W INDOWS XP, T IPS AND T RICKS Oswaldo Bolivar 09/29/2010


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Oswaldo Bolivar09/29/2010

Useful key shortcuts available• Windows key + D - shows the desktop.• Windows key + M - minimizes all open windows.• Windows key + Shift + M - maximizes all open windows.• Windows key + E - Runs Windows Explorer.• Windows key + R - shows the RUN dialog.• Windows key + F - shows Search window.• Windows key + Break - shows System Properties box.• Windows key + TAB - Go through taskbar applications.• Windows key + PAUSE Display the System Properties dialog box.• Windows key + U Open Utility Manager.

Useful key shortcuts available• Windows key + D - shows the desktop.• Windows key + M - minimizes all open windows.• Windows key + Shift + M - maximizes all open windows.• Windows key + E - Runs Windows Explorer.• Windows key + R - shows the RUN dialog.• Windows key + F - shows Search window.• Windows key + Break - shows System Properties box.• Windows key + TAB - Go through taskbar applications.• Windows key + PAUSE Display the System Properties dialog box.• Windows key + U Open Utility Manager.

Another useful Options

• ALT + TAB - Cycle through opened applications.• Hold down CTRL while dragging an item to Copy it.• CTRL + ESC Display the Start menu.• ALT + ENTER View the properties for the selected

item.• F4 key Display the Address bar list in My Computer

or• NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*) Display all of the subfolders

that are under the selected folder.

Lock Windows to protect computer

• You can lock Windows to protect the computer when leaving the station easily

• by creating a shortcut with the path rundll32.exeuser32.dll, LockWorkStation.

• Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it

• and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough,

• Windows key + L will do the same.

Rename multiple files in Windows at once

• Select them all, • right click and select Rename. Enter the

desired name. • They will be renamed using what you

specified, • with a number in brackets to distinguish


Edit accounts in the command prompt

• You can edit accounts by running "control userpasswords2" at the command prompt.

Use systeminfo.exe to see System Information

• You can use the systeminfo.exe command in the command prompt

• to see System Information, including all Windows updates and hotfixes.

• Go to Start-> Run -> cmd + Enter• Type systeminfo.exe > c:\dell\System.txt

Searching Information in Windows XP

• Windows + F is the shortcut for finding any files in Windows XP.

• Please Open the Windows Explorer and do the following instructions:

• View Option-> Arrange icon by -> Show in Groups.

• Use the Search companion to do it.

Get to Your Favorites with Keyboard Shortcut IE

• Enter Control-I will bring up your left pane favorites.

• Enter Control-I will make it disappear• Enter Control-B to organize your favorites

List of shourtcut keys for Internet explorer.

• CTRL+A: Select all• CTRL+C: Copy• CTRL+X: Cut• CTRL+V: Paste• CTRL+F: Find• CTRL+E: Search• CTRL+W: Close window• CTRL+T: New browser TAB window• CTRL+R: Refresh web page• CTRL+O: new location - esc to close• CTRL+D: quickly save a Web page to your Favorites list• CTRL+I: Favorites• CTRL+P: Print the page• CTRL+H: History• CTRL+tab: goto URL Address field• Alt+Spacebar+X: Window Maximize• Alt+Spacebar+R: Window Restore• Alt+Spacebar+N: Window Minimize• Home key: beginning of page• End key: bottom of page• Backspace key: move back a page.• CTRL+LEFT+ARROW : quickly move the cursor back between parts of the address.


