Vocabulary About Sources of Energy


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8/19/2019 Vocabulary About Sources of Energy

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Vocabulary about Sources of Energy

Energy: the ability to do work.

Nonrenewable Energy: energy using nonrenewable resources


Recycling:The process of recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap; theprocess of reusing some items.

8/19/2019 Vocabulary About Sources of Energy

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8/19/2019 Vocabulary About Sources of Energy

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Lode: a mineral deposit within a rock formation


Nonrenewable resource: a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate atwhich it is consumed

Nuclear Fission: the process by which the nucleus of a heavy atom splits into two or more

fragments; the process releases neutrons and energy

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8/19/2019 Vocabulary About Sources of Energy

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Placer deosit: a deposit that contains a

valuable mineral that has been

concentrated by mechanical action


!iomass: plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source

Geot"ermal Energy: the energy produced by heat within Earth

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#ydroelectric Energy: electrical energy produced by

the flow of water


Renewable Resource: a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which theresource is consumed

Solar Energy: the energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation


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$ind Energy: energy created from the movement of air over Earths surface when air

pressure differences are caused by the suns uneven heating of Earths surface


%onser&ation: the preservation and wise use of natural


Reclamation: returning land to its original condition

after using for mining, forestry, or for other uses
