Volume 5 - The Weather Team


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Volume 5 The Weather Team

Episode 5 : “ The Battle In Space ’’

By Aaron Ugbaja - Ibrahim

Peprah - Ugbaja Comics ©  Dreamscape Technology ©


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The Characters for Volume 5

Anthony Wong / Lightning Strike

Sako Nakijima / Thunder Wave

Henry Metcalfe / Arrow

Scott Winchester / Hurricane

Harmony Stamford / Aerogirl

Mark Leagrove / Tornado

Kevin Walker / Macroburst

Tanya Alexander / Gamma - Girl

Zara Harpenden / Ms Mayhem

Takuma Aguri / StratoSonic

Oliver Green / Zero Gravity

atasha Aguri / StratoGirl

Edward Leagrove / Poseidon

This volume does contain references of violence and some characters may

not appear on the cast list

The Weather Team Created By : Aaron Ugbaja - IbrahimStory By : Aaron Ugbaja - Ibrahim / Episode 5 "The Battle In Space" Produced By : Aaron Ugbaja - Ibrahim 

Made Using Dreamscape Technology Comic Technique and WeathercastCGI Imaging

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Previously .....................

 Poseidon : How did you get superpowers ?

( They stare at each other )

 Anthony : I Come from Japan

rrow : Japan ?

acroburst : Well then welcome aboarderogirl : Yeah welcome aboard

" Hmmm, you can't have it all teenage league "

( They look around )

" Wondering where I am , well you can't see me "

" The new Nasa Space Shuttle is launching to the International Space Stationtime is ticking "

WhirlWind : There are only two of us now . But just wait , dark times lay

ahead for all of you

nferno : Tread carefully

( They fly off )

WhirlWind : As i said , dark times lay ahead for all of you

nvisiboy : Hey Henry , long time..... ( He lift his head up ) No seerrow : Oh my god , you !

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 The Battle In Space

rrow : You , Really a villain



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nvisiboy : I was supposed to appear in volume 20 of The Adventures of 

eroboy .


nthony : What is happening 

rrow : What are you talking about ?

nvisiboy : Some boy in london , has wrote comics on you guysnferno : But these comics aren't just comics , somehow everything that

happens in the comichappens to us later , look it says that poseidon is at Cape Kennedy . Where ishe now ? He is not back here yet

 StratoSonic : It's like someone is writing our lives

[ At Cape Kennedy .....]

" 10 , 9, 8 , 7, 6, 5, 4 ........

 Poseidon : You have to stop that countdown .... there is a bomb on board 

Officer : how do you know that 

" 3,2,1,0 "

" Lift off go "

 Poseidon : NOO !

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nvisiboy : Since last year , you guys forgot about me , we were best matesuntil the fire at school 

rrow : We thought you were dead 

nvisiboy : DON’T LIE 

urricane : Don't worry , let's finish these wasted amateurs

( Macroburst Appears )

nferno : It's WAR NOW !

acroburst : BRING IT ON ! 

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Gamma Girl : Time To Radiate

( Big beam of light appears )

Gamma Guy : What you gonna do now !

( Inferno punches Gamma Girl )

( Poseidon Appears )

dward : Tanya , No!

( He Flies down )

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( Arrow throws a fireball )

( They fly out of space )

( All the superheroes are figthing )

( Macroburst turns liquidish )

WhirlWind : You know you are really starting to annoy meacroburst : I do that

( Tornado turns into a tornado )

nferno : Come on let's go

( Another supervillain appears )

( The other supervillains disappear )

uuricane : Where have they gone

( Takuma flies off )

( Tornado flies off aswell )

( The supervillain sucks the oxygen out of the air )

( The rest of the superheroes suffocate ) 

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[ Back in space ..... ]

 StratoSonic : Scott 

Tornado : Yeah

 StratoSonic : They're getting away

Tornado : Come On , Let's take out these pieces of trash

( StratoSonic flys towards them at the speed of sound )

WhirlWind : You just never give up !

Tornado : No , i don't 

WhirlWind : Time for you to die !

Tornado : NOT TODAY !

 StratoSonic : Where is the bomb on the space shuttlenferno : Oh no , the bomb is not on the space shuttle , it's in Central 


venger : Time is ticking 

Takuma : That bomb is going to kill millions , we have to stop it !

nferno : You can't do two things at once

Tornado : What do you mean ?

WhirlWind : At this very moment all of your friends are falling to earth

rone to die

rom a lack of oxygen , caused by ( Atmosphere : ME ! ) exactlytmosphere : You can't do two things at once

nferno : It's either your friends , Or the bomb ! .............. YOUR CHOICE 


To Be Continued ........ 

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Next Time ..........................

[ In Space .....]

nferno : Time is ticking make your choice !

Tornado : I'll save them , you go after the bomb !

[ Back On Earth.....]

Takuma : There is a bomb about to explode this city , and if i don't stop it we're all 


Tornado : Millions of innocent people killed in a instance

Takuma : Get out of there !

00 : 10

Tornado : We can't stop it , were all dead 

00 : 04 

Takuma : We've failed 

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The Weather Team

Will Return Next Week In Volume 6

Part 2 - " The Battle In Space "

The Weather TeamPeprah - Ugbaja Comics2007 (c) Volume 5 Release Date : 28th November 2007

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Someone is Returning ! 


On The Weather Team

" It's The End Of The World "

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A group of Japanese scientists are on their way

 back to tokyo when disaster strikes

 because of a violent stormLater they find out that they have powers

 beyond their imagination

From the creators of The Adventures of Aeroboy

&The Teenage League Of Superheroes

The Weather Team

 Next In Series : The Battle In Space Part 2

Coming Soon……….

From Peprah - Ugbaja Comics

The Alliance Of All Superheroes

1st April 2008
