Voyage of Freedom, Voyage of Doom transatlantic liner St. Louis 1939



On May 13, 1939, the German transatlantic St. Louis sailed from Hamburg for Havana, Cuba. On the voyage were 938 passengers, many of them were Jews fleeing from the Third Reich. Most were German citizens, some were from Eastern Europe, and a few were officially "stateless."The majority of the Jewish had applied for US visas, and had planned to stay in Cuba only until they could enter the US. But by the time the St. Louis sailed, there were signs that political conditions in Cuba might keep the passengers from landing there.The passengers themselves were not informed; most were compelled to return to Europe.

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  • Jewish refugees trapped between U.S. immigration laws

    and duplicitous Cuban ofcials face a return to Nazi Germany

    by Barbara D. Krasner

  • The refugee ship St. Louis sets sail

    from Hamburg, Germany, on May 13,

    1939, with 937 Jewish refugees bound

    for Cuba. A ship-to-shore radiogram

    in German (inset) was sent by Moritz

    Schoenberger to family on Long Island,

    N.Y., on May 25. Schoenberger reported

    he was physically and spiritually

    recovered from his trek and was most

    confdent about reaching Havana.

    The message is signed Kisses, papa.

    Two days later the ship was denied

    entry to Cuba and was forced to return

    to Europe, where Schoenberger

    was interned in occupied France; he

    eventually made it to the United States

    and became an American citizen in 1946.

    BoTh images: uniTeD sTaTes holocausT memorial museum

    AUGUST 2014 55


    Hull merely replied, Yes.

    Morgenthau, himself of German-Jewish descent, continued.

    And there have been so many things back and forth as to what

    could or couldnt be done.

    He then suggested possible courses of action to help the

    refugees. But in the end, Hull said, Well, thisyou see, this is

    a matter primarily between Cubaand these peopleand not

    between this Government.

    Since Adolf Hitlers rise to power as chancellor of Germany

    in 1933, Jews had been the target of restrictions, boycotts and

    attacks. In 1935 he stripped them of their citizenship. By 1938

    it became clear that Germany was no place for Jews. In July,

    representatives from 32 countries attended a conference in

    Evian, France, called by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    to discuss the plight of Germanys Jews. Holland and Denmark

    ofered temporary asylum to a few refugees. Te Dominican

    Republic ofered to take 100,000 Jews. No one else spoke up,

    just as Hitler expected, not even the United States, which re-

    fused to alter the strict quotas that limited immigration to the

    country. Ten Hitler ratcheted up the pressure. On November

    9-10, 1938, his Brown Shirts enacted the orgy of terror called

    KristallnachtNight of Broken Glass. Tey desecrated and

    burned more than 1,000 synagogues, vandalized tens of thou-

    sands of Jewish shops and arrested a quarter of the Jewish male

    population, taking them to the concentration camps at Buch-

    enwald, Sachsenhausen and Dachau.

    Lawyer Josef Joseph from Rheydt in western Germany was

    one of those arrested, but because he was well known in his

    town, authorities detained him in the local jail. Once back

    home and stripped of his law practice, Joseph moved to get

    his wife and 10-year-old daughter, Liesl, out of Germany. He

    applied for a visa to the United States, where immigrants with

    close relatives were given preferred status. His wifes family in

    Philadelphia provided an afdavit of sponsorship, but the visa

    number was high. A friend in Cuba ofered to sponsor the Jo-

    sephs until their number was called. Ten Joseph saw the ad

    for the St. Louis luxury liner bound for Cuba. He called the

    Hamburg-Amerika shipping line to make a frst-class reserva-

    tion for his family and procured the special landing permits

    required by the Cuban immigration ofce.

    On the morning of November 10, 1938, 10-year-old Hans

    Fisher got up for school as usual and lef his apartment build-

    ing in Breslau in eastern Germany. I noticed mounds of bro-

    ken glass on the sidewalk, he remembered later. I suddenly

    saw before me a large crowd, including some of my school

    mates, stopped by a police wooden barricade. Before I even

    had a chance to talk to anyone, a cry went up from the crowd,

    Look, look, the synagogue is on fre! Hans ran home to tell

    his parents. Within a few minutes, two Gestapo agents were at

    the door. Tey ordered Hans father to pack a small bag with

    socks and underwear. He was taken to Buchenwald.

    Because Mr. Fisher had been decorated with the Iron Cross

    for his military service to Germany in World War I, he had an

    entry visa to Panama. (Holders of the Iron Cross or other med-

    als sometimes received such special dispensation.) Fisher was

    released from Buchenwald in January 1939 on the condition

    that he leave Germany within two weeks. He complied but fa-

    vored Cuba over Panama, so he secured a visa and settled in

    Havana in early February. Te family prepared to meet him

    there, but Hans contracted scarlet fever and the trip was delayed

    for nearly two months. Finally, Hans mother bought passage to

    Cuba on the St. Louis for herself, Hans and his older sister.

    Herbert Karliner, 13, and his familyparents Josef and

    Martha, and siblings Ilse, 16, Walter, 14, and Ruth, 12trav-

    eled from Peiskretscham in eastern Germany to board the St.

    Louis in Hamburg. Josef had spent three weeks in Buchenwald

    afer his arrest during Kristallnacht, and Martha bought him a

    visa for Shanghai. But he did not want to go to China alone,

    and eventually they found that the entire family could enter

    Cuba, where Marthas brother lived and worked as a lawyer.

    Fritz Buf, 17, traveled alone. He was attending a trade

    school in Munich, away from his parents and sister in another

    part of Bavaria. His family, whose ancestors had lived in Ba-

    varia since the early 1600s, had already registered with the U.S.

    consulate for their visas. Te plan was for Fritz to leave frst

    and the rest of the family would soon follow. He noted in his

    On the afernoon of June 5, 1939, Sec-

    retary of the Treasury Henry Mor-

    genthau Jr. placed a call to Secretary

    of State Cordell Hull. Cordell, some

    of my good friends in New York have

    called me up about this terrible tragedy

    on this boat the St. Louis with those 900 refugees on it. Mor-

    genthau was referring to German-Jewish refugees bound for

    Cuba who were denied landing in Havana harbor.

    europe cannot settle down until the Jewish question is cleared up,

    said Adolf Hitler in 1939 in what is now known as the prophecy speech.


    diary, It is with mixed feelings that we aboard take our own

    personal farewell from Germany by trying to sever all memo-

    ries of our lives to date. . . . With tears in our eyes we could not

    completely forget what we called our home, our place of birth.

    He and others clung to the telephone at the pier to say their last

    goodbyes to family and friends.

    Captain Gustav Schroeder, his crew and the 937

    passengers on the St. Louis lef Hamburg on May

    13, 1939, unaware that on May 5, the Cuban gov-

    ernment had enacted Decree 937 rendering the

    landing permits worthless. New arrivals had to

    have written permission from the Cuban secretary of state

    and secretary of labor and post a $500 bond. (American tour-

    ists, however, were exempt from the bond.) Although both

    Hamburg-Amerika and the American Jewish Joint Distribu-

    tion Committee (JDC, a relief organization that helped Jews

    worldwide) received warning, neither alerted the St. Louis that

    the refugees would be refused admission.

    Captain Schroeder learned the truth during the voyage. He

    formed a passenger committee and asked Josef Joseph to serve

    as its chairman. On May 23, a committee member asked, Are

    we here to prepare for returning to Germany?

    At this stage, the answer is no, Schroeder replied. We will

    sail to Havana. But I cannot say what will happen when we

    reach there.

    Despite the uncertainty, the passengers enjoyed their cruise.

    Said Hans Fisher, We really felt free, even though it was still

    a German boat. Schroeder agreed to passenger requests to

    cover or remove the portraits of Hitler displayed in the public

    rooms. Afer two weeks at sea, the ship prepared for its fnal

    approach to Havana. Passengers reported to the pursers ofce

    to collect their landing cards for disembarkation. Tey packed

    and placed their luggage outside their cabin doors.

    Te St. Louis pulled into Havanas harbor in the predawn

    hours of Saturday, May 27. A trumpet played Freut Euch des

    LebensBe Joyful About Life. Fritz Buf wrote, We came

    aboard this ship in Hamburg as individuals with a common

    destiny, and we will leave this ship like a community that has

    had the good fortune to travel together. But he wondered,

    When can we ever again experience such joyful days?

    Joseph brought Liesl on deck. It was like a paradise, she

    remembered later. Tere were palm trees and pastel-colored

    houses and fowers. Te day that we were supposed to get of,

    the luggage had been brought up, there was a lot of excitement

    and activity going on. A few people had gotten of already

    when everything stopped. Everybody got a little bit upset and

    they asked the shore patrol that had come aboard what was

    going on. When can we get of? And the answer was always

    Maana, with a smile.

    Twenty-two passengers with the required documentation

    were allowed to disembark. Fify members of the Cuban police

    patrolled the decks and secured the gangways. Hans Fishers

    father was waiting for him: Little rowboats appeared that

    circled the ship, and my father was on one of them, but you

    could barely see one another, you couldnt speak. First of all

    there was so much noise because there were so many, but also

    we were so high up, you couldnt talk.

    an anti-semitic poster linking Jews and communism was placed on

    the window of a Jewish-owned shop in San Francisco in 1938, the year a

    Gallup poll found that half of all Americans had a low opinion of Jews.

    roosevelt and Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau on the eve of

    the 1940 election. Critics charged FDR with showing undue deference

    to Jewish advisers and vilifed the New Deal as the Jew Deal.


    in retaliation for the murder

    of a German embassy ofcial

    in Paris by a 17-year-old Polish

    Jew, Jewish communities

    throughout Germany were

    violently attacked in November

    1938. Propaganda minister

    Joseph Goebbels announced

    that, in response to the murder,

    the Nazi Party would hold

    no ofcial demonstrations

    but insofar as they erupt

    spontaneously, they are not

    to be hampered. Thousands

    of synagogues and Jewish

    businesses were destroyed, 91

    Jews were killed and 30,000

    Jewish men were arrested.

    Among the scenes in Berlin

    (clockwise from top): a smashed

    storefront in the Judengasse

    (Jews Alley); cleanup at the

    Jewish-owned Kaliski Bedding

    Establishment; and the burned-

    out Fasanenstrasse Synagogue,

    the remains of which were

    destroyed in an Allied bombing

    raid in 1943.

    Kristallnacht: Night of Broken Glass


    Negotiation was the only hope for the passengers of the St.

    Louis, and responsibility for it fell to New York City lawyer Law-

    rence Berenson, representing the JDC. President of the Cuban

    Chamber of Commerce, a personal friend of Cubas powerful

    military leader Fulgencio Batista and counsel to the Republic

    of Cuba, Berenson had credentials and connections. He arrived

    by seaplane on May 30, but he cautioned the JDC: It will take

    money more than anything else to buy them their freedom.

    On board the St. Louis, some of the refugees were getting

    desperate. Max Loewe locked himself into the mens room on

    A Deck and slit his wrists. Ten he jumped overboard. Te

    ship sounded a long blast and crew members raced along

    the deck. One sailor dove into the water and grabbed hold of

    Loewe, who resisted, shouting, Let me die, let me die! But he

    was pulled to safety. His family was not allowed to accompany

    him to a Havana hospital, where he again attempted suicide.

    (Loewe survived and was later reunited with his family.) Cap-

    tain Schroeder formed a suicide watch of 15 men to patrol the

    decks in two-hour shifs.

    Te hulking ship became a tourist attraction as photog-

    raphers and newsreel flm crews aimed their cameras at the

    passengers. In New York, relatives and friends raced to Times

    Square to pick up the latest newspaper reports. Demonstra-

    tions broke out in Atlantic City, New York, Chicago and Wash-

    ington. Concerned American Jews sent messages to President

    Roosevelt, Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickeswho had

    proposed a plan to settle Jewish refugees in AlaskaRoman

    Catholic cardinals and Supreme Court justices, urging them

    to do whatever they could to get Cuban president Federico

    Laredo Br to repeal Decree 937. On board, the radio ofcer

    tapped out innumerable messages pleading for help. Female

    passengers pressed for support from the Cuban presidents

    wife. Mrs. Br did not respond. Children wrote to frst lady

    Eleanor Roosevelt. She did not respond.

    Meanwhile, Berenson received word from Batista that he

    had arranged an appointment with Br for Tursday, June

    1. At the presidents palace, Berenson made his plea to allow

    the refugees of the ship, but he didnt get the reaction he ex-

    pected. Instead, Br barked that the St. Louis had to leave Ha-

    vana: Te ship must go out. I wont permit it to remain in the

    harbor. I will talk to you afer that is done. Berenson pleaded

    once more. Br said, Tree miles is all that is necessary and

    the minute it is out come back with the plan and I will be ready

    to go over it with you. Berenson had no choice but to comply

    with the presidents demands, and Captain Schroeder received

    a written order to take his ship into international waters im-

    mediately. He was only able to negotiate another 24 hours to

    take on food and supplies.

    Liesl Joseph recalled, When the day of departure came

    [June 2], it probably was one of the darkest days in the lives of

    everybody, and the shore patrol followed the ship to make sure

    nobody jumped overboard, but in the meantime they were

    shouting us farewell and communications would go on. Most

    likely youll be back here in a few days and everything will be

    OK. But it didnt happen.

    Josef Joseph wrote in his diary, From here on in, what had

    started as a voyage to freedom became a voyage of doom.

    The Cuban government stipulated payment of $500

    per personalmost half a million dollars total

    to ensure that the refugees would not become

    public charges. Te JDC authorized Berenson to

    ofer $125,000 for all the refugees, and increased

    that fgure over the next several days. Te U.S. State Depart-

    ment believed the Cubans were blufng and advised Berenson

    not to put up the money, but Berenson and the JDC forged

    ahead. Teir plan now included landing at the Isle of Pines,

    a small island of the Cuban coast that Br mentioned as a

    possible disembarkation site. Berenson reviewed the proposal

    with high-ranking Cuban ofcials and expected everything to

    proceed smoothly in his next meeting.

    While the negotiations were under way, Schroeder ordered

    the St. Louis to cross between Cuba and Florida. Passengers

    sighted Miamis palm trees and beaches along with U.S. Coast

    Guard cutters, which were under the jurisdiction of Treasury

    Secretary Morgenthau. Te New York Times reported the

    Coast Guard was instructed to trail the ship, and a patrol boat

    accompanied the liner to prevent attempts by passengers to

    jump overboard and swim to American shores. Secretly, Mor-

    genthau, a JDC supporter, had arranged for the Coast Guard

    to confdentially keep him apprised of the ships location. Te

    passengers knew none of this, however, and Captain Schroed-

    er wrote in his diary, To me, it was as if the world had thrown

    away the entire St. Louis.

    DespiTe the growing crisis for

    European Jews, Americans in the

    late 1930s were reluctant to ease the

    most restrictive immigration policy in

    the nations history. Immigration was

    limited to 150,000 entrants a year,

    with strict quotas based on the country

    of origin. In 1939, the year the St.

    Louis was forced to return to Europe,

    Congress rejected a bill to waive the

    quotas and allow 20,000 Jewish

    children under the age of 14 to seek

    refuge in the United States. between

    1933 and 1945, fewer than 200,000

    Jews were admitted. In January 1944,

    Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau

    charged the State department with

    the wilful [sic] failure to act and

    wilful attempts to prevent action

    from being taken to rescue Jews

    from Hitler. In response, president

    franklin Roosevelt established the war

    Refugee board and ordered the State,

    Treasury and war departments to

    coordinate their eforts to rescue the

    victims of enemy oppression who are

    in imminent danger of death. by the

    end of the war in 1945, the board had

    assisted some 200,000 Jewish and

    other war refugees.

    u.s. stands firm on quotas

  • clockwise from top right: A refugee waves a tearful

    goodbye as the St. Louis is forced to leave Havana.

    Oskar, Salo, Jakob and Leo Blechner pose for a happy

    family photo before Oskar sails for Cuba. Oskar survived

    the war in England; Leo made it to the U.S.; Jakob went to

    Switzerland. Salo survived Sachsenhausen, Auschwitz and

    Bergen-Belsen. Their parents both died in the camps.

    Rudi Dingfelder (far right) and his parents, Leopold

    and Johanna, aboard ship. The family ended up in the

    Netherlands before the Nazi occupation. Rudis parents

    died at Auschwitz; Rudi survived several camps and a

    forced march. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1947.

    Ruth Karliner and her brother Herbert sailed on the St.

    Louis with the rest of their family. They found refuge in

    France after their return to Europe. Herbert survived the

    war and came to the U.S. in 1946; Ruth died at Auschwitz.

    Forgetting Is Not an Option


    On June 2, the day the ship lef Havana, Berenson inspected

    the Isle of Pines and also received a visit from the consul of the

    Dominican Republic, who ofered the refugees asylum at $500

    per person, although the amount appeared to be negotiable.

    But Berenson kept his hopes pinned on Cuba, and three days

    later a breakthrough seemed imminent. A Miami radio station

    broadcast the news that Br had granted permission for the St.

    Louis to land at the Isle of Pines. Te ships radio room picked

    up the message, and the St. Louis turned toward Cuba.

    Te next morning, however, the radio room received another

    cable: Isle of Pines not confrmed. Br had issued a shocking

    statement: Yesterday Seor Berenson made an alternative pro-

    posal ofering $443,000 [$500 per person excluding children

    under 16] for the St. Louis passengers. . . . Te Cuban govern-

    ment could not accept the proposal, and having passed exces-

    sively the time allowed, the government terminates the matter.

    Te JDC was taken by surprise and believed Berenson had

    been misled deliberately so as to prevent an acceptance in

    precise terms of the ofer that the President had made. In an-

    nouncing that a deadline had passed, Br would appear to have

    done all he could. Still, the organization deposited the money

    Br wanted with the Chase Bank. But

    Br refused to negotiate further.

    Shortly before midnight, June 6,

    Schroe der received instructions to re-

    turn to Hamburg immediately. Pan-

    icked passengers confded in him:

    Teyd prefer the North Sea over the

    KZ (Konzentrationslager, or concen-

    tration camp), which will be our end.

    Te captain hatched a plan to scuttle

    the ship of the coast of Britain.

    In New York, the JDC cabled the

    heads of major relief organizations,

    leaving no stone unturned in attempt-

    ing to aid the St. Louis passengers. But

    the Dominican Republic ofer came

    to nothing. Colombia, Argentina and

    Chile declined to assist. Venezuela, Ec-

    uador and Paraguay did not respond.

    Te JDC began to explore options in

    Europe, including Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg and Portugal.

    Te committees European chairman, Morris Troper, worked

    the phones and fred of telegrams day and night from his Paris

    ofce. Of the 937 passengers, 743 had afdavits and visas for

    the United States that would admit them from within six

    months to two years. By June 10, Troper learned Belgium would

    accept 250 of those passengers, Great Britain another 250.

    Troper worked against the clock. Finally on June 12, he

    cabled Josef Joseph on board ship: Final arrangements for

    disembarkation all passengers completed stop Happy inform

    you governments of Belgium Holland France and England

    cooperated magnifcently with American Joint Distribution

    Committee to efect this possibility.

    Fritz Buf wrote, Our jubilation was fantastic, indescrib-

    able, and spontaneous. Te horizons have opened up. We were

    not forgotten afer fve weeks at sea.

    When the St. Louis reached the Netherlands port of Flushing

    on the foggy morning of June 17, a tugboat carrying Troper and

    18 committee members pulled along the ships port side. Pas-

    sengers crowded the rails, waving and shouting, God bless

    you! as Troper boarded their ship. Liesl Joseph, who turned 11

    that day, stepped forward and read a letter in German, thanking

    Troper and the JDC for having saved them from great misery.

    Her father, Josef, also gave a speech. As the ship steamed toward

    its Antwerp disembarkation point, a delegation representing

    Belgium, the Netherlands, France and England met with the

    passenger committee in the frst-class lounge to complete the

    complicated process of distributing landing documents.

    Crowds of cheering people and newspaper photographers

    met the St. Louis in Antwerp. Buf and 213 others destined for

    Belgium disembarked immediately. Te 181 refugees assigned

    to the Netherlands boarded a steamer for Rotterdam. Te Jo-

    sephs were bound by freighter for England and the Fishers and

    Karliners for France. With mixed emotions, the freighter pas-

    sengers watched as the St. Louis, the ship that had been both

    home and prison, pulled out of the pier for Hamburg.

    For many, freedom was short-lived. In May 1940, Belgium,

    the Netherlands and France fell under

    Nazi occupation, trapping the 620 refu-

    gees sent to those countries. Of these,

    254 died at the hands of the Nazis, in-

    cluding Karliners parents and sisters.

    Tose fortunate enough to be sent to

    England survived Hitlers Final Solu-

    tion. About half of the 937 passengers

    eventually immigrated to America.

    Critics have since lambasted Beren-

    son for his inability to make a success-

    ful deal. And despite moves by Cabinet

    members, diplomats and other ofcials

    to assist European Jews, U.S. immigra-

    tion remained tightly restricted. Te

    gov ernments concern that admitting

    the St. Louis refugees would open a

    food gate for undesirable immigrants

    has cast long shadows over the legacy

    of the Roosevelt administration.

    On the 70th anniversary of the voyage of the St. Louis,

    June 6, 2009, the U.S. Senate passed Resolution 111, which

    acknowledged the sufering of those refugees caused by the

    refusal of the United States, Cuban, and Canadian govern-

    ments to provide political asylum. With this resolution,

    Ameri ca ofcially recognized its role in turning away 937

    German-Jewish refugees in their hour of need. Survivors of

    the St. Louis were invited to a special event in Miami Beach

    to sign copies of the resolution and accept this national apol-

    ogy. Liesl Joseph Loeb, Herbert Karliner and Fritz (now Fred)

    Bufwho served in the U.S. Navy during World War II

    were among those who attended. n

    Barbara D. Krasner teaches writing at William Paterson Univer-

    sity. She is the author of Discovering Your Jewish Heritage and

    Images of America: Kearnys Immigrant Heritage.

    captain gustav schroeder, a lifelong sailor,

    was a fervent opponent of the Nazi Party.