Waldara Answers - Book 1



WALDARA ANSWERS BOOK 1 by William Swygard is his first book and an introduction. It is best to read Waldara Answers series 1 - 3 first before the Awareness Techniques series 1 - 4. Written in the early 70’s, the Awareness Techniques teach a most useful and direct method on how to integrate with your Spirit and receive information directly from Source. Very valuable information for today. In Oneness

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There are two ways to read this book. One, as ordinary reading matter.

Much can be learned. The other way is to be integrated while you read it.

You will see new meaning in each sentence. Each statement in this book

can be, and has been, verified directly from the source through the

Awareness Techniques.



Diane's Introduction 5Book One 7

The Consciousness of the Aborigines 17

Ladies Leaving - Spiritual Versus Physical 21

Explanation of Drug Use 25

Christ and Armageddon 27

The Bible 30

Hastening the Natural? Now is the Time 37

I Would Love to R-U-N 40

Akashic Reading 41

Edited by Diane Swygard and Sue Ellen McIntyre



This is the first book of a new series about the Awareness Techniques.

A good number of books are planned. Material for these books will be drawn from a few hundred hours of tape recordings made during William Swygard's lectures and group work over the past several years. Many lecture tapes have been transcribed into typewritten pages.

I have attended hundreds of these sessions, long before any of them were taped. I have watched and listened to him speak before three or four persons as well as audiences of hundreds. He always speaks with great energy, but the source of his energy is difficult to perceive as he is always so relaxed, always so unperturbed.

I have seen him speak continuously for seven hours without a single uneasy moment in the audience. Over the years I have heard him answer the same questions dozens of times with patience unadorned. Each time he answers a question, it is tailor-made for that person. I have never heard a question he could not answer. He never uses notes, he never quotes other speakers or authors, he never uses "big" words unless for a humorous effect.

Bill, as he is called by all, rarely dresses in other than plain dark pants and an open-collar shirt. No ties, and soft informal shoes. Regardless of weather extremes, he dresses the same.

The past few years have brought far more requests to speak from around the United States and many other countries than Bill could possible fulfill. His family commitments are great. He presently has ten children and a wife to care for. He has a variety of enterprises and projects, all time consuming. It is for this reason that he has decided to publish much of the material he would present in person. He is not pleased with this arrangement. I know his greatest pleasure is talking in person, expressing personally his awareness of mankind's need and his immediate solution to the problems.

Any money that is derived from the sale of this series is put back into the Awareness Techniques projects. Free technique pamphlets are distributed, and more books on Awareness and allied subjects. Tapes and moving pictures are planned.

Bill has asked me to edit these tapes and transcriptions into book format. This is a great responsibility. Sometimes the spoken word does not read well. Sentences and paragraphs must be rearranged. I will be very careful, and Bill will read every sentence to assure you the thoughts presented are his.


Bill's other associates will take part in this and future books. Some of these people have been in the work as much as twenty years. They are faithful to the cause.

This particular lecture was given at Lakemont, Georgia on the evening of November 28, 1970.

This lecture was chosen as the first book because of the basic introductory material covered. Also because Llue questions asked have been similar to those of many interested individuals throughout the years.

In subsequent books., more questions will be answered and many exercises described in relation to Multi-Level Awareness, Multi-Plane Awareness and Per-fecting I.he Spirit.

As with the other books in the Awareness Techniques Series, it is possible for you to do and see all of these things for yourself by using the techniques.

No one can teach you better than yourself. Your whole self is a far greater source of information than is contained in all the teachings heretofore available on this planet.

Miami, Florida Diane Swygard June 1971



I have come to learn quite a bit in the last twenty-four hours, or a little more. I really enjoy this atmosphere. I really enjoy the kind of people that are here. I know you will be interested in what I have to say, and you will not be offended.

This is because I find here a high degree of cordiality and understanding, and love and awareness of the needs of your fellow man. I have come to understand that you are truly dedicated individuals to the process and performance of bringing some light and understanding into the world. There are so many organizations now in existence that shovel out platitudes and slogans at enormous fees, that have the ultimate answers, that spend more time knocking each other than teaching their doctrines, that they seem to be shadow-boxing with God Himself hoping to get the last decisive blow.

Being with you over at the printing shop and offices, seeing the tremendous production, tremendous overtime

involvement, all to supply some down-to-earth material to ponder on the way to enlightenment, at a fee simple for all to enjoy. I have come to love you all very, very much.

You have had some very delightful and enlightened men and women speak in this room the past several years. Some have come from afar to share their thoughts and experiences with you during your seminars. Compared to some of these ladies and gentlemen, I am practically unknown. I work in a different way. Even though I am the cause of over six thousand groups around the world who are studying, practicing and passing along the Awareness Techniques, I am not very well known to the general public. I have the distinction of writing these Awareness Techniques which are a very personal thing to the beholder.

Once in a great while a story will break over television or a local radio station, sponsored or, brought about by some Awareness Techniques group or individual. There may be a feature article in some Sunday newspaper supplement. Someone will become quite involved in a letter writing campaign and send out free copies of the Awareness Techniques and start another ten to thirty groups here and there among their friends, relatives and associates. This is because the Awareness Techniques are so easy to use and they are so effective.

If any of you come about to use the Awareness Techniques and become integrated with all of your levels of consciousness, and become an advocate, then you will find it a very personal thing. I don't approve of, or recommend,


evangelism where the Awareness Techniques are concerned. When someone is ready for this type of extremely high spiritual activity, activity far beyond man's concept of spirituality, or metaphysics or any other teaching; far beyond the level of consciousness that man has attained, even among our very scientific and social advocates of life on this planet. Of course, I do not down anyone, I do not ridicule anyone because each one is on a level of understanding that he is, and I do not say get out of that and get on what I have got. That is utterly ridiculous. But it is available and it is gaining quite a lot of acceptance in many, many parts of the world. We are still talking about the Awareness Techniques, plural.

Wherever this material is demonstrated throughout the creation, it has always been Awareness Technique. It has always centered around Spirit and then automatically branched out and filled man's every activity. When I say man's activity, the humanoid or man form is the form that is acceptable throughout this creation. It is the form that contains the highest intelligence, and the only form that realizes and respects Spirit and the Creator. Every planet was created to be inhabited by man, including everyone in this solar system. Our scientists and their instruments cannot be held accountable for their opposing views because they have never set foot on these other planets in their present confused level of consciousness. Should they become integrated with their other levels of con-sciousness and begin to read their own experience records, many of them would easily see and come to understand that they have inhabited physical-man bodies on those other planets and lived and breathed those "poisonous" atmospheres and survived those extremely hot or cold climates that they seem to so misunderstand today.

These records of man's previous experiences are sometimes known on this planet as the Akashic records, but they are known throughout the creation under the word that we use - Soul. You sometimes hear spoken the terms new souls and old souls, and souls which are incarnated which is in error because Soul is a record; a record that you as an individual have accomplished, fulfilled or com-pleted in your endeavors up to the stage of man, and so far in your experience as man. You will all go on to further stages after you have completed the stage or degree of awareness of man, or experience of man. This means mastering the planes of consciousness and finding a realization of the creator and your relationship to him in the area of each plane activity. So in totality, your individual Soul is compiled or put together with every movement or activity on this planet.

We have a planetary Soul record as a compilation of each individual Spirit activity gathered together. Each atom has a Spirit, you know, as does each plant and ani-mal. All of this is gathered together to make the planetary soul or record.


Then, each of the twelve planets in a solar system forwards a copy of its records continuously, instant by instant, to the solar center. Groupings of twelve solar systems comprise a constellation. We have then compiled from twelve solar systems, a constellation record center. One hundred forty-four million, in every case, throughout this creation, one hundred forty-four million constellations form a division called a galaxy. Copies of these records come flying into a galaxy record center.

One hundred forty-four thousand galaxies form a sector. The records are piling up. One hundred forty-four sectors comprise a universe. Here is where the universe records are stored. This embryonic, beginning, creation that we have here, is so far composed of but seven universes. All seven universe record copies shoot into the center of the creation, the central universe, to be held and used by the creator.

Each one of these divisions of the creation; a planet, solar system, constellations, galaxy, sector and universe is presided over by a very experienced intelligence who so utilizes these records to help determine the progress, as well as future requirements within the division.

In passing, we can report that this particular creation of yours will have in its maturity forty-nine universes; seven sets of seven. With every set of seven universes, there will be a pause to recollect and bring about a recapitulation and realization of what has been accomplished - and then seven more again. So, we have heard of new ages and we have heard of cycles. Days and Nights of Brahma. We have heard of all kinds of time divisions, epochs and eras, eons and millenia, and all of those words and sounds that, man has put into his consciousness, trying to describe his inner feelings that there are periods, that there are changes between periods, and that there is expansion and development based on correlation, based on a sense of what has been accomplished so far. We call this cyclic time. Real time is free will.

We are at that point right now, but man has not heard of anything yet, comparatively speaking. He is at the biggest pause and change the creation has experienced so

far. Much of the administration has been, or is being, changed. The entire energy and consciousness on the creator level is being adjusted. All of the necessary refinements are being performed so that seven new universes can be added to the creation.

There are several points in this creation that are lagging or dragging behind; this planet, named Kalaranda, is one of them. So it is of great concern to the creator


of this creation and of great concern to those who keep track of this planet's development. They would be the universe lord and the sector lord, primarily. Normally the backwardness alone would stir things into action at this critical point of creation development. Each sector lord and universe lord would want to grant his successor a balanced division, right down to the last planet, and down to each individual on each planet. These main division lords are the right-hand assistants to the creator.

To further abet the great sense of duty and responsibility, many, many complaints have come into the division headquarters that just about everyone else is ready to go for a new surge of advancement and expansion in their consciousness. They want to go out and occupy the new universes and make something of themselves and make the creation greater than it has been.

There are other individuals, just a relative few in number, that seem to disavow progress. They feel cozy because they are oppressors, and they have set up little organizations here and there throughout the creation. They have split energy and directed part of the split to one group of the oppressed and the other part of the split to another group. When you are integrated with all of your levels of consciousness, you can see this very clearly. This sort of activity was very common here at the end of the phalanx in the seventh universe. I do not mind saying that the lord of the seventh universe participated in this activity by showing others how to manage energy in this manner. Of course the creator of this creation was aware of this situation, but please remember that a creator does not teach, or even admonish. He only provides. So in order to correct the oppressive conditions in this and other areas, he gave permission to the ones who were aware of, and to the ones who were experienced enough, to seize the obstructed areas and set them aright again. This process is now going on at this moment. The ones who have seized the disrupted areas, and there are a few more areas to secure, have thoroughly investigated the reasons and a reasonable cure, and the cure is at hand. Soon these cures will come about. Everyone on this planet will graduate and this area will be used as a gateway into the new universes.

The consciousness of the creator has provided a phalangal spiral of energy out from the central universe, his abode. The universes are built in the form of concentric spheres somewhat like a Chinese egg principle. You carve an egg of ivory or wood, then carve another to fit around it, and so on. When you open the outer egg, you find another inside, and so on. Our creation of seven universes is one universe within another, seven all told. This phalanx of energy comes out of the central universe and spirals around through the concentric sphere of the first universe and out the first into the second one. Then it spirals out of the second


one into and through the third universe. This phalanx is a string of galaxies. This phalanx ends right here with our galaxy. This is the end - right here.

You can go down, or south on our planet to Australia or South Africa and look into the southern sky and see what the astronomers have come to call the Sack of Coal. The sky is void of stars in that area; no stars there at all. Our planet is the last planet designate in this creation. We are right on the end.

When the Elohim, the planet builders, go out to build the eighth universe, and when the myriads of spiritual consciousnesses want to go out and indwell or occupy this new universe, they must all pass through this planet area. By our very attitudes, we can hold up this flow of expansion. In every sense, the seventh universe is not complete until every man and woman here, and in the other backward areas, is well integrated in consciousness.

So, the creator is sending many teachers here with many solutions. Some here will accept some solutions and others will accept other solutions. Since I have innovated and taught these Awareness Techniques as we know them, I have been sent here, and you may check the records on this, to introduce that kind of activity leading to full and complete awareness of the individual of himself and of his creation.

You might think or say that this would be an extreme awareness. Well, I never heard of anyone being too aware. You need an extreme awareness of the consciousness of the creator and his creation; of the make-up of the entire plan of the creation and how this plan is unfolding; of the make-up of each individual in the creation, so that you as an individual can find out for yourselves what you are and what you have accomplished in order to become what you are; of what has transpired in your own development that caused you to almost completely lose contact with your own spirit and your own soul. Man has completely lost contact with his relationship to other men on this planet because he has dropped, and does not use the awareness of his of the creator. This is a very sad, sad thing.

As far as the individual and collective progress of the root race of man on this planet is concerned, it has been very dangerous and devastating. We have words like god and creator and avatar and lord, all of these words floating around in the language, but there is not one person on the planet that can draw a true picture of them. There is not one person that can say I began at one point in the creation and began in a certain manner. There is not one person in or around this planet who can state the stages or points of evolvement from his unknown beginning to reach this man stage, nor can they say what they have to accomplish to be the


ultimate or a matured son of the creator. There is no one here who knows the appearance of the creator. This sounds like you are disconnected.

Now we come down to our personal self. No one can tell us where our personal or individual spirit is located. He cannot tell us the exact function of our spirit, or what is involved in a true and full relationship of your consciousness of your spirit. How things progress. How we can truly know ourselves as we have been admonished by so many teachers. These same teachers or avatars say that the problem of man on this planet is that he does not have enough awareness. Everyone outside the third plane knows this. They are quite cognizant of the fact that the spirit of man was created in perfection and that man here has a better potential of consciousness and awareness than he has ever realized or dreamed of on this planet for millions of years.

So the Awareness Techniques came about as a division or breaking up of the Awareness Technique. It had to be fractured to the point where the least aware man could nibble on it and grow on it and become full and mature on it.

Everywhere else in the creation they know they have a spirit and they know its make-up and potentialities because they never lost sight of it from their beginning. They know that there is a creator because they have always filtered their every thought and action through creator consciousness, the source; of their very being. To these individuals it can be all one technique. They take spirit and work from there. Here the Technique has been drawn out in a line to begin with your everyday activities, recapitulating your life force into a new kind of action. And it could not be designed to take a long period of time - even months or weeks. It had to be designed so that it can come about in moments. If this were not so, the consciousness, the common denominator, the basic consciousness of man, has proven that he cannot concentrate, nor does he have enough awareness of his own being to tell where he was or exactly what he was doing one hour ago, that is sixty minutes, or fifty-nine minutes and sixty seconds ago. Nor, can man tell you what he is going to be doing one hour from now. Man's consciousness on this planet has narrowed down to a corridor of minutes, and you have to awaken and reintegrate the levels of consciousness that he has, that very few are even remotely aware of, and reintegrate that with the power of the life source, your spirit, in a matter of moments or the person is lost from the ability forever.

So these Awareness Techniques were really designed to do that precisely, exactly, and guaranteed to every indwelling spirit, in a carnate or flesh body on this planet. That took a little time, a lot of thinking, a lot of testing and a lot of assurance and these are perfectly safe in the sense and they are the only techniques on this planet that puts man back together again.


Every other technique that has been devised is a separation technique, devised in the hope that you can improve a little part of man and then the rest of man will fall in place. Well, that would be like going out here into the lake and distilling or purifying several buckets of water and then saying and hoping the remainder of the lake, as a body, as a consciousness, as a weight and as a presence, will purify itself. That is a good dream, but sooner or later you must wake up. Wake up to reality, not the illusion of that kind of teaching and activity. You see, that is impossible. Those who devise all of these other techniques are not integrated with all levels of awareness and their own spirit. They are not aware of the creator who does not create energies to oppose each other. Those who have always been aware of the creator can walk on water because they see themselves as creator and see the water as creator. There is no opposition between self and water. He is master, or understands himself and water, so he can calm it from outside influences or energies and walk on it. Water and wine are creator, and loaves and fishes are creator, and illness and health are creator. He understands and is master. Those who devise systems like distillation or hypnosis or meditation or mathematics are using contra-energies to accomplish a singular function. Those who understand the creator know nothing can be done for a singular function and still maintain balance. I am not going to dwell on this subject very long because it cannot be fully understood by the disintegrated consciousness, and pardon the expression.

I am not going to say that what has been going on on this planet is entirely undesirable or obnoxious. In a way man has truly worked hard at this for millions of years. He has gone up one civilization and down another as these civilizations have risen and fallen in the incompleteness of the ability of man to improve himself.

You have to be handed the key to integration. It is good that many men and women feel the call of their life force, feel the drive for activity of their inner consciousness and feel a more distinct awareness of themselves and to know the solutions to their problems. This sort of activity is not enough, however. These people feel that when they are ready, a teacher will appear. These individuals do not realize that they lost the ability to interpret the teacher, they cannot handle the teacher's spirit message. That they lost track of, lost the address of, lost awareness of, the creator. Man is so nulified that he waits for another man to teach him. He has for so long depended on man. Hello brother. What's new today. Maybe we can group ourselves together, or come in holy matrimony, or form a corporation, or a group of one kind or another which would give us some answers. Man, on this planet, in his present state of unconsciousness, does not have the answers. The bald-headed man is still selling hair restorers to another guy. It's


the blind leading the blind. Man is not even aware of his limitations. If at first you don't succeed, we tell one another, try, try again.

Trying is never the answer. We cannot criticize him in any way because he has always done the very best he could. But he has lost the necessary ingredients for understanding and hence, progress.

I am speaking of spiritual progress, now, not financial progress or some other material progress that is lost forever in a moment upon expiration of the physical body.

He has lost the ingredients for spiritual progress. He has practiced at it. He has practiced some expansion of consciousness and he has participated in some degrees of integration. He is always putting existing things together to make a new product. That is integration. Our desires have never waned. They have never lessened regardless of what position we are in. We go on living, always with the hope of feeling that things will be better.

So everything in these techniques has been written for twenty-two years. Every direction, every instruction is there. Every sentence is there for at least three or four reasons, and some sentences for as many as six reasons. It is tight, compact, easy to accomplish, and every participating moment you are integrated and expanding your consciousness so rapidly that you do not immediately realize it until you begin to use the technique and see what it is about.

The surprising thing is that you now go well beyond your present evaluation of yourself. You find your sensory centers are opening and you are in direct contact with your own spirit for the first time since you were disconnected long ago. Awareness of your past, awareness of your potential, awareness of reality comes flooding in. Yes, you can handle it because you realize you are doing it. You. No teacher. No outside consciousness. Nothing. Just you. Just you and you alone. What can keep me from all my desires? Nothing. You were. You no longer are. Too strong for fantasy. Too real for illusion. Too new and perfect for anything but pure spirit direction and understanding.

The natives, the so-called root race of this planet, have been incarnating on this planet between 20,000 and 30,000 times, depending on the attitude of the consciousness. Nothing new is going on. These men have continued to indulge themselves for this great length of time, about 18,000,000 years. They did not graduate from the man stage of evolution. Do not tell me that it was impossible. Some did graduate. I have met some of them. I know some of them. They did it.


Man has indulged in himself instead of listening to his spirit's demand for progress. There is a procedure for progress. There is a procedure for advancing one's self.

It is a technique, like a recipe. When we read and follow a cake recipe, for instance, we must not only have the proper ingredients, but the ingredients are to be combined and mixed in the proper sequence and in the proper amount. Should the recipe call for one egg, we say, oh, I like eggs, I'll put in six. It calls for Crisco. Well, I'm out of Crisco, I'll put in Vaseline. The finance company repossessed the stove, so I'll put it out in the sun to bake. We deny ourselves in so many important areas in the hurly-burly of everyday activity. So with the formula or recipe of life and life progression, the formula process for progress could not exist under these conditions. The cake cannot evolve and expand into a delicious outcome. Our goals cannot be met; our goals of living the way our spirit and our creator wants us to, expects us to. Or in your expression, God wants us to, if you will. We cannot accomplish it because we do not have a leg to stand on. We do not know who he, the creator, is or what he is, or our relationship to him, and we do not even know what we are doing here or how we got here. Where did I come from? What am I supposed to be doing with my life?

You really don't know until you have had all of these levels of consciousness that were built in at the time of your introduction into this creation. Here and now they all atrophied. They are all there unusable because they have been unused for a long time. So, by the simple process of lining up these levels of consciousness in the right proportion and in the right order as they are found throughout the creation, in the degree of necessity to bring about recollection, or re-collecting, however you want to say it, all of these kinds of awareness and putting them together, integrating them, homogenizing them, making them all workable and usuable at the same time, then - pop - realization! You become reintroduced to the source of everything that you and your spirit have missed in this lifetime, and far more than you have realized in all of these millions of years in which you were stuck in the cycle of reincarnation.

Now you have the ability to read the soul, akashic records if you will. The soul is the correct term for it, the correct concept of it. Now you can see what you have been. You cannot progress until you see and realize what you have already done. So we want to know what we are to do now. O.K., pick up the record where you left off. See the last time you really consciously directed your life force to accomplishment. See what your name was. See how the desire turned out. See what your ulterior ambitions were, and the effect they had on your true and spirit inspired desires. I know that the world is populated with people who would like to be something other than what they are. When asked why they are not what they


want to be, they say: "I can't do it. I am financially insolvent. I have never had that kind of training. I have never really known anyone who did what I want to do." They are rather sitting on the hot seat of anxiety and wearing a pair of cold pants of frozen motion or ambition. An integrated person does what he wants to do, and he does it well.



ANSWER: Well, the evaluation is that these individuals have been in a tight spiral of retrograde activity for a long time. The third plane, or the detail, consciousness of the aborigine was created by their own spirit for the purpose of experiencing, mastering and knowing this third plane of detail. This third plane permanent body of consciousness was capable of indwelling an animal body (simian) and rose very rapidly in several incarnations to perfect that animal body into a beautiful humanoid form, a perfect body form. When this consciousness then wanted food, clothing, or a building, all it had to do was to picture his desires in his consciousness. His needs of the moment and his more permanent needs came when he extended his hands and arms to point where he wanted the materialization to happen. Yes, his consciousness summoned the nature forces and his desires actually formed materially on a table, on the ground or around his body, as he so directed.

When the clothing or building or remaining food was no longer desired, a wave of the hands, so as to say tut-tut, and the material dissolved immediately.

This same consciousness now incarnated in an aboriginal body, grew up with the ones that turned out to be the Einsteins and Marconis. Civilizations rose and fell on this planet because man began to feel that he could do without the creator's help, without becoming involved with the nature forces, "Hey, Fred, you and I together will see if we can make a building all by ourselves." They could, but it was weak in structure and it was unable to fulfill the function they had in mind. Everything has to be based on the creator's consciousness as well. You and the creator are working together. Everything has to be created on your own spirit's consciousness because you are of the same purpose and should be working to-gether. You are just one of the children of your spirit father; a family of plane consciousnesses with the father, the spirit, at the head. We will talk about that in a moment. So by working and talking and discussing and failing together, one civilization after another came down around their heads. When they passed out of the physical body, off the third plane, and went to the higher densities and vibrations of the outer planes, the outer concentric spheres of the planet, the consciousness had sudden realizations of error and decided to reincarnate and try to get back with spirit.

You are actually living on the core of your planet at this moment. What you know of the third or detail plane extends about six thousands miles above your head. It is a concentric sphere outside this eight thousand mile globe you dwell upon. The fourth plane sphere extends about fifteen thousand miles beyond the third plane.


The fifth plane sphere is a wider one yet. The sixth still wider. Each plane outward is thicker or greater in diameter. When all of the measurements are taken, the planet comes to be over two and a quarter million miles in diameter. We think it is only eight thousand miles. We live, dream, build and expire on this area. When we leave the body, we go out onto the fourth plane and there join our fourth plane body of consciousness. We integrate with this other body and review our immediate past experience on the third plane. Then often comes the gnashing of teeth and the unholy words uttering from consciousness, in thought. I boobooed. This fourth plane consciousness is very helpful, however. So a re-education process goes on and eventually other plane consciousnesses are called upon to help in every way possible.

Your father spirit maintains nine other plane consciousnesses as well as you. These are located on planes or spheres four through twelve. They occupy humanoid bodies of much finer substance than your body might be composed. These bodies are ageless. Their experiences are more varied than yours. We could easily think of them as being very wise.

At any rate, after a number of years, usually you join your seventh plane consciousness within the seventh plane body, on the seventh plane. There, much planning is done. Then you project yourself down to incarnate again; and attempt.

But man has done this so many times, and he has started so many things without the awareness of his own spirit and the creator, that he has accomplished little but unfinished business, or what is known in the eastern hemisphere as "karma."

Just a word aside here. Even these individuals who seem to know so much have a distorted idea of karma. It is not in any sense retribution. All that karma is, is unfinished business. In the past incarnations you have started things and you did not finish them. You were determined to come down and incarnate with certain individuals and accomplish certain things, progressive things. But you came back down on the plane where it is unfashionable to mention the creator and completely impractical to depend on your invisible, uncommunicative, so far as you are concerned, spirit. Whatever you try to accomplish is quite impossible. You are not strong enough or well enough constructed to complete it alone. In all of these incarnations you accumulated vast amounts of unfinished business. This same consciousness that indwelled or incarnated into all of those bodies, one after another, over a period of eighteen million years, has dwindled from a mag-nificent consciousness in a perfect body that with coordinated effort could produce an entire building full of furniture or equipment - full of things or functions that could be experienced and learned from - to a consciousness that cannot remember where it was exactly one hour ago. When it wants to build a building,


the best it can do is buy it from some firm or organization and pay the principle and interest on it, and struggle for a life-time to pay for it. The consciousness rarely fully accomplishes what it wants to do. It takes too much time. Other men have come together to form oppressive organizations or groups to keep you from doing some of the things that you want to do. They are game, but waste their lives in accomplishing nothing for themselves.

There is an old saying that men in the country live off the land and men in the city live off each other. We have become a city civilization. The same as the civili-zations that happened and fell once, and again and again and once more; each civilization being less. Each time man has come back to incarnate in the ruins, he has had to return to the caves and trees again for his primary protection from the elements, elements that became progressively worse due to his determination to fight and be frightened of them. So we say back to the cave, man.

Please read the planetary records and see how many times man has gone back to the cave. Some of these present aborigines have been pretty high in understanding several times, higher than our present civilization now grants. They have fallen very low but they still remain adaptive. In Australia they are put in factories and vehicles and they respond very well. They become very dependable. They quit chasing kangaroos and bunny rabbits with clubs and boomerangs. By the way, the boomerang is some invention.

These individuals are, in one generation, coming up when given another chance to show dexterity of body and consciousness and their ability to handle tools and create on a civilized level. We have so many others around. Many are to be found in New Guinea and Africa or the Hill people of Asia. As civilization presses into their land or territory, there is a broadening of consciousness and a quick recoup of their ability to change.

Each time a civilization rises, there is a different group to head it. Go back in the planetary records. You have been, in your past incarnations, everything, including a pauper, royalty and a scrubwoman, just to mention a few. Look them over. When you are fully integrated, all you have to do is ask whether you were involved in this or that sort of activity. Boom - in comes the pictures and you are re-experiencing while fully awake and conscious. You could even ask if there are life experiences you had long ago that are vastly different from what you are ex-periencing or know of now. But it wouldn't do any good to be unconscious and see it, and then wake up not to remember what you saw. The Awareness Techniques always


maintain you in a perfectly high level of physical detail awareness. Otherwise it wouldn't do any good to even see it like a dream because you could forget it. And of course, you would have little luck in controlling your dreams.

There is always someone joking at me in my classes as to whether I can answer any question in five thousand words or less. I tell them that I must put a little background in the answer. This draws a long amen.



ANSWER: That is alright. We are going to get down to serious business now. This, so far, has been an introduction. You will have a tape of this and you can hear it later if you so desire.

We have been living, or indulging, in a physical kind of existence in which we reach out to spirituality through the physical. Look at all of the eastern philosophies, look at psychiatry and psychology. Then look at the religions of the world. Still further, look at science and technology. All of these beliefs and attempts at knowing reach through the physical to glimpse at the spiritual.

We have a physical body, and we surround ourselves with physical clothes and homes and buildings when we live what we call a very normal existence. We reach out from this for spirituality, rather than recognizing that we are spirit and that we, as spirit, can fill our every

physical requirement. Fred has a new radio and I would like to have one as good or better. It doesn't matter if I know the principle of radio transmission and reception or not. But how do you go about getting it? Sally has a new hair-do and she looks quite chic and smart. I am so desirous of knowing who her hair-dresser is so I can go over there and have my hair done. We are really strangers to our hair and treat it as some distinct and separate entity and have to have it done by some outside talent. How do we go about it?

We are tired at the end of day, tired of laboring and bringing about those things that we call vital necessities. These things like whipped cream, spring hats, laxa-tives and taxes must be provided. How do we go about it? This goes on every working hour, every waking minute, ad infinitum, through every activity we participate in. How do we really and truly go about doing this?

We do it in illusion; first, the illusion of our own need for it, and second, the illusion of materiality or bringing about the provision. So in every sense, we live in illusion, and invariably, and I have never seen an exception, when individuals hit upon a particle of spirituality, they are so steeped in physical illusion that they feel and know the spirituality to be illusion. Ho ho.

I receive mail every day that tells me that the Awareness Techniques are a wonderful thing, but it is a lot of imagination. I have people tell me every day; they speak right into this ear, here, and tell me there are no short cuts. Spirituality must be attained by a lot of serious concentration and years, perhaps lifetimes of hard work and devotion.


This is a very poor commentary on our civilization when a direct method is known; people use it, find spirituality or truth, find the common denominator of the life-force and then it is labeled imagination. This same civilization quite often tells me to face reality. Truth is a relative thing, they often say to me.

If you want a sub-title to the Awareness Techniques, you would say that they are Source Techniques. They can take you to the source. They can take you to the very source of the creation itself. Then you feel that your imagination is running rampant.

I am going wild because I can see everything in the creation. I know what is on the creator's mind today, and I know what was on the creator's mind ten quadrillion years ago. I even know where the creator came from. And I know you.

I have incarnated with you eight times, twice as your husband and once as your business associate and the other times as your enemy. We never did come to an understanding on this plane. We never did finish any of the things we began because the first time as my wife you died giving birth to a child. The second time you were my wife we were robbed and the robber killed you. We never did get our plans finished up.

So here we go again, sweetheart. This time you are my daughter, I am the father and we were going to finish up this time. But you ran away from home quite young and we never did get to finish up our joint writing career. You ran away with a practically illiterate motorcycle fellow. How can you plan and how can you be assured your plans are working unless you know exactly who you are associating with, exactly who you are marrying? Last but not least, who your children are, what they are here for. Were you to have children and didn't? What was the family to accomplish together? How can you make a plan of any kind of advancement or plan on finishing up past unfinished business? You got a new baby and you named him John Henry. You hope he will be a doctor like his father was. You hope he will grow up and marry a very pretty and gentle woman and give you grandchildren.

How can you accomplish it if you do not know your child before it is born? How can you accomplish providing for the child if you do not know what he is here for? Why did he choose you as parents and why are these noisy kids in the house here together? What is the real relationship? Why does little Freddy pick on Mary? Nothing much can develop in the pre-planned way unless you can read the record and see your association with those individuals before, and as well, read the plans all of the seventh plane consciousness worked out with all of you. You


can see your son's bride and all will recognize her on sight. Nothing beats knowing what you are doing.

See the purpose, see the reason why you are together, I mean the exact reason in great detail. See what you are called upon, and once agreed upon, to do beside sustaining them until they are adults. There is no meaning in family relationships unless you can know who you are, and why you are here. I mean exactly, not just some inspiration, which may be one hundred percent right in some cases, and then someone talks you out, of it later. Or you constantly give in to the children, or wife and husband to each other, when these individuals are here counting on each other as their disciplinary factor. I don't mean beating or oppressing them, I mean bringing them up in a manner that sponsors accomplishment, talk and demonstration with understanding.

Right now you have ninety-nine strikes against you. The game is over before you get started.

That is the reason for the conditions on this planet. You can look out and see the conditions, built on ignorance - ignorance through lack of awareness. Man has no power to progress. I am not speaking of the sacrifice of of granted power to the government and the courts; not of the power of money, or the influence of tradition or vested interests or the hold of power of the religious institutions - even they are without power in the light of spirit. Spirit is always moving, expanding and these powers are swept away before spirit. The power of science and technology are swept away before spirit. These illusions of power are static. Not by the work of illusion can you detect illusion, but by the fruit of illusion can you see and know. Pick up either illusion or spirit and carry them around awhile and see what happens.

People approach me and say they don't want to give up what they are doing. To the contrary. Full awareness does not take away anything. In reality you are adding to what you are doing. There is no discipline in awareness. Discipline is in illusion. Do not become confused and apply the factors of illusion to awareness. Nor should you undo or unlearn or reverse your life in illusion to fit a life in full awareness.

There is no discipline in the Awareness Techniques that says you have to stop smoking, or not to eat meat or become celebrate, or not do this or that. There is no forcing or unlearning.

Through awareness, you may finish up some habits you have that are based on your unfinished business. Many young people come to me and say I am on drugs. I want to kick the habit. Well, they integrate their consciousnesses and go back to


the first time they were on drugs. They were forced into it through tribal customs or laws. They never finished or mastered the drug habit. Many are incarnating now, hoping to overcome or finish the desire for some of these things.



ANSWER: This is a testing period. This is a time to get rid of illusions and realize the truth so we can start to progress. There is no great god out there with his fin-ger on this particular planet. No one has to answer to anyone other than himself. The inherent quality and function of spirit is to expand and progress. Every spirit on the planet has hung a big sign in front of its third plane, or detail, consciousness. The sign says, "Let's go!" Man's problem is that he hasn't found the path or road. He is looking for it. All of this so-called rebellion or anti-establishment activity, the costumes and the underground publications of these people begins right where they left off in a previous incarnation. Can you see these young men with the long hair out in Sherwood Forest? Can you see them in Medieval Germany and the Scandinavian countries? In Renaisance and Revolutionary France? In the Balkans after Ghengis Khan? Etc? Many of them haven't incarnated since. Or if they did, it was in a role similar to that which they are now playing. They gave up in disgust.

But now, spirit says whatever you have started down there on that third plane you have to go down and finish it there on the third plane. Oh, "Yes, Sir!" and they come down and the situation is still the same oppression - the establishment - so they are rebelling. "You lousy spirit, what am I doing down here?" So they start congregating in bunches and the bad attitude grows.

They haven't mastered or accomplished anything, nor have they finished up what they began. They have no realization whatsoever how they got into their situation and how they got into their attitude. Don't believe me. Ask them.

Man believes he must steal because he is forced to. He is hungry or he is tired of working long hours and paying several taxes on everything he buys with his hard earned pay. He gets no receipt for return value from the government. He is tired of going to some established church where they are promised so many things and receive none. Someone at the church says, "Let's all go out and find God." Well, what does God look like? "Never mind, we will all know what he looks like when we find him." You put a lot of faith, energy and force into searching and come back again to incarnate to finish up the search, never to find God by those methods. You come back again to pay more taxes because those taxes you paid before are gone, squandered without progressive results. You slowly realize that the material man, material money, the faith, the promises, the establishment cannot produce spiritual understanding and progress.


I am not against government, churches, law, the establishment. These are things that man has started and man has not finished. You and I know that he will finish this sort of activity sooner or later. Such immense activities are not cut off in a day, but come through a long process of modification until they are either no longer recognizable or are completely replaced by some broad concept that completely replaces the former smaller concept.

Well, we digressed a bit there. These young revolutionaries have an attitude that is spawned by a reaction to the unknown power of spirit. They say that man was created in God's image. But somehow man has thought and has done everything that he can to prove that God is very limited; or seemingly, God is created and operates in man's ignorance and limitations.

Our planetary teacher said that God is nearer to us than our right hand. There it is. Stop looking. Start using. Well, how do I do that? These young people must realize that their attitudes are a misdirected use of the life force. They have been looking and some sense tells them of the presence of some god or super force of some kind that is directing all of this. They just can't see him for the smoke, the confusion.

These same individuals who started using drugs many centuries ago as tribal ritual, or by having them administered by the medicine man, have not finished the habit by further experience and realization. As a side remark, so many of our drug administering and drug using medical men are those tribal medicine men of yesteryear.

Should these young people decide to integrate their consciousnesses and see these beginnings and experiences, then the realization comes quickly during the integrated state and they are finished with drugs.

Remember that alcohol is a drug and so are spices and tobacco smoke. Remember that the western hemisphere sees less of drugs than does the eastern hemi sphere. Also remember that just about all of you incarnated on the eastern side of this planet and you have a craving for these things. I cannot say much about these conditions because they are part of your unfinished business. Some day you will finish the habits. I can come about sooner in realizations during a period of integrated consciousness. I will now let the matter rest.



ANSWER: That is a two-part question but it can be answered as one. There are actual physical cycles going on, that is timewise or timing of the planets, constellations and other divisions in the creation. Just as our earth turns on its axis approximately every twenty-four hours, and the earth circles the sun every 365 and 1/4 days, the entire solar system circles a point in the center of our constellation in about 26,000 years. We are finishing that 26,000 year loop now. Then, within the galaxy, our entire constellation is moving around another point - a wheel within a wheel. This circle takes about 206,000 years to finish, and we are finishing that cycle. Those cycles are all governed by the constellation, galactic and sector lords, that is, those who are indwelling that portion with consciousness and fulfilling those energy needs of the spirits within that area, including yours and mine. Man's spirit senses this, and of course your conscious-ness is a branch or finger or plane level of your spirit consciousness. I can't go into every aspect of the creation in this talk tonight - that is why we are writing a long series of books full of drawings and vivid descriptions and techniques to show how you can see these things for yourself. Anyway, these are the last of the big cycles before a new universe is constructed. It means that everything which all inhabitants have started must be finished. It means that all systems are checked and rechecked for position and readjustments are being made where necessary. Locally, it means that this planet is in for a lot of cleaning up. So that is how the idea of a "new age" came about. Your spirit senses and impresses it upon your consciousness.

Now, we are going to look at the coming of Christ. According to varying opinion, it is the first or second coming. This individual is commonly known in the Greek and English language as Christos or Christ which is actually a title. Just as Sidhartha Gautama is his name and Buddha is his title. Jesus is the name and Christ is his title. To call him Christ, is like continually calling someone you admire "Sir" all of the time, without ever giving him the respect of a name or a position. Christ means "the anointed one" or something of that nature. So, in some respects it maligns his presence and his teachings. We do cut him off by a nickname. His correct title is "Planetary Teacher." Call him Jesus, Planetary Teacher. I got that one off my chest!

He is not coming. It is too late. This being was assigned to this planet 26,000 years ago as a planetary teacher by the creator. He is a Son. He has traveled


from one end of the creation to the other, from alpha to omega. He brought with him a retinue of forty-eight. Some of them appeared as his brothers and sisters and the other relatives and some to be nearby in his tenure as Planetary Teacher on the third plane in the incarnation known as Jesus.

How can anyone who knows the truth say that a messiah is coming again, or is coming for the first time? Man talk. When we read the planetary records, we see clearly that he incarnated earlier as Sidhartha Gautama, as Moses, and as Socrates. He projected a body and consciousness as Mercury, Pan, Hermes and Thoth, to name a few appearances. Those names are some that have seeped through, at least in some kind of an historical record on this plane, to be completely maligned later.

Some centuries ago, in the eastern hemisphere, an individual named Krishna gave many dissertations, material which later became the Hindu religion. Krishna is in every sense a brother of Sananda. Sananda is the spirit name of Jesus. They came to this planet together 26,000 years ago as I said.

These two brothers came to this planet just before the last remnants of mid-ocean Atlantis disappeared. Atlantis did not sink; it was inundated - that is the water came up. Great masses of ice at the north pole melted - they knew quite well in advance. Some areas of land sank here and there, but ice many miles deep at the pole melted and water came up over the land. So again, another false prophecy about Atlantis rising. What is it going to rise out of? It is as high as it can get. In order to have Atlantis' land dry, you must take the water away.

There are large numbers of technicians here teaching on the planes. A large number of great beings here from all over the creation, as well. Our spirit knows of them.

Did the message come through? It should have. Man must take advantage of what is given to him so he can progress. Who among mankind knows that they are even on the planet at this time? Once in a while someone may get an inkling or an intuition that they are here.

We have a lot of individuals on the planet, who, by long silence and great desire, canforetell knowledge and activity. If you were integrated, you would know every movement and have good awareness of the Armageddon situation. Armageddon was proffered by some of the oppressors on this third plane in cooperation with oppressive consciousnesses on the seventh plane. This third plane is not the only abode of oppressors. They are on all of the planes. They train the third plane consciousness, some of them for extended periods of time, so that when they do incarnate they can communicate with them. This is the case of most "natural"


mediums and healers. These other plane consciousnesses can even assist the local consciousness in levitation.

Through this communication of plane consciousnesses, many books of misinformation have been perpetrated. Your last book of the new testament is one of the grandest perpetrations ever handed to man. What god, what creator would be responsible for such things as mentioned in this book? Read it and look at the mystery in it. It is full of dire threats. Who can threaten you, a son of the creator - a part of the creator? You are the creator indwelled in a physical body. Someone is threatening it, dominating it, condemning it. Sounds like some kind of horseplay from somebody. Where is the love and understanding in that Book of Revelation? Throw it out. You have time for other things but not for that. You are living an illusion if you believe that just because it is written in the Bible, it is true. That goes for any history book or record that man has perpetrated.

We have been through the Bible page by page and some little of it is even more beautiful as seen in the planetary records. However, most of it is distorted – deliberately. Who are Adam and Eve? Adam and Jehovah are the same individual, according to the planetary records. Some distortion came through bad translation, but contradiction is something else. I have never told anyone not to read the Bible and I never will. Yet, somehow you should come to realize what it is.



ANSWER: That's what we can do until we become an integrated consciousness and understand fully that we are complete within ourselves. Sananda never intended all of the things he said to be followed like a prescription. These are ideas for you to generate into action. They are concepts for you to handle in the way you see fit. He said that you can do even greater things than he. In fact, I too expect you to do greater things. I am giving you a few ideas. Get busy and knock on some doors and let them be opened to you. Start asking questions and get answers. Don't ask these questions of your neighbor, but rather ask them of your father. Your father is your spirit.Your spirit is that part of the creator that is given to you to answer all questions and to provide all of your needs. Spirit contains all that you could ever require in the way of progress for the duration of the creation. Your spirit has spawned a family of ten plane consciousnesses so far. In this family of ten cons ciousnesses, you, the third plane or detail consciousness is the newest, the youngest, the least experienced. The concept consciousness of the twelfth plane is the oldest and hence, most experienced. Those plane consciousnesses with lesser numbers are progressively younger and less experienced. However, all of them are older and more experienced than your third plane consciousness. Each of them, or collectively the nine planes of consciousness, can demonstrate overwhelming knowledge to you. Integrate with them and find out. Do this by using a technique I call Multi-Plane Awareness. Meet them, reunite with them, and understand exactly what they know.

These other plane consciousnesses of your family, in turn, desire to integrate with you, the third plane consciousness, and determine what your experiences have been. Without this integration process, they have been as unable to integrate or fraternize with you, as mixing oil and water. You could not align your polarities, you could not project your consciousness into another plane and maintain full awareness.

So you have a lot of experiences to exchange. You must do that. You cannot know yourself until you know who your family is. That is, your permanent family. This is the family you will be with throughout the creation phase and still beyond. These other family members on the planes have bodies that resemble yours and they go about activities that will seem to be completely beautiful and magical to you.

These plane consciousness brothers of yours and those of all other people on the planet are busy exploring the planes they inhabit. They are, as well, preparing the planet for this new age you are anxiously awaiting. They have been, in the past,


formulating and building all of the material things of this civilization and civilizations past. Pretty busy, right?

But this requires more explanation. We have a grand group of men, and some women, on the planet who are known as sailors. These men use wind and engines and a few atomic reactor piles as a source of power to drive their craft. Some of these craft go along on the surface, some under water, while other craft skim the surface as hydroplanes and other do very well just above the surface as hovercraft. All of these many varieties, sizes and functions of boats found their beginning on this planet in the conceptual awareness of the twelfth, eleventh and tenth. plane consciousnesses of these individuals we call sailors. This didn't happen yesterday or a million yesterdays ago. No, this happened when you were beginning on the planet. Your spirit and the other spirits spawned plane consciousness to work on the planes. Billions of years before your third plane consciousness came into being, these concept type consciousnesses were mature and were creating. They were working on the concept of water travel. They were exploring what boat activity we see now, and many other ideas along that line as well. Some were used later in what we consider other ages. Some have not been used yet. Others have been used in past civilizations and then lost.

As the ninth, eight and seventh plane consciousnesses were developed, the aspect of energizing these ships was experimented with. These consciousnesses are vitally interested in energy. Later as the sixth, fifth and fourth plane consciousnesses were conceived, these consciousness in turn contributed, through experimentation, the mind aspects of water travel. The simplest canoe or the virtual floating cities we have today came by continued work, through incorporating many and varied features of concept, energy, and mind to the ship.

Now, a third plane or detail consciousness is spawned. A new and different aspect, detail, is offered. The younger brother consciousness begins to think of water travel. These higher numbered plane consciousnesses supply by intuition, revelation, hunch or whatever you want to call it, the ship designer and builder the necessary consciousness to proceed with ships. These detail consciousnesses are continuing the work of billion of years span to fulfill the entire idea of water travel as it is known on the planet. The sailors take over these ships and fulfill the idea of water travel from the operational aspect. They are sailors because their other family members are involved, or have been involved in, consciousness of water travel.

This group which brings people into Christianity step by step of which you are founders, members and friends, then, came into being far longer ago than presently considered. The concept and entire workings were brought about by


your other family members in ages gone past on the outer planes. Now, you are here together, the younger members of your spirit's families, to work out this concept of awakening people and inducing them to understand more through a Christian centered open forum of ideas. It is a sensible platform to bring people up step by step. Notice, however, that you are doing this work in a detail manner. Your concept, energy and mind consciousnesses have already mastered this task in their aspects. It is up to you to master this type of activity in detail so that your father, your spirit, can have a full and rounded comprehension of this kind of activity in the creation. Only in this way can the father return this kind of complete experience to the creator. Remember, your spirit was released from the main body of the creator and set into motion with the admonition, "Go know my creation and return it to me." Your spirit does not return fragments of experience to the creator. He returns complete, rounded, trulti-plane experiences as his most magnificent work.

May I ask you a fair question? Please feel that this question is impersonal and yet made in the light of love for you. I never pick on anyone. The question is, how can you ever bring your present activities up to full understanding and perfection without integrating all of your conscious nesses? It is necessary, you know, to read your soul and determine how much progress you have made on the subject during this life experience, and how much experience you have gained on the subject during previous. life expressions. Then, you must have a good view of, and understanding of, what has been accomplished by your other plane consciousnesses on the concept, energy and mind planes. Those previous accomplishments are the foundation you are laboring on and the structure that you are now laboring within to successfully complete your spirit appointed project.

The roots are long and old; the branches are rambling over the nation. Some periodic intuition, some feeling that wells up within you is not really sufficient to complete the gigantic task at hand.

I am not picking on you because the same principle holds true for operating a brickyard or a university. This loss of communication and integration between the plane consciousnesses, the children of the father-spirit and their disconnection with the father-spirit has been an ever increasing loss of the ability to progress.

A return to Multi-Level Awareness, a re-entry into Multi-Plane Awareness activity, a complete reintegration with spiritual consciousness allows moment-to-moment contact with all other entities that comprise your grand family. Questions of any and every nature are answered.


These are answers for your specific activities. They are revealed to you in pictures of a detailed nature to show you exactly what the answers are intended to be. The answers are received immediately and are fully understood. What an opportunity! What a golden prize as the reward to a fully integrated, progressive life.

Allow me to ask another fair question. Could your present life and affairs progress faster and further with such full integrated guidance? That is a question that answers itself.

Every now and then when I talk to people about this point they say that they would rather do it themselves. These are the kind of fun people you meet occasionally. They have been asleep up to this point and suddenly awake with the feeling they must contribute something to cover the sleep period.

How long will it take this kind of individual to realize that he, and only he, is going to do it all by himself? Let us look at spirit and the plane consciousnesses for a few moments. Spirit is one of the three prime forces or consciousnesses, if you will; one of the three prime consciousnesses in the creation. Spirit opposes, by polarity, creation substance. These two kinds of force or energy are different in more ways than just by polarity. Spirit is negative, creation substance is positive. Spirit is always moving, is light, is untransmutable or unchangeable. Creation substance is still, is dark, is transmutable or changeable by spirit.

These two basic-to-the-creation forces are the cause of the third force, soul. As spirit transmutes creation substance by neutralizing its polarity, by moving its still-ness, by lighting its darkness, by forming its very substance into all of the many and varied forms we find in the mineral, plant and animal world, spirit finds cause to form a record of this activity. This record becomes per manent as it becomes the third force. This soul, this third force contains the ability to stimulate spirit into new directions of activity, using the record of past experiences as a basis.

Spirit is untransmutable, we said. That simply means that it cannot change into creation substance or soul. Then, if spirit were to experience creation substance in, say its transmuted and compressed plane forms, it would have to project consciousness into the area where these planes were located. Spirit could not enter the planes in body, in substance, in form. It would have to stand aside and project consciousness into the planes.

Your Spirit transmuted creation substance as found on the twelfth plane, and of this substance produced a body of crystalized material. Then it projected its own spiritual consciousness into this crystal which it uses as a point-of-contact with


the twelfth plane. In turn, but millions of years apart, it repeated the process down through the planes until it had ten of them mastered.

The briefest of summaries must do for the moment. Just enough to base our understanding of our position in the creation.

As your permanent body of plane consciousness is brought into being, your spirit begins to operate here or elsewhere on a third plane. Your signal-senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touch are opened and you begin an adventure of knowing, realizing and mastering every energy sensation to be found on the plane.

Now, you may begin to suspect, as you are there listening to this true explanation of your being, that all of these projects and activities in which you become in-volved are actually vehicles with which you can expose yourself to the energy forces found within the third plane. Your spirit leads you into every possible activity so that it may experience directly and ultimately master the energized influences and wave lengths and frequencies that abound in your habitat.

Man, and his consciousness, has gotten away from the purpose of his very being by cutting himself off from his spirit and from his brothers of the planes. The activ-ity is the thing. The goal is the thing. Or so his confusion leads him to believe. By listening to his soul which will demonstrate and redemonstrate to him what his achievements have been, he will not have to repeat his experiences over and over again. By listening to his plane consciousness brothers, he will not have to try repeatedly to express an idea on the detail plane as these brothers have already mastered the same idea in concept, energy and mind form. They will furnish the idea, the plan for your experiences, leaving you much more time and energy to master the conditions of the plan.

You here in this group are faced with communication problems, hampered by financial restrictions and slowed down by energy lags. That is not the fault of your project or location. It is happening to the brickyards and universities - oh, I already said that.

What if some magical power were handed to you to give you full range communications? Something that gave you unlimited financial and equivalent sources, and a bottomless mine of energy? This was already done when your spirit was given motion by the creator. The creator would not, repeat, would not, send you out into his creation, to build it, experience it, to return it to him without equipping you with everything you need to do the job. Can you admit somewhere along the way that you have misjudged the creator? That you have negated the truth of your structure and its purpose and its function and have chosen the


illusion of the games you play of organization, and repeat-the-project? Do you realize that some of you have been incarnating twenty to thirty thousand times? I heard someone say the other day that he will absolutely not reincarnate again. I'll bet he has said that ten thousand times before. How about half the planet's popu-lation who don't believe they ever incarnated before? We don't have to look far for illusion.

A lot of preplanning has gone into this man stage you are in. Your every need to see it through successfully was provided by the creator and your own spirit. You junked it. You gave it away for illusion.

Cheer up! Let us recount the things that the creator provided you with for this journey through the creation. Somewhere in the bag we find quite a large amount of patience. This patience has extended nearly eighteen million years. This same patience will continue as long as you require it. It will also continue through another recounting and explanation of your purpose in the creation. It could just as well extend through the period you require to cleanse yourself of the desire for illusion, and to replace it with the actualities of truth.

Is the message getting through to you? There are far more dropouts in life than there ever were dropouts from school because they didn't get the message. When you are fully integrated with and fully aware of spirit's plans for you, you are also fulfilling the creator's plans for you. You are one member of the family of consciousnesses on the planes. You are required to fulfill your part of the overall plan of progress which leads to far more than you can realize with you lack of complete awareness.

When you go back in the records of your past performance and actually see where you dropped out of progressive life; where you somehow felt it was no longer necessary to be part of a team of planes consciousnesses, a functioning son of your spirit and a close adherent to the creator, you will rediscover an urgent necessity to reunite with these great beings. (As you, the third plane con cousness are, also.)

At the very onset of your spiritual existence, the creator admonished you: "Go and know my creation and return it to me." He did not restrict you in any way by method nor by time. However, I do believe that he expected you to keep at it. He gave you a name, a constant or spirit name, at that instant. It is constant because you will always be known by that name in all of your activities, all of your awareness and through this name your knowledge of the creation returns to the creator.


If this is a constant name of your spirit and you do not know this name you have become unconstant and undependable to your creator. What have you done today, what have you done this lifetime, what have you done this millennium that you could return to your creator under this name you have forgotten? What is it you are doing here? That is another thing you are going to have to find out. Where is this spirit of mine, and where is my spirit's father, the creator? That is something else you must find out. How can I find a program that is progressive which can be fulfilled in my name?

The Awareness Techniques are designed to supply the answers, they are presented to show the way, they are offered to realign those consciousnesses you have so that you can bring this most important activity into being, into fulfillment, once again into functioning reality.

A full understanding of your constant name will keep you functioning, and functioning in the correct manner. A brief glimpse at your past inadequacies, from time to time, should keep your attitude on a sky-high level.

The creator has not been punishing you because you have wandered away. Ignore those who tell you the creator is going to punish you when you return to him in consciousness. Let's keep it nice and simple and understand it fully. It is so much easier to understand a simple thing fully than to comprehend man's complicated rituals. I don't know what else I can say about it. Do you have questions? Do you want to know more about any branch or area? I will try to answer you in five thousand words or less.



ANSWER: I have been put on the carpet before about this matter. People have returned the printed techniques to me and told me in direct terms that there are no shortcuts. Other people have told me to my face, and have written letters to me, that if god wanted this type of snooping around in his creation he would have authorized it long ago. Man is so deep, deep, deep in illusion. He actually believes that the creator made man to suffer. He must do everything the hard way. Anything worth-while, he reasons, comes through a long struggle based upon deprivation. Down through millions of years man has come to this con-clusion, a belief that man is god-forsaken living in a godforsaken place.

Illusion is a reflection of reality. Everything in a reflection is reversed. Right is left, up is down, near is far and-so-forth. In reality man is not god-forsaken, but god is man-forsaken. The creator's commandment to know his creation and return it to him becomes a desire to listen to other men and withdraw from the creator. There is nothing to do. I don't know why I am here man says. Technology is worshipped and spirit is a no-no to the scientific leaders. Man's best guidance comes through "God-inspired" words of other men. Things have become so illusionary on this planet that no two leaders can agree on any subject. It has been justly said that on this one planet there are over three billion worlds. Everyone lives in his own world instead of living in the one unified world of the creator.

If "God" could be trusted - oh, if only "God" could be trusted, we reason, what a wonderful world this would be. He gives and when things get going well, He takes it away. Illusion is only so long and wide. Truth, or reality, lasts forever.

When the planetary teacher, Sananda, stated, "You can do greater things than I," he was not jesting. Men believe (in Christian quarters) that he was the son of god, that he gave his life for us, that he will return again. Obviously all belong to illusion. But they are deeply embarrassed over that quotation. Ask the next person you meet if he believes that he can do greater things than Jesus. On second thought, you had better keep quiet.

These Awareness Techniques are used throughout the creation. Men throughout the creation can manufacture small silvery disks, board them and fly from one end of the creation to the other. Some other men, a very few of them, can move from one end of the creation to the other without craft of any kind. All of these men have integrated cons ciousnesses. They live in the light of spirit. They know the creator. They trust the creator. They know they are the creator.


God did not forsake you.

Man has slowed down. Man has stopped. Man moves in reverse. There are no longer ways in man's consciousness that allow him to do things directly. From civilization to civilization man's greatest discoveries have come by accident. While man fumbles and searches for a solution to one problem, another discovery springs up by accident.

On the other hand, the inventions that man strives for and produces through great mental effort and physical toil soon go down - out of sight. Men possessed of their own manufacture, great flying craft that could circumnavigate the planet in four hours, a mere three hundred generations ago. He possessed, of his own efforts, electric lights that shown in the night as little as twenty generations ago. Man cannot keep for long these devices when his intellect does not keep the creator as well. When he keeps the creator, the intellect finds ways to constantly improve and replace these devices with more efficient equipment.

I know for a fact that our present electric system and its brace of lights, heaters and motors was used on our neighboring planet, Mercury, eons ago. However they were used for a span of less than fifty years. This creator-centered civilization moved on to wireless electric supplies, then to self-energized equipment, spacecraft, and self- maintaining equipment for virtually every need. Their present methods of recording and filing information make our libraries with their heavy, odorous tomes on this planet resemble the outhouse stage of our earlier days.

The planet Mercury and the planet Earth have provided in them the conditions substance and energies to support all of these advancements. We could have had our present radios in 1776 or 1492 or the year one. Was it "God" that held us back? No, "God" included all of the things necessary for our radio transmission into the planet when it was created.

Now, if you will poke your head up out of that sea of illusion for just a moment, I want to whisper something in your ear. The creator has built into your planet the very essence to provide for the Awareness Techniques, and he has built into your consciousness the very ability to handle, utilize and expand awareness through the use of the Awareness Techniques. Just another minute now.

The creator did not put a limitation on the speed with which you can come to realizations. You did.

O.K. You may submerge again.


Something else to add while the illusioners are sleeping away. Your physical body is carrying on a myriad of functions right at this moment. Every organ is doing something different. I would suppose that "God" is allowing that. Then why couldn't "God" allow you to do several things at the same time on the conscious level? Different things are happening on each planet in the creation at this moment. Does the creator just tolerate this activity, or does he encourage it?

You see, in reality the creator gave you a preponderance of ability and provided the means to energize and sustain this ability. Man, in illusion, constantly bemoans the lack of material and facilities. Since man does not see this supply, he is convinced it does not (and should not?) exist.

Sorry I hit so hard.



ANSWER: Yes, R-U-N, run. This is sort of a nickname for or description of the process. As we go back in time by reading the planetary records, a few people could, by great concentration heavily laced by desire, see occasional flashbacks of black and white still pictures of previous life experiences. Everything regarding planetary life is recorded there. Even the fall of the sparrow is noted, unquote. So, all of these attempts to read the records are recorded, too. There was no sound, ordor, taste, color or motion. It was virtually impossible to realize the relationships of individuals seen in this still picture that faded into darkness in a moment's time.

Say a picture of a small bungalow with a grass roof was seen. Before the bungalow stood a man and a woman. Near them was a woman and a child and a meduim size clog. The person viewing this momentary scene could not tell who "owned" the dog or who fed him, or how it came into the household. Which woman was the mother of the child, if either of them were? What is the relationship between either woman and the man, or the two women to each other? You could ask dozens of questions as to names, location of bungalow, language spoken, time sequence, etc. An answer did not and could not come from the still, colorless picture.

On the other hand, with this new method, you can integrate your total consciousness and ask: Has this consciousness I now know as my wife incarnated with me before? Into your consciousness comes moving, full awareness pictures. First, scenes of you experiencing together as sisters, then another lifetime as teacher and student, more scenes as father and daughter, this all being an example. Some cases prove more relationships on another planet before arriving on earth. You can ask any question you like regarding these relationships. Your answers will come directly from your soul (record) and will be in moving color, a running document involving all of your senses. These records are available in any time sequence you desire. You can ask to see any period you desire in a lifetime. Of course if you were no longer living at age fifty, for instance, you would draw a blank, but then would immediately realize you were not among the mortals. But you can go back to birth, to age ten or twenty-two by asking to see the events. You can ask by event alone. Was I married? If so, you are at your wedding. Children? You are with them.

So it has been dubbed "running" as you can run up and down the time sequences and you do actually see moving pictures.

Yes, I will be happy to run you. First, are there more questions?



ANSWER: These people who claim this ability to read the records are pulling your leg. The only reason they get away with it is that you do not prove or disprove their work. You pay your money or free-will offering and take what you get.

I have gone to eight different readers and asked for my immediate past life records. I got eight different stories that were quite unrelated. The fact of the matter is that this is my first incarnation on this planet, right now beginning in 1922.

Hundreds of people who I have run personally have been unable to find these readings as they were given. One lady, just several weeks ago, was told that as an ancient Egyptian priest she had destroyed some important records and as a punishment she had not been allowed to incarnate again until the present time. The priest's name was given to her and it all seemed authentic. She has run over a dozen lifetimes since, of more recent times. Regardless of many probes, she cannot find this Egyptian priest on her record. There is a fellow named Tae who is keeper of the planetary records on this planet. He knows who is reading the records. He acknowledges that full integration is necessary to read these records. This is just as a phonograph record requires a record player to hear the recording. Just as your soul or Akashic record must be read through a balanced integrated circuit of concept, energy, mind and detail consciousnesses, it is impossible to view it otherwise. Your spirit recorded it for you in the opposite order, detail, mind, energy and concept. Your spirit replays the record for you and hands it to you through the integrated circuit. All parts are necessary. Just as a movie projector has reels, sprockets, motor, lens and light to handle the film and the image. Leave any of these out, and no picture. The next time someone claims they can read your records, ask them what energy is, what concept is, what mind is. If they cannot answer, they cannot read your records.

It is not a matter of angels. It is not a matter of snooping. There are no secrets in the creation. Incidentally, my associates and I have spent years checking out all of the published works of the great soothsayers and purveyors of pertinent persiflage in this country, Europe and the Middle and Far East. There is not one, repeat, not one reading that is correct. There is not one formula or "way" that is worth the paper it is printed on. Not one person has come one step nearer his source through their activities or findings. Not one could tell you who, what, where


or why your spirit is, let alone lead you back to him. Even if you accept their words as entertainment, it is rather sadistic.

Well, well, look at the old clock. I know most of you must be up tomorrow as it is another work day. I will stop talking and let you go. Thank you very much for listening. If any of you do feel like watching the running demonstration, we will be at it in a few minutes.