VLPULPSPSonicGeodesy McNamara and Buland (2004) BSSA


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VLP ULPSPSonic Geodesy

McNamara and Buland (2004) BSSA

Infrasound ULP at Redoubt

Chouet et al. (2003) JGR

VLP band at Stromboli

VLP tremor during Okmok eruption

VLP tremor has been previously reported by De Lauro et al. (2005) at Stromboli

Haney (2010) JGR, in press

Okmok network

Comparison of Amplitude Spectra

VLP tremor location

Haney (2010) JGR, in press


Coherent waveforms between 1-5 Hz

dispersive wave propagation

540 m/s

320 m/s

M6.1 teleseism from Argentina



“Eigenfunction expansion”