Vocabulary Lesson # 8 This game is modified in order to help you with your vocabulary words on...


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Vocabulary Lesson # 8

This game is modified in order to help you with your vocabulary words on lesson number eight.

Please read the instructions carefully and most importantly

have fun!

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InstructionsThe beginning is just a normal review over the fifteen vocabulary words that is in our book

After the review there will be an fun activity played with the vocabulary words

Press the space bar to go on to the game

Word # 1


Definition: to reduce the intensity of; relieve; pacify

Sentence: The river guide’s advice helped to allay my fears about white water rafting

Synonyms: soften, assuage

Ant: excite

POS: verb

Word # 2


Definition: to make better, improve

Sentence: Despite the help of negotiators, no one could ameliorate and labor dispute

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: worsen

POS: verb

Word # 3


Definition: roughness or harshness; severity

Sentence: The teacher was reprimanded after his unnecessary asperity caused a student to cry

Synonyms: bitterness, irritability

Ant: N/A

POS: noun

Word # 4


Definition: an analysis; interpretation of

Sentence: The student read and exegesis of Hamlet in order to better understand the text.

Synonyms: explanation

Ant: N/A

POS: noun

Word # 5


Definition: to release an accused criminal to another jurisdiction

Sentence: The government of France employed extraordinary legal measures to extradite the murderer back to his native country.

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: N/A

POS: verb

Word # 6


Definition: two-faced, falseness

Sentence: I was astonished at the wealthy singer’s hypocritical statements about the purity of poverty.

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: sincerity

POS: noun

Word # 7


Definition: to protest, oppose

Sentence: The crowd of civil activists gathered outside the state building, inveighing against the unfair law.

Synonyms: rail

Ant: N/A

POS: verb

Word # 8


Definition: to honor or celebrate

Sentence: The press proceeded to lionize the fireman after his dramatic rescue of a small child.

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: N/A

POS: verb

Word # 9


Definition: to act as a go-between; to exploit weaknesses of others

Sentence: Many politicians are pandering to voters’ fears of violent crime and loss of social security to get elected.

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: N/A

POS: verb

Word # 10


Definition: wasteful; immoral

Sentence: The two children, one profligate, the other cheap, argued constantly over their inheritance.

Synonyms: licentious

Ant: moral

POS: adjective

Word # 11


Definition: stubbornly resistant

Sentence: The recalcitrant child kicked and screamed as his parents led him to his first day of school.

Synonyms: resistant

Ant: complaint

POS: adjective

Word # 12


Definition: rejection; abandonment

Sentence: The leader was forced to issue a renunciation of his previous order due to a misunderstanding.

Synonyms: relinquishment, repudiation

Ant: manageable

POS: noun

Word # 13


Definition: beyond doubt; unquestionable

Sentence: The encyclopedia is usually an impeachable resource; the Internet is not

Synonyms: N/A

Ant: discredited

POS: adjective

Word # 14


Definition: not easily held

Sentence:Many students avoid learning new vocabulary words because they are difficult and unwieldy to use in everyday speech

Synonyms: bulky, clumsy

Ant: manageable

POS: adjective

Word # 15


Definition: to reduce the value of; to corrupt or debase

Sentence: Joe claimed he had been vitiated by his horrid environment and therefore was not responsible for his terrible deeds.

Synonyms: spoil, mar, ruin

Ant: N/A

POS: verb


First separate the classroom into 4 groups.

There will be a word placed on the top of the screen. After the word has appeared one out of the four groups will come up and write the answer in the writing box. If the answer is correct, that group receives a point, if they get it wrong, the next group will have an opportunity to score.


Definition: to reduce the intensity of; relieve; pacify


Definition: to make better, improve


Definition: roughness or harshness; severity


Definition: an analysis; interpretation of


Definition: to release an accused criminal to another jurisdiction


Definition: two-faced, falseness


Definition: to protest, oppose


Definition: to honor or celebrate


Definition: to act as a go-between; to exploit weaknesses of others


Definition: wasteful; immoral


Definition: stubbornly resistant


Definition: rejection; abandonment


Definition: beyond doubt; unquestionable


Definition: not easily held


Definition: to reduce the value of; to corrupt or debase

Congratulations to the team that has won.

Now you have to take the vocabulary quiz, please go
