual ritual of any kind. All these sexual activities and anything you can think of needs to be confessed as sinful. Also, confess any sexual sin that might be in your ancestors. The Bible says when two people have sex, they become one! 1 Corinthians 6:15 “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? May it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a harlot is one body with her? For He says, ‘The two will become one flesh.’” Sex is a huge door for demonic entrance. There is a spiritual pipeline for evil demonic spirits, defilement, curses, and all forms of bondage between you and every person you have ever had sex with. Whatever is in their lives, is now in yours. You have become one with them! If you cannot remember all that you have had sexual encounters with, be sure to confess the incidents. Also, even though you were a victim of molestation or rape or forced into something, you still have these spiritual problems that were forced on you. You must forgive those that have wronged you, and confess the incident as a sinful activity. You may not have sinned, but they did. As stated above, sexual activity with people (even astral sex or sex with demons) causes the two to become one. So here is what you can do. 1. Go through your list and pray and confess every sin that you have ever committed sexually with anyone. Even if you were molested or forced into something, confess it as sin. Confess all sexual sins of your ancestors. Be as specific as you can. 2. Pray this prayer: Father I have asked forgiveness for all this sexual sin in my past and with

my ancestors. I ask you to sever ties and remove any “becoming one” with anyone I have ever had sex with in my life. Separate me from them body, soul, and spirit. I ask you to wash away all this sin and defilement, blot out all the transgressions, and take away all the iniquity in my life and family and descendants by the precious blood of Jesus that is there from my own sinful activity or that of my ancestors in Jesus’ name.

3. Take authority and say this: In Jesus’ name, I command that every curse, bondage, or

work of satan be destroyed and removed from my life and family now in Jesus’ name that has to

do with these sins. I break any generational curse and every bondage or addiction now in the name of Jesus.

4. Take authority over the demonic: In Jesus’ name, I command any satanic spirits that have

entered my life, family, or descendants because of these sins, take you influence, oppressions, and all you have sown and go with it from me, my family, my bloodline, my descendants, my property, my household, all I own, and my ministry NOW and FOREVER in Jesus’ Name!!! Then I command you to go into the Abyss in the name of Jesus.

Also, marriage involves a covenant, union, and becoming one with your spouse. First, if you are divorced you need to pray the prayers above regarding your divorces as well. There is no sin in sexual relations in marriage, but demons and defilement can go from person to person because of you being one with your spouse. You can stand on this promise in scripture, 1 Corinthians 7:14 “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy.” So as a Christian you are now protected from this and can actually bring a sanctification to your spouse and kids because of you being made holy by the blood of Jesus. You can pray: Father, in Jesus’ name I ask you to completely sanctify my marriage bed by the

blood of Jesus. As a Christian I bring sanctification to my spouse and kids. If anything has entered my life from my spouse, I command it to leave now and take all you have sown with you in Jesus’ name. According to the will of God I demand you to repair any damage you have cause my life and family and restore sevenfold what you have stolen from me. Then I command you to go into the Abyss. I command you to do this as quickly as it is possible to be done in the name of Jesus! Heavenly Father, I stand on your promise of the protection of 1 Corinthians 7:14 and ask you to seal me off so that nothing can ever enter my life again from my spouse. In Jesus’ name I pray.

If you have ever been involved in a homosexual relationship or bisexual relationship of any kind, even if it was brief, the Lord shows us that you have been given over to a depraved or debased mind as Romans 1:26-28 says. You need to pray that God will take away that depravity and recreate your mind and make it holy again. Fill your mind with the things of God. The main reason people deal with homosexuality is they need deliverance. Most people that deal with homosexuality were molested at a young age. Also, if you have ever had sex with animals you are under a curse in the Bible of going insane Leviticus 18:23. The Bible calls it confusion which seems to indicate this confusion (insanity) taking over the person’s mind who does these things. There is also a curse of health problems on someone that has committed adultery. In Proverbs 7:23 the Bible states a dart will shoot through your liver. You need to ask the Lord to take away these curses from your life, and totally set you free. Sealing prayer regarding sexual deliverance Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Marks on the body

Even touching the unclean brings defilement. For example, touching occult books will bring a defilement. So also any tattoos, body piercings, branding flesh, cutting, or suicide attempts bring a serious defilement on the body and can allow the entrance of demonic spirits. I have seen many people delivered from demons after praying over these things. All tattoos and body piercings are traced back to ancient cultures that worshipped demons. If you have tattoos that are occult in nature or sexual (such as occult symbols, demon names, demon faces, naked women, playboy bunny etc)…, I suggest you either have them filled in solid, or removed if possible, and make sure to pray over them! Suicide attempts allow demons of death to enter someone. Even wanting to die will allow this. You need to confess as sin wanting to die or suicide attempts. Cutting oneself is basically a satanic ritual. Any time blood is shed it is a satanic ritual. First off confess all of these as sin. Second take communion and use the fruit of the vine (representing the blood of Jesus) and rub it fully covering these areas. Then anoint them with oil as well and pray this prayer. “I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of these things in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss and never return to my life, family, or descendants in the name of Jesus! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Then ask the Lord to seal these off where nothing of satan’s kingdom can ever attach itself or enter in again. Sealing prayer after covering marks on the body Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Things associated with Death Anything associated with death is going to be demonic. The Gothic culture you see in stores like Hot Topic is demonic. Goth is basically just a culture and not a religion in and of itself. It is a fascination with depression, negativity, and death. The people involved in this will usually listen to music that reflects these things, will watch movies of the same, and will be into cutting themselves. They also battle depression and suicidal tendencies, maybe into vampirism, and will be rebellious. Revelation 6:5-8 shows us death is a spirit. Get a pen and paper and let’s write down all sins associated with death. Doorways for death: suicide attempts in your life or family, a desire to die, abortions, infanticide (baby killing), hatred of others, murder, KKK or other racial groups, you or your family involved in the Mafia, or any gang involvement of any kind. You need to ask forgiveness for and renounce any oaths or initiations into these gangs. You will need to anoint any marks on your body tying you to these groups. Throw away any remaining

paraphernalia associated with these groups. Do you see any of this in your family? If so ask forgiveness for it. Prayer to pray: “Heavenly father I have confessed these sins __________and I renounce

them. I break any curse or work of satan that has come on me or my family because of _________ in Jesus’ name. I break any generational curse or work of satan that has come on my life or family because of these sins. I command any satanic spirits in my life because of ___________ to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. I cancel any legal right Lilith, Legion, Samael, Jezebel, Ahab, or Molech has had to my life or family because these sins. You take all you have sown and go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! I command all spirits associated with Lilith, Legion, Samael, Jezebel, Ahab, or Molech or under their authority to take what you have sown and go with it from me and my family and ministry forever in Jesus’ name! According to the will of God I command you satanic spirits to repair any damage you have caused my life, family, and ministry and restore sevenfold what you have stolen in Jesus’ name! I break any strongholds death has had over my family. I break the power of sickness and disease or the power of suicide and depression. I command the spirits associated with these things to go now and forever form me and my family and take all your influence, oppression, and what you have sown with you. According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen. Then I command you to go into the Abyss in the Jesus’ name. I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Sealing prayers regarding victory over death Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Things that bring addiction or bondages Regarding bondage, you need to get a pen and paper and write down every sin you have committed in this way and those of your ancestors. We have already dealt with drunkenness and street drugs as they lead to blanking out the mind. Drugs also come from the word sorcery in the Bible which is a Greek word in the Bible pharmakeia where we derive the word “pharmacy.” Drugs have always had a lot to do with sorcery throughout world history. Ancient sorcerers would take mind altering drugs to help them communicate into the spirit realm. Indians smoked the peace pipe to get high and be able to be sensitive to the spirit realm. If you have taken drugs, you will have an issue with a spirit of sorcery, witchcraft, spirits of addiction, the spirits associated directly with those particular drugs you used, and most likely a spirit of bondage. Let’s look at things now that bring addiction. Anything that can control you is not good to have in your life. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, gambling, sex, pornography, compulsive lying, compulsive stealing, and masturbation are things that get people into addictions and bondage. Any bondage is a work of satanic spirits. Romans 8:15 shows us bondage (addictions) is a spirit. I have seen someone with a lying spirit. They lied continually. 1Kings 22:22 shows us lying can be a spirit. These are all associated with bondage. Write down all you have been involved in. Also Hosea 4:12 shows us a spirit of whoredoms (adultery). Many

people continually backslide and are in and out of church. They are unfaithful to the Lord. This can be a bondage to a spirit of whoredoms. Idolatry is anything you trust in more than God or put as more important to you than God. Idolatry quickly leads into bondage as people will become bound by that idol. For example, money becomes an idol to someone. Now they are in bondage to the love of money (iniquity) and a spirit of mammon (controlled by that spirit). Depression causes a lot of bondages. People will begin to form habits during depression to cope with the emotional pain like over-eating, watching TV, or getting lost in a hobby. This can lead into an addiction to these things if one is not careful. Also, bulimia , binge eating, and anorexia are bondages. A lot of dieting can even bring bondage. People get so consumed with their looks and get controlled by a lifestyle focused on their outward appearance. Tattoos and body piercings are addicting to some. Anything that controls people is a bondage. I have seen people really worship or idolize musicians or movie stars. That is a serious bondage. I have actually cast demons out of people because of this. Also, the satanic rock music seems to put curses, spells, and incantations on those that listen to it. I have had to break those off people. Gluttony can also be a bondage. Do you over eat a lot? I know we all have times of over-eating at a party or something every once in a while, but that does not necessarily make it right. I know that a lifestyle of over-eating continually is a gluttonous lifestyle and a bondage. Even bad habits we have can lead to bondage if we continue in them and don’t ask forgiveness for them and ask God’s help in breaking them. Anger, losing your temper, fear, controlling others, and lust can be bondages in people’s lives as well. So go through your list and confess all your sins and those of your ancestors and let’s pray. “Father in Jesus’ name I break every curse, bondage, addiction, and work of satan associated with _________. I command any satanic spirits in my life, family, or descendants because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! Spirits associated with sorcery, witchcraft, bondage, addictions, ________drugs that I used, or idolatry of any kind go now in Jesus’ name. Spirits associated with _________that I have been in bondage to, I break that bondage, every curse, and every work of satan off my life, and kids and family and command you to go now in the name of Jesus. According to the will of God I command you to repair any damage you have caused, restore sevenfold what you have stolen, and then go into the Abyss forever, in Jesus’ name! I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.”

Sealing prayers regarding victory over bondage Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer that you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Self-Imposed Curses There are two things I want to briefly mention. God puts a curse on those that oppress the weak and defenseless. Those that oppress widows, orphans, the poor, children, babies, the blind or deaf, or aliens in our country God will judge. God wants us to be

loving and Christlike to these people. Also, Jeremiah 17: 5-10 speaks of those that put their trust in man entering a spiritual desert. Most all Americans run to man for all their help like doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, government, and put their trust in their retirement plan. Also, any hating, harming, oppressing, or cursing a Jewish person or Israel in any way is a huge mistake. God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel (Gen 12). Have you or your ancestors wronged Israel in any way? If you want God’s blessing on your life, let me give you some advice. Be a blessing to Israel and the poor financially and with your prayers and actions. Those that do not tithe the full first ten percent of what they make (before taxes are taken out) have a curse from God, and God considers them a thief. I will talk more about this later. Here is a prayer to pray: “Father I ask forgiveness for _________. I ask you Holy Spirit to fill and change me from all these things. Help me to have faith and learn to trust the Lord in all things. Help me to love the weak and defenseless and not be oppressive to them. Give me your love for Israel. Forgive me for not tithing. I will step out in faith and start tithing. I ask you to remove any judgment or curse you have allowed on my life because of these sins. I command any spirit at work in my life because of these things to go from me and my family forever in Jesus’ name. I command all

this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name.” The words we speak over ourselves and others have so much power. Are you negative with your mouth? Be careful! What you say can happen. Satan has a right to bring about the negative you speak because you spoke it. Many people have totally cursed and spoken death over their job, finances, kids, marriage, church, and everything else. We already listed the signs of a curse on your life or family. Do you create these by your own mouth? 1. Mental or emotional breakdown: Do you say things like “It’s driving me crazy,” “I just can’t take it anymore,” “It makes me mad to think….?” 2. Repeated or chronic sickness (especially hereditary): “Whenever there’s a bug I catch it,” I’m sick and tired of…..,” “It runs in the family, so I guess I’m the next to get it?” 3. Barreness, miscarriages, or female problems: “I don’t think I’ll ever get pregnant,” I’ve got the curse again,” I just know I’m going to lose this one because I always do?” 4. Breakdown of marriage and family: “Somehow I knew my husband would just find another woman,” In our family we have always fought like cats and dogs,” “The palmreader said my husband would leave me,” “We always fight?” 5. Continuing financial insufficiency: “I never can make ends meet-my father was the same,” “I can’t afford to tithe (what a stupid statement that is and a lie from the enemy),” I hate those ‘fat cats’ who get all they ever want – it never happens to me.” 6. Being accident prone: “It always happens to me,” I knew there was trouble ahead,” I’m just a clumsy kind of person?” 7. A history of suicide or early deaths: “What’s the use of living,” “I wish I was out of this life,” “over my dead body,” I’d rather die than go on the way I am.” What people don’t understand is they are letting evil spirits take them over by these statements. You need to really change any negative speaking at all! Negative words: spoken are curses

Many times people have had parents tell them things like they are worthless and will never amount to anything. These words are curses and can definitely release evil spirits into people’s lives. Have you had any authority figure like a parent, uncle, grandparent, school teacher, principal, pastor, or husband speak curses over your life. If you remember them you can break them specifically. I have also seen people demonized and oppressed because they were the type that were gossips, ran churches and ministers down behind their back, and were used of the devil to split churches and cause division among God’s people. God really hates division among his people. I wouldn’t want to be the one that was the source of it. Be careful, your mouth can get you into all kind of trouble. If I were you, I would not talk negative about churches and ministers. Also, I would not ever pit people against each other but rather try to be a peace-maker that brings people back together and promotes unity and relationship healing in the Body of Christ. You can go the appendix and use the blessings listed there to have others bless you and use them to bless others. Words have great power. Like a bubble blower, when you speak words into the atmosphere, they burst and either release life or death. We all need to watch our mouths, because one day we will give an account for every word we ever spoke. Matthew 12:36 Here is a prayer to pray: “Father forgive me for all the negative, destructive, hurtful words and curses I have ever spoken. I renounce them. I break them and their power. If there are any satanic spirits at work because of them, I command you to go from my life, family, ministry, or descendants and take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss. I command all this to be done as quickly as it is possible to be done, in Jesus’ name. I bless my life and family that every area and detail of our lives or ministries will be blessed and fruitful for the kingdom of God.”

Watch out for legalism and a religious spirit. Don’t push your personal convictions on others when it comes to unbiblical matters. There was a man that chewed tobacco for years. He quit and felt God wanted him to quit chewing gum as well because it reminded him of tobacco and made him miss the tobacco. Then he started condemning others for chewing gum. Outward things such as, does a person likes Christian rock or rap (maybe you don’t), do they dress in a way you consider appropriate or not (wear t-shirts to church), or do they pray as long as you? You need to be careful not to be oppresssive about these things. I am more strict than most in America about my convictions, and the Biblical ones I preach out of the Bible, but my personal opinions I keep to myself. There is a difference between the two. Legalism can be defined as “an attempt to impose any extra condition for attaining righteousness that God did not lay down in scripture.” Legalism and a religious spirit are terrible bondages. It is basically adding to the Bible or taking away from it. Some denominations focus so much on outward things like wearing make-up and what car you drive. Persecuting various moves of the Holy Spirit and speaking evil against ministers is a form of a religious spirit and brings bondage. You need to ask forgiveness for having this critical eye and critical spirit. It can quickly become demonic.

Inner vows and judgments can bring bondage. How many of us have gotten hurt and for a time allowed hate or unforgiveness to remain? We need to ask forgiveness for this and also command any spirits that entered our lives during these times of hatred and unforgiveness to leave. Also, many people have made vows to themselves that “I will never do this or that, or I will never be like that person that hurt me.” Well, it seems that usually a time comes when you break that vow and that gives the enemy a right to oppress. You need to confess these sins and not do it in the future. Instead just pray something like “Lord help me by your grace to not be like that.” Any vows or promises you have ever made to God you didn’t fully keep is a serious offense to God. How many have not fully kept all their marriage vows. It is better to just not makes vows than to make them and break them. Make sure and confess any vow breaking as sin. Criminal Activity A lot of criminal activity is the result of demons in people, but as people are doing these illegal activities there are more demons that are entering. You will need to confess all illegal activity and then command any demons that entered your life because of that to leave you life and family forever. You can pray: If there are any satanic spirits at work because of _________criminal activity, I command you to go from my life, family, ministry, or descendants and take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Then I command you to go into the Abyss.

Witchcraft is controlling others. Even if you don’t use the art of the craft like curses and spells, or conjuring spirits, if you control others, you are actually using witchcraft. That is a sign of a Jezebel/Ahab spirit. If I were you, I would do a strong study of Jezebel and Ahab spirits so that you can truly be fully free from their influence. Many people pray controlling prayers or try to manipulate others and bend them to their will. Do you pray accusing prayers over people before God or condemning prayers? Do you pray for the downfall or destruction of others? You have joined the devil in your prayer life because he does the same thing (Rev 12:10)? It is scary to think the devil could be your prayer partner, but if that is the way you pray, he is. Do you pray YOUR will over others? You need to pray God’s will over them. Do you try to manipulate people into what you want? You need to confess all this as sin and stop doing it. Unfortunately I have seen this in some intercessors. It is very sad. Pray this prayer: “In Jesus name I break any witchcraft control off others that I have exerted. I break any controlling prayers or words that I have released over others. I renounce them. I also break any controlling prayers, controlling words, or witchcraft control off my life that is coming from other people trying affect me, my family, or my ministry in Jesus’ name. I command any satanic spirits at work because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! Go from those that were oppressed because of my

prayers or words. According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name!”

Rejection and Orphan spirit This is a very real satanic spirit and enemy in many people’s lives. Basically the feeling of someone that is dealing with an orphan spirit is a continual sneaking suspicion that you are rejected, inevitably will be rejected by others, and even that you deserve rejection. Have you dealt with these feelings? Many who have a history of abuse or rejection deal with this spirit as it has come in through trauma. Ask yourself these questions: Do you ever feel…. · A gnawing sense of insecurity about relationships? · It is only a matter of time before I am rejected? · A need to protect yourself when getting too close to someone? · A basic instinct to flee from relationships? · The need to make “exit plans” or daydream about “plan B?” · The need to fight because others don’t have your best interest in mind? · The need to preemptively reject others or an automatic suspicion of those in power? · The need to respond out of all proportion to unintentional snubs? · That disagreements, corrections, or constructive criticisms from others are really masks for disrespect, dismissal, or rejection?

The answer to this is to confess living in this state of fear as sin, put your faith in God to keep you, ask the Lord for inner healing, command the spirits of rejection/orphan to go in the name of Jesus, and then learn about the Spirit of Adoption. One of the names given to the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Adoption.” This has to do with understanding God’s unfailing love and acceptance toward us BECAUSE of what Jesus did on the cross. We are truly adopted with all benefits, rights, privileges, and promises in God’s word belonging to us. Once people really get a revelation of who they are what they have in Christ, forgive those that have wronged them, and begin to be intimate with the Lord, this orphan spirit will truly be defeated. Can you imagine a group of people in a church that honestly felt: · I don’t belong here · I am not wanted · My contribution is under-appreciated here · People wouldn’t miss me if I disappeared today · I am not valued · I don’t feel safe in relationships · I can’t really be myself or I would be rejected

This is the literal voice of this spirit as it speaks these forms of thoughts into the minds of people. If we entertain these lies of the enemy, they will become strongholds and the result will be great instability. The voice of the Holy Spirit says, you are adopted, loved, appreciated, special to the Lord, valuable, and your contribution is very important to the kingdom of God. Romans 8:14 “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!" 16.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him.” We should have the feeling from the Holy Spirit that we belong, are included, are known, are desired, are wanted, are cherished, and are treasured. The understanding the Holy Spirit brings of God’s goodness to us as our daddy, our security as God’s child, and a wide, broad mindset of confidence as God’s child. Let us quit believing the lies of the enemy, kick this spirit out in the name of Jesus, renew our minds, and let God do a healing in us by the power of his Spirit…..the Spirit of Adoption. Honoring Authority One great way to have spiritual problems is to dishonor or disrespect your parents or other authorities. For example, if you are a wife, your husband is your authority. If you dishonor and disrespect him you will have a Jezebel spirit quickly attach to your life, and you will have a lot spiritual problems in your life. Also authority figures include any leadership at your church, those that God has placed in leadership roles over the body of Christ, God’s anointed servants, and even secular authorities like presidents, cops, teachers, etc…. Bottom line, we have to not disrespect or dishonor authority. The Bible is clear that God has established ALL authority (Romans 13), and if we dishonor authority we dishonor God. I will talk more about this in the appendix under the Jezebel/Ahab teaching. One way that you can close these gates of hell to your life is to ask forgiveness for this, repent (stop doing it), and then publically honor authority. If you cannot find one thing to honor them about, then it is better to say nothing and honor them with your silence. I gave an opportunity in church one night for people to get up and honor authority. Most people cried as they publically honored their parents, husbands, pastor, and even secular authority. The power of God was awesome and people told me they felt changed after that night. I could feel gates of hell closing as people were doing this. It was life-changing and powerful. As you go through this booklet, keep in mind that even if you take authority over the enemy and pray the prayers, there can still remain bondage if there are issues with unforgiveness, fear, pride, rebellion, Jezebel/Ahab tendencies, or sins that are not really being dealt with the way they should be (full repentance). That is the reason I talked about some of these things up front. Sometimes it will take certain people time to really get all this junk dealt with before you can walk in the fullness of the freedom, victory, and dominion Jesus paid for you to have on the cross. Let the Lord help you press into that freedom. Submit to the process the Lord will put you through to clean you up. Whatever you do, don’t give up along the way and accept defeat! Other possible sins to cover Turn to the appendix to look at a list of possible sins to confess that we have not covered up to this point. Go ahead and do that now. A lot of the sins listed in the appendix will not necessarily allow demonic invasion, but any sin can give the enemy access to your life in some way and quickly needs to be repented of. I do believe when

we sin we need to get it washed in the blood very quickly. If a person is a chronic liar, the enemy could begin to build a powerful stronghold and then later on allow a spirit of lying to enter someone’s life putting them into bondage. The main sins that allow demons in are: Occult practices, false god worship of any kind, sexual sins of any kind, murder or things associated with death, things that cause bondage (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc…), things that cause one’s mind to blank out and go unconscious, and inheritance. Now that you have been as specific as possible, let’s pray a general prayer. The Bible speaks of sins that are hidden from a person meaning they did not know they committed them. So let’s pray this prayer: “Heavenly father, I ask you to forgive me for all my sins, transgressions, and iniquity in my life and all that are associated with my ancestors. I have done my best to remember and confess all that I remember. Help me remember anything I need to pray about, but I ask you today to wash away all the sins, blot out all the transgressions, and take away all the iniquity in my life or ancestry in Jesus’ name. Even wash away all my hidden sins I don’t see or know about. Amen.”

Inheritance Exodus 20:4-6 There is a principal in God’s word that inheritance plays a large role in our lives. We inherit our natural DNA and our spiritual DNA from our ancestors. This can be a generational blessing if we have ancestors that have powerfully walked with God! I have a generational blessing because of my parents. Unfortunately many people deal with inheriting iniquity from their family, generational curses, and also familiar demons that travel down the family line. Throughout this book I have been asking you to write down specific sins you and your ancestors have committed. As you have been doing that and confessing them, you have been cancelling any legal right for the enemy to continue to oppress you generationally. So now that you have confessed sins, let’s take authority and break anything generational that affects your life. Your kids need to also pray these prayers especially if they have a biological parent that is not walking with God or has generational issues for them to deal with. The earlier you get your kids free and blessed the better! Also, sit them down and ask them about things. I know of people that were molested and never told their parents until they were adults. I know of people that had weird occult activity forced (maybe ritualized) on them and they never spoke about it until they were grown. Ask them about their lives and let them be brutally honest without your getting upset with them. They need what is in this. They need top pray the prayer above as well about iniquity being taken out of their lives. That is why my daughter is doing so well spiritually. She has been cleansed, delivered, and blessed from her youth. Now she is on fire for God, does a lot of street evangelism, and wants to marry a minister and be in full time ministry. Remember that you will have to pray about your biological, step parents, and adopted parents. Step parents are still one with your bloodline through sex and marriage. Adopted parents have legal ownership. “Father, I humble myself and ask you to forgive me for all the sins of my ancestors. I renounce them and repent of them. I will not continue in them. I now ask you to separate me and my descendants, from their sinful activity, iniquities, curses, demons, and anything not of you. Separate me, my family, and my descendants by your precious blood Lord Jesus. Please close the doorways of inheritance in my life, and my descendant’s lives, at once and forever. Seal us

so that we can never again receive any spirits or satanic influence through the lines of inheritance. In Jesus’ name I break any curse, bondage, yoke, stronghold, or any work of satan that has come upon my life, family, and descendants because of inheritance. I destroy these generational works NOW in Jesus’ name! I command any satanic spirits in my life, family, or descendants because of inheritance to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name!”

There is an interesting curse in the Bible for those that have been conceived out of wedlock that travels down the family line all the way to the tenth generation. This is a curse that they “cannot enter the assembly of the Lord.” I have seen this curse at work. It is like someone can’t get saved, or they have a hard time getting into God’s presence or receiving what God has for them. This is found in Deuteronomy 23:2. So were you or your ancestors conceived out of wedlock or your kids? Here is a prayer to pray: “Father I ask forgiveness for the conception and/or being born out of wedlock in my life or ancestors and my kids. I ask you to remove any curse of “not being able to enter the assembly of the Lord” for me, my family, and my ancestors now and forever. Remove any defilement from this, and any satanic forces at work because of this. Now I command any satanic spirits in my life, family, or descendants because of these things to take all you have sown, your influence, and your oppression and go with it now in Jesus’ name. Go now and forever from me, my family, my bloodline, property, household, and ministry! According to the will of God, I command you to repair any damage you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen NOW in Jesus’ name! Thank you for this in Jesus’ name.”

Sealing Prayer regarding Inheritance Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. Future Reference You have gone through this first section and confessed all the sins that have come to your mind and those of your ancestors. If you have forgotten something and it comes to mind later, no problem, just confess it, take authority and break any work of satan (if there is any) and command any satanic spirits to leave in Jesus’ name. The pattern will work every time. 1. Confess any sin that needs to be confessed which cancelled any legal right demonic forces have to oppress someone’s life. 2. Lift your voice and break any curse, bondage, addiction, stronghold, or work of satan that has be established. 3. Lift you voice and command the satanic spirits to leave in Jesus’ name and take all their oppression, influence, and what they have sown with them. Second, command them to repair any damage they have caused and restore sevenfold what they have

stolen (Proverbs 6:30-31). Remember that God is fair and just in ALL his judgments. It is only fair judgment that restitution is made by the enemy for what they have done. For example, if a criminal is convicted they are required to make restitution for what they have done. The Bible says that the foundation of God’s throne is righteousness and justice (1Kings 10:9, 1Chron 18:14, Psalm 89:14). You have seen examples of this throughout this book. Also it is good to have any deliverance session in a holy place that has been anointed and consecrated unto God (like you read in the cleansing land section in the Appendix). Before deliverance sessions always pray that no outside influence can come in. Bind the enemy up front even before the meeting! Blast the shofar if you have one to bring confusion in the enemy’s camp. You want to have a location that has some privacy. If someone starts screaming manifesting a demon, cops may be called out if it is some place like an apartment. This could be awkward. Make sure the person getting delivered is truly a child of God and they are willing to give up ALL sin or anything they have ever had with satan up front. NEVER be alone with the opposite sex. The person getting delivered does has some control over their actions and demonic manifestations, and they need to be told up front to not allow any violent actions of any kind and fight to remain calm as best they can, or the deliverance session will be called off. Also, don’t put up with demons doing whatever they want. They have to submit to what you are telling them to do and not to do. Try not to have to talk with demons. They are liars. Bind them up and talk with the person finding out legal ground and doorways. Once legal ground and doorways are taken care of, you can drive out the enemy (preferably strongman first). There is a place and time to ask a demon a question, but it is better to rely on the gifts of the Holy Spirit as demons try to deceive and cause problems.

Final prayer of Deliverance before moving into discipleship Freemasonry Renunciation Prayer: Pray out loud Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, your son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against you and others made in your image. I honor my earthly father and mother and all our ancestors of flesh and blood, also those whom I am related to through the spirit by adoption, and godparents, but I utterly turn away from, ask forgiveness for, and renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. I renounce and rebuke satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. I renounce and forsake all involvement in freemasonry, all its branches, or any other lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and cut off witchcraft, Tubal Cain, and Maha Bone, the principal spirits behind freemasonry. I renounce and cut off Baphomet, the spirit of antichrist, and the spirits of death and deception. I renounce the insecurity ; the love of position and power; the love of money, avarice, or greed; and the pride that would have led my ancestors into Masonry. I renounce all the fears that held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting in the name of Jesus Christ. I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including "Master," "Worshipful Master," or any other, I renounce the calling of any man "Master," for Jesus Christ alone is my only master and Lord, and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of others into Masonry and observing the helplessness of others during the rituals. I ask forgiveness for and renounce the downplaying of marriage in Freemasonry and the taking off of wedding rings in rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any

female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. I also renounce all obligations, oaths, and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all women's order of Freemasonry, the order of the Eastern Star, or any other Masonic or occult organization. I renounce every oath, pledge, pact, dedication, and ritual of Freemasonry and every branch of freemasonry. I do this, Father, in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Amen. Pray this prayer out loud: “Father I thank you for Jesus. He is my savior. I am so thankful. Because you forgave me, I choose to forgive others. Everyone who has hurt me, lied to me, or disappointed me I forgive them now. I repent of anger, bitterness, and hatred. I repent of rebellion, resentment, revenge, envy, jealousy, and strife. I repent of lust, witchcraft, idolatry, fear, doubt, and unbelief. I put all of this under the blood of Jesus. I denounce the sins of my ancestors. I separate and cut myself off from all generational curses. I renounce and confess as sin all unholy oaths, vows, pledges, and ceremonies and separate myself from all those curses. I denounce and confess as sin all unholy soul ties. I ask you father to separate all sexual ties from my life that are not of you right now. For Jesus is my savior, my Lord, my deliverer, and my healer. Jesus has broken the power of curses I choose to be free and I will be free in Jesus name. Lord Jesus because you want me to be totally free from all occult bondage, I will burn and/or destroy all objects in my possession that connect me with all lodges and occult organizations, including Masonry, witchcraft, Mormonism, all regalia, aprons, books of rituals, and rings and other jewelry. I renounce the effects of these or other objects of Masonry, including the compass and the square have had on my family and me in the name of Jesus Christ. Now pray this out loud and take authority over the enemy: I renounce every evil spirit associated with Masonry and witchcraft and all other sins, and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind every demon power that is in any way associated with me or at work in my life in any way. Whether in me, attached to me, or at work in my family, or any person or thing tied to me or under my authority. I call you under the authority of the living and resurrected Lord Jesus. You will not harm me or others, and you will not leave me or go to someone else. You will not multiply or pass your duties onto other demons. This satanic kingdom will be totally completely destroyed. Any damage, disorders, sickness, or diseases must be put back in order just as Jehovah God intends them to be. I command right now the demons to line up in order of rank. I remove all your crowns, robes of authority, rights and privileges and I cancel all your assignments against my life, family, body, soul, spirit, relationships, marriage, health, ministry, or finances. Your legal ground to me and my family is cancelled. Without hesitation I command you to take all your residue, satanic kingdom, your influence, oppression, bondages, addictions, compulsions, your works, and anything you have sown; and you are to go with it from me, my family, my bloodline, my descendants, my health, my finances, or any area or detail of my life. Now according to the will of Jehovah God, I command that you repair all damage you have caused their life, thus making restitution. Because the Bible teaches us you are a thief, and a thief has to restore sevenfold what they have stolen, I command you to restore sevenfold anything you have ever stolen from me, my family, or my ministry. Then you will go quickly and immediately into the Abyss where you belong. You will do this as quickly as it is possible to be done. I command all this now in the awesome name of Jesus.

Sealing prayers regarding victory so Far

Now I want you to begin to thank the Lord out loud and praise him for your victory, that the enemy does have to go, for cleansing you from all sin, answering every prayer you prayed, and that you will never be the same. What do demons hate the most 1. The blood of Jesus (taking communion) 2. The anointing with oil 3. The presence, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit 4. The word of God 5. Praise and worship music As a followup to this book, I would strongly encourage you to learn the power of living by faith. A good book I have already mentioned is the Bible Faith Study Course Workbook by Kenneth Hagin. Also, you need to get to know the Holy Spirit. I recommend Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn as a great book to help you with that. These two books will compliment the writings in this book. These will help you to learn what you need to learn to continue to walk in victory over the enemy. They both can be purchased at most Christian bookstores or through Amazon.

Section Four Replacing the works of satan with the works of Christ 1 John 5: 6 "This is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with the water only, but with the water and with the blood. 7. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth. 8. For there are three that bear witness, the Spirit and the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement." There are three baptisms mentioned in Scripture. The first is the baptism into Christ which happens at salvation or being "born again." The Bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit baptizes us into Christ's body (1Corinthians 12:13-14). The second baptism is that of water. I strongly believe that water baptism is extremely important and powerful. Water baptism is meant to be done in total immersion. This means you should go all the way under the water and them come back out. I will discuss water baptism in a moment. Last is the baptism into the Holy Spirit. This is a clothing of power from God (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8). We desperatley need this baptism! The Bible clearly states that Jesus takes us and baptizes us into the Holy Spirit and his fire in Matthew 3:11. The baptism into the Holy Spirit is a separate work after your salvation experience (Acts 8:1-24, Acts 9:1-19, Acts 10:1-7). When you accept Christ as savior the Holy Spirit comes to live in you and change you, but when Jesus baptizes you into the Holy Spirit and fire, you are clothed with power from on high to do the same works Jesus did while he was on the earth and even greater works (John 14:12). We have to have the power of the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses (Acts 1:8), to defeat satan's kingdom (1John 4:4), and do what Jesus did, which was destroy the works of the devil in other people's lives (1John 3:7-10). We see this baptism into the Holy Spirit happened to the early church in Acts 2.

Ask the Lord to baptize you into his Spirit and fire. You will never be the same! You need this power in the evil days in which we live. And when you ask for it receive it by faith (Gal 3:13-14). Water Baptism It is vitally important to replace the works of satan with that of Christ. Don’t just leave an empty void. I highly recommend that you get water baptized. Maybe you have been in the past, but if you have been in need of deliverance, you have most likely been defiled to some extent. Also, if you have been living in sin, you need to get water baptized. The Bible never states how many times to get baptized. Also, we read in 1Corinthians 10:1 “For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2. And all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3. and all ate the same spiritual food; 4. and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.” This water baptism through the Red Sea into Moses was a foreshadowing of what was to come in Christ. I want you to notice something. The same waters of the Red Sea that baptized Israel also destroyed their enemies that were pursuing them and separated them from Egypt (which represents the world). So if you want the satanic enemies that are pursuing you to be destroyed, want to have an outward spiritual cleansing, and want to be separated from the world, I recommend water baptism. Remember Jesus began his ministry and the Holy Spirit came upon him right after his water baptism. Water baptism is a very powerful act. It does speak of us dying to the old self and being reborn into Christ, but there is even more than that it speaks of. I always tell people when they get right with Jesus to quickly get water baptized. I also tell people that have been water baptized in the past, but they have fallen away to get water baptized again as soon as possible. There is an outward cleansing and a great protection in water baptism. True resurrection life, power, and anointing is found after we undergo a baptism of death to self. The outward act of water baptism is really a dead ritual unless this principal is understood. Romans 6:34 says, “Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Philippians 3:10 says, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection of the dead.” In scripture the Jordan River is a place of death and receiving anointings. Death and impartation were seen together here. The death of self has to happen before we can really enter into the resurrection life anointing. The level at which we die will be the level we walk in resurrection power. Jesus went under the water at the Jordan, and when he came up out of the water, a clothing of the Spirit of God and power came on him. In 2 Kings 2 we see Elisha tearing off the old garment to put on the new mantle as he was willing to follow Elijah to the Jordan. Many Christians in the west are so selfish and spoiled by the luxurious living around them. They haven’t been to the Jordan. Would you sell everything you own and move to a foreign land where you knew you would probably be martyred for your faith? A dead person will go even to the death for Christ. Have you

laid down your life for the gospel? A person who is truly crucified with Christ will be a bold witness, because he doesn’t care what others think of him. A dead person will be free in their worship for the same reason. The reason many Christians are powerless and don’t have the power to raise the dead is because they haven’t died to receive resurrection power. This power will raise both the spiritually dead and the physically dead. Now let’s look at the spiritual power in water baptism. Even though you make heaven by the blood of Jesus only, there is a power in water baptism. John the Baptist was not doing something new. There were large containers of water at the temple that people would dip in for ceremonial cleansing. This is all through the Law of Moses. Dick Rueben said the best time to pray for someone to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit is right out of the waters of baptism. There seems to be an outward cleansing that prepares someone to receive a new level of anointing. John Kilpatrick said he has found that those that are water baptized are less likely to backslide. I just want to bring home the point that water baptism is part of the deep consecration. I always obey the Bible and water baptize all of my congregation. I make sure those that are delivered are water baptized. Let’s make sure we are water baptized and if we have fallen away from Christ, we get water baptized again. There is nowhere in scripture that even indicates water baptism is a once in a lifetime event. The early church was very much linked to their Hebrew Roots of the faith and would have personally immersed in water several times a year to consecrate themselves unto God. The Lord's Supper (Communion) Regarding communion, the Bible does not state how often one can take this. Smith Wigglesworth took communion daily. I also take communion daily. Here are some facts about communion. I recommend that you take it very regularly. I have it available for my church every time we meet. In 1 John 5:6 it says that the water testifies of Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, water and blood came from his side. When Adam needed a wife, God took Eve from his side in the form of a rib, and God made woman out of Adam’s rib. Jesus was also purchasing a bride for himself with blood and water out of his side. Also, during a birth of a baby, there is a lot of blood and water. So Jesus also was purchasing many to be “born again” through the blood and water he shed. And last, the outer court of the Tabernacle of Moses where animals were killed, had both blood and water in it. So before we can enter into the fullness of revival in our lives individually, we must come through the blood and water. Before we can enter the Holy of Holies, we must come through the outer court of blood and water. This is a pattern from God. We have to come through the blood of Jesus to be born again and saved. Jesus’ blood pays for our salvation and washes us clean from sin. His blood is like a spiritual soap that washes us clean before God. This is coming to the cross to be saved, but I also want to point out that the Bible says about taking the Lord’s Supper: 1 Corinthians 11:23 "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24. and when He had given thanks, He broke it, and said, "This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me." 25. In the same way He took the cup also, after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in

remembrance of Me. 26. For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. 27. Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.” We are to take the Lord’s Supper regularly to remember his death, but there is much more in this than just remembering what the Lord has done for us. Many Bible scholars believe the early church took the Lord’s Supper daily (Acts 2:42), but even if they met just to eat, we know they ate more than once a week and this “breaking bread” mentioned in Acts 20:7 must speak of a church meeting with the Lord’s Supper taken. I said all that to say, the early church took communion weekly together, and maybe took it daily by themselves in prayer. In Revelation 2:17 the Lord threatens to take away the lampstand (which speaks of the anointing) from the people that do not keep their first love. The words “first love” can actually be translated “supreme love feast” in the Greek. This speaks of the Lord’s Supper. We are commanded to keep it regularly and are threatened to lose the anointing if we don’t! We do need to examine ourselves when taking the Lord’s Supper. That means check yourself for any unforgiveness at all. Make sure to forgive anyone that has wronged you. Also, confess any sins in your life and get things right with God. Don’t be afraid to take communion, but do it in a respectful manner. Here are some things that happen when taking communion. 1. A deep consecration takes place of the ones who take communion. We see this in Lev 6:18 when the Priests would eat of the sacrifice (a symbol of what we know today as communion) the Bible says they became so holy that even what they touched became holy. 2. Taking communion applies the blood of Jesus to the door posts of our lives, thus bringing incredible protection to our lives. We first see this in Exodus as we read about the Passover. The blood of the lamb was applied to the door posts of homes and the death angel had to pass over them. Also, Job would offer a sacrifice daily for his family (which is symbolic of taking the Lord’s Supper daily) and the bloodshed caused satan himself to say to God “have you not put a hedge around him, his household, and all he has?” Job 1:9-11 The blood of Jesus has so much power that every demon in hell fears it. When it covers your life fresh, there is a huge protection in this. We apply the blood by faith daily. You can ask the Father to cover you, your family, and ministry in the blood. Also taking communion applies the blood to one’s life. This is why burying communion into land has produced such massive results when it comes to cleansing land. Satan’s forces cannot tolerate the power of the body and blood of the Lord! 3. The taking of communion seems to not only consecrate us as very holy unto God, but gives us access to the Holy of Holies in a powerful way. We see in scripture that we have access to God’s throne by the blood of Jesus. Also Jesus’ body, or flesh, was the veil that was ripped and gives us access to God’s manifest presence. There is something about taking the Lord’s Supper that will give access right into the Holy of Holies. This is why I take communion daily before my personal prayer time. I also have my church begin the services and prayer meetings

taking the Lord’s Supper. We move right into the atmosphere of heaven in an awesome way because of this. 4. Taking the Lord’s Supper causes the yeast (which represents sin) to be removed from our lives and churches. We see this in 1Cor 5:7 Paul commanded the church to remove the yeast from among them and with that commanded them to “keep the feast” (which speaks of the Lord’s supper). I have seen people come to Christ and by taking communion on a regular basis, the yeast began to be removed from their lives. Also, I have seen the Lord continually purge my church as we have honored his word by taking communion weekly. Keeping the feast truly does purge out the yeast from among us. 5. Everything the Lord paid for us on the cross: cleansing, healing, deliverance, protection, and provision is released in a powerful way when we take the Lord’s Supper. It breaks the heavens open over our lives and releases the promises of God! 6. The Lord gives us strength for the battle. In 1 Sam 21 we see when David and his men were weary in battle they ate the consecrated bread of the Priests. This speaks of taking the Lord’s Supper. The prophetic scripture the Lord had me read regarding this chapter I am writing is Psalm 23. The word of God says “you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Could this table speak of communion? Even in the Tabernacle of Moses we see a Table right as we enter the Holy Place that had fresh bread and wine on it! Psalm 23 goes on to say “You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows.” Could the cup “overflowing” speak of taking communion frequently? It is interesting to see the taking of communion frequently is connected with our heads being “anointed with oil.” This seems to parallel with the Rev 2:4 which connects a fresh anointing with taking the Lord’s Supper. Anointing with Oil Mark 6:7 “And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs; and He was giving them authority over the unclean spirits; 8. and He instructed them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belt; 9. but to wear sandals; and He added, "Do not put on two tunics." 10. And He said to them, "Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave town. 11. "And any place that does not receive you or listen to you, as you go out from there, shake off the dust from the soles of your feet for a testimony against them." 12. And they went out and preached that men should repent. 13. And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.” James 5:14 ”Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; 15. and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.” The anointing speaks of the Holy Spirit or the oil. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is power from God on someone’s life to do the works of Jesus in the earth. We need to be washed in the blood of Jesus and taking the Lord’s Supper regularly. We must also be water baptized. Last, we need to be anointed. In the scriptures, the anointing always “set someone apart as holy unto God to be used of God for his purposes.” To anoint means to “rub in.” The blood when applied is like a “no trespassing” sign. It causes something to become God’s property. The anointing oil, on

the other hand, sets something apart to be used by God. The anointing is a consecration and empowerment for service. So when we understand what we are doing, and why we are doing it, we do it with faith. When we do something with faith, tremendous power is made available. The anointing is a tangible substance of the Holy Spirit that can be transferred from one person to the next. The anointing can even be passed through cloths or objects like we see in Acts 19:11-12. The oil itself, like communion juice, the bread, or baptismal waters is a dead substance by itself. It is when we use them by faith. The oil is only a substance used for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We can anoint our homes and people to set them apart unto God for his purposes. Putting oil on someone’s head or on the doorpost of a home is only an act of faith, God has to be the one to truly set someone or something apart as holy for his purposes. When someone is washed in the blood, water, and anointed, they are made holy in a powerful way unto God. This is a protection from satan’s kingdom. In James 5:14 the anointing with oil is commanded to be used in church services. We must obey the Bible in these areas of taking the Lord’s Supper, water baptism, and anointing with oil. So to be deeply consecrated unto God after complete deliverance, there needs to be water baptism, taking the Lord’s Supper regularly, and the use of anointing oil when needed. It is of vital importance to replace the works of satan with that of Christ. Don’t just leave an empty place. Right now ask the Holy Spirit to fill every area the enemy has ever had in your life. With every deliverance session I have, I always try to replace what satan has had in the person’s life with what is available to them in Christ. We break dedications to satan’s kingdom and then dedicate them to the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. We take communion with them, water baptize them then and there if they want it, and we anoint them with oil and pray over them. We break every curse and work of satan in their lives. Then we bless them. I or some other male authority figure will stand in proxy as their biological father and speak the “Father’s Blessing” I have written. This is what my father has spoken over me. It is very powerful to do this. Then I encourage them to still have their real father bless them as well if they can. The Father’s Blessing is in the appendix of this book as well as other blessings. Satan cannot curse what God has already blessed. What would life be like if everything had a spoken blessing over it by male authority figures? Every wedding should have fathers and the minister speaking blessings over the marriage. I promise the divorce rate would decrees in our nation if this were the norm. Every house and property needs to be blessed.

Cleansing, Blessing, dedicating home and land God is interested in your home being a place of health, protection, and blessing! This section on cleansing, blessing, and dedicating property is intensely powerful. I have been so blessed to see such a revival and presence of God in my home. This will be an added level of protection to your dwelling place and help make it a dwelling place for God. This too can be copied and given to someone that needs to see a cleansing of their home. This may be new to some people, but I assure you that demons are fully aware of doorways into people's homes and they can tell if a home is cleansed and

sealed off preventing them from entering it at all. Preparation: An ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cure First, remove anything that has to do with the occult, connected to a false god, pornographic (or has nudity or sex), has ungodly violence in it, or if it has foul language (profanity or using God’s name in vain). This will require going room by room, through boxes, drawers, attics, basements, garages, and every area of the home. This may take some time. Sandy and I have had to help people cleanse their homes that have come out of hard core satanism. This is a full blown cleansing, and I think it covers everything. Then you can proceed. Walk completely around property line praying and applying the blood of Jesus by faith. You can pour something out representing the blood of Jesus, or you can just simply use your faith to apply it. The blood of Jesus is applied by faith. Stop at corners and bury communion at each corner consecrating the land as God’s property and you can drive a wooden stake (can write scriptures on it) with that communion at each corner by faith that the body and blood of our Lord is now in that land, it is set apart as holy unto God, and there are distinct lines of demarcation that you are laying down regarding your property lines and what the enemy is NOT ALLOWED to trespass on. Last, pour out some anointing oil on the land separating it and consecrating it to be used for God’s service. Try to end up in the back yard last so there won’t be distractions. Now you can speak this over your property. Confession of the Sins of the Land and Home Lord I ask forgiveness on behalf of this land and home for any:

Idolatry, witchcraft, occult activity, sorcery, worship of other gods, satanic objects, or dark arts of any kind. I break all curses and works of satan associated with these things off this property and home, bind all satanic spirits associated with these things, and command everything associated with this in any way to leave my property right now in the name of Jesus and never return.

I renounce any dedications to false gods, idols, or curses placed on this home or property. I destroy that now in the name of Jesus.

Lord I ask your forgiveness for any sexual sins or perversions that have taken place on this property or in this home.

I confess as sin and repent of any shedding innocent blood, violence, murder, or criminal activity that has taken place on this land or in this home. I ask you to cleanse this property by the blood of Jesus right now.

Forgive us for any substance abuse that has been here on this land or in this home. I command any spirits of bondage, addictions, or drug use to leave this property right now in Jesus’ name.

Lord forgive us for the strife, fighting, divorce, family alienation, or bickering that has taken place here. I command these spirits to leave this property now!

We confess as sin and repent of any racism or anti-Semitism that has been associated with this land or home.

Forgive us if there has been any persecution of the righteous here.

I ask your forgiveness for any ungodly entertainment of any kind that has polluted this property. I command all that filth to leave this property now in Jesus’ name.

Forgive us for words that have been spoken here that have grieved you and are not the will of God. We break those words off this property and home and command them to be removed from here.

So in the name of Jesus I command every satanic spirit to leave this property and home right now! I destroy every curse and work of satan associated with this land or home. By the blood of Jesus I cancel any legal rights satan has had to this home or land right now. I bring this property under the blood of Jesus right now. I ask you to release your angels to purge and cleanse this property from anything unclean before you in the name of Jesus.

Opening Prayer of dedication: Pray this out loud Lord, I now dedicate this land and home to you, Almighty God. May it be for the glory of God, our Father, from whom comes every good and perfect gift. We dedicate this land and home. To the honor of Jesus, his son, our Lord and Savior. May it be the praise of the Holy Spirit, the comforter, whose presence is welcome to Tabernacle here. To you, Holy Spirit, we also dedicate this property. Let you presence, glory, and power dwell here. Blessing to speak: Lift a hand and speak this over your home and property May the Lord bless you home, land, and vehicles to be a sanctuary of rest, renewal, and refreshing. May you be a haven of God’s perfect peace and the manifest atmosphere of heaven. The Lord grant you to be a place of unity, harmony, and submission to authority. May the sounds of joy and laughter be heard in you as people continually love and enjoy each other in you. The Lord bless you to be a place of unconditional love and acceptance of one another and warm loving affection, as people love and appreciate what they have in each other in you. The Lord bless you that there is a continual open heaven over you and continual showers of God’s blessings and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that takes place in you. As you are dedicated for God’s service, may you be fruitful for the kingdom of God a place where many are born again and discipled in Christ. May you be a place where many are healed, delivered, the works of satan destroyed and replaced with the works of Christ. May many be baptized in the Holy Spirit in you and receive impartation from Jesus in you. May you be a place where the things of God are loved and honored and word of God honored and obeyed. May you be holy ground of praise, worship, prayer, and intercession that is in Spirit and truth, and may that which is evil be hated in you and kept from you. May you be a place of sweet rest and pleasant dreams. In this place shall the direction and God’s will be learned and revealed. May dreams and visions from God, and the gifts of the Spirit be in you bringing direction, revelation, and truth. Here may the inhabitants of this home, and their relatives, and friends enjoy supernatural peace and safety from all acts of violence, including breakins, theft, fire, and storm. May they find sweet rest and sense the Lord’s nearness. Closing prayer for outdoors So Lord we have dedicated this dwelling to you and blessed it. We ask you to arise and

enter into this house. Put your Holy Name in this place. Let you eyes be open toward it. Hear the supplication of this family. Establish the works of this family’s hands. Let your angels envelope this dwelling with protection, peace, and bring the presence of God. Let this be a place that brings you glory. Let people’s prayer lives and times in the word be rich and powerful in this place filled with the atmosphere of heaven and sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for hearing and answering us now, in Jesus name, Amen. Anointing and Blessing home interior Entrance of the Home: Place the blood of Jesus (fruit of the vine) on the front door posts and top of door posts, symbolizing the Blood of the Passover lamb, Jesus. Then speak this: I pronounce that the __________ family are overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb of God and the word of their testimony. I speak that this home will have a hedge of protection around it, no curse can rest on it, and that satanic forces will have to pass over it not bringing any harm to it or those in it, in Jesus’ name. Anoint door posts of rooms: KJV version of the Bible used here in this section 1. In bedrooms: I speak blessings of restful sleep and pleasant dreams according to Psalm 3:5 “I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.” Psalm 4:8 “ I will both lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” 2. In bathrooms: May the Lord bless you with health according to Exodus 15:26 “You will diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, give ear to his word, he will put none of the diseases on you which he brought on the Egyptians for I am the Lord thy God that healeth thee.” 3. In Kitchen: I bless you with pleasant conversation and God’s presence. May god give you provision and strength for the word of God says, Exodus 23:25 “So shall you serve the Lord your God and he will bless your bread and your water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of you.” 4. In the living room and den: Joshua 24:15 “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” May the Lord bless you rooms that singing and praise, and talking of God’s goodness and faithfulness be often heard in this room.” 5. In the entry and hall: God said, He will bless your going out and your coming in and that if we acknowledge him in all our ways, he will direct our paths. May the going from you and coming in be in peace and safety. 6. Anoint vehicles: Psalm 91:10 “No disaster will come near you, and no plague or disaster near your dwelling.” May the Lord keep you from any wrecks, vandalism, theft, or any harm ever coming near you. May you be a place of pleasant conversations, anointed prayer times, learning the word of God, and spiritual growth. May the angels of the Lord always be with you to take you safely from destination to destination. I bless you in Jesus’ name. 7. Anoint check book representing your finances: Proverbs 10:22 “It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it.” May the Lord rebuke the devourer from you, open the heavens above you, and give you great prosperity and abundance for we are tithers. May raises and bonuses and increase come to you and satanic forces never be able to steal from you. I bless you in Jesus’ name. 8. Anoint animals: Psalms 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, The world,

and those who dwell in it.” May the Lord bless you with long healthy lives and all to go well with you. May you have favor and be a joy to us. The Lord set you apart unto him as holy so nothing evil can touch you. I bless you in Jesus’ name. 9. Gateways: Matthew 16:18 “I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Take communion juice and go to points of entry like your wifi connection, DVR, garage/back door and apply the blood and ask the Lord to seal these entry ways. Witches commonly use mirrors to enter places. You may want to apply the blood to mirrors. Now a days muslim’s have caused halal meat in markets which has been sacrificed to Allah. I would simply pray over all groceries and things you buy and bring into your home and bring it all under the blood of Jesus. Closing prayer So Lord we dedicate all we have unto you and ask you to set it apart as holy unto you and release your angels to watch over it and protect it. Position mighty warring angels on the corners of our property and around our beds at night. Let no evil come near us. Seal off our families and all we own in the protection of your blood. Thank you for hearing these prayers and blessings and honoring them. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Demons hate anointed powerful praise and worship. You can have worship music playing on your computer quietly in an office somewhere as well. God inhabits the praise of his people, and I keep worship going in my office all the time. There seems to be a welcoming of the presence of God because of worship music playing. Also, the enemy hates it passionately. You have legal right to do this at any home or apartment that you are buying or renting. Also, if you run a business or own other land (like a church) the leadership has a right to do this. It is better that the head of the home do this because of their authority if at all possible. Last, if you have permission to be staying in a room, you can anoint that room and pray over it, but as far as the home as a whole, there is only so much you can do because it is not your home. This has a lot to do with ownership of land and property by renting or buying. This will help many keep from being oppressed by the enemy at their homes. The Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-24 It is one of the most important things you can do to take time to put on the armor every day. Both angels and demons can literally see if you have it on or not. It is something spiritual that goes over your spiritual body. This armor is meant to protect you from harm. You can simply ask the Lord to put it on you. Your mind being renewed by reading and studying the Bible has a lot to do with your helmet being strong. The breastplate helps protect your heart from satan’s condemnation that the enemy tries to heap on God’s people. You must understand that when you confess and repent of sin, it is washed away by the Blood of Jesus and no longer is an issue with God. Your continuing to feel bad about it only gives room for this attack from the enemy. Once you are forgiven, quit dwelling on it. The center-piece is the belt of truth that Roman armor

seemed to have everything connected to in some way or another. This is knowing the word very well. You feet (or walk with God) is protected by staying in peace. The enemy will try to get you to lose your temper, and also to get into fear and panicking. We must stay in peace. The size of your shield and how much of your life, family, and ministry it covers has to do with your personal level of faith which grows by knowing the word and believing the word. Knowing the word is vital. Also, most Christians never directly confront the enemy. You have the authority to drive away the enemy. Jesus gave us authority to bind and loose. You need to get upset when the enemy is attacking your health, family, kids, finances, ministry, or loved-ones. You can point your finger at the enemy lift up your voice and say, “I bind you in Jesus’ name, and you are going to stop the evil you are doing now, and you are going to go from them NOW!” Learn to discern when the enemy is at work and take authority over him. If you do this, you can have a much better quality of life. When confronting the enemy always do so in the name of Jesus. Jesus’ name is where the authority lies. There is always going to be satanic attack against those that want to do something for God, and even those that are just Christians minding their own business. You are enlisted in a war. You can lift up your voice and break all witchcraft, curses, or attacks that are coming against you. You can drive out demons from your midst, but you will find that if you are a real threat to satan, you will face Principalities. You cannot bind Principalities over regions, but you can ask the Lord to. We drive out demons, but we wrestle against Principalities. Demons are low level workers, but Principalities and Powers are higher level fallen angels that reign on thrones over areas of the world. Don’t try to take them on, but rather ask God to take them on for you. I have a group of about a dozen people that have agreed to take one day of the week to at least fast one meal that day. I created a prayer sheet. We have every day of the week covered with at least two people and there is continual prayer and fasting going up on our behalf. This is what forms a strong hedge of protection around our lives guarding against powerful witchcraft and Principalities. Even if you are doing EVERYTHING right, you will still be attacked. But if you will apply the things I am teaching you in this booklet, life can be a lot easier for you than it will be for the next guy who doesn’t do these things like have a prayer covering, cleansing/sealing your property, having someone bless you, putting on the armor EVERY DAY, lifting up your voice and taking authority over the enemy. Witches attack Christians in the spirit realm. These attacks are felt, not seen, most of the time. The things in this booklet will protect you. If you feel this going on, take authority and say something like this: “In Jesus’ name I break every curse, spell, incantation, word, prayer, sacrifice, or satanic ritual released against me by satan’s servants NOW! I bind you satanic spirits sent to harm us. You go into the Abyss NOW in Jesus’ name! I also bind the powers and demons of the witches praying against me! I command all this now in Jesus’ name!” You might say a prayer that these witches get saved. Also you might be merciful and ask God to protect them if it be his will. I say that because when you bind their powers and demons, they are fairly defenseless to protect themselves from that point on. Once these witches see you are going to be this way, a lot of them will be scared to keep messing with you. Witches basically use satanic rituals and sacrifices (blood and sexual) to release and empower curses against you (usually death and destruction curses). Then demons are either conjured up (out of hell

usually through pentagrams drawn on the ground) or called down (out of the second heaven where Principalities and Powers dwell) to be sent to harm you and carry out whatever the curses are meant to cause. This can even be spells to make someone fall into sexual sin, or curses to cause one someone to get sick or have financial problems. Just take authority and you will be fine. Don’t let them intimidate you. Many times it is common for them to put cursed objects on your property as a point of contact. You need to cleanse and seal off your property so that they cannot get on it! If you do sense something might be on your property, pray that you will find it and go looking for it. Then simply remove it, break the curses associated with it, and then command the demons to leave in Jesus’ name. We don’t need to send curses back to witches or be mean to them, they need to see Jesus in us and his power greater than satan’s. Sending curses back is basically practicing witchcraft and it could get them killed. Is that what Jesus would do? Of course not. Us being Christlike will lead some of them to salvation. Don’t curse them, but don’t take anything off them either! My intercessory group that fasts and prays, we also meet on Tuesday nights and have VERY powerful prayer meetings. In these prayer meetings we cover a lot like our nation, Israel, souls, revival, etc…But one thing that we pray a lot is that the Lord will invade ALL coven and sacrificial meetings with his glory and power. There have been numerous stories of those coming out of the craft that a shaft of light invaded a meeting or some kind of earth quake hit, and they all fled the area in fear. They knew this was Jesus, and he interrupted their sacrificial meeting causing the sacrifice to not take place, and this has resulted in many coming to know the Lord. If we pray asking the Lord to do things like that, satan’s kingdom will suffer tremendously. Full moons, equinoxes, New Year, Easter, and Halloween are satanic holidays and when most of these things take place. Let’s start praying that every meeting is broken up by the Lord, all those people get saved, and whole satanic networks are completely disbanded and destroyed! Pray for confusion in the enemy’s camp. The Throne of Grace Jubilee is an interesting principal in God’s word (Lev 25). Whatever was rightfully given to someone by the Lord would be completely restored back if it was lost. Also, whatever was obtained by someone, but it was not given them by the Lord would be lost. This is why I talk about satan’s kingdom repairing damages and then restoring sevenfold what they have stolen. They actually have to. If they have sown cancer into a body, they have to take it ALL out. If they have stolen $500 from someone, they have to restore back sevenfold! Revelation 13:7 “And it was given to him (satan) to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.” This sounds discouraging until you see the counterpart in scripture which is Daniel 7:21 "I kept looking, and that hornwas waging war with the saints and overpowering them 22 until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom.” The foundations of God’s throne are righteousness and

justice. God is a faithful and fair judge. Here is a powerful weapon of war I want to teach you about. If you feel that satan has stolen anything from you or damaged your life at all, make a list. Go in a private place for prayer. You can lay before the Lord and simply go before his throne of justice. Show him everywhere satan has brought suffering, destruction, stolen from you, and make your requests known before the Lord. Once the Ancient of Days passes judgment on your behalf, satan will be defeated. I know a lady that lost everything but the clothes on her back. She did this and now everything she ever lost (even small things) have been restored back to her. Petition the father to judge on your behalf against your adversary and to make sure that he does take all he has sown out of your life and family, that he does repair all damage he has ever caused your life, and that he does restore sevenfold ALL he has ever stolen from you. This is also where a lot of battles can be won in these end times. God knows the enemy will attack viciously in these last days. That is why this revelation was written in the books of Daniel and Revelation. This is an end time weapon. I am believing with you that Jubilee will be yours now. It is not an accident you are reading this booklet.

Section Five Final thoughts on Discipleship How to Pray Luke 11:1 “And it came about that while He was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples." 2. And He said to them, "When you pray, say: `Father, hallowed be Thy name. 3. `Give us each day our daily bread. 4. `And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.” The first thing I would emphasize is to let prayer be a relationship, not looking to God as a big “Santa Claus” in the sky that gives you what you want all the time. The Lord is looking for those that love him, love his presence, and will want to spend time with him. Prayer is one of the most important aspects of your Christian life. The Bible says to “die daily.” How does one die to the flesh and walk in the Spirit (Rom 8:1)? It is by waking up early and starting your day with prayer. This will take discipline, and we need the discipline to pray daily. Prayer causes you to die to the flesh and have your spirit ignited with the fire of God daily. Your life of prayer will give you strength you need to overcome temptation, help you understand the Bible, and be an effective witness for Christ. So let’s talk about how to pray effectively. Jesus teaches us in Luke 11 how to pray. He says pray like this. “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our bread [food for the morrow]. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong]. And bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from evil. (Amplified Bible)” I begin my prayer time by coming through the blood of Jesus. I confess any sin and make sure I am washed in the blood of Jesus and holy before God. The blood is what gives us access to God’s manifest presence. I usually take communion at this time. It is

powerful to do so. The blood has bought us, and that is why we are God’s children. This is why Jesus said to start with “Our Father.” We are his children by the blood. This is our first step in prayer. We must be holy coming into God’s presence. We must be washed in the blood of Jesus. Jesus’ blood is like spiritual soap that washes all sin and filth away. I usually ask God to put the full armor of God on me during this beginning time of prayer. I then enter the Lord’s gates with thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4)). I spend some time thanking the Lord for all he has done for me and all I have. There is so much to be thankful for. This moves me into praise and worship. Scriptural praise and worship included dancing, singing, shouting, clapping hands, lifting hands, twirling, and laying prostrate. This is a time you can truly get free in your worship before the Lord. Also, using praise and worship cd’s can really be powerful during this time. Some of my time in worship I usually simply lift my hands and sing to the Lord something like “I bless you Lord. I love you. You are holy and worthy of my praise.” I also worship in tongues. Praise and worship is what Jesus was speaking of when he said “hallowed be your name.” I also worship the Lord for his attributes that are revealed in his name, and I quote scriptures that honor his names. For example, “Lord I bless and worship you because you are my Jehovah Rapha my healer. As your word says, ‘You bore in your body my sin that I can die to sin and live for righteousness, and by your wounds I was healed.’” This is also how you put up your shield of faith for the day. Worshipping the Lord by his names and quoting these promises of God is a very powerful form of worship as well and helps put up your shield for you, your family, and your ministry! I also ask the Holy Spirit to come and for us to have fellowship. It is so important to know the Holy Spirit. His presence brings the life, anointing, and fellowship with God. He will anoint you fresh for the day. He will set your heart on fire for the day. Remember that worship is what brings God’s presence. You can use worship CD’s to worship along with, or simply sing to the Lord. Worship is the second step in our journey of prayer. The names of God and their meaning · El Shaddai (the Lord Almighty) · El Elyon (God Most High) · Adonai (Lord and Master) · Yahweh (Hebrew name for almighty God or Jehovah) · Jehovah Nissi (Lord my Banner, Strong in Battle, Victorious, his banner is Love) · Jehovah Rohi (Lord my Shepherd) · Jehovah Rapha (The Lord my Healer) · Jehovah Shammah (The Lord the Divine Presence continually with us) · Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord my Righteousness) · Jehovah Mekoddish (The Lord my Sanctification) · El Olam (The Everlasting God) · Elohim (God over all Creation) · Jehovah Jireh (The Lord our Provider) · Jehovah Shalom (The Lord our Peace) · Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts)

I then move into prayer. This is the time Jesus spoke of when he talks of praying for “The Lord’s Kingdom to come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” I spend some time speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit knows what I need to pray and does so through me in tongues over various issues. Tongues help tune us into the Holy Spirit,

strengthen us within, and gives an avenue for the Holy Spirit to pray through us the perfect will of God (read these scriptures Romans 8:26, 1Cor 14:1-4, Jude 20, Mark 16:17). Satan cannot understand most tongues as most of it is a heavenly language. There is so much value to your prayer language! Don’t neglect tongues. As I am praying in tongues I will move to English quite a bit as I begin to pray for our nation, President, Israel, the Body of Christ, my neighborhood, coworkers, lost loved ones, fellow church members, and so on. I am praying the will of God to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am praying God’s kingdom to advance. Sometimes enter warfare prayer, and I bind the enemy coming against me, my family, or people I am praying for (stay within what you have authority over like you family, lost loved ones, or your harvest God has given you when entering warfare prayer). This time of praying God’s will into the realm of the earth is our third step in prayer. This can take a long time in prayer. There is so much to pray for. The prayers of Paul are extremely powerful to pray over yourself and your family and ministry (Eph 1:16-23, 6:19-20, Phil 1:9-11, Col 1:9-12, 4:3, 1 Thess 3:10-13, 2 Thess 3:1-3, 1 Tim 2:1-5, Philemon 1:6, ) I will then begin to pray for myself and the needs (daily bread) of my family both spiritual and natural. Be specific. If you need to have finances, ask exactly how much you need. If you need a shirt…what kind, color, and size. There are many out there! What are your specific needs? And please remember, the spiritual needs are always more important than the natural. Pray for your family to be on fire for God and live holy. Praying for your specific needs is the fourth step in our prayer journey. This is what Jesus was talking about when he said, “Give us the food we need each day.” The Lord is concerned with our needs. I have learned that as long as I tithe and stay in the will of God and live by faith, I can trust the Lord to take care of me. I have also learned to pray this way regarding finances or provision. “In Jesus’ name I lay claim to all the finances and provision God has for me. I bind satan’s kingdom away from all of it and command you to release it now! Lord I ask you to release your angels to go get it.” Then one can pray concerning forgiveness. It is so vital we check our hearts for unforgiveness and forgive others quickly before bitterness sets in. I also make it a point to not only forgive others, but I pray that I will walk in forgiveness throughout the day. I pray that God will make me more like Jesus today, the fruit of the Spirit more evident in my life; I walk in more humility, and walk in greater love throughout the day. I pray people see Jesus when they see me, and the Lord put me on like a glove and live his life through me…seeing through my eyes, hearing with my ears, and giving me his heart and mind. I want to even do the right things for the right reasons. For example doing service for the Lord in unconditional love, pure true humility, and to bring the Lord all the glory and take no glory for myself. This is the fifth step in our prayer journey. Then I pray for God to not lead me, my family, or church into temptation. I pray for the grace throughout the day to live a very holy blameless life above reproach. I pray God will help us even avoid the appearance of evil. I pray God’s grace would be upon me to walk in humility and not be deceived. I ask for his grace for the day. I want to live holy and not fall into temptation, because a life of holiness brings the Lord glory. Praying this is the sixth step in our journey.

Last it is time to pray for supernatural protection. I have had so many close calls. With a ministry that is in revival, ministers on warfare and deliverance, and is winning souls, and seeing revival, there is going to be intense warfare. I usually speak Psalm 91 out loud over myself, my family, and my church. I ask the Lord for his angels to surround us and bring protection and ministry as we need it. I also ask for the armor of God (Eph 6) and armor of light (Rom 13:12) to be put on me, my family, and my church every day. This is the seventh and last step in our prayer journey, but it is a very important one to not neglect. Psalm 91 is a powerful passage to memorize and quote daily over yourself and family. There was a general in World War 2 that had his men quote that scripture daily. They lost very few men while many around them had great casualties and deaths. Interesting that in Psalm 91 verse 7 says “A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not approach you.” Speaking blessings AND speaking the word of God over your life is a very powerful thing to do. There is so much power in our words. We have to be very careful what we say. Sealing the answered prayers I close my prayer time with thanking the Lord for hearing and answering my prayers. I thank him for our time together. This time of thanksgiving seems to give “rocket boosters” to your prayers. It also seems to seal the answer and seal the time together. Thanking God for it being done is faith. After leaving this kind of prayer time, you should begin to notice a spiritual strength in your walk with God you have never had before. I recommend at least spending an hour in prayer like this a day. If you are called into the ministry, learn to pray two to three hours a day. The days of praying five or ten minutes a day are over. The difficulty of the times we are living in will require more prayer and intimacy with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will guide you on how to pray. He will lead you on when to change from worship to prayer and from point to point. He needs to be in charge. You can learn to be led by the Spirit and move in the anointing from your own time with him. You may want to only start praying around 15 to 30 minutes at first and then work your way into an hour. A Secret Place There can be a stage eight in prayer that is very powerful. It is a time of intimacy with the Lord. What is meant is this. You can lay back in silence and simply rest in the Lord’s presence. We are like spiritual sponges that can soak up and then carry the manifest presence of God. We can literally marinate in the anointing. Those that find this place will truly walk in the anointing and power. They will begin to know the secrets of the Lord. Their life in Christ will be deep. For those called into the ministry in any way, you better learn this place and also know how to pray for two to three hours every morning if you want to do great things for God. You better also learn the Bible for yourself. The last thing I would say is be careful to not let prayer become a dead ritual or to start getting prideful because of your prayer life being more than the next guy. What you have read above can easily become a daily dead routine. Prayer is supposed to be fellowship with the Lord. We should love to pray, because it is our time with the Lord. Our prayer time should be like a river of life that flows in and with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is present, our prayer life will be rich and enjoyable, but if he is absent it will be dead. Each day in prayer will be different and special. There is life in prayer if you will have

fellowship with the Holy Spirit and seek the Lord’s presence. Let your prayer life be new and fresh daily. A praying Christian is a powerful weapon in the hands of God. A prayerless Christian is spiritually dead and will limp through his Christian walk. The power of fasting Prayer and fasting are so powerful. I have talked about prayer, but let me add a few things about fasting. Jesus taught us that “when we fast” to do certain things. This was not an option but an understanding that we WILL fast. There are benefits to fasting that there is NO other way you can get them. Isaiah 58 talks about the power of fasting. Things mentioned in Isaiah 58 are heavy burdens being destroyed, bondages being broken, oppressed being set free, healing, and spiritual revelation was released in Daniel 9-10 when Daniel fasted 21 days. Here are some examples in the Bible of fasting and it’s benefits: 1. Three day fast for crises (Esther 4:16) caused a great victory for the people of God. 2. Twenty-one day partial fast for revelation (Daniel 10:2-3, 14). 3. One-day fast for personal spiritual examination (Leviticus 23:27). 4. One-day fast to hear from God and for victory over enemies (Judges 20:18-28). 5. Fast to avoid judgment from God (1Kings 21:19-29). 6. Fast for physical health (1Samuel 30:11-12). Forty-day fast for dominion, come out of testing, and victory (Moses in Exodus 24:18, 34:28; Elijah in 1Kings 19:5-8; Jesus in Luke 4:1-2). To help in this battle that will without a doubt occur as you are going after God for deliverance, a partial fasting of something like a meal a day (or fasting sweets, etc...) until complete victory is obtained will certainly help. It will help to have others praying for you at this time as well. Please remember to eat lots of protein during times of warfare (unless you are fasting), and my suggestion would be (if you are going to fast) fast all junk food and eat healthy. Fasting weakens the enemy. Remember Adam and Eve ate what was forbidden. Satan was told to eat the dust of the ground (our bodies are made from the dust of the ground). Fasting helps break the power of satan because it is the opposite of what Adam and Eve did. Fasting is NOT eating what is permissible to eat. Fasting is very powerful in deliverance and warfare. Fasting is something to be led by the Spirit in. If you try to go on a forty-day fast without hearing from God about it, it could just be a very difficult thing that doesn’t amount to much. Be sure to be led by the Spirit, take it slow, and come off the fast carefully. If you are going to fast all food for more than three days, you need to come off drinking juices and maybe eating some oatmeal. Gradually and carefully work your way up to your normal eating habits. Regular fasting as a lifestyle is powerful. I have a group that we fast a meal (or full day) a week together. It is very powerful. How to Read the Bible Acts 17:11 “Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.” The first thing I want to say is this, the Bible is the perfect word from God that was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is without any contradictions or mistakes at all. Men of old wrote as they were under the influence of the Holy Spirit. God has preserved what we have today as the Bible. There are supposed to be sixty six books in the Bible, and God protected the writings over the years so that it has not been

altered. Do not fall into the trap of reading other supposed “lost books of the Bible.” They are not. There are no lost books of the Bible. This is a deception. God oversaw the compiling of what we now have as the Bible, and you simply have to trust God that it is the way it is supposed to be. This will require faith. Satan will challenge the Bible in these end-times. There will be many lies concerning the Bible to turn people away from it. Don’t believe them. The Da Vinci Code was a deception, yet it turned some from the faith. This is only the beginning. Keep a simple pure faith in the Bible. God has given it to us as a gift. God did not have a problem writing the Bible, but sometimes we have a problem reading it. That is why some claim contradictions are in the Bible. This is foolish. While one writer of the Bible was focusing on one thing, another put his emphasis on another. That does not mean it contradicts, but rather, it compliments each other! The Bible interprets the Bible. Each book compliments one another. It is an amazing book that is literally alive. Lean on the Holy Spirit’s help in understanding the Bible. This is practical, since he is the one that wrote it. Notice in the scriptures above the Bereans studied the Bible for themselves to make sure that Paul was leading them into truth and not deceiving them. Not only were they honored for this, but Paul had no problem at all with it. This is how we are supposed to be as Christians. The Bible tells us plainly that in the end-times there will be a great amount of deception. The only true way to avoid deception is by knowing the Bible for ourselves, having a strong prayer life, and knowing the Holy Spirit very well for ourselves. These are safe guards. If you know the Bible for yourself and also check it to see if someone is leading into truth or not, you will be quick to know if something does not line up with scripture. If you have a strong prayer life, God can speak to you about things being wrong if they are. Also, if you know the Holy Spirit for yourself, you will know if there is another spirit at work that is not him. I am familiar with the presence of the Holy Spirit, so when another spirit is present, it just doesn’t feel right. I am familiar with the Holy Spirit’s voice, so when I am being told something from another spirit I can usually tell pretty quickly. The last thing I would say is this. To avoid deception, be careful who you are following. Do you see Jesus in them? Do they live holy according to the Bible? Do you see the fruit of the Spirit in their lives? These are very important questions to ask. If you have to say no about these things, I would say quit following them spiritually! Even satanists can pretend to be Christians and some even pretend to be Christian pastors. Satan can give them power. For example, they can speak in false tongues by demons, tell you information they shouldn’t know about you because demons told them, and could make someone fall down on the ground under the power of demons. They can also heal the sick or cause signs and wonders to take place by the power of satan. We see the Bible predicted these days would come when it says the antichrist will have a spirit of deception that will empower him to be able to perform counterfeit miracles even calling down fire from heaven in full view of men! That is in Revelation chapter 13. I am looking for the day to come when Hindus, Buddhists, and Islamic clerics can lay hands and see healings by demons. Satan wants to deceive the whole world into following him. But also, I am looking for God’s people to see what Moses saw. In Exodus chapter seven we read that Moses threw his rod on the ground before Pharaoh and it became a serpent. Satan counterfeited the miracle by having the satanic warlocks do the same, but Moses’ serpent ate their serpents! God wants to cause his true signs, miracles, and wonders to swallow up satan’s, so the whole world will know who the true God is. Be careful to

prepare yourself for the days ahead. 1 John 4:1 tells us we must test the spirits to see if they are of God or not. It is important to have a Bible that is easy to read. You don’t want to have to sit and read something over and over just to understand the wording of it. I know when I have worked with teenagers, they feel reading the King James is like trying to read and understand Shakespeare. I use these versions of the Bible: New International Version, New American Standard, and the Amplified Bible. I also like the New Century Version especially for young people as being probably the most easy to understand. These Bibles are accurate in their translations from the original Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. If you would ask what Bible to purchase, let me give you some suggestions. Buy a parallel Bible (2 Bibles in one) with either the NIV combined with the Amplified, or the combination of NAS with the Amplified. Also, try to find a Bible that has a good condordance, Bible maps, and good cross referencing. Also try to buy a Bible that is paragraphed and has wide margins for taking notes. These are just suggestions. I would say learn to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in prayer that he can lead you what to be studying and when. This will take time to develop in prayer. Then the Holy Spirit can also teach you what he wants you to know in the proper timing he wants you to know it. This is abiding in the vine that Jesus spoke of in John 15. It is better to read a small portion and really get what you are reading, rather than reading chapters to not even remember what was read. Make sure and read everything in context of the paragraph it is in. Don’t take a little scripture out of context and make it say what you want it to say. If anything ever contradicts scripture we must throw it out. Also, memorizing scripture is so important. We are to hide God’s word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11) and that means memorize scriptures. You could make a list of scriptures you feel would be good to memorize and then do so. You can memorize scripture in the version of Bible that you use. There is a lot of Bible study literature out there to take you deep in your studies and give you understanding of the history and culture surrounding the writings of the Bible. If you want, you could purchase a good “Spirit-Filled” old and new Testament survey study course at most Christian bookstores. You can also purchase some computer Bible Study software inexpensively. I bought a $20 Bible computer program that has everything I need. It has maps, 20 different versions of the Bible, original Greek and Hebrew, etc... It has been a wonderful tool for me to learn the Bible. I found it at Best Buy. Two more suggestions, please remember that the Bible says knowledge puffs up with pride. Be careful to not get knowledge and then become prideful about what you have learned. Second, always remember it is very important to know the book of the Lord, but it is even more important to know the Lord of the book. There is really not a lot more to say about reading the scriptures. It is important to simply do it and not just talk about doing it. Prayer and Bible study take discipline to do. Those Christians that have the discipline to actually do it are those that will find strength and victory in their walk with God. Many Christians that have formed an addiction to entertainment are having a very difficult time with prayer and Bible study. They simply have a passive mind that is not disciplined. This is a great hindrance to their Christian walk. Let’s determine we will discipline ourselves in these areas. Memorizing Scriptures Below are some suggestions to begin with. You can memorize many more if you want to. I bought a book of God’s Promises and have used that to memorize scripture from. I

like the New International Version of the Bible when it comes to scripture memory. You could also use the scriptures in the different days of this book to memorize. The point is to actually follow through doing it. It will change your life. Scripture memory is actually very important. You can print it out on paper or use index cards with scriptures written on it. Some people take it to work, put it on refrigerators, or on mirrors that they look at while getting ready for work. James 4:7, Matthew 16:19, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91, Proverbs 26:2, Galatians 5:1, 1John 5:4, Luke 10:19, 1John 4:4, 1 John 3:8, Philippians 2:9-10, Ephesians 1:18-23, Colossians 2:19 & 15, Ephesians 2:6, Romans 5:17, John 16:33, Revelation 21:7, 2 Corinthians 2:14, 1Corinthians 15:54-57, Revelation 1:5, Romans 8:21, Hebrews 2:14, Acts 10:38, Mark 16:17, Mark 6:67, Luke 9:12, 2 Timothy 1:67 Worship Worship is meant to be an expression from your heart toward God in thanksgiving and adoration for what he has done for you and for who he is. He has reached to the depths of hell to pull us unto himself. Christ was tortured and mutilated for our salvation because he loves us so much. There are Biblical expressions to worship. I encourage you to worship the Lord with all your heart. Go to a church that worships God freely and allows you to do so. Just remember worship is never meant to draw any attention to yourself but all attention is to go toward God. Here are Biblical Hebrew words for worship explaining what they mean. Seven Hebrew Words for Praise 1. Yadah- “To extend the hand, throw out the hand, to worship with hands extended” Ps 63:4, 14:1-2, 1 Tim 2:8 (Lifting hands) 2. Shabach- “To address in a LOUD tone. To command, to triumph, to glory, to shout a LOUD expression” Ps 35:27 (Shout) 3. Zamar- “To touch, as in an instrument, instrumental worship, the hard or strings” Ps 150 (To praise on the instruments) 4. Barak- “To kneel, to bless God as an act of adoration” Ps 71:14 (bowing or kneeling before God) 5. Towdah- “To give thanksgiving with extended hands” Ps 50:23 also look at Phil 4:6 (offering thanksgiving unto God) 6. Halal- “To shine, boast, rave, celebrate and be joyful, to give light, to be given in marriage, and to be clamorously foolish” (celebrate) This is the most used Hebrew word for praise. It is where we get the word Hallelujah. It is the word Dancing and twirling would fall under. Dancing was VERY common in Jewish celebrations such as a wedding. Ps 149:3, 150:4 Under Halal are these other words:

a. Ruah “To shout, leap, or celebrate” b. Giyl “To whirl (spin) about” c. Takah “To clap as in crushing.” Clapping was to intimidate the enemy as well as used in praise and worship.

7. Tehillah “To sing or to laud.” Ps 22:3 (singing, laughing, rejoicing)

There are three main Hebrew words for worship 1. Shachah “Prostrate oneself (pay homage or royalty to God) bow down” 2. Atsab “to carve, fabricate, or fashion” (worshipping God through the arts) 3. Cegid “to worship” Praise and worship is so powerful and there is such a freedom that is supposed to be in scriptural worship. Praise and worship will bring God’s manifest presence. Also, if you want the Lord to crush your satanic enemies trying to destroy your life and family, learn the power of praise connected with warfare. Here is a good scripture, Isaiah 30:32 “And every blow of the rod of punishment, which the Lord will lay on him, will be with the music of tambourines and lyres and in battles, brandishing weapons, He will fight them.” Also you might want to read the story of Jehoshaphat’s victory over Moab and Ammon through the power of praise in 2 Chronicles 20. Unity and submission to authority Another area God is very concerned about is unity and submission. God’s heart is for his people to be in unity together. God hates all the division that people cause among his children including what denominations have done. I felt the Holy Spirit just tell me this is one of the most important parts of this book I am writing. Luke 11:14. And He was casting out a demon, and it was dumb; and it came about that when the demon had gone out, the dumb man spoke; and the multitudes marveled. 15. But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons." 16. And others, to test Him, were demanding of Him a sign from heaven. 17. But He knew their thoughts, and said to them, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls. 18. "And if Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? For you

say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul. 19. "And if I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? Consequently they shall be your judges. 20. "But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21. "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own homestead, his possessions are undisturbed; 22. But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied, and distributes his plunder. 23. "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters. 24. "When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it says, `I will return to my house from which I came.' 25. "And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order. 26. "Then it goes and takes along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first." 27. And it came about while He said these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice, and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts at which You nursed." 28. But He said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God, and observe it."

This is satan’s greatest battle plan, divide and conquer. Satan’s kingdom works the hardest at causing various forms of division in the kingdom of God. Brothers and sisters in Christ get way too easily offended with one another. We have got to learn to walk in forgiveness and understand that the devil is behind these divisions. Church splits, divorce, family alienation, denominations, and prejudices divide God’s people. Satan knows the power of unity. Jesus taught us in Matthew 18:18 "Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 "Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. 20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst." We can see from this passage that “binding and loosing (warfare terms)”

are used in connection with unity between believers in prayer. In scripture we see in Psalm 133:1-3 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon, coming down upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing life forever.” The outpouring of the anointing has to do with unity. We see the same principal in Acts 2 as the disciples were in “one accord” in prayer, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was released. Satan knows the power of unity when we see scriptures like “one person will put a thousand to flight, and two people will put ten thousand to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30).” Satan also knows that if we come together in prayer, nothing will stop our prayers from being answered. Let me add that God states to “mark” and “have nothing to do with” a divisive person in Romans 16:17. God truly hates division among his people. One of the strongest rebukes in scripture is found in Proverbs 6:19 when it says there are six things God hates, seven that are an abomination to him, and the last one of these “the person who sows discord (division) among the brethren.” The Lord teaches us to not be a fault-finder (a fault-finder is a critic) in Jude 15-16. Divisive people are evil people in the sight of God and we are commanded to not be divisive (causing any division among God’s people), and not to associate with those that do. I am concerned for these self appointed “watch dogs” that go around trying to fault-find, discredit, and destroy anointed ministries that they don’t like. You can see this all over the internet, but God hates it. If I were you, I would avoid having anything to do with these people, reading their writings, and allowing that divisive critical spirit to get in your life. These people think they are being used of God, but in their deception they are actually being used of satan to divide God’s people. King David taught us in his life to not speak evil of or oppose authority established by his anointing. I have seen people that run down ministers and speak abusively against the anointing. They usually have health problems, unanswered prayers, and spiritual problems in their lives. Mark 6:1-6 And He went out from there, and He came into His home town; and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue; and the many listeners were astonished, saying, ‘Where did this man get these things, and what is this wisdom given to Him, and such miracles as these performed by His hands? Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?’ And they took offense at Him. And Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household.’ And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands upon a few sick

people and healed them. And He wondered at their unbelief. Jesus was dishonored in Nazareth and he (even being God in the flesh) could not do many miracles because of their unbelief. If you are surrounded with unbelief, you will not be able to operate in the supernatural either. It is interesting seeing people in America question and criticize miracles and the supernatural. This cynical attitude toward the anointing and the miraculous is just a spirit of unbelief masked in intelligence. We have to honor the anointing, God’s anointed servants, and the moves of the Holy Spirit. When we honor God’s anointing, then God can use that anointing to touch our lives and meet our needs through it.

We can see in Romans that all authority is established by God. In the home it is the husband who is the head of the home. Scripturally he is to make the decisions and call the shots. In the church it is the Pastor and then the Elders who are the authority. There is authority everywhere. We have to fully submit to authority. If we do not, we are in total rebellion. This rebellion is where the Jezebel and Ahab spirits are at work. It would be very wise for all of us living in these end-times to get some strong scriptural knowledge about Jezebel and Ahab spirits. I have some teachings on our website that will give you the knowledge you need. We have to resolve it within ourselves that we are going to FULLY obey everything in the Bible, or we will have open doors for satanic attack. Tithing and Giving The last thing I want to talk about is tithing. This is another act of obedience that is vital. The scripture above in Malachi 3:8-15 shows how God views those that don’t tithe. He says they are stealing from him and therefore are under a curse. This is the same today as it has always been. There are various reasons for God commanding us to tithe. Tithing is giving God the first ten percent of all you make before taxes are taken out. If you make a thousand dollars, you tithe 100 dollars. Some people say, “I can’t afford to tithe.” That is so foolish. The truth is, you can’t afford not to tithe. If you will tithe the first ten percent in faith, God will bless the other ninety percent so much, that it will go farther than the whole one hundred percent ever would have. The scriptures say, God will “rebuke the devourer” or protect from insects devouring our crops (our provision). Insects speak of things that eat up our finances. Those that tithe have very little devouring from satan going on. For example, their cars break down far less. There houses need less repairs. There are fewer accidents and visits to the hospital, etc... I think you get the idea. If we don’t tithe into our local church we attend, we are cursed and will suffer financially. Satan has a legal right to devour our finances. When we tithe, God commands satan to “BACK OFF!” Like a lawn mower goes over grass and devours it only if the mower is running. God will turn off satan’s engine so that he may pass your way, but he cannot devour your finances if you tithe. If we tithe, God promises to open the heavens above us, pour out more than we need, and to bless us abundantly. There are two more reasons for tithing. God could drop gold in the backyards of churches to take care of them, but he chooses to use the tithe of the people. One reason is because, we need the love of money pulled out of us. Those that refuse to tithe, have a love of money problem which the Bible says is the root of all evil. In the end-times, the 666 mark of the antichrist will be to buy and sell. Those that love money will gladly give up Jesus to have the mark so they can have money and be able to buy and sell. God is trying to help people get over the love of money. Another reason for tithing is for the local church to be able to function without problems. There are electric, water, mortgage, insurance, and other bills to pay. God wants his church to function and be taken care of. We need to tithe! If you have not been tithing, ask God’s forgiveness and begin on your next paycheck. You will see over the course of months a difference in the quality of your life. God’s blessing will rest on you. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 5 that when we pray, fast, and give. He didn’t say if we pray, fast, and give. We are commanded to do all. There is a principal in scripture of 30, 60, and 100 fold returns or harvests (Matt 13). If I planted 100 seeds and only got 30 plants, obviously 70 other

seeds did not bring forth fruit. If I only got 60 plants, 40 of the plants didn’t make it. What if I planted 100 seeds and got 100 plants? I would have reaped a hundredfold harvest. I would have suffered no loss at all! When we live lifestyles of prayer, seasons of fasting, and consistent giving, we will constantly reap 100 fold spiritual harvests in our lives. If we only pray, we will only see a 30fold harvest. If we pray and fast, we will see a 60fold harvest, but it we pray, fast, and tithe, we will see 100fold harvest in our lives. If we fully obey the Bible, we can live in the fullness of God’s blessing on our lives. Let us learn the Bible and fully obey it. God has taught us in the scriptures to live in obedience to him. If you give God your finances and trust him, he will lead you to be a giver. As you tithe, and then give according to what God leads you, you will reap abundantly! Offerings are gifts God speaks to you about giving that are above your tithe. Basically giving is a vital part of your Christian life. I have seen people that are givers. They are usually very prosperous and blessed people. The principals in the Bible are we reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), and as we give, it will be given back unto us pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38). Jesus himself taught us that it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35), and to store up treasures in heaven by what we do here on the earth (Matt 6:16-24). This seems to go against all our natural inclination to hoard wealth and look after our own interests, but God teaches us to live by faith, be led by his Spirit, and renew our minds with the scripture. We must learn to live our lives God’s way, and that includes giving and looking after other people’s needs above our own. Church Attendence In these end-times right before Christ returns, the Bible predicts a powerful revival outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:14-22 and Joel 2:25-32 speak of a last day outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The reason for this outpouring is because we will desperately need it. First we need the anointing to win the lost (Acts 1:8), and secondly we need the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to give us the spiritual strength to overcome these evil times in which we live. I said all that to say, it would be of your best interest to find a POWERFUL anointed church where the true word of God is preached (not a watered-down message) and allows the Holy Spirit to move. Here are some questions to ask yourself about the church: 1. Are they free in their worship? 2. Does the preacher truly preach the whole word of God? 3. Does the church preach against sin and help people get right with God? 4. Does the church have a heart for the lost and hurting? 5. Does the church have the gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation? 6. Is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit present in the church services? 7. Are people in the church being healed of sickness? 8. Are people being delivered of demons? 9. Are people being baptized in the Holy Spirit and their lives being changed? 10. Does the church have a religious spirit about it? I would avoid it if it does. These are just a few questions to help you get on the right track. I would advise even driving long distances to find a good church. This is a serious issue. The Bible says

Hebrews 10:25 “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” As we see the Lord’s drawing near, we must assemble together (go to church) all the more and stay close to the Lord. It will become increasingly important that we attend a very powerful church in the days to come. People need to have confidence in their church that if they need healing, deliverance, answered prayers, and miracles, they can receive it through their local church. The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Jesus talking about the Holy Spirit in John 14:16. And I will ask the Father, and He will give

you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; 17. that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you. 18. "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19. "After a little while the world will behold Me no more; but you will behold Me; because I live, you shall live also. 20. "In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. 21. "He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose Myself to him." 22. Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him, "Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us, and not to the world?" 23. Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him. 24. "He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father's who sent Me. 25. "These things I have spoken to you, while abiding with you. 26. "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. 27. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. 28. "You heard that I said to you, `I go away, and I will come to you.' If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. 29. "And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that when it comes to pass, you may believe. 30. "I will not speak much more with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me; 31. but that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go from here.�

As we can see here, Jesus was teaching us the Holy Spirit is our teacher and helper. He is there to lead us, teach us, and show us things to come. Paul taught us about the “fellowship of the Holy Spir- it” (2Corinthians 13:14), and the early church understood to be led by and consult the Holy Spirit in all matters (Acts 15:28). A little about the gifts God has given us. Romans 12:5-8 seems to show us the gifts that the Father releases in our lives when accepting the Lord and becoming his children. Ephesians 5:11 are gifts that Jesus gives to his church. It is interesting that the church currently tries to operate as a democracy. The kingdom of God is not a democracy. God places his apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to lead his people. Voting in church matters is an extremely unscriptural practice that only leads to strife and church division. God places a pastor over a church to lead the church and make the decisions. 1Corinthians 12 talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are released into our lives when we are baptized into the Holy Spirit. A quick look at the gifts: 1. Vocal gifts: Tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy

Tongues are a very important gift from the Lord. Our personal prayer language is something that seems to be continually at work in our lives. You can see this in Mark 16:17 when Jesus said “these signs will accompany them that believe, they will speak in new tongues.” But the gift of the Holy Spirit listed in 1Corinthians 12 has to do with a message that has a beginning, an ending, and requires an interpretation. This can be done in a language that is on the earth somewhere unknown to the person, or a heavenly language. The gifts of interpreting tongues is self explanatory in many ways, but I wonder if this “gift of interpretation” also works in the interpretation of dreams and visions that some people seem to have. Also, prophecy is simply “inspired speech from the Lord.” It could be predicting the future, exposing sin, giving encouragement, or giving direction to someone. Prophecy is basically the Lord speaking through someone. 2. Revelation gifts: Words of Knowledge, words of wisdom, discerning spirits Words of knowledge means someone has supernatural knowledge given to them that they should not know in the natural. For example, a friend of mine came up to me a few weeks ago in one of our services and told me he felt that someone needed healing in their shoulder. There were two people that came up without my saying a word that asked for prayer for pain in their shoulder. I have seen this gift at work many times. A word of wisdom has to do with supernatural wisdom that a person could not know on their own. Let’s say that a church was in a horrible situation and really needed to know how to handle the situation. So as people were praying, someone states “I feel the Lord is saying _____ is the answer.” That word of wisdom totally fixes the problem and changes everything. That is how the word of wisdom works. Discerning (distinguishing or understanding) the spirits is a gift that enables a person to know what spirits are at work. This is a very important gift. God commands us to “test the spirits and see if they are of God” in 1John 4:4. This gift of the Spirit will be very valuable in knowing what is of God and what is not in these areas. This gift will cause a person to feel uncomfortable around a wrong spirit and know when something is amiss. This gift can cause a person to know if the spirits at work are angels, demons, the Holy Spirit, or even just human influence. 3. Power gifts: Faith, healing, and working of miracles The gift of faith will kick in and cause a person to believe for things they have never been able to believe for before. This has happened to me at times when praying for people with needs. The gift of healing is very powerful and causes a lot of healings to take place when someone prays for healing in others. Last, the working of miracles is denying the natural laws. For example, Jesus walked on water, and fed thousands of people with a few bread loaves and fishes. I have seen this gift at work. Recently a minister asked my wife to stand with her back against the wall. She had a very crooked back. I mean you could see it clearly. He had her bring her hands together in front of her and they were about an inch off of being straight because of her back being so crooked. He prayed for her and her arm grew out as her back straightened right in front of our eyes. That is the gift of the working of miracles. Can you imagine how powerful churches would be if we were all anointed and honored all the gifts? Witnessing

We desperately need the anointing to be effective witnesses. We need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. This brings power in our lives. Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that we would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us so that we can be his witnesses. I was witnessing to a guy one time in my home. He cut me off and said he had heard it over and over. He said he works with a pastor that witnesses to him all the time (this was a pastor of a church that does not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit). He went on to say he was not interested when all of a sudden he started shaking, turning a bit red in the face, and tears starting forming in his eyes. The Holy Spirit was moving on him! He looked at me and asked what was happening? I told him the Holy Spirit was touching him and he needed to get saved. I went on to tell him that God was strongly dealing with him about getting saved. He accepted Christ right there. Do you know what made the difference? It was the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The other minister tried over and over, but a nobody that was baptized in the Holy Spirit had the anointing to see him get saved. The anointing makes all the difference in witnessing! Using the pattern I laid out at the beginning of this booklet is a good pattern to use in street witnessing, witnessing to your lost loved ones, and witnessing to your coworkers. It humbles a person to see they have sinned before God as you walk them through the ten commandments. Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Jesus’ heart is for the lost. That is the main reason he died! All great soul winners have had a great burden for the lost. They have prayed “give me souls, or I die!” The first step to being a powerful witness for the Lord is to have a deep burden and tears for the lost. If you don’t care if others go to hell, you won’t be a good soul-winner. Only Jesus can give you his love and heart for the lost. Ask for that. Ask him to let you feel how he does for souls. In the same way, if you are not spiritually hungry for more of God like you should be, ask Jesus for it. He will do it. Prayer Warriors Second, you must learn to be a prayer warrior. Souls will be saved if we pray them into the kingdom of God. We must learn to pray for the lost. Prayer is the heart beat of every great move of God in world history. Ask the Lord to teach you about travailing prayers. These are prayers with groans, tears, tongues, and deep intercession as the Holy Spirit prays through you. The Lord will teach you if you ask him. These travailing prayers birth souls into the kingdom of God spiritually, then you will see the answers to these prayers as many get saved that you have prayed for. Third, you must learn to war for the lost. Satan has them blinded to the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4). It will take us taking authority on their behalf and commanding satan to be bound, stop blinding them, and release them to be saved. We must war for them. We can speak to the enemy like this: “In Jesus name you satanic spirits that are blinding the minds of my mom and sister, I bind you. I command you to stop deceiving them and hindering them from getting right with Jesus. I break your power over their lives. Now satan release them to be saved NOW!” You can speak to the blinding of the mind like this: “In the name of Jesus I command the blinding from satan over my father’s life to fall off his mind like scales off of a blind persons eyes! I break your power satan over his life. Release him to be saved. I bind you!” Fourth, we must help people see they are sinners that need a savior. I really don’t have time to teach on this in a short little booklet like this. I use the method you read at the beginning

of this book. If you would like, you could read and study that. That is pretty much how I witness. Also, I recommend the book Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort. You could go to Ray’s website at www.wayofthemaster.com and purchase some DVD’s that teach you how to witness. They actually have a lot of free materials and live footage on the streets of them witnessing. Ray does an incredible job witnessing. There are false gospels out there stating things like “Jesus will make your life better”, “there is a hole in your heart only Jesus can fill”, and “Jesus will make you happy.” Where did that stuff come from? We must witness using the true gospel, which is what is in the introduction to this book. We desperately need the anointing to be effective witnesses. We need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire. This brings power in our lives. Again, the anointing makes all the difference in witnessing! The last thing I would say is this. There are certain things that are simply obedience. We are commanded to have prayer lives, read the Bible, witness, have seasons of fasting, faithfully attend church, obey the Bible, and tithe. These are foundational truths. So witnessing is not something that is radical, but rather it is a normal part of Christianity. We are all to witness in our lives on a regular basis. Step out and begin to do it. It is really not as hard as people think. End-times and Signs of Christ’s coming The Bible speaks of the end-times. Without a doubt we are living in the middle of it right now. The tribulation and rise of the antichrist is not that far off, and the rapture is near! Basically in a nut shell here is what the Bible says will happen: Basically there will be a major increase of wickedness (Matt 24) and at the same time the greatest revival (outpouring of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:17) the world has ever seen. So basically the world will grow increasingly spiritually dark as the Bible calls it “gross darkness” in Isaiah 60:1-4. This will cause us as true Christians to shine more and more like stars in the night sky. We will see a major increase of anointing and God’s glory in our lives. The stars in the sky are always there, but they can only truly be seen at night. Jesus predicted it would be as it was in Noah’s day (occult practices and great sin in the earth) and in Lot’s day (days of Sodom while sexual sin especially homosexuality was rampant) in Luke 17:22-37 when his coming is near. We see these among other signs of the nearness of Christ coming in our day. Here are some things to give you a personal study about the end-times and the signs of Christ’s coming: ·World-wide end time revival Acts 2:17 · People will fall away from the faith (abandon Christianity) 1Timothy 4:1-2 · Increase of sin and signs of the end times listed in 2Timothy 3 · Natural disasters, plagues, increase of martyrdom, false prophets arising, love of many growing cold, and many led astray by deception Matt 24, Luke 21 · Great persecution against Christians Matt 24:9 · Increase of travel and knowledge Daniel 12:4 · Rise of Zionism, rebuilding nation of Israel, and liberation of Jerusalem from Gentiles Psalm 102:16, Luke 21:24 · Many scoffers, denying the Word of God and the promise of Christ’s return will arise 2 Peter 3:2-7 · People absorbed with material pleasures and pursuits, and forgetting the impending judgments of God that will quickly come upon the world Luke17:26-30

· Great decline of moral and ethical standards, combined with the outward forms of religion, and abounding iniquity (literally “lawlessness” and anarchy) 2Tim 3:1-5, Matt 24:12 · Famines and pestilence, increase of severity and frequency of earthquakes, distress and perplexity of nations, and many antichrist’s (although there will be one world ruler known as “The Antichrist) Matt 24:7, Luke 21:25, 1John 2:18

Israel being reestablished in 1948 is a great sign of the end times. Christ will return to Israel and this is a huge and very supernatural fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy that such a thing could even happen. The basic timeline is this. Things will continue to get worse in the world with sin increasing, plagues, natural disasters, wars, and great fear. True Christians can be protected and do well during this time and will see the greatest revival the world has ever seen. True Christians will be put in a spiritual “land of Goshen” protected from the end time plagues much like Israel was protected from the plagues that came on Egypt (Ex 8:22-23) if they are living obedient to the word of God. The book of Acts will be the model for normal Christianity in the days to come. As these continue to progress, the rapture will take place (1Thess 4:13-18) after we see the rise of the antichrist and a great falling away of Christians. This is predicted in 2Thess 2. The great falling away is a great sifting that God will do removing the wheat (true Christians) from the tares (false Christians that look like real Christians on the outside) Matt 13:24-30. After the rapture takes place the world will enter the greatest difficulty it has ever seen. This is called the “Tribulation” or “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” The tribulation will be for seven years and will be so bad no one would survive it except the Lord cuts the days short. Jesus left off the Mount of Olives in Acts 1:8-11 and the angels told the disciples that he will return the same as he left. So satan knows Jesus is returning to Israel when he comes back and is trying to exterminate all Jews and destroy Israel. Antisemitism is from an antichrist spirit. Israel is God’s original vine that we gentiles are engrafted into through Jesus. This is a bit confusing, but God still has a covenant with Israel (both the land and the Hebrew people) because of Abraham. BUT unless Jew or Gentile accepts Jesus Christ as their savior they will not go to heaven. This is the Old Covenant (Abrahamic covenant) and the New Covenant (through Jesus). There has been a great revival among Jews coming to know Christ and the Bible seems to predict this in Revelation 7:4-8. During this seven year tribulation the antichrist will make a peace treaty with Israel for 3 ½ years. Then he will break this treaty, set himself up as God in their own Temple, and turn on them. Once the nations of the world have completely turned against Israel and gathered around her to destroy her, Jesus will split the eastern sky and kill the armies with the sword of his mouth. He will place his feet on the Mount of Olives, the mountain will split in two, and he will enter Jerusalem to set up his kingdom on the earth. Satan will be bound and put in hell for a thousand years. The antichrist and false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire at this point. Jesus will reign for one-thousand years on the earth putting things back the way the way they originally were in the Garden of Eden. After the thousand years “Millennial Reign” of Christ, satan will be released for a short time. He will roam the earth trying to deceive people and will be successful with some. He will lead that small army against Jerusalem in an attempt to overthrow Jesus, but lightning will come down and destroy the army. Satan will then be put in the lake of fire forever!!! A Great White Throne judgment will ensue for the lost. They will be pulled up out of hell and stand before the Father. The books will be opened, and it will be explained to them why they will be in hell (lake of

fire) for eternity as they have rejected Jesus. Then all of hell will be thrown into the lake of fire. After this, the Father and the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven and come upon the earth. This will be like a new Garden of Eden, but much better. The Bible says from that point on, the dwelling of God will be with man, and man with God forever. We are near to Christ’s return. You can read about most of this in Revelation 19-22. As the true Christians are raptured (“caught away”) we will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb during the same time of the tribulation that is taking place on the earth. The Bible says we will ride with Jesus on white horses as he returns to the earth to take it over. This is just a quick summary of the end-times. One last thing, there were two thousand years from Adam’s fall until Abraham. There were two thousand years from Abraham until Jesus came on the earth. There has now been two thousand years from Jesus’ time on the earth until now. Something big is on the horizon. It is the second coming of the Lord! Let’s get ready. How do we get ready? Preparing for Christ’s Return Preparation for Christ’s coming: Use this as a self study · What did the Lamb’s (Jesus) wife do before the marriage supper? Rev 19:7 · What kind of clothing did she wear? Rev 19:8 · What does the fine linen represent? Rev 19:8 · Of the ten virgins, which ones went in to the marriage (raptured)? Matt 25:10 · If a man has the hope of seeing the Lord when he comes, how does he prepare himself for this? 1John 3:3 · To whom will Christ appear the second time unto salvation? Heb 9:28 · What two things must we follow after, if we desire to see the Lord? Heb 12:14 · Write down three conditions which should mark out all Christians at Christ’s coming? 2 Pet 3:14 · What expression does Christ use to show how sudden his coming will be? Rev 3:3, 16:15 · Who knows the day and hour of Christ’s return? Mark 13:32 · What did Christ warn all Christians to do in view of his coming? Mark 13:35-37 · What did Christ warn Christians to do in addition to watching? Luke 21:36 · What three things did Christ warn Christians could keep them from being ready? Luke 21:34

Promises of his return: · For what purposes did Christ say he was leaving his disciples? John 14:2 · What promise did Christ give his disciples when he left them? John 14:3 · When Christ was taken up into heaven, what promise did the angels give? Acts 1:11 · What is the “blessed hope” to which all true Christians look forward? Titus 2:13 · What three sounds will be heard when Christ descends from heaven? 1 Thess 4:16

What will happen to Christians when Jesus comes? · Will all Christians have died when Christ comes? 1 Cor 15:51 · At this time what will happen to Christians who have died? 1 Thess 4:16 · Write down two things that will then happen to all Christians, whether they have died or not? 1Cor 15:51, 1Thess 4:17 · Will these Christians ever again be separated from the Lord? 1Thess 4:17 · When we actually see the Lord, what change will take place in us? 1John 3:2 · As a result of this change, what will the body of the Christian be after resurrection? 1Cor 15:53 · What two words does Paul use to describe the body of the Christian after the resurrection? 1Cor 15:53 · How does the Bible describe the feast which Christians will then enjoy? Rev 19:9

People have asked me how we have had the success we have had in the deliverance, healing, and revival ministry. My response to that would be first we don’t water down the word of God. We believe ALL of it, live it as best we can, and preach it like it is. Second, I work very hard at seeing all defilement removed off people’s lives and them deeply consecrated and sanctified unto God through things like water baptism, taking communion with them, and anointing them with oil. Third, we break all curses and works of satan off their lives and then replace them with blessings. For example, either I or some male authority figure will stand in proxy as a biological father and invoke a generational blessing onto those that we are praying with. Fourth, we command ALL satanic spirits to leave and then we pray for those to be anointed, filled, and baptized into the Holy Spirit and fire from heaven. We specifically ask that all every area the enemy has had to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Last, we try to have strong followup. That is one of the reasons I wrote this book. I will also add that we try our best to stay as scriptural as it is possible. The Trinity and Sound Doctrine God is one (in unity) but he is three distinct persons. This is the same as us being one person, but we have three distinct parts in our make-up: a body, soul, and a spirit. Deuteronomy 6:4, Isaiah 43:10-11, Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:22 are great scriptures to examine. Another great portion scripture is Matthew 3:13-17 which shows Jesus being baptized, the Father in heaven speaking, and then the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus. I am showing this to point out that there are some false teachings concerning the trinity. Interestingly enough there are rumors that the leaders of the Catholic church are wanting to add Mary in the trinity, making it a quadrinity, in their strange doctrine. There is also a teaching called “oneness” which states that everything is Jesus only. In other words Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit, but this teaching is not correct. Doctrinal Self-Study: It is important to know sound doctrine for yourself ·The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written word of God 2 Tim 3:16� ·There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19) ·Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

oHis virgin birth (Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:31,35)

oHis sinless life (Hebrews 7:26, 1Peter 2:22)

oHis miracles (Acts 2:22, 10:38)

oHis substitutionary work on the cross (1Cor 15:3, 2Cor 5:21)

oHis bodily resurrection from the dead (Matthew 28:6, Luke 24:39, 1Cor 15:4)

oHis exaltation to the right hand of God (Acts 1:9,11; 2:33; Phil 2:9-11; Heb 1:3)

·In the blessed hope (rapture of the church) Titus 2:13 ·The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus (John 14:6)

oConditions of salvation: salvation is received through repentance toward God and faith

toward the Lord Jesus Christ and his completed work on the cross (Luke 24:47; John 3:3; Romans 10:13-15; Ephesians 2:8; Titus 3:5)

oEvidences of salvation: the inward evidence is the direct witness of the Spirit (Rom

8:16). The outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:24; Titus 2:12)� ·Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation (Titus 3:5) ·In water baptism by immersion (Matthew 28:19) ·The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body and deliverance from satan’s works in answer to believing prayer (1Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13) ·The baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it ·In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life (Gal 5:16-25) ·In the resurrection of both saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and thither to everlasting damnation (Rev 20:11-15)

Be careful who you are following, who is laying hands on you, and who you are listening to Living in these end times is going to be difficult. Be very careful about who you are following. Make sure they are following the Lord. Also, be wise about who is laying hands on you. Finally be wise about what message you are listening to. There are a lot of voices out there. I will be very frank about public schools to parents. Unless you have heard from God that your child is called by him to be a missionary in that school, I would NOT put them in public schools. Public schools are horrible now. I am disgusted. They are ten times worse than when I was in them. It would be like throwing your kids to the lions and expecting them to make it. Public schools are full of sexual sins, unbelievable rebellion toward all authority, witchcraft, occult practices, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse. Many teachers are not those who you want influencing the mind of your child! If you want your child to fall away from Christ, put them in an environment they don’t stand a chance eight hours a day. I have worked with young people for around 14 years. I have almost never seen kids do well in public school environments, but those that were home schooled did awesome. My daughter was home schooled and is going into full-time ministry and is on fire for God. She wants to marry a minister. Home schooling for her was through dvd’s and she did most of it on her own through her high school years. Raising kids is not going to be easy in these dark times, but if you will get your kids in an on fire POWERFUL church and youth group, keep them out of the public school system, and pray for them daily, they can do well. Speak blessings over them, discipline them, and keep them from bad friends. If you will live the life in front of them, they will follow. If you will seal off your property and welcome the glory of God, you can have a home that is in a spiritual “Goshen” when all hell is taking place around you. We have to keep our homes holy. God’s manifest presence will leave a home that is sinful. One of the quickest ways to allow sin in the home is through the television, movies, or internet. You need to ask yourself, “would Jesus watch this?” You will find there is not a lot out there that he would. In fact, he died for the very sins that some professing Christians watch and laugh at as their entertainment. Think about that. How sick is that. Jesus was mutilated and hung on a cross for those very things, and then some of those that call themselves Christians sit and watch it as their entertainment. Be careful friend.

One of my prayers is that you will take this information and get fully delivered. My other books go much deeper on many of these subjects. But also, I pray that you will take this information and get others delivered with it. My last bit of advice is stay as close to Jesus as you can. If you pray with people for deliverance make sure it is a holy place that you are using. That can help deliverance sessions tremendously. Closing thoughts The one thing that will mark the end times will be deception. In Matthew 24:4 Jesus states, concerning the end times, see to it that no one deceives you.” In reading all the predictions in the New Testament of the days to come, the word “deception” is used a great deal. I believe this will be one of the greatest dangers of the end times. Deception is in every form of government, society, and even the church. We must guard ourselves against this great evil. Many great Bible teachers have fallen into the error of trying to read into Bible prophecy current events. God has given us a blue print, but the details will unfold in his timing. We can get insight into some relevant current events, but they will always be looking through a prophetic glass dimly (1Corinthians 13:12). One of the greatest guards against deception will be humility. One who is humble is able to admit he is wrong, and he is also very teachable. The Bible says the path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter. Also, Peter makes a prophetic statement when he says, “until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” The closer we get to the Lord’s coming, the greater the light of revelation will be. Therefore we need to be open to new revelation as long as it lines up with sound doctrine. Also, I must state that we must keep the main thing, the main thing. So what is the main thing? The main thing is JESUS. He must be the center, foundation, and headship of our lives and ministries. I have listened to some ministers, that I love, go into such extremes in their teaching. I have especially seen this in the area of faith and prosperity teaching. I do believe in faith and prosperity, but there are gross extremes in this teaching today. How do ministers get into error to the degree that any passage of the Bible has to do with money? I believe that many started with sincere hearts and balance, but their eyes got off Jesus and onto a truth. This is the reason for much of the wrong teaching in the body of Christ today. We must stay close to Jesus in prayer and keep our eyes on him. I believe focusing on a truth instead of the Lord of truth will bring extremes in teaching quicker than anything. Even true prophetic experiences of dreams, visions, words of knowledge, etc… can lead to deception if doctrine is made from them. Doctrine is based on the scripture not experiences. If an experience ever contradicts scripture, it must be thrown away. Using experiences to create doctrine are how many cults have begun. I will give an example of what I mean of someone that took his eyes off Jesus and was led into deception. I had the honor of praying with a young man that was in satanism. He truly came to Christ and renounced satan. I tried to explain to him that he may have been a “big shot” in the world of satanism, but he was coming into peon status in Christ’s kingdom. I also explained that the way to move into greatness in Christ’s kingdom is by washing other’s feet (servanthood). Well, he started out well and was

reading some incredible books by Rebecca Brown to help him. Her writings have changed many lives, and I highly recommend them. The only problem with the young man was he kept his focus on satan, and warfare, instead of Jesus. Consequently he got lifted up with pride and rebelled against leadership. His focus should have been on his relationship with Jesus, and being transformed into the image of Jesus. If we will keep that focus, we will be okay in the days to come. When we get our central focus on something else other than Jesus, deception will soon follow. This is where most of the extremes in teaching have come. Someone got over zealous about a truth and took his eyes off the Lord and focused too much on that one truth instead of the Lord of truth. Remember we are transformed by beholding the Lord’s glory (2Corinthians 3:18). Whatever we are beholding, we will begin to be conformed to. The last thing we want to do is put our focus on satan, and what he is doing, thus being conformed to that. This produces fear and people thinking satan is actually more powerful than he is. Let’s keep our focus on Jesus. Great power, signs, wonders, and supernatural things are on the horizon. This can result in some of the greatest deceptions the world has ever known. This is why I feel compelled to write this book. If we are not careful, we can make what the Lord is doing an idol. Revival, signs, and the miraculous can become an idol if we are not careful. Our worship must be to the Lord, not what he is doing. Many today in the west completely deny anything supernatural. How foolish! Even among the Christian circles this is true. God is a supernatural God, and what he does will be supernatural. We must be open to that, and new things he is doing, while testing the spirits to make sure they are of God (1John 4:1). I believe there will be incredible angelic visitations, dreams, visions, being caught up into heaven, seeing miracles and power unprecedented even in the word of God, that is coming. Jesus said, greater works we will do than even he did! This day is upon us. We must be open to this, or we will miss God! But we must test the spirits to make sure it is not demonic. This will require discernment on an unprecedented scale. Walking in true discernment is not being suspicious of everything. We must learn that. Many have missed revivals and great things God had for them because of suspicion and criticism. True discernment comes from walking very close to the Lord. I get up every morning and start my day with a couple of hours in prayer. I also have learned the word of God for myself, and I study it regularly. This is how we walk in discernment. If we are intimate with the Holy Spirit daily, knowing his voice and presence, we will certainly know when another spirit is present. Some Christians have gone to revival meetings that were of God and said “a strange spirit was there.” Well, the Holy Spirit was the one present, but they are so accustomed to the presence of religious demons the Holy Spirit’s presence was strange to them. I will go into more detail on some of these issues in this book. Every time God has moved, there have been mighty critics that rose up and were used of satan to deter people from the move of God! These people caused many to go to hell and prevented many from receiving what God had for them. Be careful who you are following. Are the people you are following going after a move of God’s Spirit? Are they hungry for God? Do you see Jesus in them? These are things that you need to ask, while not being critical of people that are imperfect. We are

all a work in progress. If you sow grace to others, you will receive grace for yourself. This will take wisdom, discernment, and having the true heart of Jesus for people. These are dangerous times to be a stumbling block to revival. God’s heart is for the harvest and it will take a mighty move of the Spirit to bring in the harvest. The last thing you want to be judged for is being a stumbling block to others! The days we are entering God will send his angels to remove stumbling blocks to his purposes (Matthew 13:39-42). Looking at the fruit of people is so important in the days ahead. We must look for the true anointing on God’s servants. Those that are appointed by man, or have raised themselves up through politics, will lack the anointing. They will turn to manipulation, intimidation, and control in their leadership. This is witchcraft and must not be tolerated. There must be fruit in their ministry of people getting right with God, being healed, being delivered, being baptized in the Holy Spirit, and taught the true word of God with power. Another thing we must look for is not just the anointing, but character. The anointing is great, but if there is a lack of character, a fall will come! Does the leadership live holy? Do you see the fruit of the Spirit in their lives? This is vital! If not, I would say you probably need to move on to where this is true. I certainly don’t want to ever write anything that would sow any discord in the body of Christ. Jesus hates that (Proverbs 6:16). At the same time, leadership living holy and having the fruit of the Spirit is too important to overlook! Those that are out of church will be likely to be connected into the body of the antichrist. If you are not in Christ’s body, you will be in the body of the world. The greatest way to ensure not being marked by satan’s mark is to have the mark of God spoken of in Revelation 7:13. It is vital to be knitted in a local fellowship somewhere and submitting to that authority. If you have been hurt, get over it and in church. I have been very hurt in church, but that is the way things are right now. We must shake it off and move on. One thing I see is a transition in the Spirit. I am writing this in October of 2004. A parable to look at is in Luke 10:38-42. In this story, Martha was so caught up in serving the Lord that she neglected his presence and fellowship. Mary, on the other hand, sat at his feet while he was present. There will continue to be a great division that will get worse, among the Mary church that is going after Christ’s presence, and the Martha church that is about programs. I felt the Lord reveal to me that in the past he sent “hot coals” to dead churches from various revivals. These are those that had the wisdom and humility to go where God is moving and receive of the anointing. They became flames of fire that were sent to dead churches. The Lord was sending them hoping they would be a catalyst for revival in that church. I felt the Lord impress me these days are over. Martha has had time to repent. These hot coals are being removed and gathered into prepared wineskins in their area where they are understood and accepted. I heard a prophecy that persecution will begin in America toward Christians in 2004. Praise God!!! Maybe this will wake up this sleeping giant! Persecution makes the church strong. I first thought that this persecution would come from the world and the media, etc… But after prayer I believe the main persecution will come from the Martha church. These religious Pharisees will be jealous of the power, fruit, and success in the Mary church and will violently persecute them. So we must be ready for this. Many in the body of Christ have so focused on the book of the Lord, they do not even know the Lord of the book. This must change! Knowing the scriptures is incredibly important, but we must draw close to Jesus and get to know him.

My desire is to be closer to Jesus and more like him today than yesterday! Friend, keep going after God. Don’t ever stop running after him. Stay on fire for God. Don’t lose your first love! The lukewarm will fall away in the days to come. We must get on fire and stay on fire! We must stay intimate with the Lord!!!

List of other possible sins not covered so far Confess these for yourself and on behalf of your ancestors This is helpful to use for those that might have a hard time with remembering their sins or would like something to look at as a guide for confession. This could be copied and given to someone to get on their face before God and confess out loud their sins. This might be a helpful tool at times for deliverance sessions. 1. Men not being the spiritual leaders of the home Wives not being submissive to their husbands Rebellious children Disorder in the home Lack of unity—discord in the home Strife in the home 2. Husbands being harsh with their wives Wives being harsh with their husbands Children not honoring and obeying their parents Parents being dishonest with their children Children being dishonest with their parents Not treating each other as Christ would have it in the home (not loving or kind) 3. Disobedience to the call of God on one’s life Rebellion, witchcraft —being your own god Not submissive to God and his will 4. Forsaking the house of God (unfaithful in church attendance) Not paying tithes and offerings (stealing from God) Not giving of self —time, etc.... Not supporting the minister and church completely 5. Prayerlessness Husbands not praying for family, church, nation, or world Wives not praying for family, church, nation, or world Children not praying for family, church, nation, or world 6. Prejudice—any race Hating, hurting, or cursing a Jew in any way 7. Judging others Being critical of others Allowing careless hurtful words to come out of your mouth Making jokes about tragic events, mocking or disrespecting authorities, not have proper respect or proper seriousness at times. Making fun of others Bullying others around *Speaking against ministers, churches, or the people of God Speaking against God’s anointed

Causing problems in church Speaking against ministers or churches that have fallen Holding grudges toward men of God or churches that have hurt you 8. Being wasteful with time or money Not giving generously to the work of the Lord 9. Living carnal (to please the flesh) Running after the lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or pride of life 10. Living worldly Running after the things of this world Losing virginity before marriage—fornication Prostitution 11. Hate, murder, violence Shedding innocent blood (gossiping causes a similar effect) Quarreling amongst family (immediate or extended) Strife or causing division among people Trying to hurt or destroy someone through gossip 12. Persecuting the righteous Using fear or intimidation Bringing insecurity to others 13. Decadence or luxurious living Greed, covetousness, money worship love of material possessions 14. Corruption and unrighteous trade Cheating Stealing 15. Seduction, sensuality, immorality, and perversion Seducing others into sin 17. Deception Lying or exaggerating, cheating or stealing Teaching others falsehood 18. Rebellion against the word of God, godly authority, or God in� any way. 19. A lack of the fear of God 20. Unholy alliances (allying with evil people) Compromising, hypocrisy, bad temper and bad attitude, keeping others from being useful, and being a stumbling block to others. 21. Self-righteousness Selfish ambitions Love of pleasure sinful entertainment Immoral and evil thoughts resentment Loveless (cold love to others) Not showing mercy Not caring for the poor Unbelief Cynicism

Self pity Antagonism to the anointing of God Opposition to the prophetic word of God, Despising prophecy Anger, rage, jealousy, envy Murder or destruction to others Destruction of other people’s property Condemnation of others Dishonoring your father or mother Perverting justice or taking a bribe Causing the blind to wander off the road Oppressing the poor, weak or defenseless Mistreating your neighbor and not loving their souls Withholding important information Committing past sin God has already delivered you from Deeds of the flesh, Making rash vows, breaking vows to God Making fun of Rulers (presidents, kings, etc...) Ingratitude Lack of love for God Neglecting the Bible and prayer Unbelief Not fellowshipping with other Christians Slothful or neglecting the performing of duties Lukewarmness or Rejecting the gifts of the Holy Spirit or the work of the Holy Spirit Divorced spouse abuse A lack of a burden for unbelievers In any way hindering others from being useful Prayer to pray: “Father I confessed these sins above for me and my ancestors. Now I break any curse or work of satan that has come on my life, family, or descendants because of these things in Jesus’ name! Now I command any satanic spirits that have entered my life, family, or descendants because of these things to take all your influence, oppression, and what you have sown and go with it now and forever from me, my family, my ministry, my bloodline, my descendants, my household, and my property NOW and FOREVER in Jesus’ name! According to the will of God I demand you to repair any damages you have caused and restore sevenfold what you have stolen in Jesus’ name!”