Virginia-Highland V 0 ICE · VHCA CALENDAR G~"",ra/ Meetlnes: M"",II 6, 1,)0 pm...


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G~"",ra/ Meetlnes: M"",II 6, 1,)0 pm April 1, 7,10 pm May I, 7,)0 pm Por>c:. cie leon Innd> U~

awns Meetln,.: M~l"Ch 4, 7:00 pm April 1,7,00 pm May 6, 7:00 pm ~CA

Plannln. Committee: Mal"Ch 17, 7:)0 pm Aprill., 1,)0 pm May 29, 7,)0 pm Ponte de leon ~ I..ibrvy

nos Walks: M"",II 11,5:10pm April e, 5,)0 pm May 11,5:10pm H~ CVS p&rIdna lot

l.<Joa.uon of n'HMtJnr " .ubject to "" .... Become a member


. ~-· ............... ea."i ..... ~O"" · V~BUGIonnod ._, ............ · ...... 0.: ... oa.e . -_\~-'--• T ..... c...oIOurT.-

· fft Scadon ... " 0 f " .. Now EP(Ino • Hi=ty n F.....-. 01 )olin _ I'ori<

· ""'. , ,o.n..q,InV ..... ..........., · Tht~_ • __ 0pp0rtunI<;0s -. n Inc.

• """; Apin$< c ........


V 0 ICE A publication of theVirginia.Highlan-d Civic Association March 2002


~-The V.'I''''',Hl&hland C;'oc Asoociatk>n ,.,.i.1> to """" "'" c"""""""y. The VHCA IS . bIe '0 "'me beau .. of the .uppon. of board membe ..... comnuuee and ella" memo be .... '<'OI""'ee .... fund"'I ...... and "","",,"rship d .....

But non-pm/il> I"",,,,,rs don~ Ie.. by the rood """"" of mem, bers ....... - tile)' need broad· b,ued community .uppoI't and comtrOKI"l' aw>reneo •. Gem", the won:! 0Ul is • cO<\San' <;tW.

lente. C .... ti<It ........ of who _ .,.,. wIu., "'" do. >r>d t\OW

pcopIo un &e' ~ I. clitlcal to ou, .""ces •. Fot- • ...,...pno/l. <>rpIIIution on • limited ~

• weII~ Web ,,'" <In be. the mos' ~ c""",,,tone of p>d .omm .. mution. It COlt·

effectively provi<in iIIfonn>.t>on to >nyone who No. In,ernet ><c~ .. : it ...-eo the "'"P"iution post>lfees a.s.soaate<l moili", in/orm.;Ition,;and the

puwrW dmo of ... h .... -. ~'" "fonnation .... rb>11y 0_ the '''<-pIIone.

TheH dIys. the VHCA I. fortu",,'. indeed, !loon:! ",,,",ber Sollo Lynn. ""'n>&I", direc· tor for Im_ developmen' and ."", .. IIin, ~rm Ge ..... ". r..s do"",ed the tomp.ony' e><per<!se and -Tu '0 ~1p'I theIlHCA·.Web s.Ite u www.RhI,org.

The comp~~n.e.. Wei> .ite _ cleslJr>ed '0 Indude infonnation for """,..,.,..... in.e,,,,,td in tile Vi'l'n .. ,H!&hbnd CMt .... "" .. """ :and the community at Ia"". One important I .. wre located on the heme I"V' .11ow. 'it" .... iters to rec_ re&ular community enu~ upd>.'", from the VHCA All visitors wIIO .ubm,t tIIeo, em.uI .dd",.ses by H.rch I I will be. "''lible to win dln_ for twO " La TIYOb T .... ''''"''.

No "'<it to ....... te will be comple", wotl\OUl .\Oppinf by the "jOin" SKtion. which 1tocJ..o.s Inform.Ition on how rau un oupp<>n the VHCA. pIu •• "print and moW' mem-

bership 10m>. The ...>n ",,,,"""I to G ....... " for 1101. pl'er"OIJ' doNtion of ..... new. Improved VHCA WeI> .it", wh",h will .erve .... r community -'I for thi. new year .nd for mony yHr1 to come.

Should raur COInl'Ony oeed In.ernet con ... 1tin,c '" Web developmen. _eo.._ encouooge rau to conUCI GOflel< at >'(WW., ....... ><.com '" 404.5n.1OOO


VirJIn ... H"hbnd I,. ,reo. pbce.o I, ••. Wa woleo""" . .. i_ to," [0 our neiJ:hbomood. but we wlnt ,rim!",I. who w.nt to tornm" rob.,.,'Y_ .... ult •• bur,I .. , ••. i>rcenl." and 11.1'0 theft to think othe .......... .

For the I .. , "" •• ye.",. pDr"tlon of the Vi'l,m •• Highlond n".,hbo,l>ood h. hId .d<j,uon.1 off.duty pol ,ce p"rollinl the ..... throu,h I P""nm ,oiled FI,ht Sod< '"", ."" Crome (f BAC).TM FBAC .re. I. the roorth",.", qUld,.n. of Virtin .. ·H"hland bord .... d byV" •• n(a and Hud.on to ,he 'Qult.. Lanier .nd North Vir,oni. to the ent. "",,,.ro.m to thl north and Monroe to the we ... The proa;r>m PIa. 1«1.1.1· tr exl.te<! fO<' 0'" II ye." (wl lI1 • two yeO' pe ... od In 1997_1998 when It wa. In><';"" bec.u •• we did nO. h . . ..

enou,h members). Durint the ye'" """ f BAC has been • ,ti"", the f BAC ."' ..... ~.d only " crimes per month (In m.}'N' 2001 I . ..... ,ed only 2.4 per monm) . In the two

yea" thl< FBAC was Inlctive . crime inc,n.ed to as h"h as 19 ;nelden ... per month.

Th;. p ..... e<ive p,,,,,,,m i •• 0 .ucce .. lul thl< crime has dropped.o. 1"",,1 whore people a,e unlor,u,..toly nOt .. concerned a. 'hey .hould be. We are fond in, I, mo<e diffi_ cult '0 ma,nla,n ou, membersh,p to <.he level we need to

keO!' <.h" " , "'"mely worthwhile pro, ... m ,oin,. W!.,,'her ro<' were. pre.lou. member thai dropped ou, for e" pense re .. "". or a new re.iden, in our """hbcrhood or you fun Iu.. e "".er"""n a member. wt! 10k for your portlcipatlo" to !.,up owr n •• ,hborloood a plaeo oha, «'m.~. don', w.onllo OfiSII!

Move-in Special

M ... _" L ....... "..., ~ 04_ DJ .... H '0 Meo." 'A ...... L<><a,,.,,, , 7J0-4~"""""D

W hat is f laM Back Ai.inst Crime!

fSAC is .., oII·duty poloce p><roI PI"Ol",m adm,ru,,1!1"ed by volun,..,rs who IiYft ito tho "e"nborhood. The oII.duty police.,.., ",mer AdantJ Police ~ (APO) oIIken who worI< ito Zone 6 or ..... de<ec ....... '" ~...a

The oll-duty police worlc ~ ol&hu per wee!< on 5-hour .hm. per ""nto The orne. uod <I..,. 01 tho .M. "'T'f dependln, oro recent crime p.o,tern •. fSAC member> receIYe • ", .. ".M. 01 p .. roI time. each month >0 <hey know whon <hey Cln call.., fSAC ollic ... and member> rKe," • monthly ...... letter with detail. ol.ny crimn ito the nei(hborloood. specioIiooI<ouu .• nd remlr.ders 01 potentJal problem •. The oI!ken dn .. aroun.d our portion 01 tho "".,hbot­I>OOd In_",au", onyt/olnz: or '''YOn< >lJsp;cIou •• The off.duty officers carry a cell phoroe >0 an fSAC membe<- can <oro""" <.hem 00....., their .hiIt. " >fl7 pn>bIMn ......... ,. t.etw.oeto "",",letters. we notify members .. a e-mail.

Becorne . f BAC rnern""r

y"" can ioin fMC lOr 525 per morotIo. payable oemiarnJaIy. Mernbenhop inckJde< K<ess to tho oII-drty poIic" cd phone run­ber. momhIy tchecUes, momhIy updates on ne.zhborloood cnme, lookout rw>t><es .. needo<l >n<! "" fSAC 1"rd .".,. Call tho Fizh< Bad ........... Cnmc .-. mao1 at i01 -1-8l 2'17. you ....., "7 ~ l.e:Mo)'QUl" IWTII! and ntmber and _ ... ret back to

you. Or e-....u Beth Maries "' beth.mari<:s@Oo.netcom=m.

W.lI ooId '6"o .. oIw_I, .... ~ ... _M" .... ..:I ..... , • . ........ _ .... r .. Do .... I~ .... ,· ..... " ~ •• , .. _ .... , .-

r .. ....... · " l .,,""'..... _


ml.<h>nk you to" of you who joined 0< ~!he;r " ... ,obe.sIoops 1/1 meA .. oci.tion on<! """"cd iI'I me~. We hope ..... , _ CVI use )'OlII" yurly ioweI.tment to better 0\11" ~ lor .. of .... Thank)"O'J '00 to .. 01 you who came out on ~ !1 to help me Fire S""IOI"I on<! <he ~j";chboo"hood cledlcate our new fire ~. with • ~ iN ...... to Warren Sn..too on<! me &0 ........ As.oocoation lor pooridio", "'" food 0IId ~ lor <he dediab<>fl..

We • ..., of .<OoLOC iI'I me mills, of prepantions lor Suo,.,oerfest 2002. Wli boo hold "".Junoo ! ... . .... Ind. The artist applications .... IIowIroJ iI'I " • po ~ """ 0IId ~ .... Iinon;c up. Our ~ ~ P.K. TmteI. is .pro <IoiI'Ii: • ..- job 01 '-1*'& Ii .. orpnized. 0IId buIIdIna "" Aaron Grou.. me PU' ~' .. ex,""" _don. The new Choorperson 01 <he Artis,', ~ Cynthio Gen<ry. brinp • new fo<u> 0IId " Ire!.llIooI< " me process one! has W<en no ...... In rttio"& Lip to <peed. She will no doubo: cart)' "" the =dition of. fanwuc.rtiot "'"'*'" ~ by K>.m, ~ We shouId;ol.., wekome trW< to Suo,., ... futJiI Go."", ..... )em jonj.>n. the \\>Iuou_ CommInee Co-Choirs,:and f'IwCOI Papt-. 0\11" SK Ro.d Ibc:" Ch>itpersoot. Ther etIO<ts should .......... onoth<!r 'IX,,,,WI ~l. wtoi<h will e<» .... IIie ..t..noctoilon 10 IoMp IJYir'& ~k to me NoiJhbor hoo. 0IId """"""'" <he p>o1<s. schook and O<her """"'" co...,.,.

Thot"e .... otw.y> 'onitoC ........ to ocrup)' our ..... bo,a iI"I>nk1uIy. _ t-\ IIa<j any ba~ to ¥t (110< ye< ""Y"'"!'l· 1iopdUIy. ihoso! ~ who '- IIa<j _. and ..".-coJ .,«..,... ""","," come ~ <I-.. P!annio'o;I Comrro"'" ......... soci>doto '- had a ....... IiYeIy poinIe>' ~IL .... U>UO!. -., .. " <~ 01 mmers "" <I-.. horizon. boo:h r:-' wi bad. ~ on )"O'Jr ~ A new m/:Ioe<ko ... build01c is ptanoed lor J.. S<>u<I-... ror"i'>oI" of NonIo Hf&hIand ..... Ams.....,... The _ of "'" pmpe<ty 0IId1ois ord\ite<ts .... -nur.,. w;!h <he I\ssoo;otoOlt on L dalpi .... , e. " , 01" can "'"'" on (or at .... , . ",copt) ..... " shooJIcj boo .., UH\ to <he ..........., The old Hibnn...."" (me buII<Iinc behir!d Surtoucks s... &)IITy"s} "'l:Z:-:w", (>IId!t wM', boo <he Cotton Club). The ... _ 01 <he po~" m 0IId800 ~! !(I .... id A ....... -. 0IId .... sp><e will boo built out """"". No won! on what kind a/ ........ will """"" ..... ~ but <he ""'"'*" .,.,. ...... to ~.., ~ Ioc ...... lor <he sp><e. a...e.; on P<U' toUI"t "..,...~ >ppW"1 .... t <he.,.,.",..- can ~,~ In.~e ~. w-rol up.,to !18 pvI<ios sp><e>_ rne>roinJ. !1.800 squ>re loot ''est"u,",,' 0< _ use lor i"" !Pt'e, We ... ~ "'" ~)ofdIIIIe ............ one! _ '- been .. ><n<I ..... Suo ...... "' ..... s... & jorTy'. will be.~ The.,...".,.. rrrq ..... ~""''''''''t 01"'" ~ to """"""'" <he nooe~ .. " 01 me ""' ...... . reooden<s 01 <he AdUns Pori< pc>I"tlO!I 01 f>Ur t'I",1 t ' .t-oof'- been ~ ~roc lor ~'-'Y ~ penniu "" St.O=fu (betw-n North Hitf"obtod WP:""~.~L"~ ondSt.l.oo..u":Ef:' ~ .. of ,"""" an Issue lor .. tl"chb<orl>oo<I resldenu .... t ..... ..w..n .1>IOdt .,.. "'" oi~ ~..,....... I, ~. not • new Iso .... , ..... """ ..... has ,,,,,"""'ted me roeigtIbort>ood lor m>It)' .,.!.ri ... 1M shelp. trod .... dents .... ,~ m> ~ N.~ • -.... tormIInt)' '-

been .",.."d lor ~ one! Iona: beIono INi"i)" 01 '" bi:o.oztw: our""bomet. The NeJglobOo !oooid .hdtoId i0oi< k:>r1!: :uod hard .t <he ~ 01 raiden, pvI<ios permits 0IId COfIoiOer whedIer me a<k\p\lon QI'-ru<I!-.n ordIiUnce1s-1n dii1oest-~ .. 01 me t-.'eIlIIi:>oo-hood u • whoIoo. ~ cer<aln ......... "" .... Iricted. ih'\ ~ '"'"'~ be ",tel' on ihao. thn _ .,.,... 11" ." .tIftt1 '''' ~. our commen:i>I do'wiru ..011 ",rely die. As ..... know. ~,., -on& no<..,..,.. pa<1<rroc IoU (..,4 no~ded .. ) lor 1M pvI<ios~" 01 all 01 <he busine>ses ... <he N~ 0rJi"-' ~:r a,f>«'.oIlftfor 110 >lid;, ..... '" t>e I>u<O>esses.wtoi<h odd to <he dw" . .,irO" 01 me ~ and toeIp to ma.. .. .... ~ cI ~~~

As m>ri)' 01 ".. know •• study 01 me NoM H~ Comdor W>I <0ITf>Ieted -""'7 0IId iI>e bond ~ from NO'I"ember W>I

~ to Mo,odo ITK>nq" lor ~doto f' ~ .tud)Il1"l-il, flrs, Mf 10< .. ,..e.",,,.,WII10 boo !he '<;>mer 01 NoM Highland andVOiJ"'Oi A_. !t;'.., for unclear Jt.eJ.Ju4 btr,J,a ~ ~ 1"':""'1' on .,p.,,...,..aon. I'Ieue ~ ~ our Councdmcmbo-r,Anne fo......-. our It 1>'1" c"~ ceu.r Miw>el. Mary Nonocod .00 Umar Will ....... 01 course. eo....d F'resIdeni c.ihtW>olard. lot """" know how _ wont to .... our ITK>nq" operot.

I'Ieue ...... our new ..... impo'<r<ed _it< It -"2111,"'1- AI .... InIomIation about ......... ..,....doto ;, induded """'. plus e-m>iI links to " ... ,obe.. 01 the 8oar<l. <he oIIie ... :uod ..... ,ommitt ..... ", .... ~t section.o:hete;,....,..,...,......,/orm lor voIun<r<n 0IId • oIowr'oIoodobio Artist M>rI«t AppIicauon. Th>nIu to Seih L.rnn ......... p:xIloIIcr. .t Geno. we '- a new IooIc ..... I.pIbted con-tenL We...., '- • now Io&<>-lDOIo. lor- Ii .. s...r.r..en.." on oIIirts. hau, Iic...-»e pbteS :uod collee ""'I'-

! un\ ""F ""r'>bl<. Editors _ tN". )"O'J '" I'; rlstl Mi ..... and our ___ Editor.Jenn 1IaIenti.Y.1or .. iheor hard worIc ... pua;o.,. ..... editI<>n toce<toer ( ............ mo oxtn. ....... b<r<>nd "'" deo.dIIne to submrt this piece). We;ooppreciote "- hard worIc ond dedi<>tion.

lle<t wi<he< to .. 0I)"O'J iI'I this New V ...... PIeue JOIn u •• t our "'""""" and "" Wwoh-ed on "..r ' ............... ' ~ heIpin& ha .... (and ~ r;I rie'W) io aIwoy> ".k"", .. d on<! "WrKNted.


ASK OFFICER DAVE Q 0- 0tIi<..- 0.....

I hu, lila. <ri!no ~ down .. Adam.a, bu< ......... doe< "'''' -, A. Oar c_

~ • 0<)' ....... "'"' "" crimo M* is down, ~ ........ natlon·_ .-.. 0( "'""'*"'" <rimo caIod ~ en.... kepoo .. " (UCR~ Tho 0IPId01 UCII. "'-' II pubIiohe<j b\"" o:;ua ........ lIMed s.. .... A.II ~ a( ,.....,. .... 6eIintd ..... ........ no "",nor _. c><y ...... _ """, ......... ON, tho _

wen. , ...... 01 crYno "" """",0<1 lor "'" -c ...... Rlo"" , n..,. ... I 100, ....... P.op.. ~.~ "'sault, BoqIo.,..n..It, anciAw> 1hoft. Thor ..... ahcI Port 0... Crimo ...... _ of .n... M 0.... en..- .... cCl<llKOd .. ""'"' ._ p« oo'IotIH o.t.... <rirnRI lib __ ~:and _ P'>' __

.-.p, thoy .... -..... ..... <.,...,.0<1 .. Pan Two Crimes. Tho Part T_ Cnme. .... "'" """",ted .. "Crwn. R.I •• " __

AAM ..... P'an: One en..... .............. 0<1 lind toWed. they .... ~ with ..... nt. of Part en. c ...... cIurin& <he ...".

..- uf tho ~ 1""" Tho ,.....«>-<1><11 """" .... oko , ........ ed.

WhoIo ..... oo'fIcW 1001 UCII. Crimt ~ .... ""',.. been _!*d. ~ --. ...... "'" C ....... R>to "" -... has _Hd b\" +I·~ ..... 1000. Be.o. 610, o;J. VirJi<>I> HithIand ""'. is "'" 1ndudod In "'" UCII but II is .. tImOtO<! ""', uimt 1ft our ,oqhbomcod is"""" by . /· 11"-

110" .. ... ......................... /orvoublt. ~uJl911" ..... 5nt~oI~~ Y~cdl'l'll)''''''''''con­""""" 10 __ .". , ...... .... In our ""Ic!oborhood


Spring is just around the corner. Literally.

~"-" --.. ..... -,...,.. ........ . -.'--" Go ........ " • __ _ ,_ ... ,.,

_"'_" .. -.. . u.,' ... 0\11.0

I . I ~

4ll4-873-24a4 2061 MJnchti;ter 51. Atlanta. GA 30324

110" .. ____ .... .. -.-


OnAprU 11.2002. 1M IntownWorne..' Gn)Up WlU be ho.un, its a!1nuII charity fundn i_ Thl. ~,'. -." will be .nAn and Siief1. Auction for the bene~. of MY HOUSE.. . ""'I"<rm mnsltlonal home for children who can"". be rel<"ued /rom the hospital .0 the" mother~ care.

ll>e ........ will be held .. the TI"OIIO)' s"," In I""",n Pari< /rom 6:l0 - 10:)0 p.m. WIth. preYIeW of ..... alI<! ... I<"n' • ...won of ,elec.~ """'. /rom 6:l0 _ 8:00 p.m.Poymen, ,«eived before ApnJ lrt! Is S20: .drn,nion .. the 000, is SlO, Chetk'l can be .... de p~ .nd,.,. '0 In.own Women'. G"",p >to

~o. 6t»c 115~2 AtI,n .. , GA JOl55

PIe .... no.e: only ched<o and cash will be .ccept"" for .. I""" ..... ction items. bu •• r< .uction I,em. can be paid for ""th • credit ca<"<l, Pleue tall 404-228-2~l4 If roo would I,\<! addltlonal Information.


IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD --Atbnta hal ""'''I' .... ~tk .,.... <11>. ~ • I ....... Iue '0

tho c,ty T ..... _ CKJ, .. ten<ion.ncI """.., In onIer to

......1<> .... lthyond ufo /or public 0lI/07" ...... T.,. ""' ..... , Iino CKJ' WftU and u.n.. In ....... parlt ..... public .,.... .....",. •

..... ,e the City The c,ty ~ ,,",I'Iinr; oncl ..........r of dud,

dy"", or eIi .... od trees one! ha. "".tIop.' taw. .., pn>IO<'

<MM ...... .

Urdo<to.I ... teI)\Atran .. __ """ of ~ ..... allOW duo to ..... .,.. O<CIIrnn< ... >UCh OJ wlncbterm., ~t,Ic., .. WIll OJ

mo<h&nkaI cIomqo The a.y work> hard to pbn, ""' In onIer to .................. ,ural ..... <~ 0.... ..... repU<a­....." pI&n <00_ WIth tho City ..... ordinance ti .. blo>h..r to onfon: ••• ..., .,., los, of ",",' policy _ tho City. Our P>rlt> 11<1 ............ on.o.rt.orn, to uphold .... oty'l policy Of! -. P"""",,,,,,, Plop.ot, r.II"l ............. to p_ >buM

pieHo _It WIth • City ""'bot'tI, I>efot. ><~ >"1 ....0. Of! ~ ....... For ......... 1nIorrnollOl'! or _dons <enc..-.. tho ..... ordInao>c., '"""""'" oncl .......... 1 of ptJbIk .,.... pIe> .. contact: one of .... Pub A,bo,t"" Ko<>yet: .. L.lncIier .. r_) 817·/085] .,.. Sandr:o [),oWo ... a. (_) 811·/0814


STATE-OF-THE-ART ENGINE ........ ' """ The City of Allanta F1~ Depal'Ullenl ded'<;lI.ed Fir. EnJl'" #t'il on janu>ry 12.2002 al 2:00 p.m. al Fir. Statio .. #19 on the com,r of N. H1tl'oland A .... nue and Los ""'el~ A~nu •. Fir. official., efty official •. and ..... r 100 memben of theVir!inll-Highl."d community bra .. ..! Ihe rain and cold .0 Ittend the dedication ceremony. celebnti"1 ",'et)' and applaud. In& 1M R'ench"" for their hard work and d,dlu­tion '0 me community.

The ceremony bepn with In .cldreu by lhe Atllna Fire Captain of StatJon 19.1bymond Bearden. I'<>Ilowln& tile Idd,.., .. , ",_ben of loul Boy •• ,,,! Girl. ScOUt trOOps I"d me audience In the pled,," of ilIlqiance and the Adlnu Gay Men', Chorus performed I 1pl&Odid ... ndltJon of our Nluon.1 Anthem. Supporters of the ...... n. and of S.,,,.lon #19 IndudlngAdlnta City Councilwoman (Oiwk. 'J,Anne F." ..... , .nd Steven Kushner, Preslden. of me Vlrclnll Hlghlln<l eMc "' .. aclnion pledzed their appreciation and continued supporc of the nadon. After a brief invoucion,Ac!anu Fire Chl.,fWlnuon L Minor dediC3led .he new entine and the neI&h. borhood kids flru.Uy JOc elle d",nce to ,et behind ell. wheel of elle new II", truck.

Th,. n_ fiNl ,n&lne is ell. fin;t of 4] piece. 01 new· expected to be distribute<! throughout Atl.anu u"dl DlKember 2001. This new equipm<mt Is a .u'. of ell., art 1001 Spa"",n Quality 1000 GPM Pumper. Thi. machine Is d.e","ed to m.koo flNI .up­p .... ;On b ... r and .. .fer, elleNlby makin, our com· munlty a ufer place to Ii .....



Or. E. 8,., ... Sm~h Df. Sl.nlOy G. Ca"o< , ... ,,,._. __ 00_- ......... ------

(404) 874-0800 Call Today For

An Appointment

Qllalltr ("raftIIman. hlp

""', SIlrri<e

I" row­IIelghborl>oo<'l

for .......

8&~ LaIr.. AH"u, 20 ~ At]."ta. ~. 30)07

r"h: ~a~ na.7U5 . t-.u:: .o~ IU.2UO


<; .... 4~

10 I;he 1Ht ...... of ..... V __ I..,..:d1boa. Tonia G... __ ....... "'""""'"

>nd '''''''''= of Jc>ho HooooII'>ti<. I would iIoo III> ..... ,.,.. "" tho ........ ..-.. __ ..........,.10 ........ lOOO.the,....... _ """' boArd ~ond tIoo VIrp.b • ""' .... 01 __ becamo on ~ ponno. of .......... _ tt. "'"'" O,~. tf •• ,L

.... PatU 0..1<, I ........ to ....... Main • ...."._ C........tln>,or ..... "'" pori< and did • __ 01 ...... to i'IeIJI ~ tN pan. o-er .... ......,.. "" 1000 ............ -. .... pbyzround ...... on ... "" ..... , tho _Ii&f'ru In .... ten .... 01 .... ",<1< --. fil<od. and ~ ................... ""'" ~ tho,.....m....c !*Mown ..... ~ lI'Ul. ~ . ,, ' .dial"""~ tIHo po ,''om'''' f", Imb< .... oddirt: ~ to the mo,,,,,.,.... The CMc: .... 1Odo""" .. <<>n<nCI _ MiQ f.-..n from 0 ..... '"I"" I:lIoop ._ ond wo. ' .... 'lwei by • .- .... _ .........,0<1

.... pub!I<""""*",,,,"" II ... Il10, hu 10 1>00_ the pori<. MiIoo ond ... < .... -. ........ "'-n.odd> muld\, ond....- ""' .......

......-."' ..... por1t ....... _ ..... Cityd __ O ' "0 __ d dv..""'pon"" ..... " t ... .",. ... iIOId .....

chi __ d 1M if tIM ""'""

In s.,., ..... 2OOI . HiIoo oN 1_ '" 10, ;', .......... ""'" _ J1>n ........ ,...-.,. WI ....... chat 11M ........ __ -. ..... >nd .................. ""', __ boro ...... ....., ...... < ... " ...... w IfI _ ......., ....... Nadoo 0I'Id tt. Ioftc .............. _ 01 ..... pori< ...... ~0I'Id ....... Bomm .. ___ .......... , Mol _ from.....,. s.. .. ,....-..IM The CIvIc "' ...... _ ........- 5l.SOO ..... CMc I..o>d P"I $1,000,0...., s... -..d $1!iO. >Ad _ ---' $1.000 In .,... __ from T __ ..... from"~,,, "'1+ - .""_,....,...."" _.........,..,...and .odi, .... ~ lor_help' The pan. IooIto 1"'" """ the _ ~ io ......... rw_.-.. \'001 un....., ....... _ plan< 0<,..,.. ..... oow . .... .- t.._ ..... I\owen. wII ... .., JIIOW' tN. IPfYIa!

C","""", .......... " wa;<inI ..... the :, .. <h .... Iarzo ..... to ...... ,.u.d tho, oprina ,"""AradQ. The pork ..... -. ..-.. ptbqo aM

""" obout $ 1,000'0 ~ the ~ pion •. Donotlom ... K.opted' ........ ~ ..... ~ C4Ifin, MlInuoN ... Co do ....... lor JoM 1-iowoI ....... 0' (404) " 4-0$1) I,.,. '"""'I" ' ',-.. In d>o pat1o; 01 W,.,....,..w .... to <on<t\bu" to ........ JoM Howell Pari< • .....,.,..", _tit< put<!


""--1u. _ " .. , .... , 1 __ ......, peopIo ......... tto&.v ...... HI&I'Mr>d lou boc_ """ __ ......, peopIo In __ ipK. 01

w,.,. .... , ...... SpOtO toO......, peopIo, I _ <No .......... tIon wIth . ........... ...-.. d.....- , .. ",oIIoot., j who ~ tto., .... _I' ..... u:ua: .... MoJIIboo- is I<r» __ to6o)r ...... k w" "*'r,.. .. qo,WhiIo thiJ "'>r ...... < ............... ,tf,ot, o _ d 10 ............ to"-' III. dolm tha,VIrpoia ~..- In 2002 """,. 1M Itis deto .. ""'VI ...... H~ In Itn, o.wMs >&0""'" "..,. ... In 1M <OfM>UI'>Ity -.. "..1 mult/:b rtOly" "101' witt> /OU<, 1M OM _ ,I>; ...... A """,bot' 01 _ ... -.. _Oed "'-IM~' oIT"OIport>tioo1 ~ olrteway 0/1,,,,,,,, th>' __ bQea.d .... ,~, ............... In.......,. I1IddIo SthooI'I to« .... lWeI""" -.. ooutIo, Tho __ IWeI,JoM _ 1'arI<. .... Mw toWn 1000 .. d. ,' op , .. ~ on Sc.ChatIoo""" .... _ ... 1 ....... to too d •• I,ped!) th>' fn:onu I'ot>c: .................... to F"",,",,, I'ot1<w>y """ filled ...... typic:aIV .... HfthIand 1ourc>Iows . .............. _....,.. .... Itis ...... (_ moro ~ ~ ...... boo """ is tto., .... --.- 0( fulton CounrJ. _ ...... "' .... 80 I c> inwwtIon._oodbJUlI';"- 1.70 to 1'10.""'" 6OS.110 ... loI9,f04,In ... _ ...... peri<od .... <otyd ............... _ I«o(af f "_1"Iot'<o """...,. ... I ......... tod_ ..... ""'01 ................ obool

.....".. ...... _ liIoo..-doonsitJ' (ponono ..... ___ ) is...., ........... 1n -, (-. toVH POW ..... _1;_

.,,",,0Il001 .~ lou ........ __ lor of I: .... ,."" ........... """....!on. k is",,- _ .... .....- • ."....,. •• ~ to 0<CuIIIy'"

.... _,but _.-. _ booo:ou>e 010,.... __ 01-. ond .... ~ .......... In ~ 0<\i00ly ond_

voIk._ 01_ ..... " .................. tN,,-, peopIo ................... ' ... "" ... T ..... ,,-. ...........


We're I"" aboln. '0 '"", ... the ft'IO$' ""~itl", "">0<1 01 the ",<"denl", ye.r· SPRING! You'~e "lied at the ""~ry and S«d <> ... I~, the Southe.stern flower Show,..,d ",,,,,, .. :1 the neIghborhood ",cd,." c,."ten ' r.ow yo<J're re.dy '0

>pend. forwne on plants, Who>. •• Iow down! If yo< _ 10 ",rde<>in" Mother Natyre doe,n', offer In .... n, ""tlfl<>_ !lon. G.r6enin, ... ~ •• nd tr.t;he. ~ti,"",e. and lots 01 it. You've "'. lots '0 de before yo<! .ee the fi .... ' bloom In yo<J' dirt. You need """" paper, yo<J' atTIel"il •• nd then. •• hovel.nd lots 01 nuty manure. fint. pohotoJ~ yo<Jr prospective bed from • Y1rlety 01 .n,ies, makin, 'ure yo<J 1'" the b;o'i«round. yo<J either wan, '0 enhance or hllH. R,"""",,,ber where yo<J stood to ... ~ these Inl ... 1 .hots.., yo<J can take id,."tIcal pho,o, In futu .... month •• nd ye.>r$ '0 <hor< your ",rdrn', 1'f'OI .......

Kee!> the ... photo, In • ",rden .Ibum .nd u.e " '0 ma~ ""'"ion> on future f,ll·", pbnti"". """",men, 0( plan .. , or di,.outs on yo<J' ml, ... kes. This .Ibum can .1", be • <OUn;e 01 pride .. you watth yo<Jr "family" 01 pI.nts ,row .nd ma'u ..... ..-;oedl", yo<J wUII the" be.uty of 101"", .nd blooms.

Next. me"ure yo<Jr future bed,.nd yo<Jr pho'o ... ~tdt ou, the footprint on the """" ~~, Then .I,e your pbnts on paper, ... king Into ,on.lde ... tion th";r mawre ,pread •• nd helahts. It', much e •• ier.o """'" them on paper than it Is to ... ",,11y d" them up in • ye.>' Of" twO to accommodate their ,..owth,

N"",· ,.,..'re ..... dy.o dig. G ... out that '/lovel and .~de, and re .• ~dr H deeply .. yo<J <an ~t: roou on laree' pI..,ts don't """ ..... cily .It on the 'OP (, Inc:hes of <Oil. '" help them C<1 dow<> .. deeply .. they want to,... Won< OUt all the '<xI«,_d roou. urbon debn, and~, the .oiI bn:>kett down to. tilth that wiU make it .... y to pI.nt In .nd ma;'" it eHy for the plants '0 spre.od OUt th";r roots. Now '" 10. local prden ,""ter.nd .on,ul, WIth. ",,~ry P""""" to what amendments )'011'11

need for yo<Jr type of ,oIl.nd the ty~. of pUnts you want 10 u.e. Then boy lots of <Oil ""hanc: ..... (.nd I me.n LOTS). Don', .kimp doll .... on thl< ft'IO$t Impor ... nt ~'1 01 the plantin, proeHI;)'OII don', wan •• 0 put • S I 0.00 plant Into a IO-<:en, hole. I wish I could have back all the money I wa.ted ion my ... rIy p,deni", yea" plantlnlln 10-<:..,. holes. My plants .nd .oiIlowe the muthroom compost from Intown ..... n:lware, which unli;'" many lower pnced produc .. ,I. -.I .~ free.

FlfIlIlly. afte' ,p,adl", In )'Our bats.nd bat< of soil ""haner .... , be1", w'e to "" them m,xed ,n the <Oil .. deeply as)'Oll Inlttally duJ: down, )'0<1 a ......... dy to • a,e/ully pbn"",.

I reall", that these in,tlal pre-planting ste~ ... ;"'. 10, of "me. p,atien<;e and money I real ",In, bu, ••• ~rson who

nos wasted. lot of haed ..... ned doIla~ on pbnl purd>a,.,.. they are very "",e.$Ory '0 ..... d<. $O~"Y"'8.nd ..-..-ding end pn>du<:t. So <run me. the time and money .~n. I< well worth ft.

"The It."e of Geot'J'> provides u. gordene" wfth a wonderful <ource for leeds .nd plan ... I,'. the "F.nntn M..rket !lulle"n". Moiled.o yo<J free 01 wree.It·. I -ktr paper that i, full of.d. <lut VlI' hoot to read and re,pond to. Con ... " them., +04·(,5(,·3608 Of" It WW'!'fUCiCUe U uslmbsjtc/jndex.htnJl for a t.op\"

My offer that I made in the 10" Is,ue of the VOICE to be the """II'" pef>O<1

for • neIghborhood pion. uchange .tlil , ... nd •. R.ther tIwt iu" .ddi", your overly prolific plants '0 the compost pile. wouldn't it be lreat to I"'" them I _ p,den home.nd Ie, I _ prden buddy as _II. ~ .... <onll" me.

JoItn Wolfinger, at +04-87('.5023. •• iionww2@ucthhnk.""LOf" at I 05~ Vance A""nue '0 be on the eM", ..,d rete;',nll; .... I .tlil hove lots of rooting .... 11« of t>nJgmansb (<rum~' tree) in white, ye1k>w, pink .nd apricot to

I've 3WIJ". I'd love '0 .ee <Orne on """'y block in the ne""bomood. I hope to he .. from yo<J 00011. H_. wonderful prdeninl .eason • • nd don', forge, to "'pport our 10<>1 prden <en ..... We need them .nd they n~ u'.

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TheAllo<>t.o AnI o.,.r-ondl~ ~ ... "".-.Inc.(TlPI ............ let< a ..... pe<>fIIo -. to t.. pan of • ....., of dUI.., -. who,......,.,. 04'_,", 0(Ijj fitKtICOI __ to!loo""'-' '" <oi«o _. TMH "" II , dot Goo4 $.amat'ooano will toot ~ """ <he ~ to ___ who .... ~ _ ... ..- "' ...... --.

__ .... __ .... _of. __

~ l00I0. ___ <he., "" _ "' __ _ of ..... , -....-.d __ -"'----_of_ ..... .......... -11.' --r"""-

v.ot ___ -."' ... .._ .. _, .'''''''_ No-, ..... II~To_Iet< .... '''C<nooq. ....... alill '" 1m (ToI-l ......... """_ .. -~"'l-fooo ___ .oIeo, _.".... lDaITW'aI .... __ ......... It 4(M.3SlAll4


V'rt,nl •. I""ChI.nd i •• & ..... ~I<e." "-..e, We """ic"",," ""I· t"rs to our ne.,hbortoood. bu. """ w.n. cnm;".I. ",no w.n. to ccmml. ,obbe" .• ",.ul ... bu'1:l.nes. I .. cen,u. and 'U t" thol, <0 think othe ...... ""

For "'" I .. , rnr ... ,.. ...... portion of 111 .. V'''I,m •. HI,hl.nd neilhborhood .... I»d .dd1<1o .... 1 off-duty pol"e ,,"f'Olhn, the .... tftl'OUlh. Pror:ram c.lled fl,k, Back ....,.In" Cnme (F8Aq.T~e F8AC are. is "'~ no,"",_ .. quad"'"' of Vir"n ... Hi,hl.nd bordered b, V"",i. and Hud",n '0 "'e • ou"'. l>n'e' and Nor'" Vi""i. to ,he u.t.. A.m"e,d.m '0

"'e no,"", .nd Monroe to .he west.. The prot",m I, ... «u.l· I, e .. "ed fo, oYe, II ye." (w"h. 'wo roo. period in Iff7· 1998 wmon I, W,", In><""" beuu.e w. did .0' h .... enou,Io membe,,). Ou"., "'. roo" "'a< F8AC h .. been • <" ..... do. fBA<: ...... o.,,, .. ,.d only 4 <romu per mon'" (,n ,he , ear 2001 it "."Zed only 1.4 pe' mon"'). I. "'. IWO ,..." 'h" FBAC w,", i""c~",, , <rime Inc' .... d to .. h"h .. 19 Intldenu per mon,h,

Thi. PMOCI'ft pro,,",m "'0 ,utee"ful ,hat <nme 10 .. dropped .0 • 1 .... 1 wh.r. peop~ ... unfortun".', no, as <oneomod .. "'., .~ould be. W. ar. find,n," more d,H;· <u l, '0 moon ... ,n 0'" membe"hip.o "'. 1 ••• 1 w. n •• d.o k •• p "',' ....... m.1)- worthwh,'. prot,",m COO"," Wi1.,he, you w ...... prevlou. member ,h .. dropped ou' f.". ""P""" re.""" or. ""W ""Iden' In our n."hborhood or you I" .. h ••• ne •• r be"" a member. _ o,k for your p.rti<'p.~on to keep OUr neoaM,omood . place "' .. <rom, ... " don',

w'n' '" ."It!

Move-m Spec lal

~:. • II ' . __ _

M"'_n L_I_ 4tH 814_14 ' " M ... .,,,,_ L.,....,'-, .., ..... 4 ........

Wh.t I, Fla'" Back Aplnot Crimel

FBAC 10 .n ofI-dut)' poLe. po .... P">&tVn .dm,ru.tet'td by """,,,,,<.ee<"'S wIIo ~ In <.he <lelah_. The 011"""'.., po".o ....... Ihff " ........ PolK. ~ ~APO) oIIk .... who won< in Zone 6 or ""' ~ "'

"" "'" The oIf-duty poI .. e work ~ fII(h" pot, ., s ........ , ,Oifu ~ nl&h~ Tho t\mH and <1;0)'> of the ,tuft ""'1 depend,,,, on _en, cnme ",,,,,m •. FBAC membo,... "", .. -..e a ""lIedu," of p>trOI lime. Neh month .0 they know when thO)' con <..>" "" FBAC o/f;Cr1" and mombe<. "",eM!. mOtuhly _.""eo- detail, of • .". crtme. In the ~. ,pec:..t lookouts, and remir.cler1 of potential pn>!>Iftn •. The oIIl<:er. dri.., ., ... ",d "'." portion of the ... ~ hoo<Il<we>~p"", ~ or anyone ...... pic_. The off""",,,, ofli< .... carry. cltl1 phone so .... f BAC memt>... an cont>n Ihom duro", the;, "'oft. If .,.y ~. e.w.te ~ new>leuer •. """ notdy members """ ~.II , FBAC m.mber

You can join FBAC lor- $25 I*" """"" pq.bIe ~. f'1ember>hp 00Wde!. 0<<eU to ",. oII-<Iu<)o polite cel phono ........ bee. mor<hIy schedules. monthly updates on ,~ crime. lookout notoees as .....oed >lid an FBAC yatd. Call",. fi&ht IbdtApinot Cnmo -.. moil" 404-48l·2677.)'OU hove "'I' question!.. ~ rour ....... ar.d ......- ar.d _ ..... l'" back to

1"", Or Hn>II Beth Maru at beth.""~netCOm.tom.

~ 61 ... B -d- 7.t,~J • ________________________________________________ ]I' __ -==--_~--.

" .•. ,. .... ,',' ••• , ....... ,.. . f. ,~ .• _''' ..... ~ .. .. ....... .., ... ,· ... thc .. ,","', .. "'" ..... ,., .. u .. _ .... ' ..

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