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VMware vSphere 4Pricing, Packaging and Licensing Overview


VMware vSphere 4

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Table of Contents

Introduction to VMware vSphere™ 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Pricing, Packaging and Licensing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

What’s New in VMware vSphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

VMware vSphere Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

VMware vSphere Editions for Retail and Branch Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Management Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

À la Carte Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

VMware vSphere Support and Subscription Entitlements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Upgrades to VMware vSphere Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

VMware vSphere Acceleration Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

VMware vSphere Licensing Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

VMware vSphere 4

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Introduction to VMware vSphere™ 4

VMware vSphere™ 4 is the industry’s most widely deployed virtualization platform delivers the only foundation to transform datacenters into dynamic, simplified infrastructures for private, public and hybrid cloud environments.

VMware vSphere components include:






Pricing, Packaging and Licensing Overview


• Capacitypricingperpopulatedprocessorsocket.VMware vSphere is licensed based on the number of processorsonthephysicalhost.Customerscanpurchaseand deploy or redeploy any mix of servers, as required. Eachprocessorinasocketmaycontainmultiplecores. VMware customers may deploy VMware vSphere on physicalprocessorsthatcontainuptosixprocessingcoresatnoadditionalcharge.VMwarevSphereAdvancedandVMwarevSphereEnterprisePluseditionsprovidean expanded core entitlement and allow customers to deploy onprocessorsthatcontainupto12processingcores. Additionalinformationmaybefoundat http://www.vmware.com/download/eula/multicore.html

• VMwarevSphereeditions.Tomakethecustomer’sdecision-makingandpurchasingprocess easier, VMware vSphere is available in three main offeringstargetedforvariousdeploymentscenarios:VMwarevSphereStandard,VMwarevSphereAdvancedandVMwarevSphereEnterprisePlus1.

• VMwarevSphereforsmallbusinessesandbranchoffices.Forsmallbusinessesorsmallofficeenvironmentslooking forall-in-onesolutions.VMwareoffersfournewpackages:VMwarevSphereEssentials,VMwarevSphereEssentialsPlus,VMwarevSphereEssentialsforRetailandBranchOffices,andVMwarevSphereEssentialsPlusforRetailandBranchOffices.

• Centralizedlicensingmechanism.VMwarevCenterServer(purchasedseparately)provides centralmanagementofVMwarevSpherehostsandcentral managementofVMwarevSpherelicensesasanativefeature.Noseparatelicensingmechanism(e.g.,separatelicenseserver)isrequired.

VMware vCenter Server is a required component of a complete VMware vSphere deployment and provides centralized management,provisioning,updatingandorchestrationofVMwarevSpherehosts.OneinstanceisrequiredtocentrallymanageandenablemostfeaturesofVMwarevSphere.VMwarevCenterServerispurchasedseparatelyforStandard,Advanced,andEnterprisePluseditions,and“VMwarevCenterServerforEssentialsPlus”isintegratedintheall-in-oneEssentialsandEssentialsPluspackage(includingtheRetailandBranchOfficeeditions.).

What’s New in VMware vSphere


•VMwareDataRecovery – provides simple, cost effective, agentlessbackupandrecoveryforvirtualmachines.

•VMware Fault Tolerance – provides continuous availability, without any data loss or downtime, to any application, in the event of hardware failures.

•VMware Hot Add–enablesCPUandmemorytobeaddedtovirtual machines when needed without disruption or downtime.

•VMware Host Profiles (available through VMware vCenter Server)–standardizesandautomatesconfigurationofVMwarevSpherehostsbycapturingareferencehostconfigurationandensuringcomplianceforresource,networking,storageandsecuritysettings.

1. VMware vSphere Enterprise will also be available for existing VMware Infrastructure 3 Enterprise customers during a transitional period.

All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

VMware vSphere 4

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•VMware vStorage Thin Provisioning – provides dynamic allocationofstoragecapacity,allowingstoragepurchasestobedeferreduntiltheyarereallyrequired,reducingstoragespendingbyupto50percent.

• VMware vNetwork Distributed Switch – simplifies and enhances theprovisioning,administrationandcontrolofvirtualmachinenetworkinginVMwarevSphereenvironments.Italsoenablesthird-partydistributedvirtualswitchessuchastheCiscoNexus1000VtobeusedinVMwarevSphereenvironments,providingnetworkadministratorswithfamiliarinterfacestocontrolqualityof service at the virtual machine level.

•VMware vShield Zones – simplifies application security by enforcingcorporatesecuritypoliciesattheapplicationlevelinasharedenvironment,whilestillmaintainingtrustandnetworksegmentationofusersandsensitivedata.

VMware vSphere Editions

VMware vSphere Standard providesanentry-levelsolutionforbasic consolidation of applications to slash hardware costs while acceleratingapplicationdeployment.

VMware vSphere Standard includes:









VMwarevSphereStandardisavailableforUSD$795peroneprocessor with up to six cores for use on a server with up to 256GBofmemory.

VMware vSphere Advanced providesastrategicconsolidationsolutionthatprotectsallapplicationsagainstplannedandunplanned downtime to provide superior application availability.















VMwarevSphereAdvancedisavailableforUSD$2,245perone processor with up to 12 cores for use on a server with up to 256GBofmemory.

VMware vSphere Enterpriseprovideskeyfeaturesforminimizingdowntime,protectingdataandautomating resourcemanagement.


















2. VMware ESX and VMware ESXi are both enterprise-class hypervisors that provide the foundation for a vSphere deployment. Customers can choose to deploy either hypervisor. VMware ESXi is the next generation architecture with a small footprint and operating system independent design. VMware ESX maintains legacy compatibility with certain customer developed scripts and some third-party solutions.

All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

VMwarevSphereEnterpriseisavailableforUSD$2,875perone processor with up to six cores for use on a server with up to256GBofmemory.

VMware vSphere Enterprise PlusincludesthefullrangeofVMwarevSpherefeaturesfortransformingdatacentersintodramaticallysimplifiedcloudcomputingenvironmentsprovidingthenextgenerationofflexible,reliableITservices.




















VMwarevSphereEnterprisePlusisavailableforUSD$3,495perone processor with up to 12 cores with no license limitation on thememoryconfiguration.VMwarevSphereEnterprisePlusisalsoofferedasabundlewiththeCiscoNexus1000V.ThepriceforthisbundleisUSD$3,995peroneprocessorwithupto12coreswithnolicenselimitationonthememoryconfiguration.

SupportandSubscription(SnS)isavailableforallthe VMwarevSphereeditionsabove.Aminimumofoneyearof SnS is required for each license.

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

VMwarevCenterServerisarequiredandseparatepurchase inordertocentrallymanageandenablemanyVMware vSphere features.

VMware vSphere Editions for Retail and Branch Offices

VMwarevSphereEssentialsandVMwarevSphereEssentials Plusarebothtargetedtosmallerdeployments.Theyprovide all-in-onelicensesolutionsandincludelicensesforthreephysicalservers(uptotwoprocessorseach)andacentralmanagementserver.Botheditionsareself-containedsolutionsand may not be decoupled or combined with other VMware vSphere editions.

VMware vSphere Essentialsprovidesanall-in-onesolutionforsmallofficestovirtualizethreephysicalserversforconsolidating











Third-Party MultipathingDistributed Switch

Host Con�guration Controls


MANAGEMENTDynamic Resource

AllocationPower Management

Storage Live Migration


MANAGEMENTDynamic Resource

AllocationPower Management

Storage Live Migration


Continuous AvailabilityNetwork Security Zoning

Data Protection


Continuous AvailabilityNetwork Security Zoning

Data Protection


Continuous AvailabilityNetwork Security Zoning

Data Protection



Management AgentHigh AvailabilityThin Provisioning


Management AgentHigh AvailabilityThin Provisioning


Management AgentHigh AvailabilityThin Provisioning


Management AgentHigh AvailabilityThin Provisioning

License (1 Processor)SnS (Gold/Plat)

$795$273 / $323

$2,245$472/ $561

$2,875$604 / $719

$3,495$734 / $874

Figure 1 VMware vSphere Editions and Pricing

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

VMwarevSphereEssentialsisavailableforUSD$995includingone year of subscription. Support is optional and available on a per incident basis.

VMware vSphere Essentials Plus providesanall-in-onesolutionforsmallofficestovirtualizethreephysicalserverstoreducehardwarecostswhileensuringsuperiorapplicationavailability and data protection.











VMwarevSphereEssentialsPlusisavailableforUSD$2,995.SupportandSubscription(SnS)issoldseparately.Aminimum of one year of SnS is required.

VMware ESX / ESXi hosts and virtual machines

vCenter Server for Essentials

VMware Essentials and Essentials Plus provide all-in-one packages for deploying and managing three servers and many virtual machines


Figure 2 VMware vSphere Essentials Deployment



• VMwareESXandESXi(deployment-timechoice)

• VMwarevStorageVMFS

• Four-wayvirtualSMP




• VMwarevCenterServerforEssentials(VMwarevCenterServerStandardavailableseparately)

VMware vSphere 4

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.


VMwarevCenterServer(formerlyknownasVMwareVirtualCenterServer)isthecentralmanagementtoolforconfiguring,provisioningandmanagingdistributedvirtualITenvironments.Purchasedseparately,itisrequiredformanagingVMwarevSpherehostsandenablingmanyofthefeatures.VMwarevCenterServerislicensedperinstanceandenvironmentscomprisingofESXhoststhatformonelogicaldatacenter typically require only one instance of VMware vCenterServer.VMwarevCenterServerisavailableinthefollowingeditions:

VMwarevCenterServerStandard.ProvideslargescalemanagementofVMwarevSpheredeploymentsforrapidprovisioning,monitoring,orchestrationand control of virtual machines.

VMwarevCenterServerFoundation.Providespowerfulmanagementtoolsforsmallerenvironments(uptothreeVMwarevSpherehosts)lookingtorapidlyprovision,monitor and control virtual machines.




•Adatabase serverthatstorespersistentconfigurationdataand performance information.

•Asearch engine that allows administrators to search the entireobjectinventoryofmultipleVMwarevCenterServersfrom one place.

•TheVMware vSphere Client that provides administrators withafeature-richconsoleforaccessingoneormoreVMwarevCenterServerssimultaneously.

• TheVMware vCenter Web Access portal that provides remote access from any system.

•VMware vCenter APIs and a .NETExtension that allow integrationbetweenVMwarevCenterServerandother tools,andsupportcustomizedplug-instotheVMware vSphereClient.

VMwarevCenterServerStandardincludesthefollowingadditional features:

•VMware vCenter Orchestrator,anITprocessautomationenginethatgivesadministratorsthetoolstheyneedtobetterautomate the environment.

•VMware vCenter Server Linked Mode that enables a common inventory view across multiple instances of VMware vCenterServer.

vCenter Server Foundation

vCenter ServerStandard

VI Management License


- No host limit- Includes Linked Mode- Includes Orchestrator

- 3 ESX host limit




Per Instance (USD)

SnS (Gold/Plat)

Figure 3 VMware vSphere Management Server Pricing

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

À la Carte Features

IncontrasttoVMwareInfrastructure3packages,veryfewVMware vSphere features are available for purchase individually. Most features are only available when purchased within one oftheVMwarevSphereeditionslistedabove.However,twoVMware vSphere features are available separately: VMware ESXi,andVMwareDataRecovery.TheCiscoNexus1000Visathird-partyproductthatcanbepurchasedseparatelyforuseexclusivelywithVMwarevSphereEnterprisePlus.

VMware ESXi,apowerful,enterprise-classhypervisor,continuesto be available for free with options for supplemental Support and Subscription.

VMwareDataRecoveryisavailableforpurchaseasanadd-onmodulewithVMwarevSphereStandard.Notethatthisadd-onistreatedasanupgradetotheVMwarevSphereStandardlicense. While the table below lists the incremental Support andSubscription(SnS)forVMwareDataRecovery,thetotalSnSpricewillincludeextendingtheVMwarevSphereStandardcontractbyoneyear.Seethesectiontitled“UpgradestoVMwareVMwarevSphereEditions”below.


Data Recovery

ESXi Single Server

VI Add-ons License


- Per incident support available at $299/incident

- Only available for sale with vSphere Standard

- Only available for sale with vSphere Enterprise Plus




Per Processor (USD)

SnS (Gold/Plat)

Cisco Nexus 1000V $695 $146/$174

Figure 4 À la Carte Pricing: VMware vSphere

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

VMware vSphere Support and Subscription Entitlements


VMware InfraStructure 3 (VI3) VMware VSphere 4 added functIonalIty

VI3Foundation vSphere Standard vStorageThinProvisioningHighAvailability

VI3Standard vSphere Standard vStorageThinProvisioning

VI3Enterprise vSphereEnterprise vStorageThinProvisioningFaultToleranceHotAddvShield ZonesDataRecovery

VI3Foundation+VMotion vSphereStandard+VMotion+StorageVMotion vStorageThinProvisioningVMwareHA

VI3Standard+VMotion vSphereStandard+VMotion+StorageVMotion vStorageThinProvisioning

VI3Foundation+VMotion+VMwareDRS vSphereEnterprise VMwareHAvStorageThinProvisioningFaultToleranceHotAddvShield ZonesDataRecovery

VI3Standard+VMotion+VMwareDRS vSphereEnterprise vStorageThinProvisioningFaultToleranceHotAddvShield ZonesDataRecovery

Table 1 VMware vSphere SnS Entitlements

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All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.

Upgrades to VMware vSphere Editions

VMware vSphere customers with an active Support and Subscription(SnS)contractmaypurchaseanupgradetoahigherVMwarevSphereedition.Forexample,VMwarevSphereStandardcustomerscanupgradetoeitherVMwarevSphereAdvancedorVMwarevSphereEnterprisePlus.UpgradepricesarelistedinFigure5under“LicenseUpgrade.”

WhencustomersupgradesupportedlicensestoahigherVMwarevSphereedition,theoriginallicensekeyisdeactivatedandanewlicensekeyisissuedfortheupgradededition.TheSnS fee is calculated based on a minimum of one year of the new edition.Thatis,acustomerupgradingfromVMwarevSphereStandardtoAdvancedmustbuyatleastoneyearofVMwarevSphereAdvancedSnS.ThisnewSnScontractwillbeextendedbythevalueremainingonthebaseedition.Inthepreviousexample, the value of any unused SnS on the Standard license willbeusedtoextendthenewVMwarevSphereAdvancedSnS




1. The applicable SnS fees for the current contract term, plus

2. The fees that would have been paid for the period of time that the customer’s SnS contract was not active, plus

3. A 20 percent fee on the sum of the fees in #1 and #2 listed above


Figure 5 Upgrade Paths among VMware vSphere Editions





License Upgrade







VMware vSphere 4

VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001 www.vmware.comCopyright © 2009 VMware, Inc . All rights reserved . This product is protected by U .S . and international copyright and intellectual property laws . VMware products are covered by one or more patents listed athttp://www .vmware .com/go/patents . VMware is a registered trademark or trademark of VMware, Inc . in the United States and/or other jurisdictions . All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies . Item No: VMW_09Q3_WP_vSphere_Pricing_EN_P12_R3

VMware vSphere Acceleration Kits

VMwareprovidesAccelerationKitstosimplifytheinitialpurchase and deployment of VMware vSphere and VMware vCenterServer.EachAccelerationKitconsistsofanumberoflicensesforVMwarevSphere,alongwithalicenseforoneinstanceofaVMwarevCenterServer.TheAccelerationKitsareoften offered at promotional discounts. Visit www.vmware.com or contact your local reseller for more specific information on thelatestavailableAccelerationKits.



VMwarevSpherelicensesaresimplelicensekeys(25-characteralphanumericstrings)thatcontaintheeditionofVMwarevSphereandtheprocessorquantityasencrypteddata.Theselicensekeysdonotcontainanyserver-specificinformationandarenottiedtoaspecificpieceofhardware.ThismeansthatthesamelicensekeycanbeassignedtomultipleVMwarevSpherehosts,aslongasthesum of physical processors on those hosts does not exceed the encodedprocessorquantityinthelicensekey.

Nosinglepointoffailurewithcentralizedlicensing. VMware vCenterServeristherecommendedinterfaceforlicense assignmenttoVMwarevSpherehosts.WhenVMwarevCenterServerassignsalicensekeytoahost,thelicensekeyiscopiedto thehostandsavedinapersistentformat.IntheeventthatthehostbecomesdisconnectedfromVMwarevCenterServer, thelicensekeyremainsactiveonthehostindefinitely,evenafterahostreboot.Onlyadeliberatelicensingoperationbytheusercanremoveorreplaceahostlicensekey.


FormoreinformationonVMwarevSpherelicensing,visit www.vmware.com/support/licensing.html.



•CurrentcustomerswillreceivethenewfunctionalityinVMwarevSphere as part of their active SnS contracts.


•Capacitypricingandcentralizedlicensemanagementprovidecustomerswithmoreflexibilityandsimplifyhowcustomers purchase and deploy VMware vSphere.

Features,productandserviceoptions,pricing,termsandconditionsaresubjecttochange.IfyouhaveadditionalquestionsregardingVMwarevSpherepricing,packaging andlicensing,pleasecontactVMwaresales,partnersorauthorized resellers.

All prices are suggested list prices for the United States. Local pricing may vary.
